Total lunar eclipse March 9th. TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity

A total solar eclipse will occur on March 9, 2016 at 01:58:19 GMT or 3:58 Kyiv time.
The region of its best visibility falls into the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The best place to watch the 2016 solar eclipse will be Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia and the Pacific Islands, while residents of China, Korea, Japan, Kamchatka and the Far East, Alaska and the Aleutian Islands will see this phenomenon in part.

Always fateful, and its influence extends both to an individual and to the fate of the whole world. So, what processes are activated by the eclipse of the Sun this spring?
The March eclipse of 2016 will be the 52nd eclipse of the 130th Saros. Saros is a period of repeated solar and lunar eclipses, equal to 18.3 years. The last solar eclipse of this cycle took place back in 1998. As some remember and as others know, it was a difficult time, marked by default and a serious economic crisis. But it should be noted that the eclipse of 1998 did not so much foreshadow shocks as emphasized the need for change and renewal of the existing system. No wonder the 130th Saros is considered the cycle of completion, when everything that has become obsolete must sink into oblivion.

On a global level, the impact of one total eclipse is felt until the next. And since the March eclipse will occur in the sign of Pisces, in 2016 issues of physical and spiritual recovery will come to the fore. Serious changes must affect the field of healthcare. Thus, established methods and methods of treatment may be considered ineffective. Traditional medicine, on the contrary, will gain even more fans. It is possible that the spiritual values ​​that have developed in society will be revised. And the works of art created this year will be able to produce a real cultural revolution.
From the point of view of astrology, the zodiac sign Pisces symbolizes the collective unconscious, and in this ocean of being, the personal consciousness of each individual / person dissolves. And this means that the vibrations of the Pisces sign allow everyone to feel the Divine presence in themselves, give the opportunity to touch the higher "I".

It will not do without espionage revelations and high-profile international scandals, because behind-the-scenes games, intrigues and deceptions are precisely the negative aspects of the Pisces sign. And most of the natural disasters will be associated with water: both with its excess (floods) and its deficiency (droughts). In this connection, 2016 risks being remembered as a lean year.
The axis of Virgo - Pisces, which is accentuated by the eclipse, is called the axis of voluntary service. Therefore, the countries that will be able to achieve the greatest progress in 2016 will be those countries that will actively promote the careful attitude of people towards each other and towards the environment.

The March eclipse will have an intoxicating effect on an ordinary person. The current tense configuration of the planets, which includes the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, will push you to commit rash acts. It will be difficult for most of us to take off the rose-colored glasses, and unjustified optimism will be the main reason for the unfavorable outcome of the planned cases. This is an unfavorable time for making important business and financial decisions. In this connection, on March 9 and the next two days, it is better to refuse to make important decisions and postpone the implementation of ambitious projects.
In personal life, an eclipse can bring confusion and confusion, as indicated by the activation of the Descending Lunar Node. So, a former love can suddenly remind of itself. It is not necessary that a person who was once dear to you call, write or pay a visit, you can accidentally run into him under the most mysterious circumstances. Do not give in to emotions and do not exaggerate the significance of the meeting. Fate tests your readiness to move away from everything unnecessary. And if you allow the past to enter your life, you will later regret it.

It is advisable to devote March 9 to health care. The great influence of Neptune on this day emphasizes that the physical state will directly depend on the mental state. If envy, aggression or anger lurk inside you, then during a solar eclipse you will be able to get rid of them. Music therapy and water procedures will help in this.
For people engaged in esoteric practice or simply with a developed intuition, the 52nd eclipse of the 130th Saros can be a mystical event. Knowledge, access to which will be opened on this day, will help to significantly advance in spiritual development. Pisces rules, and this planet in astrology is responsible for intuition, inspiration, religion, mysticism, illusions, dreams, fantasies, ideals.

Those who want to enlist the support of fortune for a long time should pay more attention to others on March 9. Throw away selfishness and help a relative, friend, neighbor who needs your help ... And if doing at least one good deed a day becomes a habit, then 2016 will become one of the most rosy in your life. And the troubles that an eclipse could bring will bypass you and your home.

The eclipse will have the strongest impact on those people whose significant elements of the horoscope are in the signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo. For those who have personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) in the interval from 14 to 24 degrees of mutable signs in the natal chart, the eclipse will also have a significant impact.

