The rarest name in the world for boys. Beautiful and unusual names for boys: how to make your child’s life bright in advance

In many patriarchal peoples, the clan line was traced from father to son, so the child’s name was one of the ways to show the uniqueness of both the boy and the clan. Echoes of these traditions can be heard in our language today, when English, other European and Eastern, for example, Muslim male names come into Russian names.

Russian names for men include several large “blocks” - these are both ancient Slavic and Orthodox (including Jewish, Greek, and Latin). Among the names used, you can find Eastern, European, and even American ones.

For men themselves, it is rarely of interest what their name means; fathers usually choose a name for a child, for a boy, based on personal preferences. This means that a big responsibility in what to name the child falls on the mother - to choose the most beautiful name for her son and convince her husband that it is the right one for the heir.

Today, you can choose a child’s name from a great variety of options - the list is huge. The most popular ones, for example, lead to the fact that there are immediately four Nikitas or five Daniils in one class. So it’s better not to react to fashion trends, but on your own feelings and knowledge.

It is important that the child’s name is beautiful, euphonious, and combined with the patronymic and surname. You need to understand what kind of history the name has, what its meaning is. If this is important to you, then you need to consider both the astrological and numerological aspects of the word.

From time immemorial

What to choose from? Many of the Russian names are Old Slavonic and Old Russian. They consist of two roots, and their meaning is often clear to us. Ancients Slavic names as if from birth the child is given characteristics whose meanings are quite “transparent”.

Below is a list in which Old Church Slavonic male names are arranged alphabetically.

  • - the one given by God.
  • Borislav is the one who fights for glory.
  • Bronislav is a reliable (glorious) defender.
  • - ruler.
  • - ruler of the world.
  • - the one who has (possesses) glory.
  • - ruler of the people.
  • Vyacheslav is the most glorious.
  • Izyaslav - “the one who took”, that is, who earned fame.
  • Miroslav - glorious in peace.
  • Mstislav is a glorious avenger.
  • Rostislav is the one whose fame increases.
  • Svyatoslav is the one whose glory is sacred.
  • Stanislav is the one who became famous, famous, famous.
  • - bright and strong.

But Old Russian names and their meaning were associated not only with power and military glory. Here are more Slavic names that are built on the same principle - after all, they are understandable, beautiful and a little unusual for our ears:

  • Bogolyub - one who loves God.
  • Boguslav is the one who glorifies God.
  • Bozhidar is a gift from God.
  • Boleslav is the one who became more famous than others.
  • Danislav - giving glory, glorifying (his companions).
  • Dobromir is the one who lives in peace and kindness.
  • Lubomir is the one who loves peace.
  • Miloslav is the one who is famous for his good looks.
  • Radomir is the one who rejoices in the world.
  • Tihomir is the one who brings silence and peace.
  • Jaromir is someone who loves the world in all its cheerful manifestations (many Slavic peoples the sun god was called Yarilo)

It can be seen that ancient Slavic names were also included in Orthodox calendar. This happened, for example, after their bearers were canonized.

From Greeks to Slavs

Russian male names include Orthodox (Greek, Latin and Hebrew) that came with Christianity. Many “Russian” names have foreign analogues that have the same roots - Christian and Orthodox sacred books. Among them you can see very popular ones, and now very rare ones, and the most “ordinary” ones:

  • Adam is a man.
  • Azat is freedom-loving, independent.
  • Akaki is one who does no evil.
  • - protector of people.
  • - protecting.
  • Alim is a scientist.
  • Anatoly is a man from the East.
  • Arkady is a shepherd.
  • - courageous man.
  • - fighter.
  • Valentin is the owner of strong vitality.
  • Valery is a big guy.
  • Victor is the winner (from “victory” - victory).
  • - noble.
  • - God's mercy.
  • - one of the warriors of the thunder god.
  • - sun-like.
  • Konstantin is famous for his constancy.
  • - one who looks like a lion.
  • Luka is light.
  • - happy in bliss.
  • - a divine gift.
  • - godlike.
  • - “gatherer” of peoples.
  • - heroic.
  • - the one who is heard by God.
  • - noble, noble.
  • - crowned.
  • - respectful of God.
  • - God's gift.
  • Julian is happy.
  • Yakov - following on the heels.

These are not all Orthodox Russian names; a complete list of them can be found in the calendar. Ukrainian male names, like Russian ones, include both Orthodox ones from the calendar, and borrowed foreign ones, which have completely taken root in the new soil.

