Elena Vaenga: “My personal life is very difficult. Elena Vaenga: “Having left her husband, she considered herself a traitor for a long time, and suffered because of this. Who is Vaenga by nationality

Many of those whom we are used to seeing on the TV screen or on stage have made a lot of effort to become the center of everyone's attention. And one of these purposeful individuals who managed to achieve fame and recognition was Elena Vaenga.

Her stage name is known not only to domestic audiences, but also abroad. Strong, beautiful and incredibly talented, from childhood she amazed her parents and other people around her with her capabilities. This bright and eccentric modern pop performer can be treated differently, but Elena’s work does not leave the majority of the public indifferent, touches a nerve, provokes emotions.

Therefore, the biography of Elena Vaenga, in particular her work and personal life, arouses great interest in her person. It is to her, who has reached the top of the stellar musical Olympus, that we decided to dedicate today’s article.

The childhood of a charismatic singer

The star of the singer, whose fame was brought by her repertoire in the chanson genre, lit up very early. Her acting and singing talent appeared when little Lena was about three years old. The baby was just beginning to learn dancing and playing the piano, which came quite easily to her.

Elena Vaenga was born in Severomorsk in the winter of 1977 (exact date of birth - 01/27/1977). But now we know the singer under a pseudonym, and at birth the girl received her father’s surname. Thus, the real name of the famous chanson performer is Elena Vladimirovna Khruleva. Her nationality is Russian.

The girl's father, Vladimir Khrulev, worked as an engineer at a local shipyard. Mother was a chemist by profession. Despite the fact that Elena Vladimirovna’s paternal grandparents were city dwellers, native residents of St. Petersburg, the baby’s parents decided to set off to explore the northern expanses and went to the Murmansk region. Later, when Vaenga grows up, she will even write a song dedicated to her native North and her father (its title is “Dad, Draw!”).

In addition to Elena, the family had two more children: the eldest daughter Inna (Elena’s half-sister on her father’s side) and the youngest daughter Tatyana. Parents raised all girls in strictness and from childhood tried to instill in them the habit of order and discipline. Therefore, the little ones had practically no time left for idleness - each of their days was scheduled literally to the minute, began with morning exercises and necessarily included extracurricular activities and household chores.

First steps to glory

Already at the age of three, Elena Vaenga, whose biography and personal life is presented here, began dancing and could repeat any melody played by her dad on the piano, thereby demonstrating perfect pitch. And at the age of nine, Lenochka had already written the lyrics to her first song. It was then that the parents decided to seriously develop their daughter’s creative talent and enrolled her in a music school.

From that time on, the future winner of the Golden Gramophone award and popularly beloved singer Elena Vaenga began diligently, step by step, to lay the foundations of her musical career. She wrote poems and performed them herself at various competitions in order to gain valuable experience and master the basics of stagecraft. Without finishing high school, the future Russian pop star Elena Vaenga (Khruleva) decided to go to the northern capital to enter a music university.

But the promising and talented singer Elena Vaenga did not manage to enter the institute the first time due to the lack of a certificate of secondary education. Therefore, instead of going to university, the girl was forced to go back to school to finish her last year. Then she applied to the piano department of the Rimsky-Korsakov Music School in St. Petersburg, from which she graduated with a diploma as a teacher and accompanist.

After completing her studies, Elena began teaching at a music school, while studying vocals. But Elena Vaenga, the latest news from whose life is now constantly covered in the media, decided not to stop there. Soon Elena Vladimirovna, at that moment already a married woman, applied to the Theater Academy in St. Petersburg, successfully entered there, but studied for only two months.

The fact is that the girl chose a career as a singer over her childhood dream of becoming an actress, because one of the famous metropolitan producers became interested in Elena’s composing experiments and invited her to Moscow. So, after two months of studying at the Theater Academy in St. Petersburg, Elena Vaenga, the future winner of the Golden Gramophone, leaves to record her first album.

Bitter experience and taste of victory

However, Vaenga, who had no experience in show business, entered into a very unfavorable contract for herself. Producer Stepan Razin, who invited our heroine to the capital, of course, helped Elena record her first album. But his demands turned out to be too much for the aspiring pop star, who found himself behind the scenes of the music industry for the first time. She ran away from her producer and returned to St. Petersburg.

To compensate for the damage, Razin resold all of Elena Vaenga's songs. Thus, the text and music of the composition “Bride” went to A. Marshall, the song “Thin Branch” - to the girls from “Strelok”, the words of the song “My Most Beloved” - to the pop group “Ladybug”, etc.

This turn was very unexpected for Elena Vaenga. She did not want to prove her authorship through the court, but she was very disappointed in show business and even decided that this sphere of creativity was not for her. But the music beckoned Elena, which our heroine’s husband noticed every day. He persuaded the promising performer to try her hand at the music stage again.

