Moscow rock band Gorky Park. Soviet parks are a place of cultural recreation for the citizens of Gorky Park now

The Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure (CPKiO) was founded in 1928; its chief architect, who carried out the layout of the park's ground floor in the late 1920s, was the avant-garde architect Konstantin Melnikov. The park, which covers an area of ​​about 100 hectares, did not arise out of nowhere. In 1923, the All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Exhibition took place here. “I attach very great importance to the exhibition,” wrote V.I. Lenin, “I am sure that all organizations will provide full assistance to it. I sincerely wish you the best success." This event was innovative not only in the field of economics, but also in the field of architecture.

Pushkinskaya (Alexandrinskaya, Neskuchnaya) embankment appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. According to the design of Matvey Kazakov, two white stone gazebos were built (in the period 1796-1802). In 1928, the embankment became part of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Gorky.

Arch of the Main Entrance (1955, architect Yuri Shchuko).

Monument to Maxim Gorky:

But let's go back to 1923.

The All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Exhibition was opened on August 19, 1923. The basis for the construction and holding of the exhibition was the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition” (dated December 15, 1922). Construction took place on the site of vegetable gardens and landfills. The best architects of that time took part in the design of the objects: A. Shchusev, V. Oltarzhevsky, I. Zholtovsky, K. Melnikov, V. Shchuko, F. Shekhtel. The main architectural and planning idea of ​​the master plan for the exhibition, proposed by Zholtovsky, was to create a large parterre, in the center of which it was initially planned to build a fountain with a symbolic sculpture of awakening Russia. Separate pavilions addressed the fountain and sculpture. At the Exhibition, techniques of the Russian architectural avant-garde were used for the first time, which were subsequently embodied in various capital buildings. One of the most innovative at the exhibition was the Makhorka Pavilion, built according to Melnikov’s design.

This agricultural and industrial forum turned out to be more than successful: the exposition was visited by 1,500,000 people, and about 600 foreign companies took part in the exhibition. At that time, the young Soviet Republic was taking its first steps in creating a socialist economy, in restoring the economy after revolutionary upheavals and wars. 16 years later, an even more impressive All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, later known as VDNKh and All-Russian Exhibition Center, will open in the north of Moscow. By 1939, the USSR had become a powerful industrial power. But that is another story.

Of the 255 objects built for the 1923 exhibition, only the dilapidated Mechanical Engineering pavilion (architect I. Zholtovsky) has survived to this day. It turned out to be the only one made of monolithic reinforced concrete. Other buildings were wooden.

In 1923, the first Soviet tractors and agricultural equipment were exhibited here. Two years later, the pavilion became part of the international automobile exhibition. In 1929, the “hexagon” hosted an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by the Society of Moscow Artists. During the 1930s and post-war years, the pavilion complex was known as a popular restaurant and fashionable dance venue.

Subsequently, the catering establishment closed, the buildings were used as office and warehouse premises in Gorky Park, and after several fires they were finally abandoned in the late 1970s. The Gorky Park administration plans to restore the remaining historical buildings. In addition to the Mashinostroeniya hexagon, this is a pre-war restaurant near Golitsyn Ponds and several buildings on the territory of Neskuchny Garden.

Comprehensive information about Hexagon can be found in the blog:

From above you can clearly see that the six bodies look like a stylized gear:

In 1932, the Children's Railway, 528 meters long, opened in Gorky Park. The road was electrified; one of the two stations had a depot and its own electrical substation. There are not many documentary details about the existence of the first Children's Railway in the USSR; it is known that by 1939 it was already closed.

In the spring of 1943, samples of captured German equipment were exhibited in the park, including the first captured operational Tiger tank.

Among the entertainment offered to the townspeople were the "Alley of Laughter", the "Chapito" circus, a shooting gallery, a chess club, sports grounds, attractions "The Big Carousel", "Planes", "Flying People" and others. It can be added that the parachute tower was also a popular attraction of the park before the war.

Vacationers could get food in the dairy cafe, ice cream cafe "Arktika", restaurants "Caucasian", "Lastochka" and "Plzensky", cafe "Lily of the Valley", "Cafe of Meetings". Later, the two-story restaurant “Vremena Goda” became an iconic catering establishment.

