Love stories. Difficult child

Whenever she managed to find a free minute, she enjoyed vacuuming the rooms of her huge house. This was the hobby of a world star. Whitney Houston also adored the number 7. In her opinion, it always promised the singer good luck and happiness in her personal life. To my deepest sadness, if everything was in order with fame and she, like a pet dog, happily ran after her, then with the second it was completely bad. It was love, selfless and sacrificial, that led Whitney to a tragic ending. Houston died on February 11, 2012 in her bathtub. hotel room on the eve of the Grammy Awards.

Difficult divorce of parents

Whitney with her parents

Whitney experienced the first emotional shock in her life at the age of 15, when her parents announced their divorce. As it turned out, the relationship between father, John Huston, and mother, Emily Drinkard, only superficially symbolized a prosperous American family. They are almost from the very beginning life together, roughly speaking, cheated on each other left and right. And Whitney, who was instilled with respect and love for her parents from the cradle, who grew up in an atmosphere of idyll and deeply believed in her family, had to experience complete disappointment and mental pain. Something turned upside down in the young girl’s heart: the former world of imaginary peace and happiness instantly collapsed. From her first experience of confronting cruel reality, she learned an acute, one might say, painful distrust of men. Now she no longer liked respectable princes. The girl's heart was cool, reckless, but honest guys who never need to lie. Because they are always in sight and capable of committing reckless, sometimes wild things.

Romance with Bobby Brown

Houston and Bobby Brown

This is probably why rapper Bobby Brown burst into her life so easily. Although the star had a great chance to arrange his destiny. She dated Eddie Murphy, a talented, charming and wealthy man. And everything seemed to be heading towards a logical conclusion. When the engagement took place, many said that even Hollywood, stingy with praise, would envy such a wonderful couple. But Eddie suddenly seemed too capricious (at that time!) to Whitney, too “bland” and correct, and she wanted something special, extraordinary. Bobby Brown gave it in full. Although the first acquaintance with him, when he burst into the singer’s dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers, caused conflicting feelings.

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The second time he came to her with a gift. And the diamond ring (as it turned out later, bought with stolen money) melted the heart of the young performer. She wasn’t even embarrassed by the ugly prank of the rapper, who beat the waiter for salt, which he accidentally spilled on her dress. Surprisingly, Whitney liked this wild incident. And to her misfortune, she fell madly in love with Bobby. Why the heart of a world celebrity surrendered to the mercy of a shirtless guy who constantly plays to the public, essentially worth nothing, still remains a mystery.

Tyrant husband

From the outside they looked like a happy couple

In 1992, the grand wedding of Whitney and Bobby took place, which was magnificent and solemn. Note that the parents of the cool rapper were not present at this event. However, there were no traces of joy on the faces of Whitney Houston's mother and father. Even before the wedding, Emily, with tears in her eyes, begged her daughter not to do a hasty act and kept repeating: “Remember, you are repeating my mistake.” Whitney's father stayed away from ex-wife, but he was also unhappy with her choice. In his heart he thought Bobby Brown was empty and an insignificant person, which can only bring misfortune to loved ones. And the father looked into the water...

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The romance of the relationship evaporated almost from the very first days family life. Bobby began to show his bad character, make a scandal and even beat your spouse. By the way, the latter over time has become a certain norm of rapper behavior. Any of his creative failures, which haunted him all his life, he took out on Whitney. The bruises did not disappear from the face of the world star, but she endured everything and forgave him. Such masochism (you can’t think of another word!) in the relationship between the spouses was, to put it mildly, surprising. And one day, offended by something, Bobby threw Houston and his young daughter Christina out of the bus heading to his concert. And they had to stand on a deserted highway for several hours before being given a lift home by a random motorist.

Fatal addiction

Whitney with daughter Christina

To tell the truth, Bobby turned into an evil and merciless demon who poisoned life talented singer. It was he who instilled in her a passion for illegal drugs, which Whitney spent long years and about a million dollars. Due to Brown's violent behavior, Houston suffered three miscarriages, and before her last hour she feared for the fate of her daughter Christina. And then, due to nervousness, the star almost lost her unique voice. It should be noted that the performer was forced to take an eight-year break from her work.

