Mars retrograde this year. What to do if the trip cannot be postponed? Or are the negotiations scheduled for tomorrow and you cannot reschedule them for another day? Positive aspects of Mercury retrograde

Retrograde planets are part of the normal course of life. These periods are not always positive, so you should know about them in advance. Mercury will begin its retrograde motion in August.

You can plan things not only in accordance with the lunar calendar and horoscopes, but also in accordance with information about the movement of the planets. Analytics regarding the movement of a particular planet allows you to look into the future for a fairly long period of time.

Mercury is the planet of action. This is the planet that governs desires, fortitude, and physical form. All this is interconnected, so working on yourself during the retrograde period should be comprehensive.

Mercury will begin its retrograde movement on August 13 and end on September 5, so this state will last until the end of summer. There are three or four Mercury retrograde periods in a year. In this case it will be the third period. You should treat it with caution, but its negativity will be less noticeable than in other periods.

Positive aspects of Mercury retrograde

Retrograde has its positive sides, because absolutely everything turns inside out. Good becomes bad and bad becomes good. This suggests that on August 13, Mercury will positively perceive laziness, lack of desires, and slight apathy. This will be a wonderful period to simply take a break from problems related to work, affairs, and money. Try to simply plunge into your activities or hobbies.

When Mercury goes into a state of reverse motion, it seems to calm down. This can be good for people who have a quick temper or are constantly under stress.

What can a person do if he does not fulfill his duties and solve some important matters? That's right, plan things for the future. Try to analyze your past shortcomings and work on your mistakes. From August 13th, you should not only look for flaws in yourself, but also find the motivation to eradicate them. Moreover, you will have all the conditions for this.

Take care of your home. Mercury will help you with routine work. Rearranging furniture, starting renovations, or simply putting your home in proper shape will give you good luck.

Negative aspects of Mercury retrograde

The retrograde motion of the first planet has a very negative effect on any surgical interventions. Be careful in everything because wound healing will be worse than usual. This is especially true for athletes and extreme sports enthusiasts. Most accidents occur during such periods. This does not mean that training should be postponed, no. The point is that you will need to pay more attention to security.

Single people will need a cautious approach in love, since in the standard state Mercury helps to increase the charisma of courageous people. In the retrograde state of this planet, you will have less chances to make new acquaintances.

At work, mistakes are possible in the most important matters. The harder you try to focus on work, the harder it will be for you to do so. Try not to behave selfishly, because Mercury moving in the opposite direction wants to see in people a desire to help others.

The retrograde of this planet has a bad effect on attention and intelligence, so learning becomes difficult and the first days at a new job are more difficult. If you are going on vacation from August 13 to September 5, then it is better to approach acclimatization issues as carefully as possible. It can be very difficult.

As for physical activity, it is better to follow the golden mean and not overwork your body. Water procedures and walks should replace the gym for you for a while. It is better to follow a daily routine and do not eat too fatty foods or fast food. Alcohol will also be unnecessary.

One way or another, Mercury at the end of this summer will not be as negative as could have been expected earlier. Astrologers are confident that the right approach will help you not only get through the end of August without problems, but also get rid of negative programs and thoughts that block your energy. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.07.2017 03:22

Mercury rules the environment. This planet has a number of features that anyone interested in...

Mercury becomes retrograde movement three times a year. Much has been written about the retrograde movement of Mercury, but it most strongly affects those who have a key position in their natal charts. Twins or Virgo .

Periods When Mercury is in retrograde, it is not the best time to start working on new projects or establishing new relationships. During Mercury retrograde It is better to refrain from buying a car, any mechanisms or things related to communication, for example: cell phones, computers or televisions.

When Mercury - retrograde, this is a favorable time for revising projects, revisions, editing, rewriting, reconsidering decisions. However, the problem that arose during the period of retrograde motion of Mercury will remain unresolved until the next period, when Mercury does not exit the next period of retrograde motion and begins to move directly.

What to do during Mercury retrograde

No major project is complete without adjustments and changes. Once you truly understand this, you can safely plan work of this kind for the period Mercury retrograde.

