Feigin Gerasimos G. Feigin Gerasim Grigorievich - cover - history - catalog of articles - unconditional love G Feigin

The presentation of the second book of historical essays, “Jews on Vladimir Land,” took place at the Jewish Charity Center in Vladimir. The author of the book is Vladimir local historian, employee of the Vladimir Polytechnic College Galina Mozgova, who has been studying the history of Jewish families in the Vladimir region for more than 10 years.

The first volume was published in 2013 and was dedicated to the Jewish community of the city of Vladimir before 1917. For example, the question of when and why representatives of this nation ended up on the territory of the Vladimir province. Mozgova writes that most likely this happened in the late 18th - early 19th centuries, after the partitions of Poland and the “Regulations on the Organization of the Jews” of 1804. In the archives of the Vladimir region (GAVO), the researcher found a document from 1807 about a certain Chaim Binder, who could be the “first Jew” to visit our area.

There, in GAVO, Mozgova found information about the first Jewish craftsman Nason Pertsevech Sverdlov to permanently reside in the Vladimir province at the beginning of the 18th century. The influx of representatives of the Jewish nation into the internal provinces of Russia increased after the decree of 1827 extending conscription to them. The government pursued two goals: to reduce the number of Jews who did not engage in production labor, and introduce them to the “national order of life.” Conscripted Jewish boys, torn from their native environment, who had served for 25 years far from the Pale of Settlement, who had little memory of the language and their relatives, mostly remained to live where the end of their service found them.

Retired Jewish soldiers and privates on indefinite leave became the basis for the formation of the Jewish community in Vladimir. Wandering “transit” Jews also settled in the city. At the time of the next revision in 1857, about 100 Jews lived in Vladimir, and more than 200 in the entire Vladimir province.

In 1879, 24 families of settled Jews lived in Vladimir - 121 people, excluding military personnel of the same nationality. That same year, Vladimir Jews submitted a petition to open a prayer school in the city. It is unknown where the Jewish prayer house was located in Vladimir at the end of the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century it was located on Malye Remenniki Street, near the modern regional library. There was a synagogue on this site in the early years Soviet power. In July 1932, city authorities raised the issue of transferring the building to a nursery and terminated the agreement with the Jewish community. Subsequently, the former synagogue housed the dormitory of the Krasny Shveikust artel and the technical department of the Design and Technology Bureau of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete OJSC.

The first volume of Mozgova’s book touches on the issues of patronage of the Vladimir Jews and the wave of anti-Semitism during the first Russian revolution. The researcher writes that Jewish pogroms, such as those that swept through Moscow and other cities, were avoided in Vladimir. Nevertheless, rumors about the attackers ordering pogroms against Jews and intellectuals, and that they would soon “all be expelled from Vladimir,” arose periodically. In 1906, on the day of farewell to the icon of the God-loving Mother of God in Bogolyubovo, the police chief asked the governor to allocate a company of soldiers so that it would be “ready to march on demand without the slightest delay.”

Galina Mozgova dwells separately on Jewish musicians and Jewish orchestras who entertained the Vladimir public before the revolution, as well as on the history of Jewish burials. Due to the small size of the community, there was never a special Jewish cemetery in Vladimir, so representatives of this nationality were buried on separate area Prince Vladimir Cemetery - to the West from the Northern Gate to the prison wall. By translating Hebrew epitaphs on the tombstones, the researchers determined that the earliest burials date back to the 1860s.

At present, Mozgova concludes, the pre-revolutionary cemetery has practically not survived. Lost, among other things, were the graves of famous Vladimir Jews: Nakhim Frindlander and Berk Levitan (father of the announcer Yuri Levitan). Now in this section of the necropolis there are about 72 burial places of Jews who died in the mid-20th century.

Galina Mozgova’s second book, “Jews on the Vladimir Land,” contains research on four famous Vladimir Jews, whose names are given to the streets of the capital of the Vladimir region.

Alexander Bezymensky

For example, Mozgova cites the early poems of the fiery Komsomol poet Bezymensky, which she came across in the girl’s album of one of the Vladimir high school students, Katya Zhinkina. There is a story about what the revolutionary Ivan Abramovich Zavadsky became famous for as chairman of the Vladimir Gubernia Executive Committee. It is noteworthy that his predecessor’s name was Samuil Iosifovich Typographer, and his successor’s name was Getzel Shmulyevich Berlin.

