Certificate of commendation for good work. Letter of thanks

A thank you letter is a piece of paper that contains text expressing gratitude. The addressee of the document can be either a specific employee or a work team. The main purpose of writing a letter is to note any outstanding services of the employee to the company. A well-written appeal must be framed taking into account the rules of business style of storytelling. Below are several sample texts of gratitude papers for various achievements, successes, and activities.

In most cases, the thank you letter is written on company letterhead. In addition, as a basis you can use a sheet of thick paper, decorated in a formal business style.

A significant role in the process of preparing a letter of gratitude is played by the circumstances in connection with the occurrence of which the manager decides to express gratitude in writing to the employee.

Examples of thank you letter texts to an employee for various services

For participation in the event

Situations arise in which the management of a company rewards an employee with a letter of gratitude after his participation in an important event or for organizing it. In this case, the document can be formatted in this way.


LLC "Spectrum"

Dear Larisa Grigorievna!

On behalf of Spectr LLC, we thank you for your active participation in the Golden Autumn event. Your performance was at the highest level, the composition that you performed did not leave indifferent any guest present in the hall! We express our deep gratitude, because without you the implementation of this project would have been impossible. We wish you good health, good luck, creative prosperity!

Sincerely, the team of Spectr LLC

For good work and many years of work

The head of the company can thank the employee with an appropriate letter when he achieves certain professional goals, as well as in the case of constant proper performance of his job duties, while the text notes the good work of the employee, his contribution to development, many years of work, and the successes achieved. In this case, the document can be formatted as follows.


Dear Arthur Olegovich!

We sincerely express our gratitude to you on behalf of our entire company for the fact that you have been working conscientiously in our team for several years. Your many years of work, professionalism, responsibility, and constant desire to prove yourself as a leader are very important qualities for us. Thank you for trying to improve the quality of our company.

We would like to sincerely wish you further professional success and achievement of your goals. Let optimism and a business-like attitude towards work never leave you!

Sincerely, Mitin E. A.

Director of the company "Arfa"

Due to retirement

If an employee retiring has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the company, regularly and fully fulfilled his official duties, the organization’s management has the right to reward the employee with a letter of gratitude for many years of work in the event of his retirement. In this case, the following option is allowed for paperwork for an employee retiring.


Dear Tatyana Stanislavovna!

We would like to admit that we are very sorry to part with you! We express our deep gratitude for choosing our company for long-term cooperation. Your contribution to its development is invaluable. You have all the qualities of a leader - honesty, integrity, hard work, determination, and the ability to find an approach to every subordinate. Thanks to you, we have completed an important mission - we have achieved significant success in the field of metallurgy.

So let me congratulate you on your retirement! We wish you to remain the same purposeful and creative person. Remember - retirement is a kind of beginning of a new life. I wish you good health, happiness and success in your new endeavors!

Sincerely, Ivanov Maxim Vadimovich

General Director of the company "Rassvet"

A few more examples of thank you letters for employees

For many years of work and good work (click to enlarge): In honor of the employee's anniversary: ​​(click to enlarge)

Work should be encouraged with rewards: financial, moral, ideological or other. Employees with outstanding work achievements must first of all be rewarded.

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the relationship between employer and employee, states: the employer has the right to express gratitude to the employee for his special contribution to the work of the organization, it can be expressed in the form of valuable gifts/prizes, bonuses or intangible values: a certificate of honor and the title “Best Employee of the Month” , quarter, year."

Why do you need a thank you letter?

In Russia, the practice of writing such letters and handing them to employees as an encouragement and to distinguish them among their colleagues is just beginning to work.

According to statistics, 7 out of 10 CEOs of large and small businesses will be surprised, if their consultant advises sending such letters to organizations that bring them water, ensure the operation of equipment, train staff, and also write and hand them to company employees during events. So what is this for?

