Ingeborga Dapkunaite: biography, personal life, films. Ingeborga Dapkunaite: creative path and personal life

The 55-year-old actress showed off the boy.

In January, the most smiling actress of our cinema celebrated her 55th birthday. During the preparation of the anniversary film, it suddenly became clear: it turns out that Dapkunaite has a little son, whose existence even people from her closest circle did not know about! Where did this baby come from?

The TV movie “Everything that they write about me is not true” became a real revelation for many. No, the actress did not talk about her personal life.

However, the program ended in a very intriguing way: already in the last frames, Dapkunaite called to her little boy named Alex and, hugging him, left. Leaving everyone wondering: who is it? How? Why?..


Ingeborga's personal life, on the one hand, was always open to the public, on the other, it had many white stripes. For example, the actress talked everywhere about her happy marriage with British director Simon Stokes. However, later it suddenly turned out that there was also a first marriage - with fellow student Arunas Sakalauskas, about which the actress did not say a word during all this time.

However, she also managed to hide her divorce from Simon Stokes for quite a long time. Only when Inge began an affair with director Emir Kusturica (they say that he abandoned his family for Dapkunaite) did it become known that she was already divorced from her English husband.

The wedding with restaurateur and lawyer Dmitry Yampolsky also took place in the strictest secrecy. It happened in London in 2013, the year of the actress’s 50th birthday. They say that the guests signed specially prepared papers stating that they agreed not to disclose the details of the holiday. In any case, the general public learned about the fact of the marriage only some time later. And then some not very pleasant details became clear. It turns out that at the time of the meeting of Ingeborga and Dmitry, the latter was married to actress Olesya Potashinskaya, and the couple had a daughter. But for the sake of an affair with Dapkunaite, he left his family.

Olesya then fell into depression, from which she did not come out soon. And although in the end she was able to forgive ex-husband, his new wife still prefers to ignore it.

After a while, he and I resumed normal relations - after all, we have a common daughter. And, of course, I don’t communicate with Ingeborg. Although I don’t deny that she is a talented, insightful and strong artist,” she says. And, after a pause, he adds: “No, after all, she was very lucky with my Dima.”


For a long time, Ingeborga Dapkunaite was classified as childfree - people who deliberately refuse to have children. The actress herself, when asked questions about procreation, only smiled and joked: they say, she prefers sex.

True, about 15 years ago there were rumors that Inge was expecting a child. Then the television people let it slip that Dapkunaite refused to be the host of an extreme television show. The reason was serious: filming was planned in Africa, and they were not allowed there without mandatory vaccinations. But some of these vaccinations are contraindicated for pregnant women... In short, Ingeborga secretly told the organizers of the program that she was expecting a child, so vaccinations are not for her yet. This news did not make it into the media, and there were some problems with the birth of the first child...

Well, now, when Ingeborga showed her unexpectedly grown-up son Alex, the network immediately began to discuss whether he was an adopted son, or whether he was born by a surrogate mother. The option “she gave birth herself” was not even considered; they were mainly inclined towards the version with surrogacy. After all, in Lately Our celebrities have increasingly begun to resort to the services of surrogate mothers. If earlier this was a complex process (just read Alena Apina’s old interviews), now everything has been simplified.


True, Dapkunaite refused to talk about surrogacy, answering with a phrase from the film: “Everything that is said on this topic is not true.”


The most surprising thing is that during these discussions, an interview with psychic Natalya Vorotnikova from five years ago never came up. In general, Vorotnikova, the winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” is considered a real soothsayer. Usually everything she says about the future of our stars comes true. So, in 2013, when Ingeborg had just gotten married, Natalya said: “The most important joy in the actress’s life is still ahead: Ingeborg will give birth to a child in the next two years. I see that higher power gave the go-ahead for this. Her son will grow up smart and talented, marry successfully and have two children.”

Considering that the baby shown in the film is about two years old, it turns out that the psychic was right again?..


One of the few actresses in the post-Soviet space who were able to make a name for themselves in Hollywood is 55-year-old Ingeborga Dapkunaite.

