My 1 month old baby is coughing a lot, what should I do? Treating a cough in an infant with folk remedies

Cough - treating a newborn

A one-month-old baby sneezes and coughs, sleeps poorly, starts screaming at night - the frightened mother carries the baby in her arms for days on end.

Here it is necessary to use antiviral drugs. Pharmacists have not yet produced tablets against viruses that affect the entire body. All systemic antivirals are relatively new in use and their effect on the infant is unknown.

They resort to topical medications:

  1. Aqueous solution of Oksolin– instill 2 drops into each nasal passage 3 times a day. During the onset of the disease, oxolin has an antiviral and weak anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. Human leukocyte interferon– increases local immunity, destroys viruses, reduces inflammation. Interferon is a protein produced by the human body in response to infection. When introduced into the human body, it helps suppress viral activity, prevents the multiplication of the virus, and improves immunity. Sold in pharmacies in ampoules in the form of a dry powder; before use, it must be diluted in two milliliters of warm boiled water. It is necessary to instill 1-2 drops every 20 minutes for 3 hours, then 4 times a day.
  3. Grippferon– made from human interferon. Available in suppositories and drops of 5 and 10 ml. Place two drops 5-6 times a day in the nose; suppositories are administered rectally twice a day for five to seven days.
  4. Viferon– a derivative of interferon, contains vitamins E and C. 150,000 IU is administered rectally 2 times a day for one week. It is recommended to use from the first days of illness; thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, it normalizes the child’s temperature and reduces cough.

Antibiotics: when you can’t do without them

There are many reasons for cough in an infant. The most common cause is infection, and usually increases and. However, bronchospasm is quite possible, as well as the entry of a foreign body or liquid into the respiratory system, and possibly a neoplasm. With such wide variations in causes, it is better for parents not to figure out the causes and effects on their own, but to consult a pediatrician.

A cough at one month is enough to attract close attention from parents. At this age, the main causes may be an infectious process or breast milk getting into the lungs.

If the baby produces phlegm, this cough is considered wet. In the absence of such a sign, the cough is called dry. However, in very young children this division is relative, since examining the discharge of sputum in them presents certain difficulties.

Often parents notice a night cough in their baby, and it is a rather serious symptom that can signal enlargement of the intrathoracic lymph nodes and other serious damage to the child’s body. A fairly simple method to relieve such a cough is to give the child some warm liquid, which he should drink in small sips. However, without identifying and eliminating the underlying cause, it is impossible to completely eliminate this cough.

Without a doctor’s opinion, you cannot purchase or give any medicine to a small child. And even consultations at a pharmacy cannot be completely trusted, because a pharmacist is still not a practicing doctor.

Even if you are planning to use folk remedies, which often do help, they should be used only after consulting a doctor. They are not universal drugs.

Radish is a relatively safe remedy. To use it on a black radish with a tail, cut off the top and cut out the inside by about a third. A little honey is placed in the formed depression, leaving room for the juice to stand out. The radish is placed in a glass of water with the tail down. The juice will accumulate in three to four hours, then you should drink it and add honey again. However, honey can cause allergies in a child, and active consumption of radish can cause stomach pain.

Compresses are not used to treat cough as a combination of symptoms.

They can help, which is carried out using a special device. They can be carried out without age restrictions, but among all the varieties you need to choose exactly the device that suits you better than others.

You should also not prescribe mustard plasters or other warming procedures on your own; there are many cases when such procedures are contraindicated.

When coughing, mother can drink a decoction of coltsfoot and licorice root, carrot juice with milk, lingonberries and cabbage. However, you will still need to consult a doctor.

For better sputum discharge, they also make special ones, but it is important not to overdo it, especially with premature babies.

According to normal indicators, the cough lasts up to a month after the infection.. It can sometimes be provoked by long-term use of medications. Just stop taking the medications and everything will return to normal.

Often the baby coughs. But bronchospasm may not be a sign of illness. Coughing in a baby (as in an adult) is a natural reaction of the respiratory tract to irritation caused by the entry of foreign bodies (solid and liquid) into them. The following can enter the bronchi and cause an attack: milk, saliva, mucus, etc.

A newborn's cough will go away as soon as the body gets rid of the irritant. On average, young children can cough up to ten times a day. And this is considered the norm for a healthy child. A slight cough is also normal and you should not worry about it. However, it is important to remember that a cough in a child of 8 months or at any other age can be a symptom of a cold.

