What led to the emergence of mass culture briefly. The causes of the emergence of mass culture, its essence and nature

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    The history of the emergence of subculture

    Abnormal (deviating from socially accepted norms, asocial) behavior of young people first became the object of attention of scientists in the United States of America in the 30-50s. XX century.

    Sociologists, psychologists, jurists studied the emergence and functioning of youth gangs in big cities, primarily Chicago (many of you will remember the hugely successful american film"Gangs of Chicago" starring Leonardo DiCaprio). Here, non-normative (that is, non-standard from the point of view of social norms) behavior of young people was considered. The film, of course, due to the specifics of the genre, somewhat romanticizes images and situations; researchers analyzed their causes and essence. Studies have shown that members of such gangs live according to their own rules and norms, which are a deviation from the basic socio-cultural norm. It was to them, these associations, that the concept of “subculture” was first applied. Subculture began to be called such a subsystem of society that is not recognized by society as a whole, primarily by state power.

    After the Second World War, the term "youth subculture" entered the everyday life of sociologists and began to be used not only in relation to criminal formations, but also to all cultural phenomena associated with youth. It was noted that the growth of prosperity leads to an increase in the purchasing power of young people, and this, in turn, gives rise to the emergence of a new, independent market for goods and services focused on the young buyer. It has been called "a breakthrough in teen culture". However, during this period, deviations from the basic norms and values ​​of society among young people were insignificant, and many researchers on this basis denied the existence of the concept of "youth culture", arguing their position by the fact that powerful means of influence and control over the lifestyle of the young are concentrated in the hands of the older generation. generations.

    But those who considered teenage as the beginning of a new intracultural process turned out to be right. The production of widely available "cultural goods" (pop music, fashion, etc.) has led to the fact that teenagers have become an international style movement, producing and consuming not only variety of options fashion and music. youth subculture gradually differentiated, various movements arose in it, which were associated not only and not so much with fashion and music, but with socio-political views - this process embraced culture in the 60-70s. Then they started talking about the "conflict of generations", and as a result, interest in research studying this problem has sharply increased.

    The history of the emergence of mass culture

    The emergence of mass culture is associated with the formation at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. mass society. material basis occurred in the 19th century. significant change was the transition to machine production. But industrial machine production presupposes standardization, and not only equipment, raw materials, technical documentation, but also the skills and abilities of workers, working hours, etc. The processes of standardization and spiritual culture have been affected.

    Two spheres of the life of a working person were clearly identified: work and leisure. As a result, effective demand arose for those goods and services that helped to spend leisure time. The market responded to this demand with the offer of a “typical” cultural product: books, films, gramophone records, etc. They were intended primarily to help people have an interesting time. free time take a break from monotonous work.

    The use of new technologies in production, the expansion of the participation of the masses in politics required a certain educational preparation. In industrialized countries, important steps are being taken to develop education, primarily primary education. As a result, an extensive readership appeared in a number of countries, and after this, one of the first genres of mass culture, mass literature, was born.

    Weakened with the transition from traditional to industrial society, direct ties between people partly replaced the emerging mass media, capable of quickly broadcasting various kinds of messages to a large audience.

    Mass society, as noted by many researchers, has given rise to its typical representative - "man of the masses" - the main consumer of mass culture. Philosophers of the early 20th century endowed it mainly negative characteristics- “a man without a face”, “a man is like everyone else”. In the first half of the last century, the Spanish philosopher X. Ortega y Gaset was one of the first to give a critical analysis of this new social phenomenon - the "mass man". It is with the “mass man” that the philosopher connects the crisis of high European culture, the existing system of public power. The mass displaces the elite minority (“people with special qualities”) from leading positions in society, replaces it, begins to dictate its conditions, its views, its tastes. The elite minority are those who demand a lot from themselves and take on burdens and obligations. Most do not require anything, for them to live is to go with the flow, remaining as they are, not trying to surpass themselves. X. Ortega y Gaset considered the main features of the "mass man" to be the unrestrained growth of life's demands and innate ingratitude towards everything that satisfies these demands. Mediocrity with an unbridled thirst for consumption, “barbarians who poured out of the hatch onto the stage of the complex civilization that gave birth to them” - the philosopher so unflatteringly characterizes most of his contemporaries.

    In the middle of the XX century. "mass man" in everything more began to correlate not with the "rebellious" violators of the foundations, but, on the contrary, with a completely well-intentioned part of society - with the middle class. Realizing that they are not the elite of society, people of the middle class are nevertheless satisfied with their material and social position. Their standards, norms, rules, language, preferences, tastes are accepted by society as normal, generally accepted. For them, consumption and leisure are as important as work and career. In the works of sociologists, the expression "society of the mass middle class" appeared.

    There is one more point of view in science today. According to her, mass society generally goes with historical scene, the so-called demassification occurs. Uniformity and unification are being replaced by an emphasis on the characteristics of an individual, personalization of personality, the “mass man” of the industrial era is being replaced by an “individualist” post-industrial society. So, from the "barbarian who burst onto the stage" to the "respectable ordinary citizen" - such is the spread of views on the "mass man".

    The term "mass culture" covers various cultural products, as well as the system of their distribution and creation. First of all, these are works of literature, music, visual arts, films and video films. In addition, this includes patterns of everyday behavior, appearance. These products and samples come to every home through the media, through advertising, through the fashion institute.

    educational level and social status (popularization of science, comics with summary stories classical literature and etc.).

    By the end of the 20th century, the strengthening of the second direction of masculture (adaptation of complex plots for simplified perception by an unprepared audience) allows scientists to talk about the emergence of midculture (culture of the “middle level”), which somewhat narrows the gap between elite and mass cultures.

    One of the manifestations of mass, mainly youth, culture has become pop culture (from the English popular: popular, public). This is a set of neo-avant-garde views on art, formed in the 60s of the twentieth century. It is characterized by the denial of the experience of previous generations; the search for new forms in art, a lifestyle that expresses the ideological protest of young people against the sanctimonious morality of modern Western society.

    Despite the seeming democratic nature, masculu active creator spiritual values ​​to the level passive user

    mass culture, programmed for its thoughtless and soulless consumption (from a producing position to an appropriating one).

    Mass culture is always a devaluation of high cultural patterns, an imitation of familiarization with culture.

    Therefore, masculture as a phenomenon, although derived from culture itself, but, in fact, far removed from culture in its high understanding and meaning, should be called paracultural (from the Greek. para: near, at, about), i.e., near-cultural, phenomenon.

    The only way to oppose the standardization of culture and the expansion of mascult is to familiarize yourself with the values ​​of genuine culture in the process of spiritual education of the individual, including in the course of cultural studies and other humanitarian disciplines.

    5.4. Elite culture

    The culturological opposition to mass culture is elitist culture (from the French e lite: the best, selective, chosen).

    Its origins are in the ancient philosophy of Heraclitus and Plato, in which for the first time intellectual elite as a special professional group - the custodian and bearer of higher knowledge.

    IN the Renaissance, the problem of the elite was posed by F. Petrarch

    V his discourse "On Genuine Nobility". For the humanists of that time, "rabble", "despicable" people are uneducated fellow citizens, self-satisfied ignoramuses. In relation to them, the humanists themselves appear as an intellectual elite.

    The theory of elites takes shape at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The founders of the theory of elites are the Italian scientists V. Pareto (1848–1923), G. Mosca (1858–1941), R. Michels (1876–1936). Before the Second World War, the theory of elites became widespread except for Italy - in Germany and France, after the war - in the United States. The recognized theorist of the elite was the Spanish philosopher J. Ortega y Gaset, who believed that there is an elite in every social class.

    According to the theory of elites, the necessary components of any social structure is the highest privileged stratum or strata that carry out the functions of managing and developing culture.

    This is the elite.

    The elite is the part of society most capable of spiritual activity, endowed with high moral and aesthetic inclinations, which ensures progress.

    The elite is characterized by a high degree of activity and productivity. It is usually opposed to mass.

    There are many definitions of the elite, we will name only some of its specific features.

    The elite is made up of people with such qualities as organization, will, ability to unite to achieve a goal (G. Mosca); enjoying the greatest prestige, status, wealth in society, possessing highest feeling responsibility, intellectual or moral

    superiority over the mass (J. Ortega y Gaset); this is a creative minority as opposed to an uncreative majority (A. Toynbee).

    According to V. Pareto, society is a pyramid with an elite on top. The most gifted from the bottom rise to the top, replenishing the ranks of the ruling elite, whose members, in turn, degrading, sink down into the masses. There is a circulation, or cycle, of elites; contributes to the renewal of the elite social mobility. Alternation, change of elites is the law of the existence of society. (As mentioned above, the idea of ​​society as a social pyramid is also contained in the sociology of P. A. Sorokin, who also developed the problems of social mobility.)

    Science has developed a classification of elite theories: 1) biological - the elite are people occupying the highest

    places in society due to their biological and genetic origin;

    2)psychological - based on the recognition of the exclusively psychological qualities of the elite group;

    3) technical - understands the elite as a set of people who own and manage technical production;

    4)organizational - refers to the elite of executives, including the bureaucratically organized bureaucracy;

    5)functional - classifies as an elite people who perform the most important functions in society, in a certain group or in a certain territory;

    6)distribution - considers the elite of those who receive maximum material and non-material benefits;

    7)artistic and creative- includes representatives in the elite various areas spiritual production(science, art, religion, culture).

    The elite is characterized by cohesion and activity, the ability to develop stable patterns of thinking, assessments and forms of communication, standards of behavior, preferences and tastes.

    A striking example of the development of such samples and standards are the elite culture and elite art.

    Typical of elitist art is aesthetic isolationism" pure art', or 'art for art's sake'.

    Elite art is a trend in Western art culture that creates art for the few, for the elite, for the aesthetic and spiritual elite, incomprehensible to the general public, the masses.

    Elite art became especially widespread at the beginning of the 20th century. It manifested itself in a variety of directions of decadence and modernism (abstractionism in painting; surrealism in fine arts, literature, theater and cinema; dodecaphony1 in music), which focused on the creation of the art of "pure form", the art of true aesthetic pleasure, devoid of any practical sense and public importance.

    Supporters of elite art opposed themselves mass art, an amorphous mass, the tendencies of "massization" in culture, opposed the vulgar ideals of a well-fed, petty-bourgeois life.

    The theoretical understanding of elite culture is reflected in the works of F. Nietzsche, V. Pareto, J. Ortega y Gaset and other philosophers.

    The most complete and consistent concept of elite culture is presented in the works of J. Ortega y Gaset, who gave a philosophical assessment of the artistic avant-garde of the 20th century. In the book "Dehumanization of Art" (1925), he divided people into "the people" (mass) and the elite - a particularly gifted minority, the creators of genuine culture. He believed that the Impressionists, Futurists, Surrealists, Abstractionists split the audience of art into two groups: artistic elite(outstanding people who understand the new art) and the general public (ordinary people who are not able to understand it). Therefore, the artist-creator consciously turns to the elite, and not to the masses, turns away from the layman.

    1 Dodecaphony (from Greek dōdeka: twelve + phōnē: sound) is a method of composing music developed in the 20th century by the Austrian composer A. Schoenberg. Based on a specific sequence of 12 sounds of various pitches.

    Mass culture in modern society plays important role. On the one hand, it facilitates and on the other, it simplifies the understanding of their elements. This is a contradictory and complex phenomenon, despite the characteristic simplicity that mass culture products possess.

    Mass culture: history of origin

    Historians have not found a common point on which their opinions could agree on the exact time of the occurrence of this phenomenon. However, there are the most popular provisions that are able to explain the approximate period of the emergence of this type of culture.

    1. A. Radugin believes that the prerequisites for mass culture existed, if not at the dawn of the emergence of mankind, then certainly at the time when the book “The Bible for the Poor” was massively distributed, which was designed for a wide audience.
    2. Another provision implies a later emergence of mass culture, where its origins are connected with European. At this time, detective, adventure and adventure novels became widespread due to their large circulation.
    3. In the literal sense, according to A. Radugin, it originated in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He explains this by the occurrence new form arrangement of life - massovization, which was reflected in almost all areas: from political and economic to everyday life.

    Based on this, it can be assumed that the impetus for the emergence of mass culture was the capitalist view and mass production, which was supposed to be implemented on the same scale. In this regard, the phenomenon of stereotyping has become widespread. Sameness and stereotypedness are the bright main characteristics of mass culture, which spread not only to household items, but also to views.

    Mass culture is closely connected with the process of globalization, which is carried out mainly through the media. This is especially evident in present stage. One of clear examples- yoga. Yogic practices arose in antiquity, and Western countries had nothing to do with it. However, with the development of communication, an international exchange of experience began to take place, and yoga was accepted by Western people, starting to take root in their culture. It has negative characteristics because the Westerner is not able to understand the full depth and meaning that the Indians understand by doing yoga. Thus, a simplified understanding of a foreign culture takes place, and phenomena that require deep understanding are simplified, losing their value.

    Mass culture: signs and main characteristics

    • It implies a superficial understanding that does not require specific knowledge and is therefore accessible to most.
    • Stereotyping is the main feature of the perception of the products of this culture.
    • Its elements are based on emotional unconscious perception.
    • It operates with average linguistic semiotic norms.
    • It has an entertaining focus and manifests itself, to a greater extent in an entertaining form.

    Modern mass culture: "pros" and "cons"

    IN currently it has a number of disadvantages and positive features.

    For example, this one allows you to closely interact large group members of society, which improves the quality of their communication.

    Stereotypes generated by mass culture, if they are created on a truthful classification, help a person to perceive big flow information.

    Among the shortcomings, the simplification of cultural elements, the profanation of foreign cultures and the tendency to remakes (alteration of once created and recognized elements of art into new way). The latter leads to the assumption that mass culture is not able to create something new, or is capable, but in small quantities.

    Within a certain historical era have always existed different cultures: international and national, secular and religious, adult and youth, western and eastern. In modern society, mass and elite cultures have acquired great importance.

    Mass culture (lat. massa - lump, piece) is a concept that in modern cultural studies is associated with such social groups, which are characterized by an "average" level of spiritual needs.

    "Mass culture" was formed simultaneously with the society of mass production and consumption. radio, television, modern facilities communications, and then video and computer technology contributed to its spread. There are several opinions about its origin and existence as such.

    1. American culturologist Mac Donald believes that mass culture is not culture at all, but a parody of it, it cannot contain moral and art treasures. There is also a point of view

    2. that mass culture is modern industrial folklore, but there is a discrepancy here, since folklore comes out of the people's environment, and mass culture is imposed from above.

    3. Another position - mass culture - is the product of American culture, international in its basis. It arose because a single national culture was not formed in the USA (there were no carriers traditional culture) It is mass culture that is an indicator of many aspects of the life of society and at the same time a collective propagandist and organizer of it, society, moods. Within mass culture there is a hierarchy of values ​​and a hierarchy of persons. A weighted rating system and, conversely, scandalous brawls, a fight for a seat at the throne.

    mass culture called a type of cultural product that is produced daily in large volumes. It is assumed that mass culture is consumed by all people, regardless of their place of birth and country of residence. Describing it, the American philologist M. Bell emphasizes: “This culture is democratic. It is addressed to all people without distinction of class, nation, level of poverty and wealth.” This culture of everyday life, presented to the widest audience through various channels, including media and communications.

    Popular culture is called variously: entertainment art, anti-fatigue art, kitsch, semi-culture, pop culture.

    Mass culture manifested itself for the first time in the United States at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Renowned American political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski liked to repeat the phrase, which over time became commonplace: “If Rome gave the world the right, England - parliamentary activity, France - culture and republican nationalism, then modern USA gave the world a scientific and technological revolution and mass culture.

    In social terms, mass culture forms a new social order, named " middle class". The processes of its formation and functioning in the field of culture are most concretized in the book of the French philosopher and sociologist E. Morena "Zeitgeist" (1962). The concept of "middle class" has become fundamental in Western culture and philosophy.

    The purpose of mass culture is not so much filling leisure and relieving tension and stress in a person of an industrial and post-industrial society, but stimulating consumer consciousness in a viewer, listener, reader, which, in turn, forms a special type of passive uncritical perception of this culture in a person. In other words, there is a manipulation of the human psyche and the exploitation of emotions and instincts of the subconscious sphere of human feelings and, above all, feelings of loneliness, guilt, hostility, fear.

    Stages of formation of mass culture:

    1. The prerequisites for mass culture are formed from the moment of the birth of mankind, at the dawn of Christian civilization. As an example, simplified versions of the Holy Books are usually cited (for example, the “Bible for the Poor”), designed for a mass audience.

    2. The origins of mass culture are associated with the appearance in European Literature XVII-XVIII centuries of adventure, detective, adventure novel, which significantly expanded the audience of readers due to huge circulations. Here, as a rule, the work of two writers is cited as an example: the Englishman Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) - the author of widely famous novel"Robinson Crusoe" and 481 more biographies of people in the so-called risky professions: investigators, military men, thieves, prostitutes, etc. and our compatriot Matvey Komarov (1730-1812) - the creator of the sensational bestseller of the 18th-19th centuries "The Tale of the Adventures of the English Milord George" and other equally popular books. The books of both authors are written in brilliant, simple and clear language.

    3. Big influence The development of mass culture was also influenced by the law on compulsory universal literacy adopted in 1870 in Great Britain.

    The phenomenon of the emergence of mass culture is represented by:

    For turn XIX-XX centuries has become characteristic of a comprehensive massification of life. It affected all its spheres: economics and politics, management and communication of people. The active role of the masses in various social spheres has been analyzed in several philosophical writings XX century.

    Economic prerequisites and social functions of "mass" culture

    The origins of the widespread dissemination of mass culture in modern world lie in the commercialization of all public relations, which was pointed out by K. Marx in Capital. In this essay, K. Marx considered through the prism of the concept of "commodity" the whole variety social relations in bourgeois society.

    The desire to see the product in the sphere of spiritual activity, combined with the powerful development of mass media, led to the creation of a new phenomenon - mass culture. Pre-set commercial installation, assembly line production - all this in many ways means moving into the sphere artistic culture the same financial-industrial approach that prevails in other branches of industrial production. In addition, many creative organizations are closely associated with banking and industrial capital, which initially predetermines them (be it cinema, design, TV) to release commercial, box office, entertainment works. In turn, the consumption of these products is mass consumption, because the audience that perceives this culture- this is a mass audience of large halls, stadiums, millions of viewers of television and movie screens.

    In social terms, mass culture forms a new social stratum, called the "middle class". The processes of its formation and functioning in the field of culture are most concretized in the book of the French philosopher and sociologist E. Morin "The Spirit of the Times" (1962). The concept of "middle class" has become fundamental in Western culture and philosophy. This "middle class" also became the core of the life of industrial society. He also made popular culture so popular.

    Mass culture mythologizes human consciousness, mystifies the real processes occurring in nature and in human society. There is a rejection of the rational principle in consciousness. The goal of mass culture is not so much to fill leisure and relieve tension and stress in a person of an industrial and post-industrial society, but to stimulate the consumer consciousness of the recipient (i.e., the viewer, listener, reader), which in turn forms a special type - passive, non-critical human perception of this culture. All this creates a personality that is quite easy to manipulate. In other words, there is a manipulation of the human psyche and the exploitation of emotions and instincts of the subconscious sphere of human feelings, and above all feelings of loneliness, guilt, hostility, fear, self-preservation.

    shaped by popular culture mass consciousness varied in its manifestation. However, it is distinguished by conservatism, inertia, and limitation. It cannot cover all the processes in development, in all the complexity of their interaction. In the practice of mass culture, mass consciousness has specific means of expression. Mass culture is more focused not on realistic images, but on artificially created images (image) and stereotypes. In mass culture, the formula (and this is the essence of artificially created image- image or stereotype) - this is the main thing. This situation encourages idolatry.

    Popular culture in artistic creativity perform specific social functions. Among them, the main one is illusory-compensatory: introducing a person to the world of illusory experience and unrealizable dreams. And all this is combined with open or covert propaganda of the dominant way of life, which has its own ultimate goal diverting the masses from social activity, adaptation of people to existing conditions, conformism.

    Hence the use in popular culture of such genres of art as detective, western, melodrama, musical, comics. It is within the framework of these genres that simplified “versions of life” are created that reduce social evil to psychological and moral factors. This is also served by such ritual formulas of mass culture as "virtue is always rewarded", "love and faith (in oneself, in God) always conquers everything."

    main manifestations and directions of mass culture:

    - childhood industry (artistic works for children, toys and industrially produced games, goods for specific children's consumption, children's clubs and camps, etc.) pursuing the goals of explicit or camouflaged standardization of the content and forms of raising children, introducing ideologically oriented worldviews into their consciousness, laying the foundations basic values ​​that are officially promoted in a given society;

    - mass comprehensive school . At the same time, it standardizes the listed knowledge and ideas on the basis of standard programs and reduces the transmitted knowledge to simplified forms of children's consciousness and understanding;
    - mass media (printed and electronic), broadcasting current up-to-date information to the general population, “interpreting” to the average person the meaning of ongoing events, judgments and actions of figures from various specialized fields public practice.
    - system of national (state) ideology and propaganda of "patriotic" education, controlling and shaping the political and ideological orientations of the population and its individual groups(for example, political and educational work with military personnel), manipulating the minds of people in the interests of the ruling elites;
    - mass political movements (party and youth organizations, manifestations, demonstrations, propaganda and election campaigns), initiated by the ruling or opposition elites in order to involve in political actions the general population, most of which are very far from the political interests of the elites, who have little understanding of the meaning of the proposed political programs, for the support of which people are mobilized by forcing political, nationalist, religious and other psychosis;
    - mass social mythology (national-chauvinism and hysterical "patriotism", social demagoguery, populism, quasi-religious and parascientific teachings and movements, extrasensory perception, "idol mania", "spy mania", rumors, gossip, etc.), simplifying complex system value orientations man and the variety of shades of worldview to elementary dual oppositions ("ours - not ours").
    - entertainment leisure industry , which includes mass artistic culture (in almost all types of literature and art, perhaps with a certain exception of architecture), mass staged and spectacular performances (from sports and circus to erotic), professional sports (as a spectacle for fans), structures for organizing organized entertainment (relevant types of clubs, discos, dance floors) and other types of mass shows.

    origins widespread mass culture in the modern world lies in the commercialization of all social relations. A predetermined commercial installation, conveyor production - all this in many ways means the transfer to the spheres of artistic culture of the same financial-industrial approach that reigns in other branches of industrial production. In turn, the consumption of these products is mass consumption, because the audience that perceives this culture is the mass audience of large halls, stadiums, millions of viewers of television and movie screens.

    Specific Features :

    1) mass culture belongs to the majority; it's a culture Everyday life;

    2) mass culture is not a culture of social "lower classes", it exists in addition to and "above" social formations;

    4) standard and stereotypical;

    5) limited by conservatism (unable to quickly and adequately respond to changes in culture);

    6) is more often of a consumer nature, which in turn forms a special type of passive, non-critical perception of this culture in humans; there is a manipulation of the human psyche and the exploitation of emotions and instincts of the subconscious sphere of human feelings and, above all, feelings of loneliness, guilt, hostility, fear, self-preservation;

    7) in mass culture there is a mechanical replication of spiritual values.
    Realms of Manifestation : media, system state ideology(manipulating consciousness), mass political movements, secondary school, system of organizing and stimulating mass consumer demand, image formation system, leisure, etc.