An attractive and infinitely talented woman, a repeated winner of prestigious film awards in the nomination for best actress, an actress who was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Lithuanian SSR shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Her filmography includes famous Soviet, Russian and Hollywood films, and in her life there are many bright events.

The biography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite will tell you about all this. You will also find out what the last years movie star and is it true that Ingeborga Dapkunaite became a mother.

Early life

Your childhood and teenage years future star of domestic and foreign cinema was held in hometown Vilnius, in Lithuania. There she was born in early 1963 ( exact date celebrity birth – January 20, 1963). There are not many people who spent their childhood like Ingeborga Dapkunaite.

Her parents were intelligent and respected people who occupied not the last place in society. The father of the future actress (whose nationality is Lithuanian), Petras-Edmundas Dapkunas, was a diplomat. And my mother, Ingeborga Sabalite, worked as a meteorologist at the hydrometeorological center.

Soon after the arrival of their daughter in the family, Petras-Edmundas and his wife returned to their professional activity, leaving his native Lithuania for her sake. Baby Ingeborg remained in the care of her grandparents. She lived with them permanently, and began to visit her parents in Moscow only when she grew up, and only during the holidays.

The girl's acting talent began to awaken in early childhood. Most likely, this was facilitated by the fact that Ingeborg’s aunt and grandmother worked at the Vilnius Opera House. And already at the age of 4, Inga made her debut on his stage in the opera production of Puccini’s “Cio-Cio-San”. The first performance of the heroine of our story was so enchanting and unforgettable that the young artist immediately got a role in another performance.

Even after these first roles, the girl became a popular theater star, who received many attractive offers. So, in active creative activity which Ingeborga Dapkunaite combined with school studies, passed early years her youth.

Youth and flourishing creative activity

After graduating from school, the talented girl applied for admission to the Lithuanian State Conservatory and in 1980 became a student at the Faculty of Theater and Choral Arts, enrolling in a course led by the famous Lithuanian director, actor and teacher Jonas Vaitkus.

The promising actress Ingeborg received her first film role while studying last year. A year before receiving her diploma, she received an offer to play in the film “My Little Wife.” Ingeborga Dapkunaite, whose biography is presented in this article, happily agreed and in 1984 she first appeared on screen in the image of a girl named Aukse.

The very next year she was lucky enough to participate in three different film projects by Lithuanian directors. These were the films: “Electronic Grandma”, “Night Whispers” and “Zodiac”. Even then, Ingeborga Edmundovna Dapkunaite successfully combined her work in cinema with participation in theatrical productions, because immediately after graduating from the conservatory she began working at the Drama Theater in Kaunas.

After some time, the talented rising film star returned to Vilnius and got a job at the Youth Theater, where she worked until 1990. At that time, viewers could see a variety of performances with the participation of our heroine (“The Seagull”, “King Lear”, “Hunger”, etc.).

At the same time, the Lithuanian actress received invitations to film and, if possible, tried to agree to them. In 1987 alone, four films were released on Soviet screens in which our heroine was involved. Her popularity grew, and the fame of the actress Ingeborg Dapkunaite spread throughout Soviet Union.

Particular attention to her person was associated with the release of the film “Intergirl,” which caused a great resonance among the Soviet public. In it, Ingeborga Dapkunaite brilliantly played a girl of “easy virtue,” which amazed the Soviet public. This memorable image brought the actress not only fame, but subsequently – leading roles in domestic films (first in the short film “F Minor”, ​​then in the Oscar-winning film “Burnt by the Sun”, as well as in feature film"Moscow Nights").

In total, the film star’s filmography consists of 62 films, including sensational Russian TV series and full-length films, as well as Hollywood action films. And this is far from the limit, because 55-year-old Ingeborga Dapkunaite, who now lives abroad, continues to receive invitations to film.

Over the past two years alone, Ingeborga Dapkunaite has graced as many as seven films with her participation. Information about which films with the participation of the Lithuanian-Russian film star were shot abroad is offered by Wikipedia on the page with Ingeborga’s biography.

