Yuri Loza made Runet laugh with statements that the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin do not know how to sing and play. Yuri Loza made social networks laugh with a statement about the mediocrity of the Rolling Stones But the majority are also sometimes mistaken, true

Musician Yuri Loza believes that journalists misinterpret his words about Western musicians, but at the same time continues to evaluate them. So, in an interview with the Latvian radio station Baltkom, Loza said that Jimi Hendrix was a weak guitarist, but still remains a legend. The interview was conducted by Andrey Leshkevich and Vadim Radionov.

Baltkom: Internet media in Lately pay great attention your statements, the comment about Gagarin was no exception, does the Internet correctly reflect your position?

Vine: Of course not. Journalists need a scandal, so they distort everything, turn it upside down. I just said that compared to today's cosmonauts and what they do, Gagarin did nothing special except be the first to fly into space. And he is the great Gagarin, because he did it first. He was in the same spacesuit, practically immobilized, nevertheless he opened the way to space. This is what I said. A The Beatles Got into right time to the right place. I think that if the same Beatles, who received a flurry of popularity in 1963, had appeared ten years later, then nothing like this would have happened. This happens in history. The Beatles got into the development of television. They were the first to step into every home with the advent of these boxes. The same thing happened to Elvis Presley, who, with the advent of radio stations, entered every home a decade earlier. So it is with all innovations. The first people to play electronic instruments became stars. Like Jean-Michel Jarre, for example. And those who play electronic instruments today can no longer achieve such popularity, because this is a passed stage. That's what I said.

Baltkom: How do you generally feel about this kind of media popularity that haunts you after famous sayings about The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, positive or negative?

Vine: This is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, no one hears what I’m saying, everyone is distorted and distorted. I simply said that the technical level of these musicians is very low - compared to those musicians who play today. This doesn't apply to music, they wrote great music, they created styles, directions, I’m not discussing that. I'm just saying that if we are discussing, for example, Jimi Hendrix, then he played poorly. However, he is the first to discover such a screaming, screaming, crying guitar. But everything turns upside down, and my phrase can be presented in such a way that Loza called Hendrix a bad guitarist. It’s hard for me to fight with journalists, they have an advantage over me, they give it all away, and then I have to justify myself. The last thing that was said was that I allegedly have something against group Deep Purple. Bullshit. They asked me on the show if I would go to their concert, I said I wouldn’t go. They asked me why, I replied that my two favorites are from Deep Purple, the ones I actually listened to and considered one of the greatest musicians, it's Jon Lord, who died of prostate cancer, and Blackmore, who is currently working on his own project, they won't come, and it turns out that this is not exactly the lineup that I would like to see. Immediately at some press conference they approached Deep Purple and shoved it on their mobile phone some song of mine, and they said - you know, this musician called you shit. Wow, the journalists were completely blown away. They, of course, replied that they didn’t know such a musician, how could he say that, let him listen, and so on. A news story and a bomb are made out of nothing.

Baltkom: Has Internet popularity affected your musical activity, are you writing new songs, are listeners and the music industry interested in them?

Vine: I became a radio host, I have my own blog, and on Sundays I broadcast for an hour on the radio." TVNZ" I comment on a lot of things, I constantly invite journalists, although lately I feel like it less and less. There have been many more requests for help to promote ourselves and to give money, this has really increased. Nothing has changed materially, songs have been written and are still being written, books are being written, publications are being published on networks. Nothing in life has changed, only the number of requests for help has increased. But I can’t help everyone, I’m not omnipotent.

Earlier, in an interview with Zvezda, Loza compared the planet's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin with by The Beatles, noting that Gagarin "did nothing." “You understand what's going on. Gagarin was the first. Gagarin did nothing, he lay there. He is the first most important cosmonaut. The Beatles were the first to be in the right place at the right time,” said the musician. In March of this year, Loza took part in Zakhar Prilepin’s “Salt” program, where he spoke critically about some Western musicians. In particular, Loza said that The Rolling Stones “have never tuned their guitar in their entire lives,” and band leader Mick Jagger “hasn’t hit a single note.” Loza’s remarks sparked a heated debate online.

Yuri Loza commented on the website about the scandal surrounding his critical statements about world music legends.

“80% of what Led Zeppelin sang is impossible to listen to, because it is played and sung poorly... The Rolling Stones have never tuned their guitar in their entire lives, and Jagger has never hit a single note, but what can you do. Keith Richards couldn’t play then, and he still can’t play now.”