Restaurant "Swallow"

And here is the famous sculpture by Ivan Shadr “Girl with an Oar”, which was destroyed in 1941. Photo from 1936:

“In Soviet times, the Central Park of Culture and Culture was a town with its own police, fire and medical units. There was a post office and a savings bank here. By modern standards, the attractions were weak, but visitors sincerely enjoyed them. Competitions were held in running in sacks or on one leg. On the Zeleny stage At the theater, amateur artistic groups performed. Songs were sung to the accordion, the text of which was written on posters. And visitors, together with entertainers, learned dances. You could ride a boat or kayak. To ride a kayak, you had to be dressed in sports uniform. Before the war "Carnivals were held in the Central Park of Culture and Culture. There were many retail outlets here, but the sale of alcohol was prohibited," writes the blogger

But here is something preserved in Gorky Park, presumably from 1930-1950.

The Gorky Park group has the status of a world legend. And this is not surprising, because in the first years of its existence the group already had hundreds of thousands of records sold under its belt, and their hits were heard by everyone. Better known among foreign listeners as Gorky Park, the group entered the history of world rock music as a phenomenon.

History of creation and composition

The biography of the Gorky Park group began in 1987 in the USSR at the Center. The history of creation is such that the team was initially created with a focus on the American market. The name “Gorky Park” did not come to the producer by chance, because the rehearsal site was located on the territory of the park of culture and recreation named after, and besides, at that time the novel of the same name by Martin Cruz Smith was heard abroad.

The composition of the group was very unusual: each of the young people had experience in popular rock bands. The first participant was Alexey Belov, who took the place of lead guitar. Previously he participated in the Moscow team and VIA Nadezhda, and since 1983 he has been involved in arrangements.

Got a position as a vocalist. He worked together with Belov in the Moscow group, and then sang in the Rus restaurant, from where he went to the Gorky Park group at the invitation of Stas Namin.

Alexander Minkov, today known under the name, became a bass guitarist. Alexander Lvov took the place behind the drum kit, and Yan Yanenkov was responsible for the guitar. The last three musicians who came to Gorky Park participated at different times in the Stas Namin Group. These members represented the original composition of the group, in which the musicians lasted 3.5 years.


In the fall of 1987, after several months of hard rehearsals, the group made its stage debut. A video was shot for the track “Fortress”, broadcast on the popular American program “Don King Show”.

In August 1989, the band's first album, called "Gorky Park", was released. The cover featured a logo in the form of the letters “GP”, stylized as a hammer and sickle. After the fall of the Iron Curtain and thanks to the growing Western interest in the Soviet Union, the Gorky Park group quickly became popular in the United States.

The single “Bang” lasted 2 months on American MTV, reaching 3rd position. As for the single “Try To Find Me,” it reached position 81 on the Billboard Hot 100, making Gorky Park the first Soviet group to appear on this chart. The album “Gorky Park” itself reached position 80 on the Billboard 200, sales of which exceeded 300 thousand copies in 3 weeks.

Song "Bang" by the group "Gorky Park"

The next single was “Peace in Our Time”, recorded with, which received excellent rotation.

The members had successful tours in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Norway, and also performed two large-scale tours in the United States. The concerts were a huge success and were broadcast on American television. The participants were remembered for their performances in stage costumes with folk themes and guitars in the shape of balalaikas.

“Gorky Park” was at the pinnacle of success, but after the dismissal of the manager by members of the group, their career began to falter. At the same time, Nikolai Noskov left the lineup; the presumed reasons for the musician’s departure were fatigue and pressure from the participants.

Due to changes in the composition of the group, Alexander Marshal takes the place of soloist. The team began recording new material called “Moscow Calling”, vocalists Richard Marx and Fee Vabil took part in the creation process.

Song “Moscow Calling” by the group “Gorky Park”

In 1992, the album was released in Russia and many other countries under the name “Gorky Park II”. Although the album did not hit the American charts, it managed to gain significant popularity - sales worldwide amounted to half a million copies. The disc gained particular fame in Denmark, receiving platinum status there.

