Inna and Dmitry Malikov about family traditions: One for all, and all for one. New generation: Dima Malikov Jr. about his holidays How old is singer Dmitry Malikov

0 March 15, 2016, 5:13 pm

Dmitry Malikov Jr. with his uncle, Malikov Sr.

17 year old nephew famous singer Dmitry Malikov - Dmitry Malikov Jr. - is actively interested in the restaurant business, plays sports and is friends with many stars Russian show business and their children. What else do we know about Inna Malikova’s son?


Dmitry Malikov Jr. is the son of 39-year-old singer Inna Malikova and her mysterious ex-husband- businessman Vladimir, about whom very little is known. Dima is also the nephew of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov and his namesake. The guy spends a lot of time with his family, as evidenced by the photo on his Instagram account. In profile young man many photos with mom Inna, uncle Dmitry and cousin Steshey.


Malikov Jr. is seriously interested in the restaurant business. He learns to cook in the kitchens of popular restaurants together with recognized chefs, delights his friends and family with delicious dishes, and visits factories in various countries to better understand the intricacies of cooking. Whether the young man dreams of becoming a chef in the future is still unknown.

Dima is not threatened by the calories gained during numerous feasts - he is actively involved in sports. The young "restaurateur" loves cross-country skiing, which he rides in Austria. Malikov Jr. often posts selfies from the gym, where he is not too lazy to stop by after school.


Looking at Dmitry Malikov Jr.’s Instagram, it seems that he best friend almost all celebrities of Russian show business. Dima publishes photographs with enviable regularity with Valeria, Joseph Prigozhin, Stas Mikhailov, Oleg Gazmanov. Despite the serious age difference, Dima gets along well with celebrities and invites them to dinners, surprising them with his culinary talents.

Malikov Jr. is also friends with peers: Arseny Shulgin - the son of Valeria, Philip Gazmanov - the son of Oleg Gazmanov, Nikita Novikov - the son of restaurateur Arkady Novikov and many others.

Dmitry Malikov and Stas Mikhailov

Instagram photo

(41), Dmitry’s sister, and her son (also, by the way,) made an exception - they told us about family traditions, about how they choose gifts for each other and what memories they especially treasure.

Dima: Watch, OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Chronograph; T-shirt, Calvin Klein; Jacket, Strellson. Inna: Watch, OMEGA Seamaster Aqua Terra 150m; Jacket, Escada; Top, Liu Jo; Pants, Roseville

“Go to the end and never be lazy. Even if some problem seems unsolvable, you need to finish it today and never put it off until later. This is the main advice that my mother gave me,” admits Dima. He clearly listened to his mother and by the age of 19 he had already achieved a lot - now Dima is studying in Geneva, studying the restaurant business and is interested in IT applications. With such a serious approach, every minute counts, and Dima (like her mother) chooses the Swiss watch brand OMEGA, a symbol of family traditions and continuity of generations. Inna is (immediately visible) proud of her son: “I always taught Dima to think about the consequences of his actions. A person from a public family must understand that he is responsible not only for himself, but also for his family and surname. Now he is an adult, serious guy with whom we communicate as equals.”

Watches, OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Chronograph

Dima and Inna speak almost unanimously about the main family tradition; you can immediately see how many emotions a summer trip to Italy brings. “This year we celebrated our 15th anniversary at the Forte dei Marmi resort. We always meet there for a few days. Dima and Stesha grew up there, and now the next kids will grow up, because going to the sea with the whole family is so cool. We don’t have a second opportunity like this, this is the only time and place,” explains Inna.

Inna: watch, OMEGA De Ville Ladymatic; Dress, ALEXANDER TEREKHOV. Dima: watch, OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Chronograph

And, of course, January 1st! New Year Usually the family celebrates separately, but on January 1 (Inna's birthday) everyone gets together to exchange gifts. “This year my family gave me very “cozy” things - gloves, candles and cool slippers. We know each other well, so choosing gifts for each other is usually not that difficult. Or you can find out with leading questions ( laughs) – I sometimes ask Nastya, Dima’s girlfriend,” says Inna ( Anastasia Tolstaya is a student at the Faculty of Economics of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov and a participant in the Miss Russia contest. - Approx. ed.). Although, of course, it is difficult to surpass the gift that Dima received eight years ago - then he was given a Jack Russell terrier, Kenny. “This is the happiest memory from childhood. Now Kenny lives with us in Moscow,” says Malikov Jr.

