How to draw a wise owl with a simple pencil. Draw a realistic owl Owl feathers drawing for children

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On this page you will 100% learn how to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for beginners. For the lesson you will need:

  • paper
  • pencil or pen

How to draw an owl step by step for beginners

Video: how to draw an owl

How to draw a realistic owl (eagle owl) with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    We will not draw two circles. Instead, let's outline the shape of the future owl. Since you can’t draw an owl without a photo, choose a photo to suit your taste. The drawing principle will remain the same. So, we draw the outline of an owl (or an eagle owl, if you chose an eagle owl)

  • Step 2

    This is the most important stage: drawing the cross correctly. She will help us draw the eyes and mask of the owl correctly. The eyes should be at the same level. If you do not draw a cross, the drawing may not work out.

  • Step 3

    The cross determines the tilt of the head and the location of the eyes. Draw all the necessary auxiliary lines, otherwise one eye will be higher than the other. The cross is a simple and reliable way to draw heads (any head) correctly. We outline the location of the bird's eyes and beak.

  • Step 4

    We draw a sketch of an owl, specifying what the wings will look like and where the legs are. We draw the ears, since this is a long-eared owl. We outline the mask in accordance with the cross. Correctly outline the general proportions. This is not as simple as it seems - looking ahead, let's reveal a little secret - it seemed to us that the owl's body was short, and at much later stages we had to correct this. Look carefully at the proportions.
    Important: When drawing on the plane of the table (if the paper is on your table), you see the drawing from a perspective. It’s better to take a board and glue the paper with tape, and hold the board in front of your eyes at an angle of 45 degrees. It is precisely to avoid distortion that artists paint on easels.

  • Step 5

    We outline the shadows, this will make it easier for us to decide where the owl’s wings are and where the legs are.

  • Step 6

    You can carefully shade the shadows on our owl. Dark places will be where less light reaches. The bird's muzzle and head are the brightest and most contrasting. Important: the feathers on an owl grow in a certain direction, so you also need to draw them correctly. You can’t draw feathers that stick out at an angle to the owl’s body, it will look unnatural. So that you don't forget about feathers, we have drawn arrows showing that feathers grow from top to bottom.

  • Step 7

    Our owl drawing begins to be more detailed - we have drawn the owl's head and eyes. Of course, we will return to them later.

  • Step 8

    We continue to draw with a pencil. Here you can already highlight the eyes and the dark outline around the owl’s mask with a softer pencil.

  • Step 9

    Drawing owl feathers. Look carefully: on the owl’s belly the feathers are short, like down, and on the wings they are long and hard, they allow the bird to fly. And all the feathers are colorful. Drawing colorful feathers is not easy, but it is a calm and peaceful activity. Don't rush, otherwise it won't be pretty. And don't get hung up on one place - look at the picture as a whole. Otherwise, the owl will seem to be drawn in parts that are not connected to each other. Draw holistically, in different places of the picture, collecting everything into a single composition.

  • Step 10

    The most important thing is that the feathers lie according to the shape of the body. This means that even white feathers where there is shadow will be dark. Therefore, when drawing feathers, try not to make your owl flat.

  • Step 11

    We almost drew the owl with a pencil. Don't forget - this is a long-term job, and it won't happen quickly. But now it is nearing completion. All that remains is to remove the dirt from the pencil and finish drawing the owl’s ear.

Who is considered the wisest and most mysterious in the world of birds? A bird that lives a nocturnal life and keeps many secrets? Of course, this is an owl - beautiful, with rich plumage and incredibly large intelligent eyes. She has always aroused the interest of artists. Today we invite everyone who is curious to learn how to draw an owl.

If previously we associated only the heroine of the famous cartoon about Winnie the Pooh with her image, now the forest beauty can be seen as decoration on clothes, notebooks, and in the form of gift figurines. Therefore, learning to portray a popular bird will be a fascinating activity for both experts and beginners.

