Planets in the 9th house of a woman. Planets or zodiac sign in the ninth house

The natal chart is a personal horoscope of a person's birth. It is built at the moment of birth of a person and place of birth. This horoscope characterizes the fate of a person: the possibilities, inclinations and circumstances of life inherent in him. With the help of a birth chart, the position of the planets in the signs of the zodiac relative to the Earth, as well as relative to each other, is determined. According to these data, a description of a person is compiled. We present you a service that allows you to perform online calculation of a natal chart by date of birth with decryption for free.

In order for the description to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to indicate the date of birth, the time of birth (preferably the exact time) and the place of birth. If your city is not in the list, choose the closest city, a difference of 50-100 km is acceptable, it is important that the city is in your time zone in this case. To determine the position of houses, the Placidus system is used.

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Place of Birth:

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Determine natal birth chart

Loyal, patient, ambitious, persistently interested in religion and philosophy, loves to live abroad, has excellent relations with foreigners and is always eager to travel. He tries his best to get a higher education. Shows great abilities for languages, literature and publishing, gravitates towards teaching and oratory. The negative aspects of nature are arrogance, swagger, narcissism. Shows a deep interest in metaphysics, cultural history and philosophical concepts. He builds his whole life in strict accordance with the chosen moral code. He studies with interest any mental constructions from the field of law and the humanities, successfully works in universities and private schools. Strives to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, and only with the defeat of the planet does not have any opportunities for this because of laziness and indiscipline. Often such people become ministers of social security, or hold important positions in the church hierarchy. They are very sincere and emotionally warm, but the tendency to extremes in choosing worldview positions makes them narrow-minded and limited. Excellent intuition, the gift of foresight, success and honors in charitable and missionary affairs. Frequent prophetic dreams, interest in international life. Calm and optimistic character. Such people love to speculate about higher knowledge and often imagine themselves to be its possessors. They are sincerely loyal to the idea and can be successful as artists, scientists, judges, priests and public relations specialists. Their marriage is usually profitable and favorable. In ancient times, this aspect was associated with the "favor of the gods and kings." With the wrong use of energies, they tend to live beyond their means, exceeding all possibilities, claims, non-repayment of loans, impudence in business and failures in contacts. These people are always frank and condescending, they are distinguished by a philosophical mindset and a remarkable ability to navigate the future. They are prone to a strongly pronounced spiritual expansion, healing and occupation of the occult. They rarely lose, as they intensely anticipate the future.

♃ Jupiter in the houses of the horoscope ♃ Jupiter in the 1st house

This is a carefree optimistic person with a broad outlook on life and loves travel and nature. His kind and clear character attracts others who are always ready to offer him their help. He is logical, quick-witted, witty, loves..

♃ Jupiter in 2nd house

Such a person succeeds in solving financial issues, as he is able to make a lot out of almost nothing. The aspect favors any professional occupation, especially if they are related to banking, travel, trade, ..

♃ Jupiter in 3rd house

Such a person excels in literary, communication and educational activities. He is quick-witted and carefree, practical and reasonable, distinguished by loftiness of ideals and developed intuition. He is on excellent terms with..

♃ Jupiter in 4th house

Parents often help such a person until he reaches adulthood. In turn, he is devoted to home and family and responsibly continues tribal traditions. Success finds him in his homeland, he meets old age in comfort, coziness and in full financial ..

♃ Jupiter in 5th house

Such a person loves everything grandiose and everything creative. His interests are extremely versatile and varied. He loves sports and children, acquires many love affairs, is successful in financial transactions, and is successful in gambling. May have a large...

♃ Jupiter in 6th house

Such a person works with ease and clarity and is able to excel in any career. He never stays out of work and usually makes good money. Generous, knows how to work in cooperation with others. Possesses good organizational skills...

♃ Jupiter in 7th house

The life of such a person is marked by a happy marriage and excellent professional cooperative relationships. Unless the planet is severely afflicted, divorce is unlikely. There may be great luck in meeting with justice and a tendency to marry ..