Eclipse calendar for 2016

March 9 is a total solar eclipse.
September 1 - an annular solar eclipse;
March 23, August 18, September 16 - penumbral lunar eclipses.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon completely or partially eclipses the Sun from an observer on Earth. The shadow of the moon passes over the planet, its diameter does not exceed 270 km, so the eclipse is observed in a narrow band on its path. An eclipse is possible only on a new moon, when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun. Eclipses are total, partial, annular and hybrid. A solar eclipse is the result of celestial mechanics and time. Since the moon formed about 4.5 billion years ago, it is gradually moving away from the Earth (about 4 cm per year). It is now at the perfect distance to match the size of the Sun in our sky and completely cover it.

The last total eclipse occurred on March 20, 2015. The next one will take place on March 9, 2016, that is, in a few days. The moon will be close to its perigee, making the full phase last a little over 4 minutes. The eclipse will begin over the Indian Ocean, then over the Pacific Ocean, and end just north of the Hawaiian Islands. Most of the way passes over the water area. The partial eclipse will be visible in South and East Asia, North and Western Australia, as well as in most of the Pacific Ocean, including Hawaii, reports

A little later, on September 1, an annular eclipse will occur, it can be observed in most of Africa, in the south of the Arabian Peninsula and from most of the Indian Ocean. The maximum phase will take place over Antarctica at 12:07 Moscow time.

Full eclipse is a happy accident of nature. The diameter of the Sun (about 1.4 million km) is 400 times the diameter of the Moon - 3.4 thousand km. But the Moon is also about 400 times closer to the Earth than the star (the ratio varies because the orbits are elliptical). As a result, when the orbital planes intersect and a certain distance is reached, the Moon in the new moon phase can completely block the Sun, which happens about once every 18 months.

Total solar eclipse, aerial view. photo bank gallery | Shutterstock

Interestingly, there are two types of shade: umber and penumbra. For example, the cone-shaped shadow of the Earth extending into outer space has two parts - the light outer part is a penumbra (penumbra), and the dark inner full shadow (umbra). During a total solar eclipse, the Moon casts its umbra onto the earth's surface. During the brief period of the full phase, when the Sun is completely covered, the beautiful corona, the outer layers of the Sun's atmosphere, appears. This phase can last up to 7 minutes 31 seconds, although most total eclipses tend to be much shorter.

Partial solar eclipse occurs when only the penumbra passes over you. In these cases, part of the solar disk always remains in view during the eclipse. How much the disk will be closed will depend on the specific circumstances. Usually the penumbra slides over the planet in the regions of the polar regions, in such cases, even in places far from the poles, located in the zone of penumbra, you can only see how the Moon hid a small comb of the Sun. Another scenario suggests that if an observer is within 3,000 km of the path of passage during a total eclipse, they will see a partial eclipse. The closer the observer is to the path of passage, the more coverage of the disk by the Moon he will see.

annular eclipse This is a kind of partial eclipse, not total. Its maximum duration is 12 minutes 30 seconds. Although the Moon is in front of the Sun, its disk is too small to cover it completely. Since the Moon's orbit is elliptical, its distance from the Earth can vary from 355,000 km to 405,000 km. But the moon's dark shadow cone umbra can extend no further than 378,000 km; this is less than the average distance from the Moon to the Earth. Therefore, if the Moon is further away, the top of the umbra cone does not reach the Earth. During such an eclipse, the antumbra, the theoretical extension of the umbra, reaches the surface and anyone in this field can see a "ring of fire" around the moon.

hybrid eclipses occur when the distance from the moon to the earth is at the limit to reach the umbra of the planet's surface. Hybrid eclipses are also called annular total eclipses. The top of the shadow cone in the course of the eclipse crosses the earth's surface on the central line of the eclipse. At such a moment, the nature of the eclipse changes from total to annular or vice versa. In most cases, these eclipses start out as annular, then transition to a total, and then back to an annular.

Of all eclipses, 28% are total, 35% are partial, 32% are annular, and 5% are hybrid.

The astrological significance of the total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016.
From an astrological point of view, the total solar eclipse of 2016 will have a major impact on events and people on our planet. First of all, because in addition to the Moon on March 9, already on March 8, 2016, Jupiter will be in opposition to the Sun. Astronomers rightly believe that this will be the best day this year to observe Jupiter and its satellites, since the giant Jupiter will be well lit by the Sun and at the same time will be at the closest distance from the Earth.

The total solar eclipse March 9 will occur at 18°56″ Pisces This will be the 52nd eclipse of 130 Saros. The previous "analogue" of such a solar eclipse was on February 26, 1998. And this time this eclipse means the completion of something important. And not necessarily on the day of the eclipse.

