The social position of Sophia is grief from the mind. The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" A

It is difficult to say unequivocally what Sofia Pavlovna is. Her image is complex and multifaceted. Nature did not deprive her positive qualities. Sophia is smart enough, her character is strong and independent. Her warm heart won't let her stop dreaming. Sophia has long been accustomed to the fact that she is the mistress of the house, and everyone should feel it, and therefore obey. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she has long been brought up without maternal love.

Sophia has independence and an authoritative tone, despite her young, seventeen-year-old age. Her speech even has a certain imprint of serfs, because she often communicates with them, but also french books left their imprint. Sophia is concerned about the emotional experiences of people. The girl was brought up by French governesses.

Despite their positive features, in the society of the Famusovs, all this does not find development. Due to her upbringing, she has generally accepted views, thinks the same way as other representatives of this society, which instilled in her lies and hypocrisy. Sophia imagines people only from her observations of people from books, French novels. Probably, it was this literature that influenced the development of sentimentality and sensuality in it. From books, she emphasized all the features that the hero of her novel should have. Thanks to all this, she turned her attention to Molchalin, who vaguely resembled the characters from her favorite works. No other ideal could be found in this environment. Sophia lives with real feelings. Even if the object of her love is actually pathetic and miserable - all this does not give the situation a comedic color. Rather, on the contrary, it gives more drama and sadness.

Sophia divided her world into two parts: the object of her adoration - Molchalin and everything else. All her thoughts are occupied only by him, especially when he is not around. Despite everything, this love does not bring joy. Because the girl understands perfectly well that her father will never accept such a person. This thought makes her life unbearable. Sophia is so hard to live with these feelings that she is ready to tell about her love to complete strangers. For example, Liza, the maid of their house, and then Chatsky. For her love, she chose a resigned man. That is how she imagines Molchalin. But the final scene, where Sofya Pavlovna witnesses the manifestation of Molchalin's attention to Elizabeth. It breaks her heart, humiliates all her feelings. It becomes clear that although Sophia breaks with the unworthy Molchalin, the type of this man remains a priority for her.

Briefly for grade 9

Composition Description of Sophia in the comedy Woe from Wit

After Patriotic War 1812, when Russian troops reached Paris and took a sip of freedom, Russian society split into two camps. Some wanted to continue to live in the old way. This is Famusov, Skalozub. Others, in particular the younger generation represented by Chatsky, wanted to live in a new way.

Sophia found herself like a knight at a crossroads, not knowing whom to choose for her. She was brought up by Papa Famusov himself and Madame French in the best traditions of Moscow society. Dancing, singing, reading French sentimental novels - these are all the joys of her life. After reading books, she confused her girlish fantasies and the harsh reality of life. Sophia is hovering in pink clouds and does not understand people at all. She does not like the stupid, albeit rich Skalozub, but the caustic Chatsky is also to her liking. She is sharp on the tongue. Sophia wants a husband-boy, a husband-servant. Here Molchalin is the very hero of her fantasies. He is constantly silent, like a girl, shy, not conflicted. The fact that Molchalin is not really like that eludes Sophia. Love, as usual, is blind and deaf.

But you can't say that she's stupid. She accurately notices the features of the people around her. So Skalozub is a stupid martinet who, apart from the army, knows nothing. She does not want such a husband. The father is a grumpy old bore who tyrannizes underlings and servants. To take revenge on Chatsky for his sharp remarks about Molchalin, she tells everyone that he is crazy.

This comedy is still relevant today. Many girls and women, having read smart books, horoscopes, fortune-telling, live in anticipation of their invented prince. Give it different qualities. A real people that do not fit these patterns are simply ignored or rejected. But the trouble is, the desired prince does not want to be the way the woman thought of him. He is a living person with his shortcomings, sometimes very dubious - a womanizer, a drunkard, a player, a gigolo.

The moral of the comedy is this - you need to be more attentive to the people around you, accept them as they are, not “drive” them into your own framework and standards. Then there will be no grief from an excess of the mind.

The image of Sophia in the comedy Woe from Wit

Sophia is the heroine of Griboyedov's story "Woe from Wit". This girl is a very unusual character in Griboyedov's story. She is both a product of lies and benevolence and strength, albeit only external.

