Methodological development on the topic: Scenario of the game program "Mouse Tail". Literary quiz “Drop the mouse - pick up the book”

The beginning of a school course, the so-called “organizational moment,” is usually not described in methodological recommendations. However, at the beginning of the school year, every teacher carefully compiles a list of requirements and various information that must be communicated to children for future successful educational work.

Safety precautions

Safety regulations are aimed at preserving human health and the safety of equipment. There are many rules, but you should not be tempted to reduce them to two abstract instructions: "keep discipline" And "be clean", because nowhere is specificity more important than in safety regulations.

In the next lessons, acquaintance with the rules of safety will be continued.

Computer science

Children will come to a computer class for the first time, to a computer science lesson.

The subject of science "computer science" is information(transfer, processing and storage of information), and not a computer at all. Computer is a computer science tool, like a microscope is an instrument of biology, a compass is an instrument of geography, a telescope is an instrument of astronomy.

However, the achievements of modern computer science are based exclusively on the capabilities of computer technology (impossible without it), therefore computer science is clearly associated with a computer.

First graders need to be explained what they will do in this or that subject.

We are speaking:

  • We study in mathematics count(although math is not counting).
  • We study in Russian write(although Russian is not a writing language).
  • We learn from literature read(although reading is not literature).

What about computer science classes? In computer science learning to work on a computer(although computer is not computer science).

These formulas (mathematics - counting, Russian - writing, computer science - computer) refer to the first steps in a particular learning: learning to count, write, work on a computer.

The authors really wanted to replace the phrase “computer science teaches how to work on a computer” in the textbook with “Informatics teaches you how to work with information” or “Informatics teaches you how to work with algorithms”(for algorithms are the basis of computer science, and the development of algorithmic thinking is the main goal that we set for ourselves in this course). But information and algorithms are abstractions that are not yet accessible to our students, and the computer, this is concrete, here it is, handsome, stands in plain sight, and children will really master computer literacy on it. So our lofty goals will have to be left unspoken for now. The time will come when we will deal with this thoroughly.

Note that under computer literacy we understand the skills, abilities and knowledge that stable in relation to the rapid changes of modern society, and which are capable of preparing today’s first-graders for life in the information society in 10 years, about the structure of which no one now has the slightest idea. In particular, during the training we will try to give not push-button instructions (click on the house icon), but ideological algorithms (return to the starting page). Because the buttons change or disappear altogether (gesture control), but the ideas remain.

Let's introduce children to the subject of computer science using an associative chain of statements.

Students study in Russian language lessons write.

What about computer science classes?

And in computer science lessons they learn to work with the computer.


In modern society, a computer is used almost everywhere; it helps a person (or can help) in any matter.

But the computer is not always on the table, in a briefcase or pocket.

Much more often, a computer is located inside machines and mechanisms, controlling their operation.

The robot is the most striking object for talking with children about computers built inside the mechanism.

There are plenty of opportunities to demonstrate the achievements of modern robotics. You can turn to movie heroes and children's toys.

A selection of interesting photographs about the most diverse uses of robots is shown on this site.

You can always search the Internet for “fresh” pictures and (or) videos with robots before the lesson.


Vasya Cook and the map of Robotland.

Letter eater and Krolik.

After talking about robots, it would be natural to move on to a description Robotland- a fairy-tale country in which very special creatures live - educational robots that help schoolchildren master the wisdom of computer science.

Here you can rely on the text of the textbook about the origin of the word Robotland ( robot country), about Vasya inviting us to this country.

The first representatives of Robotland - Letter eater And Rabbit, helped us move from slide to slide (did you notice that?)

Robotlandia is computer science for primary schoolchildren. A huge number of adults are engaged in important and complex computer science problems that children are not yet able to do.

Robotlandia helps kids learn the basics of this subject. Note: fundamentals, those that are resistant to the rapid changes of modern society, and that are capable of preparing children for life in the information society in 10 years, about the structure of which no one now has the slightest idea, except for the fact that it will be revolutionaryly different from the current one.

A Brief History of Robotland

The course called “Robotlandia” went down in the history of school computer science as an example of a complex pedagogical product that successfully combines an ideological foundation, a textbook for students, software and recommendations for teachers.

Despite the considerable age of this system and the outdated DOS interface, “Robotlandia” is still used in schools, which indicates the high quality of this pedagogical product, focused not on the study of fleeting software, but on the study of the fundamental principles of computer science, invariant with respect to change computer generations.