If we do not want to redo what needs to be remade, then we will not make progress until we put our affairs in order. If the Universe allows you to do this, then why spit against the wind, start cooperating with it and you will see that greater success will come.

When Mercury is “burnt,” you should be careful, since these days people usually hear only themselves and may miss important information or equally important details.

At Mercury retrograde Not recommended:
- start new business or course of study;
- register an enterprise, open a store, salon, etc.;
- get a new job;
- sign contracts, agreements, agreements, securities;
- draw up documents, certificates, and other important papers;
- buy or exchange an apartment (house), move;
- rent or rent premises;
- buy or sell household and other appliances, vehicles;
- lend money or borrow money yourself;
- go on a trip to new places;
- send valuable letters, documents, parcels, etc.;
- make new acquaintances, sort things out.

At Mercury retrograde recommended:
- complete previously started tasks and solve “old” problems;
- bring order to desktops, papers, documents;
- review old archives, re-read books;
- throw away unnecessary papers, small things and objects;
- return to your roots, origins;
- inspect the farthest, darkest corners of your home or office;
- revise old agreements and terms of cooperation;
- look for new premises to move to after the rotation of Mercury;
- meet old friends, renew old acquaintances;
- edit and rewrite what was once written.

Mercury retrograde this year

You can see the periods of Mercury retrograde on this page.

Mercury retrograde in the natal chart

Mercury retrograde in Aries or in the 1st house

Speeches become assertive and at times belligerent, because in Aries the psychic energy is swift and aggressive. Decisions are made without due diligence, and a little later they begin to regret them. New ideas seem attractive, but they are abandoned just as quickly.

Mercury retrograde in Taurus or 2nd house

Thought slows down and moves in jerks. Decisions are not made without hesitation and are difficult. However, having made a decision while Mercury is stationary in Taurus, a person may turn out to be very consistent, inflexible and not allowing change.

Mercury retrograde in Gemini or 3rd house

The thought will be flexible and swift, as well as changeable, it will lack firmness. One should beware of hesitation. At this time, work may begin on many projects, but none of them will be completed. The mind generates ideas, but it is difficult to implement them because the thought constantly jumps from one to another.

Mercury retrograde in Cancer or the 4th house

Psychic energy is released through the senses rather than through the intellect. Intuition increases. During the entire period, creativity is high, but you should beware of hypersensitivity. Family and household chores bring great satisfaction. Often people experience emotional breakdowns and cry for no apparent reason.

Mercury retrograde in Leo or the 5th house

Psychic energy is expressed powerfully and very definitely. A person takes positions that are almost impossible to change. There may be too much self-confidence and admiration of one's own decisions. Not a single one of the things started will be completed, even if it is a brilliant undertaking.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo or 6th house

Mental energy manifests itself in analytical thinking. Thought is organized. Opinions are formed after careful thought and consideration. However, the desire for perfection can delay the decision-making process. During the inpatient period, people will be especially picky and critical. They may judge others, but tend to be the harshest in their self-assessments.

Mercury retrograde in Libra or the 7th house

The indecisiveness of Mercury in Libra intensifies during this period. The point of view changes every minute, making decisions becomes almost impossible. Artistic inclinations and craving for art intensify, the same can be said about love and love interests.

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio or the 8th house

The ability to carry out experiments and conduct research develops, because there is stationary Mercury in the sky; by definition, Mercury in Scorpio is prone to solving intellectual riddles and research work. Thought is concentrated, ideas are powerful and attractive. The passion for introspection may increase.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius or in the 9th house

The soul may turn to matters of religion. Enthusiasm, idealism and optimism may emerge. You may be preoccupied with thoughts of travel and distant countries. With Mercury stationary in Sagittarius, there may be a need to share your ideas, and there may also be a tendency to obsess over your ideas and constantly embellish them.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn or the Xth house

Mental processes may be slower and more complex, but good decisions can be made through caution and conscientiousness. During this period, pessimistic moods and depression may appear. The results of organizational and planning activities are very effective. You will be preoccupied with thoughts about your career and work.

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius or the 11th house

There may be flashes of insight. Original, smart, new thoughts may come to mind. Speeches can become witty. Since Mercury in Aquarius feels great, its energy manifests itself in a very favorable form. This is a wonderful period to engage in inventive activities, teach or create literary works.