  1. Firstly, to show value an individual working in an organization.
  2. Secondly, the use of this technique will save some money, replace the procedure for issuing bonuses, if the company is in financial difficulties.
  3. Third, if you express your gratitude to the manager working in the far corner of the office, this will show the director of the company from the good side that he knows about the existence of these people and values ​​​​their contribution to the work.
  4. Fourthly, it will great motivation.

Are you a partner of a dozen companies on the market? Write that working together has a beneficial effect on the progress of business, contributes to increased profits or increased customer flow. Send a printed version by mail or courier, by email, or hand it over in person.

This way of building relationships with partners will set you apart from your competitors, as a result of which your partners will always be ready to meet you, and perhaps they will be able to provide a special discount.

This will definitely improve the company's image in the market.

Which is better: a certificate or a letter of gratitude?

Every organization has principles of work, rest, and rewards. In addition to financial or material types of awards, there are moral awards that highlight the merits of a particular specialist or department.

A letter of thanks and a certificate are a type of intangible recognition of professionalism. The presentation event is positive for both parties. However, on the eve of this event, managers will have to choose which papers need to be prepared and presented to a certain person for their efforts.

A charter is a written act of an official nature certifying the legal relationship of two parties.

This document confirms the assessment of success. The birthplace of literacy was the Byzantine Empire, but important documents such as messages and decrees were called this way. In the 10th century in Rus', a letter meant a business letter. The first materials for writing were birch bark and parchment.

The popularity of letters grew during Soviet times. Certificates served as a sign of distinction and high achievements in the creative and labor spheres. Schoolchildren and factory workers received them.

Gratitude is an official form of recognition of the value of a person’s work. A reward is used to reward a successfully completed assignment or work, certain achievements, etc. The content of the document has a free form of presentation of rewards for merits or achieved results. Within companies, it is customary to issue gratitude on letterhead with a corporate design.

How are the documents similar?

  1. Are official.
  2. Issued on the organization’s letterhead with the company logo.
  3. Contains written confirmation and recognition of the results of a specific person or group of people.
  4. They are one-sided in nature and do not involve the exchange of information.
  5. Employees, departments or the entire organization are awarded personally.

Despite all the above similarities, these documents are completely different. In what cases is a certificate awarded, and in what cases is a letter of gratitude given? The main differences between the two documents are presented in the table below.

The diploma is awarded in the following cases:

  • victory in sports competitions;
  • academic success;
  • academic performance in all subjects;
  • quality work done;
  • professional skills;
  • pedagogical indicators in working with students.

A letter of gratitude is awarded for:

  • participation in the preparation of events;
  • conscientious approach to work;
  • honest fulfillment of the terms of the contract;
  • mutually beneficial partnership/cooperation;
  • selfless provision of equipment;
  • personal contribution to activities;
  • success in raising children.

Writing rules and examples

The certificate and gratitude are drawn up on a special letterhead of a specific organization; if not available, a universal one is purchased at a stationery store, or ordered from a printing house to create an original design for a specific event or date.

The style of the letter depends on the reason and type of gratitude. The design is optional. Let's look at the example of the header design.

First option: indicate the full name of the person to whom the delivery will be made, and from whom (manager, director).

Option two: leave the header blank, below the main text write the name of the compiler, position, sign and certify with the company seal.

  1. Use a formal business style.
  2. Addressing an honorary employee exclusively by first name and patronymic, begin with the word: Dear. The use of familiarity and vernacular is strictly prohibited.
  3. The text must mention the reason for the award.
  4. The text is compiled based on the person’s personal characteristics, services to the company, and qualities that reflect positively on the job. Originality is encouraged, try to avoid using banal words and “hackneyed phrases.”
  5. The ending necessarily contains wishes for successful continuation of work and hopes for further beneficial cooperation or partnership.

Entering gratitude in the work book

The Labor Code presupposes gratitude to employees for the successful performance of work duties and entering them into the work book.