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Dmitry Malikov is a Russian pop star. IN Lately the performer does not appear on stage often, but keeps up with the times. Internet - new site to showcase the singer's talents.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Malikov is a native Muscovite. He was born on January 29, 1970 in the family of Honored Artist of Russia and soloist of the Moscow Music Hall, and then Lyudmila Vyunkova. Since his parents constantly went on tour, Dima remained in the care of his grandmother Valentina Feoktistovna.

A kind woman looked condescendingly at the pranks of her beloved grandson, who preferred active games with peers to study. fresh air. Dima played football and hockey with the guys in the courtyard of the house and often ran away from the music teacher who came to give lessons at home.

When the teacher rang the doorbell of the apartment, Malikov immediately “went out” through the window - the dwelling was on the first floor. The grandmother was very sad that the boy would never become as good a musician and singer as his father and mother.

Dmitry Malikov and his father Yuri Malikov

When Dmitry was 7 years old, he had a sister, Inna. Subsequently, like the whole family, she chose music as her profession.

At the age of 14, Dima’s parental genes won out. The guy grew up and became interested in playing the piano. He gave his first concerts in home school. Then Malikov began singing and writing songs. The debut composition “Iron Soul” was a success among peers and relatives. Having received recognition of his talent, the guy pushed his passion for sports into the background.


After finishing 8th grade, Dmitry decided that he should continue to study where he could study music more. Malikov entered the music school at the capital's conservatory and began to take his first steps on the stage; his parents were directly related to the famous VIA. Malikov Jr. played keyboards for some time in Gems under the guidance of his father. Some of the songs young musician and the composer are included in the repertoire of the group, they were performed by.

The biography of Dmitry Malikov the singer began in 1986. Then the 16-year-old boy appeared on the stage of the much-loved program “Wider Circle,” where he sang “I am painting a picture.” IN next year the aspiring musician was invited to the program “Morning Mail of Yuri Nikolaev”, where he performed new composition"Terem-teremok." The young singer was incredibly liked by TV viewers and especially female TV viewers; bags of letters came to his address.

Dmitry Malikov recorded the songs “Sunny City” and “I’m Painting a Picture” when he was 15 years old. Real success came in 1988, when he performed “Moonlight Dream”, “You Will Never Be Mine” and “Until Tomorrow”. The composition “Moonlight Dream” instantly turned into a hit, for a long time it was the record holder of the “Soundtrack” hit parade and stayed at the top for a whole year.

Song by Dmitry Malikov “Moonlight Dream”

Subsequently, Dima was twice chosen as singer of the year. During this period, the artist, who was barely 20 years old, was already giving solo concerts at the main venue of the country - at the Olimpiysky sports complex.

Despite the dense tour schedule and enormous popularity, Malikov continues to study and improve his skills. Dmitry graduated with honors from the conservatory in piano and devoted a lot of time to playing the piano and performing classical music.

In 1997, Malikov’s piano concerts were held in Stuttgart, Germany. At the same time, Dmitry’s debut instrumental album “Fear of Flying” appeared. The composer's works are heard in artistic and documentaries, V music programs O classical music.

At “Song-98” the composition “After the Ball” was performed, the poems for which were written back in 1976 by the bard Nikolai Shipilov. In 1999, Dmitry Malikov became an Honored Artist of Russia, and a year later the artist was awarded the Ovation Award (nomination “For intellectual contribution to the development of youth music”).

In 2000, the star gives his fans new album“Beads,” which included the touching song “Happy Birthday, Mom.”

Song by Dmitry Malikov “Happy Birthday, Mom”

In 2007, Dmitry Malikov - best singer of the year. He repeatedly became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival and participated in almost all holiday concerts, where Russian pop stars gathered.

In the same year the performer carries out ambitious project called "PIANOMANIA". This is a bright instrumental show where the traditions of Russian classics are organically combined with ethnic motifs and jazz arrangements. The show was shown twice in the capital, each time to a packed hall of the Moscow Opera. Subsequently, the album “PIANOMANIЯ” appeared, released in 100,000 copies and completely sold out.

Dmitry Malikov's song "With clean slate»

Then Malikov returns to pop music and gives his fans a disc called “From a Clean Slate,” which includes the composition of the same name.

In 2010, Dmitry presented a new classical music show “Symphonic Mania” in France. The Imperial Russian Ballet of Gediminas Taranda, the symphony orchestra and the choir of the New Opera Theater performed on stage. The tour took place in more than 40 cities in France, including Paris, Cannes and Marseille.

In October 2013, Dmitry Malikov presented the 14th studio album“25+”, this is how the performer celebrated a quarter of a century of his creative activity. The album includes new hits of the pop star, including the soulful song “My Father”, sung in a duet with, and jointly with Elena Valevskaya romantic ballad"You and me".

