We open a small PPS. Registration process of legal activity

Bookmakers today are familiar to everyone. But few people know that this is a whole industry with its own deep history, rules of the game, heroes and pitfalls. We will talk about bookmaking as a business today with the head of the FIRST BOOKMAKER'S OFFICE Maxim Baev.

Journalist: Maxim, tell us where such a thing as “bookmaking” came from, when did it originate?

Maxim: Since time immemorial sports gathered crowds of spectators and forced to empathize with their participants. It is not known who first thought of betting on the outcome of the event - in the Colosseum, at the battle of gladiators or at horse races in Ancient Greece, but from that time to the present day, sports competitions do not leave indifferent a lot of people around the world and all of them are united by a passion for risk and excitement. In the 18th century, the Duke of Queensberry, an avid fan, bet a thousand guineas (a fortune at that time) against five hundred on the outcome of one of the fist fights.

Zh: And when did this type of activity appear in the post-Soviet space, and what served its development?

M: Before the ban on gambling Russian market betting shops was developed very poorly and had a narrow circle of its customers. The offices worked in the format of "booths" - minimal in area and extremely meager in interior design. Such offices collected mainly clientele from fans of sports statistics, as well as rare random guests. In fact, we can say that in Russia in the 90s the culture of bookmaking did not exist.

The impetus for the development of bookmaking was the introduction of a ban on the gambling business - bookmakers gradually switched to working in a slightly different format. Firstly, with the closure of gambling establishments, many "familiar" places began to be re-registered as bookmakers as the closest and most legitimate alternative that could retain the old clientele. Secondly, great emphasis was placed on the interior design of the premises of the betting shop, equipping the halls with numerous monitors with the presentation of betting products and sports broadcasts. The PPS design has acquired the features of a casino. This format was called a "sports bar", since in most cases the betting shop was combined with a bar and retail alcoholic beverages, although, in my opinion, this is contrary to the format of the bookmaker today.

J: How are modern bookmakers different?

M: Today in bookmakers there is such an important link as Analytics department, the main task which - correctly place the coefficients on the events. The analyst, using mathematical calculation formulas and probability theory, as well as statistical estimates, sets the coefficient in the line for a particular event. An error-free analytical department is an indispensable guarantee of the bookmaker's profitability. On initial stage the activity of the analytical department is connected with the collection of information (statistical indicators of players, teams, etc.), then its processing and the formation of a sports line. Analysts study incoming bets for a strong bias towards one or another outcome and respond in a timely manner to changes in the quotes of sporting events and the factors influencing them.

Zh: What is the principle of the analytical department? Is it important to predict the outcome as accurately as possible?

M: In their work, analysts should always keep in mind such a principle as making a profit. For this, several conditions must be met. Odds should be arranged in such a way as to attract the interest of players, but for any, even the most unexpected sports outcome, to bring profit to the office.

Zh: How to avoid contradictions in the betting line?

M: How to do it? Constantly control these contradictions, and, even more so, control the ability of players to make a surebet (i.e., bet on two events in such a way that, no matter what the outcome, the player remains a winner). In this, the analytical department should not allow the slightest error.

J: What is a “unique event” in bookmaking?

M: The fact is that bookmaking is not only strict mathematics. Fetus creative imagination analytical department when creating a line - these are the so-called unique events (events that have no analogue in the lines of other bookmakers). For example, someone takes bets on the end of the world or whether it will rain tomorrow. In principle, the field of creativity for creating bets on unique events is limitless.

Zh: If you imagine the betting business as a scale, what disadvantages could you oppose to the advantages? Are there any pitfalls and what is the benefit of developing the direction of bookmaking?

M: Today, opening your own bookmaker's office is a fairly profitable investment with a good prospect for the future, because bookmaking is one of the few types gambling business in Russia. And since there are no legal alternatives, bookmaking is good playground for development. Opening your own office is an excellent solution for those who already have or have a room in mind, for those who are engaged in or have been associated with the activities of cafes, restaurants and catering. Well, of course, this is a certain path. further development for those who were engaged in the gambling business and have retained their client base since then.

The minus of the betting business is, perhaps, a sufficient outflow of customers on the Internet to gambling sites that are currently illegal under the laws of the Russian Federation. Similar sites, popular among Russian players, operate on the basis of licenses from offshore territories. Playing on such sites, the player does not receive any legal protection, and at any time his account can be reset to zero by the operator without explanation. In the event of an incorrect calculation of the bet, the player will not be able to formalize his legal claims in any way. Thus, when playing on the Internet, a gambler relies only on trust in the office.