♃ Jupiter in 8th house

Such a person skillfully handles money and always has a lot of favorable opportunities. He skillfully manages the funds of other people, dealing with banking, accounting or management. His life is long, and his death is calm...

♃ Jupiter in 9th house

Loyal, patient, ambitious, persistently interested in religion and philosophy, loves to live abroad, has excellent relations with foreigners and is always eager to travel. He tries his best to get a higher education. Manifests..

♃ Jupiter in 10th house

Success in work and politics comes to such a person thanks to his pronounced organizational skills, enviable self-confidence and strong reliability. He has many opportunities for development, is extremely socially active and has a keen sense of..

Good day everyone!
I am often asked what astrology software do I use?
I use Goravani Das's program. This person has Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 9th house. I often get comments about this, they say, I use an outdated program from the 90s. I do not respond to these comments, and will continue to use this software now and then, if technical circumstances allow.
My students sometimes send me their exams in programs that I don't even know, but I will continue to use mine, because this program is not just mathematics and machine calculation of ephemeris. This is a person, a person.
The 9th house is responsible for the intellect, like Jupiter. And, being in this position, the indicators of both the planet and the houses are greatly enhanced.
A long time ago, when I first got acquainted with this program, I also saw books in English there, the interpretation of the meanings in which simply struck me with its depth, and this is exactly what I love, because superficial things don’t really bother me.

Naturally, if Sagittarius falls into the 9th house, then Scorpio ends up in the 8th house, from where he brings good, so Goravani Das is a special person for me.

Another very special person for me is Swami Prabhupada, a spiritual master who also had Jupiter in the 9th house.
Imagine a young boy of 13-14 years old who just entered puberty, in the early 90s, when you could hear bad translations of Hollywood films from every window, when everything is allowed. And this guy is suddenly given books.
After reading them, I went crazy, in the best sense of the word. My mind turned over. I met the only person who could influence me. And instead of being interested in not the most blessed things, like many of my classmates, I began to practice spirituality.

There was everything in my life, there were both good and very bad people, but at that moment when it was simply unbearable, I met two women. In one of them, Jupiter was in Sagittarius, in the other - in the 5th house. And they helped me a lot. For this I am very grateful to them.

When I became a teacher, my student with Jupiter in Sagittarius advised me to invest money properly and get rich. And I am very grateful to him.

Another person with Jupiter in Sagittarius donated some money to me, which helped me a lot. After that, he became my best friend.

I can give such examples endlessly. People with Jupiter in the 9th house, people with Jupiter in Sagittarius, have a positive spiritual influence on me. This is because I myself have an active sign of Sagittarius and an active 9th house, which is associated with the house of personality.
Of course, such people can have such an influence on everyone, but this influence especially increases for those who themselves have an active 9th house or the sign of Sagittarius.

Jupiter brings not only material well-being, but also helps to understand one's own strategy, without which a person cannot choose the right path in life.
No matter how strong a person is, he always needs advisers, helpers.

People with a strong Jupiter, even if not in Sagittarius and not in the 9th house, but, say, in Cancer - the sign of maximum strength, are of great benefit.

If the sign of Cancer is active in your chart (for example, it falls in 1 house), then a person with Jupiter in Cancer will help you, if your ascending sign is Leo, then a person with Jupiter in Leo (or an active sign of Leo), or with an active 5 house will bring you good, since Leo is a sign identical to the 5th house.

I think that this construction is clear, and you will be able to understand it, to understand why this or that person influences you favorably.
There are also people who influence us negatively, but this is the topic of the next video.

In the comments, you can tell your story about how people with this or that active sign or house influence you.

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Attention! Action for everyone with the Gemini sign! Those born between June 15 and July 15 have the opportunity to get a 40% discount on video consultations. Consultation example: . Hurry - the promotion is valid while the Sun is in Gemini! Send your date, place, time of birth, as well as your questions to: [email protected]. In a response letter you will receive payment instructions with a discount.

