What are the purposes in life? How to realize your purpose and find life goals? What you can't help but do

Do you remember the famous expression: he is a teacher (doctor, cook, musician, etc.) from God? What is it about? I think about purpose. Purpose is the tasks with which each of us comes into this world, supported by the talents given to us from birth. This is the answer to the question “why?” (I'm here)".

Is it possible to limit this concept to one global life goal? Hardly. Each soul has tasks in 3 directions:

  1. in relation to oneself (self-development, mental health, realization of potential),
  2. in relation to your family and friends (taking care of them, harmonizing relationships, etc.),
  3. implemented for the benefit of other people, society or the environment.

Purpose from the point of view of social benefit is the mission of man on earth. In the context of this article, we will first of all talk about it, because This is what people most often mean when they ask the question “how to find or realize your purpose?” And this is quite understandable, because... the path of a developed personality: from inside to outside. An immature soul is characterized by consumer behavior under the motto “everything is for me!”; a mature soul has a persistent need to create and give away the fruits of its activities, to benefit others.

When does the realization of purpose come?

The ability to feel ourselves and our deepest aspirations is inherent in us from birth. Remember children - if you watch them, you will notice that everyone has their own interests, games and, in general, a way of learning and interacting with the world. But in the process of education, the influence of society, the ideology accepted in society, this ability is dulled for many. Fortunately, not everyone does. If a child is not disturbed, but conditions are created, he develops in a direction that is interesting to him and knows how to draw a divide between his own and someone else’s. He may not yet be familiar with the adult word “destination,” but he deeply feels the desires of his soul. And he builds his life path in accordance with them. This is ideal.

The next important stage in life is choosing a profession after graduating from school. Even if the child has been weaned from hearing himself, at this difficult moment his soul will be able to give call signs. We need sensitivity and trust on the part of parents and teachers. Do not force the right decision, but allow the teenager to look inside himself and find the right answer there. Ask the necessary questions for a three-dimensional presentation. Help with information if required.

But more often in reality one can observe such a situation - an adult over 30-40, who has lived for many years by other people’s goals and stereotypes imposed from outside - received an education where his parents placed him, worked for money or positions, surrounded himself with status things in order to be no worse than others , - and then suddenly in the middle of his life the so-called existential crisis under the question “why am I actually living?” It seems like everything is there materially, but it doesn’t bring joy. An almost revolutionary situation is brewing, when it is no longer possible to live in the old way, and no one knows how to live in a new way. This is a good sign!

If a person does not save, does not turn back, from this point his internal maturation and return to himself will begin. A significant bonus of this process can be precisely the awareness of one’s own purpose, and then the ability to realize oneself in accordance with it. Yes, exactly in this sequence: spiritual and personal growth – search for purpose – its awareness and self-realization. This path is the most difficult, but incredibly interesting!

How much time does it take to find and realize your purpose?

It all depends on the degree of expression of the desire to find it and on how far the person has gone from himself. The longer it took to leave, the longer the way back. Finding your destiny on your own usually takes months and years, but with an assistant it’s faster.

From personal experience: it took me a total of about 6 years to finally understand my purpose and realize it in my professional activities.

Using my clients as an example: the longest search experience took about 5 months of our active work in the coaching format.

Is the purpose related to professional activity?

Yes and no. If we leave aside the tasks of the soul in relation to itself and the inner circle, as described above, and consider the purpose as a socially useful activity, it cannot always be of a professional nature. For example, a woman is born to be a mother, often of many children. Or take care of homeless animals. Or do charity work, participate in volunteer projects. You can give other examples of similar activities that benefit others, but are not related to the profession and the desire to earn income from it. Why not? This is also the purpose of man, his mission on earth.

Are destiny and calling the same thing?

But realizing one’s purpose through professional activity is one’s calling. The latter is a broader concept, since in addition to the mission it also relies on the talents, knowledge and skills of a person, as well as his ability to earn money from it. An important ingredient in the “vocation” cocktail is also passion – like love for a cause at the highest point of its manifestation. It has been noted that when we live in harmony with our soul, we are attracted to exactly what we came into this world for - this built-in magnet does not allow us to stray from the course. And talents and abilities are given to help us. Thus, the concept of “vocation” includes:

  • purpose (mission);
  • interest, love of business, passion;
  • innate talents and abilities;
  • acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • the demand for the results of human activity, the willingness of others to pay for them.