So, in 2003, thanks to the incredible efforts of Elena Khruleva and the powerful support of her husband, the collection of compositions “Portrait” was released. On the eve of its release, the girl decided to take a creative pseudonym, and therefore on the new disc it was not Elena’s real surname - Khruleva, but the pseudonym - Vaenga. The performer, on the advice of her mother, decided to use the name of the Vaenga River, which flows near the hometown of the heroine of our story, as her stage name.

The record attracted the attention of the St. Petersburg music public, but did not go beyond the city on the Neva. Despite this, the promising performer was noticed by the organizers of concert tours and festivals, who began to invite singer Elena Vaenga to participate in musical events, and news from the world of show business increasingly began to repeat her name.

And two years later she was able to release her new album, which included 23 original compositions by Elena Vaenga, among which listeners especially highly appreciated the songs “Smoking”, “Cities”, “Airport”, “Absinthe” and the composition whose title gave the name to the entire album , - "White bird".

This disc turned out to be more successful. Vaenga gained her first fans, her songs began to occupy high places in the charts. Elena Khruleva became mega-popular in 2011, after the release of the performer’s collection in DVD format, although before that the discography of the Russian celebrity was replenished with new albums four times (in 2006, twice in 2007 and back in 2008). In addition, five videos were shot - the pop star stopped at this number, since he does not favor this format for presenting his musical creativity.

In total, the discography of the popular pop singer Elena Vaenga includes 10 collections with her original compositions. A list of them, as well as release dates, can be found on the Wikipedia page. Currently, the pop star continues to create and delight her fans with new programs, touring throughout Russia and abroad.

Under the gun: private life

The press tirelessly discusses the creative activities of Elena Vaenga, as well as her personal life. And she, by the way, began to develop successfully for the heroine of our article back in 1995, when eighteen-year-old student Elena met her future (civilian) husband, Ivan Matvienko.

Despite the man’s age (he is twenty years older than Elena Vaenga), as well as his belonging to a gypsy family, their relationship was happy and long-lasting. Elena Vaenga (Khruleva) and Ivan Matvienko lived together for more than fifteen years. He was not only her beloved and faithful friend, but also her main sponsor.

However, Elena Vaenga, whose children did not appear in this union, at some point considered her long affair with Matvienko to be a hopeless relationship. Therefore, the famous performer decided to leave her husband. This event gave rise to a lot of gossip around our heroine. And since there were no comments on this matter, Elena Vaenga’s personal life found itself in the crosshairs of paparazzi cameras.

The singer began to be credited with numerous affairs with different men. One of them was Mikhail Blinov, a childhood friend and personal driver of the star, in 2012. But these rumors were denied even by Elena Vaenga’s ex-husband, Matvienko. Later, about 2 years later, Elena Vaenga and Mikhail Bublik performed in the New Year’s “light” together, performing an impromptu song “What have we done.” After the appearance of this duet, many considered them a couple.

In fact, at that time Elena Vaenga was in a romantic relationship, but did not advertise it. Only after some time it became known that the singer was having an affair with a colleague, a drummer from her group. Elena Vaenga, for whom family had never come first, began to devote more time to her lover, Roman Sadyrbaev.

In the summer of 2012, Elena Vaenga gave birth to his son. The boy, who was born on August 10, 2012 in one of the St. Petersburg maternity hospitals, received the original Russian name Ivan. But Elena Vaenga’s wedding, with all the honors and the official part, took place only four years later - in September 2016.

The current husband of the famous pop singer Vaenga tours with his wife, while Elena’s parents are raising their son. The singer tries to arrange a joint annual vacation for the whole family in Cyprus. Sometimes Elena Vaenga, her son and beloved husband Roman Sadyrbaev go on concert tours with the whole family.

It’s not often that Elena Vaenga gives interviews. She usually does not comment on her personal life in them. Sometimes the media publishes fresh photos of Elena Vaenga, in which her little son is also present. Now she is active in concert activities, traveling throughout the country. The singer permanently lives in a prestigious house on the Fontanka embankment (in St. Petersburg). By the way, the neighbor of the national pop star, who lives on the floor below, is her former common-law husband Matvienko.

Over the past few years, Elena Vaenga has maintained excellent physical shape. Before the wedding, she lost a lot of weight, which caused a storm of enthusiastic emotions among her fans. Despite her age (the singer celebrated her 41st birthday this year), Vaenga looks simply gorgeous. Author: Elena Suvorova

“When Ivan grows up a little, I hope he will live with me. While he is under the supervision of his grandparents, he has a great room there,” says Elena Vaenga, who invited 7D correspondents to her new apartment in the center of St. Petersburg.

Elena, how long ago did you have this apartment in the center of St. Petersburg?

