Well-known Russian entrepreneurs patrons. Patrons of the Russian Empire

Everything in our life sooner or later acquires its meaning and name. Here is such a phenomenon as gratuitous aid, patronage and development assistance, which modern man calls patronage, charity or sponsorship.

All these concepts are united by a single meaning, but still there are features that distinguish them. Each of these areas has been present in Russia since ancient times and to this day. Sponsor, philanthropist, philanthropist - these are people who provide assistance, but can it be called absolutely gratuitous? Let's figure it out together...

Terminology - a ray of light in the wilds of concepts

So, there are people who are ready to give their "hard money" to support and promote the development of literature, music, other arts and just people who need help. Why not unite the heroes under one name? What are the nuances here?

A philanthropist is a person who provides disinterested and gratuitous assistance to those in need. The person himself decides where, how, to whom and with what he can help. Benefactors do not ask for anything in return and often provide assistance anonymously. Entire charitable foundations are being created where caring people can contribute to the misfortune (or development) of strangers: children, refugees, the sick, etc. Often, charitable collections go to support nature or animals. By the way, not only money refers to charitable assistance.

A philanthropist is a person who voluntarily and free of charge assists the development of science and culture. He attracts his personal financial resources for this noble cause.

Sponsor - investing money in the development and prosperity of someone or something. A sponsor can be either a person or an entire organization. Sponsorship can also be received by a specific person, company, direction, idea or any other activity. The concept of “investor” is similar in meaning, but the sponsor, unlike the investor, does not receive material benefits from the invested funds. Although he has his own interest. Most often, sponsors provide funding to "light up" in the media.

One way or another, by providing gratuitous assistance, each person expects to receive something in return: gratitude, attention, their own peace of mind or reverent joy from a good deed done.

History of patronage in Russia

In Rome, under the reign of Octavian Augustus, assistant and confidant Emperor was Gaius Maecenas. He was allowed a lot, August listened to his opinion. Guy was very helpful creative people who fell out of favor with political power. The name of the Maecenas went down in history as a household name, denoting help, patronage, financial support of scientists and artists.

Patronage in Russia originated in the XIII century as a direction of charity. Patrons of Russia are rich people who have achieved success in various fields. But they gained fame mainly due to philanthropy.

The very appearance of patronage in the West and in our country developed in different ways. In Europe and America, material well-being was considered a sign of piety and righteousness (thanks to Protestantism and capitalism). We have for a long time there was a real anti-cult of wealth. Marina Tsvetaeva also noted that in the soul of a Russian person there is an indelible feeling of the untruth of big money. We are accustomed not to consider poverty as a vice, and merchants and bankers were considered bloodsuckers and interest-bearers.

Despite the generally negative attitude of society, Russian rich people still shared their capital, promoting science, culture and art. The appearance of patrons in Russia is not accidental, because many millionaires came from the peasantry, being deeply religious. Such rich people lived according to the principles of Christian morality, sincerely wanting to help the "orphans and the poor." Although some patrons in the depths of their souls cherished the dream of receiving a state award for their deeds or highlighting their name. Today, charity in Russia is experiencing a renaissance, so it would be appropriate to recall our most famous patrons.

Gavrila Gavrilovich Solodovnikov (1826-1901). This merchant became the author of the largest donation in the history of Russia. His fortune was about 22 million rubles, 20 of which Solodovnikov spent on the needs of society. Gavrila Gavrilovich was born in the family of a paper merchant. The future millionaire was introduced to the business from childhood, so he never really learned how to write or express his thoughts. But at the age of 20, Solodovnikov had already become a merchant of the first guild, and at the age of 40 he earned his first million. The businessman became famous for his extreme prudence and thrift. They say that he did not disdain to eat yesterday's porridge and ride in a carriage without rubber on wheels. Solodovnikov conducted his affairs, albeit not entirely cleanly, but he calmed his conscience by drawing up a well-known will - almost the entire fortune of the merchant went to charity. The patron made the first contribution for the construction of the Moscow Conservatory. A contribution of 200 thousand rubles was enough for the construction of a luxurious marble staircase. Through the efforts of the merchant, a concert hall was built on Bolshaya Dmitrovka with theater stage where ballets and extravaganzas could be staged. Today it has become the Operetta Theatre, and then it housed the Private Opera of another patron, Savva Mamontov. Solodovnikov wanted to become a nobleman, for this he decided to build a useful institution in Moscow. Thanks to the philanthropist, the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases appeared in the city, equipped with all the most interesting. Today, the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov is located in its premises. At the same time, the name of the benefactor was not reflected in the name of the clinic. According to the will of the merchant, his heirs were left with about half a million rubles, while the remaining 20,147,700 rubles were used for good deeds. But at the current rate, this amount would be about 9 billion dollars! A third of the capital went to equip zemstvo women's schools in a number of provinces, another third - to create vocational schools and a shelter for homeless children in Serpukhov district, and the rest - to build houses with cheap apartments for poor and lonely people. Thanks to the bequest of a philanthropist in 1909, the first Free Citizen house appeared on 2nd Meshchanskaya Street with 1152 apartments for single people, the Red Diamond house with 183 apartments for families was also built there. With the houses, the features of communes appeared - a shop, a canteen, a laundry, a bathhouse and a library. On the ground floor of the house for families there was a nursery and a kindergarten, the rooms were offered already furnished. Only officials were the first to move into such comfortable apartments “for the poor”.

Alexander Ludwigovich Stieglitz (1814-1884). This baron and banker was able to donate 6 million from his fortune of 100 million rubles to good deeds. Stieglitz was the richest man in the country in the second third 19th century. He inherited his title of court banker, along with his capital, from his father, the Russified German Stieglitz, who received the title of baron for merit. Alexander Ludwigovich strengthened his position by acting as an intermediary, thanks to which Emperor Nicholas I was able to conclude agreements on external loans for 300 million rubles. Alexander Stieglitz in 1857 became one of the founders of the Main Society of Russian Railways. In 1860, Stieglitz was appointed director of the newly created State Bank. The baron liquidated his firm and began to live on interest, taking a luxurious mansion on the Promenade des Anglais. By itself, the capital brought Stieglitz 3 million rubles a year. Big money did not make the baron sociable, they say that even the hairdresser who cut his hair for 25 years did not hear the voice of his client. The modesty of the millionaire took on painful features. It was Baron Stieglitz who was behind the construction of the Peterhof, Baltic and Nikolaev (later October) railways. However, the banker remained in history not for his financial assistance to the king and not for the construction of roads. The memory of him remained largely thanks to charity. The baron allocated impressive sums for the construction of the School of Technical Drawing in St. Petersburg, its maintenance and museum. Alexander Ludwigovich himself was no stranger to art, but his life turned out to be devoted to making money. The adopted daughter's husband, Alexander Polovtsev, managed to convince the banker that the country's growing industry needed "scientific draftsmen." As a result, thanks to Stieglitz, a school named after him and the country's first museum of decorative and applied arts appeared (the best part of his collections was eventually transferred to the Hermitage). Polovtsev himself, who was the secretary of state of Alexander III, believed that the country would be happy when merchants began to donate money for education without the selfish hope of receiving a government award or preferences. Thanks to his wife's inheritance, Polovtsev was able to publish 25 volumes of "Russian biographical dictionary”, however, due to the Revolution, this good deed was never completed. Now the former Stieglitz School of Technical Drawing is called Mukhinsky, and the marble monument to the baron-philanthropist has long been thrown out of it.

Yuri Stepanovich Nechaev-Maltsov (1834-1913). This nobleman donated a total of about 3 million rubles. At the age of 46, he unexpectedly became the owner of a whole network of glass factories. He received them from his uncle, a diplomat Ivan Maltsev. He was the only one who survived during the memorable massacre at the Russian embassy in Iran (Alexander Griboyedov was also killed at the same time). As a result, the diplomat became disillusioned with his profession and decided to take up the family business. In the town of Gus, Ivan Maltsev created a network of glass factories. To do this, the secret of colored glass was obtained in Europe, with its help the industrialist began to produce very profitable window panes. As a result, this entire glass and crystal empire, together with two rich houses in the capital, painted by Aivazovsky and Vasnetsov, was inherited by an elderly, already unmarried official Nechaev. Along with wealth, he got double surname. Years lived in poverty left their indelible imprint on Nechaev-Maltsev. He was known as a very stingy person, allowing himself to be spent only on gourmet food. Professor Ivan Tsvetaev, the father of the future poetess, became a friend of the rich man. During rich feasts, he sadly calculated how many building materials could be bought with the money spent by the gourmet. Over time, Tsvetaev managed to convince Nechaev-Maltsev to allocate 3 million rubles required to complete the construction of the Museum fine arts in Moscow. It is interesting that the patron of fame himself was not looking for. On the contrary, all 10 years that the construction was going on, he acted anonymously. The millionaire went on unthinkable spending. So, 300 workers hired by him mined a special white frost-resistant marble right in the Urals. When it turned out that no one in the country could make 10-meter columns for a portico, Nechaev-Maltsev paid for the services of a Norwegian steamer. Thanks to a philanthropist, skilled masons were brought from Italy. For his contribution to the construction of the museum, the modest Nechaev-Maltsev received the title of chief chamberlain and the diamond order of Alexander Nevsky. But the “glass king” invested not only in the museum. With his money, a Technical School appeared in Vladimir, an almshouse on Shabolovka, and a church in memory of the murdered on Kulikovo Field. For the centenary of the Museum of Fine Arts in 2012, the Shukhov Tower Foundation proposed to name the institution after Yuri Stepanovich Nechaev-Maltsov instead of Pushkin. However, the renaming never took place, but a memorial plaque in honor of the patron appeared on the building.