Private life is not for cameras

Ingeborga Edmundovna always led a rather modest lifestyle, trying not to advertise her hobbies and not to do her own thing. privacy available to the general public. Her name doesn't make the news very often social life. Despite this, the personal life of the actress has always been of interest to her fans and viewers of the Soviet generation. Moreover, the movie star married three times, and all her husbands were very popular personalities.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite, her personal life, children and career are one of the discussed topics in the world of show business, as the actress remains at the peak of popularity to this day.

The talented film actress, a star of domestic and foreign cinema, met her first husband while she was a student. Arunas Sakalauskas was a classmate of our heroine, who managed to win her heart. The lovers registered their marriage a few months after they met. But soon their relationship failed, and the couple, having filed for divorce, decided to remain friends.

The second time Ingeborg Dapkunaite walked down the aisle completely unexpectedly for herself. After the first divorce, Ingeborg Edmundovna threw herself headlong into work, actively acting in films and playing in the Youth Theater. While working in the next production, the actress received an offer from her stage partner, who was John Malkovich, to audition at the London theater to participate in the play “Speech Error”.

Having gone there, Ingeborga Dapkunaite successfully passed the casting and at the very first rehearsal she met her fate - Simon Stokes. Their relationship developed rapidly, and soon Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Speech Error director Simon Stokes decided to get married. After the wedding, the actress decided to stay in the British capital and obtain new citizenship.

But a little over ten years later, the actress’s family faced an obstacle that they could not overcome. While married, Ingeborga Dapkunaite began to communicate closely with one of the most famous directors world - Emir Kusturica, who was also in a legal relationship at that time. Then Ingeborga Dapkunaite filed for a divorce from her husband, which took place peacefully and in a civilized manner, without scandals or mutual public accusations. In turn, Kusturica also divorced. This was initiated by Kusturica’s wife, who found out about his relationship with a Russian movie star.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Emir Kusturica began to talk openly about their relationship only in 2009, when both were already officially free. The romance between the two celebrities lasted about four years. Ingeborga Dapkunaite and her lover’s children from a previous marriage got along well. Kusturica planned to propose to Inga, but this did not happen for unknown reasons.

Secrets of personal life

After this relationship, Ingeborg began to hide her personal life more carefully. Therefore, there is no exact information when Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Dmitry Yampolsky (her current husband) began dating. The actress's wedding to a famous restaurateur and lawyer took place in 2013, on the eve of Valentine's Day.

mass media long years attributed pregnancy to Ingeborga Dapkunaite, especially when it became known about her new marriage. Previously, with her previous spouses, the actress was unable to experience the joy of motherhood. The current husband of Ingeborga Dapkunaite, despite the age difference between them, won the trust of a talented movie star and became the father of her only this moment child.

The son of Dmitry and Ingeborga, whose name is Alex, was born a little over a year ago. But for the first time the media learned about it only recently, after celebrating the actress’s 55th birthday. In honor of the movie star’s birthday, Channel One organized a surprise for Ingeborga Dapkunaite - a screening documentary film about the life of a talented Lithuanian.

At its premiere, Ingeborga Dapkunaite and her son, one-year-old baby Alex, appeared together in public for the first time. Before this, few people were aware of such dramatic changes in the actress’s personal life. Moreover, recently she has been trying not to give interviews.

Let us remind you that this year the actress turned 55 years old. Despite her age, Ingeborga Dapkunaite has excellent physical fitness and attractive appearance. It's not surprising that her beauty secrets (which include proper nutrition and regular exercise) physical activity) are of interest to many fans of the movie star.

Currently Ingeborga Dapkunaite, last news from whose life often appear in domestic and foreign media, is still actively working. She takes part in the filming of new films, and from time to time appears in entertaining television programs. But the famous blonde now devotes most of her time to her family and little son. Author: Elena Suvorova

January 20th Ingeborga Dapkunaite celebrated her 55th anniversary. In honor of this event, Channel One filmed and showed a film about the actress, who is one of the most mysterious figures Russian show business. The artist leads a very secretive lifestyle and never discusses her relationship with her husband Dmitry Yampolsky, whom she secretly married in 2013. The couple's wedding took place in the UK. Only the closest friends of the lovers were present. No other details were known about the couple's relationship until this weekend.