Thanks to the global success of Moscow Calling, the team gained financial independence and set up their own studio in Los Angeles.

In 1995, keyboard player Nikolai Kuzminykh joined the group. Upon returning to Russia, the performers went on tour, after which Gorky Park began recording material for the third studio album in a new studio in Los Angeles.

During preparations for the release of the album “Stare,” a scandal broke out with the group’s ex-producer Stas Namin over the rights to the name “Gorky Park.” But the parties quickly came to a compromise: the performers bought the name.

Song “Two candles” (“Two candles”) by the group “Gorky Park”

The third official album was released in 1996, followed by a tour of Russian cities. After 2 years, the group released their next studio album, “Protivofazza”. Soon the musicians finally returned to their homeland. The plans included recording a live album, but events occurred that changed everything once and for all.

The end of 1998 was marked by a fatal event for the group. Three main musicians left the lineup at once: Yanenkov, Lvov and Minkov. The latter explained his departure by the desire to realize his own ideas.

A little later, unexpectedly for all listeners, Alexander appeared on stage under the pseudonym Alexander Marshal with songs in the style of Russian chanson.

Having suffered significant disruptions, the activities of the performers continued. Alexey Nelidov replaced the vocalist and bass guitarist, and Alexander Makin became the drummer. Yanenkov joined Marshal to record the album “White Ash”. When the work was finished, the musician returned to the group.

Song “Made in Russia” by the group “Gorky Park”

In 2001, Gorky Park released a single and video for the track “Made in Russia.” The performers were preparing a studio album, but the work never saw the light of day, since Alexey Nelidov left the band and moved to Germany. The dissolution of the team was officially announced, and a break came in the history of Gorky Park.

After a long silence, Belov and Yanenkov decide to resume concerts as “Musicians of the Gorky Park group” together with Alexander Makin at the drum kit. But this project did not last long and quickly closed.

In 2012, the Gorky Park group held 3 concerts. The performers in the first lineup performed on the TV program “Evening Urgant” and gave an anniversary concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary. In July, the musicians played at the “Invasion” festival, but without Nikolai Noskov.

The next time the reason for the gathering was the show program of the fight and. Then, after a silence of 2 years, the last concert of Gorky Park took place with the album “Moscow Calling”, accompanied by a symphony orchestra in City Hall.

Gorky Park now

Now there are no prerequisites for re-establishing the group; each musician is busy with his own project. Today, the exception is Nikolai Noskov, whose life has been in trouble. A man was hospitalized due to a stroke, and after a temporary improvement, he is again struggling with the serious consequences of the disease.

As for Alexey Belov, he continues to perform solo, produces new projects and writes songs for his wife. In July 2018, the musician released a new single called “Live in Moscow” - the first track in his future solo album.

In honor of this event, Belov gave an interview to Ekho Moskvy radio, where he spoke about the years spent in the Gorky Park group and the prospects for a solo project. As for Alexander Marshall, he continues his successful solo career. Photos of Gorky Park participants can be found on the Internet.

In 2016, a scandal broke out over the pseudo-group “Gorky Park,” whose members traveled around the country and were planning to record a Russian-language album. It turned out that this action was run by former band member Yan Yanenkov and a certain Yegor Dervoed, a self-named producer and director.

To clarify the situation, Alexander Marshal and Alexey Belov held a press conference. Belov said that one day he received a call from the administrator of Ukhta, who asked in a nervous voice whether the Gorky Park group was coming to their concert. The surprised musician admitted that he was hearing about this for the first time.

After this, the caller said that a festival was being organized in Komi, to which the group “Gorky Park” was invited, and an advance payment had already been made to Yegor Dervoed in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. The head of Komi saw the lists of the team and was indignant when he did not find Belov there. As a result, Alexey and his wife had to go, because the situation almost ended in tears.

At the end of the press conference, the musicians announced that Yanenkov was no longer a member of the Gorky Park group. Marshall and Belov also said that they would resolve the issue with the surrogate by immediately contacting law enforcement agencies. It is unknown how the proceedings ended.

The track “Moscow Calling” became the official soundtrack to the series “Fizruk”.