Kuzma Terentyevich Soldatenkov (1818-1901). A wealthy merchant donated more than 5 million rubles to charity. Soldatenkov traded in paper yarn, he was a co-owner of the textile Tsindelevskaya, Danilovskaya, and Krenholmskaya manufactories, in addition, he owned the Trekhgorny brewery and the Moscow Accounting Bank on shares. Surprisingly, Kuzma Terentyevich himself grew up in an ignorant Old Believer family, without learning to read and write. WITH early years he was already behind the counter in his rich father's shop. But after the death of a parent, no one could stop Soldatenkov in quenching his thirst for knowledge. A course of lectures on ancient Russian history was given to him by Timofey Granovsky himself. He also introduced Soldatenkov to the circle of Moscow Westerners, teaching him to do good deeds and sow eternal values. A wealthy merchant invested in a non-profit publishing house, at a loss to print books for the common people. Even 4 years before Pavel Tretyakov, the merchant began to buy paintings. The artist Alexander Rizzoni said that if it were not for these two major patrons, then the Russian masters of fine art would simply have no one to sell their works. As a result, Soldatenkov's collection included 258 paintings and 17 sculptures, as well as engravings and a library. The merchant was even nicknamed Kuzma Medici. He bequeathed his entire collection to the Rumyantsev Museum. For 40 years, Soldatenkov donated 1,000 rubles a year to this public museum. Donating his collection as a gift, the philanthropist asked only to place it in separate rooms. The unsold books of his publishing house and the rights to them were donated to the city of Moscow. The philanthropist allocated another million rubles for the construction of a vocational school, and gave two million for the creation of a free hospital for the poor, where ranks, estates and religions would not be paid attention. As a result, the hospital was completed after the death of the sponsor, it was called Soldatenkovskaya, but in 1920 it was renamed Botkinskaya. The benefactor himself would hardly be upset if he learned this fact. The fact is that he was especially close to the Botkin family.

The Tretyakov brothers, Pavel Mikhailovich (1832-1898) and Sergei Mikhailovich (1834-1892). The fortune of these merchants was more than 8 million rubles, 3 of which they donated to art. The brothers owned the Big Kostroma Linen Manufactory. At the same time, Pavel Mikhailovich conducted business at the factories themselves, but Sergei Mikhailovich contacted directly with foreign partners. This division was in perfect harmony with their characters. If the elder brother was closed and unsociable, then the younger one adored secular meetings and rotated in public circles. Both Tretyakovs collected paintings, while Pavel preferred Russian painting, and Sergei preferred foreign, mainly modern French. When he left the post of the Moscow mayor, he was even glad that the need to hold official receptions had disappeared. After all, this made it possible to spend more on paintings. Altogether Sergei Tretyakov spent about a million francs, or 400,000 rubles, on painting. From their youth, the brothers felt the need to make a gift to their hometown. At the age of 28, Pavel decided to bequeath his fortune to the creation of an entire gallery of Russian art. Fortunately, his life turned out to be quite long, as a result, the businessman was able to spend more than a million rubles on the purchase of paintings. And the gallery of Pavel Tretyakov worth 2 million, and even real estate, was donated to the city of Moscow. The collection of Sergei Tretyakov was not so great - only 84 paintings, but it was estimated at half a million. He managed to bequeath his collection to his older brother, and not to his wife. Sergei Mikhailovich was afraid that his wife would not want to part with a valuable collection. When in 1892 Moscow got an art museum, it was called the City Gallery of the brothers Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov. Interestingly, after Alexander III visited the meeting, he offered his elder brother the nobility. However, Pavel Mikhailovich refused such an honor, saying that he wanted to die as a merchant. But Sergei Mikhailovich, who managed to become a real state councilor, would clearly accept this offer. The Tretyakovs, in addition to the collection of the gallery, maintained a school for the deaf and dumb, helped the widows and orphans of painters, supported the Moscow Conservatory and art schools. With their own money and on their site in the center of the capital, the brothers created a passage to improve transport links in Moscow. Since then, the name Tretyakovskaya has been preserved in the name of both the gallery itself and the passage created by merchants, which turned out to be a rarity for a country with a turbulent history.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918). This bright personality in the history of national culture had a significant impact on it. It is difficult to say what exactly Mamontov donated, and it is rather difficult to calculate his fortune. Mamontov had a couple of houses in Moscow, the Abramtsev estate, land on the Black Sea coast, roads, factories and millions of capital. Savva Ivanovich went down in history not only as a philanthropist, but also as a real builder of Russian culture. And Mamontov was born in the family of a wine farmer who headed the Society of the Moscow-Yaroslavl Railway. The industrialist made his capital on the construction of railways. It was thanks to him that the road from Yaroslavl to Arkhangelsk, and then also to Murmansk, appeared. Thanks to Savva Mamontov, a port appeared in this city, and the road that connected the center of the country with the North saved Russia twice. First it happened during the First World War, and then during the Second. After all, almost all the help of the allies came to the USSR through Murmansk. Art was not alien to Mamontov, he himself sculpted well. The sculptor Matvey Antokolsky even considered him talented. They say that thanks to the excellent bass, Mamontov could become a singer, he even managed to make his debut at the Milan Opera. However, Savva Ivanovich never got on stage or at the school. But he was able to earn so much money that he managed to arrange his own home theater and establish a private opera, the first in the country. There, Mamontov acted as a director, conductor, and decorator, and also set his voice to his artists. Having bought the Abramtsevo estate, the businessman created the famous mammoth circle, whose members constantly spent time visiting their wealthy patron. Chaliapin learned to play Mamontov's piano, Vrubel wrote in the office of the patron of his "Demon". Savva the Magnificent made his estate near Moscow a real artistic colony. Workshops were built here, peasants were specially trained, and the "Russian" style was planted in furniture and ceramics. Mamontov believed that the people should be accustomed to the beautiful not only in churches, but also at train stations and on the streets. Sponsored by a millionaire and the magazine "World of Art", as well as the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. Only now the art admirer was so carried away by charity that he managed to get into debt. Mamontov received a rich order for the construction of another railway and took big loan. When it turned out that there was nothing to repay 5 million, Savva Ivanovich ended up in the Taganka prison. His former friends have abandoned him. In order to somehow pay off Mamontov's debts, his rich collection of paintings and sculptures was sold for next to nothing at auction. The impoverished and aged philanthropist began to live at a ceramic workshop outside the Butyrskaya Zastava, where he died unnoticed by everyone. Already in our time, a monument was erected to the famous philanthropist in Sergiev Posad, because here the Mamontovs laid the first short railway line specifically for transporting pilgrims to the Lavra. It is planned to erect four more monuments to the great man - in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, on the Donetsk railway and on Theater Square in Moscow.

Varvara Alekseevna Morozova (Khludova) (1850-1917). This woman owned a fortune of 10 million rubles, having donated more than a million to charity. And her sons Mikhail and Ivan became famous art collectors. When Varvara's husband, Abram Abramovich, died, she inherited from him at the age of 34 the Partnership of Tver Manufactory. Having become the sole owner of big capital, Morozova took up providing for the unfortunate. Of the 500 thousand that her husband allocated to her for benefits to the poor and the maintenance of schools and churches, 150 thousand went to a clinic for the mentally ill. After the revolution, the clinic named after A.A. Morozov was named after the psychiatrist Sergei Korsakov, another 150 thousand were donated to the Vocational School for the Poor. The remaining investments were not so great - the Rogozhskoye Women's Primary School received 10 thousand, the sums went to rural and terrestrial schools, to shelters for the nervously ill. The Cancer Institute on Devichye Pole was named after its patrons, the Morozovs. And there was also a charitable institution in Tver, a sanatorium in Gagra for tuberculosis patients. Varvara Morozova was a member of many institutions. As a result, vocational schools and primary classes, hospitals, maternity shelters and almshouses in Tver and Moscow were named after her. In gratitude for the donation of 50 thousand rubles, the name of the patron was engraved on the pediment of the Chemical Institute of the People's University. Morozova bought a three-story mansion for the Prechistensky courses for workers in Kursovy Lane, and she also paid for the Doukhobors to move to Canada. It was Varvara Alekseevna who financed the construction of the first free library-reading room named after Turgenev in Russia, opened in 1885, and then also helped to purchase necessary literature. The final point of Morozova's charitable activities was her will. The factorywoman, exposed by Soviet propaganda as a model of acquisitiveness, ordered all her assets to be converted into securities, put in a bank, and the funds received to be given to the workers. Unfortunately, they did not have time to appreciate all the kindness of their mistress - a month after her death, the October Revolution happened.

Savva Timofeevich Morozov (1862-1905). This philanthropist donated about 500 thousand rubles. Morozov managed to become a model of a modern businessman - he studied chemistry at Cambridge, and studied textile production in Liverpool and Manchester. Returning from Europe to Russia, Savva Morozov headed the Nikolskaya Manufactory Partnership, named after him. The industrialist's mother, Maria Fedorovna, whose capital was 30 million rubles, remained the managing director and main shareholder of this enterprise. Morozov's advanced thinking suggested that thanks to the revolution, Russia would be able to catch up and overtake Europe. He even drew up his own program of social and political reforms, which aimed at the transition of the country to a constitutional regime of government. Morozov insured himself for the amount of 100 thousand rubles, and issued the policy to the bearer, transferring it to his beloved actress Andreeva. There, in turn, she transferred most of the funds to the revolutionaries. Because of his love for Andreeva, Morozov supported Artistic theater, he was paid a 12-year lease for premises in Kamergersky Lane. At the same time, the contribution of the patron was equal to the contributions of the main shareholders, which included the owner of the gold-gutter manufactory Alekseev, known as Stanislavsky. The restructuring of the theater building cost Morozov 300 thousand rubles - a huge amount for those times. And this is despite the fact that the architect Fyodor Shekhtel, the author of the Moscow Art Theater Seagull, made the project completely free of charge. Thanks to Morozov's money, the most modern stage equipment was ordered abroad. In general, lighting equipment in the Russian theater first appeared here. In total, the philanthropist spent about 500 thousand rubles on the building of the Moscow Art Theater with a bronze bas-relief on the facade in the form of a drowning swimmer. As already mentioned, Morozov sympathized with the revolutionaries. Among his friends was Maxim Gorky, Nikolai Bauman was hiding in the industrialist's palace on Spiridonovka. Morozov helped to deliver illegal literature to the factory, where the future People's Commissar Leonid Krasin served as an engineer. After a wave of revolutionary uprisings in 1905, the industrialist demanded that his mother transfer the factories to his complete subordination. However, she achieved the removal of the obstinate son from business and sent him with his wife and personal doctor to the Cote d'Azur. There, Savva Morozov committed suicide, however, the circumstances of his death turned out to be strange.

Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva (1867-1928). The origin of this princess remains a mystery. According to one of the legends, Emperor Alexander II himself could be her father. Tenisheva tried to find herself in her youth - she got married early, gave birth to a daughter, began to take singing lessons in order to get on the professional stage, and began to draw. As a result, Maria came to the conclusion that the purpose of her life is charity. She divorced and remarried, this time to a prominent businessman, Prince Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Tenishev. He was nicknamed "Russian American" for his business acumen. Most likely, the marriage was calculated, because only in this way, having grown up in an aristocratic family, but illegitimate, a girl could get a firm place in society. After Maria Tenisheva became the wife of a wealthy entrepreneur, she gave herself up to her calling. The prince himself was also a well-known philanthropist, having founded the Tenishev School in St. Petersburg. True, he still fundamentally helped the most cultured representatives of society. Even during the life of her husband, Tenisheva organized drawing classes in St. Petersburg, where one of the teachers was Ilya Repin, she also opened a drawing school in Smolensk. In her estate, Talashkino, Maria opened an “ideological estate”. An agricultural school was created there, where ideal farmers were brought up. And masters of arts and crafts were trained in handicraft workshops. Thanks to Tenisheva, the Russian Antiquities Museum appeared in the country, which became the country's first museum of ethnography and Russian decorative and applied arts. A special building was even built for him in Smolensk. However, the peasants, about which the princess baked for the good, thanked her in their own way. The prince's body, embalmed for a hundred years and buried in three coffins, was simply thrown into a pit in 1923. Tenisheva herself, who together with Savva Mamontov maintained the magazine "World of Art", gave funds to Diaghilev and Benois, lived out her last years in exile in France. There she, still not being old, took up enamel art.

Margarita Kirillovna Morozova (Mamontova) (1873-1958). This woman was related to both Savva Mamontov and Pavel Tretyakov. Margarita was called the first beauty of Moscow. Already at the age of 18, she married Mikhail Morozov, the son of another well-known philanthropist. At 30, Margarita, being pregnant with her fourth child, became a widow. She herself preferred not to deal with the affairs of the factory, whose co-owner was her husband. Morozova breathed art. She took music lessons from the composer Alexander Scriabin, whom she supported financially for a long time in order to enable him to create and not be distracted by everyday life. In 1910, Morozova donated the art collection of her deceased husband to the Tretyakov Gallery. A total of 83 paintings were handed over, including works by Gauguin, Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Munch, Toulouse-Lautrec, Renoir, Perov. Kramskoy, Repin, Benois, Levitan and others. Margarita financed the work of the publishing house "The Way", which until 1919 published about fifty books, mainly on the topic of religion and philosophy. Thanks to the philanthropist, the journal "Questions of Philosophy" and the socio-political newspaper "Moscow Weekly" were published. In her estate Mikhailovskoye in the Kaluga province, Morozova transferred part of the land to the teacher Shatsky, who organized the first children's colony here. And the landowner supported this institution financially. And during the First World War, Morozova turned her house into a hospital for the wounded. The revolution shattered both her life and her family. The son and two daughters ended up in exile, only Mikhail remained in Russia, the same Mika Morozov, whose portrait was painted by Serov. The manufacturer herself lived out her days in poverty at a summer cottage in Lianozovo. A private pensioner Margarita Kirillovna Morozova received a separate room in a new building from the state a few years before her death.

Russian entrepreneurs of the 19th century treated their business differently than Western entrepreneurs. They considered it not so much a source of income as a mission that was entrusted to their shoulders by God or fate. In the merchant environment, it was believed that wealth should be used, so the merchants were engaged in collecting and charity, which was considered by many as a destiny from above.

Most of the entrepreneurs of those times were quite honest businessmen who considered patronage almost their duty.

It was thanks to patrons that museums and theaters, large temples and churches, as well as extensive collections of art monuments appeared in Russia. At the same time, Russian philanthropists did not seek to make their work public, on the contrary, many helped people on the condition that their help would not be advertised in the newspapers. Some patrons even refused titles of nobility.

The heyday of patronage, which began in Russia in the 17th century, came in the second half of the 19th century. City palaces and suburban noble estates were overflowing with vast libraries of rare books and collections of Western European/Russian art, which their owners donated to the state.

Outrageous rich people have been at all times. Exotic pets, strange friends, unusual looks, strange wills... And often the oddities of old Russian rich people are balanced by charitable projects and bright ideas for business. From this point of view, the most unusual millionaires of Russia in the 19th century are not so different from modern ones. Although some patrons in the depths of their souls cherished the dream of receiving a state award for their deeds or highlighting their name. Today, charity in Russia is experiencing a renaissance, so it would be appropriate to recall our most famous patrons.

Gavrila Gavrilovich Solodovnikov(1826-1901). This merchant became the author of the largest donation in the history of Russia. His fortune was about 22 million rubles, 20 of which Solodovnikov spent on the needs of society. Gavrila Gavrilovich was born in the family of a paper merchant. The future millionaire was introduced to the business from childhood, so he never really learned how to write or express his thoughts. But at the age of 20, Solodovnikov had already become a merchant of the first guild, and at the age of 40 he earned his first million. The businessman became famous for his extreme prudence and thrift. They say that he did not disdain to eat yesterday's porridge and ride in a carriage without rubber on wheels. Solodovnikov conducted his affairs, albeit not entirely cleanly, but he calmed his conscience by drawing up a well-known will - almost the entire fortune of the merchant went to charity. The patron made the first contribution for the construction of the Moscow Conservatory. A contribution of 200 thousand rubles was enough for the construction of a luxurious marble staircase. Through the efforts of the merchant, a concert hall with a theater stage was built on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, where ballets and extravaganzas could be staged. Today it has become the Operetta Theatre, and then it housed the Private Opera of another patron, Savva Mamontov. Solodovnikov wanted to become a nobleman, for this he decided to build a useful institution in Moscow. Thanks to the philanthropist, the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases appeared in the city, equipped with all the most interesting. Today, the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov is located in its premises. At the same time, the name of the benefactor was not reflected in the name of the clinic. According to the will of the merchant, his heirs were left with about half a million rubles, while the remaining 20,147,700 rubles were used for good deeds. But at the current rate, this amount would be about 9 billion dollars! A third of the capital went to equip zemstvo women's schools in a number of provinces, another third - to create vocational schools and a shelter for homeless children in Serpukhov district, and the rest - to build houses with cheap apartments for poor and lonely people. Thanks to the bequest of a philanthropist in 1909, the first Free Citizen house appeared on 2nd Meshchanskaya Street with 1152 apartments for single people, the Red Diamond house with 183 apartments for families was also built there. With the houses, the features of communes appeared - a shop, a canteen, a laundry, a bathhouse and a library. On the ground floor of the house for families there was a nursery and a kindergarten, the rooms were offered already furnished. Only officials were the first to move into such comfortable apartments “for the poor”.

Alexander Ludwigovich Stieglitz(1814-1884). This baron and banker was able to donate 6 million from his fortune of 100 million rubles to good deeds. Stieglitz was the richest man in the country for the second thirds of XIX centuries. He inherited his title of court banker, along with his capital, from his father, the Russified German Stieglitz, who received the title of baron for merit. Alexander Ludwigovich strengthened his position by acting as an intermediary, thanks to which Emperor Nicholas I was able to conclude agreements on external loans for 300 million rubles. Alexander Stieglitz in 1857 became one of the founders of the Main Society of Russian Railways. In 1860, Stieglitz was appointed director of the newly created State Bank. The baron liquidated his firm and began to live on interest, taking a luxurious mansion on the Promenade des Anglais. By itself, the capital brought Stieglitz 3 million rubles a year. Big money did not make the baron sociable, they say that even the hairdresser who cut his hair for 25 years did not hear the voice of his client. The modesty of the millionaire took on painful features. It was Baron Stieglitz who was behind the construction of the Peterhof, Baltic and Nikolaev (later October) railways. However, the banker remained in history not for his financial assistance to the king and not for the construction of roads. The memory of him remained largely thanks to charity. The baron allocated impressive sums for the construction of the School of Technical Drawing in St. Petersburg, its maintenance and museum. Alexander Ludwigovich himself was no stranger to art, but his life turned out to be devoted to making money. The adopted daughter's husband, Alexander Polovtsev, managed to convince the banker that the country's growing industry needed "scientific draftsmen." As a result, thanks to Stieglitz, a school named after him and the country's first museum of decorative and applied arts appeared (the best part of his collections was eventually transferred to the Hermitage). Polovtsev himself, who was the secretary of state of Alexander III, believed that the country would be happy when merchants began to donate money for education without the selfish hope of receiving a government award or preferences. Thanks to his wife's inheritance, Polovtsev was able to publish 25 volumes of the Russian Biographical Dictionary, but because of the Revolution, this good deed was never completed. Now the former Stieglitz School of Technical Drawing is called Mukhinsky, and the marble monument to the baron-philanthropist has long been thrown out of it.

Yuri Stepanovich Nechaev-Maltsov(1834-1913). This nobleman donated a total of about 3 million rubles. At the age of 46, he unexpectedly became the owner of a whole network of glass factories. He received them from his uncle, a diplomat Ivan Maltsev. He was the only one who survived during the memorable massacre at the Russian embassy in Iran (Alexander Griboyedov was also killed at the same time). As a result, the diplomat became disillusioned with his profession and decided to take up the family business. In the town of Gus, Ivan Maltsev created a network of glass factories. To do this, the secret of colored glass was obtained in Europe, with its help the industrialist began to produce very profitable window panes. As a result, this entire glass and crystal empire, together with two rich houses in the capital, painted by Aivazovsky and Vasnetsov, was inherited by an elderly, already unmarried official Nechaev. Along with wealth, he also got a double surname. Years lived in poverty left their indelible imprint on Nechaev-Maltsev. He was known as a very stingy person, allowing himself to be spent only on gourmet food. Professor Ivan Tsvetaev, the father of the future poetess, became a friend of the rich man. During rich feasts, he sadly calculated how many building materials could be bought with the money spent by the gourmet. Over time, Tsvetaev managed to convince Nechaev-Maltsev to allocate 3 million rubles required to complete the construction of the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. It is interesting that the patron of fame himself was not looking for. On the contrary, all 10 years that the construction was going on, he acted anonymously. The millionaire went on unthinkable spending. So, 300 workers hired by him mined a special white frost-resistant marble right in the Urals. When it turned out that no one in the country could make 10-meter columns for a portico, Nechaev-Maltsev paid for the services of a Norwegian steamer. Thanks to a philanthropist, skilled masons were brought from Italy. For his contribution to the construction of the museum, the modest Nechaev-Maltsev received the title of chief chamberlain and the diamond order of Alexander Nevsky. But the “glass king” invested not only in the museum. With his money, a Technical School appeared in Vladimir, an almshouse on Shabolovka, and a church in memory of the murdered on Kulikovo Field. For the centenary of the Museum of Fine Arts in 2012, the Shukhov Tower Foundation proposed to name the institution after Yuri Stepanovich Nechaev-Maltsov instead of Pushkin. However, the renaming never took place, but a memorial plaque in honor of the patron appeared on the building.