One day, Whitney plucked up the courage and told Bobby to his face that it was all over between them and she was starting new life. A divorce took place, which dotted all the i’s. But world star was a weak and unhappy woman, and Bobby knew how (when necessary!) to look after her like that! As a result, Houston was never able to fully understand her feelings, and Brown was now always nearby. However, it seemed that he was more concerned about the millions of his former star wife, which, according to the will, should have gone to his daughter Christina. It's sad, but Christina could not survive the death of her mother, with whom she was very close... The girl died at the age of 22. She, like her mother, was found unconscious in the bathroom. After a six-month coma, Whitney Houston's daughter was taken off life support.

The press continues to closely monitor the lives of those close to singer Whitney Houston, who drowned in the bathtub of the Beverly Hilton Hotel on February 11. Today it became known that the artist’s ex-husband, 43-year-old musician Bobby Brown, was arrested in Los Angeles for drunk driving.

A police patrol stopped Brown on the afternoon of March 26 in Reseda, California, and the musician failed an alcohol test. It turned out that the level of alcohol in his blood exceeded 0.08 ppm.

After this, Houston's ex-husband was taken to the nearest police station, where he spent several hours. As a result, Bobby Brown was released on bail of $500 thousand. Now the musician is awaiting trial, which will probably take into account that in 1996 he was already detained for drunk driving. Then the singer was sentenced to eight days in prison.

The current incident occurred just a few days after the doctors announced. Let us remind you that the results of the examination showed that on February 11 she was under the influence of cocaine and other drugs. In addition, autopsy results revealed heart failure. Thus, Houston was ruined by a combination of several factors: health problems aggravated by the use of a “cocktail” of drugs and medications.

Meanwhile, a close friend ex-spouses Derek Ganspug relayed Bobby Brown's words to reporters. “I could have saved Whitney if I had been in that room with her that day!” - the musician said in a conversation with him and added that he and Houston did not stop loving each other, despite all the disagreements and difficulties.

It’s at least strange to hear such statements from Brown, the singer’s relatives said. One has only to remember how he behaved at the funeral of the supposedly beloved woman. After jostling among the crowd, Bobby left the ceremony long before it ended. And not because it was hard for him to look at the late Whitney Houston, but because of the disrespectful attitude of the security guards, who did not give Brown a place of honor among the guests.

Some friends are sure that it was her relationship with her ex-husband, who got her hooked on drugs, that led to Whitney Houston’s sad end. After her divorce from Brown in 2007, Houston received treatment for drug addiction three times. She killed herself, not sparing her talent, experts say. Over the years of smoking crack, her magnificent five-octave voice had lost its former strength. IN Lately Houston could only sing in falsetto.

The famous performer was threatened with poverty. To pay off her debts, she was forced to sell her home in Atlanta. Her luxurious mansion in New Jersey is also under mortgage. The rest of the star's property was received by her daughter Bobbi Kristina. To his ex-husband Whitney didn't bequeath anything. But Brown is going to write a book about marriage with famous singer and make good money from memoirs.

Until the age of twenty-five, Whitney Houston did not have a single serious romance. The relationship with actor Eddie Murphy was perhaps the only attempt to decide on something more. But after a couple of months, it became clear to Whitney that passionate feelings were replaced by boredom, irritation and a great desire to quickly get rid of her “beloved.” By that time, the singer had already realized: she didn’t need ideal man, she needs a man who would keep her in check and not let her take a step without his knowledge. And Houston found him. He became a hooligan and rowdy Bobby Charles Brown.

My ideal... bully
They met on tour. After the concert, Brown burst into her dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers. "For the most best voice in the world!" - he shouted and immediately began to kiss him. Confused by such impudence, the singer asked the guards to escort the obsessive fan out. However, Bobby did not look for easy ways. He came again and again, reinforcing his confessions with expensive jewelry. When it turned out that the majority these gifts were stolen, Whitney... changed her anger to mercy and accepted an offer to have dinner at a restaurant. That evening Bobby finally won her heart by beating up a waiter who accidentally spilled soup on his companion's dress. And even though he himself was then pretty beaten up by the restaurant's security service , Bobby was pleased with himself - Whitney was touched by his “heroic” act!