How pianist Dmitry performs with symphony orchestras Russia. And in 2012, Malikov created a children's social and educational project called “Music Lessons.” As part of the project, the musician gives master classes for young pianists in different cities of the country, providing a unique opportunity to perform and shine for many aspiring colleagues.

In January 2015, fans of Dmitry Malikov welcomed his 15th instrumental album “Cafe Safari”, which included 12 musical sketches inspired by travels around different countries and continents.

The next compositions “How not to think about you”, “Surprise me”, “In a world of singles”, “Just love” and “Water and Clouds”, dedicated to , did not become hits, but were warmly received by loyal fans.

In the winter of 2016, Dmitry Malikov, together with him, breathed a second life into the composer and poet’s song “Snowflake,” which was first heard in the film fairy tale “Sorcerers.” The composition, which has long become a classic, came to life and gave listeners a festive mood.

Dmitry Malikov and Yulianna Karaulova perform the song “Snowflake”

Singer, producer and composer – frequent guest popular talk shows on central TV channels. Dmitry attended the “Tonight” program. Relatives, friends and colleagues came to the studio, congratulated Malikov on his anniversary and said many kind words.

In October 2016, Malikov answered questions in the program “Secret to a Million”, openly talking about many mysterious pages of his personal life. The performer, popular in the 90s, admits that it is difficult to remain in demand for decades, and at the age of 45 it is almost impossible to keep up with fashion trends world of teenagers.

“Nobody manages to have a hit every year. It’s clear that there are exceptions like , and I don’t know if she has a hit now.”
Dmitry Malikov performs the 1st concert of Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Dmitry did not give up creativity and found himself in other areas. Now he is going to theatrical stage and is confirmed as a producer. In the play “Turn the Game,” the singer demonstrated how representatives of classical, rock, pop and rap coexist on the same stage.

Over the course of the evening, the audience listened to works by both , and . A separate block with symphonies is dedicated patriotic education. Educational work, in which there is no competition and pathos - for Malikov it is like an outlet, with meaning and a share of service.

Fans assumed that the father would become the producer of his growing daughter, who had already taken her first steps on the stage and presented music lovers with a debut music video for the song “Only for Us.” However, Malikov is rather a harsh critic. When Stesha received the Golden Gramophone for a duet with, Dmitry did not understand why, and expressed the hope that his daughter “would not get star fever.” Malikov does not rely on Stefania as an artist. Moreover, the girl’s fame, according to her father, to a greater extent based on the star's surname, like the singer himself in his youth.

Dmitry Malikov’s song “How not to think about you”

At the end of 2017, Dmitry presented a video for the studio’s composition of the same name, “How Not to Think about You.” Director Vadim Shatrov, who shot the video for, suggested taking the story of the death of the oligarch’s granddaughter as the basis for the plot. The driver of the car survived the accident in Switzerland. According to the script, a young man comes to his senses on the shore of a lake, but does not remember what happened.

Personal life

The star, who quickly rose to prominence in the early 90s, formed an army of millions of fans. Around a tall and slender man (Dmitry Malikov’s height is 183 cm), the most beautiful girls countries with big names. One of them, a singer, took a special place in his heart. She was older than Dima, but this did not prevent the emergence of a passionate romance.

The relationship lasted 6 years, which the couple lived in a civil marriage. Natalya left Dmitry, plunging him into a long depression when she realized that she would not wait for a marriage proposal. The artist admitted that he was not ready to start a family then. And at the same time, Vetlitskaya kept her lover from the riotous lifestyle that the stage is guilty of.

The life of a talented performer began to sparkle with new colors when Malikov met another beauty, who also turned out to be older, this time by 7 years. The singer met the designer in 1992, and the couple decided to legalize their relationship after birth common child.

The family raised two children: whom Elena Malikova gave birth to in her first marriage, and Stefania, who was born in 2000.

Stesha is the pride of her father. She is a hardworking and responsible girl. Stefania could choose any educational institution abroad, but the parents were not at all eager to send their child to a prestigious university in Europe. Elena generally believed that it was dangerous to leave a child to live alone abroad, without control and help, when there are so many temptations around.

The girl was interested in design and modeling. I started earning my first money while still at school thanks to social networks. Dmitry assures that his daughter knows the value of things and does not allow herself excesses. In 2017, Stefania entered the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO.

Olga Izakson lives separately; in 2016 she became the mother of a girl, Anya. The musician does not like to call his wife’s daughter a stepdaughter, “more like an older comrade,” because he did not feel like a stepfather.