Kuzma Terentievich Soldatenkov(1818-1901). A wealthy merchant donated more than 5 million rubles to charity. Soldatenkov traded in paper yarn, he was a co-owner of the textile Tsindelevskaya, Danilovskaya, and Krenholmskaya manufactories, in addition, he owned the Trekhgorny brewery and the Moscow Accounting Bank on shares. Surprisingly, Kuzma Terentyevich himself grew up in an ignorant Old Believer family, without learning to read and write. From an early age, he was already behind the counter in his rich father's shop. But after the death of a parent, no one could stop Soldatenkov in quenching his thirst for knowledge. A course of lectures on ancient Russian history was given to him by Timofey Granovsky himself. He also introduced Soldatenkov to the circle of Moscow Westerners, teaching him to do good deeds and sow eternal values. A wealthy merchant invested in a non-profit publishing house, at a loss to print books for the common people. Even 4 years before Pavel Tretyakov, the merchant began to buy paintings. The artist Alexander Rizzoni said that if it were not for these two major patrons, then the Russian masters of fine art would simply have no one to sell their works. As a result, Soldatenkov's collection included 258 paintings and 17 sculptures, as well as engravings and a library. The merchant was even nicknamed Kuzma Medici. He bequeathed his entire collection to the Rumyantsev Museum. For 40 years, Soldatenkov donated 1,000 rubles a year to this public museum. Donating his collection as a gift, the philanthropist asked only to place it in separate rooms. The unsold books of his publishing house and the rights to them were donated to the city of Moscow. The philanthropist allocated another million rubles for the construction of a vocational school, and gave two million for the creation of a free hospital for the poor, where ranks, estates and religions would not be paid attention. As a result, the hospital was completed after the death of the sponsor, it was called Soldatenkovskaya, but in 1920 it was renamed Botkinskaya. The benefactor himself would hardly be upset if he learned this fact. The fact is that he was especially close to the Botkin family.

Tretyakov brothers, Pavel Mikhailovich(1832-1898) and Sergei Mikhailovich(1834-1892). The fortune of these merchants was more than 8 million rubles, 3 of which they donated to art. The brothers owned the Big Kostroma Linen Manufactory. At the same time, Pavel Mikhailovich conducted business at the factories themselves, but Sergei Mikhailovich contacted directly with foreign partners. This division was in perfect harmony with their characters. If the elder brother was closed and unsociable, then the younger one adored secular meetings and rotated in public circles. Both Tretyakovs collected paintings, while Pavel preferred Russian painting, and Sergei preferred foreign, mainly modern French. When he left the post of the Moscow mayor, he was even glad that the need to hold official receptions had disappeared. After all, this made it possible to spend more on paintings. Altogether Sergei Tretyakov spent about a million francs, or 400,000 rubles, on painting. From their youth, the brothers felt the need to make a gift to their native city. At the age of 28, Pavel decided to bequeath his fortune to the creation of an entire gallery of Russian art. Fortunately, his life turned out to be quite long, as a result, the businessman was able to spend more than a million rubles on the purchase of paintings. And the gallery of Pavel Tretyakov worth 2 million, and even real estate, was donated to the city of Moscow. The collection of Sergei Tretyakov was not so great - only 84 paintings, but it was estimated at half a million. He managed to bequeath his collection to his older brother, and not to his wife. Sergei Mikhailovich was afraid that his wife would not want to part with a valuable collection. When in 1892 Moscow got an art museum, it was called the City Gallery of the brothers Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov. Interestingly, after Alexander III visited the meeting, he offered his elder brother the nobility. However, Pavel Mikhailovich refused such an honor, saying that he wanted to die as a merchant. But Sergei Mikhailovich, who managed to become a real state councilor, would clearly accept this offer. The Tretyakovs, in addition to the collection of the gallery, maintained a school for the deaf and dumb, helped the widows and orphans of painters, supported the Moscow Conservatory and art schools. With their own money and on their site in the center of the capital, the brothers created a passage to improve transport links in Moscow. Since then, the name Tretyakovskaya has been preserved in the name of both the gallery itself and the passage created by merchants, which turned out to be a rarity for a country with a turbulent history.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918). This bright personality in the history of Russian culture had a significant impact on her. It is difficult to say what exactly Mamontov donated, and it is rather difficult to calculate his fortune. Mamontov had a couple of houses in Moscow, the Abramtsev estate, land on the Black Sea coast, roads, factories and millions of capital. Savva Ivanovich went down in history not only as a philanthropist, but also as a real builder of Russian culture. And Mamontov was born in the family of a wine farmer who headed the Society of the Moscow-Yaroslavl Railway. The industrialist made his capital on the construction of railways. It was thanks to him that the road from Yaroslavl to Arkhangelsk, and then also to Murmansk, appeared. Thanks to Savva Mamontov, a port appeared in this city, and the road that connected the center of the country with the North saved Russia twice. First it happened during the First World War, and then during the Second. After all, almost all the help of the allies came to the USSR through Murmansk. Art was not alien to Mamontov, he himself sculpted well. The sculptor Matvey Antokolsky even considered him talented. They say that thanks to the excellent bass, Mamontov could become a singer, he even managed to make his debut at the Milan Opera. However, Savva Ivanovich never got on stage or at the school. But he was able to earn so much money that he managed to arrange his own home theater and establish a private opera, the first in the country. There, Mamontov acted as a director, conductor, and decorator, and also set his voice to his artists. Having bought the Abramtsevo estate, the businessman created the famous mammoth circle, whose members constantly spent time visiting their wealthy patron. Chaliapin learned to play Mamontov's piano, Vrubel wrote in the office of the patron of his "Demon". Savva the Magnificent made his estate near Moscow a real artistic colony. Workshops were built here, peasants were specially trained, and the "Russian" style was planted in furniture and ceramics. Mamontov believed that the people should be accustomed to the beautiful not only in churches, but also at train stations and on the streets. Sponsored by a millionaire and the magazine "World of Art", as well as the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. Only now the art admirer was so carried away by charity that he managed to get into debt. Mamontov received a rich order for the construction of another railway and took a large loan against the security of the shares. When it turned out that there was nothing to repay 5 million, Savva Ivanovich ended up in the Taganka prison. His former friends have abandoned him. In order to somehow pay off Mamontov's debts, his rich collection of paintings and sculptures was sold for next to nothing at auction. The impoverished and aged philanthropist began to live at a ceramic workshop outside the Butyrskaya Zastava, where he died unnoticed by everyone. Already in our time, a monument was erected to the famous philanthropist in Sergiev Posad, because here the Mamontovs laid the first short railway line specifically for transporting pilgrims to the Lavra. It is planned to erect four more monuments to the great man - in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, on the Donetsk railway and on Theater Square in Moscow.

Varvara Alekseevna Morozova (Khludova)(1850-1917). This woman owned a fortune of 10 million rubles, having donated more than a million to charity. And her sons Mikhail and Ivan became famous art collectors. When Varvara's husband, Abram Abramovich, died, she inherited from him at the age of 34 the Partnership of Tver Manufactory. Having become the sole owner of big capital, Morozova took up providing for the unfortunate. Of the 500 thousand that her husband allocated to her for benefits to the poor and the maintenance of schools and churches, 150 thousand went to a clinic for the mentally ill. After the revolution, the clinic named after A.A. Morozov was named after the psychiatrist Sergei Korsakov, another 150 thousand were donated to the Vocational School for the Poor. The remaining investments were not so great - the Rogozhskoye Women's Primary School received 10 thousand, the sums went to rural and terrestrial schools, to shelters for the nervously ill. The Cancer Institute on Devichye Pole was named after its patrons, the Morozovs. And there was also a charitable institution in Tver, a sanatorium in Gagra for tuberculosis patients. Varvara Morozova was a member of many institutions. As a result, vocational schools and primary classes, hospitals, maternity shelters and almshouses in Tver and Moscow were named after her. In gratitude for the donation of 50 thousand rubles, the name of the patron was engraved on the pediment of the Chemical Institute of the People's University. Morozova bought a three-story mansion for the Prechistensky courses for workers in Kursovy Lane, and she also paid for the Doukhobors to move to Canada. It was Varvara Alekseevna who financed the construction of the first free library-reading room in Russia named after Turgenev, opened in 1885, and then also helped to acquire the necessary literature. The final point of Morozova's charitable activities was her will. The factorywoman, exposed by Soviet propaganda as a model of acquisitiveness, ordered all her assets to be converted into securities, put in a bank, and the funds received to be given to the workers. Unfortunately, they did not have time to appreciate all the kindness of their mistress - a month after her death, the October Revolution happened.

Savva Timofeevich Morozov(1862-1905). This philanthropist donated about 500 thousand rubles. Morozov managed to become a model of a modern businessman - he studied chemistry at Cambridge, and studied textile production in Liverpool and Manchester. Returning from Europe to Russia, Savva Morozov headed the Nikolskaya Manufactory Partnership, named after him. The industrialist's mother, Maria Fedorovna, whose capital was 30 million rubles, remained the managing director and main shareholder of this enterprise. Morozov's advanced thinking suggested that thanks to the revolution, Russia would be able to catch up and overtake Europe. He even drew up his own program of social and political reforms, which aimed at the transition of the country to a constitutional regime of government. Morozov insured himself for the amount of 100 thousand rubles, and issued the policy to the bearer, transferring it to his beloved actress Andreeva. There, in turn, she transferred most of the funds to the revolutionaries. Because of his love for Andreeva, Morozov supported the Art Theater, he was paid a 12-year lease on the premises in Kamergersky Lane. At the same time, the contribution of the patron was equal to the contributions of the main shareholders, which included the owner of the gold-gutter manufactory Alekseev, known as Stanislavsky. The restructuring of the theater building cost Morozov 300 thousand rubles - a huge amount for those times. And this is despite the fact that the architect Fyodor Shekhtel, the author of the Moscow Art Theater Seagull, made the project completely free of charge. Thanks to Morozov's money, the most modern stage equipment was ordered abroad. In general, lighting equipment in the Russian theater first appeared here. In total, the philanthropist spent about 500 thousand rubles on the building of the Moscow Art Theater with a bronze bas-relief on the facade in the form of a drowning swimmer. As already mentioned, Morozov sympathized with the revolutionaries. Among his friends was Maxim Gorky, Nikolai Bauman was hiding in the industrialist's palace on Spiridonovka. Morozov helped to deliver illegal literature to the factory, where the future People's Commissar Leonid Krasin served as an engineer. After a wave of revolutionary uprisings in 1905, the industrialist demanded that his mother transfer the factories to his complete subordination. However, she achieved the removal of the obstinate son from business and sent him with his wife and personal doctor to the Cote d'Azur. There, Savva Morozov committed suicide, however, the circumstances of his death turned out to be strange.

Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva(1867-1928). The origin of this princess remains a mystery. According to one of the legends, Emperor Alexander II himself could be her father. Tenisheva tried to find herself in her youth - she got married early, gave birth to a daughter, began to take singing lessons in order to get on the professional stage, and began to draw. As a result, Maria came to the conclusion that the purpose of her life is charity. She divorced and remarried, this time to a prominent businessman, Prince Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Tenishev. He was nicknamed "Russian American" for his business acumen. Most likely, the marriage was calculated, because only in this way, having grown up in an aristocratic family, but illegitimate, a girl could get a firm place in society. After Maria Tenisheva became the wife of a wealthy entrepreneur, she gave herself up to her calling. The prince himself was also a well-known philanthropist, having founded the Tenishev School in St. Petersburg. True, he still fundamentally helped the most cultured representatives of society. Even during the life of her husband, Tenisheva organized drawing classes in St. Petersburg, where one of the teachers was Ilya Repin, she also opened a drawing school in Smolensk. In her estate, Talashkino, Maria opened an “ideological estate”. An agricultural school was created there, where ideal farmers were brought up. And masters of arts and crafts were trained in handicraft workshops. Thanks to Tenisheva, the Russian Antiquities Museum appeared in the country, which became the country's first museum of ethnography and Russian decorative and applied arts. A special building was even built for him in Smolensk. However, the peasants, about which the princess baked for the good, thanked her in their own way. The prince's body, embalmed for a hundred years and buried in three coffins, was simply thrown into a pit in 1923. Tenisheva herself, who together with Savva Mamontov maintained the magazine "World of Art", gave funds to Diaghilev and Benois, lived out her last years in exile in France. There she, still not being old, took up enamel art.

Margarita Kirillovna Morozova(Mamontova) (1873-1958). This woman was related to both Savva Mamontov and Pavel Tretyakov. Margarita was called the first beauty of Moscow. Already at the age of 18, she married Mikhail Morozov, the son of another well-known philanthropist. At 30, Margarita, being pregnant with her fourth child, became a widow. She herself preferred not to deal with the affairs of the factory, whose co-owner was her husband. Morozova breathed art. She took music lessons from the composer Alexander Scriabin, whom she supported financially for a long time in order to enable him to create and not be distracted by everyday life. In 1910, Morozova donated the art collection of her deceased husband to the Tretyakov Gallery. A total of 83 paintings were handed over, including works by Gauguin, Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Munch, Toulouse-Lautrec, Renoir, Perov. Kramskoy, Repin, Benois, Levitan and others). Margarita financed the work of the publishing house "The Way", which until 1919 published about fifty books, mainly on the topic of religion and philosophy. Thanks to the philanthropist, the journal "Questions of Philosophy" and the socio-political newspaper "Moscow Weekly" were published. In her estate Mikhailovskoye in the Kaluga province, Morozova transferred part of the land to the teacher Shatsky, who organized the first children's colony here. And the landowner supported this institution financially. And during the First World War, Morozova turned her house into a hospital for the wounded. The revolution shattered both her life and her family. The son and two daughters ended up in exile, only Mikhail remained in Russia, the same Mika Morozov, whose portrait was painted by Serov. The manufacturer herself lived out her days in poverty at a summer cottage in Lianozovo. A private pensioner Margarita Kirillovna Morozova received a separate room in a new building from the state a few years before her death.

Studies show that the motives for charity and patronage among Russian entrepreneurs were complex and far from unambiguous. There was no single ideological basis for performing charitable deeds. In most cases, both selfish and altruistic motives acted at the same time: there was also a businesslike, well-thought-out calculation, and respect for science and art, and in a number of cases it was a special kind of asceticism, whose origins go back to national traditions and religious values. In other words, everything depended on the social image of the benefactors. From this point of view, we can talk about the most important incentives for charity and patronage of Russian entrepreneurs.

I. Kramskoy "Portrait of P.M. Tretyakov"

Domestic patronage is a unique phenomenon. And if we take into account that Russia is now going through difficult times, then the issue of patronage can be considered relevant.

Today culture is in plight, not only provincial libraries and theaters need support, but even famous, world-famous museums and other cultural institutions.

Patrons founded factories, built railways, opened schools, hospitals, orphanages... To tell in detail about everyone, we need the format of not an article, but a whole book, and not just one. We will only focus on a few names.

But first, about the term "patronage" itself. The Russian synonym is the concept of "charity". But where did borrowing come from?

The history of the term "philanthropy"

Maecenas- a person who, on a gratuitous basis, helps the development of science and art, provides them with material assistance from personal funds. The common name "philanthropist" comes from the name of the Roman Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (Mekenat), who was the patron of the arts under the emperor Octavian Augustus.

Bust of the Maecenas in one of the parks of Ireland

Gaius Zilniy Maecenas(about 70 BC - 8 BC) - an ancient Roman statesman and patron of the arts. A personal friend of Octavian Augustus and a kind of minister of culture under him. The name of Maecenas as a fan of the fine arts and patron of poets became a household name.

During the civil war in the Roman Empire, he arranged for the reconciliation of the warring parties, and after the end of the war, during the absence of Octavian, he conducted state affairs, was free from cringing and fawning, boldly expressed his views, and sometimes even kept Octavian from issuing death sentences. The poets of that time found in him a patron: he helped Virgil return the estate taken from him, and gave Horace his estate. He died mourned by all the people, not just by his friends.

F. Bronnikov "Horace reads his poems to Maecenas"

However, charity in Russia is not such a rare thing. This donation system began to take shape already with the adoption of Christianity in Rus': after all, the first almshouses and hospitals began to be built at monasteries, and most patrons of the 19th century came from the merchant Old Believer milieu. P. A. Buryshkin, a researcher of the Moscow merchants, believed that merchants “We looked not only as a source of profit, but as a task, a kind of mission assigned by God or fate. They said about wealth that God gave it for use and would require a report on it, which was partly expressed in the fact that it was in the merchant environment that both charity and collecting were unusually developed, which they looked at as the fulfillment of some kind of over-appointed business. ». Period XVIII-XIX centuries. gave Russia so many benefactors that it is called the "golden" age of patronage. There are especially many such monuments to human mercy in Moscow. For example, the Golitsyn hospital.

Golitsyn Hospital

City Clinical Hospital No. 1 im. N.I. Pirogov

Golitsyn Hospital was opened in Moscow in 1802 as a "hospital for the poor." Currently, it is the Golitsyn building of the First City Clinical Hospital.

The Golitsyn hospital was built according to the project of the architect Matvey Fedorovich Kazakov with funds that were bequeathed by Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn "for the construction of an institution in the capital city of Moscow that is pleasing to God and useful to people." When developing the project, Kazakov used the principle of a city estate. The prince's cousin, real privy councilor, chief chamberlain Alexander Mikhailovich Golitsyn, was directly involved in the construction.

Opened in 1802, it became the third civil hospital in Moscow. Representatives of all segments of the population, except for serfs, were taken to the Golitsyn hospital for free treatment - "... both Russians and foreigners, of any gender, rank, religion and nationality."

In 1802, the hospital had 50 beds, and in 1805 - already 100. Additionally, in 1803, an almshouse for terminally ill patients with 30 beds was opened at the hospital. Khristian Ivanovich Zinger served as the manager of the hospital for many years. During Patriotic War In 1812, when Napoleon's troops occupied Moscow, he remained alone in the hospital and managed to prevent its looting, and also saved the hospital money left to him for safekeeping. For conscientious service, Christian Ivanovich Zinger received the title of hereditary nobleman.

And now a little about whose funds this hospital was built.

Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn (1721-1793)

A. Brown "Portrait of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn"

prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn- Russian officer and diplomat from the Golitsyn family. In 1760-1761. acted as ambassador in Paris, and then was sent as ambassador to Vienna, where he played big role in improving relations between the Russian court and Emperor Joseph II. One of the first among Russians, he became interested in collecting paintings by old masters (artists of Western Europe who worked before early XVIII centuries).

D. M. Golitsyn was a well-known benefactor. 850 thousand rubles, income from two estates of 2 thousand souls and his own art gallery he bequeathed to the arrangement and maintenance of a hospital in Moscow. His will was carried out by his cousin, Prince A.M. Golitsyn. Until 1917, the hospital was maintained at the expense of the princes Golitsyn, and then the will of D.M. Golitsyn was violated by subsequent heirs - the sale of his gallery.

He died in Vienna, but his body, at the request of his relatives and with the highest permission, was transported to Moscow in 1802, where he was buried in a crypt under the church of the Golitsyn hospital.

True patrons have never sought to advertise their activities, rather, on the contrary. Often, when performing a major charity event, they concealed their names. It is known that Savva Morozov, for example, provided great assistance in founding the Art Theater, but at the same time he made a condition that his name should not be mentioned anywhere. Our next story is about Savva Timofeevich Morozov.

Savva Timofeevich Morozov (1862-1905)

Savva Timofeevich Morozov

He came from an Old Believer merchant family. He graduated from the gymnasium, and then the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University and received a diploma in chemistry. Communicated with D. Mendeleev and wrote himself research work about dyes. He also studied at the University of Cambridge, where he studied chemistry, and then in Manchester - textile business. He was the director of the Association of the Nikolskaya manufactory "Savva Morozov's son and Co.". He owned cotton fields in Turkestan and several other partnerships, where he was a shareholder or director. He was constantly engaged in charity: in his factories, he introduced payment for pregnancy and childbirth to working women, allocated scholarships to young people who studied at home and abroad. It is known that the workers at his enterprises were more literate and educated. He also helped needy students of Moscow University.

In 1898, he became a member of the Association for the Establishment of a Theater in Moscow and regularly made large donations for the construction and development of the Moscow Art Theater, initiated the construction of a new theater building. Abroad, with his money, the most modern devices for the stage were ordered (lighting equipment in the domestic theater first appeared here). Savva Morozov spent about half a million rubles on the building of the Moscow Art Theater with a bronze bas-relief on the facade in the form of a drowning swimmer.

Unfortunately, connections with the revolutionary movement, as well as personal circumstances, led S.T. Morozov to premature death.

