The miraculous icon "Quick to hearken". How and to whom does it help? The history of the icon of the quick hearer: what is its meaning and how does it help

Before the photo image of the Mother of God, church candles should be lit. Women are encouraged to cover their heads with a scarf as a sign of submission to the will of the Lord. The icon "Quick Acolyte" is known for the fact that the original picture had sufficient power to blind the monk who offended her. However, his persistent prayers softened the heart of the Mother of God, and she healed the guilty servant.

  1. A kneeling posture will better demonstrate your humility. You can put a thin blanket or carpet under your knees.
  2. Hands should be folded in a prayerful gesture in front of the chest. Before you start reading the holy text, overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross.
  3. They turn to the Quick Listener for help in difficult times: during wars, natural disasters and serious illnesses. Do not ask her for something unimportant.

How to pray to the icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem

The original of this miraculous image was lost at the beginning of the 19th century during the war with the French Empire. There are two effective prayers that address this image of the Virgin, which help from bodily suffering, various disasters, give family well-being and help conceive a healthy child.

  1. Before prayer, calm the soul by reading the Our Father and other neutral texts. Refresh the gospel.
  2. The day before, it is recommended to visit the church for confession and communion. Consult with a priest about how to properly pray.
  3. Filled with humble motives, ask the Virgin Mary to intercede for you before the Lord. Believe in your words. Banish even a drop of doubt about the effectiveness of your actions.
  4. It is better to read holy texts before photographs of icons in the absence of paint on wood or paper. The greatest effect will be a visit to the temple, where the blessed images are kept.

The presence of such blessed images in the house protects the dwelling and its inhabitants from evil forces and the machinations of Satan. The Mother of God will save young Christians from being possessed by demons, as well as from the temptations of youth. The regularity of prayer should be at least twice a week. Morning time is the best time to read such texts. However, prayer can ensure a good night's sleep, so choose part of the day to call on the Virgin Mary at will. "Skoroshushnitsa" and Jerusalem will help you focus on prayer and will soon convey your requests to the Lord.

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The miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Quick to Hear" is located in the Dohiar Monastery on Mount Athos. The icon was painted in the 10th century with the blessing of the founder of the Dohiar Monastery, and received its name in the 17th century, after the first miracle happened.

Not an icon depicts the Mother of God with the Divine Infant. In one hand, the Christ child holds a scroll symbolizing the Good News, the other blesses the people. A recognizable detail of the miraculous face is the child's heel turned towards the worshipers.

Icon of the Quick Hearer in the Dohiar Monastery on Mount Athos

In front of the icon of the "Skoroshlushnitsa" they pray in any difficult life situations, with sorrows and troubles, difficult situations, relying on the ambulance of the Almighty, deliverance and comfort.

Many cases of healing are known through prayer appeals to the Mother of God in front of Her miraculous image.

There is evidence of how, through prayers, people are cured of cancer, lameness, the blind were granted sight. Especially resort to the help of the miraculous image of the mother, praying for their children, also pregnant and lactating.

The icon of the "Quick to Hear" without a chasuble

The main thing is to approach the shrine with faith and sincere repentance, and the Lord, through the prayers of His Mother, will grant everything necessary and saving.

In Kyiv, there is a copy of the icon "Quick to Hear" written on Mount Athos specifically for this monastery. And this is not just an exact list of the Athos icon: the robes of the icon are copied one to one. The icon is kept in the church in honor of All the Monk Zverinetskys in a special aisle, where even the floor and the carved ceiling were recreated the same as in the Dohiarsky monastery of Athos - the place where the original of the miraculous icon "Quick to Hear" is stored.

The icon "Skoroshlushnitsa" in the Zverinetsky Monastery

Archangelo-Mikhailovsky Zverinets cave monastery is located at the address: st. Michurin, near the Botanical Garden

Prayer in front of the icon "Quick to Hear"

“Oh, Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quickly Obedient Intercessor of all who resort to You with faith! Look from the height of heavenly majesty of your indecent on me, falling down to your icon, hear soon the humble prayer of me a sinner and bring it to your Son: implore Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts, but calm my suffering heart and heal its wounds, may it instruct me to do good deeds and strengthen me to work with fear, may it forgive all the evil I have done, may it save eternal torment and not deprive me of His heavenly kingdom. O most blessed Theotokos: you have deigned to be called in your image as a Quick Hearing One, commanding everyone to come to you in faith: do not look at me for sorrow and do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins. On Thee, according to Bose, all my hope and hopes of salvation, and I entrust myself with your protection and intercession forever. Amen".