  • 1989 – “Gorky Park”
  • 1992 – “Gorky Park 2”
  • 1996 – “Stare”
  • 1998 – “Protivofazza”


  • Peace In Our Time
  • My Generation
  • Fortress
  • Moscow Calling
  • Stranger
  • I'm Going Down
  • Tell Me Why
  • Stare
  • Ocean
  • Try To Find Me
  • Two Candles

In the 1970-1990s, the park became not as original as in previous years. During troubled times, they didn’t build anything new, they just updated the attractions. And these were not the good old swing-carousels, but creepy Americanized monsters.

The Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after M. Gorky is the main park of Moscow, located in the city center on the banks of the Moscow River at the address: Krymsky Val Street, building 9.

The M. Gorky Culture and Leisure Park was created by the decision of the Presidium of the Moscow Council of Workers, Red Army and Peasant Deputies on March 16, 1928 on the site of the 1st All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft-Industrial Exhibition. Since the formation of the park, Neskuchny Garden has been located within its borders - a natural park in Moscow, formed as a result of the merger of three estates of the 18th century that belonged to the princes Golitsyn, Trubetskoy and Demidov. Academician Ivan Zholtovsky, avant-garde architect Konstantin Melnikov, and architect Alexander Vlasov, who completed the final layout of the park, worked on the layout of the park. To enter the park there are two propylaea, built in the shape of the Triumphal Gate - from the side of Krymsky Val Street (1955, architect Yuri Shchuko) and a passage from Leninsky Prospekt. In 1932, the park was named after the writer Maxim Gorky.

Initially, the park hosted exhibitions of the Moscow City Council and organized sports and leisure activities. The park has rowing, baths, carousels, attractions (roller coasters, water slides, crashing cars), interest clubs gathered and sports tournaments were held. The first children's railway was opened in the children's town of the M. Gorky Park, and a circus tent was in operation. Mass events were held in the park: a carnival of nationalities, physical education festivals, prize competitions, and military and other orchestras played.

Entrance was paid; turnstiles were installed under the arch of the Main Entrance in the 2000s.

At the entrance to the park, visitors were greeted by a carousel with half-naked fairies. It has been preserved, only moved to the embankment.

Model of the space shuttle "Buran". Visitors climbed inside along airstrips based on MAZ and UAZ vehicles.

It is unlikely that the townspeople will greatly regret the dismantling of such attractions in 2011. What you can regret is the loss of the Ferris wheel - one of the oldest in Moscow.

The large Ferris wheel was built in 1958, its height is 60 meters (according to other sources - 45 m). One of the symbols of the then Gorky Park was dismantled in 2008.

The 14-meter-high children's Ferris wheel was preserved closer to Pushkinskaya Embankment, but was also dismantled around 2010-2011.

This was the view from above of the Vremena Goda restaurant. In the distance you can see the Hexagon pavilion with its roof still on. After the fires, both buildings were abandoned.

This is what the Vremena Goda restaurant looks like now. Reconstruction is planned with the subsequent placement of an exhibition of contemporary art.

At all times, there were many sculptural compositions in Gorky Park - from the classics of Shadr to modern, somewhat parody versions.

In the 1970-1990s, the park became not as original as in previous years. During troubled times, they didn’t build anything new, they just updated the attractions. And these were not the good old swing-carousels, but creepy Americanized monsters.

The Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after M. Gorky is the main park of Moscow, located in the city center on the banks of the Moscow River at the address: Krymsky Val Street, building 9.

The M. Gorky Culture and Leisure Park was created by the decision of the Presidium of the Moscow Council of Workers, Red Army and Peasant Deputies on March 16, 1928 on the site of the 1st All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Exhibition. Since the formation of the park, Neskuchny Garden has been located within its borders - a natural park in Moscow, formed as a result of the merger of three estates of the 18th century that belonged to the princes Golitsyn, Trubetskoy and Demidov. Academician Ivan Zholtovsky, avant-garde architect Konstantin Melnikov, and architect Alexander Vlasov, who completed the final layout of the park, worked on the layout of the park. To enter the park there are two propylaea, built in the shape of the Triumphal Gate - from the side of Krymsky Val Street (1955, architect Yuri Shchuko) and a passage from Leninsky Prospekt. In 1932, the park was named after the writer Maxim Gorky.

