Dobutsu is an anime about humanoid "fluffy" creatures. Interesting Anime and Manga Facts You Didn't Know Interesting Anime Facts

Anime originally started out as an adaptation of comics aka manga for those who can't/won't read. Over time, all this grew into something grandiose, large-scale and became a whole layer of animation culture. Anime is liked by people regardless of their gender and age. Japanese animation is, if you like, a boundless world with its own history. Catch a mind-expanding infopost about him.

60 percent of all animation that exists on our planet is Japanese anime.

The first anime to become famous outside of Japan was the 1963 Astro Boy series.

The first anime that was shown in the USSR was "The Flying Ghost Ship".

The drawing of the hair and body in the anime was invented by the Japanese, and the style of the eyes was copied from Walt Disney, which the Japanese, by the way, do not deny.

According to the unspoken law of anime, the more important the hero is, the more detailed his eyes are drawn.

In Japan, comics use more paper than toilet rolls.

Unlike American and European comics, which are mostly read by teenagers and nerds, manga is created for people of all ages.

"Ghost in the Shell" has had a huge impact on cinema. He inspired the Wachowskis to create The Matrix, gave a great push to the development of sci-fi, and Cameron and Spielberg do not hide the fact that they are not childish fans of the film and would rather review it than spend time on some expected blockbuster.

In Japan, the term "otaku" is used in a negative way to describe people who are obsessed with something. Not only anime, as is customary in Russia.

Evangelion was created to test what is acceptable for anime and what is not. And everything would be ok - but the final ...

The longest anime series is Sazae-san, which has been running since 1969 to this day. It has over 7,000 episodes. The vaunted "Santa Barbara", for comparison, is almost 3.5 times shorter.

In 1814, the first manifestations of this genre began to appear. A Japanese artist drew a couple of prints to create a comic. These engravings were called "manga", which translates as "funny pictures". The pictures captured the readers so much that they began to copy this artist. This is how a genre such as "manga-eyga", which means "movie comics", was born.

The word "anime" itself is nothing more than a Japaneseized abbreviation for English animation, and the term itself appeared relatively recently. Before that, the expression "manga-eiga" ("movie comic") was used, which is still used by older anime lovers.

The first cartoons - anime began to be released in 1917.

Pokémon was originally a game for the GameBoy (if you don't know what that is, don't forget to pack your briefcase and do your homework for tomorrow). Only then did the manga and anime catch up.

There is a rule to which there has not yet been an exception: if an anime is based on a manga, the sales of the first one increase by at least 10 percent. On average - by 30-40, and in the case of "Attack on Titan" and even by 70. That is, you can release a shitty manga, make a shitty series based on it and - profit! - swim in gold.

Soviet "The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin" filmed in collaboration with Japanese animation studios. That is, technically, this cartoon can be considered a Russian anime.

"Death Note" was banned in China as local fans of the anime started buying notebooks en masse and writing down the names of everyone they hated in the hope that they would die.

The highest grossing anime ever is Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away. The film grossed $275 million worldwide.

The publisher of "Big Jackpot" was afraid that the series would not live even 5 years. Meanwhile, outside the window 2016 - the 19th year of the existence of the manga.

Anime hair color is not chosen randomly. Everything is cunning and thoughtful here: hair color indicates certain personality traits of the hero. There is even a certain conspiracy theory.

Red - love adventure, passionate;
Green - tolerant, quiet, soft, sometimes envious, but not aggressive;
White - the most iconic, embodies a connection with the cosmos, maturity, the character exists, as it were, outside the world of people;
Violet - often means a threat, basically - secretive, withdrawn, often suffer from narcissism, stingy with the manifestation of emotions;
Blue - intellectually developed, mind dominates feelings, polite, calm, shy;
Pink - always stand out from the crowd in some way, are hot in battle, have not heard about the rules and conventions;
Red - cunning, temperamental, demonic;
Brown - soft, touching, incapable of offending, often with a tragic past;
Blue - iron disciplined, persistent, calm, restrain feelings.

This genre is developing very quickly. It is enough just to pay attention to how often anime began to be released on the screens, for example, by Korean directors or American ones. However, the leaders have always been and remain at the moment precisely the Japanese paintings.