Conceptual structures. The position of Jupiter in the 9th house indicates that you study and teach with the same enthusiasm, often combining both in a lively dialogue. You view other people's thoughts as deposits to be mined, because you understand that everyone knows something to behold. You are progressive, you will act in line with the traditions, and from time to time you are captured by mental clichés. Philosophy, ethics, religion or legislation are synthesized in the process of constant search for the ideal generalization. You throw new ideas into the pot of mental soup to see how it tastes different. Unfortunately, some people are not able to appreciate your treatment of their knowledge, acquired by sweat and blood, as semi-finished products for your mental kitchen, and as a result, they may take offense at you. You are the chef of the mind, but before you plunge headlong into preparing your own “culinary masterpiece”, evaluate the dish that each person offers you. Fight with pomp and avoid the pitfalls of fighting for justice or mental superiority. The task is to modestly acknowledge that the source of wisdom is life, and not the knowledge of everything about everything.

Cultural perspective. Traveling in any form is a pleasure. You use every opportunity to expand your cultural knowledge. You want to see the development of the world, captured in the history of its regions, you feel very deeply the influence of group consciousness, exerted anywhere in the world. Finding a universal trace of culture everywhere that a human foot has set foot, excites you. You feel most at home when you're studying, and you learn best when you're on the road, exploring the world.

Higher education. You notice the guiding principles in every event, in every kind of life experience. Thus, the whole world is a classroom for you. And as a result, any training is just a stimulator of your fruitful mind.
You may be a farmer or a professor, but regardless of your social role, you are at heart an intellectual, a natural philosopher; your learning will take place no matter where you are or what you are doing. Learning is your greatest pleasure, your most natural means of expression, so indulge yourself. Take advantage of every learning opportunity.

The search for truth. You like to talk about the truth, philosophize, build one hypothesis after another and move from meager information to the most extensive generalizations. In fact, it is these generalizations that you are most fond of. You are majestic when you tell people the truth. But the question arises: do you even understand what you are reporting? Do not be fooled by the trap of glib wisdom. The fact that you are able to convince others does not guarantee your true maturity. Eloquence is not the same as a “golden” mind or heart. You have a gift. Don't abuse it. Don't get hung up on mundane things. The task is to become refined and refined. Truth is the end product of evolution.

Bill Herbst

Jupiter in 9th house. Intellectual life can become the main direction of development. Success is due to the wealth of personal qualities and the development of the spiritual side of nature. A person is distinguished by a deep interest in science, philosophy, religion, higher education, jurisprudence, addiction to any field of mental activity. He actively learns, adopting all the best, willingly and on a grand scale participates in cognitive journeys, both physical and speculative. Strives to expand his worldview horizon and firmly believes in a lucky star. A good position for a philosopher, prophet or saint. Unstable before flattery and loves to be praised. Here Jupiter indicates an unlimited appetite for the construction and development of theories and philosophical systems (Einstein).

A person quite easily achieves fame and material well-being, wants to give all the best to his loved ones and children and often indulges them with gifts, is condescending, tolerant and sincere towards people. A good listener and attentive leader, university teacher. Easily included in large-scale enterprises. It is essential to get a brilliant education.

With good aspects, a person can become a minister, take an important post in the church hierarchy. Work may be associated with publishing houses, publications, reports, teaching, travel. Can handle public money prudently. Knows how to properly understand the problem and find ways to implement it in practice.

Felix Velichko

Loyal, patient, ambitious, persistently interested in religion and philosophy, loves to live abroad, has excellent relations with foreigners and is always eager to travel. He tries his best to get a higher education. Shows great abilities for languages, literature and publishing, gravitates towards teaching and oratory. Negative side of nature- arrogance, arrogance, narcissism. Shows a deep interest in metaphysics, cultural history and philosophical concepts. He builds his whole life in strict accordance with the chosen moral code. He studies with interest any mental constructions from the field of law and the humanities, successfully works in universities and private schools. Strives to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, and only with the defeat of the planet does not have any opportunities for this because of laziness and indiscipline.