Also, the disadvantages of opening a betting business include all kinds of underground gambling establishments that attract some customers and cast a shadow on the business as a whole.

Zh: If we talk about the legislation in the field of betting, what restrictions could you name?

M: It is always worth being aware of the main restrictions in the law regarding the opening of teaching staff. These restrictions mainly relate to rather stringent requirements for the premises: the bookmaker's betting office cannot be located in residential facilities, in the same facility with medical, educational or municipal institutions. The most stringent requirement, of course, is a restriction on residential buildings, in fact, even a separate extension to residential building, having the same address as the house itself, will not be able to go through the licensing procedure for betting activities. Because of this, a lot is lost. good places to open BC.

Zh: So, let's imagine that the office is open. What is the portrait of the audience that should be targeted?

M: If the goal of a business is profit, then its source is the target audience. Who are these people? Most often, these are male representatives from 18 to 50 years old (and older), lovers of sports analytics and statistics. Or just gambling people who want to try their luck and just have a good time.

J: What advice would you give to beginner bookmakers to attract visitors?

M: It is important to remember that in order to attract target audience it is necessary to provide players with a full guarantee of any payments on winnings. Players prefer to place bets in the office, where the winnings are always paid on time and in full, and possible conflict situations smoothed over in their favor.

Having originated several centuries ago, bookmaking does not die, but remains a thriving and constantly developing industry. Why? Because excitement and the desire to win are the same eternal needs of people as, for example, communication. It is a form of personal expression. A Eternal values worth the investment.

The betting industry is one of the largest in the world in terms of turnover. The profitability of the bookmaker business, according to their own statements, reaches 8-10%, although the reality most likely differs significantly in big side.

Starting this business, you need to understand what level of profitability you expect. Unlike trade, catering and other business sectors, the profitability of a bookmaker's office is relatively low - up to 10%. This means that with a turnover of 1 million rubles, the entrepreneur will earn 100 thousand rubles a month.

The principle of the bookmaker's office is simple.

Every day the office offers a list of quotes for sporting events, which is called "line". Each of the outcomes of a sporting event has its own unique coefficient, which is necessary to calculate the amount of winnings.

There are offices that work for a mass audience and accept bets (from 20 to 5000 rubles) and for the elite. Basically, these are Moscow networks. Their minimum bet is 500 rubles. The average price category includes rates from 100 to 100 thousand rubles.

But a beginner cannot pull these turns, and therefore it is worth starting with small bets.

Of course, this business has a seasonality, closely related to world sports championships. Most bets are traditionally placed on football matches.

Every day the bookmaker creates his lines, for which he finds out. the balance of power for a particular match to determine the probabilities of the outcome of that match. Of course different offices maybe your own vision of the outcome. And that means your stakes.

For example, in the match Eagles - Hares, the bookmaker believes that the chances in percentage terms are 50% -30% -20%. That is, 50% that the Eagles will win, 30% that there will be a draw and 20% that the Hares will win.

According to the European odds system, the line for this event will form as 2 - 3.33 - 5. This is done by simply dividing one by the percentage of the team's chances.
But then the bookmaker will not get anything if he allows the player to play along such lines. So he introduces a margin. For example, we will have a margin of 15%.

That is, the player will have to be 10% smarter (minimum) than the bookmaker in order to win. The alignment of forces with profit margin as a percentage will be 57.5% - 34.5% - 23%=115%. Or in the European format - this: 1.74 - 2.90 - 4.35.

He will give such a line to the player.

Let's say people put down the sum like this: $6,000 - $3,000 - $1,000.

What will the bookmaker say? What risks does it carry?

If the Eagles win, then the bookmaker will have to pay the players 6000$*0.74=4440$ and he will receive from the players 3000$+1000$ =4000$ and the total loss will be -440$.

If there is a draw, then the bookmaker will have to fork out for 1.90*3000$ =5700$, and he will receive from the players 6000$+1000$=7000$ and the total loss will be -1300$.

If the Hares win, the bookmaker will pay $1000*3.35=$3350 and receive $9000 from the players. Thus, the profit that he will receive will be $5650.
Now about the process of opening a business:

To open a betting office that belongs to the gambling business, you need to obtain a license.

The founder of a bookmaker's office must have experience in gambling business. IN otherwise no one will issue a license to open a bookmaker's office. Therefore, often entrepreneurs are looking for an experienced director or offer a share in the business.

You need to enter the market with a certain line of rates (daily quotes) in order to stand out from the competition, which means you will need either a staff of analysts or partnerships with a large bookmaker. The subscription fee for providing a daily line and software is $300-500 per month.

As soon as a new office opens, they immediately rush into it experienced players. Everyone knows: beginners make a lot of mistakes, which means there is real chance capitalize on inexperience. If the line proposed by the entrepreneur is fundamentally different from the proposals of competitors, the entrepreneur will be large sum in a short time. Therefore, in order not to burn out at the very beginning of work, the bookmaker must have a reserve fund and limit maximum rates.

The reserve fund must be replenished in case of loss and collected in case of winning. The size of the reserve fund depends on the volume of rates, turnover, which the entrepreneur is counting on.

For placing a bookmaker's office, the places of the highest traffic, in which men appear, are ideal. According to statistics, 95% of players are men who are interested in sports. In principle, a bidding point can be opened on an area of ​​4 square meters, and therefore significantly save on rent. Often bookmakers are opened on the basis of entertainment and gambling establishments (not infrequently for a share of the profits).

From the equipment the new office will need a computer, a printer (for printing a check or cards), a copier (for line reproduction), the Internet. And of course the cashier.

Also, any self-respecting bookmaker network should have an advanced software for taking bets. You can buy an existing program, or you can write a program for yourself by paying developers for it (cost up to $40,000).

The bookmaker is the most attractive place for those people who want to get easy money.

Opening your own company in this field of activity, you do not need to spend too much a large number of time to search for a client base, as there are always a lot of fans of excitement.

Successful Entrepreneurs Set Profitability this business to around 10 percent. However, according to experts, the betting business has more high profitability, and such an underestimated figure is provided in order to hide real profits.

Activities of the bookmaker

Consideration should be given to the activities carried out by a standard bookmaker. On a daily basis, a company operating in this field of activity is able to put up a line of various quotes for a variety of sporting events. Absolutely each event is assigned certain coefficients, which are used primarily to obtain certain results by customers.

The entrepreneur will need to carefully analyze the basic principles that are dominant in the work of the office. For example, you can hire analysts, but this will greatly increase the amount of initial capital.

But analysts will be able to process sports information and provide ready-made quotes. Accordingly, such a step can greatly promote the entire business as a whole. But due to the increase in initial capital, many novice entrepreneurs prefer to use ready-made quotes.

When developing a business project for your activities, you will need to decide on potential customers. If entrepreneurship is designed for a mass audience, then the rates will vary from 20 to 6,000 rubles. If the activity is designed for an elite audience, then the cost of rates should start from 500 rubles. Many firms working with the elite prefer very high stakes- not less than one hundred thousand rubles.

You should realistically evaluate all your chances and opportunities, since a fairly large initial capital is required to enter an elite audience. Financial risks will be quite large, however, the payback of the business will be faster.

What is the main task for the totalizator?

The main goal of sweepstakes companies is the correct placement of coefficients so that the entrepreneur can remain profitable. Accordingly, you should immediately forget about fraud, as this will cause the betting business to lose not only popularity, but also its reputation.

Customers should always be able to place their bets on both future events and live sporting events. Moreover, the program for the betting office compiled by the analytical department or the entrepreneur himself for betting accounting should imply the possibility of changing the odds in the course of a certain event. In general, bookmakers do not bet minimum rates for events. Accordingly, they do not limit potential customers in anything.

When can you expect maximum profit?

The bookmaker business will begin to bring maximum profit during such world events as championships in various sports. European cups are also highly valued by bookmakers in terms of profit. On the one side, similar business largely considered seasonal. But in the event that there is a large customer base, the totalizator will always bring consistently high profits.

Licensing your business

Despite the constant innovations in the bills, it is possible to open a bookmaker's office, since this type of business is not prohibited. However, certain licenses will be required. This can be done at the Federal Agency for Physical Education, Sports and Tourism.

The whole complexity of this process is caused by several specific factors at once. Based on this, we can say that in order to open a company in this field of activity, an entrepreneur must have experience in gambling-type entertainment.

Buying a franchise can make starting a business much easier.

In order to get rid of the difficulties of opening your own business, you will need to purchase a franchise from the sweepstakes office, which already has a fairly high popularity and good reputation.

Thus, you will not only protect yourself from various difficulties, but also avoid financial losses that a bookmaker can bring. Betting always carries certain risks, and this should be remembered

As in most other business areas, before you become part of a certain market segment, you need to carefully identify powerful and weak traits, which the betting business should highlight in itself. When franchising his business, the entrepreneur does not have to design his own rates and quotes. And this, in turn, allows you to cut the cost of the analytical department or to pay for this service.

Registration of a bookmaker

In order to organize your entrepreneurial idea, you need not only a license for a bookmaker's office. The entrepreneur will need to register with the tax service and register all personnel in pension fund. Legal form - LLC. She is optimal. By creating entity, you will need to solve all the problems associated with renting premises, repair and finishing work, finding employees, purchasing equipment, debugging the work process, obtaining a license and buying a franchise.

Competent approach to the organization of the sweepstakes

When renting premises, it should be borne in mind that any office with an area starting from 20 square meters is suitable for a totalizator. Many sweepstakes have televisions, through which potential clients will be able to watch any event in live. In addition, TVs allow you to bet on a certain outcome in real time.

Many now have a question: “I want to open a bookmaker’s office, but how to do it?”. After all, in Lately, when the activities of the casino were stopped, bookmakers significantly increased their income due to the influx of people.

Bookmaking is also gambling . Experts say that their profitability reaches at least 20%. Is it profitable to open your own office? Answer: Yes.

In the USA, Japan and Western Europe betting services are the most monetary. Operations carried out in such offices, by size Money not inferior to banks. The turnover is up to 650 billion dollars per annum.

To open a bookmaker's office, you need to have at least 3,000–4,000 dollars. The costs will be rent, equipment, a dedicated line for the Internet. If the goal is to get the maximum benefit, then a well-played market is needed, but with little competition.

In total, there are two types of offices:

  1. For a mass audience. Rates on average range from 20 to 5000 rubles.
  2. For the elite. Rates for them - not less than 500 rubles.

For beginners who open such a business for the first time, it is better to start with the first option.

As a rule, to open, you will need to rent a room, purchase equipment, hire staff, create a reserve fund, and also obtain a license. Each of the stages is discussed separately below.

Where to begin

First you need to learn the principle of its work, which will be discussed in detail below. It is important to understand that everything depends on quotes, which must be competent and professional. This will attract many customers.

Next, you need to collect documents, obtain permission and a license. Find a suitable room - it should be one that men often look into. They (95%) are the ones who place the bets. It is not necessary to rent a separate building, you can stay in clubs, in the hall slot machines and so on. Where big flow people - there are many potential customers.

equipment is another important point along with staffing. You don't need a lot of people, the main thing is that they are good specialists. Sports analysts and cashiers will be needed.

A small advertisement will not hurt at the initial stage, which will help to attract the attention of people.

The main thing is not to forget about the reasonable use of profits and the availability of a reserve fund.

How bookmakers work

The principle of operation is simple - slightly reminiscent of the stock exchange. Every day the office has offers of quotations for various sporting events and activities. This list is called a line. Each result of such events has a unique coefficient. It is taken into account when calculating the amount of winnings. That is, everyone who made a bet knows how much he will receive if he wins.

The work of calculating the coefficients is assigned to sports analysts, who are in every office.

The winnings are paid out within one or several hours after the bet has won. Often bets are made on football, hockey, basketball, racing and even boxing.

Not only sporting events are involved in such deals, but also music and other festivals and events such as Oscar, Eurovision, Grammy.

An example of the work and calculations of bookmakers

Risks are assessed daily and the coefficient is calculated by analysts. All this has its own character from one office to another.

Suppose a match was played between team #1 and team #2. The bookmaker estimates the odds in the following ratio: 50% - 30% - 20%. Thus, 50% is bet on team #1 winning, 30% on a draw, and 20% on team #2. In Europe, according to its rules and traditions, the line looks different: 2 - 3.33 - 5. That is, the unit is divided by the percentage of winnings for each event (draw or win) and multiplied by 100%.

But the official ratio is different. With such calculations, the office does not receive profit. It's only real numbers. Therefore, another 15% is added to 100%.

The percentage will be as follows: 57.5% - 34.5% - 23%, which gives a total of 115%. And the European version: 1.74 - 2.90 - 4.35. These are the predictions that are posted to the public.

Numbers are numbers, but specific example everything will be clearer. For example, bets were made in the following ratio: 9,000 - 6,000 - 3,000. The bookmaker's risks will be as follows. If team #1 wins, the bookmaker will pay out 9,000 * 0.74 = 6,660 and get 3,000 + 6,000 = 9,000. Final profit: 9,000 - 6,660 = 2 340 . If the result is a tie: 6,000 * 1.90 = 11,400, the players are charged 3,000 + 9,000 = 12,000, and the profit is 600 . If team #2 wins, then the calculations are as follows: 3.35 * 3,000 = 10,050, the bookmaker gets 15,000, and the profit is 4 950 .