Three years ago, but all this time I was getting rid of her. I was helped by a designer and my friend, an Honored Builder of Russia, but without false modesty I will say: I did the entire renovation myself.

I personally went to the store for every screw and nut and picked out every little thing. And not everything is ready yet: I can’t find simple black dining room chairs and a TV stand. Furniture in the “Hermitage” style – “expensive and rich” – is sold everywhere. And I love hi-tech, clear lines, discreet colors. As they say, “kvadratish, praktish, gut.” I believe that the furnishings in an apartment are a complete reflection of human character. In my house, everything should be smooth, simple, closed, put away inside. Nothing should be left outside, with rare exceptions. Perhaps flowers, photographs, books... The inner world should be richer than what is outside!

- Why did you choose this particular apartment?

Uncle Vanya lives on the floor below - that’s what I call Ivan Matvienko (the singer’s producer - editor’s note). Now Matvienko and I joke that all that remains is to cut a ladder so that we can visit each other. Maybe one day we’ll do that... Even our Christmas trees were “related” this year. Mine is all in white and red balls - “for girls”, and for Uncle Vanya me and Victoria (the singer’s administrator - editor’s note) decorated a Christmas tree in blue tones - “for a boy”. Also in Uncle Vanya’s apartment there are paintings that he paints himself. I recently finished a canvas with a horse. And he called her Vaenga! As they say, “don’t part with your loved ones”...

- So you are still not strangers to each other?

Our relationship is so complicated that it’s impossible to explain it in a few words. How many things have been made up about us!

And I’ll explain why I took it. But if it doesn’t help, you’ll have to use weapons. Or put it on the table and say: “You don’t deserve me to hit you.” They say that I am an iron lady with a tough character. They also call me a militant Christian. Indeed, I am very harsh and uncompromising in matters of faith, Motherland, parents and family traditional foundations of my nationality. Perhaps, my character is dominated by qualities usually characteristic of men. It's all about dad's upbringing. My childhood passed according to a clear schedule. It's the girl's! I can’t even imagine my son in such a situation now. The time was divided into minutes, the schedule lay on the table under glass. Get up at six in the morning, jog in any weather, upon return - shower, breakfast, school, lunch, cleaning, lessons, music class, art class or alpine skiing.

Only during illness could I sit back, but otherwise my “I don’t want” or “I can’t” didn’t bother anyone. Got a fine? Vacuum your apartment or wash the dishes out of turn. Did you excel in anything? Well done, that means you won’t vacuum and wash dishes out of turn. Yes, it’s like the army, but I’m very grateful to my dad for his harsh upbringing. Vanechka’s parents don’t like this, but, on the other hand, he’s still a year and a half old. My mother, a very religious person, takes her grandson to church and gives him communion. While the baby does not understand how to be baptized, he looks at his grandmother and also carefully touches his forehead and shoulders with his finger. Grandmother kisses the icon, and he reaches out. It’s very sad that I don’t have enough time for this myself, but what should I do if I’m the only breadwinner? And I was lucky, but imagine what it’s like for women who single-handedly raise three people and plow four shifts at a factory?

Everyone wants to be aristocrats with billions in their accounts, so that mom and dad always stay at home, and 25 children are fed, clothed and educated. But in my situation, I can either shed tears or work for days! Therefore, I do not dare to take the baby from the orphanage, although such thoughts often occur. But to adopt a child and push him to his grandparents - what is this? We must first improve the current situation.

- By the way, why isn’t there a children’s room in your apartment?

Because the son lives with his grandparents. Vanya has a great room there. He knows his new home as “mom’s office.” It was the same for me as a child. When dad - still in Vyuzhny - started doing business, he practically moved to the next apartment.

And he went home through the balcony for lunch, then returned back to his “office” and worked. Apparently, children repeat their parents. But I hope that when Ivan grows up a little, he will live with me. And now my son is generally in Cyprus, where I sent him to spend the winter with my parents. You know, I discovered that Cyprus is an island of Russians. Because there are a lot of our women with strollers: mothers, grandmothers, sisters, governesses. There is an opinion that going to Cyprus for the winter is terribly expensive, but this is not so. Even now, a joke has appeared on the Internet: I calculated how much it costs to dress a child for the winter, and decided that it would be cheaper to send him to Thailand. I know that many people rent out their apartment in Moscow or St. Petersburg and use this money to rent a house in warm countries, with some left over for living.

Of course, I was worried: how could this be, Vanechka is far away, in another country, without a mother. I reproached myself, even cried at night at first. But at the end of December I came to visit them: my mother and I swam in the sea, and my son sat on the shore in only swimming trunks and sorted out pebbles. And my heart was relieved, because such conditions cannot be compared with winter St. Petersburg! “You, son, continue swimming with your grandparents, and mom flew to Novosibirsk to work hard!” - I told him goodbye.

