Games and competitions for discos and parties. Games and competitions for discos and parties Competition “Unusual Artist”

Parties and corporate events,dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day, this is not only a reason to meet and have fun with your family or a fun group of young people, but also a chance to glorify the courage and beauty of the strong half of humanity.

Therefore, those are selected in which men of all ages can show off their erudition, artistry, romance, dexterity and strength.

Our collection contains cool games and competitions for February 23, which are suitable for both youth and older groups.

1. Cool competition for February 23rd “Knight on a horse”.

To conduct this competition, the presenter must take care of the props in advance: “armor” and two “horses” (the funnier these creatures are, the better: you can sew horse heads yourself by stuffing them with foam rubber and putting them on any stick). You can use cake boxes as armor. And the spears will be long inflatable balls.

We choose future knights from among the guests; they themselves appoint ladies of heart in whose name they will fight.

The essence of the tournament is to sit on a “horse” and knock off the enemy’s armor with inflatable spears. The one who gets things done faster wins.

As a reward, the lady gives her flower to the winner (preliminarily distribute small flowers to the ladies of the heart) and, as a sign of special favor, agrees to make a lap of honor on his horse, or he does it alone to the solemn brave melody, sending her air kisses. And the lucky one is declared a knight of the “Scarlet Rose”

The battle can be repeated several times. The reward for the participants is applause and the pleasure of the audience, and the winners are rewarded with “knight” certificates and the favor of the “lady of the heart.”

For a close adult company, instead of flowers, ladies can give red garters, then the title will be appropriate - “Knight of the Scarlet Garter.”

2. A fun game for February 23rd “The general’s pants are equal on all sides.”

For this game you need huge “general” pants with stripes. Each trouser leg must be large enough for an adult man to fit into it, and the “trousers” themselves are made of durable fabric, because the candidates “woven” into the trouser legs will pull each other in them.

The presenter invites two people who want to become a general, each fit into one of their trouser legs. The goal of the players: to the song “How good it is to be a general,” to “overwhelm” the opponent, winning over to their side, and finally receive the coveted “general’s shoulder straps” (you can make specially fake shoulder straps for encouragement).

3. Competition for February 23rd “Cowboy Fun”.

For this fun, the presenter selects men (young men) dressed in jeans and announces that, with the help of simple tests, he will now identify “real cowboys” among them.

At first- warm-up: each player must write down all the colors of horses known to him on a piece of paper. For each suit named, the player receives a point.

Then we evaluate the jeans, worn by the participants, by the degree of wear (or by the number of rivets) on a five-point scale. The points earned also go to the players' accounts.

Real cowboy does not part with Marlboro cigarettes, so we check the number of cigarettes in the men’s pockets. We award points as follows: one point for three cigarettes, for those with Marlboro + 5 points. Non-smoking participants are given 10 points for a healthy lifestyle.

And for a “snack” We organize a rodeo, but instead of horses and bulls, each person has one chair: we place it at a distance of five to six meters from the participant, in his hands there is a rope tied in a lasso. The player’s task is to throw his disastrous lasso over a peacefully grazing chair. Three attempts are given. The maximum number of points is ten.

To calculate points, it is most convenient to organize a jury of female spectators, they will count the points and summarize the results.

And as a gift for real cowboys, of course, you need to give something “cowboy” - toy guns, a horse, hats or a branded label on jeans.

4. "Noble Cossack."

7. “Our heroic strength.”

This is an exclusively male competition, because here you will have to do push-ups. The presenter selects five to seven candidates for the title of hero. One or two observers are assigned to them, it’s better if they are ladies.

For the first time, men do push-ups for three minutes. The number of exercises performed is recorded by observers. The results are immediately announced to the public. After a minute's rest and encouraging chatter from the toastmaster - the second round. It lasts

two minutes. Only a minute is given for the third round, and during this time passions among the fans heat up to the limit.

Of course, the winner is the one who squeezes out the most times in the sum of the three rounds. He is solemnly presented with a souvenir medal and the title of “Bogatyr”.

8. “I draw, I draw you.”

For this small competition you will need two or three easels, on which different types of female faces have already been painted: oval, round, pear-shaped.

We call two or three volunteers. The presenter announces that male volunteers need to draw their beloved woman blindfolded. They can choose the type of face that suits them.

We turn on the music - maybe Yak Yola’s old song “I draw, I draw you”, as soon as the song ends, the men’s bandages are removed and everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the works of the hands of men in love.

9. "Pirates of the 21st century."

From 4 to 6 men are selected for the competition (depending on how many props there are) Each is given pirate hats and given a pirate name: Bloodthirsty Joe, Ruthless Sue, Merry Smith, etc.

Participants stand in a circle, each one comes up with their own greeting using a hat. The host then warns that a real pirate needs to be very attentive and have good reflexes in order to survive. You need to remember that when the presenter says “one,” everyone raises their hat and shouts “Hey!” “4” means that you need to grab the neck of a comrade standing on your left hand and shout “Rhea!”

With music playing in the background, the presenter tries to confuse the players. The game goes to eliminations, if you make a mistake, you “die”, you give up your hat, and your comrades say to him; “Hoi-hei, Bloody Joe! (name of a specific pirate)” and wave their hats goodbye to him. So, until the most attentive remains, he gets a prize and applause.

10. "This guy is the most accurate."

This one too. To measure the degree of accuracy of the cheerful defenders of the fatherland, you can use “Darts”. In this case, the distance between the target and the player should be a meter or one and a half, so as not to throw in vain.

As an option: throwing open (that is, without a cap) felt-tip pens or markers: glue a homemade target drawn on a regular piece of Whatman paper to the wall, and hand the players “darts” - felt-tip pens. The winner, of course, is determined by the amount of points scored.

11. "Tank battle".

The presenter needs to prepare in advance a couple of large easels with large blank sheets of whatman paper (or simply large sheets attached to something) so that there is a “field” for creativity, because they will draw with their eyes closed and collectively. It is advisable to turn the easels towards the public so that the participants in the game stand with their backs to everyone, and the process is clearly visible to the fans.

So, the rules of the game: first we recruit two mixed teams of equal numbers. We offer to examine the toy tank (this is especially necessary for ladies), and then we announce that each team member will draw a certain part of this combat vehicle with their eyes closed. The presenter invites the players to agree among themselves who draws what and, with the help of assistants, blindfolds the participants.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music and comments from the leader, the teams “create”; when the last participant finishes drawing his piece, everyone takes off their bandages and the teams admire their “masterpieces.”

You can invite the guests to determine the winners using applause. Let the losing team “bombard” the winners with kisses, and give everyone toy tanks as a prize.

12. "Fun Divers"

For this fun competition a “course” of obstacles is being prepared: skittles, bottles, etc. (or simply read aloud the route, which participants must remember and follow as accurately as possible). Participants are given equipment, for example, fins and swimming goggles or binoculars, which must be held on the contrary (if possible: lifebuoy, vest, rubber gloves). The exit of the “divers” can be formalized with the song “Wow, we’re out of the bay.”

First task: complete an obstacle course or a designed route

Second task“find a treasure” - in full gear, collect as many pearls as possible in a minute (these can be balls or balloons), for example, to the song “There Under the Ocean”,

Third task- dance your dance (pull out cards with song names and dance to it). It's better to take songs

Which boy doesn’t want to prove to other boys: only he is the strongest, dexterous and incredibly skillful! February 23 is a wonderful opportunity to test your acumen, intelligence and reaction speed. Competitions for boys organized at school on Defender of the Fatherland Day will reveal the most agile, savvy and cheerful boy in the class. It is desirable that the competitions be diverse: for the most cheerful, the most quick-witted, the fastest, the most accurate, etc. The funnier the competition, the happier both the boys and their fans will be.

Both teachers, parents, and classmates always begin to think in advance about how they can congratulate the boys on February 23rd. For younger schoolchildren, as a rule, they organize funny concerts with funny numbers and comic songs. For high school students, costume performances and evenings in the KVN style are prepared, or they simply organize a solemn celebration that smoothly turns into a school themed disco. But none of the events, regardless of the age category of the participants, is complete without competitions. They add pleasant variety to the program, giving the kids the opportunity to compete and demonstrate flexibility of mind, ingenuity and ingenuity. We bring to your attention a selection of fun and cool competitions for boys at school on February 23rd.

Fun competitions for the most accurate and accurate boy on February 23 - “Sniper” in primary and secondary school

Boys love to shoot. In courtyards you will often see boys aiming with slingshots at banks, branches, and constructed targets. On February 23rd, organize a competition for the boys in your class to determine who is the most accurate – “Sniper”. Of course, the guys will have to forget the slingshots at home, or even throw them away altogether. To conduct the competition you will need a transparent plastic bucket, a glass and coins. Place a glass at the bottom of the bucket in a container filled to the brim (bucket, large box). Each participant in the competition must take turns throwing coins, trying to hit only the glass.

The one with the most hits wins. The winner will take home coins as a prize. A variation of this competition could be shooting with plastic bullets from toy pistols. Any cool drawing can be a target.

Funny competitions for boys on February 23 at school - Cool competitions for middle school students

A man, as he should be, is always strong and dexterous. However, he must be able to protect the family and even take care of children. The funny competition “Caring Dad” will amuse everyone from the heart. To conduct the competition, each of its participants is given a large rubber baby doll, diaper, diapers and clothing for the baby. The boy’s task is to swaddle and dress the newborn not only faster, but also more correctly than others. After this test, you can offer the “Healthy Oatmeal” competition. Here the boys, with their hands tied behind their backs, are eating oatmeal from a plate. Who can handle it is a matter of dexterity. The fans will laugh heartily!

Easy and funny competitions for February 23rd for boys at school (primary classes from 7 to 10 years old)

You need to think through competition scenarios for the youngest schoolchildren especially carefully. They should be very simple and easy to understand for every child in the class. It is advisable to structure the program for February 23 so that all the kids can take direct part in the competition and will definitely receive small nice prizes at the end. You can invite first-graders to blow up balloons at speed, which are then used to decorate the classroom. Or ask the guys blindfolded to walk through a “minefield” (a fenced-off area on which skittles or plastic bottles are placed). Team games will fit very harmoniously into the program, where points will be awarded to the game account for successful completion of tasks. At the end, the winning party will receive a common prize - for example, a basket of sweets, cookies and fruit.

You can download competitions for February 23 for primary school (downloads: 1734).

Educational competitions on February 23 for boys at school (grades 5-6)

Secondary school students are playful and inquisitive at the same time, so they should be offered both outdoor games and erudition competitions. A very good idea would be to alternate tasks in which you need to use dexterity, speed and physical strength with “thinking” quizzes, songs or original riddles. You can start the program for celebrating February 23 with simple competitions (for example, winding up a bandage at speed or collecting matches scattered on the floor with tied hands) and gradually move on to more complex ones. Some tasks will require special equipment, which must be prepared in advance. The best participants must be rewarded with postcards, memorable souvenirs or improvised medals that classmates will make with their own hands. The award ceremony will add a special solemnity to the holiday and will greatly please not only the participants, but also the guests.

You can download competitions for February 23 for high school (downloads: 1366)

Comic competitions for February 23rd for high school boys (14-17 years old)

For teenagers, you need to come up with original competitions with an unexpected plot and an interesting ending. Adult schoolchildren are no longer interested in simply jumping in bags around the hall to the laughter of guests or carrying water in a spoon. You will have to show remarkable imagination in order to truly interest high school students and make them want not to sit in the back row or in the last row of the assembly hall, but to take an active part in what is happening.

Ideal for guys are multi-level tasks for February 23, in which you will need to use your creativity, erudition, ingenuity, and dexterity at the same time. Children can be divided into pairs or put together in teams, thus inflaming the competitive spirit. If at the same time classmates act as a support group and learn several chants or ditties corresponding to the theme of the event, the holiday will turn into a bright, unforgettable event and will be remembered for a long time.

You can download competitions for February 23 for high school students (downloads: 2047).

Collective games for boys on February 23

Team competitions, in which absolutely all boys in the class can take part, are very relevant for events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. They delicately “dilute” the seriously solemn atmosphere, create a relaxed atmosphere and help children completely relax.

You can download collective games for February 23 for boys of all ages (downloads: 1244).

Funny contests for boys on February 23

(with competitions for boys)

In our calendar, February 23 is a red date. Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated on this day. It is customary on this day to congratulate absolutely all male representatives, regardless of whether they served in the army or not. For women, this is a reason to show their men how courageous, faithful, courageous, reliable, brave, noble, etc. they are. At a boys' school, you can organize an excellent holiday-competition between two teams (the scenario written below is intended for high school students).

The action supposedly takes place on a ship called “Life”. Each team consists of 10 people. Competitions will be judged by a school jury: two students (classmates), the school principal and two teachers.

The competition can be held either in a sports hall or an assembly hall. The center of the room where the action will take place is free, and around the perimeter of the hall there are chairs for guests and spectators. On one side there is a table for the jury members. The hosts of the holiday are a young man and a girl.

Presenter 1

Good afternoon, dear guests!

Presenter 2

I wish you good health! It is with great pleasure that I officially congratulate everyone present on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Presenter 1

Today, two brave, dexterous, smart and resourceful teams will compete in the competition to receive the title “Good Well done!”

Presenter 2

Meet our contestants.

To the music, the members of both teams take the stage, and the audience greets them with thunderous applause.

Presenter 1

The first competition is to see who can spell out the name of the opposing team the fastest.

The presenter distributes the team name, cut into letters, to the participants. Each team must form a word as quickly as possible - the name of the opposing team and line up in such an order that everyone can read it correctly.

Presenter 2

Great! Well done, both teams coped with the task: the name of the first team is “Chernomorets”, and the second is “Brigantine”. The second competition is the captains competition.

Presenter 1

The captains of both teams will show their intelligence and knowledge in this competition.

1. Finish the proverb:

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
- Learning to read and write will be useful in the future.
- Learning decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
- The eye sees far, but the mind sees further.
- An old friend is better than two new ones.
- Don't be afraid of the knife, but of the tongue.
- Get lost yourself, and help your comrade.

2. Question - answer

List the names of the seas that are named after famous navigators (Bering Sea, Barents Sea, Laptev Sea, etc.)
- What types of sailing ships do you know (caravel, frigate, brigantine, clipper, schooner, yacht, longboat and Caracas).
- What mammals do you know that spend most of their lives in water? (dolphin, otter, mink, seal, walrus, beaver, seal and seal).
- Name songs related to marine themes

Presenter 2

Well done, everyone completed the task. Now our ship can safely set off on the open sea. To do this, you need to fill the tanks with fuel. Captains, call your sailors and engineers. Each team will represent five people. Third competition! Who is faster and bigger? We are starting a mechanics competition.

On one side of the hall there are two chairs with glasses of colored water. On the opposite side, the competition participants stand at the start. Each of them is given details - a spoon and an empty glass. The goal of the competition is to fill an empty glass with “fuel” as quickly as possible using a spoon, which is handed over to all the young mechanics in turn.

Presenter 1

In this competition we saw how dexterous our sailors and mechanics are. For the next competition, I ask the deputy captains to come forward. We are starting the fourth competition.

1.Marine slang:
- cook – ... (cook);
- kitchen – ... (galley);
- radio operator - ... (Marconi);
- cabin – ... (cockpit);
- young sailor - ... (cabin cabin);
- toilet – ... (latrine);
- colonel – ... (captain of the first rank);
- captain's assistant - ... (first mate);
- lieutenant colonel - ... (captain of the second rank);


In the center there is a sheet of thick paper and three empty glasses. In this competition, you need to build a structure from paper and glasses in such a way that the bottom two glasses, on which the sheet of paper lies, do not come into contact with the third glass. (Answer: the paper needs to be folded into an accordion shape).

Presenter 2

Everyone coped with the difficult task and showed ingenuity, and now for the next competition we ask the boatswains and cabin boys to come out. The fifth competition begins! Boatswain competition.


The main task of the boatswain on a sea vessel is to maintain order. For this competition, in the center of the hall, things are scattered on the floor, the cabin boys are covering my eyes (with blindfolds). The boatswain gives the cabin boy a bucket in which to collect as much scattered things as possible. In this competition, the boatswain supervises the work of the junior sailor and directs him to the right place.

2.Tug of war

Presenter 1

In this competition, each team has two players. The goal of the competition is to pull the rope and collect various objects scattered on the floor, placing the obtained “trophies” in the boatswain’s bucket. Everyone tried their best, and our jury will give an appropriate rating. Let's move on to the sixth competition of our competition! Navigator competition.

Presenter 1

A navigator is a person who must be well versed in the terrain and space in order for the ship to follow its course.

1. Question - answer:

What is the name of the star that guides ships in the northern hemisphere? (Polar Star).
- List the 9 planets of the solar system (Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Earth, Uranus, Pluto and Mercury).
- Which planet is considered the largest? (Jupiter).
- What is the difference between the ocean and the sea? (The sea is a small part of the ocean).
- Are there whales in all oceans? (Yes).
- Do you know what speed dolphins can reach? (65-70 km/h).


In the competition, I blindfold both navigators with a tight bandage, and they draw what the presenter calls. Here is the sun, a ship, a seagull, a cloud, a fish, a cloud, a porthole, mountains, the sea.

The creativity of each team member is assessed by an independent jury and assigned marks.

Presenter 2
The seventh competition is a test for the cooks.


1. Using a spoon, you need to transfer as much as possible of the potatoes that are in the string bag. A string bag is hung on a chair. At a signal, participants carry the potatoes to the “galley,” which is located on the other side of the hall.

2. Speed ​​competition - peeling potatoes.
3. Name the seafood dishes (whoever has the most wins).
4. What do whales eat? (Plankton)
5. Can all types of fish be eaten or not? (No, more than 300 species of fish are known to be poisonous)

Presenter 2

For the eighth competition, I ask the gentlemen to come out and show the dance (tango or waltz at the choice of the participants).
The jury evaluates all competitions with marks from 1 to 5 and calculates the results for all competitions. Each team member receives a prize.
Author-screenwriter: Tatyana Rodnina

The presenter should prepare several songs on military topics and songs that mention the military or their ranks. Such songs include: “And I love the military,” “Nobody writes to the Colonel,” “Oh, what a man he was,” “A soldier is walking down the street,” “Junior Lieutenant,” and so on. The presenter turns on the song, whoever guesses what song is playing faster raises his hand and names his version. If it turns out to be correct, the guest receives a point. In the end, whoever has the most points gets his prize.

Real men

The participants are blindfolded and each one is seated at the table in turn. For each participant, certain instruments are laid out, which the participant must guess. Real men should definitely learn all or at least most of the instruments. Example of a set: screwdriver, tape measure, chisel, pliers, concrete drill, nut, plastic dowel; hand drill, bolt, wood drill, nail puller, level, caliper and so on.

Memory of a Spy

The host selects several participants who are ready to become spies. All participants take turns being tested. The presenter quickly shows each of them up to 10 pictures with different images, for example, a bottle of champagne, a tiger, a pen, a pistol, a helmet, a tank, a butterfly, and so on. Then the participant must list all the objects seen from the pictures in the correct order. Whoever does this without mistakes deserves a prize.

One can do it

Among the men, they choose the very best who can do push-ups on one arm and squat on one leg. Whichever of the men can do the most push-ups receives a prize, and a prize will also go to the one who can do the most squats.

Back to back

Men participate in pairs in a standing, back-to-back position. At the command of the leader, each participant tries to push his opponent out of the circle (drawn in chalk), and they can only act with their backs. The winner receives applause and a prize.

Squeeze all the juice out of the enemy

Each participant receives half a lemon and imagines that this is his worst enemy. At the command “start”, each participant begins to squeeze “all the juices” from his opponent into a separate glass. The participant who can squeeze the most juice out of the enemy in a minute will be the winner.

Army cuisine

This is a joke competition. The presenter places raw, unpeeled potatoes and knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that they will have to peel the potatoes. But when those who wish are selected, they are asked to take turns naming potato dishes. The winner is the one whose dish is the last.

Step march!

It’s simple: the presenter plays a song, for example, “Katyusha”, the guys line up and begin to march, but not just, but in crouches. Which of the men can hold out until the end of the song wins a prize.

Hit the target

Everyone can participate in the competition, but one at a time. The participant stands in the center of the hall, a drawing with a cannon is attached to his back for interest, and this cannon will fire crumpled up sheets of paper. A cardboard box is located at a certain distance from the participant. The participant must hit the box with a crumpled piece of paper or a small ball in three attempts, while standing with his back. The presenter can give two clues, for example, to the left or to the right. Whoever hits the target takes the prize.

One, two, fire!

For this competition, the presenter must prepare (download from the Internet) the sounds of firing various weapons (tank, machine gun, bazooka, hail, and so on). The presenter turns on the sound, whoever raised his hand first answers. For the correct answer you get a point, and whoever has the most points is the winner.


Introduce the history of the holiday and congratulate future defenders of the Fatherland;

Develop a sense of patriotism, cultivate love for the Motherland;

Convey to children that they are future defenders of the Fatherland.

Progress of the event:

Teacher's opening speech.

What holiday does our country celebrate on February 23? (children's answer)It was generally accepted that on February 23, 1918, the Red Guard units won their first victories near Pskov and Narva over German troops. These first victories became "Happy Birthday to the Red Army." In 1922, this date was officially declared Red Army Day. Later, February 23 was celebrated annually in the USSR (as our country was previously called) as a national holiday - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the date was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day. For some people, the holiday of February 23 remains the day of men who serve in the army or in any law enforcement agencies. However, most citizens of the countries of the former USSR tend to view Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the anniversary of the victory or the Birthday of the Red Army, but as the Day of Real Men. Defenders in the broadest sense of the word. Among the holiday traditions that have been preserved today in the former Soviet republics are honoring veterans, laying flowers at memorial sites, holding festive concerts and events, and organizing fireworks displays in many cities.


"Make a word."

You need to make a word from the letters: A, R, M, I, Z.


    I’ll put it under myself, under my head, and it will remain a place to hide. (Overcoat)

    During the day - a hoop, and at night - a snake. (Belt)

    Not a god, not a king, but you can’t disobey. (Commander)

    What do you call a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Cabin boy)

    What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk)

    What are military shoulder badges called? (Epaulettes)

    What military ranks do you know? (Private, sergeant, warrant officer, etc.)

A turtle crawls, a steel shirt.

The enemy is in the ravine, she is where the enemy is. (Tank)

He hums and draws with chalk,

He paints white - white

Blue on paper.

He draws himself, sings himself.

What is this? (Airplane)


Participants need to “pop” as many balloons as possible with their eyes closed.

"Fight of Tongue Twisters"

Say a tongue twister five times quickly and without mistakes.

Let us begin

Let someone speak quickly

I ask the rest to remain silent.

The one who makes the least mistakes

He will win in battle.

"Finish the proverb"

    Our Army is not alone, the whole ... (country) is with it.

    It’s not enough to be angry with the enemy; you have to fight with him... (fight).

    Go to fight - enemies... (not be afraid).

    Don't fight, don't open your mouth... (don't open your mouth).

    In battle you need ingenuity, courage and... (hardening).

    I don’t fight myself, but seven... (I’m not afraid)

    It is a great merit to help out ... (a friend) in battle.

    Perish yourself, and comrade... (help out).

    The stronger the friendship, the easier it is... (service)

    A slob is bad in the ranks, and even worse... (in battle).

    Don’t whine, it’s better to sing a song... (sing).

    It’s not enough to have courage, you have to fight... (be able to).

    An alarmist and a coward are like an extra ... (load) on a raft.

    Betray your homeland, become a scoundrel...(become)

    Studying the enemy is the key to victory...(get)

    Go on reconnaissance - but it’s better... (look)

    Smart and cunning - five noses... (wiped)

    A coward and a mouthful - always without ... (friends)

“Passed, sit down”

Participants pass the ball over their heads from first to last and back.

Passed the ball, sit down

"Walk through the swamp"

Each participant jumps from cardboard to cardboard.

"Tripod Run"

- Two people stand up, two legs are tied.

"Demining the field"

(Captains Competition)

There are two circles on the floor with checkers scattered in them. Blindfolded, you need to collect checkers.

"Kangaroo Run"

They hold the ball between their legs and jump to the line.

"Who gets dressed faster"

- Jackets hang on chairs, turned inside out. Turn your jacket inside out, put it on, button it up, sit on a chair and say “Firefighter ready!”

(for dads and boys)

Relay race “Crayfish are bullies”

Participants move on all fours backwards until the mark, and run back

Congratulations from the girls.

(Giving cards to boys)

There is one fun class, we have 13 boys,

We congratulate them today.

This is what we wish for them.

Study only for five,

We will help you.

Just don't wonder

And never fight with us!

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you.

Best skiing

And beat everyone at football!

May luck be with you,

Only you are friends with us.

Help us with everything,

Protect us from others.

In general, dear boys,

We'll tell you a secret:

Better than you in this world

Of course there is no one!

(Winner's reward ceremony)