The Telegram channel “Apparatus” published a comical video about the self-employed. Central television control room Channel control room

ASK is the most important technical division for television. It is filled with professional equipment, taking up most of the space in the control rooms television path for processing video and sound, as well as special devices for recording and playing them, also directly connected with the hardware-studio complex. From him composition Can highlight several full-fledged independent departments, such that on some TV channels there will be isolated. But for simplicity service and ease of use, usually they are united in one big one complex of hardware.

Overview of the hardware and studio complex

TV studio main base or even foundation for everything content production, because creation of video material in sufficient for broadcast volume is just impossible. Studio shooting require large technical capabilities, which is feasible when included in hardware-studio complex. Regardless of the scenery, there is always . She constantly in the spotlight, because in it something happens that millions of viewers will soon see. And for this they create around her Technical buildings with processing video and, hardware for signal transmission to the transmitting center, monitoring rooms with director's and sound engineering consoles, video recording and playback equipment.

Television studio with equipment

It can be compared with a theater hall. The scenery is installed in that part of the studio that all television viewers will see, like on stage. There are people sitting opposite the theater stage in the hall, and on television are worth .

TV stage

Mixer allows the video director to choose the camera that will be on air now, this is how it is done. Sound mixing console controlled by sound engineer and defines which sound will be broadcast, from a studio or from another source.

Video director and sound director mixing consoles in ASK

IN technical hardware the video engineer has his own remote control and adjustments mainly for quality control video and the entire broadcast, as well as using an oscilloscope.

Technical hardware room in ASK

Composition of the television studio and hardware complex

In order to Studio was not just a beautiful room, but a fully functional object for broadcasts, it is filled technical equipment included in composition of the studio hardware unit. There are TV companies different types: private and public, small and large, regional and federal, etc. Depending on the type of television, their components will also be different. Including composition of the hardware-studio complex will be larger and more equipped in major television company than on a small one.

Plan of the television studio complex.

Production studio content divided as much as possible between several hardware, installed near the studio, for comfort.

ASB – hardware studio unit

Judging by ASK plan all signals eventually flow into target audience(central control room), but still production center we highlight television programs ASB. In addition, it takes up the most space and resources. Technical hardware studio equipment, as well as technical personnel, perform tasks to provide creative personnel, everything you need for recording or live broadcast. Thus collaboration between creative and technical workers here are expressed more often than anywhere else on television.

Function of the hardware studio unit

The hardware-studio unit, both in terms of importance and volume, takes up a lot of space in the hardware-studio complex. Due to the large amount of equipment included in it, the use of other sources is almost not required.

  • television signal development;
  • from studio video cameras;
  • switching, ranging and distribution of signals for their initial supply to and on the wall of monitors;
  • a set of sources for applying skillful special effects to them, transforming and turning one frame into another;
  • production of the program, management by the director of the production of the final, composite picture (frame) from different images and representations;
  • monitoring of broadcasts and recordings, and sources for them;
  • provision, and external communication with other television hardware.

Sound remote

The sound engineer has his own mixing console, but the operating principle is similar. Switching the audio channel begins by connecting the microphone to a long cable with a specific number. Next, the cable is connected to the audio socket in the wall, and from there it goes into the wiring closet. In the sound cabinet, you can do the switching manually, otherwise the cables with the same numbers go to the remote control. In the console, cables are connected to specific tracks, previously discussed with the sound engineer. Sound tracks can be combined with each other, or disconnected from the remote control output and used as listening.

Technical hardware

The video engineer's room differs from the video director's room in the presence of video sources. Technical hardware designed for monitoring and configuring the video path. The director controls the cameras for the correct frame and computers with other sources to ensure that they contain the necessary content. Video Engineer's Task so that the quality from all sources meets all standards. Also, technical staff ensures the operability of all equipment and carries out timely preventive maintenance. To control video quality, sometimes subjective viewing of the monitor is not enough. For a more professional opinion, use an oscilloscope and other measuring instruments. In particular, black colors are clearly visible on the oscilloscope.

Central control room (CA)

The hardware room, small in area and quantity of equipment, is also part of the hardware studio complex. Performs the most important function all over television – transmits the signal produced in ASB and AVZ to the end viewer. Of course, a TV channel from the target audience does not broadcast directly to every viewer. This is the task of the ORTPTs (public Russian television broadcasting center) or. TA is engaged switching any signals, both incoming and outgoing. Inbox signals are used on television to produce programs or to insert them into them. Outgoing the signals are basically the TV channel itself, transmitted by ORTPTS, or exchanged content between television companies. .

“, who is associated with the government of Tatarstan, called Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin “nonentity.” Last night a post was published, which was a response to a speech on the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

“The other day, Gabrelyanov, who criticizes Minnikhanov and Tatarstan, was joined by another nonentity. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, forgotten by everyone, accused the President of Tatarstan of greed and a desire to profit from beer sales. This is in response to the recent proposal of the President of Tatarstan to Putin to only allow the sale of low-alcohol drinks at stadiums on matches," the post begins (spelling preserved) .