I repeat that without the main component - purpose - doing an interesting job using your abilities and the opportunity to earn money from it will remain only an option of working for yourself, based on a consumer position. There is no service here. As a rule, this does not bring deep satisfaction to a mature person.

Purpose and calling with examples

Let’s say that we understand our purpose as “helping people become better.” Next, we need to clarify what exactly people should change with our help. Develop business skills, become more merciful, improve health, improve appearance, etc.? Let's say we decide that our mission is to help people become healthier. What professional activity will help us realize this purpose? Possible options: healthy lifestyle specialist, pharmacist, doctor, food technologist, sports coach, nutritionist, etc. As we see, there are quite a lot of spheres and areas and they are diverse. But then our task is to determine what exactly we want and can do. This will be our calling.

Can purpose (mission) change or be revised throughout life?

I guess it's unlikely. Forms of fulfillment of purpose - yes, they can. Before we begin to create value for the world and give it away, we must gain ourselves - knowledge, skills, experience. Therefore, we often follow our own path in an ornate way, through various formats of activity, but the global goal does not change, although it is not always immediately realized.

For example, back in 2001, after working as a chief accountant for several years, at the call of my heart I really wanted to open my own recruitment agency, but I had no experience in such a business. Created. As it turned out, it was too early - I clearly did not have enough knowledge of technologies in the HR field, and it was not possible to learn it, work as a hired chief accountant and at the same time develop my business. A year later, she closed it and continued to manage the accounting department, where, in addition to her main functionality, she actively participated in the hiring and registration of employees, training of subordinates, and voluntarily advised colleagues and acquaintances on where and what kind of work they should look for. At the same time, I studied psychology (for myself, as it seemed to me) and the basics of personnel management. Another year passed, and with the light hand of my loved one, I finally left accounting for business education and HR. As a hired employee. And she continued to consult and employ people – both as part of her job duties and as a favorite hobby. Until one day I realized that this was my calling)) And experience as an HR specialist was needed as a foundation for my future activities. Back in 2001, without him, I tried a pen, but it was still too early.

Another important conclusion follows from this: purpose is not the activity that you love and CAN do, but the one that you CANNOT NOT do. Do you feel the difference? You don’t need to persuade yourself, you just do it and that’s it, with joy, at every opportunity, regardless of the weather, nature, dollar exchange rate, your professional status or the mood of your boss.

How to find or realize your purpose?

First and the main condition is to really want to find it and be ready to accept it. No conditions. If you prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you might not like it or you won’t earn much from it, then it’s better not to start. Or it's too early. Remember about spiritual growth and personal maturity?

Second– develop the ability to hear and feel. Deeply. Rational thinking can be useful, but it rarely gives correct answers to existential questions of existence, and more often leads astray. Listen to the soul, inner voice, intuition or whatever you personally call it. If they don’t have enough trust yet, double-check, don’t rush. Spiritual or physical practices, meditation, fasting and other tools that open access to the subconscious can help here.

Third– follows from the conclusion made in the previous section. Remember and analyze. What do you willingly do whenever you can, whether you get paid for it or not? Where does your deepest interest lie? You need to dig here.

Fourth- act. Think, observe, try options, try on different types of activities and, most importantly, ask questions. To yourself, to the Universe, to God, to the Higher Mind - who believes in what. When a question is clearly formulated, the answer will always come. Perhaps not immediately or not from the source we expect. It is important to be sensitive and tune in to listening.

If you have difficulties with this or want to solve the problem faster, you can seek help from a career consultant or coach, soul specialist, psychologist and other specialists.

And lastly– how to understand that you have found your purpose. When it is IT, you will be overwhelmed with feelings and emotions. Laughter, tears, delight, a feeling of relief - everyone has their own palette and temperature of experience, but your reaction will undoubtedly be more vivid than when mentally searching through other options.

