What to do if you can't find a job for a long time. Can't find a job: what to do

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has encountered difficulties associated with.

Sometimes these searches can take longer weeks, months, or even years.

A person can sit idle and not understand why this is happening.

But nothing happens just like that, and there are also reasons for this. Difficulties that accompany the entire period of the search, are unbearable. A person cannot stand it, breaks down and can fall into the real one. So how to avoid such a state?

The main causes of unemployment

Why can't a person find a job?

There are many reasons why a person cannot find a job.

Sometimes we don't even notice how doing something wrong, which then leads to a negative result. There are a number of main reasons why the applicant will not find something that suits him.

  1. Wrong resume. A fairly common mistake most applicants make. Some lazy people just download and download a resume template from the Internet, slightly altering it, adding facts about themselves. Of course, for an employer, especially an experienced one, this is noticeable. He may decide that you have no imagination, you are running from difficulties and do not know how to find the right approach.

    It is also necessary that only real facts and real work experience be indicated in the resume.

    No need to lie and attribute imaginary achievements to yourself, believe me, everyone will quickly find out whether this is true or not. You also need to make sure that there are no spelling and punctuation errors, no one needs an illiterate employee. Dryly listed facts, banal clichés and phrases that have already been seen a hundred times, also do not impress anyone.

  2. Not the ability to present and sell yourself. A person who is interested in getting a place must be able to present himself and, in fact, sell himself. As we know, salespeople are good and bad. So, the second option has no chance. Therefore, if you do not know how to show yourself and your strengths, briefly explain why you are the best and why you need to be hired, your chances are rapidly flying down.
  3. You behave incorrectly and unprofessionally at the interview. The interview is the most basic and important stage on which the final decision will be made. And if you showed yourself as an insecure person who cannot speak and is not ready for questions, then this is not a plus for you.
  4. . Such people are immediately visible, they do not cause much sympathy. Therefore, if your insecurity is too noticeable, then you must be a very good specialist in order to interest the employer, otherwise your chances are very small.
  5. Unflattering remarks towards the past boss. A fairly common interview question is “why did you leave your previous job.”

    If you are asked about this, then in no case should you speak badly about your previous employer, even if you really had a bad time there.

  6. Inappropriate attire for an interview. At the interview, you need to try to look neat and not allow yourself to do anything superfluous. This does not mean that you need to wear an office suit. But, for example, if you love very short miniskirts and long hairpins in your life, you should not go to an interview in this outfit. Everything should be restrained and in moderation.
  7. Lack of experience. No matter how sad it may sound, but most employers need employees with experience. If you don't have enough experience for the position you're looking for, chances are you'll keep hearing rejections.
  8. You are looking for the perfect job. You must clearly understand that chasing is very difficult. You may not even find the place that will fully meet all your conditions. Determine what is most important to you.
  9. The desire to receive a lot and at once. Of course, the applicant will first look at the proposed salary level. But you need to understand that it may not be possible to immediately receive a lot of money.

    Therefore, if you are chasing a high salary here and now, then the search may be delayed.

  10. Your job search method is passive and old-fashioned. If you, having sent one response to a vacancy, expect a miracle, then you will not wait for it. In this case, you need to be active. It is worth using all the resources. If you are looking for a job in newspaper ads, then you need to add to the sources and the Internet. It may be worthwhile to call a number of prestigious companies on your own and find out if they have a suitable vacancy for you.

  11. You don't take any job. If your financial situation is difficult and you urgently need a job, but for some reason you cannot find an acceptable option for you, it may be worth considering others. If you consider that there are a number of "shameful" professions, then your search can take a very long time.

If the job search has dragged on and is not leading to anything good, then you should pay attention to a number of specific recommendations that can help you.

There is a desire, but there is no opportunity

I want to work, but I can't find a job. Depression! What to do?

It happens that a long job search leads a person to a real depression. If you feel this way, then maybe you should seek professional help.

Gather with all your strength and continue your search. Set priorities for yourself and determine what is most important to you in your work. Maybe you pay more attention to options that are not right for you.