“Blessed to the Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, God the Word, more than any word for our salvation, giving birth, and His grace more abundantly more than all received, a sea of ​​divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who, with faith, come running to You! Falling down to Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the philanthropic Lord, surprise us with Your rich mercy and our petitions, brought to You, quick to hearken, speed up to fulfill everything, hedgehog for the benefit of consolation and salvation to someone who arranges. Visit, Blessing, Thy servants of Thy grace, give the ailing healing and perfect health, overwhelmed silence, captivated freedom, and various images of the suffering consolation.
Deliver, All-Merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, ulcers, cowards, floods, fire, swords and other temporary and eternal punishments, with Your motherly boldness averting the wrath of God; and spiritual relaxation, overwhelmed by passions and falls, free Thy servant, as if unstumblingly in all piety lived in this world, and in the future of eternal blessings we will be merciful with the grace and love of mankind of Thy Son and God, all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father is due to Him and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

The history of the icon "Quick Acolyte" is inextricably linked with the chronicle of one of the monasteries on Mount Athos. In the tenth century a certain Euthymius founded a new monastery in which he dreamed of finding gift of silent prayer. They called it Dohiar (kelarev), because the abbot was a cellar - he took care of supplies. It is believed that he ordered to write an image, today known throughout the Orthodox world as miraculous. It was over a thousand years ago.

Initially, this is a list (copy) of a revered image located in Alexandria. And only in the XVII century. events occurred, after which the shrine received its own name. In detail, the history was preserved by monastic traditions.

How the monk lost his sight

A certain monk had obedience in the refectory - in other words, in the kitchen. The face of the Mother of God was located on the outer wall, right above the entrance. Quite often, entering the refectory with a lit torch, an inattentive monk left black marks on the holy image. And then one day Neil heard a voice that ordered no more smoking of the icon. At first, the monk was frightened, then he decided that one of the brethren was making fun of him. Therefore, he did not take the words into account at all, continuing his irreverent behavior.

Such neglect was severely punished. After a while, Neil again heard a voice that condemned his carelessness. When he stopped, the monk was blind. Suddenly, the weight of what he had done hit his soul. The unfortunate man bitterly repented and decided not to depart from the image of the Most Pure Virgin until he received forgiveness.

In the morning, the brethren found Nile lying on the ground, weeping bitterly. He asked the Mother of God for indulgence. The monks lit a lamp in front of the icon, while the monk continued his prayers of repentance. And a few days later he again heard a voice that announced forgiveness. And also the Mother of God conveyed a message to the faithful:

Miraculous Events occurred in November 1664. The rest of the inhabitants of Mount Athos hastened to bow to the holy face. The entrance to the refectory was blocked, and a temple was built nearby. The icon itself cannot be moved, because it is made on the wall - it is a fresco.

Description of the image

The Quick Listener is an iconographic type of Hodegetria (Guidebook). The child sits on the left hand of the Virgin Mary. With his right hand, Jesus Christ overshadows those who pray with the sign of the cross. On the left is a scroll. A characteristic sign is the crossed bare feet of the Savior. The right leg is tucked under the left, the heel is visible.

The Mother of God points with her right hand at her Son - this symbolizes the path to eternal life through the gospel. Such is the theological meaning of the icon of the Quick Listener. Photos can be found on the Internet. But, of course, photography is not capable of conveying the special atmosphere inherent in holy places where thousands of people pray.

famous lists

Not everyone can get out on a trip to Athos. And for women, the entrance is completely ordered. Everyone wants to join the shrine. Therefore, the brethren began to send lists to Russia:

Copies also became famous for miracles that took place through prayers near them. Often people got rid of epilepsy, the possession of evil spirits. Miracles continue today. Thus, the Mother of God fulfills her promise to bring help to all who suffer.

Holy places associated with the image

The most famous Russian Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Quick Hearing" is located in the north-west of Moscow. It was erected at the very beginning of the last century instead of a wooden church. The parishioners were junkers, officers who camped on Khodynka. The solemn consecration took place on August 1, 1902. The event was attended by members of the royal family - Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elizabeth.

After the beginning of the revolution, the Bolsheviks closed the church, broke the bell tower. The building was used for household needs. In the 1980s, a warehouse was arranged here, the second floor was equipped, and a toilet and a shower room were installed in place of the altar. Only in 1991 the church received the building back. For almost a century it stood without repair, it took almost ten years to restore. In April 2001, on Holy Saturday, Patriarch Alexy I.I. visited the church.