Initially, the park hosted exhibitions of the Moscow City Council and organized sports and leisure activities. The park has rowing, baths, carousels, attractions (roller coasters, water slides, crashing cars), interest clubs gathered and sports tournaments were held. The first children's railway was opened in the children's town of the M. Gorky Park, and a circus tent was in operation. Mass events were held in the park: a carnival of nationalities, physical education festivals, prize competitions, and military and other orchestras played.

Entrance was paid; turnstiles were installed under the arch of the Main Entrance in the 2000s.

At the entrance to the park, visitors were greeted by a carousel with half-naked fairies. It has been preserved, only moved to the embankment.

Model of the space shuttle "Buran". Visitors climbed inside along airstrips based on MAZ and UAZ vehicles.

It is unlikely that the townspeople will greatly regret the dismantling of such attractions in 2011. What you can regret is the loss of the Ferris wheel - one of the oldest in Moscow.

The large Ferris wheel was built in 1958, its height is 60 meters (according to other sources - 45 m). One of the symbols of the then Gorky Park was dismantled in 2008.

The 14-meter-high children's Ferris wheel was preserved closer to Pushkinskaya Embankment, but was also dismantled around 2010-2011.

This was the view from above of the Vremena Goda restaurant. In the distance you can see the Hexagon pavilion with its roof still on. After the fires, both buildings were abandoned.

This is what the Vremena Goda restaurant looks like now. Reconstruction is planned with the subsequent placement of an exhibition of contemporary art.

At all times, there were many sculptural compositions in Gorky Park - from the classics of Shadr to modern, somewhat parody versions.

Gorky Park- Moscow English-language hard rock band. The first Soviet rock band to become popular in the USA. The group's songs were ranked in the Billboard Notes 100, and the video clip for the super hit " Bang"reached third place in the popular ratings on MTV.
The composition of the Group in the 80s: Nikolai Noskov (vocals), Alexander Yanenkov (solo guitar), Alexey Belov (rhythm guitar), Alexander Marshal (bass guitar) and ex-drummer of “Aria” Alexander Lvov.
The rock group was formed by the famous musician Stas Namin (Mikoyan). Stas got the idea of ​​creating a hard rock band aimed at the English-speaking world. Until the spring of 1987, the composition was finally selected and the rock group " Gorky Park"After rehearsals, she went on tour to the cities of the USSR. After the Leningrad performance, she acted as a warm-up band at a concert" Scorpions"The work of Gorky Park drew attention in the USA. Jon Bon Jovi himself drew attention to the work of the guys and, thanks to his authority, secured a contract to record a debut album with a famous record company" Polygram".
First self-titled album " Gorky Park", released in mid-1989, turned out to be a breakthrough. Several compositions immediately became super hits and were ranked in the world charts. Songs " My Generation", "Bang" And " Try to Find Me"gained nationwide fame in the United States. The rise in popularity of the group in the West occurred, among other things, due to the fall of the Iron Curtain and the curiosity of ordinary Americans about the life of the former enemy. The album reached eightieth place in the chart of the famous American magazine Billboard 200 and as a result of sales received gold status.
A few months later the single " Peace in Our Time", recorded with Jon Bon Jovi. The single received great commercial success.
In 1989 and 1990, Gorky Park actively toured the United States. However, by the end of the year, the group's lead singer Nikolai Noskov announced his departure from the group. Nikolai was tired of endless tours of foreign lands. He wanted to live with his family in Russia. After this event, Alexander Marshal became the lead singer of the group and the second album " Moscow Calling", released in the spring of 1993, only consolidated its success in many countries around the world. With the proceeds from the sale of the album, the musicians bought their own music studio in Los Angeles.
The group worked until 1999 and released two more albums, until Alexander Marshall left it. Alexander took up a solo career.

Below is a video clip of the rock band and several of the most famous songs of those years. Watch, listen and remember :)

You can listen to more compositions on Yandex music or a similar site.

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