Listen to yourself, maybe you really are not so eager to work as you think. Make every effort to search, be active.

Looking for a job not only on one resource: look for vacancies on the Internet, in newspapers and ads, call companies on your own. Only by doing something, you can get a result.

If the search dragged on for a long time

For a long time, more than a year, I can’t find a job: what should I do?

If the search has been going on for more than a year, then you should think about it - maybe you are looking for not where it should or not.

Decide what is most important to you in the desired position.

Make a list of your desires and study them carefully, maybe your demands are too high? Some may need to be abandoned. Not all employers can offer you everything at once, so you should consider that you will have to sacrifice something.

If you are looking at vacancies in any one direction, think about how to expand the circle of searches. Maybe you have some special skills or you are burning with desire learn and learn new things.

Perhaps you should seek the help of a specialist who will analyze your resume and your wishes, and tell you how to proceed.

Try to be as active as possible. Do not sit still, expand your searches. Maybe it's only in your city that it's so bad with work or these temporary difficulties and the desired vacancy is about to appear.

Temporarily take a job wherever you may or may not want to work, but never stop looking for the job of your dreams.

Difficulties in finding a job after graduation

I can’t find a job after university: why is it so difficult and what to do?

Today, get a prestigious position immediately after graduation pretty hard.

After all, most employers want people with more experience.

Students, in order to somehow avoid this, need to look for a suitable vacancy even in the learning process. But even this option does not always work. Usually young people are skeptical.

Many people think that they irresponsible, windy and fickle. Therefore, some serious companies do not want to deal with them. Although it is believed that young professionals are highly valued.

First of all, don't give up. It is worth trying yourself wherever possible. At the interview, you need to confidently show the future employer that you have potential.

He must understand that you may not have enough experience, but you are very capable, learn quickly and grasp everything on the fly.

Do not expect immediately to a prestigious position. Try to get some internship. Perhaps it will be unpaid, but it will bring the necessary experience.

It's hard to find a job in your specialty: what to do?

If your specialty is not in demand this makes it very difficult to get a job.

Might be worth thinking about change of activity.

Now it is not necessary to go to university again, now there are many courses which may be very useful in the future.

Responsibly approach this matter and study the question: when the specialists of your profession ceased to be valued, is this a temporary phenomenon, or perhaps you are simply looking in the wrong place and people of your specialty are needed somewhere.

In this case, it may be worth considering the option of moving if you really want to work in your specialty.

If your profession is valued abroad, consider getting go to work. Don't despair, keep looking.

Good specialists are always highly valued, perhaps there is an option to get a job in a company for another position with the probability of moving to the desired job in the future.

How not to despair?

Of course, it happens that the search has already been significantly delayed, and faith in yourself and your strength begins to leave.

How not to despair and not fall into depression?

Listen to the advice of psychologists:

Being in search is always unpleasant and exciting. becomes from what no suitable options. It’s good if you have the means to live, but what if they are running out?

There is nothing wrong with failing.

But it's worth considering if they've been chasing for more than a year. In that case, it might be better to consider other options?

You don't have to be afraid to take action. It hasn't hurt anyone yet!

How to quickly find a job without experience and education:

I'm tired of all this. I want<способ суицида - ред.мод.>, and be done with it. For 5 years I have not been able to find a job, find myself, I'm tired of feeling worthless against the background of my friends. I walk down the street and barely hold back tears, a lump stands in my throat to the point of pain. Thoughts do not give rest, they are only about the bad, only about the negative. Everyone is striving for something, they have some goals, they buy something, but I am a homeless person and a moral invalid in torn clothes, and besides, nobody needs me. Mother lives her own life separately and considers me rubbish who will not achieve anything, does not want to help with her studies. And what is left for me, low-skilled hours of work for a penny? Well, that's the way it is, I'm not going to achieve anything. It's over, I don't see the point in anything else, I'm completely broken. I no longer want to work and live in general.
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Marina, age: 04/24/2018