The holy image itself is still resides on Mount Athos. Several dozen monks live in the Dohiar monastery. The cathedral was consecrated in honor of the Archangels, it is higher than other churches throughout Athos. There are other shrines in the monastery - a wonderful well, a particle of the Cross of the Lord, the holy relics of the saints of God.

The feast of the icon "Quick Hearer" in the church calendar falls on November 9 (22). On Mount Athos, this is a very special date. When the anniversary of the glorification of the holy face is celebrated, all the inhabitants of the monastery go to the procession. It is performed with a miraculous list of shrines, which is kept in the church.

For a permanent stay near the shrine, a special hieromonk (promonarius) was chosen, who should serve prayers. This tradition is observed to this day. Twice a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) the inhabitants of the monastery gather near the icon and sing the canon to the Theotokos. All Orthodox Christians are commemorated during the service.

How to pray correctly

Misfortunes happen in life. About the gift of healings, help in overcoming worldly difficulties, spiritual help in the fight against sins - this is what they pray for to the "quick listener". Some petitions remain a mystery between believers and the Mother of God. fixed many healings:

There are no restrictions on requests, except for one - they should not be directed to harm other people to break God's commandments. Even if it seems that life is unfair, Christians must keep the faith that trials are sent for their good. According to biblical teaching, the Lord will execute the final judgment, during which everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds. You should not attach to your sins (and everyone has them) malice towards other people.

Turning to the Mother of God, one should not try to understand exactly how the situation will be resolved. People do not need to know this, they only need faith. It is necessary to light a candle, to express what is in the soul, without trying to hide something. Only in this case, the answer to prayer will not slow down. Here is an example text that you can change as you wish (prayers are not conspiracies, therefore it is permissible to express them freely during home reading):

Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord, universal intercessor! With faith I resort to your help. Look at me, indecent, from the height of your greatness. Do not despise my humble petition, bring it to the feet of the Son of God. May divine grace illuminate the darkness of my soul, send me good thoughts, strengthen me in serving the Lord, fulfilling His will. May my sins be forgiven, may the Lord Jesus Christ deliver me from eternal torment, enter me into His kingdom of heaven. Oh, blessed Mother of God! Since you yourself commanded to turn to you, do not let me perish in the abyss of sin, there is only hope for you! I entrust my soul to your cover. Amen.

The meaning of the icon of quick hearing

The Orthodox Church annually celebrates on November 22 (November 9 according to the old style) the feast of the icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear".

The History and Meaning of the Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear"

The icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" is one of the ancient images of the Mother of God, which is considered miraculous. It is located on Mount Athos, in the monastery of Dohiar.

The icon, which was painted in the 10th century, is a fresco painted on the wall. There is also a copy of it, which is taken out during the procession.

According to legend, the monk Nil lived in this monastery in the 17th century. He did not treat the icon of the Mother of God with due respect and smoked with a torch on her image, which was placed near the entrance.

Once, when Neil was passing by the icon, he heard a voice that asked him to treat it with care. But Neil didn't care. Soon he began to lose his sight.

Nil began to pray in front of the icon for forgiveness and heard a voice: “Proclaim to the brethren that I am their cover and protection of the monastery (..). To all who call on Me, I will be the Representative, and at the request of My Son, My Son will fulfill their petitions.

In the 19th century, copies of this icon appeared in Russia. Many legends about the healing of people are associated with them, who also remember the icon of the Mother of God “Quick Hearing” on the feast. In Orthodox churches, prayers are offered to the Mother of God.

On the icon of the Mother of God "Quick Hearer" she is depicted with a child in her arms. The Divine Infant blesses people with one hand, and squeezes a scroll with the other. His left heel is facing the worshipers.

It is believed that the meaning of the icon "Quick Acolyte" is a reminder that the holy image must be treated with reverence, since the icon embodies the prototype of the face depicted on it.

What helps the icon of the Mother of God "quick to hearken"?

She is approached with requests for spiritual insight. Priests use it in the rite of exorcism of demons that have inhabited people. Also, this image helps to heal from eye diseases and other ailments, protects people during natural disasters.

What else do they ask for the icon of the Mother of God "quick to hearken"? Women offer up prayers before her for the gift of children to them, the successful course of pregnancy and easy childbirth; also ask about the children's health and well-being.