Types of cough

Coughing in a newborn (like sneezing) is normal and a protective reflex. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the types of cough in order to accurately determine the cause of bronchospasm.

A dry cough in a baby can be caused by many factors. Therefore, it is not easy to accurately determine the cause of bronchospasm. It may be a symptom of ARVI. In addition, a dry cough is characteristic of parawhooping cough and whooping cough in the initial stage. In other cases, such a cough in infants indicates an allergic reaction or even bronchial asthma.

Young children cannot get rid of mucus on their own. Therefore, at first glance it seems that bronchospasm is dry, but in fact it is wet, because the baby simply swallows the phlegm.

In addition, a two-month-old baby's cough may be wet. In most cases, it accompanies ARVI, but at the final stage of recovery. If the mucus you cough up is clear, then there is no need to worry. There are no complications observed.

Coughing with yellow or green sputum indicates an infection caused by bacteria. It affects the respiratory tract and often provokes ailments such as pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis and others.

Causes of bronchospasm

What causes a cough in a 5 month old baby? This is important to know. After all, making a correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. So, the main reasons that cause cough in an infant are:

How can I help you?

Cough in a child under one year old with or without high fever should be treated only under the strict supervision of pediatricians. Otherwise, complications and dangerous consequences cannot be avoided. But a mother can help her baby. Useful tips for this case:

Cough medicines

Is it possible to take medications? Yes, but only a pediatrician should prescribe them. Today, cough in a three-month-old child is treated with three large groups of medications.


If your baby is coughing, try buying a mixture based on three or four medicinal herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • anise;
  • plantain;
  • marshmallow

Some doctors advise using one, or maximum two, components for tea. Multi-component collections are recommended for use from 8 months of age.

Precautionary measures

Avoid overdosing on expectorant cough medicines. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite, which will lead to a protracted illness. In addition, this is fraught with an increase in the amount of sputum, which is not easy for the baby to cough up.

It is impossible to treat cough in a 1-month-old child with antitussive and expectorant medications at the same time. They don't mix well, as stated in most syrup instructions. If you ignore this advice and mix the cough medications described above, sputum will be actively produced and the cough center will be suppressed. This is fraught with the development of pneumonia.

Common Mistakes

Regardless of whether you are treating a cough in children under one year old or a cough in a 7-month-old child, remember well:

Don’t forget: you don’t always need to give your baby cough medicine right away. A cough in a one-month-old baby may not be caused by illness, but by many other reasons. Therefore, only a specialist can select cough medications and the optimal treatment regimen.

With the onset of cold weather comes the time of colds. Children are especially vulnerable, since their immunity is just learning to resist pathogenic bacteria. Noticing a cough in a newborn, a young mother may become confused and not react in time, but this is a rather important symptom.

This article discusses the types of cough, methods of treating it, and also reviews medications for children.

Causes of cough in infants

The first thing you need to do is recognize the nature of the cough. A newborn's cough may be:

  • Dry;
  • Wet;
  • Without temperature or with temperature.

By its sound and intensity, you can determine whether the cause is hidden in the disease or whether something is interfering with the normal functioning of the respiratory tract.

The main causes of cough in infants:

  1. ARVI. In almost 90% of cases, cough is the first symptom of developing ARVI. The baby coughs occasionally, the intensity of the cough increases at night or in the evening. The throat is sore and red. The cells actively secrete sputum. The most dangerous thing for a baby is a prolonged cough that does not go away for more than 2 weeks. Immune defense is weakened, and the process can become chronic.
  2. Dry air in the baby's room. This phenomenon can provoke a sore throat. When a baby has a strong cough, which has no prerequisites for illness, then it is necessary to normalize the humidity in the room.
  3. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. At first it is characterized by a dry, persistent cough, which is very painful for the baby. When neglected, it can lead to various complications, the most dangerous of which is false croup. With it, the walls of the throat sharply narrow, and the baby, due to lack of oxygen, begins to choke and whistle hoarsely. The disease requires immediate attention to a specialist.
  4. Inhalation of a foreign body. When a foreign object enters the baby's respiratory tract, immediately call an ambulance. The child's life is at risk and seconds can count. Do not try to dislodge a foreign object by tapping on the back - it may get stuck in the bronchi or trachea.
  5. Inflammation of the middle ear. In the process of inflammation of the middle ear, the baby begins to cough reflexively. This is a characteristic reaction to such inflammation. When pressing on the earlobe, the baby emits a piercing, sharp cry - no doubt, the reason lies in ear pain. The best option is to call an emergency ambulance.
  6. Contaminated air. Is the air outside too polluted or is the room smoky? In such conditions, your child may easily start coughing. The longer you have to stay in these conditions, the more harmful compounds will be absorbed into the baby’s delicate and immature lungs.