Hmmm. For example, I am generally disabled, however, this does not prevent me from earning money in addition to my pension while sitting at home. There is no higher education and never will be, because I consider it superfluous for myself personally. I prefer self-education. I am in my 30s and recently broke up with my girlfriend. Yes, I'm lonely, it breaks me from this, but it will pass ... I know it very well. Plus, I make certain plans for life. Why am I doing all this? and to the fact that I, too, not so long ago, thought that everything ... sailed ... a complete hopelessness. But! I live, breathe, see, hear, and therefore - I'm already better than many people on this planet. you are 24 and you are already giving up on yourself ... mind you - YOU. The fact that someone out there thinks that you are garbage - do not care. The important thing is that now for some reason you yourself consider yourself rubbish ... Apparently because you compare yourself not with yourself "yesterday" but with girlfriends and friends ... I think this is stupid ... but it's up to you. Sincerely, Walker.

Passerby, age: 30+ / 04/29/2018

Hello. Marina, do not compare yourself with anyone. For work, pray to St. Tryphon. You are still very young, so it is quite possible to achieve something and get an education. Hugging you.

Irina, age: 30 / 04/29/2018

Hello. I also faced this situation. I have been looking for a job for a very long time. Do you know what solution you found? She got a job at "low-skilled hours of work for a penny." And I don't regret it. Those "kopecks" were enough for me, I could please myself with new purchases and traveled during the holidays. Thanks to that work, very hard, physically and mentally, very much, I was able to learn so many new things, gain such experience, began to respect myself, as I realized how strong I am, how I can overcome myself and achieve goals. I learned so many beautiful places thanks to the money I earned on my own. The good outweighed the bad here. Good more. There are more benefits, really. After all, I have a higher education, a red certificate. But I realized that without experience I can not find a job in my specialty. I was very depressed, just like you. And this conclusion turned out to be correct. She did the right thing then. Don't think you're too good for a job. If you really need her. You can find. Titmouse to start catching is very good too. You will feel better, you will start to respect yourself and be able to be independent. Keep looking in the meantime, and you can always quit as soon as a better job comes along. You can learn a lot everywhere, on absolutely every job. And you will be in profit. It will be difficult, but you will become strong. And there is a whole life ahead. You know how many works you can still change) But it's interesting to try. Only under a lying stone water will not flow. Everything will be fine, don't worry. I know that it is difficult, and such a state rolls in, it happens, it's normal. The main thing is to believe inside, everything will be fine!

And indeed, comparing yourself with someone (strangers / acquaintances, friends, family) is a road to nowhere. You will never be happy. If you still want to be happy, get rid of this habit, try it. You need to compare yourself with yourself yesterday, I agree completely. Then development. Myself. Not someone else. Live your life, please, honey. You have your way. Your priceless, unique life, such one, take care of it, Marin.

Same age, age: 25 / 29.04.2018

You know, I also have problems in life with finding myself, although there is a crust about liberal education. As a result, low-skilled labor for a penny. And then, I was still lucky with my work, I am a telephone operator, and in our city, basically, sellers are required. But depending on what is considered a penny. In my small town, people get even less, and moreover, having a higher education in economics or accounting. Because it's hard to find a job in our city. But they live, working for 10-15 thousand per month as sellers, operators, secretaries, and are not going to commit suicide. They live modestly, but live as they can, as they can. This is how half the country lives, if not more. Our cleaning lady is an optimistic aunt, cheerful. It would seem that it is fun, but this way, apparently, she is not gnawed by ambition and a thirst for more, she is content with what she has, without comparing herself with others. Of course, we are all different, not everyone can be cleaners and simple workers. But maybe you, Marinochka, try to reconsider your views on life, more humility, patience, acceptance of yourself and your imperfect fate, reduce the demands on yourself, fate. I'm a depressed person, I go to a psychotherapist, I take medication, I can't live without medication, it will be very bad. But do not kill me now, that I am like that. In my environment, too, the majority have achieved something, started families. I would also like to be successful, healthy, rich. But it doesn’t work out, I’m unhealthy and lonely, but I live with what I have, and I try to appreciate simple little joys, delicious food, a walk, communication with nice people, an interesting film. And I hope for the best, I try to change what I can. And what I cannot, I try to accept, including suffering and sorrow.