However, a group of employees of the future Robotland began work on creating a computer science course for younger schoolchildren on September 3, 1986 in the bowels of the school computer science laboratory of the Institute of Software Systems of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region).

The laboratory was headed by Pervin Yuri Abramovich. Several groups worked within the laboratory, among which was a group led by Alexander Duvanov, which became the center of the future Robotland.

The first version of the system was ready by the summer of 1987.

The success of Robotlandia was largely determined by the fact that the course was born in real school lessons, and not within the walls of an academic laboratory. Even the employees' workplaces were located in the school computer lab. What was discussed by the developers in the evening was tested with children in class the next day and adjusted along the way. Both general methodological lines and specific computer programs were discussed and clarified, their functionality was honed, and the interface and design were carefully thought out.

The core development team included:

  • Goltsman Mikhail Alexandrovich
  • Drozdov Nikolay Borisovich
  • Duvanov Alexander Alexandrovich
  • Zaidelman Yakov Naumovich
  • Pervin Yuri Abramovich
  • Russ Alexander Arturovich (artist)

What we learned

The “explanatory” part of the lesson is completed. Let's repeat what we learned.

Teacher Students
— What is indicated by numbers 1 and 2 in the picture? - Safety regulations!
- Which? — You must not touch the wires, your hands must be dry and clean!
- What is hidden under the number 3? - Computer science!
— What does computer science teach? - To work with the computer!
- Who is sad there under the number 4? - Robot!
— How does the robot work? - Myself! Automatically!
— Maybe the robot is controlled by a person? - No!
-Who controls it? - Computer!
- Where is the computer? - Inside the robot!


Now is the time to submit your homework! The rest of the lesson is devoted to practice, and it will not be easy to distract the children from it later.

ROBOT task

ROBOT task. Bring a workbook with a drawing on the first page and a signature with the name of the robot. The design can be cut out and pasted on.

Prepare a short story according to a rough outline:

  • What is the robot's name?
  • What can he do?

At the end of the lesson, each student is given a piece of paper describing their homework. In addition to the ROBOT task, it includes work with lesson 1 using the electronic textbook. The leaflets are, of course, intended for parents. They can be printed from the file home/01/home.doc

This is homework on the Internet.

The first drawing in the workbook, together with the passed test on TB, will serve as a “pass” to the country of Robotland. This fact can be noted, for example, with the letter R on the cover of the child’s notebook.


An example warm-up script is shown on the right.

"Not really"

And now the time has come -
Let's play, kids!
We stood next to the chair.
Are you ready? Let's begin.
Listen carefully,
Do it diligently!

The game is called "Not really". I say a phrase, and if it is correct, you answer "Yes" and squat, but if she’s not true, then say "No" and jump.

If it’s true, we’ll all sit down,
If it’s not true, let’s jump up.


There's grass growing in the yard, right?
The dog has horns, right?
Fish flies across the sky, right?
A hare is running across the field, right?
The sun shines at night, right?
The computer helps us! Yes?

Well done! Now we sit down quietly. Let's continue the lesson...

Workshop (p): will we collect the word ROBOT?

The workshop is performed without a computer (at a desk): we collect the word ROBOT.

Goal: to consolidate the spelling of key words in computer science.

Pictures with letters can be printed from the folder work/01/robot.

Workshop (k): working with the mouse (clicks, transitions, checkboxes)

Goal: practicing mouse operations.

First, we will show the children how to hold the mouse correctly: we wrap our hand around it and leave the index finger free to click and scroll the wheel.

It's better to take a real mouse and clearly show the correct hand position.

Perhaps some of the children will be left-handed. In this case, it is useful to consult with parents: whether it is necessary to reconfigure the mouse for such a child for the left hand.

We explain the clicking algorithm on this slide, then show transitions and working with checkboxes on the lesson page in the electronic textbook.

We complete the practical tasks in the electronic textbook.

The first tasks to be performed on a computer are to practice mouse clicking. Many guys can easily complete such a task. However, this may be difficult for some children. It is important not to lose sight of a single child, so that there is no fear of inability or fear of working at the computer. This doesn't happen often, but it happens.

Therefore, the task of the first computer practices is to identify and eliminate problems when working with the mouse. Perhaps you will follow the path of forming a group of assistants - those guys who can easily perform the proposed exercises and will help others.