The Bakhrushin family was called "professional philanthropists" in Moscow. In 1882, the Bakhrushins donated 450,000 rubles to the city for the construction of a hospital. This action marked the beginning of a whole series of similar charities. And the total donations of the family (only large ones) amounted to more than 3.5 million rubles.

The Bakhrushins family had a tradition at the end of the year, if it was financially prosperous, to allocate a certain amount to help the poor, the sick, and students. Charitable activities they led both in Zaraysk, where the parents were from, and in Moscow. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the Bakhrushins family never gravitated towards luxury. A free hospital with two hundred beds for terminally ill patients, a city orphanage and a shelter for rural children from poor families, a free house where needy widows with children and student girls lived, kindergartens, schools, free canteens and hostels for female students - this is far from complete list of their accomplishments. Vasily Alekseevich wrote a will, according to which five universities (Moscow University, the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary, the Academy of Commercial Sciences and the Men's Gymnasium) received money for scholarships for students. Four theatres, including the Korsh Theatre, were built partly with the money of the Bakhrushins.

Alexey Alexandrovich Bakhrushin (1865-1929)

Alexey Alexandrovich Bakhrushin

Merchant, philanthropist, well-known collector, founder of the famous theater museum, which in 1913 he presented to the Academy of Sciences.

A. Bakhrushin graduated from a private gymnasium and took up family business- “Aleksey Bakhrushin and sons partnership of leather and cloth manufactory”. But gradually he became interested in collecting and retired. Under the influence of his cousin, Alexei Petrovich Bakhrushin, he became a collector, and it was not immediately that he became interested in theatrical antiquity. Posters, programs of performances, photo portraits of actors, sketches of costumes, personal belongings of artists - all this was collected in Bakhrushin's house and became his passion. His son recalled that they laughed at Bakhrushin: “The people around looked at it as a whim of a rich tyrant, mocked him, offered to buy a button from Mochalov’s trousers or Shchepkin’s boots.” But this passion gradually took shape in a serious hobby, and on October 29, 1894, Bakhrushin presented a whole exhibition to the public. It was this day that Bakhrushin considered the founding day of the Moscow Literary and Theater Museum. He tried to most fully present the history of the Russian theater from its very inception. He organized "Bakhrushin Saturdays", which were very popular with actors and theatergoers. A. Yuzhin, A. Lensky, M. Ermolova, G. Fedotova, F. Chaliapin, L. Sobinov, K. Stanislavsky, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko visited him. Soon there was a tradition to come not empty-handed. For example, the star of the Maly Theater Glikeria Nikolaevna Fedotova presented Bakhrushin with all the gifts that she had accumulated over the years of her stage life. In his collection, which gradually became extensive and diverse, there were three sections - literary, dramatic and musical.

Over time, A.A. Bakhrushin began to think about the fate of his wealth. He really wanted all of Moscow to have access to them. But when he proposed to transfer his museum to the ownership of the Moscow city government, the city leaders, having only heard about it, began to dismiss it in every possible way: “What are you doing?! We, together with the Tretyakov and Soldiers' meetings, have had enough of grief. And here you are with yours! Dismiss, for Christ's sake! .. "

His son, Yu.A. Bakhrushin recalled: “Father was in despair - a huge collection, already worth hundreds of thousands, offered free of charge to state institutions, turned out to be useless to anyone. It was impossible to break the bureaucratic inertia.” Only the Academy of Sciences became interested in the unique collection. It took four years to settle the formalities, and only in November 1913 did the transfer of the museum to the Academy of Sciences take place.

Theater Museum named after A.A. Bakhrushin

Russian philanthropists were educated people, so they tried to develop the priority branches of domestic science, open galleries and museums to educate the country's population, help in the construction of theaters...

In this regard, one may recall Tretyakov Gallery, Shchukin and Morozov collections of modern French painting, Moscow private opera S.I. Mamontov, Moscow private opera S.I. Zimin, the Moscow Art Theater already mentioned by us, the Museum of Fine Arts, for the construction of which the breeder, large landowner Yu.S. Nechaev-Maltsov spent more than 2 million rubles, the Philosophical and Archaeological Institutes, the Morozov Clinics, the Commercial Institute, the Alekseev and Morozov Trade Schools, etc. Let's take a look at at least one example.

Moscow Private Russian Opera (Mammoth Opera)

Savva Mamontov supported this undertaking financially and morally. At first, the troupe of a private opera consisted of Italian and Russian singers, among whom were F. Chaliapin and N. Zabela, and the scenery and costumes were created by M. Vrubel. During the years of Chaliapin's performances at the Mammoth Opera (he was a soloist for four seasons - from 1896 to 1899), his artistic career took off. Chaliapin himself noted the importance of this time: “From Mamontov I received the repertoire that gave me the opportunity to develop all the main features of my artistic nature, my temperament”. The patronage of Mamontov made it possible for Chaliapin's talent to reveal itself to the fullest. The singer himself said: “S.I. Mamontov told me: “Fedenka, you can do whatever you want in this theater! If you need costumes, tell me, and there will be costumes. If you need to stage a new opera, we will stage an opera! All this dressed my soul in holiday clothes, and for the first time in my life I felt free, strong, able to overcome all obstacles.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918)

I. Repin "Portrait of S.I. Mamontov"

S.I. Mamontov was born into a wealthy merchant family. He graduated from high school, and then entered St. Petersburg University, later transferred to Moscow University, where he studied at the Faculty of Law. Mamontov's father was engaged in the construction of railways, but his son was not attracted to this occupation, he was more interested in theater, although at the insistence of his father he had to delve into the family business, the construction of railways, and after the death of his father, take the post of director of the Moscow-Yaroslavl Railway Society. At the same time, he actively supported different kinds creative activity, made new acquaintances with artists, helped cultural organizations, arranged home performances. In 1870, Mamontov and his wife bought the estate of the writer S.T. Aksakov in Abramtsevo, it later becomes the center artistic life Russia.

Manor Abramtsevo

Russian artists I.E. lived and worked here for a long time. Repin, M.M. Antokolsky, V.M. Vasnetsov, V. A. Serov, M. A. Vrubel, M. V. Nesterov, V. D. Polenov and E. D. Polenova, K. A. Korovin, as well as musicians (F. I. Chaliapin and others) . Mamontov provided significant support to many artists, including financial support, but did not engage in collecting activities.

However, in the 1890s, Savva Mamontov became bankrupt. Of course, not without the "help" of the state and the intrigues of interested parties (director International Bank A. Yu. Rotshtein and Minister of Justice N. V. Muravyov). Mamontov was arrested and imprisoned in the Taganka prison, his property was described. Despite all the efforts of Mamontov's friends and the positive opinion of the workers, he spent several months in prison. The release of Savva Mamontov was deliberately prevented by Muravyov N.V., who purposefully searched for information about Mamontov's abuses, but could not find anything.

In prison, Mamontov sculpted sculptures of guards from memory. The well-known lawyer F.N. Plevako defended Savva Mamontov in court, the witnesses spoke only good things about him, the investigation found that he did not embezzle money. The jury acquitted him, after which the courtroom exploded with applause.

Yaroslavl. Opening of the monument to Savva Mamontov

The property of S. Mamontov was sold out almost completely, many valuable works went into private hands. The railway went into state ownership at a cost significantly lower than the market value, part of the shares went to other entrepreneurs, including Witte's relatives.

All debts were paid off. But Mamontov lost money and reputation and was no longer able to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Until the end of his life, he retained his love for art and the love of his old friends - artists and musicians.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov died in April 1918 and was buried in Abramtsevo.

Varvara Alekseevna Morozova (Khludova) (1848-1918)

Varvara Alekseevna Morozova

In memory of her husband Abram Abramovich Morozov, she built a psychiatric clinic on Devichye Pole, which, together with the purchased plot of land, she transferred to Moscow University, initiating the creation of the Clinical City on Devichye Pole. The cost of building and equipping the clinic amounted to more than 500,000 rubles, a huge amount of money at that time. The construction of the clinic was one of her first charity events. Somewhat earlier, during the lifetime of her first husband, Varvara Alekseevna had organized an elementary school and craft classes with them. Initially, the school was located in the house of A. A. Morozov on Bolshaya Alekseevskaya Street, but later moved to a new, special building built for it, on a site specially acquired for it in 1899, donated in 1901 to the city. This school was one of the first vocational schools in Moscow. At the expense of V. A. Morozova, the buildings of the Rogozhsky women's and men's primary schools were also built.

V. A. Morozova made a great contribution to the creation of educational institutions: Prechistensky working courses and the City People's University. A. L. Shanyavsky. He received 50 thousand rubles from V. A. Morozova. Thanks to her participation and active assistance, a hostel was built for students of the Imperial Technical School. In 1885, V. A. Morozova founded the first free public reading room in Moscow. I. S. Turgenev, designed for 100 readers and had a rich book fund. Significant funds were donated by her to the needs of Moscow University. At her factory there was a hospital, a maternity shelter, a trading school for young workers.

Mikhail Abramovich Morozov (1870-1903)

V. Serov "Portrait of M.A. Morozov"

The largest philanthropist of his time. At his expense, the Institute of Malignant Tumors was established (currently the building houses the P. A. Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute), the hall of Greek sculpture in the Museum of Fine Arts. Various amounts were allocated to the Conservatory, the Stroganov School to support young artists, performers and musicians. In the collection of M.A. Morozov read 60 icons, 10 sculptures and about 100 paintings, including works by contemporary French and Russian artists.

M.A. Morozov is the successor of the Morozov dynasty of patrons, merchant, entrepreneur, collector of Western European and Russian painting and sculpture. He is the eldest son of the famous Moscow merchant Abram Abramovich Morozov and Varvara Alekseevna Morozov (Khludova), the elder brother of the collector and philanthropist Ivan Abramovich Morozov, the husband of the famous philanthropist and hostess of the Moscow literary and musical salon Margarita Kirillovna Morozov, the father of Mikhail Mikhailovich Morozov (Miki Morozov), a scientist - Shakespeare scholar and pianist Maria Mikhailovna Morozova (Fiedler). Hereditary honorary citizen. Director of the Partnership of Tver Manufactory, Vowel of the Moscow City Duma, Honorary Justice of the Peace, Chairman of the Merchants' Assembly, Collegiate Assessor. Director of the Russian Musical Society.