Tanya T, age: 33 / 04/29/2018

Marina, hello! I sympathize with the difficulties in your life. It seems that your plans and ambitions do not converge with the current reality, which brings you pain and disappointment. This is where your comparisons of your life with the lives of others come from. You write about losing yourself. Maybe this is what prevents you from finding a job you like? Ask yourself questions: how do I want to live in 5, 10 years? Who I want to be? What is stopping me from making my dreams come true? - Fear, fear of failure, disapproval from the family or something else. Be honest with yourself, learn to listen to your inner voice. I wish you success!

Anna, age: 04/24/2018

Hello! Your letter has been very well received. Please do not despair! Most likely, you simply have no idea in which direction to move, you do not know your talents. I assure you, there are no completely mediocre people ... I was in a similar situation, as if it were about me ... I never knew how to earn money, work without skills mentally tired me and I did not linger on it ... this went on for many years. There were hundreds of interviews, futile attempts to improve my life ... but I went in circles .. Then I began to look for new, unexplored ways. I realized that I can do much more than I thought. I was just looking in the wrong place, I did not believe that I could. Because no one has ever believed in me before. Never give up! I wish you success! You can do it!

Dee, age: thirty / 04/30/2018

At 24, by definition, it can't be all over. You are so young.
If you don't have enough money, then settle for what you have. Work and see, what do you need to get the job of your dreams? Might be worth tweaking something? Change in appearance?
Clean, tidy clothes, light makeup, a pleasant smell, a smile on your face and goodwill will be in your favor. Maybe it's worth working on it?
With the fight against obsessive thoughts (only about the bad, only about the negative), the Jesus Prayer helps. Start pronouncing it as soon as you get it. Repeat many times, thoughtfully until you let go.
Keeping a diary also helps to remove negativity.
Confession to a priest.
Sports are great too. You can at home as soon as you feel unwell, you immediately begin to do the exercises. Let go. You can run outdoors.
You also compare yourself to your friends. Stop doing it. Don't follow their lives and get on with yours.

Julia, age: 25 / 30.04.2018

Everything is the same as mine now. Almost all. I am single, I am 30 years old, and I have only low-skilled labor for a penny behind me. Although I have a higher economic education. And so, 2 years ago, I decide to change everything and quit, because. looking for a job and working at my job was next to impossible due to the schedule. During these 2 years, I attended, probably already under 70 interviews. And everywhere the same: without experience we do not take. I understand that the matter is only partly in the system, the main problem is in myself. And still, no matter what, I continue to search and believe.

Danil, age: 30 / 05/29/2018

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"I just can't get a job!" Have you ever heard or said such a phrase? Most likely, yes, and not even once. What is the problem of the unemployed - is it their fault or a constant unfortunate combination of circumstances? Skeptics will say that those who want to work will do it and will never be left on the sidelines of productive activity. Less fortunate or purposeful people will counter them with a huge number of quite reasonable arguments and arguments, explaining why they themselves or their acquaintances are not hired. In today's article, we will figure out when the employer's refusal is legitimate, and when it is illegal, we will also find out what needs to be done to get the coveted employment contract.

Actual problem

In fact, it is not easy to find a decent job now, in the conditions of a severe crisis. Especially when it comes to a good position with an acceptable pay. For such vacancies, there are usually colossal competitions, very strict requirements are imposed on applicants, and a huge number of people who want to take the coveted chair of a manager or a leading specialist gives a lot of room for illegal actions by the employer. Therefore, if someone says: “I can’t get a job,” don’t take these words with sarcasm.

The situation on the job market is further complicated by the fact that a huge number of workers from neighboring countries come to our state, ready to work for lower wages and in much worse conditions than required by the standards. Business owners, of course, are “happy to try” and are happy to save on their employees, including local residents.