There is a special procedure for recording gratitude in the work book. For this it is necessary submit a petition before signing the order. The application is written in free form, but the following information is required:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • position held;
  • Company name;
  • reasons for receiving incentives (achievements, awards).

Documents confirming achievements and merits and past awards are attached to the application.

After approval of the application, management prepares and signs the order. Order forms No. T-11 and No. T-11a.

Example of order text 1:

By Order No. 324 of January 11, 2017, employee Vasily Ivanovich Petrov was awarded (a form of encouragement) in connection with (listing of achievements and merits in connection with which it was decided to reward the employee).

Example of order text 2:

By Order No. 324 of January 11, 2017, employee Vasily Ivanovich Petrov was hired to the position (listing the achievements and merits in connection with which it was decided to promote the employee).

After this, an entry can be made. Work books are filled out according to the rules established by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

The Effect of Gratitude on Motivation

Gratitude makes it clear to the employee that the manager sees and appreciates his work, and this is very important. Many people quit just because they didn't receive praise on time.

Knowing that the manager is attentive to completing tasks and routine work, there will be fewer mistakes among employees.

Verbal gratitude and encouragement bears fruit, and written gratitude during serious events will stimulate employees for new achievements for the benefit of the company.

  • To whom can and should you write a thank you letter?
  • How to write the text of a thank you letter.
  • What is the use of a thank you letter.

Find a reason to write thank you letter It's almost always possible.

For example, a letter of gratitude for cooperation in the business community is considered a sign of good manners, an element of respect for sponsors, partners, clients or investors.

It is also customary to monitor the achievements and excellent work of staff. A letter of gratitude addressed to an employee for a special contribution to the development of the industry, company, participation in an important project, completion of a special assignment, anniversary birthday or anniversary of work in the company would be appropriate here. There can be many options, and such attention is pleasant for any person - you show that you have not forgotten.

I know managers who personally write letters of gratitude to the parents of particularly distinguished specialists.

Thank you letter is after-sales service

Aleksey Ivanov, director of the creative agency with marketing thinking "MasterUm", Moscow

Writing a thank you note to a customer is a great part of after-sales service. In this case, the thank you letter should be written exactly – by hand. Such a gesture seems to say: the CEO is ready to find time for his clients. For example, dry cleaners can include such thank-you notes in the client’s clothes after washing.

To whom should I write a letter of gratitude and for what merits?

In a few words - for any action that a person has done in your favor. For absolutely any action. The more unexpected the thank you letter is, the better. There are no special restrictions here: it all depends on the specifics of the field of activity and your imagination.

Why are they so important

  1. Writing a thank you note is the morally right thing to do: you are showing personal respect.
  2. Competitive advantage.
  3. Motivation of the client (employee, partner), his readiness for new cooperation and work with your company.

3 examples of letters that should be sent to a client to thank them for their purchase

How to write a thank you letter

Typically, a thank you letter is written in any form. But nevertheless, it remains a business document, so you need to adhere to several rules.

Firstly, The thank you letter is written on company letterhead. The following sections of the letter should be provided:

  1. The header of the letter - indicating the specific enterprise or person to whom gratitude will be expressed.
  2. Addressing the person you are thanking.
  3. The text of the letter - it reflects the essence of the appeal.
  4. Information about the person who expresses his gratitude - full name, position, signature.

If you're handwriting a thank you note, choose a card that's subtle and simple. A reliable solution would be a white or cream-colored card with “Thank you” embossed on the front. Cards with messages on the back, overly decorated, cluttered and cutesy should be avoided.

Handwriting deserves special attention. If you are unsure about the clarity and quality of the handwriting, show a sample to the deputy. Try to practice a few times before writing. As a last resort, you can ask a person with calligraphic handwriting. But don't forget to sign the letter yourself.

If there is no recipient's mailing address, the only solution is to send an email. This option is also preferable if you communicated with a client or partner via email. The only drawback is that there is a high probability of ignoring such letters. After all, managers receive many letters every day. To stand out from the rest, you still shouldn’t compose an overly luxurious email or send an e-card using a third-party site. After all, such mail will be perceived as advertising, which is why it may be ignored. You should write a simple, short, and timely email.