Often such people become ministers of social security, or hold important positions in the church hierarchy. They are very sincere and emotionally warm, but the tendency to extremes in choosing worldview positions makes them narrow-minded and limited. Excellent intuition, the gift of foresight, success and honors in charitable and missionary affairs. Frequent prophetic dreams, interest in international life. Calm and optimistic character. Such people love to speculate about higher knowledge and often imagine themselves to be its possessors. They are sincerely loyal to the idea and can be successful as artists, scientists, judges, priests and public relations specialists. Their marriage is usually profitable and favorable. In ancient times, this aspect was associated with the "favor of the gods and kings."

With the wrong use of energies, they tend to live beyond their means, exceeding all possibilities, claims, non-repayment of loans, impudence in business and failures in contacts. These people are always frank and condescending, they are distinguished by a philosophical mindset and a remarkable ability to navigate the future. They are prone to a strongly pronounced spiritual expansion, healing and occupation of the occult. They rarely lose, as they intensely anticipate the future.

Sun (Leo) in the ninth house.

A person is constantly looking for a "philosopher's stone", reflects on the meaning of life and expands his horizons. Good opportunities in higher education, science, world culture. Travels, keeps in touch with foreign countries, is keenly interested in different cultures and philosophies. The damaged Sun gives a loss of reputation, public accusations, litigation, long trips are imperative (immediately forced) in nature, requiring a lot of effort and health.

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Moon (Cancer) in the 9th house.

The highest purpose of a person on Earth is to collect and systematize information about his native land, parental home, and the history of his country. This is what he does - local history, genealogy, history. He also often travels, but mostly by water, is interested in the cultures of island and coastal peoples, is very greedy for exotic dishes, studies the culinary arts of different times and peoples. Reads a lot (especially fiction). Mother, wife (if the Moon is an indicator of marriage) help to broaden one's horizons, get a higher education and establish ties with foreigners. In men, the wife is often a foreigner or is a representative of a different national culture (if the Moon is an indicator of marriage). Once abroad, a person feels at home there, easily acquires a haven, a hearth, a family, settles down and takes root (such people often travel on family exchange programs). The damaged Moon introduces some capricious instability into the affairs of the IX house - a person cannot decide on his ideals and religious beliefs in any way (for example, he can move from one confession to another several times in his life), he is capricious in higher education (he entered one university - dropped out , entered another university - dropped out again); on long trips and travels, some domestic troubles constantly occur, unusual food delivers negative emotions (indigestion, diarrhea, etc.); foreigners sometimes cause delight, then disgust, etc.

Lilith in the ninth house.

A person has problems with ethics, he is trifles, but he constantly violates it - depending on the aspects of Lilith, this gets away with him (good aspects) or leads to scandals and the loss of an honest name (damaged Lilith). At the same time, a person suspects others of the same behavior (ie, he understands everything to the extent of his depravity). Consciousness expands through occult and hidden sources, magical techniques and rituals. Some of the distant relatives on the maternal side were engaged in magic, witchcraft. On foreign and long-distance trips, a person can fall into uncontrollable destructive states of the psyche (psychosis, unmotivated horror, etc.)

Mercury (Gemini, Virgo) in the 9th house.

In general, the weak position of Mercury (IX house is an analogue of Sagittarius, a sign of damage to Mercury). Therefore, Mercury here manifests itself somewhat distorted. For example, a person does not see (or completely ignores) important details, ignores obvious facts, and as a result, his view of things suffers from bias and one-sidedness. Spends a lot of time (sometimes too much) in abstract (often too abstract) philosophical reasoning. Ideologist, pragmatist, theorist. He thinks big and big, knows how to weed out the main (defining) in the flow of information - the analytical mind interacts well with abstract thinking. Any communication and communication lead to the expansion of horizons and horizons of perception; at the same time, communication is mainly long-distance (long-distance telephone communication, e-mail, mailings abroad, many long-distance and foreign trips). Religious ideology. It is often found in the maps of clerics traveling around the world for missionary or educational purposes. Damaged Mercury gives religious and philosophical delusions, conscious or involuntary (often in the horoscopes of atheists), dogmatism, fundamentalism (a person simply dismisses all the facts that do not fit into his previously established picture of the world), unsuccessful chores on long trips, problems of communication with foreigners (not can find an interpreter, for example), disputes and quarrels with teachers and teachers, authorities, litigation (mainly over trifles and trifles).

