Top most interesting hobbies. Unusual hobbies

Work by Painting Lampas

If you think that calligraphy is only hieroglyphs, then you are mistaken. Cyrillic, Arabic, and Hebrew can elevate alphabetic characters to the level of art. And it's always more than drawing. Calligraphy is pure creativity and zen.

Improve your calligraphy skills:

  1. "Ultramarine" is an online magazine about graffiti, street art, design, art and street culture in Russia and abroad. A separate section is devoted to calligraphy.
  2. - website of one of the most popular calligraphers and street artists Nils Möllman, known as Shoe. He is considered the inventor of the calligraffiti style.

2. Doodling and zentangle - irrational painting

This activity is suitable for those who start scribbling as soon as they pick up a writing medium. This is how it is translated from English - “doodle”. This is an irrational drawing style that develops memory and creativity, as well as an independent form of modern art.

Get better at doodling and zentangle:

  • is a well-known site with a huge number of patterns for creating zentangle tiles.
  • Zendoodle- a large community for those who love doodling and zentangle.

3. Marbling - drawing on water

Have you ever looked for weird cloud shapes in the sky? Then this hobby is for you: using insoluble paints, a pattern is created on the surface of the water, and then transferred to paper, fabric or any surface. It turns out very unusual and beautiful, and the process is truly mesmerizing.

There are two main marbling techniques: Persian ebru and Japanese suminagashi. The first is dominated by abstract patterns, while the second is dominated by circular patterns.

Improve yourself in the art of marbling:

  • is an international marbling community with a library, gallery and forum.
  • - a site dedicated to suminagashi and other types of marbling.

4. Freezelight - frozen light

You may have already met strange young people who perform magic with flashlights in front of cameras. These are freezelighters. From the English freeze - “freeze” and light - “light”. The light really seems to freeze in the frosty air when it is shot at a long shutter speed. Using this technique, both beautiful abstractions and integral figurative compositions are created. The main thing is no computer processing.

Level up in freezelight:

  • is a worldwide alliance of light painters.
  • is an original Russian-language art project dedicated to painting with light. On the site you will find video tutorials and a gallery with cool works.

5. Mehendi - henna painting on the body

Ancient eastern tradition, which is again on the wave of popularity in the 21st century. Everything appears more artists, developing in mehendi, and if you are also looking for new forms, then be sure to try drawing henna on the body. Another form of mehendi hobby is photographing in images created on its basis, including in nude style.

Upgrade to mehendi:

  • - online training in henna painting.
  • Nidhi's MehndiART- the author's YouTube channel with video tutorials on mehendi for beginners.

6. Kanzashi - ribbon decorations

Kanzashi is a traditional Japanese hair ornament that women wear with their kimono. In our country this term has acquired a new meaning - kanzashi - and new meaning. Kanzashi is a needlework technique that is used to create beautiful hairpins, brooches and other jewelry. To try yourself in this direction, you will need several satin ribbons, a candle or lighter and a needle and thread.

Upgrade to Kanzashi:

  • is a site where master classes and literature on kanzashi are collected.
  • “Masters Fair” - in the section dedicated to kanzashi, there are many photo and video tutorials.

7. Felting - wool felting

Felting (filting) is a handicraft technique when three-dimensional drawings, toys, panels and others are created from wool. decorative elements. There are several directions: dry, wet felting, nuno-felting. To work, you will need sheep wool, a special needle or soap solution. The hobby is ideal for women and children.

Improve your skills in felting:

  • - a site about felting for beginners with videos and master classes.
  • - a forum section about felting on the most popular site about needlework.

8. Isographics - embroidery on cardboard

In our country this activity is also called thread graphics or simply isothread, and in English-speaking countries - embroidery on paper (“embroidery on paper”). All you need to create in this direction is thick paper and thread. Great for sharing creativity with children.

Upgrade in isographics:

  • “Country of Masters” - this site contains many master classes and examples finished works, including in the technique of thread graphics.
  • « Favorite lesson» - a series of master classes on isothread.

