Permyakov magic colors. Fairy tale magic colors

An unusual story about how hard work can turn even the most ordinary colors into magical ones. The boy did not know how to draw and ruined a lot of paints. However, with perseverance, he learned to draw beautifully and became an artist.

Magic colors read

Once every hundred years, on the night before New Year, the kindest of all the kindest old people, Father Frost, brings seven magical colors. With these paints you can paint whatever you want, and what you draw will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want, draw a ship and sail on it. Or a spaceship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, like a chair, then go ahead. Draw and sit on it.

Santa Claus brings these colors to the kindest of all the kindest children. And this is understandable. If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can cause a lot of trouble. They will add a second nose to a person, and the person will be double-nosed. They will draw horns on the dog, a mustache on the chicken, and a hump on the cat, and the dog will have horns, the chicken will have a mustache, and the cat will have a humpback.

Therefore, Santa Claus takes a very long time to choose which of the children to give magic colors to.

IN last time he gave them to one very kind boy. To the kindest of the kindest.

The boy was very happy with the gift and immediately began to draw. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for the blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades.

But no one could use what was drawn. The scarf for the grandmother looked like a rag for washing floors, and the dress drawn for the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from a club. For a blind man, the eyes resembled two blue blots, and he could not see with them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so ugly that they were even afraid to come close to it.

Trees like brooms appeared on the street. Horses with wire legs appeared, cars with crooked wheels, houses with falling walls and roofs on one side, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other... Thousands of things appeared that could not be used. And the people were horrified:
- How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?!

And the boy began to cry. He wanted so much to make people happy!.. But he didn’t know how to draw and wasted paint in vain.

The boy cried so loudly that the kindest of all the kindest old men, Santa Claus, heard him. He heard, and returned to him, and put a new box of paints in front of the boy:
- Only this, my friend, simple paints. But they can also become magical if you really want it.

So said Santa Claus and left.

And the boy thought. How can you make simple colors become magical and so that they make people happy and not bring them misfortune? The kind boy took out a brush and began to paint.

He drew without straightening up all day and all evening. He painted on the second, and on the third, and on the fourth day. I painted until I ran out of paint. Then he asked for new ones.

A year has passed... Two years have passed... Many, many years have passed. The boy became an adult, but still did not part with paints. His eyes became keen, his hands skillful, and now in his drawings, instead of crooked houses with falling walls, there were tall, light buildings, and instead of dresses that looked like bags, there were bright, elegant clothes.

The boy did not notice how he became a real artist. He painted everything that was around, and what no one had ever seen: airplanes that looked like huge arrows, and ships that looked like airplanes, air bridges and palaces made of glass.

People looked at his drawings with surprise, but no one was horrified. On the contrary, everyone rejoiced and admired.

What wonderful pictures! What magical colors! - they said, although the colors were the most ordinary.

The paintings were really so good that people wanted to revive them. And here we come happy Days, when what was drawn on paper began to come to life: palaces made of glass, and air bridges, and winged ships...

This happens in this world. This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or sewing needle, and even with simple clay. This happens to everything that is touched by the hands of the greatest of the greatest wizards - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person.

Published by: Alex 09.08.2019 10:55 25.05.2019

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Fascinating New Year's story for children about Santa Claus, who gave children magical colors. And you will find out why these colors are magical by reading this story to the end.

Evgeny Permyak. Magic colors

Once every hundred years, the kindest of all good old men - Santa Claus - brings seven magical colors on New Year's Eve. With these paints you can paint whatever you want, and what you draw will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want, draw a ship and sail on it... Or a starship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, like a chair, please... Draw it and sit on it. With magic paints you can paint anything, even soap, and it will lather. Therefore, Santa Claus brings magical colors to the kindest of all the kindest children.

And this is understandable... If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can cause a lot of trouble. If, say, you paint a second nose on a person with these paints, he will be double-nosed. It is worth adding horns to a dog, a mustache to a chicken, and a hump to a cat, and the dog will be horned, the chicken will be mustachioed, and the cat will be humpbacked.

Therefore, Santa Claus checks the hearts of children for a very long time, and then chooses which of them to give magic colors to.

For the last time, Santa Claus gave magical colors to one of the kindest of all the kindest boys.

The boy was very happy with the colors and immediately began to paint. Draw for others. Because he was the kindest of all the kindest boys. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a new hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for the blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades...

He drew without straightening up all day and all evening... He drew on the second, and on the third, and on the fourth... He drew, wishing good things to people. I painted until I ran out of paint. But...

But no one could use what was drawn. The scarf drawn for the grandmother looked like a rag for washing floors, and the dress drawn for the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from a club. For a blind man, the eyes resembled two blue blots, and he could not see with them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so terrible that they were afraid to come close to it. Falling walls. The roof is askew. Crooked windows. Slanting doors... A monster, not a house. They didn’t even want to take the ugly building for a warehouse.