For his birthday in 2018, Dmitry Malikov received an unforgettable gift -. In one of the elite clinics in St. Petersburg, a surrogate mother gave birth to the couple’s son, Mark. The couple hid the birth of an heir until the last moment, but rumors still leaked out, and the celebrities had to confess. Moreover, the artist publicly celebrated this event by gathering friends in a restaurant.

For Stefania, the birth of her brother came as a complete shock. However, the girl reasonably commented that she was no longer at that age to be jealous of her parents for the baby. The first photos of Mark Malikov were entrusted to to a loved one- Olga.

Dmitry Malikov now

The musician perceives social networks solely as a means for PR, which, “unfortunately, is very important in life.” In terms of hype, the artist will give a head start to his colleagues. In 2017, Dmitry “trolled” a rapper (Ivan Dremin) on Instagram with the catchphrase “Eshkere!” and hand-drawn tattoos, featured the video “Ask Your Mom” with the participation of a blogger.

The pop star met the “emperor of humor” not just anywhere, but on rap battle Versus. Khovansky was the only one who responded to Dmitry’s call to “stir up the fit.”

Subscribers appreciated Malikov’s non-standard response to the remark that he is inferior to his daughter in terms of the number of followers. IN

09.03.2019 22:05 2,070 likes 51 comments

Official Instagram Dmitry Malikov Jr.

You've probably noticed that lately I've been posting less posts and stories on Instagram? Today I decided to write “why” and talk to you about issues that interest me. Let's start with why do you even subscribe to someone? Either these are your friends and acquaintances, but then everything would be limited to 150 subscriptions and subscribers, or probably because you are interested in seeing what is happening in the lives of famous or talented people. But are they interested in you? In no case will I give examples, but when I come across a question at the end of some post famous person or the company “What do you think?” or “What is your opinion?” Do you really think that this is really interesting to them? All this was done just so that there would be as many comments as possible under the posts... “Like a lot of real living people.” But unfortunately, you are being used only to sell advertising at a higher price... Yes, in fact, if I asked you to really answer the question, has there ever been a case when you came across a long post of some popular person with YouTube in his arms , and didn't scroll through it as soon as possible? I think everyone will answer that this is just what happens... Perhaps you will say that you are interested in watching public people, their lives, but in fact, believe me, and I think deep down you know that what is real important for them, will never be exposed... What remains if we are talking about the accounts of “personalities”, and not the different nature of the public? The photo is next to acquaintances and friends, and I have absolutely nothing against this. But I don’t think that this can maintain the interest of the audience for a long time. And at the same time, it seems to me that it is necessary to maintain Instagram. After all, this is a unique opportunity to press one button in a moment, and thousands of people can see “something”! But what is “this”? Tell me your opinion 🤔 What would you really like to hear about, what photos to see? Or does it make no sense for me to start something at all, because soon Instagram will become just a machine for gaining subscribers?😅Thank you all in advance😎🙌🏼

Dmitry Malikov - Soviet and Russian singer and composer, producer, TV presenter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010). Known for songs own composition, mainly of romantic content: “My distant star”, “You will never be mine” and “You are alone, you are like that”. Successfully combines in its musical career studies classical and pop music, is a talented and successful pianist.

Childhood and family

Dmitry Malikov was born on January 29, 1970 into a creative Moscow family. His father is Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, founder and director of the once popular VIA Gems. Mom, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, was a ballet soloist, and then became her son’s concert director. Dmitry also has a sister, 7 years younger, singer Inna Malikova.

As a child, Dima was very athletic and devoted a lot of time to street games - for example, football. And when the parents invited the music teacher to study with Dima at home, the young athlete did not like it so much that he constantly ran away from lessons. The family lived on the first floor, so Dmitry jumped out the window as soon as he heard the doorbell. The teacher constantly scolded and reprimanded his grandmother, who spent most of her time raising Malikov, that her grandson would never become a musician.

Despite his initial reluctance to study, Dima quickly achieved great heights in the musical field and mastered the piano. At the age of 14, the future popular artist composed his first song, which he called “Iron Soul.” Music soon took first place in Malikov’s life, and thoughts about sports career faded into the background.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1985, Dmitry Malikov graduated from the 8th grade of school and entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time, he began to take his first steps on Russian stage– played keyboards in his father’s group VIA “Gems” and composed music. Songs young composer Dmitry Malikov was even included in the group’s repertoire, and his composition “House on a Cloud” was sung by Larisa Dolina.

His television debut happened in 1986: Dmitry Malikov performed on the “Wider Circle” program with the song “I am painting a picture” based on the poems of Lilia Vinogradova. Later, in 1987, in the program “Morning Mail of Yuri Nikolaev” Malikov sang the song “Terem-Teremok”.