Ivan Abramovich Morozov (1871-1921)

V. Serov "Portrait of I.A. Morozov"

He replenished the M.A., who passed after his brother. Morozov has a large collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings. After the revolution, the collection was nationalized and on its basis the II Museum of New Western Art was organized (the first Museum was the Shchukin collection). In 1940, the collection was disbanded partly into the Museum of Fine Arts, partly into the Hermitage. For example, in his collection there was the famous painting by P. Picasso “Girl on a ball ».

P. Picasso "Girl on the ball"

Pyotr Ivanovich Shchukin (1857-1912)

Petr Ivanovich Schukin

He collected and donated to the state a collection that formed the basis of the collection of the Historical Museum. Until the end of his life, he remained the curator of the museum and continued to bear all the expenses, pay salaries to employees and replenish the museum's funds.

Sergei Ivanovich Shchukin (1854-1936)

D. Melnikov "Portrait of S.I. Schukin"

Moscow merchant and art collector, whose collection marked the beginning of the collections of French modernist painting in the Hermitage and the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin.

He collected the richest collection of paintings of modern Western painting, recognized years later as masterpieces of world art. According to his will, he donated his collection to the state.

E. Degas "Blue Dancers"

Shchukin bought paintings to his taste, preferring the Impressionists, and then the Post-Impressionists. Shchukin managed to collect the best samples contemporary french art. He confessed to his daughter: “If, after seeing a painting, you experience a psychological shock, buy it”. In the collection of S.I. Shchukin was, for example, a painting by E. Degas "Blue Dancers", as well as paintings by Monet, Picasso, Gauguin, Cezanne.

Fyodor Pavlovich Ryabushinsky (1886–1910)

F. Chumakov "Portrait of F.P. Ryabushinsky"

From a family of Russian industrialists and bankers. He was a passionate traveler, became interested in geography, interest in which led him to the idea of ​​organizing a scientific expedition to Kamchatka. With his plan, F. P. Ryabushinsky turned to several scientific institutions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but did not find support from them. Only the Russian Geographical Society agreed to participate in its implementation.

At his expense, the expedition was carried out in 1908–1910. and named after him.

The organizational issues of the expedition were resolved by F. P. Ryabushinsky with scientists: oceanographer Yu. M. Shokalsky and cartographer P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. The expedition was financed by F. P. Ryabushinsky. He himself wanted to participate in it, but illness did not allow him to do this. In 1910, he died of tuberculosis, but bequeathed to his relatives to bring the expedition to an end.

Yuri Stepanovich Nechaev-Maltsov (1834–1913)

I. Kramskoy "Portrait of Yu.S. Nechaev-Maltsov"

At the age of 46, Nechaev-Maltsov unexpectedly became the owner of an empire of glass factories, having received it by will. His uncle, diplomat Ivan Maltsov, was the only one in Tehran who survived the events in the Russian embassy in Tehran, when poet-diplomat Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov died. Maltsov left diplomacy and continued family business: glass production in the town of Gus. He brought back the secret of colored glass from Europe and began producing profitable window glass. All this crystal-glass empire, along with two mansions in the capital, painted by Vasnetsov and Aivazovsky, was given to an elderly bachelor official Nechaev, and with them a double surname.

Professor Ivan Tsvetaev (Marina Tsvetaeva's father), who organized the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, met him and convinced him to give 3 million to complete the Museum.

Yu.S. Nechaev-Maltsov not only did not want to be known, but for the entire 10 years while the Museum was being created, he remained anonymous. 300 workers hired by Nechaev-Maltsov mined white marble of special frost resistance in the Urals, and when it turned out that it was impossible to make 10-meter columns for a portico in Russia, he chartered a steamer in Norway. From Italy, he ordered skillful stonemasons.

With his money, the Technical School in Vladimir, the almshouse on Shabolovka and the church in memory of those killed on the Kulikovo field were founded.

Entrance to St. George's Cathedral, donated by Yu. S. Nechaev-Maltsov to the city of Gus-Khrustalny



Unusual mangosteen syrup - lose weight wisely!
In the current realities of life, when there is no time left between home and intense work to think about yourself, the problem of overweight is becoming more and more acute. People, especially women who want to lose weight, drink powders and pills that theoretically help. But in practice this, unfortunately, does not happen. It is not surprising - every girl is unique, the generalized method of losing weight does not work.
But the groundbreaking new mangosteen for weight loss stands out from other competing drugs on the market. Let's see why.
Dial overweight it's not scary, it's scary to live with this problem!
Being overweight is a problem that plagues the lives of most people. Our research has shown that more than 90% of obese people are dissatisfied with their own body and suffer from low self-esteem, which affects their personal and social life.
These are not empty statements: fullness appears for a reason, but with psychological and physical problems:
Often, fullness can lead to varicose veins and osteochondrosis.
Troubles with the heart, leading to cardiac catastrophes.
One of the most devastating results of obesity is diabetes. The disease is dangerous, first of all, because it often becomes a harbinger of a stroke.
Overweight women are subject to pressure surges and headaches, which complicate life and can shake the nervous system. Mostly it is felt in hot summer.
Excess weight is followed by hormonal changes. They are especially dangerous because they can interfere with the realization of the dream of most girls - to have a baby.
And, of course, fullness affects breathing.
In addition to this, completeness visually adds 7-10 years to any person, this makes him less attractive.

The causes of fullness are different: the residual effects of childbirth, hormonal disruptions, a tender love for sweets, the inability to eat properly due to the work schedule, a slow metabolism, an inactive lifestyle. Just like the numerous characteristics of those who lose weight - from height and age to the quality of sleep. It rarely depends on the will of a person - since he does not determine the settings of his own body. But you have to deal with excess weight under any circumstances.
Almost all popular weight loss products summarize these indicators, trying to create a drug that suits absolutely everyone. We went the other way.
Mangosteen, a syrup for high-quality weight loss, is a product that is created individually for each client, taking into account all the properties of the body. For four years we have been doing medical research and two more - creating a unique formula so that the result is successful.
It is worth telling why the remedy is called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose, like the mango, has nothing to do with it. The thing is that the main element of the drug is mangosteen - a tropical fruit that grows in Thailand. He became famous for its low calorie content, as well as a complex of vitamins and trace elements. At the same time, you cannot buy a real mangosteen in a supermarket and lose weight with it. For the reason that to transport this fruit to the CIS countries means to lose half of its usefulness. Therefore, we extract the active substances from the fruit and turn it all into a syrup that helps to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, approximately 30 more natural herbal substances from many tropical countries are used in our preparation, as we search for the most effective products.
As you may have noticed, all the most progressive technologies that Mangosteen, which has become quite popular, have incorporated - slimming powder are a thing of the past, as well as pills. We think about your comfort in the process of taking our product. It is for this reason that we present a syrup that is very easy to dilute in water and drink.
The effectiveness of our tool is confirmed. In case you are interested in reviews real people at Mangosteen, review after review from happy customers will quickly convince you to make a purchase. Thus, Mangosteen is ideal for both women and men, with a different set of characteristics and features - you can find real reviews from those who have already experienced the effect of the product in practice on weight loss websites.
Where is it possible to buy a miracle product?
We draw your attention to the fact that it is not possible to meet Mangosteen in a pharmacy or in the first online store that comes across. Today you can buy high-quality reliable products only on the pages of our website, despite all the tricks of countless scammers.
If you want to lose weight carefree and tasty, buy Mangosteen - the price is pleasantly surprising, and the country of residence is not a problem. We carry out delivery in the Russian Federation, CIS countries and throughout Europe.



You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

The secret of appetizing and very fast weight loss is mangosteen syrup!
In the modern realities of life, when there is practically no time left between home and work to take care of yourself, the issue of excess weight becomes extremely acute. People, and especially girls, who are trying to lose weight, drink a complex of “magic” pills and powders, which, in theory, can help. But in reality, this, unfortunately, is not confirmed. There is nothing unusual in this matter - any girl is unique, generalized methods of losing weight may not work.
However, a fundamentally new mangosteen for weight loss is strikingly different from other well-known products. Let's take a look at why.
It’s not scary to gain weight, it’s scary to live with this problem!
Excess weight is a nuisance that poisons the lives of most girls. Studies show that more than 90% of obese people are unhappy with their bodies and suffer from low self-esteem, which negatively affects their personal lives.
These are not empty statements: excess weight comes for a reason, but with physical and psychological problems:
The worst consequence of obesity is diabetes. This disease is dangerous because it often becomes a harbinger of a stroke.
Troubles with the heart, which lead to cardiac catastrophes.
Excess weight is followed by hormonal changes. They are especially frightening because they can prevent having children.
Often, fullness can lead to varicose veins and osteochondrosis.
Overweight women are more prone to headaches and pressure drops, which can shake the nervous system and complicate life. This is especially felt in hot summers.
And, of course, excess weight affects breathing.
Completeness also visually adds 7-10 years to any person, this makes him less attractive.
A unique tool for a unique you
The root causes of fullness are completely different: a love of sweets, an inactive lifestyle, residual effects of childbirth, hormonal disruptions, the inability to eat properly due to the work schedule, and a slow metabolism. Just as different are the characteristics of those who lose weight - ranging from age and height, ending with the number of hours of sleep. It rarely depends on the will of a person - since he does not determine the settings of his own body. But you have to deal with being overweight.
Almost all means for getting rid of excess weight summarize the above indicators, trying to create a drug that will suit absolutely everyone. We went the other way.
Mangosteen, the latest generation slimming syrup, is a product that is created individually for the customer, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. For four years we carried out experiments, and then for two more years we created a formula so that the result would be successful.
It is worth telling for what reasons the remedy is called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose, as well as the mango, have nothing to do with it. The fact is that the main ingredient is mangosteen - a unique fruit from Thailand. It has long been known for its very low calorie content, as well as vitamins and beneficial trace elements. But you won’t be able to buy a real mangosteen in an ordinary store and lose weight thanks to its use. For the reason that to transport this fruit to the CIS countries means to lose a huge part of its benefits. That is why we extract all the beneficial substances from the fruit, and then turn them into syrup, which makes it possible to get rid of excess weight. Among other things, about 30 other substances of natural origin are used in the preparation, because we are looking for the most effective products for you.
As you noticed, all the most progressive technologies that Mangosteen has collected in itself - slimming powder are already in the past, like pills. We care about your comfort when taking our product. For this reason, we present a syrup that is easily diluted in water and then taken orally.
The effectiveness of our product is confirmed. If you're interested in real people's responses to Mangosteen, review after review from our satisfied customers will convince you to buy. For both women and men, with a different list of characteristics and personal characteristics, Mangosteen is great - you can find real reviews from people who have tested the benefits of syrup on themselves on various sites dedicated to weight loss.
Where to buy this product?
We draw your attention to the fact that it is impossible to buy Mangosteen in a pharmacy or in the first available online store. It is possible to purchase quality products only on our website, despite the tricks of scammers.
If you want to lose weight tasty and carefree, order Mangosteen - the price of this treasure will pleasantly surprise you, and the city of residence will not be a problem. We carry out delivery in Russia, CIS countries and throughout Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru


You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

The secret of simple and appetizing weight loss is mangosteen syrup!
In connection with the current realities of life, when there is practically no time left between hard work and home to take care of yourself, the issue of excess weight is very acute. Numerous people, and especially girls who would like to lose weight, drink a whole range of "magic" powders and pills that theoretically can help. However, this does not happen in practice. There is nothing surprising in this - each girl is unique, the generalized version of getting rid of excess weight does not work.
However, the new mangosteen for weight loss is seriously different from other drugs. Let's see why.
It’s not scary to gain weight, it’s scary to live with this problem!
Excess weight is a problem that poisons the lives of most women. Studies show that more than 90% of overweight people suffer from low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with their own body, which is incredibly reflected in their personal and social life.
Unfortunately, these are not empty statements, but a fact: excess weight does not just happen, but with serious psychological and physical problems:
Overweight girls are more exposed to pressure surges and headaches, which can shake the nervous system and complicate life. This is especially felt in hot summers.
The worst consequence of obesity is diabetes. The disease is dangerous, first of all, because it often becomes a harbinger of a stroke.
Heart problems leading to cardiac catastrophes.
Quite often, fullness can lead to osteochondrosis and varicose veins.
Excess weight is followed by hormonal changes. They are dangerous because they can prevent most women from fulfilling the dream of having a baby.
And, of course, being overweight affects breathing.
Excess weight also visually adds 7-10 years to a person, makes him much less attractive in the eyes of others and himself.
A unique tool for a unique you
The main causes of fullness can be different: hormonal disruptions, tender love for sweets, inactive lifestyle, slow metabolism, inability to eat properly due to work schedule, residual effects of childbirth. Just like the characteristics of those who lose weight are different - from age and height to the quality of sleep. It does not always depend on the will of a person - it is impossible to determine the settings of one's own body. Nevertheless, it is necessary to deal with excess weight in any case.
Almost all weight loss products summarize these indicators, trying to create a drug that can help everyone. We are on a different path.
Mangosteen, a syrup for successful weight loss of the latest generation, is a drug that is created personally for the client, taking into account all the properties of the body. For four long years we have been performing experiments and two more - creating a unique formula so that you are completely satisfied with the effect.
It is worth telling why our product was called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose and mango have absolutely nothing to do with it. The thing is that the main element is mangosteen - a tropical fruit that grows in Thailand. He became famous for his low calorie content, as well as a set of trace elements and vitamins. At the same time, buying a real mangosteen in an ordinary store and using it to lose weight will not work. In view of the fact that transporting the fetus to the CIS countries means losing most of its properties. That is why we extract all the useful ingredients from the fruit and it all turns into a syrup that helps to get rid of excess kilograms. Among other things, in our preparation there are about 30 other substances of natural origin from tropical countries, because we are looking for the most effective ingredients for you.
As you noticed, all the technologies that Mangosteen, which has become quite popular, have collected in itself - the powder has been left behind, as well as the tablets. We are constantly concerned about your comfort when taking our product. In this regard, we present a syrup that is as simple as possible to dissolve in water and then drink.
The effectiveness of our tool is confirmed by practice. Should you be interested in reviews of Mangosteen, review after review from satisfied customers will convince you to purchase. In the end, both men and women, with a completely different set of characteristics and features, are ideally suited for Mangosteen - real reviews from people who have tested the results of our products in practice, you have the opportunity to see on various sites dedicated to weight loss.
Where can you buy this miracle?
We want to draw attention to the fact that it is impossible to find Mangosteen in a pharmacy or in any online store. You can buy quality products right now only on our website, despite the cunning of countless scammers.
If you want to lose weight effectively and tasty, buy Mangosteen - the price will pleasantly surprise you, and the city of residence will not be a problem. We carry out delivery across Russia, the CIS countries and even to Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru


You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru

Mangosteen syrup - lose weight deliciously and very quickly!
In the modern realities of life, when due to intensive work there is no free time to think about yourself, the problem of excess weight is becoming more and more acute in society. Numerous people, and especially girls who want to lose weight, drink a complex of “magic” powders and pills that, in theory, can help. But in reality, unfortunately, this does not happen. There is nothing surprising in this - each person is unique, a generalized method of losing weight may not work.
A fundamentally new mangosteen for weight loss stands out from other products. Let's see why.
It's not scary to get better, it's scary to live with this problem!
Excess weight is a problem that poisons the lives of the vast majority of people. Our research shows that more than 90% of obese people are very dissatisfied with themselves and suffer from low self-esteem, which has an incredibly strong effect on their personal and social life.
These are not unfounded statements: fullness comes for a reason, but with serious physical and psychological problems:
Being overweight is followed by multiple hormonal changes. They are dangerous because they can prevent most girls from fulfilling the dream of having a baby.
Overweight girls are subject to headaches and pressure surges, which seriously complicates life and can shake the nervous system. This is mainly felt in the hot season.
Troubles with the heart, leading to real disasters.
Often, fullness leads to osteochondrosis and varicose veins.
One of the worst results of obesity is diabetes. The disease is dangerous, first of all, because it often becomes a harbinger of a stroke.
And, of course, excess weight affects breathing.
Fullness also visually adds to a person from 7 to 10 years, this makes him less attractive.
A unique tool for a unique you
The prerequisites for fullness are different: hormonal disruptions, residual effects of childbirth, slow metabolism, tender love for sweets, an inactive lifestyle, the inability to eat properly due to a heavy work schedule. Just like the numerous characteristics of those who lose weight - starting with age and height, ending with the quality of sleep. All this rarely depends on a person - it is impossible to determine the settings of your body. However, you have to deal with being overweight.
Almost all modern means for getting rid of excess weight summarize these indicators, trying to create a product that will suit everyone. We went the other way.
Mangosteen, slimming syrup is a drug that is designed individually for each client, taking into account the characteristics of the body. For four years we carried out experiments, and then two more - we created a special formula so that you are satisfied with the result.
It is worth explaining why the remedy is called "Mangosteen" - the mongoose, as well as mangoes, have nothing to do with it. The thing is that the main element is mangosteen - a fruit that grows in Thailand. He became famous for his very low calorie content, as well as useful trace elements and vitamins. But you can’t buy a real mangosteen in a supermarket and lose weight thanks to its use. Since transporting this fruit in large volumes to the CIS countries means losing a huge part of its benefits. For this reason, we extract all the beneficial ingredients from the fruit, and then turn it all into a rich syrup that allows you to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, about 30 more substances of natural origin are used in the preparation, because we are looking for the most effective products for you.
As you may have noticed, all the technologies that Mangosteen has incorporated - slimming powder have already been left behind, like pills. We care about comfort while taking our drug. It is for this reason that a syrup was created that dissolves in water without much effort and is taken orally.
The effectiveness of the tool has long been confirmed. If you're interested in Mangosteen reviews, review after review from satisfied customers will quickly convince you to buy. Mangosteen is suitable for both women and men, with a completely different set of personal characteristics and characteristics - you can find real reviews from people who have tried the effect of products on themselves on weight loss sites.
Where to buy this miracle?
We draw attention to the fact that it is impossible to find Mangosteen in a pharmacy in your city or in the first online store that comes across. You can buy high-quality reliable products only on our website, despite the tricks of scammers.
Provided that you want to lose weight tasty and efficiently, buy Mangosteen - the price will pleasantly surprise you, and the city and country of residence is not a problem. After all, we deliver to the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and Europe.

You can buy on the website http://mang.bestseller-super.ru


Where to Find Installation Loans?

When one requires ready money at once, the best method to have it is to rely on installment loans. They have been historically considered as the most effective and opportune for impressive buyings. Installment loan constitutes a limited loan, meaning a stable date for start and finish that must be defined within the application process. That is you who select how often you must give money back. As an example, everyone could have the loan type, being structured in the form of a payment per month with 12 the same portions for two years.

Taking into account installment loan varieties, you are able to select between that secured and unsecured one. Unsecured kind constitutes signature loan on the reason that it will be secured only with contract signing and justification of your desire henceforth. Secured type of the loan should be protected by pledge which should be seized in the event of emergency. For example, vehicle loan is always supported by the car you take cash in hand for. For this reason, online installment loans with no credit check in CA constitute a genuine escape to get ready money at low rates.

How to Apply for Installment Loans when Your Credit Score Isn't Perfect?

To tell the truth, you have two ways. The first one means to come in a bank. However, take account that the motives for applying for installment loans are a bit constrained: mortgage, automobile, educational, and private loans. Besides, banking establishments dispose of definite specifications for such borrowings, especially when you want an unsecured kind. Borrowers with marginal form of credit must dispose of a co-signer that is obliged to be creditworthy and responsible. What's more, banking institutions need a long-lasting and time-taking application process that won't correspond if you are in a hurry.

One more way-out and efficient solution in that situation is to use our client-oriented services and get installment loans without queues and difficulties. We secure the most fitting conditions for your precise situation, offering imposing benefits and prerogatives. Make certain of them yourself!

Benefits of Getting Installation Loans in Our Company

By turning to us, you could figure on these benefits:
Easy and fast|Quick and simple. Our company appreciates your time and intends to save it by offering online application process. Because you can"t afford yourself to lose long weeks on obtaining "approved" and taking your ready money , we provide opportune replies and ideas from direct lenders.

Real money at hand. Our conditions are simple and customizable; so, we dispose of a fair working scheme with no extra fees, meaning that we render a financial support if you want it most of all without any questions.

Debtees for your problem. We collaborate with responsible and revised lenders from all over the U.S., who want to help you!|

Less than perfect credit score shouldn't be considered as a final verdict. While most banks and lenders tell you "no" and deny a loan, we will make all efforts to seek after the best solution for your situation. We appreciate each our client and want to offer a special attitude!

Payments you will be able to afford. Have you looked through these huge payments, examining competitors" portals? We see them too! Thus, we prefer to about clients than to make cash on their worry troubles.

No credit checks. We realize why you "ve turned to us; thus, we don"t estimate your score by providing you a chance not only to own money but develop your credit history for future plans, demonstrating what a reliable borrower you are!