Whitney couldn't be happier with her boyfriend. A bad reputation, regular binges, countless arrests for hooliganism, and finally, three illegitimate children from different women- Oddly enough, this is the kind of man the singer has dreamed of all her life. Of course, Bobby had his flaws, but Whitney learned to find strengths in each of them. Does he like to let his hands go? He's a man, damn it! You never know whether Bobby will come home today or not? But you won’t get bored with him! Well, what does it matter if Bobby is not famous and talented like herself? The main thing is that he is doing what he loves! And to all the advice from well-wishers, the star had one answer: “Bobby is good because he cannot have any secret vices.”

Five KICKS for love
Eight hundred guests, ten thousand roses, a three-meter train on the bride’s dress - their wedding in 1992 was called the wedding of the decade. The only thing missing was Whitney's relatives, who were categorically against this union. But she didn’t need their presence, the main thing was that she had Bobby, and she was happy with him.

On the set of "The Bodyguard", which later became her business card, her newly made husband persuaded her. Only he managed to pick up the right words: “Why don’t you try? Guys will go crazy that I managed to pick up such a cool girl!”
"The Girl" really turned out to be "cool". The film grossed $400 million at the box office. famous soundtrack I will always love you became the best-selling in the history of cinema, and Whitney Houston became a star not only of the stage, but also of cinema.

Professional success is not in the best possible way affected my personal life. Even during filming, Whitney’s husband regularly staged scenes of jealousy, and when “The Bodyguard” was released, Houston’s life turned into hell. The singer got it for everything: for sex scenes with Kevin Costner, for late returns home, for huge fees, for wild fame. Houston went to the hospital more than once, coming up with new explanations for bruises, cuts, dislocations, and fractures. “We just go crazy with love. When we fight, this is also a manifestation of love. We fight for our love!” - the singer told reporters when they noticed another bruise covered by dark glasses.

The birth of his daughter Christina changed little. Whitney didn't have time to raise a child, let alone have a career. In between fights, showdowns, quarrels and “licking wounds,” Houston did not release a single new album. But the singer forgave everything, just as she forgave the fact that her husband’s beatings ended long-awaited pregnancies three times. "Bobby - a real man. He is kind and affectionate, constantly takes care of me, and with him I feel completely safe. “He will give a kick to anyone who dares to touch me,” the star stubbornly insisted. However, sometimes she took off her rose-colored glasses and then realized that Bobby was ruining her life. But attempts to break up with this man led to nothing. As soon as he repented and promise that this would not happen again, she returned to him again.

Cocaine and alcohol helped Houston “cope” with her problems. In the drug and alcohol intoxication, all the troubles seemed so insignificant. True, it was impossible to work in such a state. An hour and a half delays to rehearsals began, filming was disrupted, concerts were canceled under the pretext of sudden illness, huge penalties and voice problems began. Houston could no longer normally sing more than one song, and instead of the famous five octaves, she could barely manage two. Her concerts were often saved only by backing vocals. The career was rapidly collapsing, and the family... the family collapsed even earlier.

In 2006, Whitney's patience ran out - she filed for divorce. Brown tried to appeal, demanded custody of the child, and made threats. But this time the singer decided to go to the end. She no longer believed Bobby's false promises, she no longer wanted to live in fear for herself, her daughter, her career. Now Houston is trying to rebuild his life. She returned to the stage, organized a tour, and recorded new compositions. Let it go gossips They gossip that the singer has become terribly fat, and her voice sounds completely different from what it did twenty years ago, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that she found the strength to break the vicious circle and start from scratch!

In his black family, Bob was the only child, petted to such an extent that when he turned 16, he never wanted to work. His father got him a job at an auto repair shop, where he worked himself, but the guy would happily run away from work every afternoon and go get drunk with his friends. He was kicked out of work several times, but after a day or two he appeared there again thanks to his father. This continued until, in front of the auto repair shop where Bobby worked, the limousine of the nice guys from the rap team “Kris Kross” stalled.

The group was then at the height of its fame, and their leader Chris was thinking about producing. He liked the rude black guy. Of course, the plastic surgery was not so great, but the look! Oh, it was the look of a real sun of a bitch, a notorious scoundrel, a look on which one could make a name and money. He was offered to try, he agreed...

So “Brown” Bobby became a little black star in the rap sky. His first video with the eloquent title Bobby "s gonna kill you got on MTV, and Brown immediately gained fame, small, but his own. Along with it came money, not that big, but noticeable. Bobby walks right and left, not forgetting to appear in the studio once every two months to record a new song. In a word, a real devil. He likes this life. In addition, he starred in several third-rate Hollywood films. Both the singer and the actor he is very mediocre. Although for these words he would probably have bloodied his face, nevertheless, it is so. In order to become the first, he lacked talent and will. All that remained in his asset was a bad character, the character of an animal, the disposition of a brute. Oh, this character was in demand at all times And he didn't let him down. Bobby meets Whitney...