Mercury retrograde in Pisces or the 12th house

The unfavorable properties of Mercury in Pisces may appear, because Mercury does not feel very comfortable in this sign. Repetitions of sad situations and periods from a past life are possible. You may have bouts of depression. It is very difficult to perceive the joyful and beautiful aspects of life. Instead, you tend to see things only in a dark light. Artistic inclinations, the ability to sympathize, and psychic talents can easily manifest themselves.

Mercury in 2017 will become retrograde already at the beginning of the year! This means that many will have to reconsider their plans and aspirations that you made at the beginning of the year, you will have to return to the results with which you ended last year. Until January 8, Mercury will be retrograde, which means you will have to reconsider your plans for the year and remember what you promised yourself to do for a long time, but did not dare.

A retrograde planet (retrograde) is a period when the planet moves backwards to its movement across the sky. Naturally, this does not literally mean that the planet begins to rotate in the opposite direction, no, in its orbit around the Sun it continues to move as it moved. But to an observer from Earth, the planet’s orbital trajectory will seem as if the planet “went” in the opposite direction.
The most noticeable periods for an earthly observer are the retrograde periods of nearby planets, especially the planet Mercury. This planet goes retrograde 2-3 times a year for an average of 20 days.

What is remarkable about these periods?

Since Mercury is the planet responsible for contacts, trips, moving, negotiations, papers, gossip, information, chaos begins in these matters during the retrograde period. Thus, agreements concluded during this period will not be implemented, encountering constant difficulties. If you write an article during this period, it is unlikely to be published without rework. If you open your business during a retrograde period, there will be constant problems with the “theme” of Mercury. In other words, Mercury returns us to those “starting points” that we need to reconsider so that in the future these moments will be more perfect.

Who and what needs to be vigilant during Mercury retrograde?
Accountants, writers, journalists, secretaries, all those people whose activities are connected with papers and numbers. It was during this period that there were a lot of mistakes, typos, misunderstandings, and dual interpretations of one event. Try not to schedule important things during this period. Double-check your work. Ask your interlocutors again to avoid misunderstandings.

Drivers should pay special attention to the road as... During this period, the “inadequacy” of other traffic participants increases, and accordingly, the number of accidents increases. It is also necessary to pay special attention to the “well-being” of your “iron friend”. Try to make long trips as little as possible.

For pupils and students, this is a fertile time for retaking “debts”; right now you can easily pass everything. But passing new exams, defending papers, and the like may not meet your expectations for the adequacy of the assessment.
This is an unfavorable time for large purchases that are accompanied by the signing of a contract. The deal may be cancelled, and a lot of obstacles and delays will arise through no fault of yours.

Relations between people are also heating up. Try not to offend other people over trifles and do not be offended by an accidentally dropped word. If you look at the situation from the outside, you will appreciate that this person usually does not think or act this way. Protect yourself and your nerves from overload and unnecessary information.

If your love affair begins during the Mercury retro period, then there is a high probability that it will end quickly. Don't tempt Fate.

Favorable on Mercury retrograde:

Correct errors (both in documents and in relationships),
- re-negotiate something
- receive repeated consultations,
- renegotiate contracts,
- go on trips to places you’ve already been (you have every chance of finding something new for yourself),
- restore connections with relatives (if you are in a quarrel)
- reread books,
- get a job at your previous job (if you have such an intention and desire).

However, for those lucky ones in whose natal charts Mercury is retrograde, this period will bring a lot of pleasant surprises. All doors open for them, they are lucky. As the proverb says: “What is good for a Russian is death for a German.” This is exactly how retrograde Mercury acts on owners of the same Mercury in the natal chart. When everyone feels bad, they feel very good.