At the same time, both Orthodox and European male names have been transformed due to the peculiarities of the language, so it is not always possible to understand their original sound. There are also names from the calendar that are popular on Ukrainian soil, but are much less in demand in Russia.

These are, for example, Avilo, Auxentius, Agapius, Agapitus, Agathonik, Adrian, Alphius, Bartholomew, Bonifatius, Vavilo, Vakula, Gavrilo, Gordius, Darius, Dorofy, Zeno, Zinovy, Jerome, Capito, Carpo, Kupriyan, Lavrenty, Larion, Miletius, Naum, Nikanor, Ovram, Oleksiy, Omelyan, Paisiy, Paramon, Savatiy, Simon, Titus, Trochim, Theodulus, Fokas, Ialisa.

A true international

Today Russian names have absorbed beautiful names from different languages, the meaning of which we do not always understand. For example, Tatar words are borrowed due to the fact that Russia has the Republic of Tatarstan, and large Tatar communities live in the rest of the country. Most Popular Tatar names are now used by other peoples.

Here, for example, are the most beautiful Tatar names:

  • Azamat is a hero.
  • Ainur - light of the moon.
  • Amin is a faithful guardian.
  • Damask steel - steel.
  • Vildan is a servant of the heavenly garden.
  • Gazinur is a bright warrior.
  • Danis is a scientist.
  • Zinur - luminous.
  • Ilgiz is a traveler, wanderer.
  • Irek is free.
  • Camille is perfection.
  • Rais is the boss.
  • Rustam is a hero from legend.

You can see that Tatar names also do not stand still; European names Marat, Robert, Raphael and others have already joined them. As before, Tatar names are largely traditional Islamic Adel, Aivaz, Alfir, Amir, Bakhtiyar, Vahit, Gabdulla, Daniyar, Jamal, Zarif, Ibrahim, Ilfar, Kabir, Latif, Mahmut, Muslim, Nigmatulla, Rifat, Sagit, Talgat, Farhad, Khairullah, Sharif.

By approximately the same principle as the Tatar ones, beautiful Jewish names. Some of them came from the Bible in the calendar, but not all, and few know the meaning of these words:

  • Ariel is the lion of God.
  • Daniel is my judge - God.
  • Omer is a sheaf of wheat.
  • Uri is a light for me.
  • Eitan is a strong man.
  • Elazar - divine help.

Many Russian mothers are looking for the most beautiful name for their child. The closest attention is paid to American names: Alan, Brandon, James, Kevin, Cameron, Mason and others. But when choosing words that are rare and unusual for our country, you need to remember that the meaning may differ from the sound: for example, Cameron means “crooked-nosed.”

But such incidents are very, very rare; it’s unlikely that anyone would want their son’s name to be something absurd. At the same time, English names today no longer sound pretentious and foreign - they are interesting and modern for our society.

Leon, Robert, Edgar will surprise few people, but others english names- Jack, Dylan, Logan, Ryan, Thomas, Alfie - to the ears of a Russian person, they do not yet go well with Russian patronymics and surnames. So, choosing the most wonderful and unique name, remember: the child should be comfortable living with the name that you choose for him! Author: Olga Inozemtseva

On this page we have tried to collect the largest list of male names. It includes not only old (Russian calendar, Old Russian and Common Slavic), but also new male names.

Male names:

Avangard (new) – unpredictable
August (old) – summer
Augustine (old) – summer
Avenir (old) - from the French. avenir - coming, future
Auxentius (old) - alien "xenos"
Auror / Avrory (new) – son morning dawn
Adam (old) – “from red clay”
Adolf (new) – “noble wolf”
Adonis (old) – ruler
Alevtin (new) – alien to evil
Alexander (old) – protector of people
Alexey (old) – defender
Albert (new) – wise
Albin (new) – “white”
Alfred (new) – good advisor
Anastasius (old) – resurrected
Anatoly (old) – eastern
Andrey (old) – man and protector
Anise / Anisius (old) – sweet-smelling
Anton / Antony (old) – entering into battle
Antonin (old) – kind
Antoine (new) - foreign language reading of Anton
Apollinaris (old) – son of the sun
Apollo (old) – sun god
Argent (new) - from French. argent - silver
Aristarchus (old) – head of the best
Arkady (old) – shepherd or “Resident of Arcadia”
Arnold (new) – first
Arsen (new) – courageous
Arseny (old) – courageous
Artyom / Artemy (old) – unharmed
Arthur (new) – big like a bear
Atheist (new) – not a believer
Afanasy (old) – immortal