- Isn’t it possible to take your child with you on tour?

Sometimes it works. Soon I will go on tour to Israel, so Vanya and my parents will go with me. But mostly until spring they will stay in Cyprus, visiting my friend Inna.

She settled there with her family a long time ago and this year invited my parents and Vanechka to stay with her. Grandparents do not leave Vanya’s side and strictly monitor their diet and sleep patterns. My dad himself cooks soups for his grandson: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, sometimes fish. And no concentrates or canned goods! I am immensely grateful to him, because he, like my mother, literally disappeared in Van. Of course, my father wants to relax, go to a cafe or just drink a glass of beer on the beach, but he doesn’t allow himself to do that. I arrive: “Dad, mom, let’s go to a restaurant in the evening!” And they answered me: “No way, Vanyusha must go to bed exactly at one o’clock, and before that there is still a lot of work to do.” Before lights out, the child can at least stand on his head, but go to bed - exactly on schedule. And I’m not even trying to disrupt this system in any way, because so far my son has only two bosses - his grandparents, who fuss with him, play with him, feed him, read fairy tales, sing lullabies.

Especially grandma. You need to hear your son say: “Baba.” Not “mom”, not “dad”, not “grandfather”, it is grandmother who is the most important person for him. They cannot live without each other; Vanya even prefers to sleep in grandma’s room, not mine. Even though she repeats to him every day: “Vanya, mom and dad love you very much, and only they are the most important people in life!”

- And you yourself didn’t want to stay with your son at sea?

I would be happy to spend the whole winter with my family by the sea, but work doesn’t let me go. I came to them before the New Year to celebrate Christmas together - December 25, as is customary in Cyprus. She brought great gifts for everyone: bed linen from Ivanovo, butter from Vologda, and a whole suitcase of Christmas tree decorations.

I love decorating a Christmas tree, alive and fluffy... There are many Christmas tree markets around the city, and traders, not having time to sell all the trees, often simply throw away the extra ones. And my heart bleeds from such barbarity! I collected abandoned Christmas trees and distributed them to everyone. She pestered her driver: “Have you put up a Christmas tree? How so, artificial?! Here’s a living one, dress it up for the child!” What can we say about how I went to great lengths for the first Christmas tree in Vanya’s life. I collected twenty handmade wooden dolls in national costumes, also Baba Yaga, Father Frost, and the Snow Maiden. I looked for these jewelry all over Russia: in Ivanovo, and in Pereslavl-Zalessky, and in Kostroma, and they were very inexpensive, on average 200 rubles apiece. And at the Cyprus Christmas market, I bought him Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer - the main one in Santa Claus's team.

I wanted to buy a bunch more gifts, but I didn’t have enough money for the rest. The fact is that I went to the market with a bank card, and they only accepted cash, of which I had four euros. I want to try mulled wine, buy something, I hand out my card everywhere, and the sellers just shake their heads. I approach the horror room and ask how much it costs. They tell me: “Four euros. Cash." Sorry, I say, it's too expensive for me. And she left. I told my friends later, we laughed so much! I made it, four euros are dear to me... Finally, I reached the rows with toys, and among them was Rudolph. The fawn turned out to be heavy, because its paws are filled with sand and weighs one and a half kilograms, but I liked it extremely. Almost without hope, I hold out my card, and the seller nods in agreement: “Let’s go!”

So I left the fair without mulled wine, but with Rudolph. I placed the toy under the door of Vanya’s room in the evening, and in the morning I wake up and hear: tsk-tsk-tsk throughout the house. The son found a gift and drags it along with him, his paws hitting the floor. Now she and the deer are inseparable.

- And you, therefore, returned to everyday work...

From Cyprus I flew straight to Novosibirsk for a concert, then home to St. Petersburg to prepare for the New Year. I was going to celebrate the holiday with my beloved grandmother, Nadezhda Georgievna, the widow of the rear admiral of the Northern Fleet. Like any officer's wife, she followed him throughout the Soviet Union. She said: “Lena, in the Baltics we lived in a wooden house.

There is a cradle on the floor in which your mother is snoring, and I’m afraid to put my foot down on the bed because there are rats running around there. But they can even climb into a baby’s crib!” To this day, when going to a restaurant with me, my grandmother puts on curlers at night, and doesn’t even go to the store without lipstick. This is our difference: she is a real lady, but I can’t say that about myself. My grandmother constantly teaches me and then my mother: “Brush your hair! You can’t walk around with such shaggy hair!” My grandmother is also an experienced winemaker, and she will not refuse good wine even at 88 years old. So, I really wanted to sit with my grandmother on New Year’s Eve, because this is especially important for her. Even in Cyprus, I made a wish to the local Santa Claus: “Darling, make sure that when the chimes strike, I sit at home with my Nadezhda Georgievna!” Then she told this story in the “Evening Urgant” program, and Vanya jokingly addressed the audience: “Don’t invite Vaenga to your corporate parties!”