Cough treatment: what mom needs to know

It is possible to properly cure a cough, both without fever and with fever, only under the supervision of a pediatrician. Prescribed therapy should be started at the first symptoms.

What a mother can do on her own to alleviate the baby’s condition:

  • Ventilate your home at least once a day. Lack of oxygen will only worsen the child’s condition.
  • Maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room. When the heating season begins and the radiators are sure to dry out the air with their heat, buy an air humidifier or create one yourself from improvised means. You can collect clean water in a container and place it on the radiator - as the water evaporates, the humidity will begin to rise. You can also periodically spray the room with water from a spray bottle.
  • Give your baby a light back massage. It promotes the removal of sputum, which will improve the baby's condition.
  • Offer your baby to drink more often. This is especially true when the child has a fever. To avoid dehydration, keep tea, water and juices always available to your baby.
  • A common old folk remedy for coughs for infants is rubbing with animal fat. It is better to carry out the procedure immediately before bedtime. Rub it thoroughly in the back and chest area and put it to bed. The next morning the baby will feel much better.
  • Remember to take walks. When a baby breathes fresh air, his lungs open, filling with freshness and strength. The child is distracted from the painful cough, and a good mood will have a beneficial effect on the healing process.
  • Pay close attention to the appearance of temperature. When it reaches 38.5 degrees, you will most likely be admitted to the hospital. It’s better not to take risks and use the supervision of professionals. Don’t be afraid to go there, because the main thing is the baby’s health, and some inconveniences can be endured.

Cough medicines

  • During a wet cough, you need a drug that can remove phlegm. The following herbal syrups have proven themselves to be excellent: Rospan and Gedelix. They soften mucus quite gently and have a sweet taste. They need to be used twice a day.
  • When the cough is dry, Stodal and Oscillococcinum - homeopathic syrups (granules that dissolve in liquid) help well. Homeopathy has no contraindications and can be used together with the main treatment.
  • Sopelka patches that stick to clothing soften coughs and make breathing easier. They are impregnated with beneficial herbal extracts that have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the larynx and nose.
  • Sprays are strictly contraindicated for infants due to the possibility of suffocation. However, in the process of severe inflammation, the use of Tantum Verde spray may be acceptable. It has a sweet taste, dulls coughing attacks and alleviates pain.

Video: Treatment of cough in a newborn baby, doctor's advice.

Coughing occurs quite often in infants, but it is not always a sign of a condition that needs to be treated. This is a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract that occurs when any foreign bodies, including liquids, enter them. In babies, mucus, saliva, and milk often flow into the bronchi, and in order to clear them from the respiratory system, the child begins to cough. As soon as the irritant is eliminated, all the symptoms that alarm parents stop.

But a cough in a newborn and infant can also develop with a cold, an inflammatory process in the ENT organs, or bronchitis. And this is a problem that requires treatment.

Possible causes of cough in infants

Coughing in children in the first month of life, when the cough reflex is just developing, is rarely observed. The baby, especially if he is breastfed, is protected from viruses by maternal antibodies. So a cold is not often the cause of a cough in a newborn.

The following situations are more likely in a one-month-old baby:

  • The baby starts coughing immediately after waking up, but is calm the rest of the time. Most likely, the reason for this is mucus that has accumulated during sleep and flowed into the respiratory tract.
  • The child cried, then coughed. Explanation: tears and snot got into the throat, which caused irritation.
  • Cough accompanies eating. The baby is probably in a hurry, swallows too much milk and begins to cough and choke.

  • The cough is dry and occurs for no apparent reason. It is worth analyzing the environment in which the baby is located and the diet of the nursing mother for the presence of allergens (for artificial babies, pay attention to the mixture). Although in children in the first months of life, allergies manifest themselves mainly in the form of skin reactions, respiratory symptoms are also possible.

In the first 3 situations, the problem solves itself as soon as the baby clears his throat. When a cough occurs, it usually has to be treated with antihistamines. But the first priority is to identify and eliminate the allergen.