In order to get beautiful drawings that are exactly the same as the original, you don’t need to be a professional. It is enough to stock up on a sheet of white paper, simple pencils and a good mood. After all, it is known that everything that is done with joy and desire comes easily and turns out doubly wonderful.

In the first lesson, “how to draw an owl step by step,” we suggest practicing on a diagram of a small bright chick sitting on a green tree branch. First and second step- draw two circles and a beak in a triangle with a pencil.

Third and fourth step— Mark the body as an oval and add small semicircular wings on both sides. These will be the head, wings and eyes.

In the final stages We designate a mask around the eyes, and on the sides of the body at the bottom we draw paws in the form of four stripes. We finish drawing small ears and feathers for him. We trace the lines, draw the last missing details, and then color the picture. It turned out to be a cute little gentle owlet.

The following diagram quite fully reveals the secrets of how to draw an owl with a pencil. It looks as if it were alive, and it seems that the branch will now sway and the bird will flap its large wings to fly into the sky.

You should start by drawing thin ovals - a large one and a slightly smaller one, then finish drawing the wing.

Now we need to give the owl expressive eyes, a long beak, legs and add plumage.

Using only simple pencils of varying degrees of softness, draw lines on the head, down on the chest and feathers on the wings.

Pictures of such an owl do not need paint; it looks great even in gray - so important, thoughtful with a deep, penetrating gaze.

Everyone will understand how to draw the next owl. This pattern will be especially interesting for children, since Along with drawing, you can learn a poem about a little chick.

With an unusual description, the child does the work much more fun and easier, the image turns out brighter, more fun, and more beautiful.

Let's try to draw with a pencil step by step another image of a wise bird. Its main distinguishing features can be considered a small beak and huge tail, smart and very deep. Their expressiveness should be emphasized in the owl in the picture.

Her neck is small, but at the same time it rotates almost 180 degrees. The bird has powerful claws on its paws, its tail resembles a fan, and its wings are always covered with unusual plumage patterns.

Here is another interesting diagram for sketching. It shows a cute little owl, but a little sad. By adding a small smile to its beak, you can turn it into a cheerful and cheerful bird. This will in no way spoil his wise and mysterious appearance; on the contrary, it will give him even more attractiveness.

Drawing an owl step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class on drawing "Owl"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, additional education teachers and creative people.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creating a drawing of an owl using watercolor technique.
-teach how to draw an owl, showing the distinctive features of the bird;
-develop the ability to work with color using watercolor technique;
-improve brush skills;
- to cultivate a love for nature and respect for it.

Sounds in the forests at night
A terrible echo of “uh” and “ah”.
- What are these strange words?
- It's an owl hooting!
Owls are probably one of the most mysterious and enigmatic birds. The secretive nocturnal lifestyle, the “intelligent” look, the silent flight, and the frightening voice struck the human imagination. Owls have existed on earth for more than 60 million years. Some types of them have not even changed at all! Owls live everywhere: in the desert, in the tundra, in forests, in the jungle.
Owls were revered, dedicated to gods and heroes, they became a symbol of wisdom. In many fairy tales and legends, owls act as advisors, insightful birds, messengers, and bearers of unusual knowledge. The Slavs credit the owl with the role of guardian of underground wealth.
For a long time, the owl has been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Among the ancient Greeks, it was the sacred bird of the goddess of wisdom Athena (namely, the little owl). According to one Christian tradition, the owl symbolizes the wisdom of Christ, which manifests itself in the midst of primordial darkness. The owl acts as an attribute of Christ, who sacrificed himself for the sake of Humanity.
The oldest fossil remains of owls (Strigiformes) were found in North America in a layer of the Tertiary period, which indicates that owls appeared on Earth as an independent species about 60-70 million years ago, and some of the existing species have remained virtually unchanged since then. have changed.