Prioritization. When it's not up to the destination

It also happens that a person has realized his purpose and even understood how he can realize it professionally, but it is not yet possible to translate these conclusions into a practical plane. There are more important life tasks. For example, someone from your infirm family needs help and care. Or the situation forces you to step away from work for a while in order to recover from professional burnout and reboot. Or you need to provide the necessary level of income for survival right now (not to be confused with the need to sacrifice part of your usual comfort - this is different, we are talking specifically about survival). And so on. Yes, sometimes it’s not the right time. But don’t discard the idea of ​​self-realization in accordance with your purpose completely, just move it to 2-3-5 places in the list of priorities. And wait for the right moment - it will definitely come if you have firmly decided to do what you came into this world for.

Is it possible to make money on purpose?

As we have already found out, purpose is not always related to professional activity, so generating income may not be its goal. Here it is more appropriate to talk about vocation. It is in calling that our greatest opportunities for making money are buried. But the path of development in it is not fast, because skills need to be developed and polished. Therefore, it would be naive to count on high earnings in a short time. But in the long term, creative activity according to vocation will bring maximum income - in a given market, under comparable conditions, compared with colleagues or competitors. After all, money is the equivalent of the energy expended and the value that we give to the world. Therefore, when a business is chosen by the soul and benefits others, our return is maximum.

I think each of us can remember a familiar hairdresser, car mechanic, dressmaker, dentist or lawyer, whose services are much more in demand than his many colleagues. He was once recommended to us and we, in turn, pass on his contact information to our friends with the most flattering reviews. We see and understand: a specialist is in the right place! Do you think this place provides him with an inexhaustible flow of customers and regular income? ;)

But the whole point is that money is secondary for such a passionate pro. Remember how they say in such cases: I do what I love, and they also pay me money for it? We, as clients, always feel why a specialist does his job. And if the idea is put at the forefront, and not the fee, it is doubly pleasant and you don’t mind the money.

I remember an example from my youth. My classmate had gorgeous hair - long, thick, fluffy, wavy. One day she decided to cut her hair into a bob, although we dissuaded her. I went to a famous hairdresser. When she returned, she said: she came to the salon, sat down in a chair, he collected her hair with his hands, shook it, it scattered over her shoulders... He looked thoughtfully, after which he softly said: girl, go, I won’t cut your hair. And she left, in her original form and in bewilderment... And the next time she mentally thanked him. We gave him a standing ovation in absentia. This is called skill. Working for the best result, even if it does not involve generating income here and now. Believe me, he didn’t lose money, because... after that incident, a line of us lined up to see him)) Although he had not been idle before.

I repeat: not immediately, having embarked on the path of self-realization, you can count on a high income. It takes patience, development and time. But the sooner you realize your purpose and begin to follow it, the faster you will hone your skills and learn to receive great satisfaction from the activity itself, and then a worthy monetary reward will come. The one who walks will master the road!

Good luck with your search!

Galina Bobkova, career and self-realization consultant

Hello, my dear friends!

Today I decided to go beyond beauty and health and talk a little about philosophical topics.

It turns out that in our world there are not so many people who are looking for their meaning in life, their true purpose. And those who ask such questions, for the most part, cannot find accurate answers. So we come up with simple explanations for ourselves. For example, some see it in children, others in money.

And only a small percentage of people really understand the purpose for which they came into this life and actually fulfill their main purpose in it.

Such people can be called lucky!!! Usually everything goes very well for them, they do what they love, and live a full life, making the world a better place. And if you also understand and have found your purpose in life, consider yourself very lucky!

And if not yet... Then, all is not lost either.


Try to imagine a situation where you already have everything you dream of. Everything.

You have no problems, nothing to worry about. You have a strong family, children. You have already looked around the whole world, you have hundreds of cars and dresses, ten houses, bank accounts, you have absolutely everything!!!

What would you do? What activity would bring you pleasure?

Take your time, think, write down these thoughts.

Now remember what you loved to do as a child most of all, what you drew, what sports you played, what you would like to become, what you liked most, what you dreamed about.

This will be something you were meant to do for the rest of your life. This should have been your favorite job.

Now ask yourself one more question, given all this, what would you do to make the world a better place?

Or imagine if there was no more money or social status in the world, what would you do to make the world a better place?

This will be your true purpose in life.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. BUT, this technique has the most powerful power, thanks to which you can completely change your entire subsequent life and the lives of your children.