Male names:

Bazhen (Old Russian) – saint
Benedict (old) – blessed
Bogdan (slav.) – God given
Boeslav (glorious) – famous in battle
Boleslav (slav.) – more glorious
Borimir (glory) – fighting for peace
Boris (old) – “fighter”
Borislav (slav.) – fighting for glory
Bronislav (slav.) – glorious defender
Budimir (Old Russian) – peace-loving
Bulat (new) – “strong”

Male names:

Vadim (old) – sowing confusion
Valentin (old) – healthy
Valery (old) – strong
Walter (new) – people manager
Vasily (old) – royal
Vasilko (folk from Vasily) – prince
Velimir (slav.) – lord of the world
Velislav (glorious) – illustrious
Velor / Velory (new) - wealthy
Benedict (old) - another reading of Benedict
Benjamin (old) – Hebrew. "Jr"
Victor (old) – winner
Vilen (new) - abbreviation for V.I. LENIN
Vissarion (old) – forest man
Vitaly (old) – vital
Witold (slav.) – forest ruler
Vlad (slav.) – owning
Vladilen (new) - similar to VLADImir LENIN
Vladimir (old, famous) – owner of the world
Vladislav (old, famous) – owner of glory
Vladlen (new) - similar to VLADIMIR LENIN
Warrior (Old Russian) – “warrior”
Voislav (slav.) – “famous in war”
Volodar (Staroslav.) - “lord”
Voldemar / Valdemar (new) - famous ruler
Volmir / Volemir (slav.) – lord of the world
Vsevolod (old, old Russian) – ruler of all the people
Vsemil (slav.) – dear to everyone
Vyacheslav (old, famous) - more than once famous

Male names:

Gabriel / Gavrila / Gavrilo / Gavril (old) – divine warrior
Galaktion (old) – stellar
Harry / Garry (new) – tolerant
Helian / Helium (new) - solar
Genius (new) – “genius”
Gennady (old) – well-born
Georgy (old) – farmer
Herman (old) – native
Gertrud (new) - HERO OF LABOR
Gleb (old, old Russian) – big, tall
Gordey / Gordiy (glorified) – proud
Gorimir (slav.) – “bright world”
Gorislav (slav.) – “bright glory”
Granite (new) – “hard”
Gregory (old) – not sleeping

Male names:

Davyd / David (old) – beloved
Damir (new) – peace-loving
Dan (old) – god of the moon
Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (old) – “God’s judgment”
Dar (new) – “gift”
December (new) – winter
Denis (popularly from the old Dionysius) – god vitality nature
Gerald (new) - another reading of Harald
Joseph (new) - another reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John (new) - another reading of Ivan
Dionysius / Dionysus (old) – god of vegetation
Dmitry / Dimitri (old) – god of fertility
Dobrynya (Old Russian) – good fellow
Donalt (old) – ruler of the world
Donat (old) – strong

Male names:

Evgeniy (old) – noble
Evdokim (old) – well-known
Egor (folk from Georgiy, Egorii) – farmer
Eruslan (Old Russian) – “lion”
Efim (old) – pious

Male names:

Zhdan (Old Russian) – waiting

Male names:

Zakhar (old) – “God’s memory”
Zinovy ​​(old) – “Zeus’ power”
Zoriy (new) – morning

Male names:

Ibrahim (new) - another reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom
Ivan (popular from John) – “God’s gift”
Ignatius / Ignat (old) – unknown
Igor (old, old Russian) – protector of God
Isidore / Sidor (old) – patron of fertility
July (new) – summer

Male names:

Casimir (glory) – announcing peace
Karl (new) – brave
Kasyan (folk from the old Cassian) – empty
Kim (new) - Communist Peace International.
Cyprian (old) - native of Cyprus or copper
Cyrus (old) – lord
Kirill (old) – ruler
Claudius (old) – lame or from the Claudian family
Clement (old) – merciful
Clement / Klim (old) – lenient
Clementius / Clementius (nar. from Clement) – meek
Columbia (new) - "dove"
Kuzma / Kozma (folk from old Kosma) – decorated
Kupriyan (popular from Cyprian) - native of Cyprus or copper

Male names:

Laurel (old) – famous
Lawrence (old) – crowned with laurels
Lazarus (old) – “God’s help”
Larion (folk from Hilarion) – joyful
Leo (old) – “lion”
Leonard (new) - strong
Leonid (old) – son of a lion
Leonty (old) – lion
Luke (old) – “happiness”
Lukyan / Lukyan (old) – happy
We love (Old Russian) – handsome
Lyubomir (slav.) – favorite of the world
Luxen / Lucian (new) - light

Male names:

Mauritius (old) - black
May (new) – warm heart
Maislav / Maeslav (new) – famous in May
Makar / Macarius (old) – happy
Max (new) – majestic
Maxim (old) – majestic
Maximilian / Maximilian (old) – stately
Mily (old) – dear
Miloneg (slav.) – dear
Miloslav (glory) – glory is sweet
Mir (new) – “peace”
Miron (old) – kind
Miroslav (slav.) – winner
Michael / Mikhailo (old) – equal to God
Modest (old) – modest
Moses (old) – drawn from the water
Monolith (new) – unshakable

Male names:

Nazar/Nazarius (old) – dedicated to God
Nathan (old) – bestowed
Nahum (old) – consolation
Neon (old) – brilliant
Neonil (old) – fundamental
Nestor / Nester (old) – returned to his homeland
Nikander (old) - winner of men
Nord (new) - north (ny)

Male names:

Ovid (old) – savior
Odysseus (new) – angry
Octavian (old) - (Roman) - eighth
Oktyabrin (new) – autumn
October (new) – autumn
Oleg (old, old Russian) – saint
Orestes (old) – savage
Osip (folk from Joseph) – multiplied
Oscar (old) – "God's Spear"

Male names:

Pavel (old) – small
Palladium (old) - dedicated to Pallas Athena
Panteleimon / Panteley (old)
Panfil (old) - loving everyone
Peresvet (Old Russian) – light
Peter (old) – “rock” or “stone”
Prokhor (old) - choir director

Male names:

Radium (new) - "radium"
Radim (slav.) – native
Radislav (glory) – glad for the glory
Radomir (slav.) – glad for peace

Male names:

Savva / Sava (old) – desired
Savely (old) – desired
Svet (new) – “light”
Svetlana (slav.) – light
Svetozar (slav.) – bright as dawn
Svetoslav (slav.) – “glory is bright”
Svyatogor (Old Russian) - “holy mountain”
Svyatopolk (Old Russian) – “holy regiment”
Svyatoslav (slav.) – “glory is holy”
North (old) – "north"
Severin (old) – cold
Severyan / Severian (old) – northern
Severyan (new) – northern
Semyon (popularly from the old Simeon) - heard by God in prayer
Seraphim (old) – fiery
Sergey (old) – highly respected
Sigismund (new) - ...
Steel / Steel (new) – hard
Stanislav (glorious) – will become glorious
Stepan / Stefan (old) – “wreath”

Male names:

Taras (old) – restless
Teimuraz (new) - analogue of Timur
Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)
Tryphon (old) – pampered
Trofim (old) – pet

Male names:

Thaddeus / Thaddeus (old) – “praise”
Fevralin (new) – winter
Fedor (old) – God’s gift
Fedor (old) – God’s gift
Felix (old) – successful
Philemon (old) – beloved
Philip (old) – lover of horses
Phlegont (old) - ...
Florenty (old) – blooming
Florenc (new) – blooming
Florin (new) – blooming
Frol (folk from the old Flor) – blooming

Male names:

Khariton (old) – benefactor
Brave (Old Russian) – brave
Christoph (old) - (Christopher) - bearer of Christ

Male names:

Edward (new) – caring for property
Electron (new) - amber
Elbrus (new) – “mountain”
Energy (new) - energetic
Ernest / Ernst (new) – serious

It’s no secret to most of us that a child’s name to some extent determines his character and future destiny. rare and beautiful and their meaning are gaining more and more popularity among modern parents. The range of such names is very wide and the most important thing when choosing it is not to overdo it. It is very important not to forget about the consonance of the last name with the first name. For example, with a typical Russian surname Ivanov, the name Jonathon will look somehow awkward. This point should not be ignored, since during childhood the baby may endure regular ridicule from his peers.

Rare and beautiful names for boys by month:

Traditionally, many parents try to name their son something Orthodox name, and in last years fashion is back old names. The list of such names is very long. If you pick it up by month birth, then you can associate it with name days. Let's take a closer look at what names are suitable for each month and find out their meaning.