In an infant during the teething period, another cause of cough is added: increased salivation and flow of saliva into the throat. Parents of a newborn may confuse noisy breathing - stridor - with coughing and wheezing in the respiratory tract. It is due to the age-related characteristics of the structure of the larynx of children under one year old. Despite the frightening hoarse sound, this phenomenon is harmless, it does not need treatment, it goes away with age.

What diseases can cause cough

One of the possible causes of cough in the first months of a child’s life may be a cold or ARVI. The baby runs the risk of becoming infected from others through airborne droplets, and weakened immunity and hypothermia contribute to the development of the disease. In children of one month of age, as well as older babies, up to a year, colds are manifested not only by cough. They are a stuffy nose, snot (usually quite liquid and transparent), lethargy.

Often, due to a cough and runny nose, sleep is disturbed, possibly. ARVI needs to be treated before it becomes complicated by more serious diseases. First of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor on the selection of medications that are appropriate for the baby’s age..

Cough is also accompanied by the following independent diseases and complications of a cold:

  • laryngitis - cough is dry and hoarse, painful;
  • sinusitis (most often sinusitis). Along with a cough that gets worse at night, its characteristic symptom is the discharge of purulent snot;
  • whooping cough is a severe infectious disease accompanied by a prolonged intense cough that lasts for months;
  • , can develop both in a month-old baby and at a later age. It manifests itself first as a dry, then wet cough.

Another cause of cough that is not related to illness, but requires immediate action, is aspiration. In children, foreign bodies, liquid or solid, quite often enter the respiratory tract. In addition to a strong painful cough, suffocation often develops in such situations. It is not always possible for a child to clear his throat on his own and get rid of a foreign object. If your baby begins to cough and begins to choke, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Some children suffer from reflux esophagitis, a pathology of the digestive system. In this case, the baby begins to cough due to the fact that acidic, irritating stomach contents have entered the esophagus and throat. This problem occurs mainly when the baby is lying down. It requires examination and treatment, but not at all the same as for colds.

Cough treatment

When a cough is caused by a disease in a newborn or infant, this disease must be treated, and the cough, if it is dry, should be tried to soften and make it moist. must correspond to the nature of the disease (antiviral for acute respiratory viral infections, antihistamines for an allergic reaction, antibiotics for a bacterial infection, for example, whooping cough). The pediatrician must determine the cause of the cough, the nature of the disease, and prescribe mild but effective therapy.

The cough itself can be treated with a number of pharmaceutical drugs:

  • dry cough medicine. Designed specifically for children, suitable even for one month of age and even from the first days of life. The composition is plant-based, available in sachets, the contents of one sachet are calculated for 15 ml of water. Children under one year old should be given 15-20 drops per dose 3-4 times a day;
  • Alteyka is another popular cough medicine for children, including infants. Also with plant extracts, but in syrup form. For preschoolers it must be diluted with water;
  • Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine and many other cough syrups should be given to children under 2 years of age in a minimum dosage. The lower age limit is not indicated in the instructions for these drugs; it is better to consult a pediatrician about what month of life you are allowed to give such drugs.

Non-drug treatment

In addition to using ready-made medications, you can treat your baby with prepared products.

  • A gentle chamomile decoction will help a 1-2 month old baby. To prepare it, chamomile (1 tablespoon of flowers) needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water, and after a couple of hours, strain. Give the baby a teaspoon every hour, but if the cough is severe, this will not be enough;
  • A decoction of coltsfoot and plantain leaves is indicated from 4 months. A tablespoon of raw materials mixed in equal proportions is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours; it is better to use a thermos. This is an expectorant drug that may cause a gag reflex, in which case a dosage reduction is required. If there are no side effects, the baby can be given 2 tablespoons a quarter of an hour before meals;
  • Licorice root helps a lot. The best effect is achieved when used together with marshmallow and elecampane roots. The components must be mixed in equal proportions. The infusion is prepared as follows: for half a liter of cold water you need a tablespoon of the mixture, the raw materials will have to be infused for 8 hours. 2-3 doses per day, 50 g at a time.

In addition to expectorants taken orally, warm compresses help eliminate coughing. But they can only treat a child at normal body temperature. It is recommended to apply compresses not directly to the baby’s delicate skin, but to a diaper folded in several layers. A second diaper, wax paper or polyethylene is placed on top, and this entire structure is wrapped with a bandage or cloth.