The first lesson Practicum page is loaded on children's computers. The teacher must first explain to the children what task is assigned to them and how the workshop is carried out.

When working with the Practicum and Test, children will have to scroll the page.

If children have difficulty using the mouse wheel, encourage them to move the page using the arrow keys. This is the simplest option.

Anastasia Kutafina

Educational area: "Cognition".

Software tasks:

Arouse children's interest in the computer and its components;

Replenish and activate in children’s vocabulary such words as “monitor”, “system unit”, “keyboard”, “mouse”;

Develop the ability to speak in front of an audience and share your knowledge.

Preliminary work: learning words, making attributes for a fairy tale.

Equipment: visual material depicting a computer, laptop, tablet, computer parts, attributes for a fairy tale.

Educator.(address to children of the older group)

Guys, today we will go to visit the children of the middle group. You tell them everything you know about the computer. And also show us the fairy tale “The Computer Teremok” that we prepared. After all, they are also very interested in finding out what a computer is and what it can do. (we come to visit the preparatory group)


Hello guys, we came to visit you to tell you about the computer, what it can do. Do you know what a computer is for (I listen to the children’s answers). But the kids in the older group will now tell you everything.

Educator.(address to children of the older group).

Guys, tell us what a computer is?

Educator.(address to children of the preparatory group).

And now we want to tell you a fairy tale about a computer, the heroes of the fairy tale will be children, and it is called “The Computer is a Teremok”. Do you want to listen to the fairy tale (children of the older group stage the fairy tale)

Educator. Once upon a time there was a tower-building in the world - not low, not high. And his name was SYSTEM BLOCK. MEMORY lived in him, which stored and remembered all kinds of information. They lived alone, knowing nothing about the world around them. Just one day... A click mouse ran past.

She saw the SYSTEM UNIT and asked:

Knock-knock - what kind of mansion is this, who lives in the mansion?

Child (System Block). I AM A SYSTEM BLOCK.

Child (Memory).

Together. And who are you?

Child (Mouse). I AM A MOUSE.

Smart, obedient,

Indifferent to cheese

I don't annoy the cat

I respect the owners.

I'm walking on the rug,

I'm wagging my tail,

I control the cursor.

I will live here and guard the building.

Can I connect with you?

System unit.Can.

Educator. They began to live together.

And again someone knocks - knock-knock-beep-beep. Who lives in the mansion?

Child (System unit).I AM A SYSTEM UNIT

Child (Memory). I am MEMORY - the keeper of information.

Child (Mouse).

Together. And who are you?

Child (Keyboard).I AM KEYBOARD

It's me, the keyboard, the passionate nature. My name is KLAVA, I enter

numbers and letters. Can I connect with you?

System unit. Well, come on in, plug in, let’s have fun together!

Educator. They lived together.

Then a MONITOR passed by, its screen sparkling, sending out sunbeams. He saw the System Unit and asked:

Child (Monitor). Knock-knock-morgue-morgue. Who lives in the mansion?

Child (System unit).I AM A SYSTEM UNIT

Child (Memory). I am MEMORY - the keeper of information.

Child (Mouse). I am a MOUSE, I walk on the rug, I control the cursor.

Child (Keyboard). I AM KEYBOARD Klava, I can enter different text

Together. And who are you?

Child (Monitor). I am on the table in front of you, your gaze is directed at me, I obey the program, I bear the name MONITOR.

Can I connect with you?

System unit. Well, come on in, plug in, we’ll have fun together!

Educator. The residents of Teremok gathered and gasped. A miracle happened. Previously, they all lived apart and were able to do something. Nobody knew about this. And so they united and became friends. And their friendship performed a MIRACLE - there appeared...

(Guys, guess the riddle)

He draws, he counts

Designs factories

Even flies in space

And gives a weather forecast

Millions of calculations

Can do it in a minute

Guess what kind of genius he is?

Well, of course - ... COMPUTER!

Educator. Guys, we told you a new modern fairy tale “Computer – Teremok”. You liked the fairy tale (address to the children of the preparatory group). What are the components of a computer? (children's answers, Who remembered what each part does? (children's answers). Well done, guys.

Now listen to the riddles, I want to see how you cope with them. (children of the older group make riddles).

1. It's on the table in front of us,

the gaze is directed at him,

obeys the program

bears a name. (Monitor).

2. You're not a little animal, you don't fly,

and you slide on the rug

and control the cursor.

