Black magic and Stepanova's fortune telling. Anti-stuttering for women

What is a magician? Probably, for many modern readers this word is associated with Don Juan, the hero of the mystical ancient American teachings expounded by Carlos Castaneda. Many, of course, will remember the late Vitaly Akhramovich, who himself called himself a magician, and really was one - not in the sense of practicing “witchcraft,” but because he always, in any everyday situation, felt like an integral part of the environment (first of all urban). Moreover, this environment was not a dead substance for him; it is alive and mysterious, it obeys invisible laws that are still poorly understood by us. These are the laws of magic.

If we ignore the fairy-tale image of an old man in a robe embroidered with stars and a pointed cap, the magician can be compared to a hunter to whom sudden silence or footprints in the sand speak much more than to an ordinary person. The world for a hunter-mage is full of secrets, but they do not frighten him; he will never unexpectedly enter the den of the beast. For he is a “man of knowledge.”

Knowledge? Yes, sure. Only this does not mean book science, but practical, concrete knowledge - but at the same time, no matter how strange it may seem to a modern European, comprehensive knowledge. In any tradition, the magician is perceived as an almost omniscient person. Here are just its Russian names: “sorcerer”, “witch doctor”; Siberians simply say about such a person - “knows a lot.” In any case, more than others.

Magic is as old, if not as old as the world, then as old as humanity. Traces of the techniques of “natural magic” are in the burials of the Paleolithic era, the Old Stone Age. At the dawn of time, magic was taken for granted, without evaluation based on the principle of “good or bad.” You could just know a lot - or a little. A sorcerer-magician could be a leader, a priest, a healer, a warrior, an executioner... Only later, as culture developed, when the whole world was divided into right - left, higher - lower, heavenly - infernal - only then did ideas about white magic and magic appear black. (One of the most obvious, most universal examples of this kind is the evolution of views on the ancient Chinese symbol yin - yang. We are now talking in connection with it about the opposition of female and male, left and right, wet and dry, etc.; originally yin symbolized the shadowed slope of the mountain, and yang symbolized the illuminated slope. So understand what is “good” and what is “evil”: the mountain is the same...)

Of course, it is not difficult to imagine a textbook black magician as a person who uses his power, his power over the forces of nature to kill and suppress everything and everyone except himself. Legends claim that such “certainly black” magicians once destroyed Atlantis - so thoroughly that the great culture disappeared almost without a trace, along with its continent. But how then can we evaluate the activities of village healers, who with their witchcraft cure very specific diseases and help people, or the actions of, say, the biblical Solomon? According to legend, he used the services of evil demons, “genies” - but he did it completely differently from the black magicians of the Atlanteans. Solomon subjugated the spirits of evil and forced them to build a Temple - not an idol of demons, but the Temple of the One God, the Creator of the Universe. Of course, then Solomon probably had a lot of problems getting rid of the connection he created with these genies...

Now it is difficult for us to imagine how exactly the ideas about white and black magic developed. One can only assume that in the era of dominance of patriarchal religions (that is, in the last millennia), the function of the priest - a servant of higher powers - began to be associated with goodness and masculinity, with white magic. At the same time, settling everyday affairs that are clearly not related to the heavenly world - this whole range of problems began to be correlated with evil and with the feminine principle, since it was on women’s shoulders that the burden of material affairs fell (even the word “matter” itself is a substance opposed to spirit in modern philosophy – in many European languages ​​it is consonant with the word “mother”).

Indeed, from history we know that women were more often accused of black magic than men. The most eloquent story in this regard is the history of late Christianity, which, starting around the 10th century, punished healing witchcraft with excommunication from the Church, sometimes followed by execution. True, for a long time civil law was more tolerant than church law and somewhat softened the situation. Even at the beginning of the 17th century, leading European jurists distinguished natural magic (“merely a more accurate knowledge of nature”) from magic “harmful, evil, illegal,” “performed with the help of demons or creating a threat to body and soul.” Still, by the 16th century, the church position as a whole prevailed, and mass executions began...

However, magic is still alive today - simply because it is a well-defined area of ​​human knowledge, both theoretical and practical. The secret to the vitality of this knowledge is simple. They resort to magic when “official” medicine, “scientific” psychological techniques, or methods for resolving conflicts between people do not help.

In any area of ​​​​human knowledge you need to get used to it one way or another. It is unlikely that anyone will now be able to find a living “sage teacher”. So that leaves books. One of them is brought to the attention of readers. The collection from the series “Your Secret” includes an essay by candidate of philological sciences Valentina Ivanovna KHARITONOVA “Black and white magic of the Slavs.” The folklorist scientist has a positive attitude towards this knowledge, which has survived to this day in ancient tales, legends and tales.

You will also read practical works - the works of Natalya Ivanovna STEPANOVA. She herself practices white magic; I compiled my books by responding to letters from students – sometimes skeptical. And this is not surprising: let us remember how almost all of us recently perceived all these incantations, fortune-telling, divination, potions... And now we are slowly beginning to realize how far-sighted the advice of folk healers, coming from the depths of centuries, can be.

The value of N.I. Stepanova’s works has already been proven in a rather original way. When Natalya Ivanovna began publishing them in small, limited edition brochures (in Novosibirsk), counterfeits immediately appeared. However, according to the author, they are not only harmful, but also unsuitable for work. ONLY THE RIPOL Classic PUBLISHING HOUSE guarantees a verified edition of these works (information about some previous, equally carefully verified editions is given at the end of our collection).

Will you read these books and... enrich yourself with knowledge? will you gain the power of a magician? get another book to add to your collection? will you comprehend a new layer of the culture of your people? Everyone is looking for their own, everyone has their own tasks. But in any case, these books can be useful to you if you want to avoid the blows of fate, to understand the world and yourself in it in a new way, if you want to get out of a stressful situation not broken, but renewed. When you purchase this book, you will no longer have to look for “knowledgeable people” if necessary - especially since you can sometimes make mistakes in them.


V. Kharitonova

Black and white magic of the Slavs

Where do visions come from?

I only managed to find out that in their world there are rivers, and lakes, and trees, and fields, that partly devils live in it, first created by God as good, but later fallen away with Lucifer, and partly - the souls of dead people, not worthy of hell, but those who have not received the hope of purgatory and are condemned to languish on earth until the second coming, that they are always happy to talk with people whom they see like a light in the darkness, but they cannot approach everyone, but only those who are capable of it and who are not closed shield of service to God.

V. Bryusov. Fire Angel

To understand some of the oddities of the modern world, or at least get to know them better, you need to turn to folklore and ethnographic information. They contain those unusual phenomena that still amaze the human consciousness. There are incredibly many of them in non-fairy tale folk prose. And even to an uninitiated listener it becomes clear, for example, that our world is not the only one on the planet. There is another habitable environment where we go after death. The most interesting thing is that there are certain beings there who can influence our lives, and special individuals can establish contacts between the two worlds.