It will only be about you, your strength of desire, your faith, your ability to give up everything you are doing now and go along a different path, along your truly path. Not many people are capable of this, but those who take risks gain everything they were missing.

It is very difficult for a person who dreamed of becoming a musician as a child, and due to current circumstances, became a military man, who is already over 40, to quit service and pick up a guitar.

He can take a risk, or he can leave everything as it is and be content with what he has...

Everyone will make their own choice.


Knowing this, you can help your children.

Never forbid your child to do what he likes, no matter how stupid it may seem to you. Don't force what you like on him. Listen to his childish opinion, do not reject it.

Follow his favorite activities, find out his dreams and desires, write them down. Often ask your child what he would like to become in the future, and if you have even the slightest opportunity, even in childhood, to give him at least a small opportunity to touch this business, do it.

Remember that everything comes from childhood.

And if you are able to discern in time everything in your child that he likes most and direct his life in this direction, you will be able to raise him to be a very happy person.


All psychological practices insist that it is never too late to start your life from scratch. It's never too late to learn and do new things. It's never too late to change your profession and lifestyle.

Everything will depend on your motivation and your desire.

Each person has his own purpose on earth, the so-called “mission”, which he must certainly fulfill in order to be happy and fully enjoy life. It is believed that if a person has a lot of problems and confusion, it means that he has simply gone off the right path and is not fulfilling his mission. There are several ways that allow you to learn about the social essence and purpose of a person on earth. The simplest and most accessible option for everyone is based on the use of name numerology. Simple calculations will help you find out the necessary information.

How to find out your purpose in life?

To calculate the required number, you must write your name in full. Each letter corresponds to a specific number that needs to be summed up and ultimately get the required value. To do this, you should use a list that indicates which number corresponds to each letter.

1 - these are the letters A, K, U, B.

2 are the letters B, L, F, E.

3 are the letters B, M, X, Y.

4 are the letters G, N, C, Z.

5 are the letters D, O, Ch.

6 are the letters E, P, Sh.

7 are the letters Zh, R, Shch.

8 are the letters Z, S, L.

9 are the letters I, T, Y.

To make it clear what this should look like, let's look at an example:

Novikova – 4+5+3+9+1+5+3+1=31.

Julia – 3+2+9+4=18.

Vladimirovna – 3+2+1+5+9+3+9+7+5+3+4+1=52.

Now you need to add the values ​​until you get a number from 1 to 9. In the example: 31+18+52=101=1+0+1=2. All that remains is to find out your purpose on earth, since all the calculations have already been made.

Options for the obtained values:

1 – purpose – to organize and lead people. Only a few are leaders, and if you reveal these qualities in yourself, you can achieve many heights.

2 – purpose – to provide a quiet life for yourself. It is important for such people to improve the relationships of others and protect the weak.

3 – the essence and purpose of such a person is to be able to convey his own concepts and those of others. It is recommended to show your creative nature more often, which will only make the world brighter.

4 – purpose – to come up with something useful for humanity. The activities of such people should benefit others.

5 – purpose – to make people happy. Fives will be able to fulfill their destiny, when they learn to enjoy every day they live.

6 – purpose – to continue the family line. Sixes can feel and become happy only by building a strong family.

7 – purpose – to teach people by sharing with them experience and knowledge. They must guide lost people on the right path.

8 – purpose – to learn to develop both spiritually and materially. If you choose only one direction, you will not be able to feel happiness.

9 – purpose – to help other people. Nines will be happy when they learn to help others without demanding anything in return.

There are different ways to relate the Tarot Arcana to your date of birth and other dates. As a result, we can learn about the most important archetypes and energies operating in our lives, as well as about talents and abilities.

1. Write down your date of birth in the format: day, month, year.
For example, 12/26/1978. If you were born from the 23rd to the 31st, subtract the number 22 from the date. 26 - 22 = 4.
2. Write down the numbers of the month. In our case 12.
3. Add all the numbers of the year together: 1+9+7+8 = 25. If the sum is greater than 22, subtract 22. In our case: 25 - 22 = 3.
4. Sum up the resulting numbers: 4 + 12 + 3 = 19. The sum of the day, month and year will tell you about your life task. So, the task for a person born on December 26, 1978 is 19.
5. If the sum is greater than 22, subtract 22.
For example, 12/11/1991 = 11 + 12 + 20 = 43 - 22 = 21.