You are a computer person. (Mouse).

3. No, she is not a piano

There are just so many keys in it!

There's a picture of the alphabet there,

There are signs and numbers too.

Very subtle nature. Her name. (Keyboard).

4. Keeps all the secrets in the “box” on the right, near the feet,

and makes a little noise. What kind of “beast?” (System unit).

5. Pointer on screen

The letters will indicate the place for everyone.

It will be easier to work with him,

He is a screen mark.

The gaze sees on the screen,

How it blinks at me. (Cursor).

6. You insert the disk into it, and that's it - it's working.


Educator.(appeal to children of the preparatory group).

Guys, you are great at solving all the riddles. Now listen to a poem about a boy who really wants to make friends with a computer.

But I learned

Play on the computer.

The monitor lit up

I move the cursor with the mouse.

For games and fairy tales

Space opens up.

Of course, I'm still young.

I never dreamed of who I would become,

But master the computer

I firmly promised my dad.

You can't do it without a computer.

And grandma grumbles in vain.

Sitting at home, the whole planet

I'm exploring, friends!

Educator.Guys need to be friends with the computer. When you grow up, you will definitely learn how to use it. In the meantime, at the end of our meeting, we want to give you these computers (the children of the senior group give the children of the preparatory group images of computers, on their screen you can draw whatever you want, look how the children did it. Goodbye guys, see you again !

Attributes for a fairy tale:

All-Russian distance competition for librarians for the best methodological development “Library Lesson”

Library lesson at the Vladimir Rural Library

Rivne district, Saratov region

“Drop the mouse and pick up the book!”

Often we all tell you: “You cannot live in the world without a book.” We convince you that you need to read as much as possible, that reading improves your memory, develops speech, helps you grow up well-mannered, kind, and honest.

What do you guys think? Answers.

Modern books are well known to all of you.

Let's imagine: the books are missing, they are gone...

No books, no paper, no ink.Don't read or write.

To convey information we draw on the walls. Let's write on clay like in the old days, make books from calfskin, process papyrus scrolls
Two thousand years ago people began making paper.

Why was this necessary? The first books appeared a long time ago. Even before our era, ancient Greece invented letters to represent words.The first books were handwritten. Then, like in the 15th century, there will be the first printing press...
In the Middle Ages, books were very expensive. Especially valuable copies were chained to the wall or to special music stands - so that no one would absent-mindedly take the book with them.

There was even a “Living Library”. It was owned by the wealthy Roman merchant Itzel. It consisted of slaves, each of whom was a talking book.

Once there was such news: the library of Ivan the Terrible was found in one of the dungeons near Moscow! Archaeologists found curious notes on readers’ forms: “Cut off the head”, “Impale”, “Wait - maybe he’ll return the book”...It’s terrible, and the methods. This is written about the world of books.

Francis Bacon said: “Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation.”

“Precious cargo” ... (thoughtfullyo or playfully) Show

Yes, books are precious cargo.

You have a good opportunity to use this precious cargo. In the Year of Literature, when we believe that true literature unites humanity, the bookwill help in a friendly manner to sort out the motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach us to respect people and ourselves, it inspires the mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity.

Choose any of the books for yourself. Don't forget this is a precious cargo. Now this promotion is called BOOKCROSSING, everyone can choose a book, read it, and “set it free.”

1. Lift up. Unusualbook rainbow At school!

2. Open the book, freeze. Photo! Take a different pose. The new FLASHMOB campaign helps spread the idea of ​​promoting reading and the formation of a new image of the library. The entire 7th grade is participating in the library's "Caught Reading" competition today.
3. Find a statement and read it.


You are reading - you are the best!

A person who reads is a successful person!

News in the computer - life in the book!

The cure for stupidity already exists... Read books!

Reading is a holiday of the soul. Have a holiday - read!

Towards books and reading through leisure and communication

Read books - be a person!

Whatever one may say, there is no way to education without books!

4. Find the letters and assemble themtagline! Let's throw the mouse, take the book.

Performance“I am writing to you...” participants of the action remember their favorite character from a literary work and write a few words of recognition and respect.

Performance: Guys, name a literary hero who is worthy of the Victory Parade.

For you I present leaflet, FLYERS "10 book facts." Distribute.