Yuri Loza

After an angry attack on the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin (on the air of the “Salt” program on REN TV), Yuri Loza became a real hero of the Internet. A couple of days after the fame fell on him, the “helmsman” criticized Mozart and Zemfira. With a request to announce the entire list of claims, we turned to Yuri on Skype: on his “small raft” he sailed all the way to New York!

Hitting “everyone”

- Yuri, what happened? Why are you so angry? Everyone was offended, even Emil Dimitrov was called “garbage.”

– I voiced my opinion. The presenter Zakhar Prilepin asked a question about my likes and passions - I answered. I have the right? But some dishonest comrades took and pulled quotes from my statements, compiled them and presented them in an ironic way - “great thoughts of great people.” Readers and subscribers attacked me, but no one bothered to look into it.

- This is, of course, terrible. But I personally, however, have always believed that it’s either good or not good about colleagues. Kirkorov should have been crying with envy: everyone is not discussing his new show, but your attack on “everyone.”

– Every medal has two sides. Someone tried to put me in a negative light and made me the most popular blogger. I became a media occasion!

- Cool mix!

- Offers started pouring in. They are ready to accept me as a presenter, commentator, expert in places where I didn’t even expect! Somewhere they even offered to become a staff columnist. I jumped up onto a step that I never expected to see myself on! Me on "Rain" the other day on " Round table"invited.

The Rolling Stones are far from Loza... / Twitter

– But “Rain” is not “patriots”, not “ours”!

– What I mean is that even those who are against me are trying to hear what I say. This is significant. My blog appeared on the radio - just talk, talk, everyone is interested.

Against Makarevich and Alibasov

– In the same program “Salt” you said about yourself: “I am a piece of goods.” But not everyone agrees. Even Alibasov, with whom you once started together, allowed unkind things to be said about you.

- You are kind of strange. People ask Alibasov about music... And what did he say, by the way?

- That your raft sank.

– Alibasov was never a musician. He played a little drums in his youth. When I brought him the song “Raft”, it was in “Integral”, he said that the song was g... If a person does not recognize a potential hit, how can we even talk to him about music? When I came to the Ust-Kamenogorsk Philharmonic, Alibasov was directing amateur performances there at the Metallurgists' Palace of Culture - a run-of-the-mill little club on the outskirts, the team played inarticulate music. With my arrival, they began to represent something of themselves. The whole rise of Integral began with my appearance in this team. And Alibasov set up the lights, organized tours and sold tickets.

– Makarevich took himself outside the scope of our community, calling all his colleagues “worms.” What should I talk to him about? I express my point of view, he – his.

Shevchuk doesn't understand

– Shevchuk is closer to me. And he recently said: “The time is now, you can become a hero or a scumbag in one minute.” Do you agree?

– There are always two points of view on every event. In the eyes of the defenders of Donbass, the people who bring them humanitarian aid are heroes. In the eyes of those who consider Donbass separatists, they are accomplices of the separatists.

Anna Netrebko helped Donetsk theater. Everyone turned on her western world. Is she a hero or an anti-hero? Shevchuk doesn’t understand this, he abandoned the image, but the image needs to be deciphered and explained to people.

– His remark “It is very important not to add evil to this world”, in my opinion, does not require decoding.

- Guys, there is a philosophy of Leopold the cat - “let's live together.” Near the Ukrainian school, young people are jumping and shouting: “Moskalyak to Gilyak.” I am a Muscovite, they say: “We will hang you.” Should I hug them? The philosophy of Leopold the cat does not apply here.

– Do you remember the cartoon about Little Raccoon? He was angry, walked with a stick, and an evil monster looked at him from the lake. But when I smiled at my reflection, I saw the same cute character.

“But they were the ones with the stick—not me!”

Quoted Stalin

– Are you planning to go into politics?

“I’ve been offered this for a long time.” I consulted with my family and decided it wasn’t necessary. I will have to vote in accordance with party discipline, as the party leaders tell me. What if I disagree? I'll have to vote against my own.

– You once said in an interview: “Russia is imperfect, but if we don’t have another, we should accept this one.” Maybe we shouldn’t accept it, but rather try to fix something?

– I practically quoted Stalin. In response to the remark of one of his officials, “Well, that’s the kind of people we have!” he once remarked: “I have no other people for you!” It must be corrected through systematic, thoughtful steps. It's very easy to break. It's hard to build. I once lived near the pool on the site of the first Cathedral of Christ the Savior. I always thought: wow, the majestic structure was destroyed in order to dig a hole for the pool. These are incommensurable things.