If you get the number: Task of life 1. Magician. Your task is to convey information to people, help with wise advice and create harmony and beauty through the word. A conversation with you can leave a deep imprint on people's hearts because you can touch the heartstrings with your words. You need to learn to accept yourself as anyone and work on your development. It is necessary to establish contacts with your immediate environment, neighbors, brothers and sisters, as well as peers. You can find yourself in a business related to words, speech, information (both oral and written).
People with number 1 in this task they often become journalists, writers, translators, psychologists, and esotericists.
Life task 2. High Priestess. Your task is to understand your inner world, learn to hear your intuition and work with large amounts of information. Your attention should be directed to matters related to the natural sciences, nature, including animal protection. Strive to understand other people and help those who have lost their way to find their guiding star. You should become a good parent to your child, wise and fair, and a caring son or daughter to your mother.
The following professions may suit you: ecologist, psychologist, doctor, teacher of secret knowledge, analyst, diagnostician.
Life task 3. Empress.Your attention should first of all be paid to such areas as: beauty, culture and art. You need to take care of your appearance and the appearance of your loved ones, the decoration of your home, and also ensure that your family lives in harmony and material prosperity. But when building your own business or striving for masterpieces of world culture, you need to look for a middle ground between the material and spiritual worlds. And also, at a higher level, you need to become a “mother”, both in the literal sense - by giving birth and raising a child, and in the figurative sense - by creating a work of art or know-how, that is, doing something that will live after you.
Women need to reveal their femininity, and men need to learn to understand women and live in harmony and harmony with their spouse. You can find yourself in such professions as: stylist, interior designer, artist, jeweler, art critic, teacher. And you can also become just a good parent.
Life's task 4. Emperor. Your task is to realize yourself in your profession and leave your mark as a professional. But the most important thing is that you need to become the master not only in the house, but also in your life, learn to be responsible for what you do and for those who are under your command. You should set goals and achieve them, develop the right attitude towards power. You need to learn to understand your true desires from false ones. A man should pay attention to his masculinity, and a woman should not suppress a man, get married and learn to live in harmony with her spouse. People with the Emperor in the task can become businessmen, directors, administrators, officers.