However, even in such conditions, the question of how to get a job remains open. After all, to get started, you need to try very hard.

The most common job seeker mistakes

So what do you need to do to end up not repeating "I can't get a job" again? You can't just wait! Believe me, dear applicants, if you are not a specialist in your field, similar to which there are no more than a dozen in the whole country in a particular area, no one will ever go after you with a request to work. If a person himself does not look for a place for himself, no one will want to do it for him either (only for a fee).

But if you are still actively searching, it is important to do it right. What does this mean? First of all, you need to select a vacancy that suits your abilities, education and skills. It would be quite logical for the employer to refuse if you cannot answer his test questions due to low qualifications or fail to correctly complete the test task by saying something like: “I can’t.” The easier it is to get a job, the better you know your duties, even if it is theoretical knowledge.

Another obstacle on the way to obtaining a vacant position is the unreasonable requirements of the applicant himself, and here both excessively high applications in relation to future work and self-doubt can become a mistake. In moments of crisis, it is difficult to find a position with an above-average salary, the additional benefits of which would include a full benefits package, standard working hours, extended vacations, etc. Also, you can’t say to a head hunter or HR manager: “I can’t triple my job in this area, because I do not have enough mind, talent or strength for this. This kind of thinking is not conducive to success when looking for a suitable job.

I want and I will!

When a job seeker is determined to get a job, he needs to follow a few rules and tips given by professional hunters for valuable personnel:

  • be active - water does not flow under a lying stone, so you need to constantly be interested in the situation on the labor market;
  • educate yourself - even being in the status of an unemployed, it is important to keep track of innovations and developments, trends related to your field of activity, it will also be useful not to stand idle, but to take refresher courses, pass on the rights, improve knowledge of a foreign language;
  • communicate with useful people - this will not let them forget about you as a professional, it will help you keep your finger on the pulse and find out about vacancies in time.

Many mistakenly believe that good jobs are simply impossible to "grab", because they are not fired from them, but only their people take them. For unlucky applicants, this will be an excellent excuse for failure: “I can’t get a job for a year, because all the positions that suit me are filled.” In fact, this is not so, successful top managers do not stay in one place for life.

First steps

Employers say that a well-written resume is the key to success on the part of the applicant. The HR manager pays attention to him first of all, paying attention to everything: literacy, structure, information provided, style. An experienced personnel officer is able to determine whether an employee is suitable for his company even on a nondescript white sheet with dryly submitted information.

This is the first impression that the applicant makes on a potential employer, so after reading the resume, the boss should not have ambiguous feelings. Often this happens when the decision maker reaches the column, which indicates the reason for dismissal from the previous position. If the applicant writes there: “I can’t get a job - they refuse everywhere” or “Poor level of communication with colleagues”, then this will lead the reader to quite logical doubts about the candidate for the vacant position. Honesty is good, but negativity is best avoided.


Having interested the employer with an interesting resume, the applicant can count on an interview. This is a decisive moment in possible employment, because almost everything depends on the results of such a meeting.

The verdict that a candidate for a position hears after an interview depends on what impression he makes on his examiner. The main recommendations, the implementation of which will lead to success, are as follows:

  • get ready - on the eve of the conversation, you need to brush up on the knowledge and features of the future field of work;
  • get together - you need to be extremely attentive and calm during a conversation;
  • demonstrate personal advantages - this item includes punctuality, accuracy, politeness, and goodwill of the applicant.

It is very important to be able to listen to the prospective boss - during the interview, he not only asks, but also talks about what work will have to be done, under what conditions. Nervousness and inattention will lead to misunderstandings and incidents.

Why can an employer refuse?

This is a very relevant question for many job seekers, especially those who often hear the word “no”. In fact, the employer does not have the right to an unreasonable refusal, this is fraught with consequences for him, up to a fine, imprisonment or disqualification from a certain post. But there are cases when his actions are quite acceptable and have legal grounds:

  • the candidate must have specific knowledge, education, a diploma confirming them;
  • an obstacle may be the health status of the applicant (in certain conditions);
  • age of the applicant (teenagers under 14 cannot work without the permission of their parents or guardians).