Venus (Taurus, Libra) in the 9th house.

Ethics interferes with aesthetics all the time, his motto is "Beauty (in the sense of aesthetics) will save (in the religious and philosophical sense) the world." In religion, he pays more attention to the external beauty of the ritual than to its essential content. In the horoscope of a man - a marriage with a foreigner or a representative of a different national culture (if Venus is an indicator of marriage). Travel abroad and travel for cultural purposes (for example, to see the Japanese national theater or visit the temple of Apollo in Greece).

Mars (Scorpio) in the ninth house.

"Warrior of Faith" Ideological and philosophical disputes reach the point of assault. An active propagandist of his ideas and worldview. The horizons of consciousness expand in situations of sports and military battles, open rivalry and enmity. Long-distance trips and travels are associated with the same (to sports competitions, to the war) and with specific physical labor (I went abroad to work at a construction site, for example). Conflicts in foreign trips, with teachers, religious figures, servants of Themis. Damaged Mars - ideological and religious fanaticism; war on religious grounds ("beat the infidels!"); injuries and fights on long trips, travel; litigation in cases of assault and bodily harm (up to murder - but this requires additional strong indications in the map); sports injuries.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) in the 9th house.

The strong position of Jupiter (IX house is an analogue of Sagittarius, the sign of control for Jupiter). Strong abstract thinking, very wide opportunities for expanding the horizons of consciousness. Able to cover many problems at once, draw general conclusions, establish connections, generalize large layers of experience, see the structure as a whole, in which each thing has its place and purpose. As a rule, he has great authority and in the second half of his life gathers students and followers around him (this is a leader in some scientific, cultural, philosophical direction). He has the gift of persuasion (you can't argue with his generalizations). Intensive trips abroad (symposia, conventions, missionary tours, etc.). Shows a great inclination to literature and the study of other cultures, well-read, erudite. He is very religious and often becomes a missionary. Such people often teach at a university, pursue a scientific career or a career as a clergyman.

Saturn (Capricorn) in the ninth house.

Major ethical and moral issues. Often atheism. A person is too demanding on others, imposes his moral principles. He himself constantly finds himself in situations where life tests him for honesty, the slightest deviation from moral standards and, as Zhvanetsky says, "court, exile, Siberia" (exactly exile, as an option for a forced long trip or emigration, and not prison - the latter goes XII house). Barriers to higher education and foreign travel. Strict teachers. In culture, science and philosophy, it accepts what has long been time-tested. In religion, he gravitates towards traditional cults, and perceives newfangled confessions with hostility. Career and personal ambitions are often associated with foreign countries, science, and jurisprudence. This position of Saturn can often be seen in the charts of judges (and sports too). Damaged Saturn - gloomy atheism, immorality ("the world is too cruel to be fair"), dishonor (bribery, bribery, thief by conviction), serious legal problems, "not traveling" (for some reason a person is not allowed to go abroad) , higher education is absent or very poor (some kind of shabby university, where those who are not taken anywhere at all go).

Uranus (Aquarius) in the 9th house.

As befits Uranus, a person takes extreme positions in matters of the IX house. Or in a revolutionary way it goes beyond the boundaries of "its" culture to the level of superculture or also rapidly falls into the chaos of lack of culture - especially if Uranus is damaged (although he himself calls it such a "revolutionary culture" - punks, hippies, nudists, etc.). Either exaltedly religious, or a theomachist (a kind of modern Prometheus). His ideal is man himself, human consciousness, the ability of this consciousness to reach the truth. He has several higher educations, most of which (if not all) are incomplete. The horizons of consciousness expand in contact with astrology, space, the latest technologies and telecommunications (including the Internet). The worldview may be related to astrology. He professes new, non-traditional religions, fanciful philosophy, tries to combine science (Uranus - exact sciences and modern technologies) and religion (IX house - religion) and instrumentally register God (for example, measure the intensity of the Holy Spirit with the latest quasi-asynchronous voltmeter). A person's connections are so distant and the network of these connections is so extensive that it does not fit into the concept of "correspondence with foreigners" (unless, of course, by "foreigners" we mean a couple of alien civilizations). But seriously, Uranus in the IX house is the worldview of the Age of Aquarius (Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius), i.e. these people were already born with the Age of Aquarius within themselves, the transition to the Golden Age is an easy and organic thing for them, since Uranus in the IX house inclines towards the brotherhood of all religions and cultures, the establishment of a single planetary culture and religion. At a high level, such a person can become the ideologist of the New Age, one of the leaders of a single world religion.