22. Audience.

According to the age of the audience, anime are divided into: Kodomo - manga and anime intended for children (under 12 years old). A distinctive feature of this genre is its "childhood", there is no (sometimes simply greatly simplified) ideological content.

Shounen - anime for older boys and young men (from 12 to 16-18 years old). The main features of the genre are rapid development and pronounced dynamism of the plot (especially in comparison with shojo).

Shojo - anime and manga for older girls and girls (from 12 to 16-18 years old). In the plot of shojo anime, as a rule, there are love relationships of varying degrees of intimacy, depending on the age of the target audience, and much attention is paid to the development of character images.

Seinen - anime for adult men (from 18 to 25-40 years old). Characteristic features of this genre are elements of psychology, satire, eroticism, more attention is paid to the development of characters.

Division by genre: in addition to the standard Comedy, Action, History, Martial Arts, Drama, Detective, Science Fiction, there are also:

Furs are complex mechanisms, as a rule, self-propelled, which do not have real prototypes. Usually this term refers to "giant combat humanoid robots", huge human-controlled combat vehicles. Cyberpunk is the world of the future, whose life is completely determined by computer technology.

Dobutsu is an anime about humanoid "fluffy" creatures.

Idols is an anime set around pop stars and the music business.

Hentai/Ecchi - pornographic or erotic anime Yaoi - an anime genre that describes male homosexual relationships, usually intended for women and girls.

Yuri is a genre of anime that depicts female lesbian relationships, usually aimed at women and girls.

Shotakon is a genre of anime that describes sexual relationships involving young men of primary school and preschool age.

Lolicon is a genre of anime that describes a sexual relationship involving little girls.

Shojo-ai is a genre of anime that describes a girl's love for a girl.

Anime cartoon characters always have expressive hairstyles and beautiful figures. All the characters have very big eyes - this idea was taken by the Japanese from Walt Disney cartoons. In anime, so much attention is paid to the eyes, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and with the help of them you can convey various feelings and emotions of the character. That is why the eyes are so well drawn compared to other facial features. But remembering the rest of the facial features of the characters is almost impossible, since they are not expressive.

Anime originally started out as an adaptation of comics aka manga for those who can't/won't read. Over time, all this grew into something grandiose, large-scale and became a whole layer of animation culture. Anime is liked by people regardless of their gender and age. Japanese animation is a boundless world with its own history. Catch a mind-expanding infopost about him.

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Anime is an exclusively Japanese genre of cartoon animation, which is calculated mainly for an adult audience. Anime series like Pokémon and a couple of others are an exception.

60 percent of all animation that exists on our planet is Japanese anime.

The first anime to become famous outside of Japan was Astro Boy in 1963.

The first anime shown in the USSR was The Flying Ghost Ship.

The drawing of the hair and body in the anime was invented by the Japanese, and the style of the eyes was copied from Walt Disney, which the Japanese, by the way, do not deny.

According to the unspoken law of anime, the more important the hero is, the more detailed his eyes are drawn.

In Japan, comics use more paper than toilet rolls.

Unlike American and European comics, which are mostly read by teenagers and nerds, manga is created for people of all ages.

In Japan, the term "otaku" is used in a negative way to describe people who are obsessed with something. Not only anime, as is customary in Russia.

Anime hair color is not chosen randomly. Everything is cunning and thoughtful here: hair color indicates certain personality traits of the hero. There is even a certain conspiracy theory.

Red - love adventure, passionate;

Green - tolerant, quiet, soft, sometimes envious, but not aggressive;

White - the most iconic, embodies a connection with the cosmos, maturity, the character exists, as it were, outside the world of people;

Violet - often means a threat, basically - secretive, withdrawn, often suffer from narcissism, stingy with the manifestation of emotions;

Blue - intellectually developed, mind dominates feelings, polite, calm, shy;

Pink - always stand out from the crowd in some way, are hot in battle, have not heard about the rules and conventions;

Red - cunning, temperamental, demonic;

Brown - soft, touching, incapable of offending, often with a tragic past;

Blue - iron disciplined, persistent, calm, restrain feelings.

"Ghost in the Shell" has had a huge impact on cinema. He inspired the Wachowskis to create The Matrix, gave a great push to the development of sci-fi, and Cameron and Spielberg do not hide the fact that they are not childish fans of the film and would rather review it than spend time on some expected blockbuster.