You can also rub with badger, heated goat fat. It is best to treat the chest and legs. When making warm compresses and rubbing, you need to treat only the chest area, not the back. It is also important to exclude exposure to the heart area.

Small children do not know how to do inhalations, but you can saturate the air with healing vapors by pouring hot water with eucalyptus tincture into the bath. Then you just need to go into the room with the baby in your arms and stay there for about 10 minutes. It is better to bring him into the bathroom naked, and after the procedure, wipe him dry and wrap him up.

Measures to relieve and prevent cough in a child

To alleviate the condition of an infant and soften the cough, you need to provide him with a gentle regime, but not limit his activity completely. If the baby is already receiving complementary foods, it is better to give it up for a while. Don't worry if your baby starts drinking less milk. It is better to give him plenty of other liquids; in infancy, regular drinking water is the best option.

It is important to maintain indoor humidity, especially with a dry cough. You should not protect a sick baby from the slightest breeze and block all the windows. Ventilation during the period of illness of the baby is mandatory, but at this time it is better to take it to another room. In good weather, walking or sleeping in the fresh air is recommended if. A light massage of the chest and reflex zones on the legs helps with coughing.

There are many reasons for cough in an infant. The most common cause is infection, and usually increases. However, bronchospasm is quite possible, as well as the entry of a foreign body or liquid into the respiratory system, and possibly a neoplasm. With such wide variations in causes, it is better for parents not to figure out the causes and effects on their own, but to consult a pediatrician.

A cough at one month is enough to attract close attention from parents. At this age, the main causes may be an infectious process or breast milk getting into the lungs.

If the baby produces phlegm, this cough is considered wet. In the absence of such a sign, the cough is called dry. However, in very young children this division is relative, since examining the discharge of sputum in them presents certain difficulties.

Often parents notice a baby’s night cough, and it is a rather serious symptom that can signal enlargement of the intrathoracic lymph nodes and other serious damage to the child’s body. A fairly simple method to relieve such a cough is to give the child some warm liquid, which he should drink in small sips. However, without identifying and eliminating the underlying cause, it is impossible to completely eliminate this cough.

Without a doctor’s opinion, you cannot purchase or give any medicine to a small child. And even consultations at a pharmacy cannot be completely trusted, because a pharmacist is still not a practicing doctor.

Even if you are planning to use folk remedies, which often do help, they should be used only after consulting a doctor. They are not universal drugs.

Radish is a relatively safe remedy. To use it on a black radish with a tail, cut off the top and cut out the inside by about a third. A little honey is placed in the formed depression, leaving room for the juice to stand out. The radish is placed in a glass of water with the tail down. The juice will accumulate in three to four hours, then you should drink it and add honey again. However, honey can cause allergies in a child, and active consumption of radish can cause stomach pain.

Compresses are not used to treat cough as a combination of symptoms.

They can help, which are carried out using a special device. They can be carried out without age restrictions, but among all the varieties you need to choose exactly the device that suits you better than others.

You should also not prescribe mustard plasters or other warming procedures on your own; there are many cases when such procedures are contraindicated.

When coughing, mother can drink a decoction of coltsfoot and licorice root, carrot juice with milk, lingonberries and cabbage. However, you will still need to consult a doctor.

For better sputum discharge, they also make special ones, but it is important not to overdo it, especially with premature babies.

According to normal indicators, the cough lasts up to a month after the infection.. It can sometimes be provoked by long-term use of medications. Just stop taking the medications and everything will return to normal.

Cough is the body’s protective reaction to the introduction of a foreign agent into the respiratory tract. Based on the nature of sputum discharge, it is divided into wet and dry. This allows you to select the right treatment in the future.

Causes of cough in a child without fever:

  • allergic component;
  • inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • physiological cough.

Useful information from a children's doctor about...

Allergies and cough in a child

Children, especially under one year of age, are often susceptible to diathesis. Against this background, a paroxysmal dry cough may occur. The main thing here is to eliminate the allergen: dust particles, pet hair, indoor plants.

Pediatrician Baranov A.A. in his book he describes the primary and secondary prevention of allergic sensitization. To prevent hypersensitivity, you need to:

  • maintain for as long as possible (at least 6 months);
  • eliminate passive smoking;
  • periodically (2 times a year) donate blood for specific Ig E, which indicates the presence of an allergic component;
  • exclude contact with animals, dust, etc. (hypoallergenic life);
  • follow a hypoallergenic diet.