Neptune (Pisces) in the ninth house.

Deep religiosity and developed imagination. From the outside, it may seem that a person has been sitting in one place for years and does not go anywhere, but this is an illusion, he travels in his imagination, in dreams, in meditation, and these trips are no less vivid and rich in impressions than real ones. If his body still moves somewhere far in space, then usually by sea or on foot (vagrancy is a typical situation for Neptune). Higher education is possible, but it is difficult to get it - the mind of such a person is as if "smeared", it is difficult for him to clearly articulate at least the answer to the question of the exam ticket, therefore it is better to get a liberal arts education (and even better - music) - approximate formulations are also possible there (and in music does not need them at all), but abstractions that are difficult to express in words reach him best of all. The ethical picture of the world is vague and seems to be based on traditional religious precepts, but ... a person very soon realizes that exceptions happen too often, therefore, he is guided in moral attitudes by intuition signals and at different times can behave completely differently under similar circumstances. The expansion of horizons and horizons of consciousness comes from music, poetry, painting (he looks, for example, at the painting "The Last Day of Pompeii" and suddenly a religious and philosophical guess overshadows him), sea voyages, mystical experiences. Damaged Neptune adds fog and uncertainty in everything - ethical attitudes are completely blurred (and disappear without a trace), the worldview can be described in one word - none, there is no higher education, in a foreign city you can get lost, get lost (almost like Nikulin in Istanbul) and become a homeless person and, in general, a person cannot even approximately guess why he was born on Earth (but faith in God is still great).

Pluto (Aries) in the 9th house.

In many ways it resembles Mars in the IX house. He clearly divides all people into "whites" and "blacks" according to moral and ethical grounds (by the way, he does not always refer to himself as "white"). He persistently imposes his religious views and ideological attitudes, which can be very unusual (and unacceptable to normal people) or, conversely, completely banal mass. Obtaining higher education is due to insurmountable circumstances, there is no choice (for example, there is only one university in the city, or, say, free admission to only one university, and a person cannot study for a fee, etc.), often in choosing a university one goes parents (enters the same university or the same specialty). Conflicts with teachers and the administration of the university reach the level of organization (instigation) by a person of mass student unrest (or at least participation in such unrest). Foreign trips in extreme conditions (often with danger to life), for example, went on vacation to Cyprus, and there the war began. Aspect of forced migrant, refugee. Very serious problems with justice (they can even be sentenced to death). Damaged Pluto exacerbates all of the above situations. In general, it is dangerous for a person to travel far, especially abroad. The expansion of the horizons of consciousness occurs in situations of military operations, natural disasters, catastrophes with a large number of victims. Emigration literally puts pressure on a person (both psychologically and physically), it is very difficult to survive away from home. Religiosity has an apocalyptic touch (believes in the end of the world during his lifetime, prepares for it all the time), God appears for him in the form of a ruthless and formidable judge, the main thing in religion for him is how a person dies and what is his posthumous fate, therefore, often such aspect gives researchers in the field of death and other borderline conditions.

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Tags: Ninth house, analogue of Sagittarius, mutable cross, planets in the ninth house, zodiac sign and ninth house, 9th house horoscope

One of the indications of a partner with a high status, intelligent, educated. A partner is a source of pride. It is well implemented in professions related to going out to the public, working with foreign clients, a judge, a lawyer.