Kaleidoscope of book characters

1) Spent 28 years on a desert island. (Robinson, D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”)

2) He was shipwrecked and captured by the Lilliputians. (Gulliver, D Swift "Gulliver's Travels"

3) Turned the wolf inside out, shot the mad fur coat, pulled himself out of the swamp.

(Munchausen, E Raspe “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”)

4) I rushed after the white rabbit and fell into a very deep well...

(Alice, L. Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”)

5) Taught the director of the puppet theater a lesson. (Pinocchio, L. Tolstoy)

A literary mosaic for you

1. Covers, twists, howls, child.

(A.S. Pushkin. “Winter Evening”:
The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child...)

2. Lonely, blue, distant, dear.

(M.Yu. Lermontov. “Sail”:
The lonely sail is white
In the blue sea fog!..
What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land?..)

3. It’s time, it’s frosty, uphill, heavy.

(N.A. Nekrasov. “Peasant Children”:
Once upon a time in the cold winter time
I came out of the forest, it was severely frosty.
I see it's slowly going uphill
A horse carrying a cart of brushwood.)

4. May, thunder, playing, blue. (F.I. Tyutchev. “I love thunderstorms in early May...”:
I love the storm in early May,
When the first thunder of spring
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbling in the blue sky.)


“Find out by excerpts” - an excerpt of a work is given, the family must guess the title and author of the work.

The old lady has three sons. The eldest was a smart kid, the middle son was this and that, the youngest was completely a fool (The Little Humpbacked Horse)

Things of days gone by

Tradition of deep antiquity. (Ruslan and Ludmila)

And the battle broke out, the Battle of Poltava! (Poltava)

All ages are submissive to love (Eugene Onegin)

Guess the riddle:

From the outside you look - the house is like a home,

But there are no ordinary residents in it.

It contains interesting books

They stand in close rows:

And Chernomor, and Tsar Guidon,

And kind grandfather Mazai.

What is the name of this house?

Try to guess!

Answer Library

Today, when leaving the library, I met three guys. Here is their dialogue: 1 - I should get some books! 2 - yeah, pass it first... 3 - You have to find it first.

And I wait for you in the library every day, sometimes for a long time.

Forgetful readers have always existed. In 1975, the book “Learn to Knit and Embroider” was returned to one of the rural libraries. The reader was so captivated by it that she kept it for 43 years.

A record of absent-mindedness was set in the Cambridge University library: the book was returned there... In 300 years.

Our library has its own history. I had my reader’s military ID for 18 years. In 2014 they came for him. The moment of news that I have it deserves a good movie.

In any case, we are waiting for you with books in the library.

And you are for me, as A. Akhmatova said:

« And every reader is like a secret,

Like a treasure buried in the ground" .

Libraries hold flip charts where you can express your attitude and opinion about the book.

The memory of the event can be reflected in GRAFFITI SPRAY ART.

You all can be not just library users, but library fans.

Librarian Pavlovskaya I.P.

New Year's performance script

for 5-6 grades.

"New Year's Adventures in Computer Land"


Father Frost -

Snow Maiden

Girl Zhenya

Boy Dima


PC mouse

Trojan and Worm (viruses)

Antivirus (superhero)

Picture one.

Zhenya and Dima are on stage.



Zhenya. Hello, dear adults!

Dima. The long-awaited holiday that we all love is coming - New Year!

Zhenya. Come on, answer us together: “Are you ready to celebrate the New Year?”

Dima. But before we call Santa Claus, let's get acquainted!

Dima. This is Zhenya!

Zhenya. And this is Dmitry!

Zhenya. It was very nice to meet you!

Dima. Before you celebrate the new year, you need to spend the old one. Here is one boy who forgot to spend the old year and became a repeater. After all, next year he will go to the same class again. Because if you don’t say goodbye to the old year, everything bad can happen again in the new year.

Zhenya. Yes, indeed, it would be somehow rude to greet a young person without saying goodbye to the old one. As they say, elders must be respected!

Dima. And we invite everyone to spend the old year amicably and cheerfully! Do you agree? After all, only the one who takes a solemn oath will enter the New Year!

Zhenya. And what is needed for this?

Dima. Well, firstly, it is necessary to create a solemn atmosphere.

Zhenya. How's that?

Dima. The oath must be pronounced in a solemn position. Please stand like this: raise your right leg, pinch your nose with your right hand, and place your left hand on your stomach.

Zhenya. Like this? A very solemn pose!