You can find out which Mercury is in your chart yourself by constructing a natal chart online on the website of the Astrological Center "Vorozheya"

Mercury retrograde periods in 2017:

I also want to note the special days that happen before and after Mercury retrograde- This days of hospitalization, when it seems to an observer from Earth that Mercury does not change its coordinates as it moves across the sky. These are special days when any business does not find a way out. Everything that begins these days usually passes without a trace and does not carry with it any consequences. This story happened to a friend of mine on stationary Mercury. He lost his passport and didn’t even miss it. They discovered the loss when they called from the railway station and asked me to come to them for the document. He was traveling on a trip that day, apparently accidentally dropped his passport, and it fell into the hands of employees, who quickly found the owner’s phone number and returned the find to him. Passport - document - Mercury, it was stationary that day, which means nothing happened. Much ado about nothing, the event of the loss of the document was planned in heaven, but did not take place 
So, in moments of stationary Mercury you should not enter into contracts, sign important documents (unless you want the event you started to end in zero results), buy cars, write and send letters (because there is a high probability that they will not reach the addressee or you will not receive an answer ). And also perform the actions mentioned above in the article, which are symbolized by Mercury. By the way, no one will ever remember the promises made on this day (provided that the person does not have stationary Mercury in his horoscope, which happens in very, very rare cases).

Stationary periods of Mercury in 2017:

January 8,
April 9-10,
May 02-04,
August 12-14,
September 5,
December 3
December 22-23

Good luck using your astrology knowledge!

    Only the Universe and human stupidity are infinite, and I have doubts about the infinity of the first of them

    On August 13, 2017, the third stage of the retrograde movement of the planet begins, which is responsible for success in commerce and productive negotiations between people. Mercury retrograde in August 2017 brings both new opportunities and dangers. Use this time to correct mistakes and reunite with people whose communication with you was interrupted for some reason earlier.

    In a normal state, Mercury promotes the search for new sources of income. The retrograde of this planet almost completely kills both the desire and ability in people to search for new opportunities. At work, try not to turn off your attentiveness to details and little things. Listen to your mind, not your heart or intuition. Mercury always transfers people's lives from the spiritual to the purely material.

    In a normal state, Mercury promotes the search for new sources of income. The retrograde of this planet almost completely kills both the desire and ability in people to search for new opportunities. At work, try not to turn off your attentiveness to details and little things. Listen to your mind, not your heart or intuition. Mercury always transfers people's lives from the spiritual to the purely material.

    In a normal state, Mercury promotes the search for new sources of income. The retrograde of this planet almost completely kills both the desire and ability in people to search for new opportunities. At work, try not to turn off your attentiveness to details and little things. Listen to your mind, not your heart or intuition. Mercury always transfers people's lives from the spiritual to the purely material.

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Mercury's retrograde motion, or backward movement, is the planet's path as seen from Earth. The retrograde effect occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and Mercury relative to the Sun. In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac through which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times a year. The duration of the retrograde phase is 20 days.

Mercury represents communication, telephone calls, correspondence, mail transfers, our daily mobility and short trips; all types of communication, means of communication, exchange of information, goods and contacts with our immediate environment. It symbolizes our type and style of thinking, as well as the ability and ability to increase our level of awareness both on current issues and in the field of our education. Its transit plays an important role in negotiations and business agreements.

Being the closest planet from the Sun, Mercury is the main filter of our consciousness in the stream of perception of the world. During the period of its retrograde, there is a slowness of thought processes and a desire to analyze accumulated information. Retrograde Mercury is not focused on new connections, new impressions, it immerses us in understanding what we have already learned, and tends to put things in order in our thoughts and contacts.

What can be observed during the retro-Mercury period

At this time, people are more immersed in themselves, they think and communicate a little differently, their mental attention is directed either to the past or to the metaphysical. One way or another, their contact with the real plane decreases at this time. There may be a need for privacy and reduced contact. Communication may use writing more often, and absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are common. Many of the things that have already been started may become stuck; in many cases, it becomes difficult to complete what we started for reasons beyond our control. Conclusions made at this time will not be final and will require re-examination and refinement later.