Life's task 5. High Priest. Those who get an “A” in the problem can become very good teachers, whom students will remember as wise, fair and interesting personalities. In life, you are prescribed to obtain knowledge and pass it on to others, engage in scientific research, study the history of peoples and their customs, preserve the traditions of your family and be their spiritual successor. Many people with this card, in addition to the teaching path, choose professions related to history, philosophy, and become leaders of social movements and scientists. Life's task 6. Lovers. Your task is to learn to choose with your heart, to make independent decisions based on your own choices. You need to love with all your soul and every cell of your body. You must know all the facets of love: caring maternal, sexual and passionate, sublime and platonic, and find their ideal recipe in your relationship with your partner in order to become a harmonious partner in your love union. It is also important to learn not to divide people on material, social and racial grounds, understanding that every person deserves to be loved and happy. People who have discovered all the facets of the “six” in themselves can become good doctors, actors, confidants, loving and beloved spouses.
Life's task 7. Chariot.You should strive to change the world around you through your own success, professional achievements and recognition. You cannot be a gray mouse and hide behind the baseboard; you and your work must be visible to others. Learn to work with many contacts, large amounts of information, be mobile and agile, but not fussy. You also definitely need to learn to say “no” to what prevents you from achieving results, and to those who use you to the detriment of your interests. Many people with a “seven” in the task find themselves in business, in professions related to transport, with a large number of contacts and movements, in military affairs and politics.
Life's task 8. Justice: Your job is to have a deep understanding of justice, to care that the rights of others are respected, and to protect those rights. You should not pass by situations where someone is treated unfairly, be it your home or the street. You can't bury your head in the sand when someone else is suffering from dishonesty. You also definitely need to learn to take responsibility for all your actions, understanding that any of your actions will have consequences, all the shoots of your actions will sprout. If you sow good deeds, you will reap goodness; If you sow bad deeds, you will reap misfortune. You also need to learn self-control and the ability to maintain peace of mind when even the little things make you angry.
You can find yourself in professions related to the judicial and legal system: lawyer, judge, animal rights activist, human rights defender, as well as in professions where the main work is related to paperwork, or where attentiveness and accuracy are required.
Life's task 9. Hermit. The task of your life is spiritual development, constant work on yourself, gaining wisdom and experience, which ideally should then be passed on to others. You need to learn from the mistakes of others, respecting the experience of previous generations. You should also study ancient cultures and traditions. You should treat older people with great attention and respect and help them. People with a “nine” in the task can become good teachers, esotericists, philosophers, scientists, historians, social workers who help elderly and lonely people.
Life task 10. Wheel of Fortune. You need to learn how to properly manage money and find a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds, understand that constancy is only in the cemetery, but in life everything changes. Your task is to provide material support for yourself and your loved ones, and then to provide financial assistance to other people. You should never be dishonest in financial matters or live at someone else's expense. You have to be careful when gambling so that you can stop in time. On a more subtle level, you need to consciously repay karmic debts, understanding that everything you do will be returned. You also need to pay attention to recurring situations, understand their lesson and correct mistakes. You can find yourself in professions related to money, becoming an economist, banker, businessman, accountant, and also a reincarnation specialist.
Life's task 11. Strength.You have two main tasks in life - taking care of your physical body and true love in its earthly manifestation. You need to exercise, keep your body in good shape and help others do the same. You also need to develop such qualities as strength, courage, courage, you need to get rid of fears and learn to defend your beliefs and be a real leader whom you want to follow voluntarily. You need to understand that love is a synthesis of the spiritual and physical aspects, and feelings without sex and sex without feelings are an inferior relationship between a man and a woman who call themselves a couple. People with Strength in Task find their place in law enforcement agencies and military organizations, becoming athletes, massage therapists, and experts in the field of dating and couples relationships.
Life task 12. The Hanged Man. Your task is to learn to control your emotions and experiences, get rid of fears and insecurities. You need to learn to evaluate situations from different angles, developing a multifaceted vision. Another of your tasks is to develop mediumistic capabilities and the ability to subtly feel the beauty of the world, music, and the human soul. You also need to learn to sacrifice little for the sake of something bigger and at the same time move away from the position of a victim. You should not get carried away with alcohol and other drugs; on the contrary, you need to get rid of bad habits yourself and help someone who needs help with this. You can find your way in science, psychology, philosophy, art.
Life's task 13. Death. Your task is to learn to react correctly and calmly to sudden changes, to let go of the old and outdated, to cleanse the internal and external space. You must develop altruism in yourself and help other people in extreme and difficult situations completely unselfishly. You should not pass by someone else's suffering without trying to help. People with the thirteenth lasso of the tarot in their task often become doctors, nurses, veterinarians, social workers, and find their place in professions associated with the risk of life and saving people (firefighters, emergency services, stuntmen).
Life's task 14. Moderation. Your task is to bring harmony to your environment, find a balance between the inner and outer world, and also learn to do everything in a timely manner. You need to learn to find compromises and a middle ground in any situation. You can become a good guide for others and a liaison between two people or a group of strangers to bring them together, to introduce them. People with Temperance can become good mediators, peacemakers, social workers, tour guides, guides, watchmakers, and healers.
Life task 15. Devil.You have been dealt a difficult card, and you have many tasks in life. You need to learn to control your energy and distribute it correctly. You should get rid of all sorts of temptations and addictions that constrain you, avoid the world of crime and avoid black magic. You need to understand the difference between a forced sacrifice and a victim's position. You need to understand the role of sex in life and learn how to manage sexual energy. You may have healing and various esoteric abilities, so it is important to learn how to relate to this correctly and direct your energy to helping other people. You can do business, become a healer, esotericist, showman, psychologist and... a sensual and skillful sexual partner.
Life task 16. Tower. Your task is to build: your life, character, home - in a word, everything that can be built. But the most important thing is that we must learn to leave in the past what has already become obsolete, what prevents us from moving forward, so that the old and outdated can be replaced by the new and relevant. When starting to build something new, you need to finish what you started and delete already completed programs. The biggest mistake you can make in life is the desire for stability and the desire not to change anything, using old and sometimes unviable programs. You can find your place in administrative activities, in architecture, website programming and organizations with a wide branch network, or simply in building your own home.
Life Challenge 17. Star. You definitely need to develop your artistic or artistic talent, take a creative approach to any task and learn to feel the beautiful. You must fill this world with beauty, and it does not matter in what this beauty will be manifested: in musical works, in artistic canvases or in home decoration. You can be a good friend, and friendship will always occupy an important place in your life. People with the Star can become famous artists, art critics, astrologers and wonderful friends.
Life task 18. Moon. Your task is to get rid of fears, uncertainty, and work on developing intuition and imagination. You need to learn to understand yourself, to see the clues that your subconscious sends you. Your areas in which you can draw energy are home comfort, cooking, caring for children and loved ones. You must create comfort and coziness for other people, satisfy their needs for warmth, and create a harmonious environment in the team where you are. You should not ignore the feelings of other people, treat them dryly and formally, and also create a mess in your home. You can realize yourself by becoming a cook, a psychologist, a doctor, a counselor, an astrologer, a fortune teller, a good parent and a wonderful home owner.
Life task 19. Sun. Your task is to become the sun for yourself, and then for others: to warm, help, inspire confidence and charge with optimism. You need to form correct self-esteem, without distortions towards egocentrism and self-deprecation. You should develop such qualities as: nobility, kindness, honesty, and the ability to lead. You need to give up the desire to know what others will say or think about you. You can realize your potential in politics, leadership, and creative professions.
Life task 20. Court. Your task is to create and maintain harmonious relationships in the family, help parents and relatives. You need to find out the history of your family, your kind, and pass it on to subsequent generations. Another of your tasks is to create your own value system, which will be based on universal justice and humanism. But at the same time, you should not impose your values ​​on others rudely and fanatically. With the Court in mind, you can choose the profession of a historian, family psychologist and family doctor, work in the judicial and legal system, and, of course, you can become a loving and beloved family member.
Life task 21. World. Your task is to be open to everything new, unusual, “foreign”. You need to learn a tolerant and unbiased attitude towards different peoples, races, and social strata of the population. Another of your tasks is to create a harmonious space around yourself and achieve a state of peace. Your role in this life is to work with foreigners in order to unite people of different cultures, study “overseas” traditions and foreign languages, and introduce new products into life. People with this card in the task choose the profession of translators (or simply study languages), travelers, experts in the cultures of different nations, and become specialists in the field of modern technologies.
Life task 22. Jester. Your task in life is to work with children, create something new and unusual, and travel. You definitely need to take the initiative into your own hands, act with enthusiasm, spontaneously, have an easy and fun outlook on life. You must bring joy to the people around you, maintain childlike spontaneity and contact with your inner child, and be open to everything new and unusual. You can find yourself in professions related to children, laughter and travel. Also, people with the Jester in their task often choose some unusual professions or introduce an element of non-standardism into their usual activities.