If allergy symptoms occur, treatment is carried out with antihistamines (Zodak, Zyrtec, Loratadine), inhalations with drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi (Berodual, etc.) up to 3 times a day. Inhalations with physiological saline solution (to moisturize the mucous membrane of the bronchi and upper respiratory tract).

It is necessary to strictly observe the age dosage and follow the doctor’s prescriptions. Any medications have contraindications, which must be read before use!

These are insidious inflammatory diseases that are accompanied by a dry hacking cough. When it occurs, it has a “barking” character and is accompanied by hoarseness of voice.

It is dangerous because with it, especially in young children, swelling of the larynx quickly increases and an attack of suffocation may occur.

In practice, this usually happens in infants at 6–7 months. Laryngitis and bronchitis are a consequence of a cold and may be accompanied by other respiratory symptoms such as a runny nose. The cough can become chronic and last up to 2-3 months if not treated adequately.

What to do to prevent chronic cough?

  1. First aid for acute laryngitis is inhalation with saline and adrenaline, in a ratio of 1:5, up to five times a day. This quickly relieves swelling of the larynx.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. You can give still mineral water in small sips.
  3. Antitussives and mucolytics.

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

The cause of a cough may be the accidental entry of balls, buttons, coins or small stationery into the respiratory tract. The cough begins suddenly, the child’s voice disappears, breathing becomes difficult, and the skin turns blue.

In this case, an emergency call to the ambulance is necessary! Parents, be careful! Do not leave your baby unattended, hide all small objects!

Because of this, skin rashes may occur, total immunoglobulin E and eosinophils in the blood may increase, which will falsely lead the doctor to think about an allergy.

But experienced pediatricians know that if allergic dermatitis or an allergic cough is suspected, it is necessary to exclude helminthic infestations in the child.

Twice a year it is necessary to take tests for eggs, especially if the child attends a children's group, and, if necessary, carry out sanitation with anthelmintic drugs.

Medications in the treatment of pathological cough in children

Antitussives are divided into:

  • expectorants;
  • mucolytic.

The first group is used to improve sputum discharge. Drugs from the second group are intended to liquefy it.


  • Codelac;
  • Bronchicum.
  • Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan);
  • Ascoril.

The most common in pediatric practice is Ambroxol, or Ambrobene.

The drug is quite good, the effect occurs quickly, and can be prescribed from the age of three months in the form of syrups. Used up to 2 - 3 times a day orally or in the form of inhalations. The ACC drug is used in the form of syrup from 2 years of age.

Children under 3 years of age should be given these drugs with caution, as there is rapid and profuse discharge of large quantities of sputum.

It is difficult for a baby to cough up such a volume. A good effect is achieved by using a nebulizer, thanks to which the drug directly enters the bronchi and lungs.

Herbal remedies are also useful. True, in order to avoid allergic reactions, you should not get carried away with them. For infants, calendula, chamomile and thyme are used.

Physiological cough

In newborns, due to the anatomical features of the respiratory system (the bronchial mucosa is delicate, covered with many blood vessels and a thin layer of mucus), a physiological cough often occurs, which allows the upper respiratory tract to be cleared of accumulated mucus.

Its peculiarity is that:

  • it is not accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • the baby eats well, sleeps, and is not capricious;
  • does not require drug treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky advises to eliminate this type of cough:

  • ventilate the room 3 - 4 times a day for 10 minutes;
  • perform daily wet cleaning;
  • humidify the air;
  • walk in the fresh air for 1.5 hours.

During teething, in the fourth to fifth month of life, the child experiences profuse salivation, which may result in coughing. It also does not require treatment.

In general, we can say that coughing in infants under one year of age is a completely normal symptom, if there is no cough. This clears the airways of accumulated mucus and dust.

We all cough from time to time. And this is not surprising, because coughing serves us as a protective reflex act, thanks to which the bronchi and lungs are cleansed. Cough often accompanies viral and other respiratory infections. It can be very diverse in character: deep and superficial, dry, tearful, barking, debilitating, or productive, wet.

Adults, when they start coughing, often do not attach much importance to this symptom and often try to recover by purchasing lozenges and cough tablets at the pharmacy and bypassing the doctor’s office. But how to treat a cough in a baby?

The peculiarity of children is that their respiratory tract is anatomically narrower than that of adults, they do not know how to cough up mucus, and 3-month-old babies move little at all: they do not know how to sit, crawl, and even less walk.