Well, then, thank God, I remembered what one witch told me back in the war. I remembered and went into the yard: I think she, the old bitch, was going to lick the cattle - and then, apparently, that’s what she did! I took a shovel and let’s dig into the sheds. And to break me all over, the shovel is out of Valitsa’s hands. I won’t pick it up and dig again. And I found it! I found in the very corner, almost under the threshold, an old tin can, covered with some kind of rag, but I don’t know what was in it, I couldn’t look.
I took it and went to the pasture: I run as hard as I can, I know I can finish it quickly. But my legs won't move. Well, I somehow got to the pasture, stood there with my back to the cemetery, and like a chiriz, I threw my left shoulder over the can! she flew away, and behind me there was such a noise, and whistling, and cackling! Well, I spat the chiriz and threw it back. And I was running - there was noise behind me for a long time. But you can’t look around, I don’t know what was there.” (From the author's archive.)
Either the sorcerer who did this, or another, but necessarily stronger one, could remove a disease, damage, or the evil eye from a person or animal. If an expert in black magic did not intend to bring a person to death, he often himself appeared with an offer of help. But it was believed that it was necessary to urgently look for someone who could help, and then also reveal to the victim the name of the enemy and, if possible, take revenge.
Revenge was carried out in different ways: sometimes such a villain was simply beaten or disgraced in front of people, but more often the stronger sorcerer did something against his rival, and he even left the village. And sometimes the sorcerer was punished with such terrible suffering that he began to be torn apart, pulled apart by an unknown force in different directions.
The results of the actions of sorcerers are varied and numerous. By sending terrible diseases and torments to a person, they can disfigure his appearance (the nose swells and loses its shape, the lip changes, the eyes crawl out of their sockets, scars and stripes appear on the body, legs and arms are taken away, the stomach swells, in which there may be worms, a mouse , fish, women experience labor pains, etc.). Sometimes under their influence a person loses his mind, spatial orientation, and mobility. The latter is sometimes used as a punishment.
“Once a grandfather and grandson were transporting a cart of wheat, ground it at the mill, and were on their way back. Well, it's getting dark. One to Grishka Bosyak:
- Let us spend the night. Well, he: come in.
They say they need to start the cart. And he: nothing, nothing. Let it be there. If something happens, I'll give it away.
In the morning they get up: five men walk around the cart with bags, but cannot leave. Grisha approached them, tapped each one on the shoulder and said: well, thank you for your service. They threw the bags and left!” (From the collection of V.P. Zinoviev.)
Sorcerers are usually vindictive. They do not forgive anyone for a bad word said even about them behind their backs, because they know everything that is being done. Vengefulness among sorcerers often coexists with envy, the desire to punish human pride.
“It was at a wedding. We came there with Vasya. The party began. Well, everyone is already tipsy and singing songs. And I love to sing. My voice is beautiful. I sing - everyone is surprised. And there was one guy there. He came up to me and said, “Let’s have a drink with you.” And I had no idea that something could happen. I refused to drink with him. He grinned and walked away.
Then they started singing again. And I’m in a good mood, I’m singing again! Suddenly I notice that everyone is looking at me strangely and is silent. And then I realize that I’m singing, but I can’t hear my voice at all. I want to tell people something, but I have no voice at all, and it seems to me that I’m just screaming with all my might! Then I became so scared, I started crying. Well, then they brought Vasya. He looked at me and understood everything. After all, Vasya, we have a sorcerer himself, but he doesn’t admit it, his mother told him.
He sent for that guy. He’s coming - and Vasya stood in the door, put his hands on the doorposts and stood there, not letting him in. And he also stood in front of him. And here they stand, looking at each other. Well, that guy couldn't stand it. He looked away and walked away. Vasya follows him. I don’t know what they were doing there in the yard, but Vasya came for me, took me out into the yard, and he was sitting there on the rubble. Vasya tells me to kneel down and ask for forgiveness. There is nothing to do: I knelt down, and I myself was thinking, how can I ask for forgiveness if I cannot utter a word? I want to say something like that, but it doesn’t work, but I ask for forgiveness—the voice comes. Well, I asked him for forgiveness. He says to me: “Get up, young girl, and don’t show off anymore!” He got up and went. And everything became fine with me. I just cried a lot afterwards.” (From the author's archive.)
Witches often ruin weddings where they were not invited. Usually at such a celebration the sorcerer should be a friend or guest of honor. If a black magician was bypassed, then he would either stop the wedding train or spoil the bride, groom, and passengers. Often with such damage, if people did not come to bow to him on time, people died or were left crippled. They say that a strong sorcerer could turn all the guests at a wedding into wolves as many as were ordered by the sorcerer. This was done in order to force oneself to be respected and feared, as well as to receive traditional rewards. Many sorcerers lived mainly on such alms.
“There was a wedding... But this old man was not invited... When the time passed, the bride and groom began to treat. When they left the tables, they began to treat them, once they surrounded them with wine, then a second time - and they were done, they began to turn over!
And this old man is there in Ushumun. He knew what it would be, this old man... These harness a couple of horses, and there...
- So and so, Uncle Kirill...
- But-oh, they won’t die! They won't die! Let's have some tea and go. Let's have some tea. Go.
- Don’t overdrive the horses. Why distill them?..
We've arrived.
- But, oh, never mind, they will move away. - Then I filled a glass with water, sprinkled it on them - that’s it! The bride and groom stood up as if nothing had happened...
Then he went home, the owner... he got a cart - five or six sacks - and they took it to him. He made money, he had a good time, and that means he tortured people.” (From the collection of V.P. Zinoviev.)
Not only people, but also livestock were subjected to witchcraft damage. Cows were especially often spoiled, since they were the main breadwinners on the farm. The spoiled cow stopped giving milk, was milked with blood, and then began to suffer and could die if the damage was not removed in time. This kind of witchcraft was mostly practiced by women, who were called witches. They could be easily identified by whoever was driving the cow. He said exactly when and why the witch who had spoiled the cattle would come to the house. If she was given the required item, the treatment lost its power, otherwise something happened to the witch herself. You could call the enchantress to your house yourself. For example, on St. George’s Day, before dawn, it was necessary to milk a cow, pour milk into a metal vessel, throw a few needles into it and boil it over the fire: usually the witch immediately appeared.
Such witches in villages were often severely punished if their deeds were discovered. Relatively recently, in Volyn, healers could force a witch, bare-haired and naked, to appear in the barn to the cow she had spoiled. It happened that the owner beat the culprit almost to death.
Among the sorcerers there were lords of snakes. Using spells, they ordered the creeping reptiles to appear in a certain place or, conversely, not to visit it. It is interesting that the sorcerer punished a snake that bit someone contrary to orders or did not obey.
“... He, hey, took a knife, went into this bush, cut off a thin aspen, so long, he sharpened it. And so he went out to where they had mowed the corn, first drew a circle for it, with this aspen tree, and stuck this aspen tree in the middle, he says. Now I'm looking...
And now I look: one, git, these snakes are coming from different sides - well, right, git, like a scattering of poo - they are all rolling towards this stick from all sides, only the grass is making noise!..
And she, the one who bit, is guilty, reaching behind. He commands her:
- But come, come. What, are you afraid? - he commands her. And then, that means, she stopped behind. He, now, suddenly did something, he says - they all dispersed, everyone else fled. But this one remained. He came up and let’s whip her with a twig. She, he says, curls like a wheel, jumps up, but doesn’t run, doesn’t go anywhere...” (From the collection of V.P. Zinoviev.)
Commanding snakes is not limited to just general commands. The sorcerer can take snakes in his hands and place them on his shoulders and neck. Snakes sometimes guard the house, guard the sorcerer's children and even sleep next to them.
“...Yes, he leaves with his wife (she said this, in her words), leaves her:
- Don't be afraid. When snakes come, they will lie with you - don’t be afraid. They are on guard.
And so... she then got up and woke up (the lamp was on): such a healthy snake was lying at the threshold. She looked: both from this side and from this side the snakes were guarding her.” (From the collection of V.P. Zinoviev.)
The powerful sorcerer also commands other living creatures. He can send worms to the garden and, conversely, remove them from there; during a hunt, the necessary animals come running to him, and he is free to take them away from other hunters. The same thing happens when fishing. By the way, the sorcerer is sometimes credited with the ability to understand the language of animals and birds and come into contact with them.
In addition to the animal world, the sorcerer commands the natural elements. He knows how to send wind, rain, hail, blizzard or ward off bad weather. Hail will never destroy his crops, even if all the fields around him are destroyed. He or the people he protects can walk completely calmly during a terrible storm without feeling it. The weather lords, or cloud chasers, as they were called, apparently relied on their own magical powers. In any case, here, as when communicating with living creatures, it was important to know which word, action and object help in a particular situation. For example, ordinary people could stop rain and hail if they knew that to do this they needed to throw a bread shovel or some other stove utensil into the yard.