Dima. Figured it out myself! Now, without unclenching your nose, repeat loudly after me! Just be sure to be loud, otherwise the old year won’t hear! Prepared: “I,... entering the new year... in front of my friends... solemnly swear... never to cry,... not to get sick,... not to offend my comrades,... not to be lazy.... And always be in a good mood... as the great Father Frost bequeaths,... as the cheerful Snow Maiden teaches..."

Zhenya. Well done! Everyone who took the oath is ready to celebrate the New Year!

(New Year's song plays _____________________________________)

Dima. No, no, that's not all!

Zhenya. What else?

Dima. We still need to appease the old year! When the old year is over, he immediately gets into his old car, as old as himself, and drives off to Antarctica.

Zhenya. Guys, have you heard about Antarctica? That's right, this is the country of icebergs, where polar explorers live and all the old times have passed.

Dima. They have a boarding house there for the elderly!

Zhenya. Let's quickly appease the old year and begin to welcome the new one! To do this, we will watch a 5th grade presentation.

Dima. So we said goodbye to the old year. Let's once again remember all the good things that happened this year, and together say to him: “Goodbye, old year!”

Zhenya. Hello, fabulous, mysterious New Year!

The New Year's song is being sung__________________________________________________________.

Picture two.

Dima goes on stage with a laptop.

Zhenya. Dima, are you going to play?

Dima. No, this is a New Year's surprise for the guys, a gift from Santa Claus!

Zhenya. What kind of gift is this?

Dima. Magic computer from Santa Claus! One two Three! Feel free to click “OK”!

D.M. Hello, dear guys!

Snow Maiden. Hello, girls and boys!

D.M. I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys.

The year has flown by like an hour, and you didn’t even notice!

Here I am again among you, dear children!

I'm real Santa Claus

From the deep green thicket,

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts,

Where are the storms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense

And the snow is loose.

Snow Maiden. Every time on New Year's Eve

Let's go on a hike

Marching joyfully

Across our huge country.

D.M. And even though the path is long, it’s a stern kabyak! Pukakka chiryaka! Lulyuka figako, no pipika, murmonya pig!

Snow Maiden. Makaka pozyaka, decrepit atuki, bibika funyaka!

D.M. Nameka menak, pugako, mordyako, chuchunya khanaki.

Zhenya. Dima, what are they saying? Guys, do you understand something?

Winchester. Haha, end of your earthly holiday! I, the great Winchester, will organize my own holiday - a virtual New Year!

Zhenya. What kind of holiday is this?

The Christmas tree is virtual, the gifts are virtual, and I will be your virtual Santa Claus!

Dima. Well... I still understand the Christmas tree, but how are these virtual gifts and virtual Santa Claus? I don't understand.

Zhenya. But I’m not going to understand, I’m not going to have a virtual holiday at all, I want a real one.

Ha, ha! And no one asks you, today I command!

Zhenya. There was also a ruler here who scared me!

Now we will watch the 6th grade New Year's presentation.

Dima. Let's call Santa Claus, guys, he'll quickly deal with the hard drive!

Winchester Ha ha ha! Made me laugh! Yes, I hid your Santa Claus in my computer country so much that he would never get out of there, and he would never see you any gifts or joy. Choose: either my New Year, or...

Zhenya. It’s strange, it looks like Santa Claus’s computer, but it’s so evil. The viruses must have infected him.

Dima. Santa Claus said that, as a last resort, you need to press this button.

Zhenya. What if you completely ruin everything?

Dima. It was, it wasn’t! One two Three! Hurry up, I click “OK”!

Picture three.

The Computer Mouse appears.

Mouse. New Year is coming again

And he collects from the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus congratulates everyone

And he gives gifts to everyone.

Books, apples, candies,

Songs and dances until dawn,

Fireworks and firecrackers,

And favorite toys

From Santa Claus!

From Santa Claus!

PC mouse

I was in a hurry to come to you,

To Santa Claus

Find it on the computer.

I'm very glad to meet you

Greetings friends!

Let's get to know each other quickly, guys!

With a computer mouse, oh, mischievous mouse!

Hello guys, I'm Computer Mouse!

Mouse. Aren't you afraid to go to a virtual country, clean your computer of viruses and find Santa Claus?

Dima. We? Are we afraid? Yes, I know all computer games, I will kill any monsters and bring Santa Claus to you!

Zhenya. How will we get there?

Well, first of all, the guys need to guess the computer password!