All these factors together allow us to draw a logical conclusion: self-medication of children under one year old is unacceptable! A doctor should recommend cough medicine for infants: only he can prescribe competent treatment in each specific case and help your baby recover as quickly as possible.

However, it is a good idea for parents to be aware of cough medications and other common treatments for children.

Such a different cough

It is worth noting that coughing may not pose any danger in infancy. Physiological cough occurs during teething with profuse salivation in the morning, the baby may choke while eating while at the breast. Coughing can even be used by a baby for psychological purposes as a way to attract the attention of parents.

Depending on whether there is sputum discharge or not, cough is divided into dry and wet

Conventionally, cough can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Dry. This is usually what a cough happens in 90% of cases at the onset of a viral disease. The baby begins to cough, and by the evening all the symptoms of ARVI are clearly expressed: runny nose, fever, lethargy, moodiness. A dry cough is associated with irritation of the inflamed walls of the pharynx, larynx or trachea during the passage of air, so it is correct to help it turn into a wet one. However, in some cases, the cough is so frequent, severe, and suffocating (for example, with whooping cough) that drugs are prescribed that block the cough center itself. Allergic and asthmatic dry coughs are treated with antihistamines and corticosteroids.
  • Wet. It is also called productive, since at this stage sputum is formed, the discharge of which clears the airways and recovery occurs. By the color of the mucus you can understand what the nature of the disease was: yellow or green sputum indicates an infection of a bacterial nature, transparent indicates the presence of viruses, after which there are usually no complications. Although it is safer, a prolonged wet cough should not be ignored, since bronchitis and pneumonia can occur without fever.

Drug treatment

So, what can you give to children under one year old if they cough? Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:


Used for debilitating non-productive cough that interferes with normal eating, sleeping, and breathing, for example, with whooping cough. Almost all medications in this group are contraindicated for newborns. According to the instructions, they are allowed to be used from 2 years.

An exception is butamirate citrate, a non-narcotic substance with an antitussive effect that temporarily blocks the nerve endings of the bronchial mucosa, due to which the cough subsides.

Sinecode in drops based on butamirate is used in pediatrics from 2 months of age, and Stoptussin drops - from 6 months, since the drug also contains guaifenesin, which thins mucus in moderate quantities


Their use is justified when the cough is wet, but the sputum is difficult to clear. Typically, such preparations are made based on herbs: thyme, plantain, ivy, licorice, marshmallow, coltsfoot.

Cough remedies for children of the first year of life based on ivy:

  • Prospan syrup.
  • Gedelix drops.

Plantain based:

  • Dr. Theis syrup with plantain (from 1 year).
  • Herbion syrup with plantain (from 2 years old).

Based on marshmallow:

  • Mucaltin (tablet dissolves in a spoonful of water, can be given to a child from 3 years old).
  • Alteyka syrup (from 2 years old).

Thyme based:

  • Pertussin syrup (from 3 years old).
  • Bronchicum syrup (from 1 year).
  • Tussamag drops (from 1 year).

There are also excellent combination products that contain several components. For example, Bronchipret syrup contains extracts of thyme and ivy and is approved for use by children from 3 months.

It is important to remember that medicinal herbs can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to treat a cough in a newborn with their help carefully.

If a rash or redness on the skin appears after taking the drug, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor.


Medicines designed to thin thick mucus. They are prescribed when there is mucus, but it is difficult to separate, viscous and it is necessary to speed up its evacuation.

The most famous mucolytics:

  • Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Flavamed, Ambrohexal). It is given most often, as there is a large evidence base for its safety and effectiveness. Officially, the instructions recommend taking the drug from 2 years of age; before reaching this age, its use is at the discretion of the doctor.
  • Bromhexine.
  • Acetylcysteine.
  • Carbocysteine ​​(Fluditec syrup).

Mucolytics are given to an infant only with a doctor's prescription

If an infant has difficulty coughing, it is logical to assume that the increase in mucus, which cannot be released, will continue to be located in the bronchopulmonary system, and this, in turn, can lead to the development of pneumonia.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to give children antitussive drugs together with expectorants or mucolytics. Before giving the medicine, carefully read the instructions.