Dmitry Malikov and Oleg Sleptsov (“Gems”) – “Terem-Teremok”

His first compositions on the big stage were “Moonlight Dream” to the words of Liliya Vinogradova and “You will never be mine” to the words of David Samoilov. Then his first major success came to him - the composition “Moonlight Dream” became the record holder of the “Soundtrack” hit parade, in which it remained for a year. The listeners were fascinated romantic image Malikov and his touching songs, in the same year he was recognized as “Discovery of the Year”.

A year later at “New Year’s Light-89” young musician sang his new composition called “Until Tomorrow”. She is still considered his business card, and Dmitry traditionally includes it in his concert performances. In this and subsequent years, Malikov was recognized as “Singer of the Year”. His next songs - “Student”, “Sing to me”, “Dear Side”, “Everything Will Return”, “Poor Heart” - also topped the charts.

Dmitry Malikov - “You are alone, you are like that”

After graduation music school, in 1989, Dmitry Malikov became a student piano department Moscow State Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky, where he began to study with Professor Valery Kastelsky.

In the summer, the graduate was invited as a guest to international festival music in Sopot, Poland. A year later, the artist began performing with solo concerts– the first large-scale performance took place in November 1990 at the Olympic Sports Complex in Moscow, where more than one thousand listeners came.

The rise of a musical career

In 1993, Dmitry Malikov demonstrated his acting talent by playing in Alexander Proshkin’s film “See Paris and Die.” In the same year, in Germany, he released the single “Don’t Be Afraid” (“Don’t be afraid”), which he performed together with the singer Oscar in a duet called Baroque. The following year, Malikov received a honors diploma from the Moscow Conservatory.

In parallel with variety career Dmitry Malikov always found the opportunity to devote time to classical music and playing the piano. In 1995, the artist performed a piano concerto by Franz Liszt with an orchestra conducted by conductor Konstantin Kremets in the television program “Paradise Cocktail”. Two years later, Dmitry Malikov gave a concert in Stuttgart.

The album was released a little later instrumental music entitled "Fear of Flying", which was well received by his fans. In 1999, Dmitry Malikov became an Honored Artist of Russia, and a year later received the Ovation Award in the nomination “For intellectual contribution to the development of youth music.”

His second instrumental album was released in 2001, entitled “The Game”. The album includes piano arrangements of various popular songs. national stage. By the way, instrumental compositions by Dmitry Malikov are constantly heard in television programs, and also become soundtracks for documentaries and feature films. In 2004, a re-release of the popular album “Fear of Flying” was released.

In 2007, the artist presented his original project PIANOMANIА to the audience. The television version of the concert as part of the project was shown on the NTV channel, and after that the album of the same name was released, which sold more than 100 thousand copies. The show's premiere concerts were held twice to full houses on the stage of the Moscow Opera Theatre. The production director was Dmitry Chernyakov.

Dmitry Malikov - “From a Clean Slate”

In 2010, Dmitry Malikov again performed a solo piano concert, this time on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music (MMDM), and at the end of the year he presented the Symphonic Mania show in France, in which such famous groups as Cirque du Soleil and the orchestra took part and chorus " New Opera"and the Imperial Russian Ballet of G. Taranda. In the same year, the singer received the title People's Artist RF.

In 2012, Malikov created a social and educational project to help young pianists throughout Russia, which he called “Music Lessons.” In 2013, the singer released his another album called “25+”, dedicated to anniversary date in his work. And in 2015, the musician pleased his fans with the 15th album “Cafe Safari”, on which he recorded his new instrumental music.

A separate aspect in the work of Dmitry Malikov is video clips, many of which have become classics of Russian music video making art. In total, the singer has about 20 video clips, and most of them were filmed famous directors– Oleg Gusev, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Yuri Grymov, Irina Mironova. Videos for the songs “I’ll Drink to the Bottom” and “My Distant Star” became laureates of the Russian video clip festival “Generation”. In total, by 2018, Dmitry Malikov had recorded 14 albums, as well as three collections of songs and two singles.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

Malikov’s first wife, albeit a civilian one, was the once popular singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. Their relationship lasted 6 years, after which Vetlitskaya left Dmitry depressed from the breakup.

Malikov and Vetlitskaya – “What a strange fate”

Now the artist is married to Elena Malikova (Isakson), who works as a designer. Since 1992, the couple lived in a civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stefania in 2000, the lovers already formalized their relationship. In addition, Dmitry Malikov raised Olga Izakson, his wife’s daughter from her first marriage. Elena is 7 years older than her husband.