For example, after a similar solar eclipse in 1998, about a month later, on March 23, 1998, the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin in Russia was dismissed as unable to cope with the economic and financial crisis. Then he was appointed Acting Prime Minister S.V. Kiriyenko. In addition, A.B. Chubais was relieved of his post. At the same time, processes began that later led to the forced resignation of President B.N. Yeltsin. Many astrologers believe that some of the trends of the 1998 crisis may repeat themselves, but other people will be the current political figures.

The eclipse will be total and therefore very significant, fateful for the whole world. The eclipse accentuates the Virgo/Pisces axis - the axis of service. Order and love, people and God. This eclipse continues the cleaning program in the territory of its own life. A new perspective may dawn on the horizon, and something important will begin to lose its former significance and move away.

Some astrologers believe that the solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 will bring a lot of mystery and mysticism to a number of important events. Therefore, high-profile revelations, scandals based on intrigue and deceit are possible. Completely unpredictable and unexpected situations can occur. Situations related to the spiritual world, self-knowledge and intuition will come first. Since the eclipse will be in the sign of Pisces, it will be largely associated with people of creative professions, which increases the likelihood of very talented works appearing during this period. The eclipse in Pisces gives us hope for peace, humanity and spiritual harmony (the highest manifestation of Pisces). But we must not forget that along with the higher there is always a wrong side - for Pisces these are deceptions, forgeries, behind-the-scenes games, intoxication, mass delusions and illusions. On the days of a solar eclipse, there is a lot of energy that can make people go to rash acts. To survive a solar eclipse in Pisces with minimal losses, you must first of all give up unnecessary illusions. It is important to observe purity (at the level of matter, feelings and mind). It is better to observe the events taking place with a calm heart and wide open eyes, without turning away and without emotional involvement.
You need to be prepared for the fact that any "great" plans may actually turn out to be an illusion, and confident promises will turn out to be unrealistic.
On the other hand, it is fantasies and incredible ideas that can get a real impetus for implementation during this period.
Therefore, try during the first and second decade of March 2016 not to draw serious conclusions, not to start new projects, beware of sudden movements and urgent decisions. The decisions made during the eclipse will indeed come true, but in reality they may turn out to be unnecessary, reckless, and even capable of harming you. Eclipses in Pisces usually bring natural disasters associated with water (from tsunamis to abnormal precipitation) or heavy snowfalls. It is highly likely that on the eve of the eclipse or after, the immoral actions of people on religious grounds or in connection with the law or people's lives will become known.

Who will be most affected by the solar eclipse on March 9, 2016:
Especially sharply the influence of the eclipse will be felt by people whose significant elements of the horoscope are in the signs Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius.
Pisces born from March 6 to March 12 will have a good opportunity to change their lives for the better.
But Virgos in March 2016 need to be especially careful.

The main thing is not to panic and do not be afraid of eclipses, it is better to observe the events taking place with a calm heart and wide open eyes, without turning away and not getting emotionally involved.
Wisdom and secret knowledge will accompany March 9, 2016. On this day, intuition is activated, which must be trusted, otherwise there may be big problems. This is a great time to make a wish, it will surely come true if it is connected with love or family.

Before the eclipse, you should not start any important business, it is especially bad to start something immediately before the eclipse, a day before the exact moment.

During the eclipse, beware of spontaneous actions, especially under the influence of feelings and emotions. The fact is that situations that began in the immediate vicinity of the moment of the eclipse can get out of your control, become really fatal. After all, the influence of an eclipse often denotes certain fatal moments, and by your actions and deeds during the eclipse you are just able to strengthen this influence.

The period after the eclipse is well suited for undertakings, especially those that will be relevant in the next six months.

Since the eclipse also occurs at opposition to Jupiter in a period close to the eclipse, try not to resolve legal issues, and also try to abandon any excesses, investments and, especially, spending under the influence of emotions.

The Personal Impact of the Solar Eclipse of March 9, 2016
This solar eclipse can manifest itself in situations and events within 4-6 months after the eclipse, but in any case, the main trends will be laid precisely on the days close to the date of the eclipse.

The effect of an eclipse on a particular person depends on which planets fall into the sensitive points of the eclipse.

Harmonic points: 18 to 20 degrees Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn
Tension points: 18 to 20 degrees Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

If in your horoscope there are personal planets in these coordinates, then you will be able to feel the influence of this eclipse.

In astrology, eclipses are of great importance. They have a huge impact both on the whole world as a whole and on each person individually. Many astrologers include eclipses in their predictions. The eclipse on March 9, 2016 will occur at 9:58 am (Kemerovo time) at 19 degrees Pisces, and will be the fifty-second in a row of 130 Saros (Saros is the period of repeated solar and lunar eclipses, equal to 18.3 years). The best place to observe the solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 will be Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. Residents of China, Korea, Japan, Kamchatka, the Far East, Alaska and the Aleutian Islands will see this magical phenomenon only partially. The solar eclipse on March 9 will be total. A total solar eclipse is always fatal.

The last solar eclipse of this cycle took place in 1998. As we remember, it was a difficult time, marked by a default and a serious economic crisis. Although the eclipse of 1998 did not so much portend upheavals as it emphasized the need for change and renewal of the existing system. No wonder the 130th Saros is considered the cycle of completion, when everything that has become obsolete should “sink into oblivion”. On a global level, the impact of one total eclipse is felt until the next one (the next 53rd eclipse of this series will occur on March 20, 2034).

Influence on the situation in the world.

Any solar eclipse falls on a new moon, when the sun and moon are connected in one degree of the same sign. But, on March 9, 3 planets will connect to the conjunction of the heavenly bodies - Chiron, Neptune, Mercury, and the South Node in addition. All this "mixture" will be in opposition to the conjunction of the North Node with Jupiter in the sign of Virgo. Any eclipse is always a trigger for turning on aspects and configurations, that is, for the beginning of some events and phenomena. The eclipse on March 9 will include 2 powerful configurations at once. The first configuration is the "Sail", consisting of the stellium (Sun, Moon, Neptune, Mercury South Node) in Pisces, the conjunction of Jupiter with the North Node in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn, and at the time of the eclipse, the Cross of Fate in Taurus. The second is the "Tau-square", consisting of Saturn in Sagittarius (the top of the tau-square), the stellium in Pisces and the conjunction of Jupiter with the North Node in Virgo. Brr! Looking at all this "beauty" I really want every president of the country or all the people on whom the stabilization of the situation in the world depends - to have their own astrologer. After all, eclipses are not only scarecrows and horror stories. This is, first of all, the key given to us by the Lord God Himself - the key to establish and implement something, and to avoid something, prevent something ... What would you like to advise those people on whom the well-being of the World depends? If the South Node comes into conjunction with an eclipse, and even with Neptune and Mercury in Pisces - conversations, persuasion, compromises - all this should be left in the past, and now it is a waste of time. What needs to be focused on? - The North Node is in conjunction with Jupiter in the sign of Virgo in a trine to Pluto in Capricorn and a trine to the Cross of Fate (at the time of the eclipse) in Taurus: only defending one's own material interests, developing one's own economy and economy. All sorts of alliances, alliances with other states can lead to the deterioration of one's own personal position. This is my personal opinion as an astrologer (eclipse: Sun, Moon, South Node, Chiron, Neptune, Mercury in Pisces - all square Saturn in Sagittarius). Not to compete who will “drag” more allied countries to their side and conclude contracts with them, but to deal with their own country. The failed gas pipeline through Bulgaria and Turkey clearly proved my case (. Only those states that are not members of any alliances, European Unions, blocks, but are engaged in the development of their own country and its economy will remain afloat. Once again, this is my personal opinion.
The eclipse on March 9 will give a powerful impetus to the development of ecology and health care. The spiritual values ​​that have developed in the world will also be revised. In many countries, I think there will be a rollback towards traditional values ​​- traditional marriages, heterosexual relationships, family, love, children, health. A rollback can also occur in public administration (in our country, this is the nostalgia of many people for the USSR, in other countries, these are attempts to leave the European Union, etc.). In the field of culture and art, both a return to traditions (to the classics) and a revolutionary breakthrough.
It will not do without all sorts of revelations and high-profile scandals of the international level, since behind-the-scenes games, intrigues and deceptions are precisely the negative qualities of the Pisces sign.
Most of the natural disasters will be associated with water: both with its excess (floods) and its deficiency (droughts).
In the area of ​​philanthropy, there will be a transition from blind sponsorship to intelligent active participation. For example, helping animal shelters. Here, the emphasis will not be on the “blind” transfer of funds to the shelter’s account, but on assistance in overexposure and placement of wards in the family, purchase and delivery of products to the nursery, feasible work in the nursery for cleaning and walking animals, providing advertising platforms on your website, office, shop, etc.

Particularly sensitive to the eclipse will be:

1. All people in the area that will see a total solar eclipse.
2. Countries ruled by Pisces. These are Palestine, Ceylon, Philippines, India, Malta, Madagascar, Iceland, all island states. In our country, these are the Kuriles, Sakhalin, Ussuri Territory, Kamchatka, Birobidzhan, Armenia, Crimea, St. Petersburg.
3. People born under the sign of Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini.
4. People in whose natal chart, in the above signs, there are planets and important points.

The March eclipse can have an extremely intoxicating effect on an ordinary person. The current tense “tau-square” configuration can push you to commit rash acts. It will be difficult for most of us to remove rose-colored glasses, and unjustified optimism can be the main reason for the unfavorable outcome of planned affairs. It is better to refuse to make important decisions and postpone the implementation of projects. In personal life, the eclipse can bring confusion, as indicated by the activation of the South lunar node. So, the former love can suddenly remind of itself. A person who was once dear can call, write, or you can accidentally run into him somewhere. Do not give in to emotions, and exaggerate the significance of the meeting. Fate tests your readiness to move away from everything unnecessary. And, if you allow the past to somehow penetrate your life, then later you will regret it. Close all doors to the past!
Try to get rid of envy and resentment during a solar eclipse. Help in this - work, training, physical activity and all types of physical recovery.
During such eclipses, crime is activated. In people suffering from mental disorders, drug addiction and alcoholism, there is an exacerbation. Try to protect yourself and your loved ones, especially children. Be careful. Avoid dark green places, deserted wastelands and parks.

For people engaged in esoteric practice or simply with a developed intuition, the 52nd eclipse of the 130th Saros can be a mystical event. Knowledge, access to which will be opened on this day, will help to significantly advance in spiritual development. The day has a strong energy charge. You can “model” your program for the future, improve and correct your destiny. You can just make a wish and get the results within a few months. A solar eclipse is essentially a new moon, so it is good to perform new moon rituals on such a day. They can relate to love, money, work, business, real estate, and everything that you want to start, develop and promote to another higher level.

Health impact:

3 days before and after the eclipse, it is necessary to reduce mental and nervous stress. The psyche and nervous system these days are more vulnerable than ever. Postpone important negotiations and affairs. Legs (feet) are very sensitive these days, healing foot baths will be useful. Also these days the skin will be vulnerable, the possibility of allergic reactions. Danger of poisoning by both food and drugs. It is not recommended to drink coffee, alcoholic beverages. For people suffering from kidney failure, you should limit yourself to liquids.

Solar eclipses are extremely rare events. They have a huge impact on people's lives. The solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 will be no exception.

Interesting facts about the upcoming eclipse on March 9

Astronomers and astrologers divide eclipses into different types and kinds. For example, eclipses are total and partial. When the Moon rises between the Sun and the Earth, it may not cover the entire solar disk. In this case, the eclipse will be partial. If the Moon is completely illuminated by the Sun, the eclipse is called total, but there is a catch. Not everyone will be able to see it, since the shadow falls only on a small part of our planet. On March 9, only residents of Kamchatka will see the shadow from the moon in Russia. So, this eclipse can be called private.

The nearest similar phenomenon can be expected only on March 20, 2034, that is, its periodicity is 18 years.

On March 9, the shadow from the Moon in the regions of the planet with the best position will cover the sunlight for 4 minutes. Astrologers promise the best visibility in the region of the eastern Indian Ocean, as well as the central Pacific Ocean.

Solar eclipse and astrology

On March 9, this astronomical and astrological phenomenon will take place under the influence of the constellation Pisces. This suggests, first of all, that the main and especially significant things and events may lose their importance in our eyes. However, this cannot be called a negative influence, since astrologers predict the emergence of new prospects. Be very attentive to the signs from above, especially in details and trifles.

The eclipse will bring many scandals and deceit into political life. On the other hand, the astrological forecast assures that people's intuition will be sharpened, and the spiritual component of each person will flourish.

Every eclipse causes people to do strange things, so be careful. Do not make rash steps on March 9 this year. One way or another, but eclipses make our life extremely unstable and full of surprises. In addition, on March 9, 2016, the risk of natural disasters associated with the aquatic environment will increase.

Astrologers advise to be more careful and attentive on March 9, 2016 to all Signs of the Zodiac. The lunar calendar reports that a New Moon is also expected this year, which will make such a solar eclipse even more rare and unpredictable. Fortunately, it is highly likely that this fact will have a positive effect on the favorable day as a whole. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.03.2016 01:00

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