And I will help you with this! Answer my questions.

Mouse. Who races dashingly in a troika?

Whose red nose is flashing?

Who's knocking on our window?


Mouse. Who came to the children's holiday?

Who brought gifts for everyone?

Who is the kindest in the world?


Who drives around like that funny,

Makes children laugh until they cry?

Who dances nicely under the Christmas tree?


Who is from behind the forest today?

Did you bring the New Year in a sleigh?

Who hung the toys here?


Mouse. Well, guess what? What's the password?

(answer “Santa Claus” in unison)

Dima. Well done boys!

Zhenya. The guys guessed the password. What else is needed to get into computer country?

Mouse. At my command, let's press the button. One two Three! Quickly, click “OK”

Scene four.

Viruses appear - Trojan and Worm

Worm and Trojan. What do we need, a holiday, what do we need a Christmas tree for - nonsense!

Let's take small children into the wilderness!

We'll clog up the computer's brain and cool!

There will be a new holiday, but, alas, you!

Hey! Virus! Spare no effort!

Hey! You are a virus! And go ahead boldly!

Trojan . It’s great that you and I have arranged everything, the hard drive of Santa Claus’s computer is so clogged that he will never get out, and we, the viruses, will have our own coolest holiday!

Worm Oh look, the kids are here!

Trojan. Hi!

Worm What do you want? Holidays, gifts?

Trojan . Please, here are your gifts!

Do not like?

Winchester. What are you doing here for fun? The protection system has worked! Uninvited guests have entered the computer. My faithful assistants, quickly find them and format them!

Worm. Trojan . We obey! How to format them, they are real.

Winchester. We need to deceive them and lure them into a trap.

Worm How can we do this?

Winchester. I'll digitize you now. Prepared7

Worm. Trojan. Let's get ready.

Winchester. Enter, bender, divider!

(viruses dress up as Father Frost and Snow Maiden)

Worm Who am I?

Trojan. And who am I?

Winchester. Worm, you will be the Snow Maiden! And you, Troyan, will be Santa Claus!

Worm Can we change?

Winchester. No changes! We act according to plan. One lures, and the other puts in a bag!

Worm I'll put it in a bag!

Trojan . You are the Snow Maiden. You have to entice.

Worm And I will fold!

Winchester. All forward! Ambush!

Worm What will happen while we are sitting in ambush?

Winchester. While you are in ambush, there will be a musical pause.

Scene five.

Zhenya. How everything around was covered in snow. No paths, no paths, like in the North.

Dima. Not in the North, but on the server. We are in the very center of computer country.

Zhenya. Dima, do you think we can defeat the evil Winchester?

Worm Help, help! Evil viruses have stolen Santa Claus!

Zhenya. Is someone calling us?

Dima. Hey, who's there?

Worm It's me, Snow Maiden.

Mouse. Guys, you are being deceived! These are not the real Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Dima. So-so!

Worm. Trojan. We completed the task!

Mouse. Guys, how can we help Dima and Zhenya?

Mouse. That's right, guys, antivirus will help us! We press the button. One two Three! Rather, we click “OK”

Worm She called the antivirus! What to do?

Trojan Let's hide them!

Antivirus. I am an antivirus flying through websites! I am an arrow aimed at the chest of international hacker crime! I am the eye of justice! Who called me, who needs help?

Worm We need!

Antivirus. Oh, I'm always ready to help! Such a charming girl! Have you been robbed? Are you receiving death threats?

Worm They robbed and threatened. Evil viruses.

Antivirus So... I'll handle this viral thing. Everyone stand still! Don't move! Don't trample evidence!

Antivirus Great, I assumed that the crime was committed by experienced criminals. They left no traces of their own. All sites are polluted, but I am the toughest virus fighter, I will overcome. I am the best…

Trojan Let's get down to business.

Antivirus Komon! Komon! I'm genius! But I don't know where to look for them.

Trojan Why look for them - here they are. Take it and destroy it.

Antivirus Yep, gotcha!

Mouse. Are you a hero, these are real viruses.

Dima. We urgently need to find the site of Santa Claus and free him.

Zhenya. Otherwise, instead of a real New Year's holiday, only a virtual one will take place, and we will never be able to meet the real Santa Claus. And the guys won't get real gifts.

Antivirus Komon! Komon! I'm genius! Only I know how to lure them into an ambush.

Dima. Hooray, I love ambushes so much!

