Musical and valeological lesson using elements of music therapy. Musical lesson with elements of music therapy “Journey to a fairyland”

MUSIC THERAPY is a medicine that is listened to. The fact that music can change a person’s mental and physical state was known back in ancient Greece and other countries.
However, not only natural, but also artificially created ordered sounds heal. Specially selected melodies relieve anger, frustration, and improve your mood. Melodies that bring joy to a person have a beneficial effect on his body: they slow down the pulse, increase the strength of heart contractions, promote vasodilation, normalize blood pressure, stimulate digestion, and increase appetite.
Music acts selectively: depending on the nature of the work, on the instrument on which it is performed. For example, the violin and piano calm nervous system, and the flute has a relaxing effect. According to biblical legend, King Saul was saved from attacks of madness by playing the harp.
However, excessively loud music with emphasized rhythms of percussion instruments is harmful not only to hearing, but also to the nervous system. Modern rhythms increase the level of adrenaline in the blood, which can cause stress. Interestingly, the music of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven has an amazing anti-stress effect.
In Japan, music therapy is widely used to normalize the physical and psychological state of a person at work, at school, in universities, and now music has become one of the elements of obstetric care.
Special studies have shown that the music of Wagner, Offenbach's operettas, Ravel's Bolero, and Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring with their increasing rhythm have the most stimulating effect. These works have the greatest effect when working with lethargic, pathetic children. True, music education is very individual and requires a lot of effort and knowledge. experienced selection melodies.
"Caprice No. 24" by Paganini in modern processing, on the contrary, improves the tone of the body and mood. Music that distracts attention from unpleasant images promotes the concept of attention. The balance of the nervous system was facilitated by phonograms of the forest, birdsong, and plays from Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons" cycle, " Moonlight Sonata"Beethoven.
Science has established that a noiseless environment negatively affects the human psyche, since absolute silence is not a familiar background for him.
While healthcare and educational institutions have not turned their attention to the problem of music therapy to the proper extent, enthusiastic teachers, doctors, and parents have to select a “sounding” medicine on their own.
The purpose of classes using music therapy: creating a positive emotional background for rehabilitation (removing the anxiety factor); stimulation of motor functions; development and correction of motor processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) and sensory abilities; disinhibition of speech function.
At school age, a sedative or activating effect is achieved by musical accompaniment various games, special correctional orientation traditional activities with kids.
Musical rhythm is widely used in the treatment of motor and speech disorders, correction of insufficient psychomotor development, sense of rhythm, and speech breathing. Music can be used during independent work when verbal communication is excluded. The exception is small reading - reading to music, a combination of music and activities.
Thus, experience in using music therapy in correctional work with children with speech pathology leads to the following conclusions:

1. Use for listening only the work that children like;
2. It is better to use musical pieces that are familiar to children. They should not attract their attention with their novelty, or distract them from the main thing;
3. The duration of listening should be no more than 10 minutes during the entire lesson. As a rule, this is only one piece of music.

1. The success of the lesson is influenced by the positive personality of the teacher, his knowledge of methods of musical expression - playing musical instruments and the ability to sing, as well as the inclusion in the preventive and correctional process of the factor of group dynamics, mutual psycho-emotional positive contagion, empathy and sympathy between participants in group music classes.

2. It is necessary to determine an individual course of correction for children with certain disorders and tactics after its completion. What matters is the number and duration of music therapy sessions (from 15 minutes to 45 minutes), and the frequency of use per week, 1-7 times.

3. In the venue music therapy There should be the most comfortable chairs, armchairs or rugs, and artificial lighting in order to achieve distraction from the real passage of time (daylight hours) and enhance the emotional effect of the session.

4. It should also be remembered that corrective music sessions should not be carried out on an empty stomach and not earlier than 2 hours after eating.

5. Before taking a music therapy session, children must be tuned in. They should relax - this will help them “open the doors of the unconscious” and accept the full effect of the music. It does not matter what effect music has - calming, stimulating or uplifting.

6. It is important to choose the right pose. Treatment with music should be short enough so as not to cause fatigue and possible defensive reactions.