  • How to choose the right gift for business partners and please them: 5 tips

Second. Contact the addressee. Employees in companies are traditionally addressed as “Dear...”. Such an address will emphasize the respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. Refuse to address yourself as “Dear” or “Mr. (Madam)” - such addresses look insincere and awkward, going beyond the official style. If you have a close relationship with the recipient, the expression “Dear” can be left.

The address “Dear, dear (name, patronymic)” will be appropriate for personal address. If you are writing gratitude to the team, it is better to use the address “Dear colleagues!” And in the text of the letter itself, specify which team you are thanking.

When sending a letter of gratitude to a partner company, an address to the manager is provided, and gratitude to the organization and team itself is noted in the text itself.

3. Indicate the initiator of the gratitude. Write who thanks whom. You can express gratitude on behalf of the company, yourself or the head of a structural unit. For example:

  • “Karavan LLC thanks”;
  • “Management of the company “ABC” ...”;
  • “On behalf of the Rassvet LLC team and on my own behalf, I thank...”

It is necessary to take into account that on behalf of the entire company they express gratitude for the provision of goods, services or opportunities. When expressing gratitude to a team or an employee of an organization, it is preferable to address it on behalf of the manager:

  • “We are sincerely grateful...”;
  • "We thank …";
  • “I express my gratitude to your team...”

An unconventional and solemn address can be: “I, as the head (director) of the Company, want to sincerely thank ....”

It is worth resorting to such wording in exceptional cases, when gratitude is expressed for a contribution that is significant for the entire company.

4. Indicate who you are thanking. You can send a letter of gratitude to the entire organization, its management, team or individual employee. Through personal gratitude, you will single out a person from the team for their professionalism, successes and achievements. Personalization in this situation involves addressing the addressee to:

  • “On behalf of the entire Company, I want to thank you.”
  • "Thank you".

If you are writing to partners and want to thank the entire team for services and opportunities, you should clarify to whom the gratitude is addressed:

  • “We sincerely thank the team of your company”;
  • “The ABC company thanks your company.”

When thanking the team, it will be useful to indicate the personalities (however, no more than five to seven people):

  • "Dear Colleagues! I, as a manager, am very grateful to the team of the scientific and editorial department of our company, namely...”

In the case of a large team, there is no need to list everyone by name; you can indicate the head of this team.

The practitioner tells

Alexey Dmitriev, director of corporate development of the Enter retail chain, Moscow

Every month, department heads select one or two employees who have demonstrated excellent results over the past period. This assessment is subjective. In particular, an employee who, on his own initiative, took on the responsibilities of a colleague who went on vacation can count on recognition from his manager.

To ensure that managers remember the need to nominate employees, they are sent letters with a link to the appropriate section of the corporate portal.

The award for the selected employees are medals “Number One in October”, “Best Employee of September”, etc. The award ceremony is held in the conference room in a solemn atmosphere. For each medal received, employees are awarded points within the “Olympiad” rating. Among other things, we send letters of gratitude to the parents of the “medal winners.”

5. State what you are giving thanks for. Gratitude is expressed for something. However, you shouldn’t be completely grateful for everything.

INCORRECT: “Dear...! The company team thanks you for everything you have done for us.” Here we see a template and general phrase without specifics. But specifics in a thank you letter are necessary.

What should you be grateful for? This largely depends on the reason for expressing gratitude. If you send a letter to an employee, you can express gratitude for their professionalism in solving problems, vigilance and perseverance. You can thank your partners for providing opportunities, support, equipment, services, a platform, etc.

CORRECT: “Dear...! The company’s team thanks you for your special contribution to the development of our partnerships and the provision of insurance services in the VHI system for our employees.”