In January, people are born who are characterized by difficulties in accepting difficult decisions. And at the same time, they very rarely resort to the help of outsiders, and try to solve all their problems on their own. Most often they live their own lives, but nevertheless they can remain devoted comrades . Names for boys are rare and beautiful born in January:

  • Ignat - calm and peace-loving boys grow up under this name.
  • Emelyan is a name of Orthodox and ancient Greek origin. He is characterized by calmness, balance and efficiency.
  • Makar is happy.

If you are planning to name your son anything short name , then it’s worth stopping at:

  • Mark is Russian name, which translates as “hammer”.
  • Adam is a name of Hebrew origin, translated means “Man”.


February boys are usually called “rain people”, due to their extraordinary tenderness and sensitivity. They are very vulnerable, but at the same time they are the best advisers and parents. They are easily given work that requires increased perseverance and accuracy. Most popular modern names for boys born in February are:

  • Daniel is a name that means “Judgment of God.”
  • Nikanor – Greek name, which translated means “who saw the victory.”
  • Kirill – “little master”.
  • Hippolyte - men who are distinguished by their love for home and special affection for him.
  • Savva is an old man.


In March, rainbow people are born who are endowed with a certain optimism. A unique sense of humor helps them always remain the life of the party. In cases of defeat, they never give up; on the contrary, it pushes them to the next new action. Most Popular Orthodox names for boys born in March:

  • Leo – conscientious;
  • Arkhip - chief of horses;
  • Fedor - God's gift;
  • Nikifor - victorious;
  • Timothy - worshiper of God;
  • Evgeniy - noble;
  • Alexander – defender;
  • Taras - from Greek “to cause confusion.”


April boys are often compared to the wind. They are characterized by energy and dynamism, they do not stay in one place for long. To satisfy their needs, they need regular changes. But this in no way speaks of their frivolity in relationships. On the contrary, they can surprise you with their devotion and fidelity. The most beautiful Russians names for boys born in April:

  • Lazarus - God's help;
  • Georgy is a farmer;
  • Rodion – rose or rose hip;
  • Maxim - the greatest;
  • Terenty – rubbing;
  • Kondrat – square;
  • Nikita is victorious.


May boys are characterized by the word “Dawn”. They feel great in big company. And thanks to their optimism and energy, they can smooth out even the most tense relationships. They cannot be called carefree, because if necessary, they take full responsibility upon themselves. Many are suitable for May boys short names, among which:

  • Kuzma is the organizer of the world;
  • Mark – hammer;
  • Arsen – courageous;
  • Makar – happy;
  • Bogdan – given by God;
  • Gleb is the favorite of the gods;
  • Denis is the god of vitality.


In June, those boys are born who will always have good luck in life. They easily find an approach to opposite sex and enjoy authority among the staff. In addition, June boys are characterized by excellent health. Sometimes they may show absent-mindedness, but in most cases it is caused by a constant movement towards the unknown. Very popular modern names:

  • Elisha – saved by God;
  • Timothy – worshiper of God;
  • Savva is an old man;
  • Mstislav is a glorious avenger;
  • Manuel is the definition of God;
  • Makar – happy;
  • Severin is strict, serious.


Boys born in July are distinguished by leadership qualities. They are characterized by organization and a confident pursuit of their goals. They make decisions quickly and clearly, and never regret them. They can only relax if they are left alone with themselves. Names for July boys are rare and beautiful:

  • Leonty - lion;
  • Gleb is the favorite of the gods;
  • Julian – wavy, fluffy;
  • Herman - the only begotten German;
  • Kuzma is the organizer of the world;
  • Emelyan – affectionate, friendly;
  • Kirill is a little gentleman.


August boys enjoy special trust. If you told them your deepest secret, you can be 100% sure of its safety. They won't share it even with their best friend. Boys born in August are characterized by integrity and do not violate most of these principles. At the same time, they almost always maintain their loyalty and constancy. . The most beautiful Orthodox names for August boys:

  • Cornelius - dogwood berry;
  • Davyd - beloved;
  • Ermolai - speaker of the people;
  • Elizar - God's help;
  • Leonidas - like a lion;
  • Maximilian is the greatest;
  • Lawrence – crowned with laurels.