9. Patchwork - patchwork sewing

View applied creativity with centuries-old traditions, when scattered scraps of fabric are transformed into a solid mosaic canvas. Using the patchwork technique (quilting, quilting), you can sew not only a blanket, but a bag or, for example, a toy.

Level up in patchwork:

  • is the blog of Jacqueline Steeves, who simply loves quilting.
  • - patchwork workshop with materials from the paper magazine of the same name.

Hobbies for those who love to cook and draw. This can be done at the same time if you paint gingerbread cookies with icing (special sugar glaze). If you really get carried away and get good at it, you can even make money from it.

Get into gingerbread painting:

  • "Masters Fair" - the most famous in Runet trading platform with handmade goods, where, among other things, master classes on baking and decorating gingerbread are collected.
  • Julia Mylle- author's YouTube channel on gingerbread painting.

11. Brewing - preparing a foamy drink at home

This is a whole science. And many successfully master it right in their kitchens. At first, the result is encouraging: you won’t find tasty beer during the day. But then the process itself drags on.

Improve your brewing skills:

  • "Guide to brewing homemade beer" - detailed guide for newbies.
  • “Russian Wikipedia about home brewing” - all about how to brew a drink from malt and hops on your own.

Recycle translated from English means “reusing things”. This is the name of the environmental direction, which implies waste separation, responsible consumption and energy saving, as well as the direction of applied creativity. Why throw away grandma's old chest of drawers? plastic bottles or if they can be given a second life? Just use your imagination.

Upgrade to recycle:

  • - online publication about in an eco-friendly manner life. The site contains news, articles and tips on how to take care of the planet and live in accordance with the philosophy of minimalism.
  • - on the most creative of all social networks you will find many master classes on repurposing and decorating old things. Request - DIY recycle.

13. Customizing - from jeans to bikes

Customizing is the alteration of clothing. Customizers turn skirts, shirts into dresses, and ordinary T-shirts are turned into designer ones. A hobby for those who always want to be in style, but are not ready to spend a lot of money on clothes.

For men, customization is often expressed in the transformation of motorcycles and cars. Custom bikes are real works of art, and their creators are usually literally passionate about their passion.

Get better at customizing:

  • “Second Street” is a website and community of the same name, where thousands of craftsmen post their work on remaking things and are inspired by each other’s ideas.
  • is a site where there is everything about creating exclusive motorcycles.

14. Modding - transforming equipment outside and inside

The term “modding”, that is, modification, change, is traditionally used in relation to the alteration of computers. The peak of fashion for this hobby came in the mid-2000s. Now smartphones and tablets rule, so they, as well as other gadgets, are being modified. For modern modders it is important not only appearance, but also device performance.

Level up in modding:

  • is a large portal about modding with a forum.
  • is one of the oldest Russian-language sites about this hobby.

A beautiful and unusual hobby for biologists and romantics. In addition to special knowledge, you will need an insectarium, a humidifier, a thermometer and other devices to make the fluttering beauties feel good. But if everything works out, breeding tropical butterflies can become a profitable side hustle.

Get better at raising butterflies:

  • - a detailed tutorial on creating beauty from a cocoon.
  • is an English-language blog from a man who has been raising butterflies for over 30 years.

16. Contemporary - self-expression through dance

This dance direction, combining classical, jazz-modern and oriental art movements (qigong, yoga and tai chi). There are no clear boundaries in it, the main thing is self-expression. Contemporary art teaches you to understand your body, control it and express your inner world through movements.

Level up at the same pace:

  • "" - a site about the history, theory and practice of contempo. A lot of useful information about movements, methods and techniques.
  • is a large English-language website about contemporary dance.

17. Dancehall - music and dance from the heart of Jamaica

This is a music and dance style that grew out of reggae. Dancehall dance is especially popular now. Its dynamics and emancipation captivate you from the first seconds. If you're tired of your routine, need a burst of energy and want to compete in dance battles, this is the hobby for you.