Do you want to overthrow this government? Do you have another, better one?

– But what about the officials who stole from us - after all, they are also Russia?

– I have always proposed to reduce the difference between the poor and the rich. How to reduce it is a topic for a separate, long conversation. Let's quickly ask your questions, I have to get on the plane.

– Yes, I forgot to ask: what are you in New York for?

– A line from your own song: “let’s forgive our enemies.” Maybe we can at least let Savchenko go?

- Complete nonsense. Okay, I have to go.

Once one of the most popular singers Russian stage Yuri Loza has not tired of surprising the public lately. His statements are often so bold that they come as a real shock to many. There are a variety of speculations online about what Loza is saying. Some suggest that the musician has obvious problems and should turn to specialists, while others argue that the extraordinary surge in Yuri Eduardovich’s activity is ordinary PR, otherwise Loza artificially attracts attention to himself with loud and public-stimulating statements.

One of the most high-profile scandals with Loza is his recent statement regarding the great Russian cosmonaut, pioneer, conqueror of space and the pride of Russia - Yuri Gagarin. Judging by the words of Yuri Loza, he does not consider Gagarin’s merits to be significant at all. In an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, the singer said: “You understand what’s going on. Gagarin was the first. Gagarin did nothing, he lay there. He is the first most important cosmonaut.” He also compared Yuri Gagarin to the group Beatles and took credit cult group and the first cosmonaut only because they were at the right time and in the right place. Concerning The Beatles, then Loza claims that their success is due to the fact that it was at that time that televisions appeared in every home and therefore they were the first musicians that everyone heard. If they had appeared 10 years earlier or 10 years later, the Beatles would not have become so famous.

Over the past few months, Yuri Loza has managed to question the successes and merits of many people and musical groups. For example, the singer said about The Rolling Stones, that they “have never tuned a guitar in their entire life,” and the leader of this group Mick Jagger“I didn’t hit a single note.” ABOUT Jimi Hendrix Loza said that he “played weakly.” He also accused the band’s musicians of unprofessionalism. Led Zeppelin: “80% of what Led Zeppelin sings is unlistenable because it’s played and sung poorly.”

Yuri Loza about Shnurov: “People don’t go to Shnur’s concerts for the music and songs. This is a stage bum, and his supposed aesthetics are a violation of prohibitions. He creates the illusion that he is trying to cross the line. If he just sings, people won't understand him. But fans go to concerts to watch him puke or strip naked. There’s a lot of swearing there, and everyone owns swearing, it can’t be a work of art.”

About Lazarev and Eurovision: “I can wish him to lose. Fail with a bang so as not to drag this competition to Russia. Once was enough for us! I spat when I watched. What's Russian about Lazarev?! Except for the last name... The song was written for him by the Swedes, the lyrics by the British. She will sing in English... This is a competition for an Irish housewife. Why do we need him at all?!”

About Mozart: “He has 20% original, very beautiful, brilliant works. Otherwise he quoted himself. Rossini is the same.”

About Zemfira: “Well, they tell me that Zemfira has collected 60 thousand... Of the 15 million people living in Moscow, 60 thousand are elitist-minded comrades who think that they understand the meaning of Zemfira’s songs - this is within the statistical error. There’s no need to make a mountain out of a mountain!”

Yuri Loza for the most a short time became one of the most scandalous stars Russian stage. The musician himself makes excuses and claims that all his supposedly scandalous messages are distorted by journalists, although in fact he meant something completely different and did not try to insult or humiliate any of those named: “Journalists need a scandal, so they twist everything, turn everything upside down.” head. I simply said that compared to today's cosmonauts and what they do, Gagarin did nothing special except be the first to fly into space. And he is the great Gagarin, because he did it first. He was in the same spacesuit, practically immobilized, yet he opened the way to space.”

Now Loza is in the top news. Some people laugh at Loza’s statements, while others were truly offended, for example, Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov called the musician an asshole. Appeared on the well-known platform Change.org new petition, with a call for no less than to ban the musician from any creative and concert activities. The author and users who signed the petition explain their decision by saying that the singer allows himself to make narrow-minded and stupid statements that discredit the honor and dignity of people. “This “personality” dared to challenge the achievements of the first cosmonaut of the earth, Yuri Gagarin, saying that he did nothing, but just lay there. This insults not only the patriotic feelings of Russian citizens, but also all people who are in one way or another related to astronautics!” the petition says.