7. The strength and volume of music should be carefully adjusted. Low volume should be chosen not only for soothing, but also for stimulating music. High volume tires and shocks the nervous system.

8. After listening to healing music, you need to rest for a while. This favors its complete effect on the unconscious, which does not disturb mental balance.

9. It is known that the unconscious is most active during sleep, while it is also susceptible to external impulses. Therefore, it is especially recommended for aggressive, restless, hyperactive children to use therapeutic music during sleep.

10. It is advisable to use instrumental classical and specially therapeutic music, but not vocal and not the most popular music. they carry unnecessary semantic load. The choice of music should be well thought out. It is much more complex than it can get on the nerves of a person burdened with grief. A person in a state of excitement and confusion is unlikely to be deeply impressed by a solemn adagio; it will make him even more restless. On the other hand, when a depressed person hears sad music, it can lift his spirits.

11. As part of a music therapy session, you can and should use various active techniques, exercises and methods described above, such as movement exercises and dancing, rhythmic and breathing exercises, dramatization of therapeutic performances - games, activation of visual images and ideas, music playing, game therapy, vocal therapy, art therapy, color therapy, fairy tale therapy and other methods.


Scientists, having conducted numerous studies and experiments, have come to the conclusion that many melodies actually have a strong therapeutic effect:
The invigorating music of Tchaikovsky, Pakhmutova, Tariverdiev relieves neuroses and irritability.
Helps relieve stress, concentrate, ideal for solitary studies and meditation, romantic music that creates a feeling of free space, music by Schubert, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Liszt.
Stomach ulcers disappear when listening to "Waltz of the Flowers."
To prevent fatigue, you need to listen to “Morning” by Grieg, “Dawn over the Moscow River” (a fragment from the opera “Khovanshchina”) by Mussorgsky, the romance “Evening Bells”, the motive of the song “Russian Field”, “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky.
Jazz, blues, Dixieland, soul, calypso and reggae, originating from temperamental African music, lift your spirits, relieve depression, and relieve tension.
The creative impulse is stimulated by “March” from the film “Circus” by Dunaevsky, “Bolero” by Ravel, “Sabre Dance” by Khachaturian.
You can get complete relaxation from Shostakovich's "Waltz" from the film "The Gadfly", Pourcel's orchestra, Ley's "A Man and a Woman", a romance from musical illustrations to Pushkin's story "The Snowstorm" by Sviridov.
Blood pressure and cardiac activity is normalized by Mendelssohn's "Wedding March".
Beethoven's "Sonata N7" cures gastritis.
As a cure for migraines, Japanese doctors offer Mendelssohn's "Spring Song," Dvorak's "Humoresques," and a healthy dose of George Gershwin ("An American in Paris").
Headache also films an audition of Oginski's famous polonaise.
Grieg's Peer Gynt suite normalizes sleep and brain function.
Mozart's music contributes to the development of mental abilities in children.
From alcoholism and smoking in combination with hypnosis and acupuncture “Ave Maria” by Schubert, “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven, “Swan” by Saint-Saëns, “Blizzard” by Sviridov.

Music therapy is a special form of working with children using music in any form (recordings on a tape recorder, listening to records, playing musical instruments, singing, etc.). Music therapy makes it possible to activate the child, overcome unfavorable attitudes and relationships, and improve the emotional state.

Music therapy can be used both as a main method and as one of the auxiliary methods. There are two main mechanisms of psychological correction that are characteristic of the music therapy method.

First mechanism is that the art of music allows one to reconstruct a traumatic conflict situation in a special symbolic form and thereby find its resolution.

Second mechanism associated with the nature of the aesthetic reaction, which allows you to change the effect of “affect from painful to bringing pleasure.”

Typically, a distinction is made between retrospective and prospective phases of music therapy. The retrospective phase has the task of prompting the participant to experience the need for active disclosure of internal conflict. Listening to music should bring a person into confrontation with his inner life. Experiences that previously remained unconscious or only partially conscious are transformed into concrete ideas. During this phase, music with deep emotional content, such as symphonic music, should be used19th century. In the prospective phase, two approaches are possible. The first is the release of mental tension, the expression of which can be muscle tension. The second is the development of the need for listening to music, expanding the range of experiences, and stabilizing well-being.