6. Detail and specify your gratitude. Stop at a moment that worked especially well. It is through this that the letter becomes individual. The more individual this part of the letter is, the better: the recipient will feel his value as a person and personality.

7. Praise the recipient, but without flattery. This part is the most difficult to write. Here you should take into account the general wording of praise in relation to the recipient or his company. Example: “Your experience in account management is second to none.”

8. Leave wishes for the recipient for the future. A letter of gratitude is a letter with a positive message. Look into the future and wish a few kind words to your partner. “We wish you new original ideas, inspiration and inexhaustible optimism.”

9. Express your hope for further cooperation. An extremely important element in a thank you letter. You express your interest in further cooperation. If the prospect of further cooperation is not indicated, such a letter will have the effect of saying goodbye. “We look forward to further fruitful cooperation with you.”

10. Correct and review the text of the letter. The thank you letter, depending on the specific circumstances, can be relatively simple and short - usually about half an A4 sheet of paper. When writing a long letter, you need to make sure that there is no unnecessary verbosity - except for the word “Thank you”, you need to indicate each point only once. Make sure your style is consistent throughout. You can involve 1-2 people to correct grammatical and lexical errors.

11. When you are confident in your letter text, send it immediately. The faster the letter is sent, the more effective and memorable it will be.

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Rules for writing a thank you letter

  1. The entire text of the letter must fit on one sheet of paper so that the letter can be placed on the wall in a beautiful frame. That is why you should take a responsible approach to choosing a form, avoiding tasteless decisions.
  2. Usually a letter of gratitude is drawn up from one manager to another. The letter indicates from which company the letter is sent, to which organization represented by the manager.
  3. A few words should indicate what gratitude is being expressed for. In your expressions, try to choose kind and warm words as much as possible. It will be very useful to indicate the positive business qualities of the management and staff of the organization receiving the letter.
  4. At the end of the letter, express your sincere hope for future cooperation.
  5. The letter must be signed by the manager himself, affixing the seal of the enterprise.
  6. Before sending the letter, you should once again carefully check that the name of the organization or department, position of the addressee, etc. is correct.
  7. When writing several thank you notes, try to avoid monotony.
  8. If you cannot write such a letter yourself, you can use the services of professionals.

2 sample thank you letters

Dear Ivan Alexandrovich,

On behalf of the entire team, let me thank you for your trust and agreement to cooperate with our young company, which is taking its first steps in the market.

We owe much of our rapid development to your trust and support of your company.

We wish you and your organization success and prosperity!


Andrey Alekseev

The Sputnik-Video LLC company sincerely thanks and expresses deep gratitude to Igor Nekrasov for the development, promotion and constant improvement of the website www...

His labor-intensive, responsible and painstaking work allowed us to expand our client base several times.

Competence, professionalism and prompt problem solving make cooperation effective and enjoyable. We wish Igor further success in his work!

Sincerely, General Director of Sputnik-Video LLC A.A. Kolesnikov

What a thank you letter definitely should not include

  1. Familiarity should be completely absent.
  2. Avoid mentioning mistakes that were made during your collaboration.
  3. Showing numbers is not always appropriate.
  4. Be sure to exclude spelling errors in the letter.

7 Qualities That Will Make Your Thank You Letter a Winner

  • living language;
  • personality;
  • description of project details.
  • caring for people and business interests;
  • unique design - without the use of frames.
  • exclusivity of the letter, abandoning templates;
  • invitation to further cooperation.

Also, a letter of gratitude can be accompanied by a gift - in the form of a personal bonus or discount; business proposal; an invitation – to social networks, to attend an event or meeting.

New course at the “General Director School”

The team is like a family:
He, she and you and me...
And we clear away the rubble,
We wash birthdays.

Everything has happened in our life,
We ate different types of porridge with you.
They feasted and swore,
Our glances ran wild...

We saw everything together.
I say without any flattery,
And the words are indisputable, because,
I want to say Thank you!