Another ticklish moment is the criminal past of the candidate. Lawyers are often approached by people who have a criminal record. “I can’t get a job, they refuse because I was in prison. How legitimate is this? - this is the most common question from this category of citizens. The Labor Code does not say that this is a reason for refusal. Restrictions exist only for positions that involve financially responsible work, financial, banking or government activities. They may also not be hired by law enforcement agencies, but this depends on the specific situation and the article under which the person was convicted.

When is a headhunter illegal?

Unfortunately, there are several common reasons why employers refuse people who want to get a job with them, in doing so they violate applicable law. We will consider some situations in more detail, but first we will highlight them in the form of a visual list. So, to whom the employer cannot refuse employment?

  • Women who are in position.
  • Women with children (a child cannot be a reason to refuse employment).
  • Anyone who came to the employer by referral or a written invitation, especially after resigning from another organization or from a position.

Also illegal are any manifestations of discrimination, during which the rights are infringed:

  • disabled people (if the state of work of a person will not interfere with the normal performance of their functional duties);
  • people of pre-retirement age;
  • those who have a criminal record;
  • foreigners, citizens who do not have registration at the place of job search.

In addition, the employer cannot refuse admission if the applicant refuses to become a trade union member or applies for a position as a result of his transfer from another department, city, region by court order.

Make way for the young!

Working without experience is what most graduates of educational institutions have to deal with. It is indeed difficult for yesterday's students to get the coveted position, but it is not impossible, because they have many advantages compared to older people. This includes fresh knowledge, ambition, and a willingness to learn by doing. Working without experience allows you to polish the acquired knowledge and achieve good results in the future. It is better for young professionals to apply to large companies, where newcomers are always welcome, especially from among the talented and result-oriented.

Honor will not be full

Another thing - where can you get a job for those who have only a few years left before retirement? This is a complex issue, over the solution of which civil servants have thought very seriously. The government encourages enterprises that employ people over forty, and even sets appropriate quotas for entrepreneurs, for failure to comply with which they can be fined. More detailed information about such employers is given by employment centers.

As we have already said, pregnancy cannot be a reason for refusing employment. The only exceptions are positions that involve hard physical labor or work in harmful conditions. By the way, a woman in a position cannot be fired from an enterprise, an employer cannot do this until his employee is on maternity leave.

Of course, all these nuances of labor legislation are observed to a greater extent in state-owned enterprises; private traders, alas, most often neglect them.

Doubly hard

No one will argue that it is very difficult to draw up an employment contract now, many grab at any opportunity to earn money, but it is even more difficult to get a job in their specialty. "Can't or don't want to?" someone will ask. In fact, this is a very common problem for many graduates. You can get a good education, but it is important that the acquired specialty be in demand.

The current job market is oversaturated with white-collar applicants of all stripes and stripes, while many job vacancies remain open for months. This is the mistake of vocational schools, which do not explain to school graduates, future applicants, that those who create something with their own hands will always be valuable personnel. Now locksmiths can have a salary no lower than the head of a department in an office, and therefore you should not be afraid of getting a working specialty, because it is profitable, prestigious and valuable at all times, regardless of crises, sanctions and the political structure of the country.

Every resident of the capital at least once wondered: “Why can’t I find a job in Moscow, what is the reason?” Of course, we can talk about high competition, but, believe me, residents of other cities also face a similar problem, and they don’t always go in search of a new way of earning at will: a banal staff reduction can also serve as a culprit. And just yesterday you had a permanent job, and today you are unemployed.