Very often, sooner or later, a person begins to be tormented by questions: “Who am I, why do I live on earth, and how to find my purpose in life?” The most difficult thing is to find the right answers, but not everyone succeeds. However, there are ways to find your path and walk along it with a happy smile.

Mission Definition Test

Psychologists offer a very simple test to determine your mission. Personally, I am a journalist by profession, and according to the results of the questionnaire, I turned out to be a Herald. So in my case we can say: the test works!

All questions are divided into groups. Need to answer "Yes" or "No", and at the end of the test count the number of positive answers. So, let's go!

Group A.

  1. Are strangers ready to tell you about themselves?
  2. How often do you hear people say: “It feels like we’ve known each other forever!”
  3. Telling other people how to improve their existence?
  4. Do you admit that you are giving truly wise advice?
  5. Do your friends often turn to you for support?

Group B.

  1. Do you like to read?
  2. Does it happen that when you look in the mirror, you start singing?
  3. Do you have an artistic gift?
  4. Do you like to invent new things?
  5. Does it happen that you start a new business, but often don’t finish it?

Group B.

  1. Do strangers like your touch?
  2. Do you often get asked for a massage?
  3. Do you like massage yourself and do you give it to yourself?
  4. Have you ever been able to heal someone from a distance?
  5. Has it often happened that electrical appliances broke down in your presence?