The world today is perishing and suffering, not because there are no those who would be interested in its needs, but because there are no prayer books. Many believe that the work of monks (which consists mainly in prayer) is useless and unnecessary, not knowing that prayer is a spiritual activity, a bloody struggle and vigilant wakefulness. They don't even want to know that someone is praying about their own problems... The Holy Mountain is the ark of Orthodoxy, which does not say much, but experiences a lot. Only if the Holy Spirit ceases to operate in the Church, then there will be no contemplators of the uncreated light. The Holy Mountain hides great treasures... And today, by the grace of God, there are consecrated monks. The earth owes its existence to these blessed ascetics. They enlighten the modern world, immersed in the darkness of sin.

Metropolitan Hierofei (Vlachos)

Athos... In the silence of their lonely cells, in the monastic silence, in the highest spiritual concentration, the monks of the Athos do their unceasing prayer for many centuries for us, for the sinful world and its salvation. Great spiritual experience has been accumulated over the centuries; as Metropolitan Hierofei (Vlachos) writes, “Like the holy Angels, the earthly Angels, who dwell on the Holy Mountain and imitate the heavenly and incorporeal in life and prayer, have a different power, through which they convey the experience of their lives. This power is silence, which, especially on Horus, is the most persuasive eloquence, silent instruction. They do not speak there, but live in silence by the Divine Mysteries.”

Silence is the key to understanding the essence of monastic life. What prompted the brilliant Byzantine nobleman of the 10th century, Euthymius, to leave his idle life for a monastery, to become a friend and faithful disciple of the founder of the Great Lavra of Athos, St. Athanasius? He was appointed dohiaromi (manager of the monastic household) and carried on his shoulders a huge burden of worries. But his soul yearned for silence, for silent prayer, and by Divine Providence he was shown a quiet place. Thus, a new Athos monastery was founded, named "Dochiar" (Docheiariou) in memory of the obedience of Euthymius, in the monastic vows of Neophyte. The monastery experienced both times of prosperity and times of decline. But the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, known as the “Skoroshnitsa” (Gorgoepekoos), shone invariably in the monastery. The great shrine is an image of the Mother of God, referring to the Hodegetria type. It continues a number of similar icons: Iverskaya, Tikhvinskaya, Smolenskaya, Georgian, Chernigovskaya... The fresco, painted in the niche of the outer wall in front of the entrance to the refectory, depicts the Blessed Virgin in a crown with the Divine Infant on her left hand. The Child blesses with his right hand, and holds a scroll with his left. The right leg is tucked under the left, so that her foot is visible. In 1664, a miracle happened: monks often walked by, and most often a trapezar named Neil walked by on official business. In the evening, passing by the icon with a smoking torch, Neil heard a voice from her: “For the future, do not come here with a lit torch and do not smoke My image.” The trapezar was frightened at first, but then he decided that one of the brethren had spoken these words. Soon, Neil forgot about this strange incident and continued to walk past the icon with a lit torch. But one evening he heard the same voice: “Monk, unworthy of this name! How long have you so carelessly and so shamelessly smoked My image?!” At these words, Neil lost his sight. The refectory fell on his knees before the icon and all night, before the arrival of the brethren, he prayed to the Most Pure One for forgiveness. When the monks learned about the miracle that had taken place, they fell in fear to the miraculous icon, lit an inextinguishable lamp in front of it, and ordered the new refectory to burn incense every evening and incense in front of the icon. Nil, in the hope of the great mercy of the Mother of God, decided not to leave the icon until he received forgiveness and healing. And his earnest prayer was soon answered. After a while, kneeling in front of the icon, he again heard a familiar voice: “Nile! You are forgiven, sight is again given to your eyes. When you receive this mercy from Me, tell the brethren that I am their protection, industry and protection of their monastery dedicated to the Archangels. Let them and all Orthodox Christians turn to Me in need, and I will not leave anyone; to all who reverently resort to Me, I will intercede, and the prayers of all will be fulfilled by the Son and My God, for the sake of My intercession before Him. From now on, this My icon will be called the Quick Listener: I will show mercy to everyone who comes to her soon.

The news of the insight of the Nile immediately spread to all the monasteries of Athos. Monks from other monasteries began to come to the miraculous image to thank the Most Pure One for Her care of the Holy Mountain. A special and constant honoring of the glorified icon was established. The passage to the refectory from the side where the icon was located was closed, and the place around the miraculous image was beautifully and decently fenced. On the right side of the icon in the refectory, a temple was built in honor of the icon of the "Quick Hearing". By decision of the brethren, one hieromonk began to be elected from among its number, who, constantly staying near the icon, performed prayer chants in the morning and evening and watched the icon lamp. And until now, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, after the evening service, all the brethren of the “Dochiar” monastery gather in the refectory, near the miraculous icon, and sing in a singsong voice the touching canon of the Mother of God. The “quick-a-letter” has a deliberate grace to heal epilepsy (epilepsy) and demonic possession.