Get pumped up in dancehall:

  • is an Australian website dedicated to Jamaican culture. There is a lot of music, videos and news from the world of reggae and dancehall.
  • is a site where video lessons and information on various dance styles, including dancehall, are collected.

18. Zumba - dance fitness


Born at the intersection of hip-hop, salsa, samba, merengue, mambo, flamenco and belly dance. This trend was invented by Colombian Alberto Perez in the late 1990s. Involved in Zumba maximum amount muscles are not only great time, but also effective method losing weight.

Pump up in Zumba:

  • is the official website of the Zumba fitness brand.
  • - online poster of Zumba events. Here you will find like-minded people, information about parties and master classes.

19. Bookcarving - book carving

Bookcarving is a creation volumetric compositions from multi-page paper manuscripts. Carving translated from English means “carving”, book means “book”. Book carving is popular all over the world, but it requires patience, hard work and accuracy. This is a hobby for diligent people with artistic thinking. The greatest heights in this art were achieved by Brian Dettmer, Nicholas Galanin, Guy Laramie, Kylie Stillman and Robert Te.

Level up in bookcarving:

  • - Brian Dettmer's official website with photographs of the magnificent master's works and videos of his performances.
  • - a selection of articles about book carving in this creative almanac.

20. Bookcrossing - book exchange

Bookcrossing can be called one of the ways of beautiful. The essence is this: a person who has read a book leaves it in some public place(library, cafe, bookstore, metro, etc.). A random passerby picks it up, takes it for himself to read, and in return he “loses” another book somewhere. You can track the movement of books on the project website. Its mission is to popularize reading and careful attitude to nature.

Level up in bookcrossing:

  • is an international bookcrossing website.
  • is a Russian-language website in support of the international book exchange movement.

21. Postcrossing - a postcard from a stranger

Postcrossing is a global project, the essence of which is the exchange of paper postcards. The system gives you a random address, you send a postcard to the person, and then receive it from someone else (one of the schemes). As of 2017, over 676 thousand people from all over the world are registered on the official postcrossing website. People exchanged more than 40 million cards. Postcrossing is very popular in Russia and Belarus, because it is romantic and helps to find new friends.

Level up in postcrossing:

  • is the official website of the project.
  • - Russian-language portal fans of postcrossing.

22. Geocaching - treasure hunt

This is an international tourist game, the essence of which is to find “treasure”. Some players make caches, while others use GPS to search for them. Over its almost twenty-year history, the game has gained millions of fans. The advantage is that you can do this hobby not alone, but with the whole family or a group of friends.

Zlikovec/ massonforstock/

Do you want to feel like a brave Roman legionnaire or a Russian warrior fighting for a prince? Immerse yourself in amazing world historical reconstruction. It is both science and artistic creativity. Some restore ancient equipment and armor, others organize performances. To recreate everything reliably requires deep knowledge and patience. Historical reconstruction has many fans, clubs are created, and various festivals are held.

Level up in historical reconstructions:

  • - official website of the Russian historical society, a portal for professionals and history buffs.
  • - a catalog of historical reconstruction clubs, as well as events related to them.

25. Volunteering - free assistance

Volunteer activities are multifaceted. This is not only work in national parks and at sports and cultural events, but also, for example, helping orphans or homeless animals. You can choose the area of ​​volunteering you like and every day through good deeds you can receive a portion of new knowledge, experience and love.

Level up your volunteering:

  • "European Voluntary Service" is an international volunteer program.
  • “Volunteersrossii.rf” is the main volunteer resource in Russia.

What are you interested in? Tell us about your unusual hobbies in the comments.

Good day, dear students and parents!

Having wandered through the Internet, I found interesting articles about hobbies different people, to which they devote their free time from work, and sometimes their whole lives. Sometimes found favorite hobby absorbs a person so much that it becomes the main one in which the craftsman achieves the highest mastery.

I have selected the top ten, which includes unusual hobbies of people in different countries ah, which seemed to me the most interesting and causing delight and surprise.

Lesson plan:

Wood sculptures

Ancient Chinese occupation Many people are keen, but the master from China Zheng Chunhui was able to build the longest sculpture in the world from solid wood - more than 12 meters. The work, about 3 meters high, was made in the form of a wooden copy of the Chinese painting “Along the River During the Qingming Time,” created more than a thousand years ago.

The author worked for four years, carving rivers, people, animals, forests, boats and even entire villages on wood canvas. As a result, more than 550 human figures settled on the sculpture. For his work, Zheng Chonghui received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records.

Sculptures on pencil

Unusual hobby American artist and sculptor Dalton Getty. For 25 years he has been interested in carving... It's hard to believe - pencil lead!

He has achieved such skill that he makes masterpieces of miniature size from fragile material. Moreover, while working, he does not use magnifying glasses. His working arsenal includes only a blade, sewing needles and a knife.

The most painstaking work to which he devoted two and a half years was a miniature of a pencil with a chain.

Few people believe that it is made from one lead without gluing. How he does it? As Dalton himself says, he never sells his wonderful creations, but gives them to his friends.

Paintings with nails

Each of us imagines how to hammer an ordinary nail, but the British Marcus Levin can not only hammer it into a wall, but also knows how to approach this process creatively, creating artistic masterpieces from building material. At least fifteen thousand nails and one hammer are all that the master needs so that in three days – at most a month – the next work of art will be born.

Their iron paintings Marcus “draws” by hand like any other artist, without preliminary sketches. Pioneer of this artistic direction under the name “Nail sculpture” I began to enthusiastically engage in a hobby since 2005. Today, his favorite activity brings the artist a good income - his paintings are successfully sold, and at a price of about $40,000.

Sand drawings

American surfer Jim Denevan has a unique hobby, which, alas, is short-lived - he paints his amazing paintings on the beach sand.

During his 18 years of creativity, he used rakes and wooden sticks to decorate more than a hundred beaches around the world. Begins creative process immediately after low tide, so that by the time the sea water returns, the drawing will be ready.

While creating sand paintings Jim does not resort to measuring instruments or mathematical calculations of distances, doing everything “by eye”, as his heart tells him. You would feel sorry for the work that is swallowed at high tide sea ​​wave? But the artist has a philosophical attitude towards the process of nature’s destruction of his works, calling it an integral part of creativity.

You can see works of sand art only during their creation or already in photographs.


There are craftsmen in Russia too. Thus, the modern Tula “Lefty” Nikolai Aldunin is interested in creating tiny metal miniatures.

Being a mechanic by training, he achieved such skill that he was able to make a rifle the size of a grain of rice, shod a flea with gold shoes under a microscope, placed a golden saddle on it, placed camels in the eye of a needle and placed a T-34 tank on the longitudinal sections of an apple seed. and the Ostankino tower with a height of 6.3 mm.

Metal embroidery

Many girls know how to cross-stitch, stitch by stitch, laying out the details of a fabric picture. But the Lithuanian craftswoman Severija Insirauskaitė is interested in metal embroidery.

To do this, she takes a man's tool - a drill, makes holes, and then cross-stitches the patterns. Her creative collection includes beautifully decorated buckets and shovels, car hoods and doors.

Card pieces

Playing cards - not very good useful activity, but the playing pictures themselves can be very useful if you start building.

American Bert McLain became a famous architect thanks to playing cards, from which he built a five-story house at the age of 5. If you have enough patience, you can try your hand at building at least a three-story building. But the talented Bert honed his skills by building pyramids and copies of American skyscrapers from maps. His hobby led him to world fame.

The Saudi Arabian government commissioned Burt to build a card replica of the royal high-rise complex. In a month and a half and a fee of 1.5 million dollars, the card builder built an object 15.3 meters long and 3.5 meters high, using 4,351 decks of cards.


This is the art of growing plants and trees of a certain shape in order to create natural sculptures from them.