Boys born in September are distinguished by their mobility. They are often the “life of the party” and there is never a dull moment with them. In just a matter of minutes, they come up with ideas that help brighten up their leisure time. They are not prone to conflict and are too trusting. September boys can be called the following rare Russians names:

  • Samuel – heard by God;
  • Andrian – strong, brave;
  • Bogdan – given by God;
  • Zakhar - God's memory;
  • Theodosius - given by God;
  • Hermann is the only begotten German.


Boys born in October are often associated with birthstone. They easily give in to excitement and strive to experience everything they encounter in life. Everything is always brought to its logical conclusion. You will never see these people get bored. Most Popular Orthodox names for October boys.

When a baby is born, the first thing parents think about is what to name him. It happens that the child is given a name while the mother is pregnant. How to choose a name for a boy so that it brings him happiness? Now it is very fashionable to name children with foreign notes, and simple Russian names have also become very popular. Such as, for example, Ivan, Peter, Dmitry.

In this article we will look at everything beautiful names for boys, including all Russians, foreigners and the most interesting ones.

Whatever the parents name the child, they must consider the following:

Boy's name by season

There is an opinion what time of year When a child was born plays an important role in his future fate.

Required when choosing a name for a boy you need to try to choose one that will go perfectly with his middle name and last name. There should not be too many consonants and it is desirable that the name have the same consonants as the surname and patronymic. For example, Sergey Viktorovich Petrov, Igor Viktorovich Gorbov, Dmitry Alekseevich Nikolenkov, etc.

If it fits well with the last name and patronymic and is easy to pronounce, then it will make it easier for your child to communicate in the future.

Parents who follow new fashionable names, of course, will want to name their child some fashionable name. The list of fashion names changes every year.

In 2017, the most fashionable names for boys are:

Matvey - when translated means Gifted by the Lord. This child really a real gift. He is very calm, does not act up at all without reason, and is always clean and tidy. He always listens to his parents. These boys grow up to be very fair, well-mannered men.

Artem - Unharmed. This is a very smart boy who constantly wants to learn something new. He is very friendly and kind.

Maxim - Great. A very multifaceted child. He either reads books or runs with friends on the street. He is very interested in sports and loves collecting collections. He has many friends and is very sympathetic.

Alexander – translated as Defender. The most popular name that will never go out of style. Alexander is a very good student, always tries to be honest and obey his parents.

Timothy - Worshiper of the Lord. A very gentle child. It’s very easy to offend him; he doesn’t like criticism. At the same time, he is an excellent conversationalist who listens carefully and is always ready to help. This child is very obedient, studies well and does not cause parents much trouble.

Nowadays it is very fashionable to call boys Old Russian names, such as Zakhar, Khariton, Bogdan, Nazar. Anyway, parents need to think about whether it will be very difficult for a child or strange for others.

Names for boys by name day

Previously, children were named after the day of the Angel in church calendar. And it is still believed that this is correct and a child named after his name will have a strong guardian angel and will be healthy and happy.

The only disadvantage of this method of choosing a name is that in the church calendar there are enough small list, from which to choose. In this case, you can name the child with a name that is in the closest dates to the birthday.

The mystery of the name

It's no secret that what was the child's name?, determines the character of a person after birth. Each of them has its own meaning and translation from ancient languages.

Adam is a man

Alexey – defender

Anatoly - sunrise

Andrey – courageous

Anton – fight

Arseny - courageous

Artem – dedicated to the goddess of hunting Artemis

Bogdan – given by God

Valentin is healthy

Valery - be strong

Vasily - royal

Benedict - blessed

Vladimir - reign

Victor is the winner

Georgy - farmer

Gleb - God's Favorite

Gennady - noble

David - beloved

Danil - God is my judge

Dmitry - belongs to Dimetra

Denis - inspirational

Dobrynya - dexterous

Evgeniy – noble

Egor - farmer

Zakhar - life

Ivan - favored by God

Ilya - fortress

Kirill is the owner

Konstantin – permanent

Lion is the king of the animals

Michael - like God

Maxim is great

Nikita is the winner

Nikolai - winner of nations

Oleg is a saint

Pavel is small

Peter - stone

Roman - resident of Rome

Ruslan - lion

Svyatoslav - holy glory

Stanislav - nice

Sergey – highly respected

Timothy - God Worshiper

Timur - iron

Fedor - given by God

Philip – loves horses

Edward - wants to be rich

Yuri - farmer

Yaroslav - strong

Important conditions for choosing a name for a boy

Country where the child lives. This also includes the nationality of the child. To ensure that there are no contradictions between parents and the child integrates normally into the team, you need to take this feature into account and name the child so that it only helps the child in later life.