So trees appeared on the street that looked like old brooms. Horses with wire legs appeared, cars with some strange round pieces instead of wheels, airplanes with heavy wings, electrical wires as thick as a log, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other...

Thus, thousands of things appeared that could not be used, and people were horrified.

“How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?”

And the boy began to cry. He wanted to do so much happy people, but not knowing how to draw, he wasted his paints in vain.

The boy cried so loudly and inconsolably that he was heard by the kindest of all the kindest old men - Santa Claus. He heard and returned to him. He returned and put paints in front of the boy.

- Only these, my friend, are simple colors... But they can become magical if you want it...

That's what Santa Claus said and left...

A year has passed... Two years have passed... Many, many years have passed. The boy became a youth, then an adult, and then an old man... All his life he painted with simple colors. I painted at home. Drew people's faces. Clothes. Aircraft. Bridges. Railway stations. Palaces... And the time came, happy days came, when what he had drawn on paper began to come to life...

Many beautiful buildings appeared, built according to his drawings. Wonderful planes flew. New bridges were spanned from shore to shore... and no one wanted to believe that all this was painted with simple colors. Everyone called them magical...

This happens in this world... This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or a sewing needle and even with simple clay... This is how everything is touched by the hands of the greatest wizard of the greatest wizards - the hands of the hardworking person...

Permyak Evgeniy

Magic colors

Evgeniy Andreevich Permyak

Magic colors

Once every hundred years, the kindest of all the kindest old men - Santa Claus - brings seven magical colors on New Year's Eve. With these paints you can paint whatever you want, and what you draw will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want, draw a ship and sail on it... Or a starship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, like a chair, please... Draw it and sit on it. With magic paints you can paint anything, even soap, and it will lather. Therefore, Santa Claus brings magical colors to the kindest of all the kindest children.

And this is understandable... If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can cause a lot of trouble. If, say, you paint a second nose on a person with these paints, he will have two noses. It is worth adding horns to a dog, a mustache to a chicken, and a hump to a cat, and the dog will be horned, the chicken will have a mustache, and the cat will be humpbacked.

Therefore, Santa Claus checks the hearts of children for a very long time, and then chooses which of them to give magic colors to.

For the last time, Santa Claus gave magical colors to one of the kindest of all the kindest boys.

The boy was very happy with the colors and immediately began to paint. Draw for others. Because he was the kindest of all the kindest boys. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a new hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for the blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades...

He drew without straightening up all day and all evening... He drew on the second, and on the third, and on the fourth... He drew, wishing good things to people. I painted until I ran out of paint. But...

But no one could use what was drawn. The scarf drawn for the grandmother looked like a rag for washing floors, and the dress drawn for the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from a club. For a blind man, the eyes resembled two blue blots, and he could not see with them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so terrible that they were even afraid to come close to it. Falling walls. The roof is askew. Crooked windows. Slanting doors... A monster, not a house. They didn’t even want to take the ugly building for a warehouse.

So trees appeared on the street that looked like old brooms. Horses with wire legs appeared, cars with some strange round pieces instead of wheels, airplanes with heavy wings, electrical wires as thick as a log, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other... Thus, thousands of things appeared that could not be used, and the people were horrified.

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?

And the boy began to cry. He so wanted to make people happy, but, not knowing how to draw, he wasted his paints in vain.

The boy cried so loudly and inconsolably that he was heard by the kindest of all the kindest old men - Santa Claus. He heard and returned to him. He returned and put paints in front of the boy.

Only these, my friend, are simple colors... But they can become magical if you want it...

That's what Santa Claus said and left...

A year has passed... Two years have passed... Many, many years have passed. The boy became a youth, then an adult, and then an old man... All his life he painted with simple colors. I painted at home. Drew people's faces. Clothes. Aircraft. Bridges. Railway stations. Palaces... And the time came, happy days came, when what he had drawn on paper began to come to life...

Many beautiful buildings appeared, built according to his drawings. Wonderful planes flew. Unknown bridges spanned from shore to shore... And no one wanted to believe that all this was painted with simple colors. Everyone called them magical...

This happens in this world... This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or a sewing needle and even with simple clay... This happens with everything that is touched by the hands of the greatest wizard of all the greatest wizards - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person...

Magic colors

Once every hundred years, on New Year's Eve, the kindest of all the kindest old men, Father Frost, brings seven magical colors. With these paints you can paint whatever you want, and what you draw will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want, draw a ship and sail on it. Or a spaceship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, like a chair, then go ahead. Draw and sit on it.

Santa Claus brings these colors to the kindest of all the kindest children. And this is understandable. If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can cause a lot of trouble. They will add a second nose to a person, and the person will be double-nosed. They will draw horns on the dog, a mustache on the chicken, and a hump on the cat, and the dog will have horns, the chicken will have a mustache, and the cat will have a humpback.

Therefore, Santa Claus takes a very long time to choose which of the children to give magic colors to.

The last time he gave them to one very kind boy. To the kindest of the kindest.