There are individual and group music therapy. Individual music therapy is carried out in three versions: with a distinctive communicative, reactive and regulatory effect. In the first case musical composition listened to by the teacher and the child, here music helps to improve these relationships. In the second, purification is achieved. In the third, neuropsychic tension is relieved. All three forms can be used independently or in combination. They represent in in a certain sense passive music therapy. Along with this, there is also active individual music therapy, the goal of which is to overcome communication disorders. It is carried out in the form of music lessons between the teacher and the child.

Group music therapy is structured in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic.

Creative activity is the most powerful stress reliever. This is especially important for those who cannot “speak out”; expressing your fantasies in creativity is much easier than talking about them. Fantasies, which are depicted on paper or in sounds, often speed up and facilitate the verbalization of experiences. Creativity opens the way to the expression of unconscious ideas and fantasies, which manifest themselves in a form that is meaningful to the child and unusual to everyone else.

Music therapy helps improves the relationship between teacher and child, develops a sense of internal control, discovers new abilities, and increases self-esteem.

The harmonizing effect of music on mental processes can, and sometimes must, be used when working with children.

The number of methods to make it easier for children to express their feelings when using music therapy is endless. Regardless of what the child and the teacher choose for their activities, the main goal of the teacher is always the same: to help the child become aware of himself and existence in his world. We must not forget the main commandment of the teacher - do no harm.

Music is an art, and like any art, it is learned by the soul. You can perceive music by listening to it or participating in its creation.

During one of the classes, during the practice, hyperactive children (4–5 years old) were gathered, and they were asked to listen to the play “Mama” from P. Tchaikovsky’s “Children’s Album,” and a conversation immediately took place about the nature of the work. Over the course of the next few lessons, various works were listened to in order of increasing duration, including the aforementioned “Morning” by E. Grieg. During this time, children learned to feel and understand music more deeply, maintain attention longer, and suppress manifestations of aggression; after listening they behave more calmly than usual.

Very important for activities related to listening to music:
Select specifically musical repertoire and methods of working with it;
Use in other types of classes musical activity children: musical movement, singing, playing in an orchestra, conducting;
Use of works of other types of art in the classroom, primarily fine art and fiction.

Such techniques raise musical perception to a higher level, are a way of actively analyzing music.

When selecting a piece for listening, we rely on the fact that the music meets two leading principles - high artistry and accessibility. Then music arouses interest and positive emotions in children.

Along with listening to music, it is important to use active music playing. which helps to increase self-esteem and overcome ambivalent behavior. Most often, music therapy associated with performing activities is group. Music therapy in active form includes playing musical instruments, singing therapy (vocal therapy, choral singing), and dancing (choreotherapy).

To perform simple pieces you can even use such simple tools like drum, triangle, xylophone. Classes are limited to the search for the simplest melodic, rhythmic, harmonic forms and are an improvised game. Dynamic adaptability and the ability to listen to each other develop. Since this is group music therapy, the game is structured in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic. The most important thing is that the child expresses himself through playing a musical instrument.

Vocal therapy especially indicated for depressed, inhibited, self-centered children. The advantage of group vocal therapy is that each participant is involved in the process. At the same time here great importance also has a moment of “anonymity” of feelings, “hiding” in total mass, which creates the prerequisites for overcoming contact disorders, for affirming one’s own feelings and for a healthy experience of one’s bodily sensations.

Singing should be focused on folk songs. Having studied Russian folk art for 5 years, we noticed that children’s interest in Russian folk art increased, the children became liberated, emotional, and they began to develop moral and personal qualities for Russian works. folk art, his songs, dances and round dances, playing children's musical instruments. We use songs of an optimistic nature, as well as those that encourage reflection and deep feelings. Songs are selected in accordance with the mood of the group. Placing a group is a vicious circle. The leader sings along with everyone. When a certain state of the group is reached, each participant is given the opportunity to propose a song and nominate a lead singer. The lead singer is associated for many with overcoming shyness, as the lead singer becomes the center of attention.

To manage this work, musical knowledge and skills are required; if the teacher is not a musician himself, he works together with a music director, who gives the necessary consultations.