Ivan Zavadsky

Two large chapters of the book are devoted to the childhood years of life in Vladimir of the announcer Yuri Borisovich Levitan and the childhood of the revolutionary poet and one of the founders of the Komsomol Gerasim Feigin in Pokrov, whose family emigrated to the Vladimir province from Poland during the First World War. It tells in detail how Gerasim Feigin died on the ice of the Gulf of Finland while suppressing the sailors' uprising in Kronstadt in 1921 and how he was shot in 1937 brother Vladimir.

Gerasim Feigin

The publisher of books about Vladimir Jews, Evgeny Zaretsky, suggests that there will be a third and fourth issue. In particular, materials have already been prepared about the writer Emmanuel Kazakevich and the director of the Kolchuginsky non-ferrous metals processing plant Mikhail Temkin. Zaretsky wants notes about ODRI director Yuri Tumarkin, urologist El Sulman and other prominent Jews of Vladimir and the Vladimir region to appear in future books Soviet era. Research of this period is not within the circle of interests of Galina Mozgova, so Zaretsky invites everyone who wants to talk about famous Vladimir Jews to cooperate.

Feigin Gerasim Grigorievich, one of the organizers of the Komsomol, hero Civil War 1918–20. Member of the Communist Party since November 1917. Member of the RKSM since December 1917. Born into the family of an employee. Since 1918, Chairman of the Vladimir Provincial Committee of the RKSM, editor of the magazine “Youth” (Vladimir). In 1919–20, assistant commissar, commissar of the regiment in Yuzhny, Western fronts; was injured. Since 1920, a member of the Pokrovsky District Committee of the RKSM, the Western Bureau of the Central Committee of the CSM of Belarus, secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Provincial Committee of the RKSM and a member of the Provincial Committee of the RCP (b). Delegate to the 2nd (1919), 3rd (1920) congresses of the RKSM, 10th congress of the RCP (b) (1921). He died during the suppression of the Kronstadt anti-Soviet rebellion.

Lit.: Thomsen V., This is how to live, Yaroslavl, 1968; Lyashchenko A., How much happiness there is in the Red Camp!, “Young Communist”, 1968, No. 2.

Big Soviet Encyclopedia M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978

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Gerasim Grigorievich Feigin
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activist youth movement, poet

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Gerasim Grigorievich Feigin(, Pokrov, Vladimir province -, Kronstadt, Petrograd province) - leader of the youth communist movement, one of the founders of the Komsomol, poet.


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  • Thomsen V. Live like this. - Yaroslavl, 1968.
  • Lyashchenko A. How much happiness there is in Krasny Stan! // Young communist. - 1968. - No. 2.
  • Dmitriev Yu. I., Dyatlov N. I., Savinov R. F. Streets of Vladimir. - 1989.


  • Feigin, Gerasim Grigorievich // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • on Google Books

An excerpt characterizing Feigin, Gerasim Grigorievich

- Well, we are all not like the way others see us... Because they see only what they want to see... or only what we want to show them... And about the war - I also first just as you thought, you were even proud... But here it turned out that there was nothing to be proud of. Murder is murder, and it doesn’t matter how it was committed.
“But this is not right!..” I was indignant. - What happens then - a maniac-killer turns out to be the same as a hero?!.. This simply cannot be, this should not happen!
Everything inside me was raging with indignation! And the man sadly looked at me with his sad, gray eyes, in which understanding was read...
“A hero and a murderer take lives in the same way.” Only, probably, there are “extenuating circumstances,” since a person protecting someone, even if he takes a life, does so for a bright and righteous reason. But, one way or another, they both have to pay for it... And it’s very bitter to pay, believe me...
– Can I ask you how long ago you lived? – I asked, a little embarrassed.
- Oh, quite a long time ago... This is the second time I’m here... For some reason, my two lives were similar - in both of them I fought for someone... Well, and then I paid... And it’s always just as bitter ... – the stranger fell silent for a long time, as if not wanting to talk about it anymore, but then he quietly continued. – There are people who love to fight. I always hated it. But for some reason, life is returning me to the same circle for the second time, as if I was locked in this, not allowing me to free myself... When I lived, all our peoples fought among themselves... Some seized foreign lands - others they defended the lands. Sons overthrew fathers, brothers killed brothers... Anything happened. Someone accomplished unimaginable feats, someone betrayed someone, and someone turned out to be simply a coward. But none of them even suspected how bitter the payment would be for everything they had done in that life...
– Did you have family there? – to change the subject, I asked. - Were there children?
- Certainly! But that was already so long ago!.. They once became great-grandfathers, then they died... And some are already living again. That was a long time ago...
“And you’re still here?!..” I whispered, looking around in horror.
I couldn’t even imagine that he had been existing here like this for many, many years, suffering and “paying” his guilt, without any hope of leaving this terrifying “floor” even before the time came for him to return to the physical Earth!.. And there he will again have to start all over again, so that later, when his next “physical” life ends, he will return (perhaps here!) with a whole new “baggage”, bad or good, depending on how he will live his “next” earthly life... And he could not have any hope of freeing himself from this vicious circle (be it good or bad), since, having begun his earthly life, each person “dooms” himself to this endless, eternal circular “journey”... And, depending on his actions, returning to the “floors” can be very pleasant, or very scary...
“And if you don’t kill in your new life, you won’t come back to this “floor” again, right?” I asked hopefully.
- So I don’t remember anything, dear, when I return there... It is after death that we remember our lives and our mistakes. And as soon as we return to live, the memory immediately closes. That’s why, apparently, all the old “deeds” are repeated, because we don’t remember our old mistakes... But, to be honest, even if I knew that I would be “punished” again for this, I still would never stood aside if my family... or my country suffered. All this is strange... If you think about it, the one who “distributes” our guilt and payment, as if he wants only cowards and traitors to grow on earth... Otherwise, he would not punish scoundrels and heroes equally. Or is there still some difference in punishment?.. In fairness, there should be. After all, there are heroes who have accomplished inhuman feats... Songs are then written about them for centuries, legends live about them... They certainly cannot be “settled” among simple murderers!.. It’s a pity there is no one to ask...