However, in the film about Ingeborga, which is called “Everything that is written about me is not true,” she for the first time lifted the veil of secrecy over her personal life. The actress showed her only son Alex. The blond baby appears to be one and a half years old. At the end of the film, the actress called the boy, tied him in her arms and left the stage with him. Ingeborg did not provide any other details about her family. But the fact that 55-year-old Dapkunaite, who regularly appeared on lists of stars adhering to the “childfree” principle, has Small child, amazed not only her fans, but also many colleagues.

After the premiere of the film dedicated to Ingeborg, the Internet began to vigorously discuss her son. Fans of the actress noted that little Alex is incredibly similar to his mother - the same blond curls, blue eyes and cheerful disposition. Despite the high interest that the press began to show in the actress’s personal life after it became known about her motherhood, she categorically refuses to comment on the birth of her son and does not share details. In this regard, many rumors have already arisen on the Internet, one of which was the assumption that the artist’s son was given birth to a surrogate mother. After all, Dapkunaite has never been noticed with a rounded belly or gaining weight.

This actress is very recognizable thanks to her unique Baltic accent, pleasant smile and acting talent. She is one of the few artists former USSR, who managed to make a career in Hollywood. Russian viewers and now they can see her in new films. Ingeborga Dapkunaite says little about her personal life and relatives, especially children, and only recently have fans been able to find out the truth.

The future actress was born in January 1963 in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. IN early age Next to Ingeborg were mostly grandparents. The girl's father, Edmundo, was in Moscow as a diplomat, and her mother worked as a meteorologist. The daughter saw them only during school holidays when she was brought to Moscow. Ingeborga's childhood was happy, as she was loved and spoiled not only by her grandparents, but also by her uncle and aunt, who served as musicians in the Vilnius theater orchestra.

Thanks to her grandmother, the young actress appeared on stage at the age of four. The woman worked as an administrator at the Opera and Ballet Theater and arranged for her granddaughter to be cast in the role of Madame Butterfly’s son in the opera “Chio-Chio-san.” Ingeborga was not very happy with her debut, since her role did not require her to sing or dance.

Theater was not the girl’s only hobby in childhood. Ingeborga went in for sports and achieved good results in basketball and figure skating. But the love of art won. After graduating from school, the girl entered the Lithuanian State Conservatory at the Faculty of Choral and Theater Arts.

Way to success

Having received a diploma from the conservatory, Dapkunaite began to think about where she should work. Like many girls, she was dissatisfied with her appearance, but did not doubt her talent. Nature also rewarded the future actress with hard work and patience.

Ingeborga worked for some time at the Kaunas Drama Theater. Having played leading roles in seven performances, she showed herself talented actress with big creative potential and a unique way of playing. Then there was work at the Vilnius Youth Theater, where the actress also enjoyed leading roles and the admiration of the audience. English director John Malkovich drew attention to Dapkunaite’s performance and invited her to audition for the play “Speech Errors” in London. The actress passed the casting and left to play in England. Later she had to work in the Chicago theater.

Dapkunaite first appeared in cinema in the 80s. When she was in her final year, she was offered a role in the film “My Little Wife.” And for next year young the actress managed to star in three films:

  • "Electronic Grandma";
  • "Zodiac";
  • "Night Whispers"

When the film “Intergirl” was released in 1987, the Baltic actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite was recognized throughout the Soviet Union. In her performance, the prostitute Kisulya turned out to be very natural. Ingeborga played on the same level as Yakovleva and Rozanova.

Since that time, the actress has acted a lot. She could be seen in the following films:

For Inga it became star role Marusya in the film “Burnt by the Sun” by Nikita Mikhalkov. The film featured a star cast, which included Mikhalkov himself, Oleg Menshikov, Vyacheslav Tikhonov and others.