Choral singing is the most effective means of developing not only aesthetic taste, but also initiative, imagination, creativity children, it the best way promotes development musical abilities(singing voice, sense of rhythm, musical memory), the development of singing skills, promotes the growth of interest in music, increases emotional and vocal-choral culture. Choral singing helps children understand the role of the collective in human activity, thus contributing to the formation of children's worldview, has an organizing and disciplinary effect on children, and fosters a sense of collectivism and friendship.

Along with the song, elementary melodic and rhythmic improvisations are used, which boil down to exercises in tension and relaxation.

Of particular value is combination of singing and dance moves as well as improvisation free dance to the sounds of classical music. Dance is a form social contact, through dance, the ability to relate and understand each other improves. Rhythmic, oscillatory movements to music in three beats are of therapeutic value.

Dance movement therapy can serve as a bridge between the world of consciousness and the unconscious. With the help of dance movement therapy, a child can use movement to express themselves more fully and to maintain their individuality in contact with other children. Dance movement therapy is the only type of therapy that uses a lot of free space. Motor behavior expands in dance, helping to understand conflicts, desires, and can help to experience negative feelings and get rid of them.

The use of music therapy in special moments

Regime moments.

What is it used for?

The result of the impact.

Age group.

Suggested musical repertoire.


Reception of children.

Morning exercises.

Used to create an emotional background.

Used to increase emotional activity and vigor.

It brings joy to the child and has a beneficial effect on his body. It has a positive effect not only on children, but also on their parents - it instills confidence, and it is easier to establish contact between people.

Music is an active and effective means of emotional correction and helps to enter the desired emotional state.

Junior group.

Middle group.

Senior group.

Will prepare. group.

Average gr

Senior gr.

Prepared gr.

P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker”,

M. Mussorgsky “Dawn on the Moscow River.”

W. Mozart “Little Night Serenade”,

M.I. Glinka “Waltz Fantasy”.

P.I. Tchaikovsky “April”,

G.V. Sviridov “Music box”.

N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov. Introduction "Three Wonders"

I. Strauss. "On the beautiful blue Danube."

Musical accompaniment by the music director.

Audio cassettes of rhythmic music.


(during the warm season).

Observations during work activities, after games of great mobility

Sets a certain rhythm of life, has a mobilizing effect, expressed in game form. Causes an emotional response when observing objects of living nature. To relieve increased muscle load.

Positively affects the development of the child’s nervous system.

All age groups.

Observations: S.V. Rachmaninov “Italian Polka”,

V. Agafonnikov. "Sleigh with bells."

Children's labor: R.n.p. “Oh, you canopy...”, I. Strauss. Polka "Trik-truk".

Relaxation: N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snow Rock", songs, bird dances.


(falling asleep and waking up)

Used for emotional relaxation of the child’s nervous system and muscles. Calm, gentle music helps children fall asleep.

Blood pressure is normalized and breathing is stimulated.

Nursery gr.

Junior groups.

Senior groups.

Lullabies:"Quiet. Quiet"

“Sleep, go to sleep, little princess”, “The arrival of spring”, “Baby falling asleep”, “Sleep soundly”, “Sleep, my baby, go to sleep”.

G.V. Sviridov “Sad Song”, F. Schubert. “Ave Maria”, “Serenade”, Ts.A. Cui. "Lullaby".

W.A.Mozart. “Music Box”, N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov. “Three miracles. Belka”, P.I. Tchaikovsky. "Dance of the Little Swans"

Individual music therapy.

For optimization emotional state child; to overcome the child’s hyperactivity; to stimulate creative abilities during individual activities.

Normalization of the emotional state, relieving physical and emotional stress, increasing creative performance, showing initiative. Communication increases.

All age groups.

Average gr.

Senior gr.

Prepared gr.

A.T.Grechaninov. “Grandma’s Waltz”, A.T.Grechaninov. "Mother's caresses."

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz in F sharp minor, L.V.Beethoven. “Marmot”, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "The Snow Maiden", the scene of the melting of the Snow Maiden.

N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov. “The Sea” (finale of the 1st act of the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”), K.V. Gluck. Opera “Orpheus and Eurydice”, “Melody”, R. Shchedrin. Humoresque.