Feigin Gerasim Grigorievich, one of the organizers of the Komsomol, hero of the Civil War 1918-20. Member of the Communist Party since November 1917. Member of the RKSM since December 1917. Born into the family of an employee. Since 1918, Chairman of the Vladimir Provincial Committee of the RKSM, editor of the magazine “Youth” (Vladimir). In 1919-20 assistant commissar, regimental commissar on the Southern and Western fronts; was injured. Since 1920, a member of the Pokrovsky District Committee of the RKSM, the Western Bureau of the Central Committee of the CSM of Belarus, secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Provincial Committee of the RKSM and a member of the Provincial Committee of the RCP (b). Delegate to the 2nd (1919), 3rd (1920) congresses of the RKSM, 10th congress of the RCP (b) (1921). He died during the suppression of the Kronstadt anti-Soviet rebellion.

═ Lit.: Thomsen V., So to Live, Yaroslavl, 1968; Lyashchenko A., How much happiness there is in the Red Camp!, “Young Communist”, 1968, No. 2.

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Gerasim Grigorievich Feigin(1901, Pokrov, Vladimir province - 1921, Kronstadt, Petrograd province) - leader of the youth communist movement, one of the founders of the Komsomol, poet.


Born in 1901 in Pokrov, Vladimir province, into the family of an employee. Graduated from the Pokrovskaya gymnasium.

In November 1917 he joined the ranks of the RSDLP(b). Since December 1917, he was a member of the Union of Working Youth in the city of Vladimir. Possessing literary abilities, he edited the local magazine “Youth” and wrote poetry.

On his initiative, a cell of the Communist Youth League began to be created in Pokrov. In June 1918, he was elected a member and then chairman of the Vladimir Provincial Committee of the Youth Union. In 1919, he voluntarily went to the front with a detachment of Komsomol members. He was an assistant military commissar, and then a military commissar of a rifle regiment on the Southern and Western fronts, demobilized due to injury.

In 1920, he was a member of the Pokrovsky Ukom of the RKSM, a member of the Central Committee of the KSM of Belarus, the Western Bureau of the Central Committee of the RKSM, and a commissioner of the territorial district of Belarus. He was a delegate to the II and III congresses of the RKSM. Since 1920, secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial committee of the RKSM. Editor of the newspaper “Young Textile Worker”, member of the provincial committee of the RCP (b). Delegate to the X Congress of the RCP(b).

He died in 1921 during the suppression of the sailors' uprising in Kronstadt.

Streets in Pokrov, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kronstadt, and St. Petersburg are named after him. The poet Eduard Bagritsky dedicated the lines to him: “Youth led us on a saber campaign, Youth threw us onto the Kronstadt ice.” According to some sources, Gerasim Feigin served as the prototype for the hero of the song “Eaglet”.

Interesting Facts
  • Monarchist Vasily Shulgin lived in house 1 on Feigina Street in the city of Vladimir for several years, until his death.
  • Lawyer Mark Feigin is distant relative Gerasim Feigin.