Olga Veter's last performance for Person of the Year. There will be four finalists

Discussions about the most popular Russian show House-2 does not stop talking, especially now, when everyone is waiting for the results of the annual competition at House-2 2016.

Person of the Year 2016, who won?

Yesterday the final of the Person of the Year 2016 competition took place at House 2, in which the finalists of the Chechen State Championship took part: Olga Veter, Fedor Strelkov, Andrey Chuev and Marina Afrikantova. Final performances the guys helped fans of the TV show determine the most worthy finalist - the winner of Person of the Year 2016.

House 2 - won the World Cup 2016

Marin and Fedor had lyrical numbers in the style of the 70s, Olga Veter performed musical composition in the style of the 60s, and Andrey Cherkasov sang the energetic song “Meivllika”. All this time, voting was going on and during the broadcast of the competition on House 2 from TNT, Veter took the lead with a score of 29.63%, taking second place at the moment live broadcast Fedor Strelkov with 27.25%, followed by Marina Afrikantova and 21.88%, and as everyone had guessed, Andrei Che grabbed 21.24%.

Award ceremony for the winner Person of the Year 2016 house2

The award ceremony for the winner of the 2016 World Cup will be shown on Wednesday, August 24, 2016 on the TNT channel. The results of the competition will be officially announced on Wednesday.

Quotes from the broadcasts of House 2 CHG 2016

Fedya Strelkov: “Andrei Cherkasov said that Mona has nowhere to live, wouldn’t it be too bad - an apartment for a dog”?

Andrey Chuev says to Marina: “Imagine it will be cool if you become the person of the year in 2016, in 2015 I won, and in the end the family of winners.”

Kristina Lyaskovets on frontal: “If even one person, especially Tatyana Aleksandrovna, says anything about my mother, even says the word “Mom”, I am not responsible for myself, and I will not care about the competition or the place.” Thus, Christina warned Marina Afrikantova’s mother that she should not touch her mother, especially since she is not a participant in the project and is on this moment seriously ill. The day before, Tatyana Aleksandrovna spoke unflatteringly about Christina’s mother, saying that she was in prison and gave birth to a daughter in places not so remote.

Ella Sukhanova and Anya from Ukraine supported Olga: “Olga Veter is worthy of victory, she is trying very hard, having built love and family outside the walls of house-2, she was able to keep her family in in the right direction“, she is a strong and real mother of Gleb Zhemchugov, a good wife, diligent, calm.”

Olga Veter won at House 2 Person of the Year 2016

Olga Veter: “Friends, we did it! Hurray! I’m incredibly happy!
I want to express my deep gratitude to you, you were with me from beginning to end. The emotions are simply overwhelming. Thank you so much for your support!

Or rather, Olya Veter, as she is “called names” these days. Her victory was predictable from the very beginning, because as a child, because on the Zhemchugov project the most needy, and in general Olya is a great sufferer and martyr, having suffered much from her monster husband. But, as is usual in a fairy tale, by the end the husband had regained his sight, and peace and harmony reigned in the family. Hooray! But... For some reason there is no desire to shout this very “hurray”.

At the end, Kpadonu laughed: “I AM WAITING FOR THE NOMINEES FOR 2017.” In 2014 there were the Gobozovs: child, scandals, betrayals - “Person of the Year” Alian. This year - the Zhemchugovs: child, scandals, betrayals - “Person of the Year” Olya Veter. In the next one, following tradition, there should be Tregubenko and Ellochka. Well, they are quite contenders. Apparently, they are not going to leave the project. They periodically wink mysteriously about the baby. Sukhanov will give birth just in time for the 2017 competition - and here you have another young family in need of housing.

The main thing is that next year no one sang! Let the orgs take pity on the poor ears of the spectators, please! What the Afrikantov doll creaked in the finale was terrible! And wonderful music did not save the situation. And her fiance Chuev, grimacing next to her, only worsened the overall picture. Honestly, I spat and laughed at the sight of this clownery. But according to the idea, the number was supposed to be lyrical and touch the soul.

A hippie with a wooden face and tow on his head with a wreath, Fedya Strelkov looked better. Probably thanks to the unexpectedly tender Lyaskovets. But why suddenly he should have become “Person of the Year” is unclear. For what kind of merits, if only not for merits in the gym?

Cherkasov, the only participant who looked decent compared to the rest, sang well, it was pleasant to watch him. He didn’t make faces, he spoke simply but sincerely. Alas, we don’t like singles - Andryukha flew by. It's a pity! He’s already “earned out” the title, at least by spending years on the project and repeatedly raising ratings thanks to his Love Story.