Pokémon was originally a game for the GameBoy (if you don't know what that is, don't forget to pack your briefcase and do your homework for tomorrow). Only then did the manga and anime catch up.

Evangelion was created to test what is acceptable for anime and what is not. And everything would be ok - but the final ...

The longest anime series is Sanzae-san, which has been running since 1969 to this day. It has over 7,000 episodes. The vaunted "Santa Barbara", for comparison, is almost 3.5 times shorter.

Soviet "The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin" filmed in collaboration with Japanese animation studios. That is, technically, this cartoon can be considered a Russian anime.

"Death Note" was banned in China as local fans of the anime started buying notebooks en masse and writing down the names of everyone they hated in the hope that they would die.

The publisher of "Big Jackpot" was afraid that the series would not live even 5 years. Meanwhile, outside the window 2016 - the 19th year of the existence of the manga.

The highest grossing anime ever is Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away. The film grossed $275 million worldwide.

In 1814, the first manifestations of this genre began to appear. A Japanese artist drew a couple of prints to create a comic. These engravings were called "manga", which translates as "funny pictures". The pictures captured the readers so much that they began to copy this artist. This is how a genre such as "manga-eyga", which means "movie comics", was born. The first cartoons - anime began to be released in 1917.

The only person to win an Academy Award in an anime genre is Hayao Miyazaki, the lead creator of anime.

An interesting fact: anime in comics is usually read from right to left. It is important to know that it is this way of reading that is characteristic of all the inhabitants of Japan, regardless of the text.

This genre is developing very quickly. It is enough just to pay attention to how often anime began to be released on the screens, for example, by Korean directors or American ones. However, the leaders have always been and remain at the moment precisely the Japanese paintings.

Probably, there is no person who has not heard the word "anime", and some people are devoted fans of Japanese art, as anime gains more and more fans every year and becomes more and more popular.

For those who are still not in the know: anime is a Japanese animation that is of interest not only to children, but also to adults, and even divided into several genres.

Useful and interesting information about anime

  1. Anime, as a separate art form, originated back in 1814, when a Japanese painter drew a couple of funny pictures (translated as “manga”), which literally gave rise to a wave of plagiarism. Ordinary Japanese really liked these drawings, and they began to actively copy them, passing off "multiplied" other people's images as their own. This is how comic books gradually appeared.
  2. "Anime" is a "clipped" English word for animation, and this term entered the lexicon not so long ago, since a purely Japanese phrase, manga-eiga, was previously used. It is noteworthy that representatives of the older generation still call anime that way.
  3. In 1917, there was (in addition to the two most famous) another revolution: the appearance of cartoons-anime.
  4. The number of frames is small, and the characters and the background are worked out perfectly.
  5. This is a purely Japanese genre of animation, and these animated cartoons are designed for an adult audience, but some cartoons are a pleasant exception.
  6. Half-faced eyes, beautiful figures, interesting hairstyles and inexpressive facial features - these are all the hallmarks of characters that are difficult to confuse with someone else. Although, in Disney cartoons, too, all the characters are big-eyed.
  7. In comics, anime is read from right to left, like Arabic script and hieroglyphs. There is nothing surprising here, if you remember where this genre of animation came from.
  8. American, Korean and European directors also do not shy away from anime, but the most titled is the Japanese director Hayao Miyadaki, who was awarded both the Golden Lion and the Oscar.
  9. "Seiyuu" is a term used to refer to voice actors. Often, variety performers act as such specialists, and this profession is quite popular and in demand.
  10. All anime are divided not only into genres, but also classified both by age and by gender. The standard genres include: action, fantasy, drama, comedy, detective, martial arts, historical events. In addition to them, there are also “highly specialized” ones: business, erotica, etc.
  11. Anime cannot be confused with any other cartoon, for which it is enough to watch it only once.

Anime lovers in all countries are becoming more and more every year. This is due to the growing popularity of magical and mysterious stories with amazing characters. But do we know everything about our favorite genre? Maybe, after all, there are some facts that no one even knows about?

1. When the 1917 imperial regime change began, animators in Japan were working to create their original films, which later became known as anime.