At this time, rules may change, contracts may be revised, deadlines may be postponed, the publication of manuscripts submitted for printing may be delayed, and difficulties and delays in completing documents may increase. Texts submitted to the publishing house at this time may contain inaccuracies or omissions; proofreaders may not notice gross typos. The likelihood of errors in accounting documentation increases, and important points of information may fall out of sight. In studies, it is more difficult to learn new material; when traveling, there are frequent misunderstandings, delays, and flight delays. Business trips to new places and for new reasons often turn out to be unsuccessful. This period may lead to problems in the field of communications and information exchange (telephone, postal services, e-mail, communication on Internet forums), agreements, decisions, marketing, data processing and storage. At this time, communications, household appliances and transport are more likely to malfunction and break down, and flight delays at airports occur more often than at other times. Pets may need more attention. These tendencies may be more pronounced on days near Mercury's turns to retrograde (R) or direct (D), that is, near the start and end dates of retrograde in the calendar.

For more information about the essence of retrograde, retro-loops of planets and the astrological interpretation of these periods, read the article “Retrograde periods of planets in 2017”

This is an unfavorable time for starting important negotiations, concluding agreements, signing contracts, going to court to file a claim, for business trips, getting a job, starting a business, changing the type of activity, starting new projects, purchasing communications equipment, office equipment and large purchases; for diagnostics and medical examination; to contact new specialists, to start new business relationships, new cooperation; for dangerous trips to new places and starting to learn something new; presentation of new ideas and projects.

At this time, it is useful to return to old affairs and put them in order. This could be finishing up already started tasks and projects, sorting the archive, clearing the computer of unnecessary files. At this time, you can make backup copies of important data and documents, and a site backup. More detailed work on topics that have been postponed for some reason is useful. Returning now to previous ideas, we can find something useful and important in them, this is the time for finalizing projects. To use the retrograde effect, you can take repeated steps during this period in cases that did not get results on the first try.

Life does not stand still, waiting for the direction of Mercury, and sometimes it is at this time that we are forced to deal with paperwork, go somewhere, etc.. In this case, remember some rules. If it is impossible to reschedule your trip, submit or receive documents, or conclude a current contract, negotiate and agree on all points, be extremely attentive to dates and numbers; double-check what you write, read the fine print; check documents when receiving, for example, a visa, for the accuracy of the dates. When arranging a meeting or trip, agree on all the nuances, make sure that you understand everything correctly and that you are understood correctly.

Build up energy. This is a time of analysis and preparation of things that will need to be accomplished after the expiration of the retro period of Mercury. For people in creative professions, this time can be very fruitful. It brings new ideas for the embodiment of unfinished images and plots; now you can understand and work out in more detail what previously did not fit into a finished image or concept.

You can meet old friends whom you haven’t seen for a long time. This is a good time to restore lost connections and resume cooperation. People from the past may appear in our lives. At this time, old connections will be more beneficial than new acquaintances.

For owners of natal retro-Mercury, periods of transit retro-Mercury can be more fruitful than for owners of direct Mercury, since retrospection is their natural environment. But astrological recommendations for the period of this transit are common to everyone, since we are all part of the world in which we live, and the world is in the retro phase of Mercury. Therefore, new initiatives and the beginning of something important, in business, for example, and in other areas where a person depends on people and external circumstances, will have the same consequences for the owner of natal retro-Mercury as for others. At the same time, often for people with natal retro-Mercury, important events in life take place on transit retro-Mercury, those events that do not depend on their current choice.

About the transit of retro-Mercury in combination with the natal chart from N. Markina’s book “Cycles of the Planets”:

« The natal house through which Mercury retrograde is transiting will be an important area of ​​experience. The topics of this house will require a person to have clarity of thought, clarity of speech, and understanding of personal interests. In the sphere of this house there is a need to search for new criteria and new ideals. All radix planets affected by the passage of retrograde Mercury will naturally be included in the general process. The period of retrograde motion of planets is of particular importance when it falls on an angular house, especially on the Ascendant of the radix. Retrograde loops along the Ascendant and the first house require changes in behavior from a person, attention to speech and gestures, appearance, occur in a nervous tense state, but allow you to adjust the expression of planetary functions, realize previously taken initiatives, and discover mistakes in previous endeavors, move away from previous unproductive behavior patterns.”

Retro-Mercury periods in 2017

Time is given in Greenwich Mean Time - GMT. For Kyiv in winter you need to add +2, in summer +3 hours,

for Moscow you need to add +3 hours throughout the year.