Well, the dancing hippopotamus and part-time reformed husband Strawberry with his “schoolgirl” wife in a miniskirt jumping on him... It’s not even funny. It is sad. Not very pretty, not very smart (a smart one definitely wouldn’t admit to the whole country that she “knocked up” because she was drunk), constantly swearing (and also in front of the child), a girl in whom ambitions awoke in reality. True, the ambitions are so primitive: to make “new” breasts, pump up lips, grow hair...

I can’t and won’t argue with one thing: Olya Veter is perhaps the only successful project of the loser Gleb Klubnichka... Well, then – the familiar blowing of bubbles during Glebushka Zhemchugov’s bouts of joy.

What do you think of the final and the winner?

Sincerely yours, Natusya Zebberg

Olga Veter two years ago was a participant in the popular reality show “Dom-2”. Then she was the happy wife of Gleb Zhemchugov, with whom she raised her son Misha. The audience liked the young mother so much that they chose her in the “Person of the Year” competition. As a prize, she received her own apartment in a new building in Zelenograd. True, only now Olga received the treasured keys to the property.

“I’m ready to accept congratulations. I received the keys to my apartment. I want to say thank you again to all those who voted for me and supported me,” shared a joyful event young woman.

Fans rushed to congratulate Veter on finally getting the property. The young mother previously said that the apartment would be completely finished, and she would only be able to add minor touches. Now fans are waiting for Olga to celebrate her housewarming. "Congratulations! Let there be only joy and happiness in this apartment!”, “Olenka, congratulations! Finally, you have your own nest,” “Congratulations, Olga! You really deserve this prize!” - followers wrote.

In the two years after Veter won the competition, a lot has changed in her life. She left the reality show and divorced Gleb Zhemchugov. The son remained to live with his mother, but the man spends a sufficient amount of time with the child and takes an active part in his upbringing. Not long ago he was treated in a clinic to overcome drug addiction.

Now her son Misha is three years old. Despite the fact that her loved ones spend a lot of time with the baby, Olga made no progress in his development when he was at home. “You can study with a child for hours on end at home, but the child will achieve the best effect only in society,” says Veter. - In my case it was exactly like that, after 3 months in the garden he began to fully speak in sentences, sing songs, read poetry. I became more independent, talents that I didn’t even know about were revealed in the garden. For example, Misha plays football amazingly. He really enjoys kicking the ball, and when he scores a goal, he says: “I’m a champion.”

The participants of the “Person of the Year 2016” competition had to go through so many trials to compete for this title. The tests were very, very serious, and many were worthy of this title, but the winner was Olga Veter (Zhemchugova). She receives the main reward - a brand new apartment in Moscow.

The winner was determined by fan voting and Olga was ahead of her closest opponent Fedor Strelkov by only 2%. Immediately after the voting ended and the results were announced, Olga Veter thanked her fans - those who supported her and cast their votes. It was thanks to these votes that she managed to win the “Person of the Year 2016” competition and receive her prize. She also noted that she was overwhelmed with emotions and felt very, very happy.

Third place, after Strelkov, was taken by Marina Afrikantova, fourth place went to Andrei Cherkasov.

In addition to “Person of the Year”, other nominations were also announced:

  • "Troll of the Year" - Alexandra Gozias. Prize - a check for 200,000 rubles;
  • “Burd of the Year” - Olga Rapunzel;
  • “Man of the Year” according to the editors of Dom 2 - Fedor Strelkov. The prize is a set of household appliances.

Grade Published 08/18/16 11:17

"House 2", last news August 18, 2016: the final of the “Person of the Year” competition at “House 2” was shown last night on TNT.

"Person of the Year", "House 2" 2016: winner - Olga Veter

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Last night, TNT aired the final of the “Person of the Year 2016” competition on “House 2”. By audience voting the winner was determined. It was Gleb Klubnichka’s wife Olga Veter, for whom 29.63% of viewers voted.

Fyodor Strelkov came second with a result of 27.25% of the votes, and Marine Afrikantova came in third place (21.88%). Andrey Cherkasov (21.24%) was just a little behind her.

As a result, the winner of the “Person of the Year” competition at “House 2” 2016 received an apartment in Moscow. For second and third place, the participants received an incredible opportunity to prove themselves in show business - to win a video shoot or get into the casting of presenters on one of the music TV channels.

Gleb Klubnichka and Olga Veter PHOTO