Effective search technique

  • First of all, realize that finding a job is also work, and therefore it is necessary to systematically review vacancies and send out resumes. Dedicate at least two hours a day to this.
  • If you are looking for a job in your specialty, indicate only relevant experience: your list should include no more than four companies, the period of cooperation with each is at least a year (otherwise it is not worth mentioning).
  • Respond to any incoming offers, especially when you have no experience and you are looking for your first job.
  • When invited for interviews, be sure to agree. The description of job responsibilities on the Internet and the real offer from the company, at times, are strikingly different from each other.
  • Before meeting with an employer, be sure to study the company's website, read reviews, look for articles and mentions in business news. This way you will be better prepared for the conversation and will have an idea of ​​what career prospects you can expect.
  • Present yourself with dignity: a neat business suit, a straight posture, a friendly smile, competent Russian and a clear understanding of how exactly you can be useful to the employer. Often, this is enough to make the choice in your favor.
  • Send resumes to those companies in which you would like to work, even if they do not have vacancies. Write a cover letter, call Human Resources and ask them to keep you in mind. Sometimes it happens that a key employee suddenly quits, they don’t manage to find anyone in his place, and then your profile accidentally falls into the hands of the HR manager.
  • Accept the fact that there are no perfect options. Perhaps the reason why you have been looking for a suitable job for a long time lies in exorbitant requests. Starting small and gradually moving forward and up is a completely normal practice.
  • Avoid stereotypes. Selling cosmetics is not always network marketing, a purely female team is not necessarily a source of problems and gossip, and becoming a radio presenter is not at all as difficult as it seems.
  • At the same time, don't underestimate your abilities. In the end, you need a job that you love, that will be a pleasure to go to every day. Perhaps, after the trial period, you will realize that you spend too much time on the road, relationships with colleagues did not work out, and therefore you will not be able to perform your duties normally. In this case, feel free to terminate the employment contract. Constantly being in a state of stress is fraught with nervous disorders and prolonged depression.
  • Find a part-time job on the Internet while looking for official employment, or even get a job as a remote specialist. This type of cooperation has been actively practiced in recent years both in companies with small rented premises and in studios that conduct their business entirely online. As a result, you will be able to plan your own work schedule, which, you see, is a definite plus.

fallback options

Applicants who cannot find a job for a long time will be happy to accept positions such as:

  • supermarket employee;
  • waiter-cashier in a fast food chain;
  • leaflet distributor (promoter);
  • handyman;
  • trainee realtor;
  • sales manager or customer service manager (often, for such work, a “well-suspended tongue” is enough).

Take note that masters in hair and eyelash extensions are now in demand. Training in express courses lasts only 1 day, and at the end you will get a new profession.

Another popular option is to master the basic skills of performing a manicure or arranging bouquets in a couple of weeks. And money for education can be obtained at. For example, the amount of the primary loan in the MFI "Honest Word" is up to 10,000 rubles (including for the unemployed). If the application is approved, the money will be transferred to your card on the same day. A microloan can be issued for up to 20 days. During this time, you will gain new knowledge and find the first clients (as a rule, the organizers of professional courses try to employ their students and immediately give them the opportunity to earn money) and repay the loan on time.

Question to the psychologist:

Good afternoon. I already have a very deep depression, constant thoughts about the meaning of further existence, suicide. I'm only holding on because of my parents. Repeatedly imagined his funeral, the grief of his parents, sobbed and found the strength to hold on. This situation has been around for about a year, but the prerequisites began to appear two years ago.

Previously, I had a prestigious job in one of the best companies in the capital, respect in the team, recognition, success. Rested in good overseas resorts. I had many admirers. Wherever I went, there was always increased attention from the opposite sex. All this gave rise to a "star fever" in me. I felt like some kind of alpha male who can do anything, a demigod.

But there was one "but". It seemed to many girls that I was not developing and that with my capabilities I could achieve maximum success, become a millionaire, etc. At first I didn't pay attention to this chatter, but every day I was sneered: "You can achieve great things", "Why are you still not a millionaire?", "You need to find a better job", etc. It got to the point where I was embarrassed to show up at work. In short, a few girls praised me so much and turned me on, zombified me so much that I decided to quit my job and start achieving "big success". They barely let me go from work, they said that everything would fall apart without me. This pissed me off even more. So something depended on me! I am needed!