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. The body size of owls varies: from 40 to 180 cm and from 50 g to 3.5 kg. The eyes are large and motionless, but the neck is very mobile; owls can turn their heads 270°. The beak is strong, with a sharp curved hook at the end. The wings are wide, the claws are long and sharp. The tail is usually short. The coloring of owls' plumage is usually "protective", that is, it blends with the environment, helping the bird to remain unnoticed during the daytime rest. The feathers of forest owls are usually brownish, while species living in coniferous forests have a grayish tint. Owls - inhabitants of deserts and their relatives, found on flat terrain, are distinguished by a lighter color: owls in the desert are certainly red. Most often, females are larger than males. Owls fly silently. Many owls have specific protruding tufts of feathers (“ears”) above their ears. During the day, the birds rest, sitting in a hollow or on a tree branch; in a calm state, the bird sits vertically, in a “column.”

During the day, owls usually lead a sedentary lifestyle, so many people believe that they do not see anything during the day and sleep. But that's not true. An owl sees the same both during the day and at night, although it barely distinguishes color. There is one more drawback to her vision - owls are farsighted. The owl sees almost nothing next to it. But her hearing is very subtle; an owl’s hearing is 50 times more sensitive than human hearing.

As a rule, owls are sedentary; only a few species fly south for the winter or migrate in search of more secluded places. Most owls are nocturnal predators; owls feed mainly on a variety of rodents, mostly mice. Large species are able to defeat a hare and small mustelids. Nests are made in old crow nests, on the ground, in tree hollows, choosing the same dwelling from year to year, which can serve as a refuge for them during daylight hours. Mostly they live alone, but if they create a couple, then for life. Small owls live for about 20 years, and large eagle owls lived up to 68 years in captivity.

Owls are widespread in Russia and Siberia; in the fauna of Russia there are 2 families with 12 genera and 18 species. The fish owl, or fish owl, hawk owl and snowy owl are found in Russia in the Far East (from the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands). In the Baikal Nature Reserve, the order of owls includes the eagle owl, short-eared and long-eared owls, scops owl, hawk owl, tawny owl and long-tailed owl.
Many of these species are listed in the Red Book; the Russian Bird Conservation Union declared 2005 the Year of the Owl. Many of them are useful - they exterminate rodents in the fields, all of them are protected by law and any hunting for them is prohibited.

Materials and tools:
-sheet of A3 paper
-simple pencil, eraser, brushes
-a glass for water
-cloth for brushes

Progress of the master class:

We will paint this drawing directly with paints; before work, the watercolor must be moistened with water, drop by drop in each color. Then we will paint with a thin brush. Just above the middle of the sheet, draw a small triangle in brown; this is the owl’s nose.

Paint over the nose. Then in black we draw two circles on both sides of the triangle, the eyes of the bird.

Color the eyes. Now we need to draw the head and torso. We draw them using arcuate brown lines. First we draw the lines of the head, and then the torso.

Draw triangular ears.

We connect the triangles with another arc, and at the bottom we also draw small arcs - the paws of an owl. Then we paint the silhouette of the bird with light brown or ocher, it all depends on the paints available.

We use a more saturated brown color to create the owl’s plumage. We work with strokes from top to bottom, take a larger brush.

Using ocher we paint the tassels on the owl’s ears and its wings. You can add feathers of the same color between the brown ones. Then we will draw a tree on which the bird is sitting, we will have a birch tree. In black we draw the contours of the trunk and branches.

The contours need to be slightly blurred with a clean brush with water, making a smooth transition from black to white. We make brush strokes and birch leaves green.

The greenery of the tree also needs to be slightly blurred with water to create a light, airy background of green foliage.

We fill the rest of the space between the leaves with blue, this is the sky.

The background dries, and we decorate the birch tree with black dashes. Then use bright green to draw the outlines of the leaves and the veins on them.

Now we need another shade of brown, we will use it to draw the outlines of the wings and add more feathers. Don't forget to draw the owl's claws on its paws.

You can draw an owl on a spruce tree. To make spruce branches seem more picturesque, you need to paint them in several shades of green, from light to dark.