Zhenya. And I have never made an ambush.

Antivirus To do this, we all need to make a huge antenna. Stand up, everyone. Perform the movements with me and repeat loudly: “Viruses! Into the trap!

Worm. I don't want!

Trojan. I will not go!

Worm. I'm being pulled into some kind of funnel!

Antivirus That's all.

Dima. As everybody? We didn't destroy them.

Zhenya. The guys know how to do it. Click the magic “OK” button

Worm. Let us go.

Trojan. We will improve.

Trojan.Worm. We will become antiviruses.

Winchester. Oh, you vile traitors! You still won't be able to find Santa Claus's website. And there will only be my virtual New Year.

Dima. I know what to do. Guys, we all say together: “One, two, three! Rather, we click “OK”

Zhenya. Mouse, mouse, tell me what we should do?

Mouse. I don't know.

Zhenya. Who knows?

Worm.Trojan. We know!

Worm. Winchester, you're not real, you're virtual.

Winchester. So what? Now you too will become not real, but virtual.

Worm.Trojan. We'll turn you off now.

Antivirus Komon! Komon! I'm brilliant! I will help you turn it off too!

Dima.Zhenya. And we will help.

I ask you, I beg you: don’t turn me off, I also want to watch your holiday! I will open you the site of Santa Claus.

Dima.Zhenya. Guys, let's meet Santa Claus.

D.M. Hello, dear viewers, children, teachers and parents. Hello to you, our young, cheerful, strong and smart friends!

Snow Maiden. Athletes, dancers and artists! Finders and gliders!

D.M. Future drivers and craftsmen, academicians and professors!

Snow Maiden. Astronauts, dreamers, romantics, chemists and mathematicians!

All. Happy New Year to you, dear friends!

Snow Maiden. Congratulations to all my girlfriends,

Congratulations to all friends!

And with all my heart I wish

I wish you the brightest days,

Good fun,

Never know adversity

Well, the main thing is to study

Excellent all year!

Once upon a time, the computer was controlled exclusively using text commands that were entered into the command line via the keyboard. This continued until the 1980s, despite the fact that back in 1963, engineer Douglas Engelbart began work on a pointing device for pointing objects on a screen.

In the same year, using Engelbart's work, his colleague Bill English created the first prototype of the device: a wooden box with a button on top and two perpendicular metal wheels inside to indicate horizontal and vertical positions on the display.

By tilting the device, the wheels could be operated separately to move the pointer precisely along the X or Y axis. In 1968, Engelbart publicly unveiled the pointing device, and his presentation was called "The Mother of All Demonstrations."

Douglas Engelbart's presentation is considered the first time the mouse was shown to a mass audience.

It wasn't until 1973 that the PC with a graphical user interface was introduced. The Xerox Alto was controlled using a keyboard and a three-button mouse. The metal wheels for changing the cursor position have been replaced with a metal ball and rollers. Until the 90s, the basic operating principle did not change significantly.

From the first days of its existence, the mouse was not widely used. It began to gain widespread popularity only with the release of the Apple Macintosh 128k computer in 1984. The M0100 model for this PC cost only $15, not several hundred as previously. So the mouse not only became accessible to people with average incomes, but also became the main pointing device for Apple's graphical interface.

The promotional video said: “If you can point to something, you can control the system.”. Steve Jobs, as with smartphones and tablets, did not invent the mouse, but clever marketing and user-friendly design were responsible for its success. In 1985, Microsoft began producing its own mice for Windows 1.0.

And then events began to develop at crazy speed. The rubberized ball has been replaced by optical sensors and lasers because they position the cursor more accurately and do not require cleaning. Wireless mice have given people greater freedom of movement while working. On the other hand, laptops have appeared with a touchpad, which is an alternative to a mouse: you can work on them while on the go, even if there is no flat surface at hand.

Meanwhile, office workers often complain of typical occupational ailments such as computer mouse syndrome. There have been numerous attempts to change the design to improve ergonomics (for example, by installing a trackball to control the cursor), but so far they have not been very successful.

Currently, touch screens have become a good alternative, since such control is more intuitive and does not require additional equipment. However, it is not yet known whether this control method can completely replace the mouse in offices.


The world's first wooden mouse prototype appears.


The mouse for the first computer with a graphical interface looks more like a modern one.


The successor to the Lisa Mouse has become attractively priced, and Apple has been promoting the one-button design for a long time.