No, they still called and offered a concert, very far from St. Petersburg. It would seem, give up and stay at home! But my parents and grandmother herself did not allow it. Dad, a man of the old school, sternly scolded me: “Apparently, you didn’t live badly! Have you forgotten what it’s like when there are no tours and people don’t invite you to concerts? And now you're popular, so can I buck? Like, I don’t want to sing, I want Olivier and a Christmas tree? You provide for your family, so, my daughter, you get up and go to work!” And the grandmother added: “Lena, we can sit together on the first of the month. At 88 years old, I no longer need your Olivier and champagne at midnight!” At the airport I almost whined! The customs officer, checking my passport, smiled: “You’re lucky, this year very few artists are working for the holidays.” And I almost begged: “Don’t let me in either, leave me at home!”

But in the end, I’m glad I went to that concert, because it’s always good on stage, I’m doing what I love. And I returned on January 1 at ten in the morning and immediately went shopping with my director. I looked at the prices and admitted: yes, it’s good that I worked.

- How important is money to you?

Don’t think that money is the main thing and for the sake of it I will give up everything. I just knew from childhood what “need” was. “Whether I want it or not,” Mom and Dad explained, “you will tell your husband when you get married. For now, you only have responsibilities.”

- How do you relax?

I love watching horror films. This is absolutely my genre! But I can hardly stand melodramas. A touching ending - and my eyes are wet. Maybe this is because I’m trying to somehow try on these stories for myself? After all, my personal life is complicated, very complicated, and popularity played a cruel joke on me. Recently I had dinner at a restaurant with a man, so five people came up for autographs, and some woman spent the entire evening filming me on her phone from the next table. Naturally, after that my friend said: “I won’t go anywhere else with you, this is crazy!” Thank you, stranger, for ruining your relationship!

- Are you not one of those artists who willingly give autographs?

I will never refuse an autograph to people on the street or in a store, but why pester me at dinner when the girl is alone with her boyfriend?

I myself won’t even approach people I know in such a situation. For example, I have known Maxim Galkin for a long time, but I won’t rush to him shouting “Hello!” when he is busy with other things. Alexander Rosenbaum is another matter: we have been friends for so long that Alexander Yakovlevich will also threaten me with his fist if I don’t say hello. But people have a different logic: Vaenga is having dinner with a man - this is certainly either her lover or the father of her son, we need to take a closer look and write on the Internet. Previously, such rumors and interference in my personal life upset and angered me, but now I have become more tolerant. I will wait a very long time before rushing into a fight. The other day I had a big fight with a friend who had been meddling in my personal life for three years in the most unscrupulous way. She asked for details, gave advice with or without reason.

I kept trying and trying, but finally told her everything over the phone. And how she said it! Those who were nearby turned pale, and my friend barely squeaked: “Lena, I’m afraid of you...” So don’t bother me! I’m not afraid to tell people the truth to their face, to cut from the shoulder, although after the birth of my son I became more diplomatic, even more hypocritical. I am silent, instead of yelling, I smile when I want to throw my fists. Because maternal instinct dictates that in this way it will be better to protect your child.

- To be honest, it’s hard to imagine you as restrained and diplomatic...

Yes, I am a noisy, energetic, charismatic, emotionally unstable person. (Laughs.) No wonder my friends nicknamed me Lenenergo.

One person told me: my main problem is that I’m used to the world revolving around me. Yes, this is probably bad quality! Sometimes I call at three o’clock in the morning: “We went to the website for a photo.” And for some reason no one will ever answer: “Elena Vladimirovna, look at your watch, please. When the morning comes, I’ll do it then.” No, everyone tolerates me. Although, if they answered like that, I would immediately apologize and hang up. At the same time, everyone knows that they can call me at three o’clock in the morning and say: “Lena, I have a problem” - and I will instantly rush to help. I don't care if it's night or day. If a person calls, it means it’s necessary. That’s why, probably, no one refuses me...

Elena Vaenga did not come, but seemed to suddenly appear on stage - original, bright, daring. And very talented. Supporters and opponents of chanson, blues, urban romance, folk rock were equally discouraged by the originality of the music and manner of performance. She refuted all the cliches at once. And she immediately became unique on stage - the sign of a true artist. They say character determines destiny. Vaenga’s biography and creative path are a clear confirmation of this. Her appearance on the stage, her stunning success, is not the result of heavenly condescension, but a long and difficult path.

