Sample application for transportation of people. Templates and samples of documents used when transporting goods by road

When a client needs cargo transportation, he contacts a company that deals with cargo transportation.

After discussing some issues with managers, you should fill out the application form correctly. When filling out the document, it is necessary to provide accurate information on all points, since the stages of transportation will depend on them.

Basic nuances when filling out the form

An application for the provision of transport services must contain accurate information about the specific place where the goods or cargo will be loaded.

The client should indicate his full name, address, contact number, clearly indicating the date and time of download. It is also necessary to list the name of the product in detail.

It is also necessary to indicate the cargo volume and total weight, taking into account the packaging. If fragile goods (porcelain, glass) will be transported, then this information must be indicated.

The application for the provision of transport services should indicate information about the vehicle. Items such as address, date of unloading of goods, document number and full name of the contact person should be indicated in detail.

In the case of customs operations, you must provide accurate information about the customs office, including its address.

Transport application form

This application form is the only one for all participants in the transportation process.

Applications must include the following information:

  1. Full name of the organization;
  2. Contract number for certain forwarded goods;
  3. Destination country;
  4. Quantity of goods and volume of transportation;
  5. Vehicle model;
  6. Additional Information.

Additional information contains details of the fines imposed. They will be paid only in the event that the client’s obligations are not fulfilled.

For example, indicating the amount of the penalty when the client is about 6 hours late for unloading the goods. After the client fills out the form, the document form is transferred to the company’s representatives. They indicate information about the driver (mode of transport, passport details, phone number, etc.).

Please note that the date of submission of the document for the transportation of goods to the carrier is the date of its receipt. In addition, in the “application number” column, the carrier must indicate the registration number of this document. The application also indicates the period of its validity, not exceeding 45 days.

Applications can be submitted either in writing or electronically. Although, by agreement of the parties, it is permitted for the carrier to provide shippers with forms for certain applications for the transportation of vehicles.

Below is a standard form and sample application for transport, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

A sample application for the transportation of goods gives rise to legal relations in the field of transportation of objects of the material world. The example can be downloaded for free.

Cargo transportation today occupies a leading business area. This circumstance allows the regions to develop, to receive the necessary raw materials, food products, materials, and other material assets in a timely manner. The convenience of transport companies is so developed that a person can easily use the services of transporting goods. The simplest form requests for cargo transportation creates written legal relations that guarantee the fulfillment of obligations.

A sample application for cargo transportation is located on the page and can be downloaded for free. The Word editor of any version will allow you to quickly change the necessary points in the example and create the desired document. For the convenience of users, all links to download files are direct and do not contain any restrictions. During the transportation application process, essential components must be recorded. These include: dimensions, weight, number of pieces, cargo contents, packaging, price. The data in the transportation request influences the correct layout of the transport.

Mandatory items of the application for cargo transportation

  • Name of the application, date and place of its writing;
  • Company branding: logo, details, manual data;
  • Application number, details of the customer, consignor, consignee, contact numbers, addresses;
  • All technical components of the shipment;
  • Cost, payment procedure, additional items;
  • Signatures, transcripts, seals.
An integral attribute of all movements of material assets is the timing and responsibility of the transporter. The sending client must have reliable information about the rights that arise in case of adverse consequences, the maximum periods for transporting items to the final addressee. Correct writing of a transportation request contributes to the correct functioning of the further chain. The parties to the obligation have fewer controversial situations and, as a result, confidence in the counterparty increases.

Date: 2016-04-29



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After concluding a contract for the transportation of any cargo, the contractor undertakes to deliver the material assets entrusted to him within the specified time frame. The customer must pay all transportation costs.

Transportation can be carried out by any type of transport: road, rail, air or water. Regardless of the delivery method, the parties to the agreement additionally sign an application for cargo transportation.

It is customary to distinguish two parties in an agreement: the shipper and the contractor. In fact, the consignee also participates in the contract. His main responsibility is to accept delivered material assets in a timely manner. At the same time, the transport company can release the cargo to third parties, but only if available.

The application for transportation is drawn up as an addition to the relevant contract. In this case, the concluded agreement is confirmed. It is drawn up in triplicate, intended for the consignor, consignee and carrier.

Important: the signing of the document can be carried out by third-party citizens, but provided that they have or physical.