Thank you, dear colleagues, -
I tell you from my heart,
I respect you all very much
And I love everyone in my own way.

Working with you is just a fairy tale,
We are all a team, what can I say?
I wish us all great success
And wish you bright ups.

Colleagues, my dears, thank you very much for our close-knit, friendly team. Thank you for maintaining your optimism even in the most difficult, stressful situations. It is comfortable and easy to work with you, which is quite important and necessary for effective work. You know, each of you is a special, amazing person who contributes to our common cause. Thanks to our abilities, we have created a unique team that is not only hardworking, but also very cheerful! Thank you, my beautiful ones, for the fact that our everyday days are not an ordinary, depressing routine, but are distinguished by brightness and originality.

Working with you is the highest reward,
You are the best team in this world!
You are cool, open guys,
You always bring positivity!

Thank you for your help and support,
Because I always feel comfortable with you!
Let our career go uphill,
May your wallets be filled with money!

I respect you, colleagues.
And I express my gratitude
For kindness, support, friendship,
You are always there when needed!

Thank you, I repeat for the hundredth time,
I appreciate and value it greatly,
I wish you every victory,
May fate protect you from troubles!

From the bottom of my heart, colleagues, to you
I “Thank you!” I say
You for your help and support
In life I give thanks.

Always in difficult times
There is a reliable hand
If I slow down somewhere
You will push slightly.

Answers to any question
Sometimes we search together,
And in trouble we are for each other
We all stand up straight away.

I want to wish, colleagues,
Happiness to each of you,
And I am grateful to fate
That she tied us down.

Thank you, dear colleagues!
May kindness return to you threefold,
There will be success, like snow in winter,
And warmth blooms in the heart.

Dreams will come true, and happiness will be bright,
And every day will give you a reason to smile,
Fantastic joy will fill your eyes,
And the soul will sing, more tender than a violin!

It's a pleasure to work with you,
Fun, wonderful, easy and entertaining,
And with pleasure every morning
I'm rushing to work in minutes.

Here my wonderful team is waiting for me,
That never saddens in vain,
For your kindness and great support
I love and kiss the whole team!

How many years have we been together?
We walk hand in hand
There is no greater honor for me
How to meet you day after day.

Our team is the best
And there is no doubt about it.
Happiness to everyone, prosperity
And work until you are a hundred years old!

My colleagues are my friends,
Now we are like family!
I like working with you
We were able to achieve success.

Thank you for giving your optimism,
We, as a single mechanism,
We work together skillfully
We know our stuff very well!

I wish you inspiration
I respect you immensely.
I wish you a lot of luck,
Let the road lead to success!

We were all colleagues
Peace, and feast, and pies,
And doubts and quarrels,
After all, all people are so different!

But I want to say directly
I'm proud of the team
It's good and nice for me,
Sadness disappears with you.

Thank you for the minutes
I appreciate them, believe me,
After all, they always helped me,
When you needed it so much!

Letter No. 1

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The management of the Science exhibition center thanks you for your efficiency in carrying out repair and construction work.

We are completely satisfied with the result of our cooperation, and in the future, if there is a need for repairs, construction work or reconstruction of facilities, we will only contact your company.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 2

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The team of Innovation LLC expresses gratitude to you and the employees of your company for carrying out the reconstruction of the Science exhibition center, which is located at the address: Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

The work was completed on time and in strict accordance with the customer's requirements. We are pleased to cooperate with you, and if necessary, we will contact you again.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 3

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We thank you and your company for the renovation of orphanage No. 1 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Thanks to your professionalism and efficiency, all buildings of the orphanage are now ready for occupancy.

The management and staff of Orphanage No. 1 expresses their sincere gratitude to you and wishes you professional prosperity.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 4

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The team of Innovation LLC thanks you for your help in organizing the renovation of the Science exhibition center, restoration of communication lines and landscaping of the adjacent park area.

Cooperation with you left us with the most pleasant impressions. We would like to note your professional approach to work, efficiency and willingness to listen to the customer’s opinion.

We hope that in the future we will still be able to work on joint projects.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 5

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The company "24Master" LLC carried out repair work in the "Star" business center in Moscow at the address: st. Mayakovsky, 78.

The management of the Star business center positively assessed the work you did, noting that the contractor completed the task efficiently and quickly, using the latest technologies and materials.

We thank you for your cooperation, wish you prosperity and believe that we will be lucky enough to work with you on joint projects more than once.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 6

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The administration of the Science exhibition center expresses gratitude to the company 24Master LLC for the construction and installation work performed. We would like to note your professionalism, ability to act in accordance with the contract and desire to perform work in accordance with the customer’s requirements. It was a pleasure for us to cooperate with you and your subordinates.

In the future, as soon as we need the services of a construction company, we will only turn to you!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 7

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Innovation LLC has been cooperating with 24master LLC for five years. During this time, we managed to complete dozens of joint projects, carry out construction and repair work. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your professional approach to work, the quality of services provided, the ability to coordinate the work of contractors and reliable partnership.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 8

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The team of Innovation LLC thanks you for your reliability and responsibility while working on a joint project. Cooperation with you left us with the most pleasant impressions. Every employee of our company notes your professional approach to business, good technical potential and ability to build a dialogue with the customer.

We will be glad to further cooperate with you!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 9

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The administration of the Science exhibition center thanks you for carrying out installation work on our territory. We are glad that we chose your company as a contractor, because... The result you achieved exceeded all our expectations.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 10

On behalf of the Science LLC team, we thank you and your company 24master LLC for their professionalism and efficiency during the repair and construction work.

It was only thanks to your efforts that we completed the construction of the facility on time. We would also like to note the sociability and friendliness of your employees.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 11

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The company 24Master LLC provided installation services at the Science exhibition center, which is located in Moscow at 28 Rozhdestvensky Boulevard.

We hasten to thank you for the work done. Your participation in the project allowed us to increase our production capacity.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 12

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The administration of the Science exhibition center, represented by General Director Valentin Dmitrievich Kolesnik, expresses gratitude to the company 24Master LLC for carrying out repair and construction work.

Thank you for your efficiency, diligence and hard work. The specialists of our company noted your professionalism and the quality of technical equipment.

We wish your company prosperity!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 13

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

LLC "24Master" expresses gratitude for the assistance in purchasing construction materials and delivery of technical equipment. Only thanks to your participation we were able to complete the current project on time.

We note that the product you provided meets the highest requirements and all necessary standards.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 14

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The team of Innovation LLC expresses gratitude to the team of 24Master LLC for the efficiency and professionalism shown during the overhaul of a residential building, which is located in the city of Voronezh at the address: st. Matrosskaya, 15.

We wish your company prosperity and prosperity!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 15

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The administration of the Science exhibition center expresses gratitude to the company 24Master LLC for the improvement of the adjacent territory.

You know how to take a responsible approach to solving work issues, acting promptly and harmoniously. The employees of your company are distinguished by a high level of professionalism and friendliness.

Thank you for your pleasant cooperation!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 16

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Fitness center "Zdorovye", which is located in Voronezh at the address: Gvardeysky Boulevard, 25, thanks the company "24Master" LLC for the construction of a new building.

You took upon yourself the entire range of necessary work: starting from the design stage and finishing the interior decoration of the room. Since the management decided not to stop the activity of the fitness center, your specialists were limited in time and capabilities.

However, we hasten to please you - the management of the Zdorovye fitness center noted your work at the highest level. We were pleasantly surprised by the professionalism and efficiency of your employees.

Thank you for your work!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 17

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The management of the fitness center “Health”, located at the address: Voronezh, Gvardeysky Boulevard, 25, expresses gratitude to your company for the qualified performance of routine repairs. All work was completed strictly on time and in accordance with the specified requirements.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 18

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The administration of the Science exhibition center expresses gratitude to the company 24Master LLC for performing the following work:

  • interior decoration;
  • conducting communications;
  • improvement of the surrounding area.