2. Interestingly, long before the revolution, famous in the world art scene Katsushika Hokusai coined the term "manga" in 1814. Then this word was used for a line of engravings created by the artist. Literally, the term means "strange pictures". Since then, the word "manga" has been applied to comics created by the Japanese.

3. Now we have reached such a beloved anime. It means animation, i.e. in fact, anime is just an abbreviation. Since it was born relatively recently, its progenitor was the term "manga-eyga", which means the comic book reflected in the film. The latter concept is closer to older anime fans.

4. Since the eastern country is the parent of manga, it is read from right to left. Representatives of the whole world followed this example. 5. Did you know that large eyes were used for the first time not in Japan to convey any emotions? That's right, the founder of this trend is the famous Walt Disney. But in the circles of anime lovers, it is generally accepted that Osamu Tezuka is the founder of this technique.

6. What do you think, what animated series has been running for half a century and does not end? In the middle of the last century, the Sazae-san series was released, based on the manga, authored by Matiko Hasegawa. It is interesting that the show of the series continues to this day, and millions of Japanese of different generations raised their children, sincerely worrying about the fate of the protagonist Sazae.

7. Who would have thought, but the first anime in the USSR was a story about Puss in Boots.

8. Japanese director Kunio Kato received the prestigious award for best animated picture 6 years ago. His brainchild turned out to be an excellent cartoon, but it was not an anime. The cartoon was called "House of Small Cubes".

9. The Sailor Moon anime series was broadcast by Russian TV channels with one important censorship change, included at the time of a man's declaration of love to a man. So, the phrase "I love you" was supplemented with the words "... like a father." This was appreciated by the audience in the international arena.

Good morning, afternoon or any other time, dear totorians!

In the vastness of the great and mighty Runet, any avid anime fan can find gigabytes of anime. But what do we know about this amazingly colorful and eventful (including fillers) world?
Let's start with a batch of six of the most delicious facts about anime. Bend the fingers of your right hand if you knew about the fact, left - you did not know. If the fingers of your own right or left hand are not enough, involve friends, younger brothers / sisters and other helpers, because finding out your anime skill is the main task of this evening (or what do you have now?). Well, let's get started!

1. The word " Anime is a Japanese animation. The word itself is a Japaneseized abbreviation for the English word "Animation" (playing a cartoon, inspiration, liveliness). The English word is old, but the term "anime", which was formed from it, appeared quite recently. Prior to that, the phrase "manga-eiga" ("movie comic") was used, which to this day is used by fans of old-school anime.

2. The word " Manga”was invented by the famous artist Katsushika Hokusai already in 1814 for a series of his engravings. This artist was one of the most famous Japanese engravers in the West, a real master of Japanese woodcuts (what a word, but these are just pictures on a tree). The word "mango" means "weird (or funny) pictures" and is used only for the title of Japanese comics.

3. And who? Tell me who doesn't know a great anime director Hayao Miyadaki? Find this person and send his photo! We'll figure out where... ahem ahem... Miyazaki is the only anime director to win an Oscar. At the 62nd Venice Film Festival, he even received the Golden Lion for his contribution to world cinema.

4. Another great cartoonist of all time left his mark on the world of anime. Don't believe it is Walt Disney! The author of Mickey Mouse, Bambi and the Most Beautiful Princesses has played almost the most important role in anime culture. The Japanese themselves guessed how to draw the hair and bodies of their characters, and the style of the eyes was copied from the characters of Walt Disney. By the way, none of the inhabitants of the island of Japan hides this fact. I propose at the same time to shake the old days and guess the Disney princesses in the eyes.

5. " Pokemon" was originally a game for the GameBoy (something like prehistoric Tetris. Well, do you know Tetris?). Even more interesting is the fact that Pokemon has become the second most popular computer game in the world after Mario. Only later did the virtual adventure become a manga and an anime. Hmm… What game would you make into an anime?

6. Ask your moms and dads about a simple Soviet cartoon " The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin”, full of kindness and cuteness. Did they know that the Soviet adventures of the penguins were filmed jointly with Japanese animation studios (in the beginning, you can even peep - which ones). Of course, the cartoon is Russian, and everyone speaks Russian, and there are no Japanese words at all, but this wonderful cartoon can be considered one of the first Russian anime.

How many fingers were bent on the right hand "I knew"?