Show business stars cannot recover from the death of 47-year-old former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki” Oleg Yakovlev. The singer died suddenly on the morning of June 29 in one of the capital’s clinics. Words of condolences are addressed to Oleg’s loved ones. However, some of Yakovlev's colleagues reacted differently to the news of his death. Thus, singer Yuri Loza decided to speak out about the group’s creativity “ Ivanushki International"in general and Oleg Yakovlev in particular. According to Loza, early death young artists is due to the fact that they do not care about their health, and to name them creative personalities In general, it’s possible with a stretch.

“Somehow they have some kind of pestilence on the team. The second soloist leaves. I know several examples where pop artists did not care about their health. Sashka Barykin - the same situation. He was told to lie down, he went on tour. You need to think with your head a little, it doesn’t happen iron men. Zhenya Belousov- they also told him: take care of yourself, take care of your health, the doctors said. All the time we hope for chance. It’s a pity when people, out of the blue, make such problems for themselves,” Loza said in an interview with Izvestia.

In addition, Yuri Loza stated that the soloists of the group “Ivanushki International” are absolutely mediocre: “For me, the question of creativity is connected with the fact that a person has created something. Matvienko created for them, Shaganov created for them. They are performers. All three have always been absolutely mediocre when it comes to creativity. These are just normal guys, good ones. I treat them very well. But there is no need to mix them with creativity. They were assigned numbers, wrote songs, and selected them according to their types. And Yakovlev was selected according to his type. He left, but nevertheless one must understand that he was needed as a type in himself. Let's be honest, what did he write? What did he create? Gotcha to the right person at the right time. He flashed his face, and it came in handy. This doesn't mean he did anything great. He was born - that’s it.”

Let us remind you that former soloist group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died on June 29 early in the morning in one of the capital’s clinics. The artist's common-law wife reported this Alexandra Kutsevol. “Today at 7:05 the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, passed away... How can I live without you now?.. Fly, Oleg! “I’m always with you,” the girl wrote on her microblog on Instagram.

Two days before the tragedy, the singer was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia. Organ edema occurred against the background of liver cirrhosis. According to doctors, the musician’s condition was critical, so he was immediately connected to a ventilator. However, it was not possible to save Yakovlev’s life.

Oleg Yakovlev joined the group "Ivanushki International" in 1997, replacing the deceased Igor Sorin. Together with Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev, Oleg Yakovlev recorded the song “ Poplar fluff”, which instantly soared to the top of the charts. In 2013, the artist decided to leave the group and concentrate on his solo career.

Oleg Yakovlev with his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol


“I understand what buckets of dirt will be poured on me now,” Loza noted and continued: “But, let’s say, 80% of what Led Zeppelin sang is impossible to listen to, because it is played and sung poorly.” “At that time everything was accepted, everything was liked”

Soviet and Russian singer, composer and songwriter Yuri Loza, whose popularity came in the 80-90s of the last century, criticized the musicians of legendary Western groups for “the inability to sing and play,” which caused a flurry of mocking comments from bloggers. On the air of the “Salt” program with Zakhar Prilepin on the REN TV channel, the author of the hit “Raft”, answering the question of whether the music he loved in his youth “sticks out”, admitted that it “has gone through a serious filtering of skill.”

Noting that he himself “can do a lot, knows a lot,” Loza said that he cannot listen to many groups that he liked before, because “as a professional” he understands that it was done “badly, crookedly and askew.” “I understand what buckets of dirt will be poured on me now,” Loza noted and continued: “But, let’s say, 80% of what Led Zeppelin sang is impossible to listen to, because it is played and sung poorly.” “At that time, everything was accepted, everything was liked,” he complained.

Other famous people got it from Loza Western groups. Thus, he stated that “The Rolling Stones have never tuned a guitar in their entire lives, but Jagger (band leader Mick Jagger - approx. website) didn’t hit a single note, but what can you do.” “Keith Richards couldn’t play then, and he still can’t play now. But there is a certain drive, some kind of buzz in this. Many people project their youth onto these groups, but they were very weak,” says the Russian singer.

(Statements about the “crooked and oblique” Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones from 26:39)

"Jimmy Page and Keith Richards shot themselves"

Loza’s words prompted hundreds of reposts and comments, most of them ironic - both kindly mocking and obviously offensive. For example, famous radio producer, television and radio host Mikhail Kozyrev posted excerpts from Loza’s statements on his blog, sarcastically titling the post "Deep Thoughts of Great Men".

Leader of the Time Machine Andrey Makarevich reacted rather rudely: “That’s the problem. But our Yura can do everything - but no one needs him.”