Application for cargo transportation - sample (download)

A contract for the carriage of goods by road or any other means is often combined with an application. But it comes in the form of an attachment and is an integral part of the document. The agreement must include:

  • place and date of signing;
  • details of all parties;
  • date and place of transfer of cargo;
  • contact details and full name of the recipient;
  • approximate travel time and delivery route;
  • description of the cargo;
  • payment methods and full cost of services;
  • the type of vehicle on which the delivery will be made;
  • driver data.

There is no single unified application form for cargo transportation. Each transport company has its own standard contracts, drawn up taking into account the interests of the carrier. Some contractors (at the request of the client) may introduce a clause on additional terms of cooperation.

Contract-application for cargo transportation - form (download)

You can draw up an agreement yourself or use a ready-made document form. There are many examples of similar contracts on the Internet. In addition to the application agreement for the carriage of goods, you can find a standard form.

Let's sum it up

With its help, it will also be possible to protect the shipper from counterclaims. They may arise if the cargo arrives at the recipient in an improper form, for example deformed.

The structure of the cargo transportation market in the Russian Federation consists of many types of transport industries. Moreover, half of all transportation is carried out by road transport. A significant portion of this market segment has been governed by outdated regulations since 1971.

On July 25, 2011, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 272 ​​came into force, which significantly changed the procedure for cargo transportation by road, brought the rules closer to international standards, and also provided opportunities to strengthen control over the activities of all participants in the transport market, regardless of their form of ownership. All rules, regulations and legal requirements must be strictly observed by managers and responsible employees of motor transport enterprises.

In addition to other innovations, the Resolution determines the use of an improved sample contract application for the transportation of goods, which must be concluded when providing services for the transportation of goods by all types of road transport, enterprises of any categories and forms of ownership (private, municipal, state, etc.).

The document contains detailed information about the parties to the contract, the conditions of cargo transportation, the types of transport used (with descriptions, characteristics, etc.), and also ensures the implementation of all legal aspects on both sides in accordance with the concluded agreement.

Example of a contract

The application-contract for cargo transportation by road must reflect all the important information regarding the transaction:

  • describe directly the subject of the contract;
  • determine the main and general provisions of the document;
  • establish obligations for which the parties will have to bear responsibility;
  • fix the cost of all services, as well as determine the methodology and scheme of settlements between the parties;
  • establish procedures and methods for resolving controversial situations;
  • specify the period for which the contract is valid;
  • reflect bank details, legal and actual addresses of the parties, indicate the positions and full names of the persons responsible for the execution of the agreement;
  • indicate the date, place of conclusion of the application agreement, put signatures (can be electronic) and seal impressions (if available).

An application agreement for the carriage of goods can be drawn up both between legal entities and between legal entities and individuals. The carrier is responsible not only for the movement of cargo to its destination, but also for the safety and integrity of the transported products along the route. For this purpose, the terms of the contract provide for an insurance procedure, the procedure of which stipulates payments for insured events in the event of damage or loss of goods.

Application procedure

Sample application

You can fill out an application for the transport of goods established by law directly at the company’s office, or electronically on the company’s website. Most clients prefer to fill out an online application, since not all customers have the opportunity to come to the office.

The application-contract is filled out by both parties and printed in two or more copies. In the future, the agreement will be attached to the accompanying documentation for the cargo. Several copies of the document can be transferred to other participants in the cargo transportation transaction (performers, intermediaries).

Cargo information

The established sample application for cargo transportation provides a detailed description of it, listing the main characteristics, weight, dimensions. The customer is obliged to independently prepare the cargo for transportation: pack it efficiently and correctly, provide special containers that meet the requirements of various standards, sanitary norms and technical conditions. In particular, an application for cargo transportation must contain information about:

  • technical description, indication of type;
  • exact weight of all places - net;
  • type of packaging material, container;
  • exact weight of all items together with packaging, containers - gross;
  • dimensions of cargo in packaging, containers.

The data is necessary for selecting a vehicle for transportation: the type of vehicle, carrying capacity, conditions for preservation and safety, etc. are determined.

Other conditions of cargo transportation specified in the application

The document must be supplemented with the following important information:

  • information about the address, date, place and time of loading operations;
  • information about the persons responsible for loading, indicating their position and full name;
  • data on the duration of loading operations;
  • about the route determined by logisticians and the estimated delivery time;
  • information about the address, date, place and approximate time of unloading work;
  • information about the persons responsible for unloading, indicating their position and full name;
  • the total cost of all work on loading, moving, unloading cargo;
  • indicating the forms and timing of settlements under the application agreement;
  • other information of interest to the parties to the agreement.