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Elena Vaenga - biography

The singer was born in the capital. In the capital of the Northern Fleet - Severomorsk. This event occurred in 1977, on January 28. She was the first child, beloved, desired in the family. Parents worked in the then secret satellite town of Snezhnogorsk at an enterprise where they repaired submarines.

Despite the fact that mom and dad were typical techies by profession, they soon noticed the baby’s musical abilities. As Elena herself says: “When I was one year old, I caught the rhythm of the vacuum cleaner.” And already at the age of three, she surprised her parents by easily repeating the song “The bathhouse is drowning, heating in the garden” played by her dad.

The sonorous pseudonym Vaenga also comes from his childhood. This was the name of the city of Severomorsk until 1951, named after the river flowing nearby. Something iconic, comparable to the temperament of the actress and singer in the translation of this word from the Sami: “vaenga” - deer. By the way, Elena’s mother chose such a harmonious consonance.

Art, music, skiing - she graduated from all schools in Severomorsk. But for her potential this was only an easy start, the first step. Natural scenery of formation as a creative personality. She played the piano, tried to write poetry and music. I always knew that I would be an actress. Participated in all competitions. In third grade, Elena became a leader in the “Young Composers of the Kola Peninsula” competition. At the same time, her first song “Pigeons” was written, which is still popular.

Soon Elena simply felt cramped within the province. Her inner potential required an outlet. Fortunately, she had the conditions to move to the music capitals of the country. Lena's father's parents are native St. Petersburg residents. My grandfather on my mother’s side was a military man. The name of Rear Admiral Vasily Semenovich Zhuravel is included in the book of memory “Famous People of St. Petersburg”.

In 1993, Vaenga moved to St. Petersburg to live with her relatives. Graduated from secondary school No. 395 (literary class). She entered the famous school named after. Rimsky-Korsakov for piano class. It was a prestigious music institution. In order not to lose face, a girl from the province had to study 8-10 hours a day! To broken fingertips, as Elena Vladimirovna herself recalls. But she herself calls the education received here “truly higher.”

All these years of tough, demanding work on myself, vocals were my outlet. Although at first the girl did not pay serious attention to singing. After college, I completely spontaneously decided to enter the Theater Academy. For a girl who was almost unfamiliar with the theater (she had only been to performances a couple of times), this was a pure gamble. But I got in despite huge competition. It was impossible not to notice her all-round talent.

Only a couple of months of study have passed. And suddenly - an unexpected offer from a Moscow producer to record his own solo album. For Elena Vaenga, who at that time was already performing her songs at small venues and participating in song competitions, this seemed like incredible luck. She left the academy and moved to Moscow.

We represent what the world of show business is. Reviews are mostly unflattering. Elena had to see this for herself. “I ate my fill of waste,” is how the actress briefly described that period. But at the same time, not a single bad word about the experience gained: “Experience is never bad,” “20% is golden.”

The album was not recorded. But Elena’s talented songs, at the suggestion of an unscrupulous producer, were actively performed by a variety of singers and groups. Her “Bride” was sung by Alexander Marshal, three wonderful songs were sung by Tishinskaya, thanks to her work “Ladybirds” and “Strelki” were identified. And Elena, devastated and disappointed, returned to St. Petersburg. Vaenga is like a Phoenix bird. From any situation she knows how to extract experience that helps in creativity. Just like in life. “I’m even grateful to the Moscow show business sharks for helping me... show my teeth” - this is the lesson Lena learned from her first voyage to Moscow.

Life's ups and downs did not prevent Elena from participating in song competitions. For example, in 1996, her song “Gypsy” was performed on “Hit of the Year”. But this was not enough for her. This is the property of nature: to bring everything to perfection. In 2000, Vaenga entered the theater course of P. S. Velyaminov, a wonderful Soviet actor.

The piercing sincerity and natural behavior of the singer on stage is not only a creative gift, but the result of professionalism. That is why each of her songs is a mini-play played by a brilliant actress. By the way, Elena’s theatrical role in the play “Free Couple” was considered very successful.

Elena Vaenga - personal life

In 1995, fate crossed Elena with producer Ivan Matvienko. He was 19 years older. Perhaps everything would have turned out differently, but the parents presented the stubborn 18-year-old with an ultimatum: “No meetings! Be home at nine o’clock!” This became a challenge for the willful and determined Lena. Having left everything, she moved to her beloved. I didn’t even communicate with my parents for three years.

Then everything got better. Because Ivan loved her to the point of selflessness. In the difficult nineties, he raced cars, took risks, and made money. And he invested everything in Lena, in her studies, competitions, trips. The development of a talented, successful singer continued for 10 years. All these years he believed in her. When success came, it was happiness for both. But life is unpredictable. And feelings can cool down. After 15 years of marriage, Elena and Ivan broke up. Calm, intelligent. For a long time, neither the general public nor the sensation-hungry yellow press even knew about this.

Only when she gave birth to her son Ivan in 2012 did everyone vigorously begin to express various guesses. Since it is not easy to hide an awl in a bag, it soon became clear that the child’s father was drummer of Elena Vaenga’s musical group, Roman Sadyrbaev. Soon after Ivan was born, Roman’s mother moved in with his young parents to help nurse her grandson.

Many will probably be surprised that Elena Vaenga, whose biography will be the topic of discussion in this article, found the love of millions of listeners without the help of any producers or fabulous sums invested in development. In order to become popular, and perhaps in the near future and second after Alla Borisovna, Elena needed only one thing - talent. The biography of Elena Vaenga is full of interesting facts and unexpected twists of fate. Fans will certainly be interested in learning about the life of their idol.

Biography of Elena Vaenga: from birth she is not like everyone else

The singer was even born in special romantic conditions: in the dead of a dark night, in a small town of five thousand inhabitants, located on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. This happened in 1977, on January 27. Elena's parents were shipbuilding engineers at that time, but they realized very early that the child would not follow in their footsteps. The girl showed her talent for music at an early age. One day my father played a simple melody on the piano. But it was such for a person who knew notes and at least somehow played a musical instrument, and Elena, being a three-year-old girl, easily repeated it. At the age of six, Lena began attending music school, and since then music has become her life - she devoted 12 hours of her time to it every day. The talented girl wrote her first music at the age of nine, and at eleven, her first original song appeared. As a teenager, she began to create her works in one fell swoop and participated in various competitions, which, according to her, did not help her in any way in terms of promotion, but gave her invaluable experience of being on stage.

Biography of Elena Vaenga:

first steps towards your dream

When Elena was a high school student, her parents seriously thought about her higher musical education and decided to send their daughter to St. Petersburg, to her grandmother, to enter the music school. Rimsky-Korsakov. But, as it turned out, Elena’s preparation was very weak for such an educational institution, and she failed the solfeggio exam. She stayed for another year at her native music school, relearned the most difficult subject - solfeggio, and in 1994 finally became a student.

The biography of Elena Vaenga describes another side of her talent. After graduating from music school, the singer decided to realize another of her childhood dreams - to become an actress. And she entered the theater academy in St. Petersburg. But after three months she dropped out of school and went to Moscow, where she was invited to record an album. She could not refuse such a tempting offer, but when she saw the world of Russian show business from the inside, she was very disappointed. As it turned out, Moscow producers did not need Vaenga; they needed her songs, which were given to other performers.

Biography of Elena Vaenga: finding fame

The singer returned to St. Petersburg and decided to continue “becoming an actress” and entered the acting department of the Baltic Institute of Economics, Law and Politics. Plunging into the world of theater, she quietly established a musical career. She recorded her first album and went on her first tour across the country. And here they are - national love and recognition!

Elena Vaenga: biography. Husband, children

The singer got married early, at the age of 18. Her life partner is Ivan Matvienko, who accidentally gave her a lift when Elena was in a hurry somewhere. For complete female happiness, Elena only needs a baby, which she has long dreamed of.

Elena Vaenga is a popular Russian pop singer, and thousands of fans daily follow her photos and how the biography and personal life of their favorite performer changes, and the husband and children of the star remain constant targets for the press.



Not everyone knows that Vaenga is the pseudonym of Elena Khruleva, invented for the star by her mother. Until the mid-twentieth century, this was the name of the singer’s hometown Severomorsk.

Elena was born on January 27, 1977 in the family of a chemist mother and an engineer father. The specifics of living in Severomorsk affected the family of the future star: her parents had long been employees at the secret Nerpa plant, which specialized in nuclear submarines.

Elena Vaenga in childhood

Elena is not the only child in the family. Younger sister Tatyana works in the field of international relations, speaks several languages ​​and is building a diplomatic career.

Since childhood, Elena has demonstrated incredible perseverance and hard work: the girl studied in three schools at once and has diplomas in music, art and skiing education. After graduation, the young girl moved to the Northern capital and entered the Rimsky-Korsakov Music School. In parallel with her studies, Elena began to study vocals.

Elena Vaenga in her youth

Youth years

Despite the fact that Vaenga began writing songs at the age of nine, she did not immediately come to the idea of ​​​​being a singer. As a child, she dreamed of being an actress, so after receiving a musical education in piano, Elena became a student at the Theater Academy.

But Elena’s calling to sing sought itself out - the girl had to leave her new place of education because of an important call from Moscow. She was invited to record her first studio album...

Elena Vaenga in the recording studio

However, in the capital everything was not so rosy. The album was actually recorded, but it was not destined to be released. In addition, the difficult relationship with the producer and the cold backstage of show business caused a lot of trouble. Vaenga fled from the intrigues of the stars back to St. Petersburg.