The affectionate form of the name is also very important. Parents need to think about what they will name their baby. This form of the name doesn't have to be funny or complicated.

If the city in which the child lives is not too numerous, then it is very exotic names It is unlikely that they will be understood by others. Life is much easier for the Alfreds and Emmanuels in huge, densely populated cities.

By month of birth

Beautiful Russian names for boys: list.

Aksentiy Adam Alexander Andrey Anton Aristarkh Arkady Arseny Artyom Arthur Afanasy Bogdan Boris Budimir Bulat Vadim Valentin Valery Vasily Victor Vitaly Vlad Vladimir Vladislav Gabriel Gennady Georgy German Gleb Gregory David Damir Daniil Denis Dmitry Evgeny Egor Zakhar Ivan Ignat Igor Kirill Kuzma Leonid Makar Maxim Miron Oslav Mikhail Modest Nazar Oscar Pavel Peter Svyatoslav Sergey Stanislav Taras Fedor Philip Eduard Yuri Yaroslav Alexey Alfred Anatoly.

Beautiful foreign names for boys:

Renal Leonard Raphael Marcus Spiridon Arthur Daniel Javid Michael Richard Ewald Grant Levon Reval Sanjar Andrian John Martin Samson Akram Dominic Modest Sebastian Benedict Donat Nikon Theodor Wildan Justin Omar Thomas Wiley Witold Iskander Osman Tony Voldemar Irakli Hovhannes Fidan Vissarion Karl Patrick Franz.


For that, so that the child is not ashamed of his name, and wore it with pride and self-confidence, you need to take its choice seriously. The list of names is quite long, but sometimes they say you just need to look at your baby after birth and you will immediately understand his name, your heart will tell you.

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task for moms and dads. I really want the child’s future name to have a beneficial effect on the baby’s fate, to help him throughout life, so that the child’s name does not bring inconvenience.

Today in the arsenal of parents huge amount names for boys, from Orthodox to modern and very unusual. What to name a boy is up to you and your beloved spouse to decide, but of course it’s better to first read some information about the meaning of a boy’s name in order to choose the right one.

Female portal prepared for you full list Russian names for boys, as well as modern and unusual male names. We hope you choose the best one for yourself better name for son!

Auror / Aurorius (new) - son of the morning dawn

Adonis (old) – ruler

Alevtin (new) – alien to evil


Anastasius (old) – resurrected

Russian names for boys starting with the letter B

Bazhen (Old Russian) – saint

Benedict (old) – blessed

Vilen (new) - abbreviation for V.I. LENIN

Vissarion (old) – forest man

Eruslan (Old Russian) – “lion”


Isidore / Sidor (old) – patron of fertility

July (new) – summer

Russian names for boys starting with the letter K

Casimir (glory) – announcing peace

Kuzma / Kozma (folk from old Kosma) – decorated

Kupriyan (folk from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian names for boys starting with the letter L

Laurel (old) – famous

Lawrence (old) – crowned with laurels

Lazarus (old) – “God’s help”

Larion (folk from Hilarion) – joyful

Mily (old) – dear

Miloneg (slav.) – dear

Miloslav (glory) – glory is sweet

Mir (new) – “peace”

Miron (old) – kind

Miroslav (slav.) – winner

Russian names for boys starting with the letter N

Nazar/Nazarius (old) – dedicated to God

Nathan (old) – bestowed

Nahum (old) – consolation

Neon (old) – brilliant

Neonil (old) – fundamental

Nestor / Nester (old) – returned to his homeland

Nikander (old) - winner of men

Nord (new) - north

Russian boy names starting with the letter O

Russian names for boys starting with the letter P



Prokop (Prokofy)


Prokhor (old) - choir director

Russian names for boys starting with the letter R

Radium (new) - “radium”

Radim (slav.) – native

Radislav (glory) – glad for the glory

Radomir (slav.) – glad for peace

Russian names for boys starting with the letter C

Savva / Sava (old) – desired

Savely (old) – desired

Svet (new) – “light”

Svetlana (slav.) – light

Svetozar (slav.) – bright as dawn

Svetoslav (slav.) – “glory is bright”

Svyatogor (Old Russian) - “holy mountain”

Svyatopolk (Old Russian) – “holy regiment”

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Tryphon (old) – pampered

Trofim (old) – pet