Transportation of special cargo

The goods to be transported may be oversized items, liquid, flammable, chemically aggressive substances, for the transportation of which special conditions must be created. When choosing a carrier, preference should be given to companies that have experience in transporting such cargo and have a sufficient fleet of special vehicles for their safe movement.

If your company intends to deliver goods to the recipient using a carrier, you should know how a contract for the carriage of goods differs from other types of transport agreements and how to avoid common mistakes when entering into such a contract.

  • Detail in the contract the characteristics of your cargo, conditions and terms of transportation
  • Don't sign a standard contract of carriage - include clauses that benefit you

Mistake 1. Confused the types and subject of contracts

To transport goods from point A to point B (for example, deliver to a buyer), a merchant looks for a transport company and enters into an agreement with it. But this is not necessarily a contract of carriage: in the transport sector there are other types of contracts - with a different subject, distribution of rights and obligations of the parties. This means that when concluding an agreement with a transport company, there is a risk of choosing a type of contract that is unfavorable for you and (or) does not correspond to your objectives.

Consequences. Let's consider what happens if you enter into a different type of contract instead of a contract for the carriage of goods.

Rental agreement for a vehicle with a crew. As a party to such an agreement, you are required to remit the rent for the entire rental period (for example, a month), even if on some days you did not use the vehicle. In addition, it is you who will give instructions to the driver (crew members) and bear the costs of paying for fuel and fees.

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Agreement on the organization of transportation. In this case, the carrier will be obliged to provide you with a vehicle only after you submit a request for specific transportation.

Agreement on the provision of transport services. The text of such a contract may contain conditions that are very unfavorable for you: from the point of view of the Civil Code (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), this is a contract for the provision of services for a fee, the terms of which the law leaves almost entirely at the discretion of the parties. In this case, you will be able to recover compensation from the carrier for the damage caused only through a court, which will “re-qualify” the contract, that is, it will say that the rules of law governing the contract for the carriage of goods must apply to it.

Transport expedition agreement, sample. If the carrier undertakes to simply deliver the cargo entrusted to him by the sender to the destination and release it to the recipient, then the forwarder undertakes to perform or organize the performance of services related to the transportation of goods. In other words, the forwarder can transport the goods himself, or he can involve a third party - a carrier - for this purpose. In addition, you can assign additional responsibilities to the forwarder (storing cargo, checking its condition, processing customs documents, developing a transportation route). If you need such services, enter into a transport expedition agreement (but remember: the fee for it is higher than for simple transportation). And if they are not needed or it is important for you that the counterparty transports the goods himself, enter into a transportation agreement.

How to do it right. To conclude the agreement that you need and is beneficial, do the following. First, call the contract a contract of carriage and refer in its text to the provisions of Chapter 40 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and (or) to the Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport (UAT) and the Rules for the carriage of goods by road (RPGAT). Secondly, precisely formulate the subject of the contract - indicate that the carrier undertakes to deliver the cargo to such and such a point and transfer it to the consignee (figure, clause 1.1 of the contract).

If you are planning ongoing cooperation on the transportation of goods, enter into an agreement on the organization of cargo transportation (Article 798 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation): this long-term contract determines the conditions for future transportation. In it, fix the deadlines for submitting vehicles for loading, accepting cargo for transportation, presenting cargo for transportation and issuing transported cargo, as well as the volume of transportation (details should be drawn up in an additional agreement with reference to the main contract) and the procedure for making payments under the contract.

Error 2. Did not conclude an agreement in the form of a separate document

A one-time contract for the carriage of goods by road does not need to be drawn up in the form of a single document with signatures of both parties - it is enough to draw up and sign a waybill, in which some of the sections are filled out by the shipper, and the other part by the carrier. Most often, the parties to a contract for the carriage of goods do this (for more details, see the appendix “Logistics without risks and problems,” pp. 4–6). In this case, the relations of the parties will be regulated by the norms of Chapter. 40 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, UAT and PPGAT.

Consequences. By agreeing to the “standard” terms of the contract, you lose the opportunity to include provisions that are beneficial to you. If the cargo needs to be delivered urgently and there is no time for approval, there is no choice. But if you are planning transportation in advance, it is better to insist on a version of the contract that is favorable to you.