Group G.

  1. Do you think you could become a great doctor?
  2. Do you seem to understand the reasons for children's tears?
  3. Are you interested in new techniques?
  4. Did you often get sick as a child?
  5. Do you feel the need to help sick people and animals?

After counting the number of positive answers in each group, choose the one where the number of “yes” was maximum.

Group A. Teacher. Your mission is to help people. Path – jurisprudence, pedagogy, religion, psychology, volunteering, sales.

Group B. Herald. The main talents are communication and creativity. Path – creativity, journalism, design, architecture.

Group B. Healer. Your gift is an impact on the physical shell of a person. Path - medicine (including alternative), veterinary medicine, sports.

Group G. Energy. Vocation is working with energy shells. Path – chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage, Reiki.

Back to the roots

Despite its simplicity and sketchiness, this test really helps determine what exactly a person does best. But, unfortunately, a person’s destiny does not always become his profession. However, there is a way out, because you can devote your free time from work to your mission.

An example from life: I have a friend Olga. She works as a cook in a kindergarten; Moreover, he loves his job and is respected by his colleagues. However, for a long time Olya suffered from the thought that something in her life was not going at all as it should be.

Then she began to remember her childhood; I read the diaries of my youth; I thought about what her dreams were a long time ago... And I realized: she always liked helping people! Today Olya is a member of the volunteer movement, participating in garbage collection, cleaning water bodies, and greening the city. And she feels absolutely happy!

Therefore, advice “No. 1” for those who want to understand how to find their purpose in life: go back to the roots. Remember what interested and excited you most as a child; what your soul was originally about when choosing a profession... This way you can understand what exactly is your purpose.

By the way, according to the test, Olya belongs to the representatives of group A. And volunteering is indeed her element!

Meditation and prayer

The reason that a person cannot find his purpose for a long time is the bustle of the world around him. The information that enters the brain almost 24/7 is 97% garbage. It makes it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Meditation will help in this situation. Free yourself from thoughts for at least 30 minutes every day; dive into the depths of your subconscious; look for the answer to the question “how to find out your purpose?”

Prayer is also perfect for believers. By solitude in thoughts with God every day and asking him for help, you can find the answer to this question. The main thing is to distract yourself from the external bustle and your own problems.

Paper and pen to help

Finding your own path doesn't have to go too far. All you need to do is take a piece of paper and a pen to answer the following questions:
  • What is my favorite thing to do?
  • What would I do if I were a billionaire?
  • What areas of life do I pay attention to first?
  • What professions or lifestyles do I admire the most?
Thus, a vivid picture of individual interests, passions, and hobbies emerges. It is the answer to the question “how to understand your purpose?”

Just for fun, I asked my best friend Katya to answer these questions. It turned out that what she liked most was spending time with her daughter; having a huge fortune, she would give birth to two more children and travel around the world with her entire extended family; the “parental” topic is of interest; and admiration for large families. Needless to say, Katya’s true calling is motherhood. And, most importantly, she doesn’t deny it!

We say “no!” stereotypes

There are several other effective ways to determine your path. But first we need to free ourselves from a number of common stereotypes that haunt us all our lives. Here they are:
  • “The main thing is prestige!” It is not true. Today it is prestigious to be a lawyer, so most school graduates run to apply to the relevant faculty. But the very next day the trend changes, and economists come into fashion. Choose your path not based on the degree of prestige (this is just a publicity stunt), but according to your inner aspiration.
  • “Money comes first.” This is not entirely true: for some, the main thing is creativity; for others - family values; for others – internal harmony. Therefore, while striving for signs of well-being imposed by society, one can easily lose one’s own essence.
  • "Listen to your elders." Obeying mom and dad, of course, is good... But - up to certain limits. Very often, parents want to see themselves as “failed” in their children, and shift their ambitions onto them. However, each person has his own purpose, and it most often does not coincide with the opinion of his parents.
Regarding the last point, representatives of Western civilization should take the wise Japanese as an example. They offer their kids several items to choose from - a pen, a “gadget,” a book, a coin... Whatever the child chooses first is considered his purpose. Thus, parents do not impose their will on the child, but give him the right to seek his own destiny. After all, each of us must find our own path on our own.