Sophia is a girl who is the one from whom all the threads came, both the mood and the grief of many people. She, as a puppeteer, skillfully used their weaknesses, and strengths. She's a manipulator, to say the least. modern language. But at the same time, with these qualities and such a character, Sophia - beautiful girl who also knows how to use her appearance. She has a lot of fans, and for good reason, because she is strong in this.

This girl is strong personality who will not miss her. In addition, by nature, she is also very mocking, her sarcasm reaches many ears, she loves to mock, tell some jokes. But she is not too cheerful, it can be more accurately said that she knows how to speak sarcastically, her irony can both offend someone and make her an enemy.

Sophia grew up in a good family, rich, well-to-do, who did not know the costs of the strong in anything. That is why this girl is young, she grew up as a wealthy, bright and courageous person. She was not afraid of anything, and knew how to skillfully hypocrite and lie when necessary. And, in her defense, we can say that she is not entirely to blame for this, since such actions and character traits were not new at that time. That is why she was also such, because she was brought up that way, brought up in such an environment where it was impossible to be and act differently. Otherwise, it caused talk and rumors, as well as contempt and ill will.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" gives examples of a person who is also the main character.

Option 4

A.S. Griboedov was a multifaceted personality. He had a unique talent as a diplomat and theatergoer. Alexander Sergeevich wrote poetry, poems, played several instruments. Even composed music. Two waltzes of his authorship have survived to this day. But Griboyedov entered the history of world literature as the author of one work. They became the comedy "Woe from Wit", recognized by critics as immortal.

The play includes three artistic directions: realism, classicism, romanticism. The traditions of the genre are combined with more modern trends. social comedy, in its classical interpretation, suggests one-sided images of characters. Each of which denounces one kind of vice. But "Woe from Wit" reveals to the reader the multifaceted personalities of the characters. Stupidity, absurd imitation of foreigners, martinetism, servility, sycophancy, commercialism, lack of own opinion, persecution of culture and education - the author reflected everything in his "live" characters.

The main conflict of the play is the confrontation between the "current century" and the "past century". Only Alexander Andreyevich Chatsky ends up in the first camp. Then, as in the second headquarters - almost all the rest.

Against the backdrop of social conflict unfolds love triangle. It doesn't look like a plot. love story. There are two men, but neither claims to be ideal. Chatsky, with his mind, education, is sharp, not restrained in speeches, and not always tactful. Molchalin is low, vile, unpleasant. But on his side the sympathy of the heroine.

The young lady herself also does not look like classic look. Sophia is the daughter of a major official. Pavel Afanasyevich - manager in the government house, rich. He wants a bright future for his only child. The groom is needed "with ranks, but with the stars." Neither Chatsky nor Molchalin meet these criteria. The father exclaims: "He who is poor is not a match for you!"

A.S. Pushkin wrote about Sophia that this is an obscure image, a poorly written character. But this is only at first glance. The young lady, throughout the text, plays the role of a buffer between two worlds. She does not belong to the "famus society", although she was brought up in it. But it cannot be reckoned with the "present age" either. This is her key role. In the end, education wins.

Most of the guests of the Famusovsky ball wear speaking surnames. But Sophia has an expressive name, with the meaning "wise." This is the author's irony.

The girl is not stupid. She has good upbringing. My father hired a "regiment of teachers." But she lost her mother early, so no one was involved in the formation of the soul. Now the young lady is seventeen, she "blossomed", became an enviable bride.

Sonya is brave and determined. It is difficult for her to keep her love a secret. Not afraid of parental anger and public opinion. The young lady exclaims: “What is the rumor to me!”

She allows herself sharp, caustic, witty remarks with Chatsky. But tenderly worries about Molchalin. Passes out when he falls off the horse.

The young lady grew up on French novels. Therefore, he attributes all the virtues to his chosen one, drawing an ideal. Perhaps that is why the choice fell on a poor young man. After all, in sentimental books, the beloved is always no match.

The girl has no special spiritual beauty, virtues. But something in her attracts Chatsky, causing love. May be, a strong character.

At the end of the story, Sophia realizes that her chosen one is a scoundrel. Blames himself for everything. But Chatsky is certainly right. Another "fan worshiper and businessman" will appear, whom Sonya will marry.

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. What do I expect from summer? From the summer, first of all, I expect, like all those who study at school, at the institute, at the university, I look forward to the long-awaited summer holidays.

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  • The image of Sofia Pavlovna Famusova is complex. She is endowed by nature good qualities. This girl is smart, proud, with a strong and independent character, with a warm heart, dreamy. These features are clearly manifested both in her behavior and in her language. ( This material will help to correctly write on the topic The image and character of Sophia in the comedy Woe from Wit. Summary does not make it clear the whole meaning of the work, so this material will be useful for a deep understanding of the work of writers and poets, as well as their novels, short stories, stories, plays, poems.) He says so about her People's Artist USSR A. A. Yablochkin, one of the best performers the role of Sophia: “Doesn’t Sophia’s special mushroom-eater language, so different from the language of other characters in Woe from Wit, reveal her image? Her speech clearly shows that, despite the fact that she is seventeen years old, this is ... not the speech of a girl, but the mistress of the house, accustomed to general submission. She has been without a mother for a long time, she feels like a lady. Hence her imperious tone, her independence. At the same time, she is smart, mocking, vengeful: no doubt she is a girl with a great character. In her speech there is something from the serfs, she constantly has to deal with them, and, on the other hand, from French madams and French books.

    Sophia constantly talks about various emotional experiences: “pretending to be in love, demanding and distressed”, “deadly coldness”, “he will sigh from the depths of his soul”, etc.

    Her "mind is manifested in statements of a generalizing nature:" happy hours they don’t watch”, “Just think how capricious happiness is, but grief is waiting around the corner”, etc.

    Sophia was brought up under the guidance of French governesses. Hence the abundance of gallicisms1 in her speech: “to tell you a dream”, “to share laughter”. On the other hand, there are also vernaculars in her language, for example: “you deigned to run in”, “to laugh”, “to the prikmaher, the tongs will catch a cold”.

    The good features and natural inclinations of Sophia could not be developed in the Famus society. On the contrary, a false upbringing instilled in Sophia a lot of negative things, made her a "representative of generally accepted views in this circle, accustomed her to lies and hypocrisy. I. A. Goncharov in his article" Million Torments "correctly says about Sophia:" This is a mixture of good instincts with lies, a living mind with the absence of any hint of ideas and convictions, confusion of concepts, mental and moral blindness - all this does not have the character of personal vices in it, but appears as common features her circle. In her own, personal physiognomy, something of her own is hiding in the shadows, hot, tender, even dreamy. The rest belongs to education.

    Sophia drew ideas about people, about life from observations of the life of people of her circle and from French sentimental novels, which were then very popular among the nobility, especially among girls.

    Here is this one sentimental literature and developed dreaminess and sensitivity in Sophia, according to her she painted the hero of her novel - a humble, sensitive person. It was these novels that could make her pay attention to Molchalin, who, with some of his features and behavior, resembled her "favorite heroes." known role in her passion for Molchalin and another circumstance, which Goncharov points out: family law. Without a doubt, she was smiling in this role to rule over a submissive creature, make him happy and have an eternal slave in him. It's not her fault that the future "husband-boy, husband-servant - the ideal of Moscow husbands" came out of this! There was nowhere to stumble upon other ideals in Famusov's house.

    In Sofya Goncharov sees "the strong inclinations of a remarkable nature, a lively mind, passion and feminine gentleness", but "she is ruined in stuffiness, where not a single ray of light, not a single stream penetrated fresh air". For these good qualities of Sophia, Chatsky loved her, and it was all the more painful for him to see in her, after a three-year absence from Moscow, a typical representative of the Famus circle. But Sophia also experiences a tragedy when, having overheard Molchalin's conversation with Lisa, she sees the person she loves in a real light. According to Goncharov, "it is, of course, harder for her than everyone else, even harder than Chatsky."

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    Sofia Famusova - chief female character in the play. This is a seventeen-year-old girl with whom Chatsky is madly in love. Yes, and Sophia herself was in love with Alexander Andreevich, but over time everything changed. By the time Chatsky arrived in Moscow, Sophia was irrevocably in love with her father's secretary, Molchalin.

    In my opinion, Sophia occupies an intermediate position among the heroes of the work. On the one hand, there are qualities in her that sharply distinguish this heroine from the Famusov circle. First of all, it is independence of judgment and contempt for gossip and public opinion. She says: “What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants, so judges ... "

    I.A. Goncharov, in his article "A Million of Torments", described Sophia as "a mixture of good instincts with lies." Indeed, in this heroine there are traits that make her capable of both good and bad deeds. Sophia is self-willed, stubborn, but also capricious, and not very well-behaved.

    Sofia Famusova is undeniably smart and observant. She perfectly knows the laws of the "famus" society, knows how to predict the actions of people. Therefore, this heroine manages to take revenge on Chatsky so cruelly. Sophia spreads gossip about his madness, knowing that her former lover the real bullying will begin. Although, in fact, this heroine was confident in Chatsky's "clear mind and full health":

    He is ready to believe!

    Ah, Chatsky! You love to dress up everyone in jesters,

    Would you like to try on yourself?

    We can say that Sophia in comedy is one of the most intelligent and sensible characters. But she also finds herself in a comical and, at the same time, sad situation because of her love for Molchalin. I think that her love for this "wretched creature" was serious. But did Sophia not see the true essence of this hero? After all, in a conversation with Chatsky, she exalts to the skies spiritual qualities Molchalin:

    of the most wonderful property

    He is finally: compliant, modest, quiet.

    Not a shadow of worry on your face

    And there are no misdeeds in my soul,

    Strangers and at random does not cut, -

    That's why I love him.

    But the heroine does not notice, "how the portrait comes out gone." Molchalin for Sophia is a romantic hero, the height of perfection. Therefore, in the second act of the comedy, when Molchalin falls from a horse, Sophia is so worried that she faints. An insignificant incident grows in her eyes to the size of a real tragedy. She says to Alexei Stepanych:

    Molchalin! How intact my mind remained!

    After all, you know how dear your life is to me!

    Why should she play, and so carelessly?

    It seems to me that these words of Sophia are very reminiscent of the words of the heroine of some love story. And it is no coincidence. Recall that the girl was fond of French novels, dreamed of her knight on a white horse. I think that in the person of Molchalin she found such a knight. Rather, she came up with it for herself, because there were no worthy young people surrounded by Sophia. She didn’t have to pay attention to Skalozub! It was clearly "not the hero of her novel."

    So, Sophia chose Molchalin as her hero. She thought to herself that this was an ideal, "a model of moderation and accuracy." The girl does not even try to find out what Alexei Stepanych really is. Sophia does not notice his "vulgarity" and pretense. “God brought us together,” says the heroine. She likes to think like that, imagine herself the heroine of her favorite novels. She makes Molchalin behave like romantic heroes: to sit all night until morning reading books together, sigh for Sophia:

    He takes his hand, shakes his heart,

    Breathe from the depths of your soul...

    Sophia completely surrenders to her feelings. For the sake of Molchalin, she goes to the violation of all decorum: love for a person from the lower class, night dates, etc. But the girl neglects the opinion of society, and this makes her a person of the “new generation”. After all, for the "fathers" there is nothing more terrible than the "opinion of Princess Marya Aleksevna."

    Sophia lives in the world of her illusions. This confirms her attitude towards Chatsky. She does not seek to understand him, to see the real motives and goals of this hero. The girl considers Chatsky callous and heartless (“Not a man, a snake!”), She tries to hurt and humiliate Alexander Andreevich more painfully. So, she says to him: “What are you doing to me?” In relations with Chatsky, Sophia is just as "blind" and "deaf" as in relations with Molchalin.

    At the end of the comedy, life makes Sophia see clearly. She finally sees the real face of Molchalin. In this difficult situation for her, the girl behaves very dignified. With contempt, she says to Molchalin:

    Reproaches, complaints, my tears

    Do not dare to expect, you are not worth them ...

    Sophia realizes her self-deception. It is very difficult for her, but she only blames herself for everything. “All in tears,” Sophia says: “I blame myself all around.” IN final scenes comedy, the image of Sophia acquires tragic features. No wonder I.A. Goncharov said about this heroine that she had "harder than anyone else, even harder than Chatsky, and she gets "a million torments." Smart, well-read, but far from real life the heroine endures her "woe from wit."

    Sofia Famusova makes me sympathetic and sorry. It has many positive features and great potential. The girl is thirsty true love, strong feelings. But she is surrounded by insignificant and unworthy people. It is difficult for her to resist such an onslaught alone. The girl strives to be happy, but no one can help her, give her advice, guide her on the right path. Therefore, the girl is forced to make mistakes on her own and correct them. What's in store for Sophia in the future? It seems to me that she will move into the camp of "children", who, like Sophia, have big mind and sincere heart.

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    To understand who Sofya Pavlovna Famusova is, the heroine of the play “Woe from Wit”, you need to know the features of the time in which Alexander Griboyedov lived. The author created a satire, where he showed the obvious vices of those who consider themselves the elite of society, leveling any desire for education, learning, learning new things and insisting on observing the old ways. Sophia is a representative of this class.

    Her image cannot be called positive, but if the reader thinks that this girl is completely negative character may err in their conclusions. So, let's follow the character and actions of Sofia Famusova.

    Characteristics of Sofia Famusova

    From the pages of the work, we learn that Sophia, unlike her father who opposed the teachings, is an educated girl who loves to read books, mostly French novels. It was through this literature that she became sentimental and sensual.

    Against the background of representatives of the nobility of the Famus society, Sophia seems smart and developed. The heroine of the play can play the piano and flute. “... Either a flute is heard, then it’s like a pianoforte; Would it be too early for Sophia??”

    Sophia's character is domineering and demanding: she commands the house like a mistress, despite her young age. A seventeen-year-old girl commands - they obey her. In addition, Sophia has determination: “... I will wake everyone in the house with a cry and destroy myself and you ...” - she says.

    However, despite these, on the one hand, positive qualities, Sophia, like a sponge, absorbed the lies and hypocrisy inherent in the representatives of the Famus society.

    Alexander Chatsky and Sofia Famusova

    Alexander Chatsky initially chose Sophia as his bride, because she was, firstly, close to him in spirit, and secondly, he saw in her intelligence and strong character.

    Dear readers! Let's take a look at the table.

    He was also impressed by the independence of this girl from others. However, when Chatsky arrived from St. Petersburg with the intention of marrying Sophia, she met him very coldly, because she was already carried away by another - Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin, who at that time lived in her father's house. It remains a mystery that the girl preferred the intelligent and intellectually developed Chatsky to a stupid and narrow-minded person.

    Sofia Famusova and Alexei Molchalin

    Possessing a romantic nature, Sophia fell in love with a man who, in character and habits, was similar to the hero of her favorite works. The cause of her heartache was Alexei Molchalin, her father's secretary. But such a choice of Sophia is justified not only by this, because Molchalin is a person who can be commanded, and, as you know, Sophia loves to push people around. However, blinded by passion, the girl does not want to notice how pathetic and stupid her chosen one is. On the contrary, the heroine of the play is very worried about Alexei, and loses her senses when he falls from the horse. However, Sophia's dreams of life together the chosen one is not destined to come true, because marriage with this person is not only disgusting to her father, but also to Molchalin himself. However, another unexpected circumstance pointed to the absolute impossibility of connecting Sophia's life with Molchalin: at the end of the play, true face Alexei, who, secretly from Sophia, also met with the maid Lisa.

    The mock modesty of Molchalin was shattered, as it turned out that he was a two-faced and dangerous person.

    Sophia is disappointed, because the one on whom she pinned her hopes turned out to be a scoundrel and a hypocrite. “Go further, I have heard a lot, Terrible man! I am ashamed of myself,” she laments, finally seeing that she wanted to connect her life with an unworthy, insignificant man.

    Readers' reviews about the heroine of the play

    “Sofya Famusova surprises with her dual nature. On the one hand, she is kind, loves and pities Molchalin very much, although she sees that he is intellectually lower than her, on the other hand, she commands the household with might and main. It is a pity that the fate of this girl did not work out. In my opinion, if she connected her life with Chatsky, she would be happy.

    “In tandem - Sophia, Molchalin, Chatsky - I feel sorry for Alexander Chatsky. He specially came to propose to the girl, he wanted to marry her, but she refused him, preferring the intelligent man Molchalin, who did not have a high intellect. In addition, she spread rumors that Chatsky was crazy. It's a pity that on a normal and smart person leaves its mark on the society where he lives and interacts with people, and few people dare to swim against the current in this case.

    Grade 9 students are often asked to write an essay on the topic “The image of Sophia in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S Griboyedov.” Before you - a sample essay on the specified topic. However, before proceeding to write an essay, let's recall the main characteristics of Sophia's image.

    The text of the composition.

    “Griboyedov belongs to the most powerful manifestations of the Russian spirit,” Belinsky once said. Having tragically died at the age of thirty-four, Griboyedov did not create, undoubtedly, everything that he could accomplish according to his creative powers. He was not destined to realize numerous creative ideas, striking in their wide scope and depth. A brilliant poet and thinker, he remained in history as the author of one famous work. But Pushkin said: “Griboedov has done his own: he has already written “Woe from Wit” . These words contain recognition of Griboedov's great historical service to Russian literature.

    In "Woe from Wit" Griboedov put forward the main social and ideological theme of his turning point - the theme of irreconcilable enmity between the defenders of the old, inert way of life and the supporters of a new worldview, a new free life.

    The protagonist of the comedy, Chatsky, is considered both in his relationship with representatives of the Famus society, and with Sophia, whom he loves. That's why Sophia plays an important role in the comedy and her attitude not only to Chatsky, but also to Molchalin. The image of Sophia Pavlovna is complex. By nature, she is endowed with good qualities: a strong mind and an independent character. She is able to deeply experience and sincerely love. For a girl of the noble circle she received a good education and upbringing. The heroine is fond of reading French literature. Famusov, Sophia's father, says:

    She has no sleep from French books,

    And it hurts me to sleep from the Russians.

    This girl is neither good nor bad. So, for example, when Pushkin first got acquainted with Griboedov's play, the image of Sophia seemed to him "It's not clearly written."

    I want to try to understand her character. It is very complex in itself. In Sophia, “good instincts with lies” are complexly intertwined. She has to dodge and lie in order not to give out her love to her close-minded father. She is forced to hide her feelings not only because of her fear of her father; it hurts her when in things that are poetic and beautiful for her they see only harsh prose. Chatsky's love for Sophia will help us understand one truth: the character of the heroine is in something important to match the main goodie all comedy. At seventeen, she not only “bloomed charmingly,” as Chatsky says about her, but also shows an enviable will, unthinkable for people like Molchalin, Skalozub, or even her father. It is enough to compare Famusov’s “what will Princess Marya Aleksevna say”, Molhollin’s “independence, I need to depend on others” and Sophia’s remark: “What is rumor to me? Whoever wants, so judges. This statement is not just "words". The heroine is guided by them literally at every step: both when she receives Molchalin in her room, and when, in front of Skalozub and Chatsky, she runs shouting to Osip: “Ah! My God! fell, killed! - and she herself falls unconscious, not thinking about the impression of others.

    But, unfortunately, all these positive features character could not be developed in Famus Society. Here is how he wrote about it in his critical study“A million torments” I. A. Goncharov: “It is difficult to treat Sofya Pavlovna not sympathetically: she has strong inclinations of a remarkable nature, a lively mind, passion and feminine gentleness. It is ruined in stuffiness, where not a single ray of light, not a single stream of fresh air penetrates. At the same time, Sophia is a child of her society. She drew ideas about people and about life from French sentimental novels, and it was this sentimental literature that developed dreaminess and sensitivity in Sophia. She says about Molchalin:

    He takes his hand, shakes his heart,

    Breathe from the depths of your soul

    Not a free word, and so the whole night passes,

    Hand in hand, and the eye does not take my eyes off me.

    Therefore, it was not by chance that she paid attention to Molchalin, who, in his words and his behavior, reminded her of her favorite heroes. However, it cannot be said that the heroine is blinded: she is able to evaluate the chosen one sensibly and critically:

    Of course, he does not have this mind,

    What a genius for others, about a plague for others,

    Which is fast, brilliant and soon against it ...

    Sophia is absolutely confident in herself, in her actions, in her feelings. Although in all this, perhaps, that immediacy, not the depravity of her nature, which allows us to compare her with Pushkin's Tatyana Larina, plays a significant role. But there is also a significant difference between them. Tatyana embodies the ideal character of a Russian woman, as Pushkin imagines her. Possessing the most positive qualities of her soul, she loves an outstanding person, worthy of her in a number of qualities. Sophia's chosen one, unfortunately, is different, but this is only visible to us and Chatsky. Sophia, blinded by Molchalin's courtship, sees only the good in him.

    At the first meeting of Sophia with Chatsky, she does not show the same interest in him, she is cold and unkind. This puzzled and even upset Chatsky a little. In vain did he try to insert into the conversation the witticisms that had previously amused Sophia so much. They only led to an even more indifferent and slightly spiteful answer from Sophia: “Did it happen by mistake, in sadness, that you said good things about someone?”. Sophia keeps her proud opinion of Chatsky until the end of the play: "Not a man - a snake." The next meetings of Sophia and Chatsky differ little from each other. But in act 3, Chatsky decides to "pretend once in a lifetime" and begins to praise Molchalin in front of Sophia. Sophia managed to get rid of Chatsky's obsessive questions, but she herself gets carried away and completely withdraws into her feelings, again completely without thinking about the consequences, which once again proves to us the firmness of her character. To Chatsky’s question: “Why did you recognize him so briefly?”, She replies: “I didn’t try! God brought us together." This is enough for Chatsky to finally understand who Sophia is in love with.

    The heroine draws a full-length portrait of Molchalin, giving it the most iridescent color, perhaps hoping in her soul to reconcile not only herself, but also others with this love. Sofya loves Molchalin, but hides this from her father, who, of course, would not recognize him as a son-in-law, knowing that he is poor. The heroine sees a lot of good things in her father's secretary:

    ... compliant, modest, quiet,

    Not a shadow of worry on your face

    And there are no misdeeds in my soul,

    Strangers and at random does not cut, -

    That's why I love him.

    Sophia also fell in love with Molchalin because she, a girl with character, needed a person in her life whom she could manage.

    “The attraction to patronize a loved one, poor, modest, who does not dare to raise his eyes to her, to elevate him to himself, to his circle, to give him family rights” -

    this is its goal, according to I. A. Goncharov. Chatsky naturally does not want * to listen to Sophia. For him, Molchalin is a person who is not worthy of respect, and even more so the love of a girl like Sophia.

    We involuntarily think: what attracted Sophia to Molchalin? Perhaps his appearance or a deep way of thinking? Of course not. The boredom that reigns in the Famusovs' house is primarily reflected in the girl's young quivering heart. The soul of a young and beautiful Sophia is filled with a romantic expectation of love, she, like all girls of her age, wants to be loved and love herself. Having unraveled Sophia's secret aspirations, Molchalin is nearby, he lives in the house. A young man of not bad appearance, moderately educated, vividly enters into the role of a lover and enchanted. Compliments, courtship, the constant presence of Molchalin gladly do their job. A girl falls in love without being able to choose or compare.

    Sophia involuntarily hears Molchalin's conversation with Lisa and suddenly sees her chosen one in a different light. She realized that in fact Molchalin took the form of a lover only "to please the daughter of such a person." He needed Sophia only in order to take advantage of her influence at the right time. His goal was also to get a higher rank, so he, according to the precepts of his father, catered to "all people without exception." Perhaps someday Sophia would have found out about the true intentions of Molchalin and she would not have been so hurt. But now she had lost a man who was very suitable for the role of a boy-husband, a servant-husband. I think she can find such a person and repeat the fate of Natalia Dmitrievna Gorich and Princess Tugoukhovskaya. And if Sophia had grown up in a different environment, she might have chosen Chatsky. But she chooses a person who suits her better, because she does not think of another hero. And in the end, according to Goncharov, “heaviest of all, even harder than Chatsky” is Sofya.

    Griboedov introduced us to the heroine of the comedy as a dramatic person. This is the only character that is conceived and executed as close to Chatsky.

    So, in his comedy, A. S. Griboedov managed to show not only the time in which he lived, but also created unforgettable images, interesting and modern reader and the viewer. Therefore, as Goncharov says, "Woe from Wit" is kept apart in literature and differs from other works in its youthfulness, freshness and stronger vitality.

    A few more ideas for an essay on the topic “The image of Sophia in the comedy “Woe from Wit”