Thus, the applied scheme looks like in almost all bookmakers.

About the procedure for starting a business

As mentioned above, each office has a line (or list sports events) and special odds needed to calculate winnings. By the way, the bookmaker's office is characterized by instability due to games, because they are seasonal.

To find out how to open a branch of a bookmaker, you need to read the following information:

  1. The first step in opening is obtaining a license. The difficulty is that only a person with experience can get it, so those who do not have it will have to look for a director or take a knowledgeable person as a share.
  2. The second step is the betting method. This is what the analyst should do. Only after that is it possible to enter the market with your quotes.
  3. The third step is the creation of a reserve fund. The restrictions imposed on the maximum rates will not interfere either. You need to be careful at this stage, as cunning players are trying to cash in on newly opened and inexperienced offices. You can't make strong distinctions between your line and your competitors' line. The reserve is individual and depends on the financial possibilities and the size of the rates.
  4. Next - the purchase of equipment, hiring people.

Obtaining a license

Can't work without a license. This is the first and important step. It must be obtained from the tax office.

The license is issued by the Federal Tax Service and is issued for 5 years, with the possibility of subsequent renewal.

You will also need to be licensed federal agency By physical education, sports and tourism.

The procedure itself involves the collection of documents and papers. The application is not considered immediately - obtaining a license will take about 1.5 months.

The requirements are strict: you need a charter in the amount of 100,000,000 rubles, a bank guarantee for 500,000,000 rubles, assets for 1 billion rubles.

The sums are huge and unbearable for many. In this case, a partner license may be used. The cost of this registration (license) is much lower - 200,000 rubles.

Obtaining a license is a mandatory and very serious stage. You need to prepare for it in advance.

Betting line

The betting line should not be very different from the competitive ones, as noted earlier. People need to be interested in odds compiled by good analysts.

There are two such options:

  1. Self process. We need a staff of analysts who will develop the line. Such specialists in higher educational institutions they don’t cook - experienced players become them over time.
  2. Line rental. Lease involves a partnership with another organization that has relevant experience and a long period of work. If an analyst's salary is about $1,000, then the cost of such rent reaches up to $500 per month.

reserve fund

The main rule of the reserve fund is that it replenishes when you lose and is collected when you win. Its size depends on the cash flow and rates. The region also matters.

The size in numbers starts from 50,000 rubles and goes up to 5,000,000 rubles. On average, its size does not exceed 500,000 in most organizations.


You don't have to buy expensive equipment. The main thing is to have a basic set:

  • computer;
  • Printer;
  • Xerox;
  • cash machine;
  • safe;
  • software.

At the initial stage, this is quite enough. And in the future, as the betting activity develops, it is possible to update the equipment, gradually purchase more expensive and modernized equipment and technologies (the same applies to the machine for accepting automatic bets).

How to open a bookmaker franchise

Franchise today is an effective business model. It expands the boundaries and possibilities of the office. There are many advantages.

Franchisors provide their assistance in running the business for a fee. It is about 10-15% of the total franchise income.

That is, a franchise is a kind of guardianship of a large, successful company over another. She helps in the selection and placement of employees, in the purchase of equipment and rental of premises; she consults on any issues. This is beneficial not only to the franchise - the franchisor thus expands, grows in economic terms. And for subsidiary it's kind of a good start. The franchise is profitable, and it was with its registration that many successful bookmakers started.

How to open a bookmaker online on the Internet

This type of business is also popular online. But on the Internet, it is technically different. And so, the steps to create the same. The only thing that is still needed at first is the website of the bookmaker, as well as a program that will allow you to create high level client service.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker

If you use a franchise, then the cost will be 350,000 rubles - this is the minimum, which includes rent, staff, equipment. Maximum - 2,000,000 rubles.

Let's break down all investments into parts:

  1. Documents, registration, license - 200,000 rubles.
  2. Rent - 15,000 (small premises).
  3. Repair (if necessary) - 50,000 rubles.
  4. Equipment - 70,000 rubles.
  5. Advertising - 15,000 rubles.

So, 350,000 rubles is the minimum that will have to be invested in the business. But if you believe the words of experts, then such an amount at successful start It will pay for itself in six months, which is quite good.