Sending damage

Spell acts from witchcraft are described very little. Most of them do not talk about any unusual behavior of the sorcerer, but contain only some specific threats (“Well, you’ll still remember me!”, “Well, well, try to have a wedding without me!”) or some peculiar compliments, expressed with a feeling of envy (“You have a nice little cow!”, “Look how your girl has gotten fat, how she’s growing by leaps and bounds!”). Usually, after this, malaise immediately began, which then turned into terrible suffering. The person himself often guessed what happened to him, or his closest relatives, noticing oddities in his appearance, behavior, speech, understood what had happened, and, after questioning the victim, looked for someone who could help him.
Sometimes, to cause damage, the sorcerer’s touch to a person or animal was enough. The sorcerers did this simply with their gaze - the most terrible weapon in their arsenal. Under such a gaze, the man felt his heart stop, everything inside turned cold.
Representatives of black magic sometimes cast damage to the wind, without predetermining who it is intended for. They probably do this when they are overwhelmed by dark forces. They are forced to bring disharmony into the world, but do not have a specific victim.
In folk tradition, a distinction is made between casting damage in the wind and sending bad wind. The first is done by trained sorcerers, and the second by those who have evil spirits under their control - they call on a bad wind, a whirlwind (from the “damn” swamp, from a remote unclean place) and send it at their enemy. From such a wind, a person gets a “sickness” - a malaise, which is, as it were, identified with evil spirits. It is believed that the wind, especially the whirlwind, is unclean. If you accidentally fall into a whirlwind, something bad will happen to a person.
A sorcerer can send damage down the wind out of selfishness, for example, so that he can later heal and receive a reward. In such situations, the sorcerer or witch almost immediately comes to the victim and offers their help.
Damage and other misfortunes are often sent to a person through treasures - specially spoken objects that are thrown into the house or buried next to it. The treasure can be any ordinary thing, sometimes as if accidentally dropped. If an inexperienced person took it and managed to use it in some way, it threatened the most terrible suffering, often leading to death. You can get rid of such a “gift” only with special knowledge. Old, experienced people never took luggage with their bare hands, but touched them through a rag, paper, or mittens. Such an object was usually thrown out with the casting of spells, to a place where no one goes.
The situation was more complicated with treasures buried in the ground or hidden in the house. For example, in order to house evil spirits that harm the owners, a rag doll was hidden in the house. The owners could get rid of the obsession only by finding the cursed toy and throwing it away. It is difficult to say what exactly was buried as objects causing damage. The treasures included things that came into contact with the person to whom the damage was intended, or certain attributes reminiscent of the devil's power: in jars that were dug up or found somewhere, there were human hair, manure, cut nails, rotten eggs, animal hair.
The curls or twists that sorcerers make in the field are similar to polads. These are intertwined ears of grain, broken bundles of grain tied in a strange way. If such a twist was not noticed and, after being squeezed and threshed, it ended up in the bread, and the people who ate it could no longer be helped. Having discovered curls, the damage could be gotten rid of with the help of an experienced sorcerer in the same way as from any other item. The twist was torn out with protected hands with spells and destroyed in a place where a person’s foot does not step; sometimes the curls were burned right in the field, but also with special actions - amulets and spells.
Witchcraft was also cast through drinking or eating. In this case, one can, of course, assume that some kind of poison was mixed into ordinary products. But it often happened that what was said had an effect only on the one to whom it was addressed. However, special warnings were often made that drink or food should not be used by anyone other than the person for whom it was prepared.
Sometimes drinks and water intended for a person were offered to the offending sorcerer if a stronger sorcerer took revenge at the request of the offended. The reaction to food or drink with a curse was sometimes simply terrible.
“...So she fed us, sat down, dipped a piece into the kulaga and just took a bite - immediately on the floor, foaming at the mouth, she began to beat... My father told me; Here she was whipped, she was tearing out her hair... " (From the collection of V.P. Zinoviev.)
It was possible to spoil a person with the help of a slander on his mark left by his bare foot. The spell was induced either on the spot, for which needles with a curse were stuck into it, or the trace was taken out and the magic took place at home, at the stove or in the bathhouse. The trail spell served both for ordinary damage and for love divination.
A sorcerer could exterminate a person with the help of evil spirits at hand. He sent devils to the man and tormented him at night.
“...He’s at home until twelve o’clock, and then when he jumps up, he starts circling around the hut. It spins and spins - and when the rooster crows, it falls and lies there.
And there was another thing: he would take two buckets of sand, sprinkle it on himself and sleep like that. And in the morning he wakes up and there’s sand in buckets. The devils must have been collecting.” (From the collection of V.P. Zinoviev.)
This is how the story tells about an unfortunate man who was tormented by his own witch mother.
Damage With the help of the evil spirit could be sent under the guise of hiccups. A person was possessed, as it were, by a personal demon. Hiccups and hiccups, also called klikushki, suffered terribly, since the attacks began at the most inopportune times. Often the demon sitting in them said things that they themselves did not want to tell others. Such sufferers could not enter the church or during the service they began to shout there: they fell and struggled on the ground in writhing and agony. In hiccups, there are several stages of the disease. “My son has already lost his talkative spirit, and the “silence” has begun, he has no rumors, like people, but only a roar and a cry, like a forest animal - a wolf, perhaps, should say. There is one bad thing about such people: from the “non-fly” the “mortal” itself is born. A person fights and fights, and begins to break him from right to left with all sorts of convulsions, and in them death itself occurs. After all, a hundred demons are gnawing at our bellies.”
Hiccups are especially difficult to treat. Sometimes they were reprimanded in church, but it was better to turn to a strong sorcerer. When scolding or during prayer, the hiccup worker himself named the sorcerer who possessed the demon.

Love fortune telling

The deeds of the sorcerer, embodied in verbal form, sometimes reached the general public. Typically, those spells that became famous were those that were not considered particularly serious or harmful. Thus, on the border between what was permitted and what was not allowed, there was sorcery associated with love spells. Not only sorcerers, but also healers were often involved in bewitching love couples and sending chills to the lovers. They were actively helped in this by the interested parties themselves. There are some differences in the love spells and spells used by different spellers. The healers of white magic used those conspiracies that in content did not contradict their practice. The sorcerers, naturally, turned to the devilish world. Inexperienced spellcasters used what they learned by chance. It was believed that the influence of the sorcerer and his texts was much stronger than that of the healer. But they were often afraid to turn to representatives of black magic, fearing divine retribution for themselves and harm to the one to whom the spell was addressed.
By pronouncing a spell, the caster renounces divine power and hands himself over to the hands of the devil. Apparently, this was considered as a single appeal to evil spirits - a sin that could later be prayed for.
“I go to bed without praying and without crossing myself, I get up without blessing, I go from door to door to three doors, from gate to gate to three gates, into open fields. On the seashore on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan there are three forges. Blacksmiths forge on four machines. Bes Salchak, do not forge white iron, but bind a good fellow (or a red maiden) with skin, body, heart (those eyes and curls). Do not burn the walnut tree, but burn the zealous heart in the good fellow (the red maiden); I wouldn’t fall asleep in food, I wouldn’t drink when drinking, I wouldn’t fall asleep in a dream, I would be honored and magnified in everything, brighter than the bright month, redder than the red sun, dearer than father, mother, family and tribe. The key is heaven, the lock is earth.”
Similar incantations are also pronounced when letting people cool down. In them, too, the unclean ones act as assistants.
“I will get up without being blessed, I will go without crossing myself, from the hut not by doors, from the courtyard not by gates; I will go out through a smoky window, a framed log, I will not go into an open field.
There are stumps and roots not in an open field. On this tree stump stands a hut on chicken legs; in this hut there is a cold stove, on this stove sit a cat and a dog. Just as they sit there, snuggle, spit, spit, and won’t reach into each other’s hands, so (name) won’t reach into each other’s hands, they scratched, they scratched, they spat, they coughed, and they hated them forever.”
However, love spells can be different and resemble ordinary healing spells. In all likelihood, such texts were used by adherents of white magic.
The sorcerer always addressed his requests only to black forces. If, for example, he wanted to send hiccups, he would pronounce the following renunciation: “I renounce God and His life-giving Cross, I give myself into the hands of the devils... Give this man grief, called hiccups, shake and torment (name) until the end of his life... How will he dry up? this salt, so dry up and (name), leave me, devils, and come to him...”
A person initiated into black magic could see or not see the power he evoked. Sometimes the assistants appeared to him in their natural form. Sometimes, if they were constantly with the sorcerer, some people could see them.
It could not only be devils. Knowledgeable people sometimes summoned other creatures of the unreal world. To contact, for example, a goblin, on Kupala night one had to go into the forest, “having found an aspen tree, cut it down so that its top fell on the eastern side; on the stump of a felled aspen, standing facing east, bend down and, looking into the hole formed between the legs, say: “Uncle goblin, show yourself not like a gray wolf, not a black raven, not a fire spruce, show yourself as I am.”
There was a similar opportunity to call a servant. According to one of the methods, a person, having performed a series of ritual actions, had to go out to the barn door in the middle of the night with a spell: “Uncle yard man, come to me, not green like an oak tree leaf, not blue like a river bank, come as I am, I I will give you the egg of Christ.”
It was also possible to communicate with the merman on the initiative of a person. But knowledgeable people tried not to enter into any deals with him, but simply, using spells, to take away his property from the merman.
Until recently, faith in the power of those involved in the sphere of black magic was almost absolute in East Slavic villages. They talk a lot about sorcerers and witches even now.
By the way, if we were a little more attentive to ancient knowledge, we would not make many mistakes, actively invading the unknown sphere of our existence. For example, the hasty general craze for telesessions with psychotherapists, as is known, instead of improving the health of many people, leads to just the opposite. Ah, if only we knew and remembered that traditional medicine was so careful regarding biofield treatment! Our ancestors understood perfectly well that not every person can be treated by a healer, and not even everyone can be affected by a sorcerer. This was done selectively, just as the healing and witchcraft arts were transmitted very selectively - they looked for a person with a similar field type. Popular culture is well aware that the world is bipolar, based on the opposition of two principles.
It seems that numerous questions of the still mysterious world in which we live could find their answer much faster if we knew our own past better. Maybe then we would learn to behave more carefully in this world, so as not to violate its integrity and balance, and also not to harm ourselves and others.