This hobby can be boasted by the spouses Peter Cook and Becky Northey, who began their work by growing a wooden chair, directing the growth of trees in a given trajectory. For their work, sculptors use garden plum and bird cherry.

They do not tell their secret of painstaking intervention in nature, creating intricate images year after year.

Star fever

Who has any hobby, but the British Paul Yarrow will spend his day in vain if he doesn’t flash in the background during television filming.

His bald head and corpulent body, invariably dressed in a beige sweater, have become so familiar to viewers of the famous TV channels Sky News, BBC, Channel 4, ITV and others that reporting without the usual “behind the scenes” worker is already losing its appeal. Paul's unusual passion for always being on camera made him a TV star.

Riding on attractions

American old man Vic Clement, aged about 80, prolongs his youth with his hobby. Do you think so?

He gets an emotional ride on a roller coaster, flying at breakneck speed at least 20 times during each visit to the amusement park. The extreme sports enthusiast counted about 4,000 flights high into the air, confirming his records with saved receipts. Vic set an absolute record on the wooden Jack Rabbit attraction, riding as many as 90 times in one sitting.

These are the most unusual hobbies from people from different countries. By the way, this interesting information can be used to develop unusual school project. Do you agree?

What do you do in your free time from studying? Tell us in the comments and maybe someone will tell you about you in their research project.

Good luck in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Each of us likes to relax after a hard day and just relax. Many people prefer to do this in front of the TV while watching their favorite movies or at the computer playing games, while others even relax lying in silence on a soft sofa. But there are people for whom such leisure is unacceptable and they try to be creative in planning their free time.

It is known that there are a huge number of competitions, the main ones actors in which there are dogs. They are assessed according to different criteria, namely:
- appearance;
- physical form;
- level of training, etc.
It is also known that there are quite unusual competitions where owners try to surprise the jury with an original haircut for their pet.

Often representatives modern society are observant. They carry a notebook with them, try to notice unusual and useful details, or simply to plan their daily routine. But there are also those who make observation an unusual hobby. They keep strange statistics in a notebook, they can write down the numbers of regular buses, their route and approximate time of arrival.

This is probably a bit of a strange topic to talk about, but still, most people find lumps of fur from clothes in their navel after wearing them for a long time. And 99.9% of people don’t care about this. But not just one man who decided to collect hairballs in special containers. By the way, he started this hobby back in 1984.

Pavel Luka has not been able to live a day without milk since childhood. The man collected great amount bottles and carefully stores them in a special building. To date, the number of containers has exceeded 10,000.

There are also people who are fond of handicrafts, but the material used is not wood, metal or plastic, but soap, and they make very attractive figurines and souvenirs from it.

Some people enjoy stranger things. For example, there are people who enjoy climbing a rock with ironing board, and then iron your things to perfection at a great height.

In the UK, a group of young people decided to hold a mooing competition every year. On a certain day, many competitors gather and demonstrate that they can moo no worse than cows.

But there is more creative people who use the cassette film for other purposes and make masterfully beautiful paintings out of it. Among the main properties of cassette tape is elasticity, and thanks to this, real masterpieces are obtained.

Surely many of you have not heard of a guy named Chuck Lamb. He was nicknamed "the dead guy" because his hobby is very strange and probably the most shocking of all. He imitates own death while being in places large cluster of people. Initially, the guy dreamed of becoming an actor, but he was bad at memorizing the text. The man was not at a loss and decided to make his dream come true in an unusual way.

Imagine that you live in an African country and have never held snow in your hands, but you really want to build a snowman. Some people find a way out and fashion it out of mud, but this is not the most unusual thing. After the mudball is ready, it starts the most important process polishing to perfect smoothness. Abroad, many consider such balls to be a work of art and purchase them as room decoration for decent money.

Must have a hobby. Simply because it is much better than hanging aimlessly on the Internet or in front of a TV screen.

Some people like to read books, others cross-stitch, and my neighbor changes her dog’s hairstyle almost every month. This is also a kind of addiction. But people have such interests that you’ll be amazed. Well, that’s their worldview.