But! When I quit, rested for several months and started looking for a new job, I faced the fact that no one would hire me!! They don’t respond to resumes when I get to interviews - they don’t call back. And it's been about two years now! A year and a half ago, the previous boss persuaded me to return, but freelance. I thought that I would work part-time at the previous place and search. Everything would be fine, but there was very little work there (crisis), and other employers do not need me.

Still, a year and a half ago, my beloved refused to marry me, although she had previously agreed. A year ago, as a result of an unskilled medical intervention, I received an injury due to which my life deteriorated dramatically.

And now I'm sitting at home with poor health, a broken heart and no job. Sometimes they call to the previous place to earn extra money, but this is very little.

Can't understand why other employers can't consider me?

I fell into depression and constant anxiety. Stopped sleeping well. I was told that the way out is to find a job and a girlfriend. But I can't!!! Vicious circle.

I am visited by thoughts that one of the girls jinxed me, caused damage.

Perhaps out of jealousy or envy.

It just doesn't fit in my head, how could everything have collapsed like this?

I want to go to the "grandmother", maybe he will see the evil eye?

Life energy gradually dries up. With each new refusal to work, hands are lowered more and more ...

The psychologist Panina Irina Nikolaevna answers the question.

Hello Sergey.

I empathize with you in your condition. I am glad that the thought of your parents (and I will tell you more, the thought of your unborn children and thoughts of other imperfect plans) supports you and gives you support.

Yes, now everything is not "ice" for you. It could have been much better. However, it could have been much worse. It depends on what you compare it to.

In your time, you were a brilliant young man with a booming career and good fortune.

You say "evil eye"... Eh... as the devilish figures say in some films, "Vanity is the most beloved sin."

Let's reason soberly and even harshly. Like a woman with a man.

You write:

"Can't understand why other employers can't consider me?"

And who reviewed you BEFORE that?

Girls? And who else?

You write that it was the girls who, as if by agreement, predicted a bright future for you in free swimming.

How could they (these dolls) know, actually KNOW what exactly you can handle and what you are capable of? What do you want?

It was THEM who wanted to go to bed (sorry) with a millionaire.

Did any of them offer you a JOINT project?

Any project?

You listened to the flattering speeches of unfamiliar, but trying to please you girls, and went nowhere. From a warm place.

On the other hand, such "pendels of fate" teach the mind-reason very well and add experience. At least understand people, at least understand for the future that it would be necessary to lay straws when you jerk sharply through life.

You, still a very young person, have a real chance to think and draw conclusions. You have powers. Since you are writing here, I understand that it’s hard for you, it’s bad, you can say so, but you sat down in front of the monitor at the “clave” and typed this text. For this you have great respect.

As they say, for one beaten they give two not beaten (yes, it doesn’t hurt to take it) ...

You need to understand exactly what conclusions you can draw from the current situation. And what kind of "lemonade" can you make from the "lemon of fate" that fell out to you.

NOT hiring you?

Create your own jobs. You wanted, it seems, free swimming?

Has your lover abandoned you?

It's good that it happened now. Imagine you would give birth to children with her, and then you would find out that she is not with you out of love ...

Received a health injury. Of course, this is not good. Have you taken up litigation or community service to improve health care? Perhaps there, in this area, "lies" both your career and your money?

Regarding refusals at work .... Yes, with each failure you are more and more .... fade .. And this can become a vicious circle, because you non-verbally broadcast yourself to people (employers), presenting yourself as a loser.

A vicious circle - feel sorry for yourself so that people will tell you later about "how pathetic you are." Only YOU can take care of yourself, others will behave with you as YOU let them.

Finding a girl... in my opinion, this was not your problem in those days when you had a job and money.

Get back on your feet and you will choose among the girls who will fly in again to twitter flattering speeches for you.

This is where you will be (probably) smarter.

Since your parents are support for you, stay with them, remember your childhood, what you were fond of, what you wanted and what you dreamed about. What did they play.

Think about your acquaintances, connections. Who can help you really now with work (with earnings)? How to ask him about it? What to offer in return?

I believe that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If you so desire.

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