For older children, the work can be more complicated; let's start with a pencil sketch. First we will draw the owl's head, its top is an arc, a semicircle.

Then draw smooth triangles at the bottom and small circles in the middle.

Add a nose (the shape of a carrot), draw an arc-silhouette of the body, and a branch on which the bird is sitting.

We draw the contours of the tree trunk and the contour of the tail. Before working with watercolors, you need to lightly erase the lines so that they are almost invisible.

We start working with paints from the background of the sky, paint in blue.

Then we paint the tree trunk and branch with light brown. We work with brush strokes, the background will be uneven, this is the bark of a tree.

Now the owl, using black on the tip of the brush with a lot of water, paint the shades of the bird’s plumage. We outline the silhouette of the tree with dark brown and blur the paint inside it.

We draw semicircular lines on the branch, they need to be slightly blurred with water - this is the bark.

The silhouette of the owl needs to be made brighter, this will give the bird volume. We outline the bird with dark brown color and draw the tree bark.

We draw a few more large and small branches.

We begin to work on the owl, first coloring the eyes with yellow and the beak with light orange. Next we will work with dark brown, draw a muzzle.

Using thin lines we draw the feathers of the bird.

Add gray shadows to the abdomen and draw the wing plumage. Gray color is black paint heavily diluted with water.

An eagle owl is an owl. He is huge and powerful. And I don’t mind living with people at all. However, it is extremely difficult to teach him anything. Hunters learned to use the eagle owl as a bird of prey. An eagle owl can easily lift or lift by the ears, but this is not the limit. He is so strong that he can even hunt falcons, hawks and. And that is not all. In addition to his strength, he is also very beautiful, especially when flying. As a rule, it slowly hovers above the ground and only occasionally flaps its huge wings. Its wingspan can be as long as two meters. This is even more than the height of an ordinary person. That's why I'll be happy to show you how to draw an owl with a pencil.

Step one Draw two circles in the center of the sheet, and mark with horizontal lines the branch on which the eagle owl sits. Step two Next, we will designate the circumference of the head and tail. Step Three Add the legs and the outline of the feathers. Step Four Draw the eyes and key of the owl. Step Five Let's add a couple of feathers and some shadows. And you'll end up with a bird like this: Well, how does it look? Try it draw an eagle owl with a pencil and show off your work. I'm going to hold another reader contest. Read more in our VKontakte group. I recommend that you try to draw other birds:

How to draw an eagle owl.

Every hunter wants to know where he is sitting... Who? - they usually say: Owl!

Owl? What kind of bird is this, and what use is it to this hunter?

Who cares, I approach the study of birds both as a biologist and as an artist. First, a little biology. The eagle owl is an owl - in general, it is an owl. It is distributed everywhere in Europe, but there is little of it everywhere - it is just not widespread; due to the reduction of places suitable for their habitat, the number of eagle owls is declining.

Eagle owls are included in the Red Book. How sad it is to learn such things.

Now let's move on to the artistic part - How to draw an eagle owl step by step.

The eagle owl is a large bird, Wikipedia says: body length is from 35 to 75 cm... Nothing like that! 75! - it’s scary to even imagine.

The body is dense and powerful. The wings are large and pointed. Eagle owls are nocturnal predators with fast, silent, very maneuverable flight.

Round head on a movable neck. The facial disc is not very pronounced - the head is like a head. The eyes are very large - orange under frowning eyebrows they look stern. There is an original decoration on the head - ear feathers. The beak is large, curved and painted black.

The paws are strong, the toes are of the same structure as those of woodpeckers and cuckoos - two look forward, two look back, this ensures increased tenacity. The claws are huge, curved, sharp. The eagle owl not only catches mice and worms, he can also grab and kill a goose or hare.

Here we have a coloring page of an Eagle Owl.

Let's color it: the eagle owl's plumage is beige, rusty-yellowish with large black markings - the look is motley, but at the same time the coloring creates excellent camouflage.