The boy was very happy with the gift and immediately began to draw. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for the blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades.

But no one could use what was drawn. The scarf for the grandmother looked like a rag for washing floors, and the dress drawn for the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from a club. For a blind man, the eyes resembled two blue blots, and he could not see with them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so ugly that they were even afraid to come close to it.

Trees like brooms appeared on the street. Horses with wire legs appeared, cars with crooked wheels, houses with falling walls and roofs on one side, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other... Thousands of things appeared that could not be used. And the people were horrified:

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?!

And the boy began to cry. He wanted so much to make people happy!.. But he didn’t know how to draw and wasted paint in vain.

The boy cried so loudly that the kindest of all the kindest old men, Santa Claus, heard him. He heard, and returned to him, and put a new box of paints in front of the boy:

Only these, my friend, are simple colors. But they can also become magical if you really want it.

So said Santa Claus and left.

And the boy thought. How can you make simple colors become magical and so that they make people happy and not bring them misfortune? The kind boy took out a brush and began to paint.

He drew without straightening up all day and all evening. He painted on the second, and on the third, and on the fourth day. I painted until I ran out of paint. Then he asked for new ones.

A year has passed... Two years have passed... Many, many years have passed. The boy became an adult, but still did not part with paints. His eyes became keen, his hands skillful, and now in his drawings, instead of crooked houses with falling walls, there were tall, light buildings, and instead of dresses that looked like bags, there were bright, elegant clothes.

The boy did not notice how he became a real artist. He painted everything that was around, and what no one had ever seen: airplanes that looked like huge arrows, and ships that looked like airplanes, air bridges and palaces made of glass.

People looked at his drawings with surprise, but no one was horrified. On the contrary, everyone rejoiced and admired.

What wonderful pictures! What magical colors! - they said, although the colors were the most ordinary.

The paintings were really so good that people wanted to revive them. And then happy days came, when what was drawn on paper began to come to life: palaces made of glass, and air bridges, and winged ships...

This happens in this world. This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or sewing needle, and even with simple clay. This happens to everything that is touched by the hands of the greatest of the greatest wizards - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person.

Once every hundred years, on New Year's Eve, the kindest of all the kindest old men, Father Frost, brings seven magical colors. With these paints you can paint whatever you want, and what you draw will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want, draw a ship and sail on it. Or a spaceship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, like a chair, then go ahead. Draw and sit on it.

Santa Claus brings these colors to the kindest of all the kindest children. And this is understandable. If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can cause a lot of trouble. They will add a second nose to a person, and the person will be double-nosed. They will draw horns on the dog, a mustache on the chicken, and a hump on the cat, and the dog will have horns, the chicken will have a mustache, and the cat will have a humpback.

Therefore, Santa Claus takes a very long time to choose which of the children to give magic colors to.

The last time he gave them to one very kind boy. To the kindest of the kindest.

The boy was very happy with the gift and immediately began to draw. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes for the blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades.

But no one could use what was drawn. The scarf for the grandmother looked like a rag for washing floors, and the dress drawn for the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from a club. For a blind man, the eyes resembled two blue blots, and he could not see with them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so ugly that they were even afraid to come close to it.

Trees like brooms appeared on the street. Horses with wire legs appeared, cars with crooked wheels, houses with falling walls and roofs on one side, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other... Thousands of things appeared that could not be used. And the people were horrified:

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?!

And the boy began to cry. He wanted so much to make people happy! . But he didn’t know how to draw and just wasted his paints.

The boy cried so loudly that the kindest of all the kindest old men, Santa Claus, heard him. He heard, and returned to him, and put a new box of paints in front of the boy:

Only these, my friend, are simple colors. But they can also become magical if you really want it.

So said Santa Claus and left.

And the boy thought. How can you make simple colors become magical and so that they make people happy and not bring them misfortune? The kind boy took out a brush and began to paint.

He drew without straightening up all day and all evening. He painted on the second, and on the third, and on the fourth day. I painted until I ran out of paint. Then he asked for new ones.

A year has passed... Two years have passed... Many, many years have passed. The boy became an adult, but still did not part with paints. His eyes became keen, his hands skillful, and now in his drawings, instead of crooked houses with falling walls, there were tall, light buildings, and instead of dresses that looked like bags, there were bright, elegant clothes.

The boy did not notice how he became a real artist. He painted everything that was around, and what no one had ever seen: airplanes that looked like huge arrows, and ships that looked like airplanes, air bridges and palaces made of glass.

People looked at his drawings with surprise, but no one was horrified. On the contrary, everyone rejoiced and admired.

What wonderful pictures! What magical colors! - they said, although the colors were the most ordinary.

The paintings were really so good that people wanted to revive them. And then happy days came, when what was drawn on paper began to come to life: palaces made of glass, and air bridges, and winged ships...

This happens in this world. This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or sewing needle, and even with simple clay. This happens to everything that is touched by the hands of the greatest of the greatest wizards - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person.