The "Quick Hearer" is especially revered in Rus'. In 1873, a wealthy Russian merchant presented the icon with a magnificent riza. In 1938, the Dohiar monastery donated to the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem a copy of the miraculous, which was also famous for many miraculous healings.

In Moscow, there are many lists from the miraculous shrine of Athos, but only one temple is dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear". In 1902, this pseudo-Byzantine stone church with a single-span belfry of the Pskov type was built on the Khodynka field at the camp department of the Moscow military hospital for the Moscow Alexander and Tver cavalry military schools. In 1992, ninety years after the founding of the temple, divine services were resumed in it.

The revered list of the "Soon Acolyte" resides in the church in the name of St. Martin the Confessor in Solombala, an island region of Arkhangelsk. The icon has never been restored and has become very dark from time to time, so that the Solombala residents began to gradually forget about the revered shrine for a long time. Then the Most Pure Herself pointed to this image - the icon began to be updated. Since 1997, the image has become brighter, by November 2000 it has become distinct, and on November 22, according to the old style, on the day of the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear", the faces and halos of the Mother of God and the Child brightly appeared, the crown and robes brightened. On the same day, a prayer service was served in front of the newly-appeared shrine.

In the city of Pechora, on the long-suffering land of the Komi, where for decades prisoners of the Gulag died on the construction of railways, by the providence of God and the intercession of the Most Pure One, a convent in the name of the “Quick Acolyte” was founded not so long ago. In 1992, a miraculous appearance of the Mother of God took place above this place in the sky. And in August of the same year, Abbot Pitirim saw the Mother of God walking on the ground near the temple towards the procession. At the place where Her feet passed, a votive cross is now installed and a well has been dug over the holy spring. Often, even on a winter day, a rainbow is visible over the Pechora monastery.

Russian Orthodox cathedrals in Rotterdam (Holland) and in the capital of Estonia (under construction) are dedicated to the "quick-a-letter". To this day, both on Athos, and in Russia, and in the Russian diaspora, prayers are served before this icon and akathists are sung - may the Blessed Lady save Her children from all troubles and evils.

Troparion, tone 4

Let us now fall down to the Mother of God, who are in trouble, and to Her holy icon, calling with faith from the depths of the soul: soon hear our prayer, Virgin, as if she was called a quick-abiding One, for Your servants in need are ready to help Imams.

Kontakion, tone 8

In the sea of ​​life we ​​are overwhelmed, we fall into anxiety of passions and temptations. Grant us, Madam, a helping hand, like Peter's Your Son, and speed up the deliverance of us from troubles, let us call Thee: rejoice, All-good Quick Listener.

Prayer one

Blessed to the Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, God the Word, more than any word for our salvation, giving birth and receiving His grace more abundantly than all others, a sea of ​​Divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who, with faith, come running to You! Falling down to Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the All-Generous Mother of the Human-loving Lord: surprise us with Your rich mercy, and speed up our petitions, brought to You, quick to hearken, to fulfill everything, hedgehog for the benefit of consolation and salvation for anyone. Visit, Blessing, Thy servants of Thy grace, give the ailing healing and perfect health, overwhelmed silence, captive freedom and various images of the suffering consolation, deliver, All-Merciful Lady, every city and country from gladness, ulcers, coward, flood, fire, sword and other temporal and eternal executions, with Thy maternal boldness averting the wrath of God: and spiritual relaxation, overwhelmed by passions and falls, the freedom of Thy servant, as if unstoppably in all piety lived in this world, and in the future of eternal blessings we will be vouchsafed to the grace and philanthropy of Your Son and God, Him all glory, honor and worship is due, with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quickly Obedient Intercessor of all who resort to You with faith! Look from the height of Your heavenly majesty on me, indecent, falling down to Your icon, hear soon the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring it to Your Son: implore Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts may it soothe my suffering heart and heal its wounds, may it instruct me in good deeds and strengthen me to work with fear, may it forgive all the evil I have done, may it save eternal torment and not deprive me of His Kingdom of Heaven. O Most Blessed Theotokos: You deigned to be called in Your image, the Quick Hearing One, commanding everyone to come to You in faith: do not look down on me mournful and do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins. On Thee, according to Bose, all my hope and hope of salvation, and I entrust Your protection and intercession to myself forever. Amen.