They met on tour. Everything looked too classic for such an occasion: he burst into the dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers. “For the best voice in the world!” – he shouted and immediately went to kiss. Beside herself with indignation, Whitney sent him away. However, he came again. She sent him again. He made a circle and came again, this time presenting a diamond ring - the money for this gift, as it turned out later, he simply stole. Men, this is how to woo, at least a woman like Whitney Houston. That evening they had dinner at a restaurant. And then Bobby distinguished himself for the first time. The waiter, who was serving the next dish, awkwardly stepped on the long tablecloth, and the hodgepodge, which was standing on the edge of the table, fell into Whitney’s lap. The waiter immediately grabbed a napkin and began brushing the salt off the woman’s dress. Brown could not stand this. He stood up and in front of everyone began to make a cutlet out of the waiter. Oddly enough, Bobby's prank pleased Whitney. And although Bobby himself was severely beaten by the guards, he completed his task - the heart of the black singer was won.

These days the world is mourning Whitney Houston - judging by the number of awards, the most successful singer of all times and peoples and perhaps the most beloved. We say “hardly” because no units of measurement of love have yet been invented. What is clear is that Whitney was loved by millions. And it’s even worse that she was so unhappy and lonely...

Fans suspected something was wrong and feared just such an outcome five years ago. And then it seemed that everything in Whitney’s life would get better!

After a prolonged silence (she did not appear anywhere for several years, did not perform, there was not a word about her at all - except for the news of a divorce, as well as vague and unclear conversations that the singer had depression and problems with drugs) Whitney I suddenly wrote it down new album"I Look to You" On this occasion, she was invited to her studio by Oprah Winfrey, the number one American television journalist, famous for her ability to make anyone talk! However, no one expected any special frankness on Whitney’s part. She always talked about herself very sparingly. At the same time, it could hardly be called closed. Wow, closed if she once literally turned her life inside out in all its unsightly form for the reality show “Being Bobby Brown” as the wife of the main character (cameras impartially recorded her and Bobby’s every step).

No, this is not closed! It was just hard for Whitney to talk about herself. Her life has turned out to be such that you can’t really tell anyone about it... And yet this interview was eagerly awaited. Everyone was wondering: what does Whitney Houston look like now? (IN last time she appeared on the screens on that same show “Being Bobby Brown” and made a rather painful impression.)

And now - September 14, 2009. Whitney enters Oprah Winfrey's studio. And at the same moment, the fans, glued to the screens, exhale with relief: the singer looks absolutely healthy, energetic, and perked up. Unless she’s gotten older... “Where have you been for so long? - asks Oprah Winfrey. “You haven’t released a single album in the last seven years.” The answer Whitney gave does not fit the logic by which superstars usually live.

She said: “At first I just wasn’t into it. Why pursue a career if you already have enough? I had money. I had houses, cars. I had a husband. And a child. Is anything else needed? I was just happy - for a while. And then I again had no time for a career, because problems began.” How is it that “there was no time for a career”? How is this - “is anything else needed”?! Can pop divas talk like that? Well, let's say fame is not needed (although this is amazing!), But what about her unique, magnificent voice, universally recognized as the best in the entire pop industry? Who buries SUCH talent into the ground? The answer seemed absurd to many, but it was difficult to doubt Whitney’s sincerity. She was generally very frank that day and, contrary to expectations, she told a lot of things that she had always kept quiet about (it’s not for nothing that this program was later called the best in Oprah Winfrey’s entire practice!).


But the most striking thing was that Whitney’s story revolved exclusively around Bobby Brown, although two years had already passed since their official divorce, and the spouses separated even earlier. During this time, the singer managed to acquire a new boyfriend and new big problems with this new boyfriend, but never even mentioned him in the interview - she only talked about Bobby. As if nothing else had ever meant much to her... Only Bobby and very little - singing!

Her triumphant year was 1992. It was then that the film “The Bodyguard” was released, and the whole world cried and was touched by the love story of Whitney Houston with Kevin Costner.