The most unusual hobbies in the world

If you don’t yet have a favorite hobby, I advise you to take a closer look at the ones listed below, and suddenly something will interest you. And soon you will become a famous master.

Strange haircuts on cats and dogs

It turns out that this is the most amazing hobby in the world, or almost the most.

There are even such competitions. I wonder how the animals themselves feel about everything that is happening?

If you decide to cut your cat's hair for the summer, maybe you should think about it, does he need it?

Amazing masterpieces and sculptural compositions from pencils

This was first invented by Dalton Getty. And currently famous sculptor for pencil figures - Jennifer Maestre. The peculiar vision of starfish and urchins became her inspiration.

There are eccentrics who love to draw abstractions and simply beautiful pictures on the sand.

This is understandable about sand castles, but what a pity to say goodbye to such beautiful paintings, depicted on the yarn.

Their lifespan is until high tide. Beauty is so short-lived. I suggest experimenting on your next vacation.


Try making unusual, even futuristic figures from twisted strips of paper.

Even Queen Elizabeth enjoys this in her spare time. Some of her work can be seen in London's Victoria and Albert Museum.

An interesting feature of this hobby is that masterpieces created using this technique can be used in everyday life, as all kinds of stands and decorative elements. The service life is very long. Shapes and colors remain colorful and durable for a long time.

Many people love to embroider with beads, and weaving entire houses with furniture and accessories or vases with flowers from colorful colored beads is already for fans of this hobby.

Sculptor Lisa Lowe makes masterpiece installations from beads. The most famous is the “Kitchen”; all the items are unique in themselves. She spent almost 5 years and 30,000,000 beads on weaving!

Cutting figures from soap

Some people love to make soap, while others love to cut amazing figures out of it.

It’s very beautiful and, most importantly, the good thing is that everyone can choose such a favorite activity. Even if it doesn’t turn out beautifully the first time, all the waste will be used. Interesting to try.

Have you chosen something you like?

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Human hobbies today are limitless, it’s hard to argue with that. We have already told you about many of them, but there are still some hobbies that, due to their novelty and sometimes even unusualness, many of you have not even thought about! And today we will tell you about them in detail!


One of the most interesting and exciting hobbies today is geocaching. This hobby has a huge number of varieties and forms. Depending on the scale of a particular game - a competition to find a treasure, not only very wealthy individuals, but also quite ordinary people can engage in geocaching.

We have already mentioned a little about its essence. In more detail, the whole point of the game is to find a treasure buried somewhere. As a rule, several teams take part at once, and the team that finds the treasure first is the winner. If we talk about the scale of the game, geocaching is played both at the city level and at the the whole country or even peace!

To practice geocaching, any beginner will have to acquire the necessary knowledge about the features of the game and skills, as well as necessary equipment. You can read more about geocaching .


Bookcrossing is rightfully one of the most , which, although poorly developed, has still found hundreds and thousands of admirers around the world. Its essence lies in the fact that a person, having read a particular book, marks it in a special way and leaves it in any accessible place. Next, the coordinates of this book are posted on a forum or bookcrosser portal, which allows another person to find it and carry out the same manipulations in the future.

The main idea of ​​this hobby is to support the worldwide circulation of books. Admirers of this hobby firmly believe that someday it will take on impressive proportions and will be able to turn the whole world into one big library.


Literal translation from English. Slacklining sounds like "walking on a line." The whole main essence of such a hobby, the level which depends on the length of the sling (cable) and the height of its attachment, consists in the practice of balancing, moving along a sling (usually nylon or polyester) stretched between two stationary objects (stations).

The level of difficulty of passing the “track” directly depends on the width and structure of the line. The degree of line tension can be adjusted based on the preferences of a particular slackliner, based on his level of training and experience.

There are many forms of slacklining today. There is even a stunt slackline, the essence of which is not in the usual walking and balancing on a sling, but in performing technically and physically difficult tasks. on a tight rope, requiring the line walker to have serious physical training and experience in such an extreme hobby.

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