Much to her surprise, her songs were soon heard throughout the country - for example, Tatyana Tishinskaya performed “Mom, why are you crying” and a number of other Vaenga compositions. It turned out that the former producer, without Elena’s consent, began recording songs she composed with other stars.

Singer Elena Vaenga

But Elena Vaenga’s biography would not have been so bright if troubles could have broken her: without being distracted by the organization of her personal life or scandals, she continued to move towards her goal.

Soon she became a student at the Baltic Institute of Economics, Politics and Law, but Elena did not intend to receive diplomatic knowledge - she joined the department of theater arts.

Having become a certified specialist in “dramatic art,” Vaenga began to participate in performances, including private performances.

Photo session of Elena Vaenga


Great success did not come to Elena right away. Participating in concerts and festivals from the age of 19, Vaenga remained unrecognized by the general public. Even when the future star began giving solo concerts and touring Russian cities, it could not be called wildly popular.

Everything changed when Vaenga released the album “White Bird” (2005). Millions of listeners began to recognize and love her songs: “Taiga”, “I Wish”, “Airport”.

This became a turning point in the biography of Elena Vaenga: during breaks, fans began to be interested in the details of her personal life and wonder whether the rising star had a husband and children.

Vaenga’s first album is “White Bird” (2005)

In 2009, the song “I Smoke” brought Vaenga her first big award - the Golden Gramophone prize, and a year later the singer received the award again - this time for her performance of “Airport”. The composition “Absinthe” allowed Vaenga to take a place among the laureates of the largest festival “Song of the Year”.

The first solo concert, which could be considered truly major, took place only in 2010, when the singer’s name had already become a sign of quality, and her songs were loved by numerous fans. Vaenga performed at the Kremlin Palace. At Christmas the following year, a recording of the concert was shown on Channel One.

Elena Vaenga - concert at the Kremlin Palace

Personal life

The more popular Elena Vaenga becomes, the more interesting it is to study her biography: unfortunately, the singer talks little about her personal life, and due to her secrecy, her husband and children rarely appear in the star’s photos.

However, it is no secret that Vaenga for a long time loved a man much older than herself. The parents of young Elena did not like that her chosen one was already married (and his own daughter is two years older than Vaenga herself!).

Elena and her common-law husband

However, no prohibitions could stop this love, and as soon as the girl turned 18, she went to live with her lover, her common-law husband Ivan Matvienko. Subsequently, Ivan Ivanovich even became the singer’s producer - the one who definitely will not deceive or betray.

Elena has repeatedly noted that her beloved played a huge role in her life, and it was his support and help that helped her shine on the national stage.

Elena Vaenga and Ivan Matvienko

Living in the nineties was not easy. Ivan Matvienko earned money as best he could: now Elena remembers with a smile how he drove cars from Europe to raise money for new suits and renting a recording studio.

Having lived in a happy civil marriage for seventeen years, the couple separated, remaining on friendly terms. Elena Vaenga tried to hide her new hobby as best she could: the singer hates it when private photos and intimate details of her biography are leaked online, especially when it comes to her personal life, her husband or children.

Wedding of Elena and Roman

However, it was not possible to hide the luxurious wedding that Elena and her chosen one Roman Sadyrbaev played in 2016. During the celebration, Vaenga changed her outfits more than once, and was irresistible in each one. The event was accompanied by the singer’s favorite color – red: this is how the cake, a large bow on Elena’s dress, and balloons were decorated. The star did not wait for journalists to talk about the celebration, and she herself published a photo in a wedding dress on a social network.

It turned out that the son of Vaenga and Sadyrbaev was born back in 2012. The boy was named Ivan.

Elena Vaenga with her son
  • In a musical battle with Leonid Agutin on the NTV channel, Elena Vaenga received five times more votes than her stage colleague.
  • In the episode of the program “Alone with Everyone” (dated March 10, 2017), Vaenga admitted that she still has warm feelings for her first lover and continues to help him in a friendly way. Ivan Ivanovich even lives in the apartment next to Elena’s, and the star’s husband treats this with understanding.
  • The nickname “Vaenga” can be translated as “female deer.”
  • Vaenga wrote her first composition “Pigeons” when she was 9 years old. The song allowed her to win the All-Union Competition for Young Composers, held on the Kola Peninsula.
  • Vaenga still managed to partially fulfill her childhood dream: the singer tried herself as an actress, taking part in the play “Free Couple”.
Elena Vaenga in the play “Free Couple”

Elena Vaenga now

Now Elena Vaenga continues to write new pages in her biography: in addition to the fact that the singer devotes a lot of time to her personal life and, of course, to her son, she does not abandon her stage career. For 2018, the star has solo concerts planned in Moscow and St. Petersburg and, of course, a tour.