How to do it right. “By default,” if there is no special clause in the contract or it was not concluded at all as a separate document signed by both parties, the goods are loaded into the vehicle by the sender. And if you want to assign this responsibility to the carrier, add a corresponding clause to the contract.

Next, it is important for you to include in the contract a condition that the carrier does not have the right to withhold your cargo for payment due to the carrier (Figure, clause 1.8 of the contract). If you do not do this, there will be a risk that, for example, due to a technical error when transferring payment, you will lose the opportunity to dispose of your cargo and will be responsible to the buyer for violating delivery deadlines. Another important point: the contract must contain a detailed list of conditions that vehicles must meet (Figure, clause 2.2 of the contract).

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And finally, you can establish in the contract increased (compared to those established by law) fines for various violations committed by the carrier (for more details, see the appendix “Logistics without risks and problems”).

Mistake 3. Ignored or did not detail essential conditions

The parties to a contract for the carriage of goods often lose sight of at least one of the following terms of the contract: the exact name of the cargo; its type, quantity, weight and volume; conditions of transportation; transportation times; destination (sometimes they forget to indicate the name of the consignee). Even more often, these characteristics are not fully specified or are recorded in additional agreements that do not contain reference to the main agreement.

Consequences. If you do not agree with the carrier on at least one of these conditions, the court may recognize your contract as not concluded (clause 1 of Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Some courts consider only the subject matter to be an essential (mandatory) condition of the contract of carriage, others consider a number of other conditions. For example, in the event of your dispute with the carrier, the court may accept his reference to the fact that some essential condition has not been agreed upon in the contract (for example, the time and place of performance of the contract of carriage).

How right. Define each and every condition listed above, either in the contract itself or in appendices or additional agreements to it. In the contract, expressly indicate that the detailed characteristics of the goods will be described in such and such documents, and indicate in them that these documents are drawn up in connection with the contract of carriage with such and such a date and number. If your commercial department is responsible for the sale of a homogeneous cargo, name it directly in the text of the contract (for example: porphyrite crushed stone GOST 8267-93, fraction 20–40 mm), indicate the quantity (weight, volume) and physical condition of the goods (for example, percentage of humidity ). And if your cargo is presented in a wide range (for example, children's toys) or several transportations are planned over a certain period (for example, once a week for 6 months), include in the contract language stating that the exact weight and volume of the cargo are determined by the parties weekly or monthly in additional agreements.

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Separately, it should be said about the delivery time of the cargo to the recipient and the contract price (carriage fee). The deadline can be specified either as an exact date (“April 15, 2013”), or by reference to the PPGAT, or counted from the date of transfer of the goods for transportation (“no later than three days”). PPGAT provides for the following terms: in urban and suburban traffic, the carrier is obliged to deliver your cargo within 24 hours, in intercity or international traffic - at the rate of one day for every 300 km of transportation distance.

Not all courts consider the contract price to be an essential condition of the contract of carriage. But in order to avoid a dispute with the carrier, it is better to agree on the procedure for determining the price in the contract: be sure to indicate in it what exactly the shipper pays for. Alternatively, the contract can include a clause stating that the shipper is familiar with the carrier’s tariff system, agrees with it and is ready to pay for services at these tariffs.

Mistake 4. Agreed to liability terms favorable to the carrier

If the contract for the carriage of goods is concluded in the form of a separate document signed by both parties, it is important for you to prevent the carrier from including conditions that are favorable to itself in the contract.

Consequences. The law allows the inclusion in the contract of a condition on reducing the carrier’s liability (compared to standard conditions) for the provision of unsuitable vehicles, for failure to pick up cargo, for violation of the deadline for providing a vehicle or delivering cargo. And if the carrier does this, you will no longer be able to challenge the reduced sanctions in court or demand a fine in the amount established by law.

I note that liability for other violations of the carrier (for example, loss of cargo) cannot be directly limited. But here there are aspects that are important to know.

How right. First, ensure that terms that reduce the carrier’s liability are removed from the draft contract. Secondly, fix in the contract the declared value (value) of your cargo: based on it, the amount of compensation in the event of shortage, damage, or loss of cargo by the carrier will be determined (Figure, clause 3.2 of the contract). Thirdly, do not allow the list of force majeure circumstances to be expanded (force majeure), the presence of which generally relieves the carrier of liability for violation of obligations under the contract. If this list given in the contract includes, for example, a malfunction (breakdown) of a vehicle or a driver’s strike, then there is a high probability that in such cases the carrier will actually avoid liability.