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“No need to be disingenuous, no need to lie. In this case, we are talking about elementary greed, about the desire to earn income not so much from sports, but from the sale of all sorts of drinks, good and bad,” Chaplin said yesterday on the radio station.

On July 20, at a meeting of the State Council for Physical Education and Sports, the head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov reported to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, that during the World Cup in the republic they sold beer worth 89 million rubles. He also noted that no incidents or problems arose. Minnikhanov asked Putin to consider a more liberal approach to the sale of beer during football competitions. The head of the Republic of Tatarstan also added that, as a Muslim, he is ashamed to talk about beer, “but I care about our brothers, the Orthodox...”, he added.

Chaplin was surprised on the radio that “a man who seems to be a Muslim is raising this topic.” The archpriest believes that the Muslim clergy and the public should express their opinion on this matter. The Council of Muftis of Russia also protested the return of alcohol sales at sports facilities.

« We stand only for promoting a correct, healthy lifestyle"- RIA Novosti quoted the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Rushana Abbyasova .

The Hardware channel, which is associated with the office of the head of Tatarstan, calls Chaplin an odious figure, a person who knows nothing about economics, recalls his dismissal from the patriarchy, citing odiousness and outrageousness as the reasons, as well as statements in support of the famous fast food chain. The authors of the post accuse Chapliv of split consciousness.

"Chaplin is his own PR man and is ready to promote himself on any topic", the text of the post says.

“It seems that now he has reached the level where he is used as a critic of everything and everyone, who does not understand anything, but hides behind the authority of a clergyman,” the authors conclude the text of the message.

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

Central television control room 1. Hardware room, containing switching synchronizing, communication and control equipment, intended for interconnection of hardware rooms that are part of the television hardware-studio complex

Used in the document:

GOST 21879-88

Broadcast television. Terms and Definitions

Telecommunications dictionary. 2013 .

See what “Central television control room” is in other dictionaries:

    central television control room- Hardware room, containing switching synchronizing, communication and control equipment, intended for interconnection of hardware rooms that are part of the television studio hardware complex. [GOST 21879 88] Topics... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Central television control room- 17. Central television control room Central control room D. Schaltzentrale E. Central control room F. Center de commutation Hardware room containing switching synchronizing, communication and control equipment,… …

    central control room- 3.1.4 central equipment room (AC): The equipment room of a radio home or television center in which control and distribution of audio broadcasting signals and television audio signals is carried out to consumers (GOST R 52742 2007, 3.1.4). Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    1. The control room of a radio home or television center, in which the control and distribution of audio broadcasting signals and television audio signals to consumers is carried out. Used in the document: GOST R 52742 2007 Channels and paths of audio broadcasting.… … Telecommunications dictionary

    GOST 21879-88: Broadcast television. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST 21879 88: Broadcast television. Terms and definitions original document: 150. 2 T pulse A television measuring signal in the form of a sine-square function for one period between zero values ​​and a duration ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    TV station- a set of devices and structures used for the preparation of television broadcast programs and/or their transmission via radio waves (for the purpose of subsequent reception by televisions). T.s. one of the main links in the television transmission network... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    GOST R 53425-2009: Connecting lines and hardware in digital and analog audio broadcasting paths. Specifications. Quality parameters. Measurement methods- Terminology GOST R 53425 2009: Connecting lines and hardware in digital and analog audio broadcasting paths. Specifications. Quality parameters. Measurement methods original document: 3.1.10 link: Link in sound paths... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Photo: KazanFirst

Telegram channel “Apparatnaya” published a comical video about self-employed people

The Telegram messenger conquers a comical video about the self-employed. The main characters in the video are the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, State Counselor of the Republic Mintimer Shaimiev, as well as the head of the regional Department of the Federal Tax Service Marat Safiullin and deputy of the State Duma of Russia Airat Farrakhov.

The video plays out the story of how Shaimiev writes to Minnakhanov, telling him that he is going to move to Bolgar and start farming. During the conversation, it turned out that the State Advisor did not know how to become self-employed. After a short correspondence with deputy Airat Farrakhov, head of the Tatarstan Federal Tax Service Marat Safiullin, and head of the State Procurement Agency Yakov Geller, as well as Ak Bars Bank, the Tatarstan leader decides to personally register the first president of the republic as self-employed. The video also mentions 15-year-old Nicole Garayeva, who sells slimes - chewing gum for hands - through Instagram. During the last meeting of the Entrepreneurship Council, she said that young businessmen do not yet see the advantages of the new system.

Tatarstan is one of four regions (besides it on the list are Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga regions) where an experiment on introducing self-employed people is taking place. Its purpose is to give entrepreneurs who work from home today the opportunity to legalize themselves. They began to pay a monthly tax on profits in the amount of 4-6%. In Tatarstan, 4,128 people have already completed the registration procedure.

In addition to taxes, which are paid according to a simplified scheme, another clear advantage is the fact that you do not need to submit a declaration. And the procedure for registering self-employed people is extremely simple - to register with the Federal Tax Service, you need to download the “My Tax” application. All you need is your passport details and photo.