Your company performed the work in accordance with contractual obligations.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 19

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The team of Innovation LLC thanks the company 24master, headed by you, for carrying out cosmetic repairs at the Science exhibition center. The services you provided were performed at a high professional level and in accordance with customer requirements.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 20

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We thank the team of the Innovation company, which took on the responsibility to design and develop the design for the new hall of the Science exhibition center.

Thanks to your professionalism and creative approach to performing work, the Science exhibition center has become the best platform for presentations and scientific conferences in Moscow.

We wish you prosperity!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 21

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Individual entrepreneur Maxim Leonidovich Voznesensky thanks the 24Master company for the conscientious and high-quality repair work in the office, which is located at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Republican, 55.


Maxim Leonidovich

Letter No. 22

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The management of the “Everything Affordable” store thanks LLC 24Master, and especially its general director Vasily Evgenievich Sinichkin for carrying out major repairs in the store premises.

We wish your business prosperity and look forward to new cooperation!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 23

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Innovation LLC thanks 24Master LLC for agreeing to assume the obligations of the general contractor at the Science exhibition center site, which is located at Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

Thanks to the high level of professionalism of your employees, high-quality technical equipment and sensitive listening to the opinions and requirements of the customer, we were able to complete the construction of the facility within the time period specified in the contract.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 24

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

24master LLC, represented by General Director Alexander Viktorovich Karpenko, thanks Innovation LLC for providing technical equipment to carry out work on the improvement of the central city park of Voronezh.

Thanks to your responsiveness, our city has acquired another attraction, which, moreover, will become a favorite vacation spot for citizens.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 25

Dear Evgeniy Vasilievich,

The shelter for homeless animals "Mercy" thanks you and the entire team of the company "24Master" LLC for providing building materials and assistance in organizing enclosures for animals.

Your kindness has made our world a little kinder and better. We wish prosperity to you, your team and your entire family.

We hope for further mutual assistance.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 26

Dear Evgeniy Vasilevich,

The administration of the city of Voronezh expresses gratitude to the company “24Master” LLC for its assistance in carrying out major repairs of hostel No. 8, which is located at the address: st. Republican, 7.

Your work complies with standards and GOSTs, and also meets all customer requirements. We would like to note that we were pleasantly surprised by the high qualifications and friendliness of your staff. Employees of 24master LLC promptly resolved all issues that arose, worked diligently and kept order during the work.

Now hostel No. 8 has been put into operation and this happened thanks to your merits.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 27

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Innovation LLC thanks 24Master LLC for the high-quality construction and installation work that was carried out in hostel No. 8 in the city of Voronezh.

Thanks to your professional approach to work, the delivery of the project took place on schedule.

We are pleased with the professionalism and speed of work of the employees of 24Master LLC and in the future we intend to invite you to joint projects.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 28

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We express our gratitude to the company Innovation LLC for the reconstruction of the factory workshop, which is located in the city of Voronezh at the address: st. Mashinostroiteley, 15.

Cooperation with your company has left us with only the most pleasant impressions. The work was completed strictly on time using high-quality materials and technical equipment.

It's a pleasure to deal with real professionals!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 29

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Innovation LLC thanks you and the 24Master LLC company for the construction of the Zvezdochki children's health complex.

Thanks to your efficiency, the project has already been put into operation. We would like to note that the work performed by you is of particular quality and reliability. You took into account absolutely all the wishes of the customer and even exceeded the expectations placed on you.

We wish your business rapid development!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 30

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We hasten to express our gratitude to you and the employees of your company Innovation LLC. You were able to fulfill your obligations with limited time and funds.

Your work is distinguished by coherence, professionalism and creativity. We will be happy to cooperate with you in the future.

Best regards, Alexander Viktorovich

General Director of the Science Exhibition Center