The 7th house is not only marriage partners, but also the people around us (it also signifies enemies), so often the fate of the owner of such Jupiter brings people of the Jupiterian type.
One of my clients said so: “Most of the people who surround me are foreigners and travelers.”

Troubled Jupiter in the 7th house can win back through litigation. In a client, a stricken Jupiter from the 7th house makes opposition to the planet of the 1st house, as a result - long-term persecution of the ex-spouse and multiple litigations.

Jupiter in the 7th house of a woman is one indication of marriage to a foreigner. Focus in relationships on common values, attitudes, views. Such a Jupiter can give a desire to see a bright and successful man next to him (the Sun, Mars on fire, in aspects with the ruler 5/7), and with other indications, reliable and faithful (Venus with Saturn, in aspect with Saturn). Then there is a discrepancy, and over time this can develop into a cause of loneliness. In my practice, it's quite common. Astrology helps to choose a compromise type of a man who will satisfy both conscious needs and needs, at the level of instincts - “male male”.

Jupiter in the 7th house of a man is an indication of marriage with a foreigner or an older partner (+7 years), since Jupiter is a mature planet in its energies. Jupiter can serve well as a career catalyst through social contacts with people of higher status. Also noticed success through unions and associations.

In the negative version - throwing dust in the eyes, as well as the risks of falling for the tricks of scammers.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 7th house: Vladimir Putin, Nelson Mandela, Angela Merkel, Warren Buffett, Marilyn Monroe

Jupiter in 8th house

Most of the pages on the Internet come down to describing Jupiter as a benefactor, a benefactor, but the description of the 8th house says something completely different: the house of death, crises, extreme, transformation.
How to proceed then? Let's figure it out.

Jupiter is directly related to the values ​​and worldview of a person. Such a position can enhance interests in the occult, mysticism, give a passion for extreme sports.
In times of crisis, Jupiter remains optimistic and does not despair.

In a harmonious version - an indication of a wealthy spouse, the receipt of large sums of money from wills and public funds. If it didn’t work out with a rich spouse, and there is no financial confidence in the future, it can give a psychological fear of poverty, forcing you to do everything so as not to be in need.

If you dig into the karmic layer, then the ancestors of the owner of the horoscope with Jupiter in the 8th house became impoverished, losing all their property in an instant.

If Jupiter is the ruler of the 8th house, then the scale of nasty things and joys is directly related to its harmony and defeat in the horoscope. If such Jupiter fell into the 3rd house, then this is 1 indication of an accident, in 6 - the risks of layoffs, the 7th - litigation and divorce.

On the return of Jupiter at 23-24, on the transit of Jupiter through the 8th house, try to “cut off” all unnecessary people who slow down the process of your growth. Jupiter loves goals - set specific goals in work, study, and then pleasant changes will definitely occur.

It is well implemented in the following professions: banking, accountant, manager, sex therapist.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 8th house: Carl Gustav Jung, Al Capone, Richard Branson, Jennifer Lawrence

Jupiter in 9th house

Here Jupiter is in its 9th house. On high floors, such a Jupiter gives the ability to extract morality, allows the mental flow to cover a wide range of problems, to process huge flows of information.

Here, as in no other house, the theme of study and education is emphasized. A strong Jupiter in the 9th house will give an eternal craving for new knowledge. The topic of education is an integral part of the life of the owner of a strong Jupiter.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 9th house is more focused on internal spiritual growth and the knowledge and conclusions gained are not so much given outward as accumulated in themselves.

A person with a strong Jupiter loves to travel, and often new opportunities open up through the topic of travel and contact with foreigners. Among its owners are many scientific leaders, politicians, travelers, culturologists, lawyers, and teachers. I noticed that people with Jupiter in the 9th house are very careful in choosing a mentor so that there is not a single doubt about his knowledge and authority.

In minus qualities: snobbery, arrogance, narcissism.

Also, if strong Jupiter chooses a specific direction and according to the plan (working Saturn) moves towards the goal, then disharmonious Jupiter clings from goal to goal, for example, today I study English, tomorrow I rush into Italian, etc.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 9th house: Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Fidel Castro, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves.