Why do you dream of beds made with white bedspreads? Dream Interpretation: bed - why you dream

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Dreams about beds express our hopes for the best, our desire for a prosperous and dignified life, the desire for a good arrangement of our home. Sometimes such dreams predict changes in health or illness. Buying a bed or seeing it being brought into the house is a sign of imminent marriage and starting your own household. If you dream that someone is offering to buy you a bed, then you will soon find out that you have a secret admirer who decided to reveal his feelings to you. A large, good-quality, beautiful, richly decorated bed in a dream means a good arrangement, a prosperous and wealthy life, protection from troubles and the patronage of people in power.

A luxurious bed and a beautiful bedroom in a dream mean that a prosperous life awaits you, which you will be very pleased with. To smell pleasant smells in the bedroom in a dream is a sign of a dubious love affair. A broken bed in a dream predicts troubles, obstacles in business, failure of plans. An empty bed means your life will be unsettled and lonely. A made bed, making a bed or seeing that it is being made for you, portends reciprocity of feelings for you, which can end in a big scandal. After such a dream, you should exercise maximum caution and prudence. A hospital bed with stains of dried blood is a sign of great distress due to an illness that you recently successfully endured. Such a dream warns you that the illness you suffered has traumatized your psyche and you should be more attentive to your health in the future. A dirty bed in a dream means illness. Lying in bed in a dream is a sign of a calm, well-ordered life; an empty bed (yours) in a dream means loneliness, unsettled life; Seeing someone else's bed empty in a dream is a sign of the imminent death of its owner or separation from a loved one. If you dream that you are going to bed, then beware of illness. Lying in bed with a friend or person of the same sex is a loss that could have been avoided; with a stranger of the opposite sex - to the news; a strange bed in a dream is a harbinger of an upcoming unusual, surprising turn in your life.

Why do you dream of a bed according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a bed, this is a hint of sexual relations or illness and fatigue. A crib and a cradle with a baby represent hopes for the future. An empty cradle means unjustified hopes. Lying on a bed or seeing sick people is a harbinger of illness, financial or domestic problems. A large, beautifully decorated bed - for marriage, love relationships. An official bed in a hospital, hostel, etc. foreshadows the beginning of a streak of failures and hardships that can drag on for a long time.

Why do you dream of a bed according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of an empty bed - an imminent illness or death; a beautifully covered bed is a sign of joy; an unmade bed means trouble.

A bed in night visions personifies the personal life of a sleeping person, his arrangement in everyday life and his state of health. The dream in which you dreamed of buying a bed is considered by interpreters to be an important sign. To determine why one dreams of buying a bed, the dreamer needs to remember his dream down to the smallest episodes and find its meaning in the dream book.

What if you dream about buying a bed?

Buying a bed, according to Miller, promises the dreamer worries related to his significant other or children. For lonely people, such a dream foreshadows troubles with blood relatives. If the crib that a sleeping person purchased in his night dreams was a child’s one, then in reality a joyful event will happen in his family. And it is not at all necessary that it will be relevant to children. For a businessman, a dream with such a development of events foreshadows successful entrepreneurial activity. In the coming days, he can safely begin new projects, conclude trade deals, and sign important agreements.

A dream in which a person was in a furniture store and saw many different beds in front of him promises him the arrival of guests from afar. Did you dream of purchasing a new bed? The dream foretells the sleeping person a new sexual partner or a change of residence.

Felomena's dream book interprets the night vision in which he dreamed depending on the age of the sleeping person. For young people, such a dream foreshadows imminent marriage and the birth of a child. Did a mature man buy a bed in a dream? In the near future, he will face difficulties that will greatly devastate him.

Buying a bed, according to Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book, dreams of a new life partner for a sleeping person. If in a dream a person came to the store to buy a bed, but he didn’t like any of the models, then in real life he is particularly picky in choosing his soulmate. The interpreter advises him to lower his demands on members of the opposite sex, otherwise he risks living alone for the rest of his life, never knowing the joys of family happiness.

Why dream of buying a bed according to Miss Hasse’s dream book? The fortuneteller is sure that the dream in which the dreamer purchased a sleeping bed promises him new vivid impressions. If the bed was large and beautiful, then a happy family life filled with positive emotions awaits the person. Did you dream of buying a crib? In the near future, the dreamer will see his cherished dream come true.

What does it portend?

If in his night dreams a person spent a long time and painfully choosing a new bed in a store, then in reality he will find himself in a difficult love situation. This interpretation can be found in the Oracle's dream book. It is quite possible that the sleeper will have to make a difficult choice between several candidates for the role of a companion or life partner. The interpreter advises the dreamer not to rush into making a choice and to think carefully about everything before announcing his decision. It is important not to be led by emotions and listen to your inner voice.

The family dream book considers a night vision in which a sleeping person happened to buy a bed to be a good sign, foreshadowing his imminent marriage and starting his own household. If someone offered the dreamer to buy a sleeping bed from him, then in reality a fan will soon appear in his life who will not hide his feelings.

A person who dreamed of buying a bed at night will in reality expect happy changes in his personal life. Such a dream is especially favorable for lonely people, because it prophesies for them a long-awaited meeting with their soulmate and the end of the period of loneliness.

I dreamed that I ran out of some house and ran along the road! There was a traffic jam on the road, I was not alone, I was with a girl and a guy (acquaintances), everything was connected with one person whom I liked. We ran along the road bus, there was a traffic jam. And I was late home, I just didn’t understand what time of day it was, but it was very dark, The guy and the girl ran to the bus, and I stopped and all the people from the car were looking at me, that was everyone
guys. The bus was yellow (in the dream there were only three bright colors that I remembered). I went to the left side of the stop, there were 12-story and five-story buildings, under one of the houses, not far from the road, there was a store in the house, there was some kind of strange green car parked in the store, and right next to it, perpendicularly around the corner, there was a police car (empty). I went into the store and there was a saleswoman (it looks like the owner of the store, in a green sweater and blue jeans, the green car was hers) and at the counter The police were standing there, and I went into the store to call my mother or the guy with whom I was supposed to stay. When I entered, I ran into a policeman leaving the store, the store itself is not big inside. I went in, didn’t say anything, and this to me” "the owner of the store" said come with me, we left the store, 4 policemen came out in front of us, she closed the store, I was waiting for her near the car on the passenger side. Then she looked at me strangely, got into the car, and with the same strange look she opened the door for me, but when I grabbed the door handle, she started driving quickly, while I was trying to get into the car, and she was driving somewhere very quickly. I couldn’t get into the car, I just fell out of the car, having previously run after her and holding on to the handle of the green car. I let go of the handle at the stop on the road. When I got there, there was no traffic jam and my friends ran to the bus too. Then, somehow, I suddenly ended up in the apartment of a guy (whom I was supposed to stay with) he wasn’t at home I went into the room, there was a bed above which there was a window, and in front of the bed there was a large wall (wardrobe), to the left of the bed there was also a closet and a funny picture (I don’t remember what was on it). I clearly remember that there was a bed double, made up, there was a laptop on it and the bed was a little rumpled, as if someone was sitting or lying on it. The bed on top had stripes of different sizes (the colors of the stripes: blue, light green, soft pink, generally delicate shades, but only light green was darker and its stripes were wider than all) and the sheet and pillows were white. I sat on the bed without undressing, without waking up. When I appeared in the room it was already morning. In the laptop I tried to find a person who could contact my mother and say she said that everything was fine. And then I heard a ringing on the phone (it wasn’t my phone, it was someone else’s phone. And then I woke up...

Yaroslav, hello! Could you explain what beds mean in our dreams? I dreamed of a mass check-in, like a camp at the beginning of a new shift, into rooms in which there are many beds and everyone takes the one they like. While I was walking back and forth, I ended up in a large room with about 15 beds. Moreover, if in the other rooms there were only girls or boys, then I ended up (by residual criteria) in the one where there were three guys as well. I’m lying on my bed in my clothes—after all, there are men nearby—and I’m thinking that it’s good that I’ve forgotten how to be bored, otherwise it would have been hard to spend the entire shift (23 days) in the camp. So, actually, what is a bed? Logically, where does our Ego rest?


Let's try to build on more significant things. You find yourself in a kind of camp, a place where they live for a short time - about a month. However, each building and each ward is a kind of house, which means it is a symbolic reflection of a container of life’s meaning that protects you from external information chaos. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the home. Its main characteristics: many beds and the presence of men. An interesting “bed” thought that is absolutely not aimed at eroticism and one’s own sexuality: “I’m lying on my bed in clothes - after all, men are nearby and I’m thinking that it’s good that I’ve forgotten how to be bored, otherwise it would have been hard for the whole shift.”
It may be necessary to analyze what is happening with your sexual concept now, since the presence of a bed and men suggests exactly this outline.


My boyfriend and I are lying in bed and suddenly the bed is transferred to the street, even to the road, the road is made of stone. My friends pass by us, I try to stop one of them, he is my ex-boyfriend, but he passes by, waving his hand. Suddenly I see my former classmate playing with her child and for some reason talking to him in some incomprehensible language. Then I see that I am standing on the bridge and looking into the water, the water is very clean, you can see fish swimming and you can see the whole bottom. Suddenly I find myself at someone’s funeral, they are very bright, but I run away from there because I don’t want to see someone or I’m even afraid. Then I go back to the street where the bed was and see bright bags being sold near a wooden house .Everything happens in Ukraine. I am a woman, I will be 23 years old tomorrow, I associate sleep with depression


I’m in a dormitory, they brought me to a room where there are already residents (they have very rich beds - made up, wooden, wide). We are placed with them (there are several of us - 3 people). The rich beds are moved in one wall, on the opposite side 3 beds with metal mesh, two of normal size, but I got a small one, like for infants. I measure it out with my hands, express dissatisfaction and go through other coins in search of an adult bed. So I woke up with the feeling of searching for a bed for myself in the rooms.


The hostel indicates a situation that suggests regression and the danger of negative influences. A small bed also indicates that you are being pushed towards regression. Moreover, they push people under the guise of positive proposals, because the beds and bedding themselves make a person feel safe.


Your boyfriend (as the hero of the dream) hints that you might have a child. But the origins of this “stage production” are quite difficult to establish - there is too little information. Perhaps these images are generated by the realities of your positive relationships. Or is it some kind of compensatory fantasy if the relationship doesn't work out. What is important here is what happened the night before sleep.


I dreamed about him two nights in a row. But I'm interested in the first dream. We lay in bed together, I lay on his stomach, and he held me close to him with one hand. I asked him something about training, some kind of exercise, and he said so sternly: “Let’s not talk about that now, let’s just talk.” What does this mean?


I had this dream half asleep at night, it was very short, but it left impressions through the roof. I seemed to have already woken up, but I was still sleeping. I dreamed that I was lying on the very bed on which I slept, and the furnishings of the room were the same as in reality, all the objects that I have in the room were present in the dream, even the light was turned off. And so I I’m lying in bed and thinking about something, and suddenly I begin to feel that my body is becoming heavier in an increasing progression, so heavy that I can’t take my hands off the bed, I can’t breathe or speak, but I’m perfectly aware that something bad is happening to me , I begin to dissolve somewhere like sugar in tea, into small pieces, into atoms and molecules, and slowly fall somewhere, as if into a bed, but not into a bed under the counter; complete darkness, I try to resist this and jump out of bed, but nothing works, something was sucking me somewhere, and then I woke up, I didn’t just open my eyes, but like a champagne cork I jumped out of bed, and in a few leaps I found myself in another room, where I began to realize that it was a dream, my physical condition was terrible, it took minutes 5-10 to come to your senses after this


It's not a dream. But this can be explained in different ways. It is enough for someone to know that his consciousness did not have time to switch off when he suddenly fell into deep sleep. But someone will want to go to the end. Then he needs to be told to “break up” and see what happens. This phenomenon is often observed in breathing techniques of psychotherapy (holotropic breathing, rebirthing). Those who are braver die there, but are immediately born a second time. But... you need to act according to the situation. If you trust not yourself, but someone else, you will die and not be born.


I had this dream during the day, I tried to sleep but nothing worked, I was in some kind of half-asleep, I can’t even say for sure whether I was asleep or not, I was thinking about something and it seemed to me that some period of time just disappeared, as if he it didn’t happen, as if I was turned off and then turned on, I was deeply interested in what it was, and suddenly I, chained to the bed by some force, began to feel some kind of vibration, at first not great, then stronger and stronger, I felt as if I was alone in the middle of a large endless space , it’s dark all around, and the vibration is getting stronger and stronger, I seem to succumb to it and begin to merge with it and it starts to sway me like on waves, faster and faster, stronger and stronger, I hear a dull growing noise in my ears, I feel a lot of pressure on myself from all sides, this is similar to the feelings of a test pilot who put his fighter plane into a sharp turn at maximum speed, all these above-mentioned feelings increase many times over with every split second, to the point of unbearability, it begins to seem to me as if I am falling through somewhere, but not me but it’s as if the whole space is flying up and I’m down, I can’t breathe or move, I want to open my eyes but I can’t, the eyelids are so heavy, and the body is also like lead, spreading somewhere, I opened my eyes - silence, I’m at home, the sun pleasantly warms my face, etc. The most interesting. that I was fully aware of everything, and I felt the passage of time, I can say for sure that all this lasted no more than 3 seconds, but when I was in these 3 seconds, as if inside time, for me it all lasted much longer, as if a feeling of slowing down the passage of time Once I defended myself somehow, well, roughly speaking, I took part in a fight, I don’t like to fight violently, I try to solve everything without fists as much as possible, sometimes I even calmly walk away from a fight, because proving with fists is the very last thing, the exception is when it comes to self-defense , myself and my loved ones, honor (I have been boxing for several years, so I don’t think for a long time about where and how to hit everything with a machine gun, but before this I have never felt such a large slowdown in time, in general, in every fight there is a slowdown in the sense of time, but this the case was special, I had a conflict with certain people, there was no way out but aggression towards them, at that moment it seemed to me that I had some kind of super power and the reaction of everyone around me was so slow and clumsy that in the course of my actions I had time to think and appreciate so many things, even those that were not related to these events. Witnesses who saw all this claim that the entire fight lasted no more than 2 seconds.


There is a certain style in cinema... Black and white cinema, but in it one thing is highlighted in bright, saturated color... It’s the same in my dream. I had a dream in this style for the first time... A bright, large, almost white room. There are beds in it... Like in a hospital... On one of them I am in a white nightgown. I’m half-lying, half-sitting... On some other bed there’s an unfamiliar woman in something white. An unfamiliar man is sitting on the floor next to my bed. In a white shirt, dark trousers... We all laugh merrily, because... This woman and I throw each other a small (medium-sized) red (purple) satin pillow. The pillow looks sophisticated, new, expensive. The goal of the game is to catch the pad... The feeling of joy and fun from the game... (Association with the game of nymphs.) Everyone looks healthy and beautiful. The man just watches us and laughs merrily with us... It’s as if I don’t have any relationship with this man, but somehow I like him... Then the game ended. I don't remember who dropped the pillow. Maybe no one. And this man kissed me with a long kiss... In the dream I liked it... Then I see myself walking along a dark corridor in some institution. The color scheme of the dream is already normal. I’m already dressed... I see another business-like stranger. He asks: “What is your last name?” I answer with my current last name... I can see from him that she is familiar to him. He knew his father-in-law... I enter the room, like a classroom or auditorium... The room is normal, there is daylight in the windows... There is also a man sitting there - a stranger. He sits in the teacher’s place and says: “Do you know that *** (the man from the bright room when we were laughing) died?” and says the time and place (either he was hit by a car on the street or something else). And it seemed like that other woman was with him at that moment. But this is not a teacher, but rather on the same level as me. I am horrified by this, I say that this is not true, and in my mind I pretend that we kissed at that time and he was alive... I wake up from doubts: “Perhaps this is a mistake and he is alive?” 42 years old, female.


The dream is permeated with the spirit of emotional-sensual relationships. This bright pillow is an expression of heartfelt emotions. And smart women, in principle, are able to recognize that a woman is primarily interested in the exchange of messages between women, and a man exists as nothing more than a pretext for such an exchange. At the same time, the “hospital situation” should be alarming, since this indicates a slide into stagnation and a predisposition to regression. This can be seen from the continuation of the dream, when the heroine learns about the death of a potential lover. In general, when we see ourselves in bed in a dream, it is always partly laziness and regression. This means we may miss out on a potentially profitable growth opportunity. If you are not lazy, then with a certain man you could realize yourself better. And your dream title accurately reflects its meaning.


I dream that I see myself sleeping from the outside: the bed, the bed, the room, and myself. I notice that something short and dark is running around the bed, I can’t hear any noise, only a short shadow. I “enter” my body, and something jumps straight onto the bed, circles the blanket and suddenly dives under it. I notice a “lump” under the blanket that is moving, and, having contrived, I put my hand under the blanket and grab this thing, as it turned out, by the hair. It was small, 70-1 meter cm, a man, a man, in long dark blue clothes, pants and soft light boots, he had long silver hair, it seems he had a beard, round yellow eyes, I don’t remember about the headdress, he was or not. The little man began to dangle his legs funny in the air. For some reason I wasn’t afraid, but, holding him by the hair, I spoke to him: “Who are you?” Are you a dwarf? He snorted and answered irritably: “Yes, yes, dwarf, let me go!” But I didn’t let him go, I can’t understand why. There was no fear, no pity either, there was interest, because gnomes don’t live in apartments. I knew that the little man wouldn’t do anything bad to me, he didn’t even have that in his mind. I still can’t understand where the knowledge comes from. I began to look at him, despite the fact that the room was dark, a soft glow emanated from the gnome, without a halo, it allowed me to see the little man. Suddenly the gnome asked: “What do you want?” Money? And I, falling into some kind of frenzy, shouted: “Yes, yes, money!!!” - Million? I laughed: “A million?!” No, millions! Millions!!! For some reason, I thought that the gnome didn’t have that kind of money, and was about to let him go, when suddenly the walls and floor of the room began to melt, quickly disappeared, and we gently fell somewhere down. There was no feeling of flying or impact, we just got from one place to another, although it felt like this place was deep underground. We were definitely on solid ground. It was as if the room had dawned and become brighter. And I saw that we found ourselves in a huge underground hall, with uneven earthen walls and a high domed ceiling. All the walls of the underground hall were lined with shelves, completely simple, even racks from floor to ceiling, and on them were books, an awful lot of books, and only in the corner gold glittered dully. I laughed with happiness: “So many books!” Can I take them? The little man was with me, walking nervously next to me. Hearing my scream, he snorted ironically like a hedgehog and said: “Of course.” I approached the rack going up and saw that these were not books at all, but bundles of money, banknotes, intercepted by bank paper “ribbons”. From such a sight I was completely stunned, I walked along the rack and smiled stupidly, this did not last long, the little man ran up and still nervously began to walk next to me, snorting. A wave of strange delight filled me. And he said angrily: “Well?” Take as much as you need. Just then I realized that I had nothing to take the money with, I took off my nightgown, tied up my sleeves and began to carefully, so as not to break anything, collect wads of money into an improvised bag. The little man asked: “What about gold?” Gold out there, take it. I suddenly felt sad, I don’t understand why. I answered: “No, you mined the gold, it is yours, I have no right to take it.” Thank you. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a side tunnel from the hall. I didn’t want to leave the dungeon, because it was so good and comfortable there, clean, well-ventilated air, reliable earthen walls, a feeling of security and a strange state of happiness, euphoria, which was given not by money or dimly glittering gold, but by the fact that this treasury even exists. In the dungeon, where perfect order and cleanliness reigned, I did not see a single piece of jewelry, only gold bars, not a single precious stone, light, huge stacks of banknotes, and in the corner shelf bars that reminded me of loaves of bread. Then nothing happened. I woke up and tried to find the bag of money, but in reality, of course, it was not there. I fell asleep again and in the morning, when I finally woke up, I didn’t remember the dream; it came up quite by accident when we were drinking tea in the kitchen. I remember the little man vaguely. Besides what I described, he gave the impression of being strong, strong and healthy, like a winter apple. The skin on the face is smooth, almost without wrinkles, the cheeks are rosy, which amazed me. The nose is a little hooked, the eyes are large and glowing, like a cat's, yellow. All his clothes were surprisingly clean to the touch, and he himself was also so nice. I remember long silver hair, thicker than that of an ordinary person.

Crib, bunk, couch, thermal bed, trestle bed, bed, beds, sexodrome, sex mill, trachodrome, shkontsy, hat

Bed in Esoteric dream book:

Bed (bed, sofa, couch) - Lying alone means illness, danger of becoming infected from an infectious patient, especially serious diseases (AIDS, hepatitis, etc.). Being in bed with someone you know means your union can lead to sad consequences. To be in bed with a stranger - expect a blow, trouble. Make love if your main focus is on the bed - check your sexual connections. They won't lead to anything good. A camping cot is a temporary ailment. Advice: do not attach much importance to it so that it does not take away your energy. Seeing means sex.

Interpretation in Ukrainian dream book Sleep Bed:

  • If you dream about a bed, you will get sick and be in bed; empty - death of a friend; laid - wealth; dirty - misfortune.
  • Why do you dream about Bed in Modern dream book?

  • If in a dream you see a bed and feel the desire to lie down on it and fall asleep, then in real life you are inclined to follow your desires, which often has a very detrimental effect on the course of your affairs. If you dreamed that you were lying on someone else’s bed, then in reality you should be prepared for the fact that you will find yourself involved in some kind of scam that will leave a mark on your reputation. Lying on a bed that sinks under you means that you should be more attentive to your own health.
  • IN Loff's Dream Book if you dream of a Bed:

  • Freud interpreted the bed as a symbol of the mother's womb. In fact, if you hide under the blanket on a cool autumn morning, the bed will become a utopian personification of paradise, which will reliably protect you from the adversity of the world around you.
  • Sometimes seeing yourself in bed is the result of a LUCID dream. You become aware that you are dreaming, and your consciousness accepts the limitations of the dream state. However, the bed is often associated with laziness, illness, death or sexual experience. If for you the bed embodies one of the above symbols, then the dream itself most likely reflects your perception of yourself.
  • If you dream about a Bed? IN Lunar dream book:

  • An empty bed means the death of a friend.
  • Interpretation of sleep Bed in Eastern dream book:

  • A dream in which you see a bed and feel the desire to lie down on it and fall asleep indicates: you are inclined to follow your desires without thinking, which has a very detrimental effect on your affairs. If you dreamed that you were lying on someone else’s bed, be prepared for the fact that you will find yourself involved in some kind of scam that will significantly tarnish your reputation. Lying down on a bed that sinks under you is a hint that you should be more attentive to your health.
  • Seeing a Bed in a dream Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • man- change of residence;
  • empty - the death of a friend, your own - personal life;
  • too chic, with fragrances - dubious connections;
  • lay - for women- passion with scandal;
  • looking at the open bed - fear of scandal, exposure;
  • lie down, go to bed - illness, trouble;
  • interference in personal litigation;
  • stain on the sheets - reputation;
  • with a stranger of the opposite sex - good news;
  • lying with a friend or someone of the same sex - loss through stupidity;
  • bedroom - personal life, relationships;
  • lying in bed - success, luck;
  • sleeping on a bed outside the house is a profitable business, a pleasant event.
  • a strange bed is an unexpected turn of affairs;
  • What does it mean to see a bed in a dream Gypsy dream book?

  • A neatly made bed means safety. An unmade bed means secrets that will be revealed. If you are alone in bed - loneliness. If you are in bed with a person of the same sex, you will have to apologize for your actions. If you are in bed with a person of the opposite sex, you will make an important decision. If you are lying in a bed that is on the street, or you see a bed on the street that is empty, there is an opportunity to make a lot of money. See also: Featherbed.
  • What does Bed mean in a dream? Dream Book of the Wanderer?

  • The bed is a symbol of sex; illness; marriage; personal secret. In disarray - a breakdown in family relationships. Empty - danger; wet, with stains - revelations, loss of authority, betrayal. A bed outside the house is a joyful event.
  • Bed in a dream Dream book for women:

  • A bed covered with a beautiful silk bedspread foreshadows a period of a prosperous and carefree life, which will be somewhat burdened by an excess of peace and idleness. But if you dreamed about the bed from Sunday to Monday, then soon a handsome and intelligent man will definitely appear on your horizon.
  • Seeing a bed sprinkled with rose petals in a dream from Saturday to Sunday is a sign of great joy.
  • Seeing a bed in a dream from Thursday to Friday means fun.
  • An empty bed is dreamed of from Tuesday to Thursday - to big changes in your personal life.
  • If you dreamed of a bed with rumpled sheets from Thursday to Friday, this foreshadows sexual harassment in the service.
  • Seeing a sleeping cat on a bed in a dream means finding out about upcoming bad changes in advance, but if you dream about it from Friday to Saturday, it means you still won’t be able to influence the course of events.
  • In a dream see a Bed. IN Old Russian dream book:

  • lying in bed - success, luck; empty - death of a friend.
  • What does Bed in mean? Mayan dream book:

    Seeing a Bed in a dream. IN Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • You lie down on the bed. - Portends great misfortune, evil.
  • A sword or knife lies at the head of the bed. - Portends great happiness.
  • You change the covers on the bed. - There will be a job change associated with the move.
  • The canopy or coverlet on the bed is torn. - My wife may die soon.
  • You fold the covers off the bed. - Foretells a move, fortunately.
  • There is blood on the bed. - The wife or concubine is debauched.
  • The bedspread is taken out of the gate. - Death of his wife.
  • Ants are crawling on the bed. - Foretells misfortune.
  • You wash the bedspread from the bed. - Portends great happiness.
  • Bed legs are being replaced. - Misfortune with a servant, subordinate.
  • You straighten the blanket over the bed. - Portends great wealth and nobility.
  • You cover yourself with a white blanket. - Great luck and benefit.
  • You straighten the blanket-covered bed. - A person will come from afar.