Personal life of Dapkunaite

Ingeborga Dapkunaite does not want to talk much about her biography, personal life and children, but fans have always been interested in knowing how their favorite artist lives. Ingeborga's first husband was the Lithuanian actor Arunas Sakalauskas. The young people got married while they were students at the conservatory. Soon the union of inexperienced spouses fell apart, but they remained friends for life.

The second time Ingeborga got ready to marry unexpectedly for herself. Having agreed to John Malkovich’s offer to come to audition for the play “Speech Error,” the actress During rehearsals I met director Simon Stokes. Their relationship developed rapidly, and soon a wedding took place.

Relations with Emir Kusturica

Inge's second marriage lasted about ten years and broke up due to the famous Serbian director Emir Kusturica. They met at one of the film festivals and immediately felt an attraction. Both lovers were legally married, and they had to break up with their other halves. The director left his wife and two children for the sake of a beautiful Lithuanian woman. His wife was the first to file for divorce when she found out about the relationship with the movie star.

Ingeborg and Kusturica announced their relationship only after all the formalities with the divorce of both were settled. Union of two famous and talented people lasted four years, but was never crowned with marriage.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite now

Soon after it Dapkunaite met her third husband. Dmitry Yampolsky younger actress for 12 years, he is a lawyer and at the same time a successful restaurateur. The world movie star's wedding took place in 2013 before Valentine's Day.

Many fans are interested in whether Ingeborge Dapkunaite has children. There has recently been an addition to the artist’s family. Age did not become an obstacle to the long-awaited motherhood, and at the age of 54, Ingeborga gave birth to a son, who was named Alex. The actress introduced her heir to the general public after celebrating her 55th anniversary. Such beautiful and successful people could only be born handsome and smart child. Little Alex fully corresponds to this description.

It’s very difficult to say how old Dapkunaite is if you don’t know the year of birth - 1963. The movie star looks great and maintains excellent physical shape.

Speaking about the secrets of her youth and beauty, she notes that she adheres to proper nutrition and exercises regularly.

Currently, the beautiful Lithuanian woman feels completely happy. She still acts a lot in films, appears in various television projects and is an active member of the Moscow “Vera” relief fund. One of the main concerns for the actress was the creation of the Moscow Acting School, where young talents will be trained. The head of the organization will be Ingeborga Dapkunaite herself. Her personal life and children are very important to her, but she cannot live without work.

Viewers still expect wonderful roles from their favorite actress. Her charming smile and memorable accent make her one of bright stars domestic and foreign cinema.

Attention, TODAY only!

Soviet, English and Lithuanian theater and film actress, TV presenter. One of the famous and sought after artists of the former USSR in the West. Lithuanian by birth, Dapkunaite settled in London and began acting in the local theater. She starred with both Lithuanian and Russian directors, including Valery Todorovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov. She also became famous for her roles in Hollywood blockbusters - "Mission Impossible", "Seven Years in Tibet". Fluent in Lithuanian, Russian and English.

Biography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Ingeborga Dapkunaite born on January 20, 1963 in Vilnius, in the family of diplomat Petras-Edmundas Dapkunas and meteorologist Ingeborgi Sabalite. The parents of the future actress were often absent for long periods of time; the girl was raised by her aunt and grandmother, who worked as an administrator at the Vilnius opera house. At the age of four, with the help of her grandmother Ingeborg, she appeared on stage for the first time - in Puccini's opera Cio-Cio-san. However, this debut did not make the proper impression on the girl, because dramatic arts no dancing, singing or music.

Young Ingeborg put all her strength into sports: she practiced figure skating and basketball. But at the same time, she also attended a theater studio in the House of Trade Unions, located next to her home. After graduating from school, Dapkunaite entered the theater department of the Lithuanian State Conservatory, taking the course of Jonas Vaitkus.

The creative path of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

In 1985, after graduating from the conservatory, the actress began working at the Kaunas Drama Theater, then moved to the Vilnius youth theater, where she took part in the performances of Eimuntas Nyakrosius (“The Seagull”, “The Nose”). In 1992, she successfully auditioned and received a role in the play “Speech Error” with the participation of John Malkovich in London. With this production, the artist traveled around for almost a year. different countries. Subsequently, Dapkunaite played in a number of famous productions, including “My Blue Friend”, “Giacomo Variations”, “Vera Pavlova. Poems about love”, “Vagina Monologues”, in which she utters shockingly frank texts about orgasms, rape, and childbirth.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite: “Yes, the play touches on shocking topics, but in fact it is very kind and absolutely not vulgar.”

The actress's film debut was a small role in the film Raimundas Banionis "My Little Wife"(1984). In 1986, she received a larger role in the melodrama Isaac Friedberg « Night whispers"(1986) with Igor Kostolevsky. In 1989 she appeared in the acclaimed film by Pyotr Todorovsky “ Intergirl"in the role of prostitute-limitchitsa Kisuli. The characteristic Lithuanian accent of the actress in the two-part drama, which also starred Elena Yakovleva, Irina Rozanova and Lyubov Polishchuk, is played out as “provincial”.

In 1991, Ingeborga played in the film Dmitry Meskhiev “Cynics”. The role of the decadent Olga finally determined Dapkunaite’s role in Russian cinema: in films by Russian directors, the actress most often played the roles of cold, distant and mysterious “femme fatales.” The accent, which she was never able to get rid of, only emphasized the exclusivity and unusualness of her heroines.

Just such a woman Ingeborga Dapkunaite played in Valery Todorovsky's film " Moscow Nights"(1994), based on the story N. Leskova “Lady Macbeth” Mtsensk district» (1994). Following this drama, Nikita Mikhalkov’s Oscar-winning film “Burnt by the Sun” appeared in the actress’s creative treasury, where the actress played the role of Marusya, the wife of the main character.

For this work, Dapkunaite received the Nika Award in the Best Actress category.

At the same time, his film career developed Ingeborgi Dapkunaite in the West and in Britain. So, in 1993 she appeared in the dramatic film with Helena Bonham Carter " Fatal Lies: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald", nominated for a Golden Globe, in 1996 she starred in the action film " On Dangerous Earth"with Rob Lowe, thriller "Mission: Impossible" with Tom Cruise and Jon Voight, detective " Letters from the East" With Evoy Fröling. In 1997, the successful American-British drama “Seven Years in Tibet” was released, on the set of which Ingeborga worked in company with Brad Pitt and David Thewlis. In 1999, the Lithuanian actress played the title role in the tragicomedy with Cillian Murphy " Sunburn».

One of bright works Dapkunaite's film career included the role of Masha in a Russian film Alexander Zeldovich "Moscow"(2000). With her special appearance, unusual acting school and exotic pronunciation, Ingeborg became the leading heroine, demonstrating fatigue from the traditions of “Russian soulfulness”, carried away by the Western idea of ​​​​professionalism. She did not fit organically into Russian cinema, remaining an exotic character, “another woman.” In 2006, the actress played the role of Hannibal's mother in the film Hannibal Rising (2006), which is a prequel to three other films about Hannibal Lecter. According to the script, the mother of the future maniac was a Lithuanian aristocrat. Episodes telling about Hannibal's childhood were filmed in Lithuania, Dapkunaite's homeland.

It is interesting that in the films of Western directors Ingeborg Dapkunaite most often plays heroines of Slavic origin.

Dapkunaite’s filmography includes roles in the films “Morphine” (2008), “ Farewell affair"(2009), "Orange Juice" (2010), "Cadenzas" (2011), "Heavenly Court" (2012), the series "Gregory R." (2013), etc. In 2016, the actress appeared in the role of Michael Jackson in television project “Drunk Firm”, in 2017 she starred in the scandalous famous film“Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel about the relationship between the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya and Nicholas II. Dapkunaite played the role of Empress Maria Feodorovna. In the same year, the actress received main role detective Inga Veerma in the Russian adaptation of the popular Swedish-Danish series “The Bridge”, joined the cast of the film “About Love. For adults only”, etc.

Personal life of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Ingeborga's first husband was her classmate at the conservatory, later an actor and TV presenter, Arunas Sakalauskas. For the second time, Ingeborg married an English theater director Simon Stokes, whom I met in 1992. The couple divorced in 2009, but before that the couple had lived separately for many years.

The artist is credited with a long-term affair with Serbian director Emir Kusturica (“Underground”, “Black Cat, White Cat”, “Life is a Miracle”), who allegedly broke up with his wife Maya because of Ingeborga. Both sides did not give any comments on this matter.

At the beginning of 2013, Ingeborg, who celebrated her 50th birthday, walked down the aisle again. Her chosen one was a lawyer and restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky, who is 12 years younger than the actress.

Interesting facts about Ingeborg Dapkunaite

In 2006, Ingeborga became a participant in the Stars on Ice project, she skated with Alexander Zhulin.

At the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, held in Russia, the actress announced the scores that the participants of the competition received.

Dapkunaite was a member of the jury as part of the Cinéfondation program of the Cannes Film Festival in 2003, and in 2005 she was a member of the judging panel of the Berlin International Film Festival and the Mar del Plata International Film Festival. In 2010, the artist was included in the jury of the 67th Venice Film Festival.

In 2013 Ingeborg opened her own acting school in Moscow, where she began giving master classes for young artists. In addition, she is a curator acting department Moscow Film School.

Ingeborg - Chairman charitable foundation"Faith". In 2016, together with his colleague Tatyana Drubich, the actress took part in the television program “Evening Urgant”, where she spoke about the activities of the organization.

Awards and achievements of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

2014, Oleg Yankovsky Prize.
2009, Georges: nomination - best Russian actress.
2005, Astra: nomination “Cinema Style”.
2004, Nika: nomination - Best Supporting Actress (“Chic”).
1995, Nika: victory - best actress (“Moscow Nights”).
1994, Geneva Film Festival: Special Jury Prize "Star" tomorrow" ("Moscow Nights").
1992, Golden Aries: victory - best actress of the year (“Cynics”).
1989, Honored Artist of the Lithuanian SSR (last holder of the title).

Theatrical works of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Kaunas Theatre of Drama in Vilnius
The Adventure of Makakyonka - Makaka Mama
Literature lessons
Antigone - Antigone
Buried child - Shelley
Vilnius Youth Theater
Seagull - Nina
Steppenwolf Theater in Chicago
Speech error
Sheftesberry Theater in London
Speech error
Hampstead Theater in London
After Darwin
Moonlight - Serena
Old Viс Theater in London
Ronacher Theater in Vienna
Variations by Giacomo
Ambassador Theater in London
Vagina Monologues
Praktika Theater in Moscow
Vera Pavlova. Poetry.
Theater of Nations

Filmography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite

  • Actress
    Men's Life in Autumn
  • Bridge (TV series 2017 – ...) ... Inga Veermaa
  • Matilda (mini-series, 2017) ... Empress Maria Feodorovna (Minnie)
  • Zhanna (2017) ... Zhanna
    Insomnia (TV series 2017 – ...) Insomnia ... Marina Croft
  • Matilda (2017) ... Empress Maria Feodorovna (Minnie)
  • The Artist Kills Himself (2016) Bloody Cakes ... Clarissa Stearn
  • Drunken Firm (mini-series, 2016) ... Michael Jackson
  • 8 (2015) ... short film
    Occupied (TV series 2015 – ...) Okkupert ... Irina Sidorva
    There will be no winter (2014)
    Heavenly Judgement. Sequel (mini-series, 2014)
  • Grigory R. (TV series 2014) ... Empress Alexandra Feodorovna
  • Express "Moscow - Russia" (2014) ... conductor Anna
  • Girl with a Box (2013) ... conductor; short film
    Antalya (2013)
  • Sherlock Holmes (TV series 2013) ... Mrs. Hudson