N. Stepanova
Books of magic and witchcraft

White magic

From the author

If you decide to comprehend white magic, you should know the following about it. A master of white magic, unlike a master of black magic, pursues only good goals. He will never do evil. That is why white magic is called good magic, that is, creating good, good deeds. The master should not refuse someone who knocked on his door for help, even if he knows for sure that, having removed the damage from the patient, he himself may get sick. Of course, in order to avoid the consequences of removing damage, there are amulets and healing spells special for these cases, which you will learn from this textbook.
You should absolutely believe that you will cure the patient, without doubting for a minute, no matter how bad he is. Your unshakable faith in the power of white magic is the guarantee of success. There is no doubt about the truly powerful power of white magic. You cannot boast about what you have healed. It is forbidden to say: “He was dying, and I raised him from the grave.” For the one whose health you boasted about will fall ill again. You can’t reveal something secret to satisfy someone’s curiosity. Those who will ask you to show a “miracle” as proof of your strength do not understand that this will take away your power in white magic and you will never be able to help people. Know how to behave worthy of a Master of light deeds. Take care of your gift and spare no time and effort to help those in need. Rejoice and thank God when you see that you saved a person from illness and inevitable death. Do not take food, towels, scarves or lard for your treatment. This cannot be done. Don't make profit your goal. Your goal is salvation and help. Do not wear black clothing on days when you are treating people or animals.
When you correct damaged soil in your gardens, make sure that those who come for help have a cross on them. Ask if the person is baptized; if not, persuade him to be baptized. The exception is when a person is unable to walk and there is no opportunity to invite a priest for baptism at home. In this case, at least 12 candles should burn during treatment.
Do not forget to ask the owners whether the cattle were purchased or born on their farm before you undertake to treat sick animals. If cattle are purchased, spray while reading the hex with your left hand. If not, then right. If the spell says that you need to put finger with finger, index finger with index finger, or little finger with little finger, then you can’t stand and think which finger is the ring finger and which is the middle finger. Everything must be done quickly and clearly. Learn the order of your fingers in advance: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb.
Try to shake people's hand less often when greeting them; Greet with words, not hands. Take care of your fingers. If any finger is injured, refrain from treatment unless it is urgent. Do not see off those who were treated by you; say goodbye without leaving the room.
Is it possible to treat a person if he laughs at occult sciences or does not believe in such help, and also when the whole body is covered with tattoos, that is, with drawings applied with a needle and ink? Not recommended. There is little benefit, and it’s hard for the master. A sick person should ask a master for help and wait for healing with faith. If a person does not ask for treatment and, moreover, does not believe, why treat? As for ridicule of the occult, here’s an example. A woman turned to my student Lyudmila Ivanovna Zyryanova for help. She claimed to see the image of a person at night at a certain hour. He enters the room, sits down at the table and begins to make random movements with his hands, as if pushing apart the lying cards, looking for the one he needs. The patient, on the advice of Lyudmila Ivanovna, removed the table from this room in order to deprive him of the opportunity to linger in this room, and also to find out what the alien would do without a table. On the next visit, the patient said that at night a man in black visited her again, sat at the feet of a woman (let’s call her Larisa) and began to look at Larisa with incredibly evil eyes. She began to read the “Our Father,” and the man disappeared.

Current page: 1 (book has 30 pages total) [available reading passage: 20 pages]

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Man in the magical world

What is a magician? Probably, for many modern readers this word is associated with Don Juan, the hero of the mystical ancient American teachings expounded by Carlos Castaneda. Many, of course, will remember the late Vitaly Akhramovich, who himself called himself a magician, and really was one - not in the sense of practicing “witchcraft,” but because he always, in any everyday situation, felt like an integral part of the environment (first of all urban). Moreover, this environment was not a dead substance for him; it is alive and mysterious, it obeys invisible laws that are still poorly understood by us. These are the laws of magic.

If we ignore the fairy-tale image of an old man in a robe embroidered with stars and a pointed cap, the magician can be compared to a hunter to whom sudden silence or footprints in the sand speak much more than to an ordinary person. The world for a hunter-mage is full of secrets, but they do not frighten him; he will never unexpectedly enter the den of the beast. For he is a “man of knowledge.”

Knowledge? Yes, sure. Only this does not mean book science, but practical, concrete knowledge - but at the same time, no matter how strange it may seem to a modern European, comprehensive knowledge. In any tradition, the magician is perceived as an almost omniscient person. Here are just its Russian names: “sorcerer”, “witch doctor”; Siberians simply say about such a person - “knows a lot.” In any case, more than others.

Magic is as old, if not as old as the world, then as old as humanity. Traces of the techniques of “natural magic” are in the burials of the Paleolithic era, the Old Stone Age. At the dawn of time, magic was taken for granted, without evaluation based on the principle of “good or bad.” You could just know a lot - or a little. A sorcerer-magician could be a leader, a priest, a healer, a warrior, an executioner... Only later, as culture developed, when the whole world was divided into right - left, higher - lower, heavenly - infernal - only then did ideas about white magic and magic appear black. (One of the most obvious, most universal examples of this kind is the evolution of views on the ancient Chinese symbol yin - yang. We are now talking in connection with it about the opposition of female and male, left and right, wet and dry, etc.; originally yin symbolized the shadowed slope of the mountain, and yang symbolized the illuminated slope. So understand what is “good” and what is “evil”: the mountain is the same...)

Of course, it is not difficult to imagine a textbook black magician as a person who uses his power, his power over the forces of nature to kill and suppress everything and everyone except himself. Legends claim that such “certainly black” magicians once destroyed Atlantis - so thoroughly that the great culture disappeared almost without a trace, along with its continent. But how then can we evaluate the activities of village healers, who with their witchcraft cure very specific diseases and help people, or the actions of, say, the biblical Solomon? According to legend, he used the services of evil demons, “genies” - but he did it completely differently from the black magicians of the Atlanteans. Solomon subjugated the spirits of evil and forced them to build a Temple - not an idol of demons, but the Temple of the One God, the Creator of the Universe. Of course, then Solomon probably had a lot of problems getting rid of the connection he created with these genies...

Now it is difficult for us to imagine how exactly the ideas about white and black magic developed. One can only assume that in the era of dominance of patriarchal religions (that is, in the last millennia), the function of the priest - a servant of higher powers - began to be associated with goodness and masculinity, with white magic. At the same time, settling everyday affairs that are clearly not related to the heavenly world - this whole range of problems began to be correlated with evil and with the feminine principle, since it was on women’s shoulders that the burden of material affairs fell (even the word “matter” itself is a substance opposed to spirit in modern philosophy – in many European languages ​​it is consonant with the word “mother”).

Indeed, from history we know that women were more often accused of black magic than men. The most eloquent story in this regard is the history of late Christianity, which, starting around the 10th century, punished healing witchcraft with excommunication from the Church, sometimes followed by execution. True, for a long time civil law was more tolerant than church law and somewhat softened the situation. Even at the beginning of the 17th century, leading European jurists distinguished natural magic (“merely a more accurate knowledge of nature”) from magic “harmful, evil, illegal,” “performed with the help of demons or creating a threat to body and soul.” Still, by the 16th century, the church position as a whole prevailed, and mass executions began...

However, magic is still alive today - simply because it is a well-defined area of ​​human knowledge, both theoretical and practical. The secret to the vitality of this knowledge is simple. They resort to magic when “official” medicine, “scientific” psychological techniques, or methods for resolving conflicts between people do not help.

In any area of ​​​​human knowledge you need to get used to it one way or another. It is unlikely that anyone will now be able to find a living “sage teacher”. So that leaves books. One of them is brought to the attention of readers. The collection from the series “Your Secret” includes an essay by candidate of philological sciences Valentina Ivanovna KHARITONOVA “Black and white magic of the Slavs.” The folklorist scientist has a positive attitude towards this knowledge, which has survived to this day in ancient tales, legends and tales.

You will also read practical works - the works of Natalya Ivanovna STEPANOVA. She herself practices white magic; I compiled my books by responding to letters from students – sometimes skeptical. And this is not surprising: let us remember how almost all of us recently perceived all these incantations, fortune-telling, divination, potions... And now we are slowly beginning to realize how far-sighted the advice of folk healers, coming from the depths of centuries, can be.

The value of N.I. Stepanova’s works has already been proven in a rather original way. When Natalya Ivanovna began publishing them in small, limited edition brochures (in Novosibirsk), counterfeits immediately appeared. However, according to the author, they are not only harmful, but also unsuitable for work. ONLY THE RIPOL Classic PUBLISHING HOUSE guarantees a verified edition of these works (information about some previous, equally carefully verified editions is given at the end of our collection).

Will you read these books and... enrich yourself with knowledge? will you gain the power of a magician? get another book to add to your collection? will you comprehend a new layer of the culture of your people? Everyone is looking for their own, everyone has their own tasks. But in any case, these books can be useful to you if you want to avoid the blows of fate, to understand the world and yourself in it in a new way, if you want to get out of a stressful situation not broken, but renewed. When you purchase this book, you will no longer have to look for “knowledgeable people” if necessary - especially since you can sometimes make mistakes in them.


V. Kharitonova
Black and white magic of the Slavs

Where do visions come from?

I only managed to find out that in their world there are rivers, and lakes, and trees, and fields, that partly devils live in it, first created by God as good, but later fallen away with Lucifer, and partly - the souls of dead people, not worthy of hell, but those who have not received the hope of purgatory and are condemned to languish on earth until the second coming, that they are always happy to talk with people whom they see like a light in the darkness, but they cannot approach everyone, but only those who are capable of it and who are not closed shield of service to God.

V. Bryusov. Fire Angel

To understand some of the oddities of the modern world, or at least get to know them better, you need to turn to folklore and ethnographic information. They contain those unusual phenomena that still amaze the human consciousness. There are incredibly many of them in non-fairy tale folk prose. And even to an uninitiated listener it becomes clear, for example, that our world is not the only one on the planet. There is another habitable environment where we go after death. The most interesting thing is that there are certain beings there who can influence our lives, and special individuals can establish contacts between the two worlds.

In addition, beings from another world quite often visit the world of the living.

“When the middle time came between noon and sunset, on Friday they took the girl to something they had made like a cornice at the door, she placed her feet on the hands of the men; climbed onto this cornice, said something in her own language and was lowered. Then they raised her a second time, she did the same as the first time, and they lowered her; They raised her a third time, and she did as the first two times.<…>I asked the interpreter about her action, and he answered me: the first time she said “I see my father and my mother!”, the second time “I see all my relatives sitting!”, the third time she said: “Here I see my master sitting in the garden (in paradise. - V. X.), and heaven is beautiful, green: grown men and boys are with it, it calls me, therefore lead me to it.” This is how the eastern traveler Ibn Fadlan describes one of the rituals at the funeral of a noble Russian, which he witnessed. The answers of the girl, prepared for the role of the victim - the companion of the deceased, contain ideas about the world of the dead that were characteristic of a person of the 10th century. The narrative naturally brings to us echoes of beliefs that are much more ancient. But even in the works of folklore recorded in the 20th century, similar views on the structure and character of the other world are found. It is only complicated by the influence of Christian teaching.

What were, in the most general terms, the views of our ancestors, the Eastern Slavs, on the structure of this world and its inhabitants?

Human consciousness, which tends to animate everything inanimate and endow it with a form of existence similar to that of humans, has created a world of other existence.

Death itself was perceived as a spatio-temporal transition from one life to another, since it was difficult for a person to imagine the non-presence in a certain space of someone who had recently been in his habitat.

Since ancient times, those who have gone to the other world have been treated with great respect, since they were perceived as beings endowed with unearthly super-knowledge and power. Gradually, a cult of ancestors was formed, which included unique forms of worship.

Everything that was connected with man’s transition into another existence was put in order. This even gave rise to rituals for seeing off old people to the next world. The death of the victims was not perceived as tragic. For them, too, it was furnished solemnly and meant for the person chosen as a sacrifice the achievement of power, a more significant magical potential.

Strict regulations were developed for communication with the dead, and the nature of the possible contacts themselves, both temporally and spatially, was comprehended. Of course, first of all, these rules provided for the invasion of ancestors into the world of the living.

From the side of the ancestors, obviously endowed with super-knowledge and power, one could expect both bad and good. Therefore, at various calendar periods, it was necessary, observing certain rules of behavior, to appease representatives of the unreal world, especially if they appeared in the world of the living. One of these periods is the winter holidays, when there was direct contact between the two worlds. It was believed that under the guise of Christmas carolers, dressed up in villages, ancestors walked from house to house, reminding them of themselves. The mummers sang magical chants - good wishes (carols, ovsen, grapes, schedrovki), for which the newcomers had to be presented with ritual food, often the same one that was treated during the wake.

It was believed that contacts with the world of the dead also necessarily occur on Maslenitsa, on St. George’s Day, on Trinity-Russian Week, post-Easter Radunitsa, Parental Saturdays, Michaelmas and other memorial days.

Contact with the other world was conceptualized as two-way: not only could ancestors appear alive, but a person also had the right to turn to them on any important occasions. This was manifested, for example, in the tradition of fortune-telling that has been stable to this day precisely at a time when the border between the worlds was supposed to be open. Any attempt to find out fate was associated with a direct appeal to the spirits of unreal space.

The appearance of mysterious aliens for initiates was not a surprise and was not very scary: the system of amulets and forced resistance to otherworldly forces was developed in folk practice in great detail.

Some people could constantly turn to the other world. This was the lot of those who were related to magic.

But for all other people, the appearance of inhabitants of the unreal world in the world of the living was not limited by calendar dates. Some spirits were always invisibly present nearby, and sometimes could appear in their real-surreal image. These are spirits whose existence was associated with the idea of ​​patronage or ownership of certain spaces and elements. So, for example, a human dwelling had its own patron ancestor in the form of a brownie, the Leshy was in charge in the forest, the Vodyanoy was in charge in the water, the barn was in charge, and the bannik was in charge in the bathhouse. Man interpreted their existence in accordance with his own life: they had wives and children, they needed workers, for which the spirits could use people.

The spirits of the so-called lower mythology have firmly taken root in the real world. But, besides them, the unreal space was inhabited by creatures that had to be perceived with much greater caution. These were pagan gods. With their appearance, the unreal world became three-dimensional, comparable in its division to the idea of ​​the world tree. Good and evil in him became polarized, and three surreal spaces arose: the world of the gods, the heavenly world, and the world of negative divine beings opposing them, the world of the underworld. The spread of Christianity among the Slavs practically displaced pagan deities from the people's consciousness.

Perhaps the most clearly preserved in the folk tradition is the cult of Perun with all its attributes (veneration of his tree - oak, day of the week - Thursday, association of thunderstorms with the battle of the deity and the mythical serpent, often replaced in our days by the devil).

In some cases, pagan gods combined with Christian successors. For example, it is extremely difficult to explain who Ivan Kupala is, whose day is honored in different ways by church and folk traditions.

The spirits of lower mythology still surround man, as evidenced by numerous oral folk tales.

However, they began to be revered as unclean and belong to the infernal world of the devil. But even this did not cause a person to have an absolutely negative attitude towards the creatures of the unreal world. Therefore, the veneration of the spirits of the house was still preserved, although it was not excluded that the devil could enter the house.

The Eastern Slavs developed the so-called dual faith. It not only determined a person’s attitude to the other world, but also to the magical principle in this world.

Magic as an idea of ​​the supernatural capabilities of a person takes place in almost all religious systems. The realization of these abilities is differentiated depending on what forces feed them. Magic is divided into black and white.

White magic is, as it were, a semi-permitted sphere of human activity. It was absolutely permitted and necessary in the system of pagan religions. Monotheistic religion denies any magical manifestation, believing that man is completely dependent on God, and everything else is on the evil one. But such a prohibition was not always observed in relation to white magic: sometimes even the clergy themselves reprimanded the demoniac, sick with fever, with the help of Christian prayers and even more ancient spells.

Black magic at the stage of paganism was acceptable in certain cases. Christianity resolutely rejects it as a means of negatively influencing the world and people with the help of devilish forces.

According to the system of Christian views, people admitted to magic can be given powers that come directly from the devil. At the same time, the person himself becomes largely dependent on it. However, this only applies to black sorcerers. Most of the magical abilities are addressed to the forces of good. Any representative of a magical clan in our world is an unusual person, super-strong, capable of knowing, seeing and doing what others cannot. His strength depends on his own internal energy basis and on who he contacts in the unreal world.

A person can be endowed with super-knowledge and power by special command from above for righteousness or some other special behavior. Prophets and clairvoyants seem to combine knowledge of the divine and human levels.

The belief in the possibility of contacts with the other world and in this world itself is preserved by people, apparently under the influence of thousands of years of magical practice of their ancestors, transmitted genetically. In any case, we often encounter as yet unknown embodiments of matter and spirit.

A world in which we are not the only ones living

– Are there ghosts or not? - I ask the cat.

- Yes and no! – the cat on the box answers drowsily.

– If you see them and believe them, then they exist. If you only have two eyes and no other eyes, then no.

L. Mironikhina. Family story

The mysterious world of our fellow planets lies in wait for us everywhere, sometimes appearing completely unexpectedly, and sometimes at the request of a person. Contact with creatures of non-human nature is most easily found by people who in villages are called healers, sorcerers, and witches. These people are extremely interesting in themselves. They have almost unlimited possibilities: their impact can extend not only to people and animals, but also to natural phenomena and elements.

Here is one of the tales.

“A woman from Palesye came to our village. And then there was a war. They were runaways. Well, they settled in, but they still have to work. Then the collective farm began to give them work. And this woman, her name was Palashka, began transporting eggs to the area from the poultry house. Yes... But she carried them on a cart, but not like everyone else, in boxes, but in bags, then she tied the bags onto a cart, tied them with a rope, and even sat on top of them herself. Like this. And you know, I’ve never broken a single testicle!

Well, then rumors about her spread throughout the village: they say she is a witch from Palesia. But she was such a silent person, she didn’t make friends with anyone, she was all alone. But you can’t keep silent all your life alone. And people are on the side of the fighter. Apparently I was the only one who wasn’t afraid of her. She walked past the Movo house. No, no, and even just a drink of water. So I’ll talk to her, and sometimes I’ll feed her something - they, the runaways, didn’t have anything at all, but we still lived as our own little house, even though there was a war...

And then one day my Pelageya came in, and I was watering the garden, but I had to carry water a long way: there was no well. Here she is, kind-hearted, looking at me and saying: Natasha, why are you so busy? Let me dig a well under your window in the yard in one night! You don’t smell anything, but in the morning he’s ready to wake you up! - Uh-uh, no! - I say. - I, Pelageya, cannot afford such gifts. And don’t tell me about that, otherwise I’ll be afraid of you!

Well, she went and didn’t say anything to me. And then, when they all started leaving after the war, she told me more about how to scare the sorcerers away from themselves. Yes, she did a lot of things here: she told people no matter who came from the war... But everyone was afraid of her..." (From the author's archive.)

But no matter how witches and sorcerers are treated, they are still creatures of human nature. In the villages they are feared, but they know the means to harm them and get rid of them. A witch can be called an ordinary sorceress or one who “specializes” in taking milk from cows. The witch could, turning into a snake or toad, enter the barn and suck out the milk. But sometimes witchcraft without werewolf was enough.

“Once I went to Zhito before dawn, otherwise it was on Yury. I came out and looked, and my neighbor Marya was just such a socialite. And she, Marya, knew a lot of things. Well, let me, I think, and I’ll go for a ride! She took off her clothes, stayed in her underwear, and let’s catazza! And we used to say that dew on Yury can cure everything, and I thought that she, Marya, was the cure.

And I came home, took off everything that was wet, threw it on a rough surface to dry, and went to the stove. I’m doing something there - I looked: holy lights! Yes, my hut is full of water! Where does this trouble come from? I look, and I’ve put my skirts down to dry, the water is flowing!

Well, I quickly threw my skirt into the yard and went to Marya’s window: what’s wrong with her? I look out the window, and her underwear is lying on the loom, and milk is running from it in a stream. That’s when I believed that people were telling the truth about her - she’s a witch!” (From the author's archive.)

Current page: 1 (book has 30 pages total) [available reading passage: 17 pages]

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Man in the magical world

What is a magician? Probably, for many modern readers this word is associated with Don Juan, the hero of the mystical ancient American teachings expounded by Carlos Castaneda. Many, of course, will remember the late Vitaly Akhramovich, who himself called himself a magician, and really was one - not in the sense of practicing “witchcraft,” but because he always, in any everyday situation, felt like an integral part of the environment (first of all urban). Moreover, this environment was not a dead substance for him; it is alive and mysterious, it obeys invisible laws that are still poorly understood by us. These are the laws of magic.

If we ignore the fairy-tale image of an old man in a robe embroidered with stars and a pointed cap, the magician can be compared to a hunter to whom sudden silence or footprints in the sand speak much more than to an ordinary person. The world for a hunter-mage is full of secrets, but they do not frighten him; he will never unexpectedly enter the den of the beast. For he is a “man of knowledge.”

Knowledge? Yes, sure. Only this does not mean book science, but practical, concrete knowledge - but at the same time, no matter how strange it may seem to a modern European, comprehensive knowledge. In any tradition, the magician is perceived as an almost omniscient person. Here are just its Russian names: “sorcerer”, “witch doctor”; Siberians simply say about such a person - “knows a lot.” In any case, more than others.

Magic is as old, if not as old as the world, then as old as humanity. Traces of the techniques of “natural magic” are in the burials of the Paleolithic era, the Old Stone Age. At the dawn of time, magic was taken for granted, without evaluation based on the principle of “good or bad.” You could just know a lot - or a little. A sorcerer-magician could be a leader, a priest, a healer, a warrior, an executioner... Only later, as culture developed, when the whole world was divided into right - left, higher - lower, heavenly - infernal - only then did ideas about white magic and magic appear black. (One of the most obvious, most universal examples of this kind is the evolution of views on the ancient Chinese symbol yin - yang. We are now talking in connection with it about the opposition of female and male, left and right, wet and dry, etc.; originally yin symbolized the shadowed slope of the mountain, and yang symbolized the illuminated slope. So understand what is “good” and what is “evil”: the mountain is the same...)

Of course, it is not difficult to imagine a textbook black magician as a person who uses his power, his power over the forces of nature to kill and suppress everything and everyone except himself. Legends claim that such “certainly black” magicians once destroyed Atlantis - so thoroughly that the great culture disappeared almost without a trace, along with its continent. But how then can we evaluate the activities of village healers, who with their witchcraft cure very specific diseases and help people, or the actions of, say, the biblical Solomon? According to legend, he used the services of evil demons, “genies” - but he did it completely differently from the black magicians of the Atlanteans. Solomon subjugated the spirits of evil and forced them to build a Temple - not an idol of demons, but the Temple of the One God, the Creator of the Universe. Of course, then Solomon probably had a lot of problems getting rid of the connection he created with these genies...

Now it is difficult for us to imagine how exactly the ideas about white and black magic developed. One can only assume that in the era of dominance of patriarchal religions (that is, in the last millennia), the function of the priest - a servant of higher powers - began to be associated with goodness and masculinity, with white magic. At the same time, settling everyday affairs that are clearly not related to the heavenly world - this whole range of problems began to be correlated with evil and with the feminine principle, since it was on women’s shoulders that the burden of material affairs fell (even the word “matter” itself is a substance opposed to spirit in modern philosophy – in many European languages ​​it is consonant with the word “mother”).

Indeed, from history we know that women were more often accused of black magic than men. The most eloquent story in this regard is the history of late Christianity, which, starting around the 10th century, punished healing witchcraft with excommunication from the Church, sometimes followed by execution. True, for a long time civil law was more tolerant than church law and somewhat softened the situation. Even at the beginning of the 17th century, leading European jurists distinguished natural magic (“merely a more accurate knowledge of nature”) from magic “harmful, evil, illegal,” “performed with the help of demons or creating a threat to body and soul.” Still, by the 16th century, the church position as a whole prevailed, and mass executions began...

However, magic is still alive today - simply because it is a well-defined area of ​​human knowledge, both theoretical and practical. The secret to the vitality of this knowledge is simple. They resort to magic when “official” medicine, “scientific” psychological techniques, or methods for resolving conflicts between people do not help.

In any area of ​​​​human knowledge you need to get used to it one way or another. It is unlikely that anyone will now be able to find a living “sage teacher”. So that leaves books. One of them is brought to the attention of readers. The collection from the series “Your Secret” includes an essay by candidate of philological sciences Valentina Ivanovna KHARITONOVA “Black and white magic of the Slavs.” The folklorist scientist has a positive attitude towards this knowledge, which has survived to this day in ancient tales, legends and tales.

You will also read practical works - the works of Natalya Ivanovna STEPANOVA. She herself practices white magic; I compiled my books by responding to letters from students – sometimes skeptical. And this is not surprising: let us remember how almost all of us recently perceived all these incantations, fortune-telling, divination, potions... And now we are slowly beginning to realize how far-sighted the advice of folk healers, coming from the depths of centuries, can be.

The value of N.I. Stepanova’s works has already been proven in a rather original way. When Natalya Ivanovna began publishing them in small, limited edition brochures (in Novosibirsk), counterfeits immediately appeared. However, according to the author, they are not only harmful, but also unsuitable for work. ONLY THE RIPOL Classic PUBLISHING HOUSE guarantees a verified edition of these works (information about some previous, equally carefully verified editions is given at the end of our collection).

Will you read these books and... enrich yourself with knowledge? will you gain the power of a magician? get another book to add to your collection? will you comprehend a new layer of the culture of your people? Everyone is looking for their own, everyone has their own tasks. But in any case, these books can be useful to you if you want to avoid the blows of fate, to understand the world and yourself in it in a new way, if you want to get out of a stressful situation not broken, but renewed. When you purchase this book, you will no longer have to look for “knowledgeable people” if necessary - especially since you can sometimes make mistakes in them.


V. Kharitonova
Black and white magic of the Slavs

Where do visions come from?

I only managed to find out that in their world there are rivers, and lakes, and trees, and fields, that partly devils live in it, first created by God as good, but later fallen away with Lucifer, and partly - the souls of dead people, not worthy of hell, but those who have not received the hope of purgatory and are condemned to languish on earth until the second coming, that they are always happy to talk with people whom they see like a light in the darkness, but they cannot approach everyone, but only those who are capable of it and who are not closed shield of service to God.

V. Bryusov. Fire Angel

To understand some of the oddities of the modern world, or at least get to know them better, you need to turn to folklore and ethnographic information. They contain those unusual phenomena that still amaze the human consciousness. There are incredibly many of them in non-fairy tale folk prose. And even to an uninitiated listener it becomes clear, for example, that our world is not the only one on the planet. There is another habitable environment where we go after death. The most interesting thing is that there are certain beings there who can influence our lives, and special individuals can establish contacts between the two worlds.

In addition, beings from another world quite often visit the world of the living.

“When the middle time came between noon and sunset, on Friday they took the girl to something they had made like a cornice at the door, she placed her feet on the hands of the men; climbed onto this cornice, said something in her own language and was lowered. Then they raised her a second time, she did the same as the first time, and they lowered her; They raised her a third time, and she did as the first two times. I asked the interpreter about her action, and he answered me: the first time she said “I see my father and my mother!”, the second time “I see all my relatives sitting!”, the third time she said: “Here I see my master sitting in the garden (in paradise. - V. X.), and heaven is beautiful, green: grown men and boys are with it, it calls me, therefore lead me to it.” This is how the eastern traveler Ibn Fadlan describes one of the rituals at the funeral of a noble Russian, which he witnessed. The answers of the girl, prepared for the role of the victim - the companion of the deceased, contain ideas about the world of the dead that were characteristic of a person of the 10th century. The narrative naturally brings to us echoes of beliefs that are much more ancient. But even in the works of folklore recorded in the 20th century, similar views on the structure and character of the other world are found. It is only complicated by the influence of Christian teaching.

What were, in the most general terms, the views of our ancestors, the Eastern Slavs, on the structure of this world and its inhabitants?

Human consciousness, which tends to animate everything inanimate and endow it with a form of existence similar to that of humans, has created a world of other existence.

Death itself was perceived as a spatio-temporal transition from one life to another, since it was difficult for a person to imagine the non-presence in a certain space of someone who had recently been in his habitat.

Since ancient times, those who have gone to the other world have been treated with great respect, since they were perceived as beings endowed with unearthly super-knowledge and power. Gradually, a cult of ancestors was formed, which included unique forms of worship.

Everything that was connected with man’s transition into another existence was put in order. This even gave rise to rituals for seeing off old people to the next world. The death of the victims was not perceived as tragic. For them, too, it was furnished solemnly and meant for the person chosen as a sacrifice the achievement of power, a more significant magical potential.

Strict regulations were developed for communication with the dead, and the nature of the possible contacts themselves, both temporally and spatially, was comprehended. Of course, first of all, these rules provided for the invasion of ancestors into the world of the living.

From the side of the ancestors, obviously endowed with super-knowledge and power, one could expect both bad and good. Therefore, at various calendar periods, it was necessary, observing certain rules of behavior, to appease representatives of the unreal world, especially if they appeared in the world of the living. One of these periods is the winter holidays, when there was direct contact between the two worlds. It was believed that under the guise of Christmas carolers, dressed up in villages, ancestors walked from house to house, reminding them of themselves. The mummers sang magical chants - good wishes (carols, ovsen, grapes, schedrovki), for which the newcomers had to be presented with ritual food, often the same one that was treated during the wake.

It was believed that contacts with the world of the dead also necessarily occur on Maslenitsa, on St. George’s Day, on Trinity-Russian Week, post-Easter Radunitsa, Parental Saturdays, Michaelmas and other memorial days.

Contact with the other world was conceptualized as two-way: not only could ancestors appear alive, but a person also had the right to turn to them on any important occasions. This was manifested, for example, in the tradition of fortune-telling that has been stable to this day precisely at a time when the border between the worlds was supposed to be open. Any attempt to find out fate was associated with a direct appeal to the spirits of unreal space.

The appearance of mysterious aliens for initiates was not a surprise and was not very scary: the system of amulets and forced resistance to otherworldly forces was developed in folk practice in great detail.

Some people could constantly turn to the other world. This was the lot of those who were related to magic.

But for all other people, the appearance of inhabitants of the unreal world in the world of the living was not limited by calendar dates. Some spirits were always invisibly present nearby, and sometimes could appear in their real-surreal image. These are spirits whose existence was associated with the idea of ​​patronage or ownership of certain spaces and elements. So, for example, a human dwelling had its own patron ancestor in the form of a brownie, the Leshy was in charge in the forest, the Vodyanoy was in charge in the water, the barn was in charge, and the bannik was in charge in the bathhouse. Man interpreted their existence in accordance with his own life: they had wives and children, they needed workers, for which the spirits could use people.

The spirits of the so-called lower mythology have firmly taken root in the real world. But, besides them, the unreal space was inhabited by creatures that had to be perceived with much greater caution. These were pagan gods. With their appearance, the unreal world became three-dimensional, comparable in its division to the idea of ​​the world tree. Good and evil in him became polarized, and three surreal spaces arose: the world of the gods, the heavenly world, and the world of negative divine beings opposing them, the world of the underworld. The spread of Christianity among the Slavs practically displaced pagan deities from the people's consciousness.

Perhaps the most clearly preserved in the folk tradition is the cult of Perun with all its attributes (veneration of his tree - oak, day of the week - Thursday, association of thunderstorms with the battle of the deity and the mythical serpent, often replaced in our days by the devil).

In some cases, pagan gods combined with Christian successors. For example, it is extremely difficult to explain who Ivan Kupala is, whose day is honored in different ways by church and folk traditions.

The spirits of lower mythology still surround man, as evidenced by numerous oral folk tales.

However, they began to be revered as unclean and belong to the infernal world of the devil. But even this did not cause a person to have an absolutely negative attitude towards the creatures of the unreal world. Therefore, the veneration of the spirits of the house was still preserved, although it was not excluded that the devil could enter the house.

The Eastern Slavs developed the so-called dual faith. It not only determined a person’s attitude to the other world, but also to the magical principle in this world.

Magic as an idea of ​​the supernatural capabilities of a person takes place in almost all religious systems. The realization of these abilities is differentiated depending on what forces feed them. Magic is divided into black and white.

White magic is, as it were, a semi-permitted sphere of human activity. It was absolutely permitted and necessary in the system of pagan religions. Monotheistic religion denies any magical manifestation, believing that man is completely dependent on God, and everything else is on the evil one. But such a prohibition was not always observed in relation to white magic: sometimes even the clergy themselves reprimanded the demoniac, sick with fever, with the help of Christian prayers and even more ancient spells.

Black magic at the stage of paganism was acceptable in certain cases. Christianity resolutely rejects it as a means of negatively influencing the world and people with the help of devilish forces.

According to the system of Christian views, people admitted to magic can be given powers that come directly from the devil. At the same time, the person himself becomes largely dependent on it. However, this only applies to black sorcerers. Most of the magical abilities are addressed to the forces of good. Any representative of a magical clan in our world is an unusual person, super-strong, capable of knowing, seeing and doing what others cannot. His strength depends on his own internal energy basis and on who he contacts in the unreal world.

A person can be endowed with super-knowledge and power by special command from above for righteousness or some other special behavior. Prophets and clairvoyants seem to combine knowledge of the divine and human levels.

The belief in the possibility of contacts with the other world and in this world itself is preserved by people, apparently under the influence of thousands of years of magical practice of their ancestors, transmitted genetically. In any case, we often encounter as yet unknown embodiments of matter and spirit.

A world in which we are not the only ones living

– Are there ghosts or not? - I ask the cat.

- Yes and no! – the cat on the box answers drowsily.

– If you see them and believe them, then they exist. If you only have two eyes and no other eyes, then no.

L. Mironikhina. Family story

The mysterious world of our fellow planets lies in wait for us everywhere, sometimes appearing completely unexpectedly, and sometimes at the request of a person. Contact with creatures of non-human nature is most easily found by people who in villages are called healers, sorcerers, and witches. These people are extremely interesting in themselves. They have almost unlimited possibilities: their impact can extend not only to people and animals, but also to natural phenomena and elements.

Here is one of the tales.

“A woman from Palesye came to our village. And then there was a war. They were runaways. Well, they settled in, but they still have to work. Then the collective farm began to give them work. And this woman, her name was Palashka, began transporting eggs to the area from the poultry house. Yes... But she carried them on a cart, but not like everyone else, in boxes, but in bags, then she tied the bags onto a cart, tied them with a rope, and even sat on top of them herself. Like this. And you know, I’ve never broken a single testicle!

Well, then rumors about her spread throughout the village: they say she is a witch from Palesia. But she was such a silent person, she didn’t make friends with anyone, she was all alone. But you can’t keep silent all your life alone. And people are on the side of the fighter. Apparently I was the only one who wasn’t afraid of her. She walked past the Movo house. No, no, and even just a drink of water. So I’ll talk to her, and sometimes I’ll feed her something - they, the runaways, didn’t have anything at all, but we still lived as our own little house, even though there was a war...

And then one day my Pelageya came in, and I was watering the garden, but I had to carry water a long way: there was no well. Here she is, kind-hearted, looking at me and saying: Natasha, why are you so busy? Let me dig a well under your window in the yard in one night! You don’t smell anything, but in the morning he’s ready to wake you up! - Uh-uh, no! - I say. - I, Pelageya, cannot afford such gifts. And don’t tell me about that, otherwise I’ll be afraid of you!

Well, she went and didn’t say anything to me. And then, when they all started leaving after the war, she told me more about how to scare the sorcerers away from themselves. Yes, she did a lot of things here: she told people no matter who came from the war... But everyone was afraid of her..." (From the author's archive.)

But no matter how witches and sorcerers are treated, they are still creatures of human nature. In the villages they are feared, but they know the means to harm them and get rid of them. A witch can be called an ordinary sorceress or one who “specializes” in taking milk from cows. The witch could, turning into a snake or toad, enter the barn and suck out the milk. But sometimes witchcraft without werewolf was enough.

“Once I went to Zhito before dawn, otherwise it was on Yury. I came out and looked, and my neighbor Marya was just such a socialite. And she, Marya, knew a lot of things. Well, let me, I think, and I’ll go for a ride! She took off her clothes, stayed in her underwear, and let’s catazza! And we used to say that dew on Yury can cure everything, and I thought that she, Marya, was the cure.

And I came home, took off everything that was wet, threw it on a rough surface to dry, and went to the stove. I’m doing something there - I looked: holy lights! Yes, my hut is full of water! Where does this trouble come from? I look, and I’ve put my skirts down to dry, the water is flowing!

Well, I quickly threw my skirt into the yard and went to Marya’s window: what’s wrong with her? I look out the window, and her underwear is lying on the loom, and milk is running from it in a stream. That’s when I believed that people were telling the truth about her - she’s a witch!” (From the author's archive.)

Why we created such a section - because the books “Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer” by Natalya Stepanova are very widely distributed. And since these books by Natalia Stepanova contain a thinly disguised form of Satanism, many people suffer from them. It is not known whether a person with that name actually exists, it is not known, but this does not matter. It is important that many are looking for this name, trying to buy or download books by Natalia Stepanova. At the same time, we do not know of a single piece of evidence confirming that this “healer” exists in reality and is not a figment of the imagination of the employees of the Ripol Classic publishing house, known for its success in the field of magical (that is, satanic) literature.

As usual on our website, the main information is practical. That is, the main materials are the testimonies of those people who read the spells of the healer Natalya Stepanova and fully experienced the influence of this magic on their lives and the lives of their family.

If you have suffered from Natalia Stepanova's books,...

The distance (online) course “40 steps to family happiness” will help you find family happiness.

Short stories from readers about the experience of reading books by Natalia Stepanova (1)

If you want to ruin your life, use the magic of Natalia Stepanova. I myself did not suffer much from Stepanova’s magic. I quickly realized that this was bad. But my dear aunt was so obsessed with her. At first, the conspiracies worked, and the husband began to love, and the money poured in, and everything was smooth with work for both, and everything was fine with health, and the long-awaited second pregnancy, and the daughter entered college and studied well. But you have to pay for everything. It all started with a miscarriage. And she couldn’t get pregnant again, no matter how hard she tried, because both of them had health problems. And with work everything went to hell. Without work, they are deeply in debt.

Short stories from readers about the experience of reading books by Natalia Stepanova (2)

One guy showed interest in me, and to speed up the process, I bewitched him from the books of Natalia Stepanova. With a love spell, I wanted to make him like me even more. But the guy suddenly became cold towards me, and I was overcome by lust for him and hatred for my indifference.

Short stories from readers about the experience of reading books by Natalia Stepanova (3)

My husband has been driving for 15 years, and there has never been a single accident, and he has never broken the rules, everything was always fine, until I wrote him a conspiracy from the police based on the book by Natalya Stepanova. A week later, his license was taken away and he was deprived of it for a year and a half, allegedly for drunkenness (he doesn’t drink, he has an ulcer). I don’t know, maybe it’s a coincidence, or maybe the book “helped.”

Short stories from readers about the experience of reading books by Natalia Stepanova (4)

And then Stepanova’s book appeared, lying on the mezzanine, donated by a “caring” friend. My hands immediately scrolled through the desired section - love magic. I must say, I never believed her “Orthodoxy” - for a true Christian would not advise taking revenge, as she did in one of the books in response to a reader’s letter. But this did not stop me - I really wanted to return that person, I found the “strongest” love spell, according to the author, and did everything according to the instructions. The most terrible words in the conspiracy did not bother me. There were even swear words there.

Short stories from readers about the experience of reading books by Natalia Stepanova (5)

I have always been interested in this kind of literature, about three years ago I began to have a sort of mania, I bought all of Stepanova’s books that I came across. Mostly I just read them and didn't do anything about them. Once we had a fight with my common-law husband at that time. It was my fault, he left. I was wildly hysterical, and I foolishly decided to resort to Stepanova’s books. I made a spell for melancholy and a love spell on the photo - read a few lines while looking at the photo...

Natalia Stepanova's books did not make me happier

My acquaintance with the books of Natalya Stepanova began in childhood - I had a friend whose mother bought the first book of conspiracies, and we, children, also very willingly read these conspiracies. I tried to use some spells in practice - for success in studies, for example, or to get rid of enemies...

How Natalia Stepanova's conspiracies affected me

My acquaintance with the books of Natalya Stepanova began when my parents divorced, and our neighbor gave my mother the book “Black Magic.” As far as I know, my mother never dared to use this book. For many years it lay on a shelf no one needed, but one day I became interested, and I tried the spell “to anger my mother,” probably just out of curiosity. Indeed, my mother became so kind to me - that day I broke something, but she didn’t even notice it...

How I practiced according to the “Big Book of Magic” by Natalia Stepanova

I read the “Big Book of Magic” in order, and when the spells from the first book (“White”) did not work, I turned to the second. As you guessed, the second one was called “Black”. Although I was, of course, terribly far from Orthodoxy at that time, the name still confused me. Suddenly doubts arose about what kind of book this was and what I wanted to do. I sent a letter to Stepanova, in which I asked if it would turn out that by practicing black magic, I was selling my soul to the devil? The stupidest answer came to me: “Use books and advice from them. There is no need to sell your soul to anyone.”

Natalya Stepanova made my child disabled

I was going through a difficult period in my life; I got involved with a man who believed in magic, hated the Church and denied the teachings of Christ. All his bookshelves were filled with all kinds of books on magic, it was enough for me to live with him for three months, then I ran away from him. But I believed in Natalia Stepanova’s books through his stories...

Natalya Stepanova: myth or reality?

For many, Stepanova’s books opened the gates to the world of magic, including me. It was from these books that I embarked on the path leading to the destruction of my soul. At that moment it didn’t seem that way to me; I was absolutely sure that magic was a tool with which I could make changes in my life and the lives of other people.

I took Natalia Stepanova's books to the trash heap

My acquaintance with this person began with the book “The Big Book of Magic 5”. I was intrigued by the beautiful cover and low price. From the first lines I realized that these were like bedtime horror stories, nothing more, but, nevertheless, I read the book overnight. Thank God, it didn’t come to mind to read something for the child, apparently, intuition saved me. Then it started to feel like withdrawal, I wanted more and more books, and in the end I ended up with 7 books by Natalia Stepanova in my collection. I decided to read the plot out of nervousness...

Is healer Natalya Stepanova really a Christian?

Almost every bookstore sells many books by the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. The books mislead people who consider these books to be Orthodox. We asked a priest of the Orthodox Church to comment on some aspects of the activities of Natalya Stepanova (or those who speak on her fictitious name). The priest of the Intercession Cathedral of the Tobolsk-Tyumen diocese, Hieromonk Izosim, decided to help us.

Books of conspiracies by Natalia Stepanova in my life (1)

I will now try to describe some of the conspiracies of Natalya Stepanova that I resorted to. For example, in the books on magic by Natalya Stepanova it is written that in order for your hair to be thick, you need to wash it with enchanted eggs, which is what I did, which caused a strange disease to appear on my scalp - scabs that went away only when I stopped doing all this . I always had a hard time with my periods, and in the books there was a conspiracy: on the first day of your period, drink some water that was said to you. It was the second day, but the pain was severe, I drank water (then I used it for the first time), and - lo and behold - all pain and the periods themselves immediately stopped, but they appeared after 2.5 months and for the whole summer.

Books of conspiracies by Natalia Stepanova in my life (2)

Of course, after abandoning the satanic books of Natalia Stepanova, I began to endure all sorts of temptations. If before coming to Church I was haunted by fears, anxieties, and panic attacks, then it got worse: as soon as I read a prayer, a large number of thoughts that were not mine appeared in my head, and each of them thought on my behalf, but on their own; there were so many of them and it lasted about two weeks...

Books by Natalia Stepanova call night guests

My passion for magic began precisely with the books of Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova. I accidentally came across these “miracle books” by a Siberian healer in a bookstore. After looking through the contents, I thought that such a thing would be useful in the household, and how could I have managed without them before! There are so many useful things there: spells for good luck, for love, for money, all kinds of amulets, protection from the evil eye, damage, etc. It seemed to me that after reading such books, I could have everything I wanted without much effort.

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova or Welcome to Hell

Books by Natalya Stepanova stood next to volumes of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. They were given “to read at night”, given as gifts for holidays, and passed down by inheritance. And at the same time they flocked to the opening Orthodox churches, kissed the holy images and lit candles in batches. Those who had lost their spiritual heritage, destroyers of churches and murderers of priests, people who had blinded themselves with their own hands, tried to grope to find the path to salvation.

The conspiracies of healer Natalia Stepanova give rise to problems

During this period, five books by healer Natalya Stepanova appeared in the house, we tried everything, everyone found something for themselves there. Something, of course, became better after reading the conspiracies, but then another problem appeared five times worse than the previous one...