Complex treatment

Cough is rarely the only symptom of the disease, especially when it comes to ARVI. Therefore, the doctor prescribes a complex treatment, the regimen of which may include the following groups of drugs:

  • Antipyretic. For young children, temperatures above 38°C are brought down with syrups based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • Antiviral. For viral infections, it is advisable to prescribe Viferon in suppositories. This is a drug based on recombinant interferon, which alleviates the general condition and speeds up recovery.
  • Nasal drops and rinsing solutions. If the nose does not breathe due to accumulated mucus, the baby has a very hard time. In addition, snot flowing into the nasopharynx provokes a cough, and the pharyngeal mucosa dries out if you breathe through the mouth. Therefore, children are advised to rinse their nose with saline solutions (pharmaceutical or prepared at home), and, if necessary, use vasoconstrictor drops so that, for example, the baby can sleep peacefully.
  • Homeopathy. In pediatric practice, this group of drugs has found wide use, since homeopathic medicines are safe and approved almost from infancy. For viral infections, the doctor may recommend Stodal syrup, which has an expectorant effect. Viburkol rectal suppositories help mobilize the body's own defenses. Such products as Anaferon for children, Influcid, Engistol also strengthen the immune system.

Homeopathic medicines have long been used in the treatment of children


In the absence of fever, rubbing is very effective (for newborns, the procedure is performed only with the doctor’s permission). Pork, goat, badger, bear, and interior fat, which has a mild warming effect, are used as healing components.

Pharmaceutical preparations include Pulmex baby ointment (it can be used from 6 months) and Turpentine ointment. And after 2 years, the choice of pharmaceutical products expands, since ointments containing camphor are allowed for use, for example, Dr. Theis Eucalyptus Balm, Doctor Mom ointment or Vicks Active Balm.

The procedure is usually carried out in the evening, before bedtime. The baby's legs (sole, heels), back and chest are rubbed with light massaging circular movements, bypassing the heart area. Socks are put on the feet

Folk remedies

Treatment of cough in infants with folk remedies is not always justified, and is sometimes very dangerous. Thus, children under one year old should not be given compresses with mustard, vodka or vinegar: such procedures are fraught with skin burns and allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and bronchospasm. Breast mixtures consisting of several herbs can also cause allergies.

Babies can be given warm milk with a spoonful of honey, radish juice with honey, provided that there is no allergy to honey and milk.

If you have a cough due to an inflamed throat, you can give your baby a chamomile decoction. It is prepared simply: use 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers per glass of boiled water. The decoction is infused for half an hour, filtered, and then given to the child 2-3 teaspoons about 6 times a day.

Radish with honey perfectly treats cough

Drainage massage

If sputum is poorly separated due to poorly developed respiratory muscles, infants are prescribed a drainage massage. It is better for it to be carried out in a massage room, but the technique for performing it is not complicated, so parents can do the massage at home.

The baby is placed on his knees with his stomach down, so that his head is lower than his body. The back is stroked in a circular motion, avoiding the spine area. Then, with the edge of the palm, intense tapping and patting is performed from bottom to top, that is, from the lower back to the shoulder blades. After several taps, the child is seated upright and asked to cough (if, of course, his age allows him to fulfill the request). The procedure is carried out several times a day.

General principles of treatment

Regardless of what kind of cough a child has, the following actions will benefit him:

  • Drinking enough. During illness, for breastfed babies, this advice means latching on to the breast more often - as much as the baby wants. For children receiving complementary feeding, offer to drink additional water, compotes, fruit drinks made from rose hips, dried fruits, and raisins. At elevated temperatures, drinking plenty of fluids is especially important, since due to low weight, fluid loss and dehydration in infants occurs quickly.
  • Fresh air. If there is no temperature, the child can and should walk in the fresh air. The main thing is to dress it correctly, so that it does not overheat, but also does not freeze.
  • Sufficient humidity. A child may cough simply because of the dry air in the room. Every parent should know that the optimal humidity for health is 50-70% at a temperature of 18-22° C. Therefore, with the birth of a child, it is worth thinking about purchasing a humidifier.
  • Passive inhalations. Inhalation of hot air vapors is strictly prohibited for young children due to the high risk of burning the mucous membranes. But if you fill the bathtub with hot water, adding soda to it, and breathe in the rich, humid air in the bathroom, the effect will be very good. Just keep in mind that such a procedure thins and increases the amount of sputum, which means the child will cough. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out such procedures on very young children at night.

As you can see, almost all actions are aimed at moisturizing the mucous membranes. Don't forget that most coughs can be treated with fresh air. For severe diseases such as whooping cough and croup, time and cool, moist air are the best medicines. And if you still need medical help, do not forget to consult your doctor.