The use of music therapy in various types of children's activities.



What is it used for?

The result of the impact.

Age group.

Musical repertoire used.

Musical lessons.

The perception of music contributes to overall intellectual and emotional development.

Cultivating interest in music, a state of pleasure and admiration.

Junior group.

Middle group.

Senior group.

Will prepare. group.

A.K. Lyadov. “Rain-Rain”, Ts.A.Kui. "Lullaby".

M.I.Glinka “Children’s Polka”, Russian. adv. song "Oh you, canopy..."

M.I. Glinka “Waltz Fantasy”, P.I. Tchaikovsky “Mazurka”.

P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, S.V. Rachmaninov “Italian Polka”

Physical education classes.

Relaxation method - used to relax children and restore breathing.

Relieving muscle load, normalizing general physical condition.

All age groups.

I. Strauss. “Tales of the Vienna Woods”, P.I. Tchaikovsky. “April”, A. Vivaldi. “Winter”, I. Strauss. "On the beautiful blue Danube."


Develops creative imagination and fantasy, to create a certain psychological and emotional mood, associative connections.

Forms children's aesthetic feelings, evokes an emotional response, and increases creative productivity.

All age groups.

Russian folk melodies,

E.Grieg. “Morning”, M. Mussorgsky. “Dawn on the Moscow River”, C. Debussy. “Moonlight”, P.I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz of the Flowers from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

Fiction (introduction to poetic texts, descriptive stories.)

To create a certain emotional mood, for more full perception literary image.

Increased interest in literary works, formation of aesthetic feelings.

Middle group.

Senior preschool age.

Chopin. Nocturne No. 1,2., P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, C. Debussy “Moonlight”, R. Schumann “Dreams”, D. Last “The Lonely Shepherd”, K. Sinding “The Rustle of Spring”, K. Saint-Saens “Swan” from the suite “Carnival of Animals”, P.I. Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Little Swans”.

There are two directions in music therapy:

First – perceptive activity, when the baby is sung, played an instrument, and he listens;

Second – is based on the method of “releasing creative forces”, thanks to this the child creates in music, dances, improvises melodies with his voice or on a musical instrument.

Music therapy can be effective method treatment of childhood neuroses , which are increasingly affecting more and more children today. Therefore, today children must gradually master not only good skills in the field of intellectual operations, but also the skills and abilities of life in modern society, know how to cope with its demands and overcome the subjective difficulties that inevitably arise in life path each person. One of these means is music therapy.

With the help of music therapy, it is possible to create optimal conditions for the development of children, nurturing their aesthetic senses and taste, getting rid of complexes, and discovering new abilities.

Music therapy promotes the formation of character, norms of behavior, enriches inner world child with vivid experiences, simultaneously nurturing a love for musical art and, forms moral qualities personality and aesthetic attitude to the environment. Children must develop through knowledge cultural heritage, to be brought up in such a way as to be able to increase it.

Level of development of children in preschool institutions will be higher if traditional forms, methods and means of training and education are combined with music therapy.

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Target: Form ideas about beneficial effects various types musical activity on a person’s mood, on developing habits healthy image life.


1. Enrich the emotional experience of children with new impressions, create a joyful mood.

2. Practice familiar dance moves at different tempos.

3. Form auditory attention and singing skills.

4. Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, and the ability for spontaneous creative behavior.

5. Develop imagination, associative and creative thinking, memory, speech.

6. Enrich the content music education various types health-saving technologies that increase the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body.

7. Foster in children love for others, friendly attitude to peers.

8. Support positive socialization and individualization of children’s personality development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education.

Integration with educational areas: speech, social-communicative, artistic and aesthetic, physical education.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall.

Slide No. 1

Musical director. Hello guys. My name is Natalia Stanislavovna.

Today is such a wonderful morning, the sun is shining! How do you feel? Does anything hurt you? (children's response) I am very glad that you are cheerful, energetic and healthy.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: “ Good morning

"Good morning! Sun and birds.

Good morning to smiling faces!”

I know a song called “Good Morning”. It's very good to sing in the morning. I want to sing it with you today. Sing along and repeat the movements with me.

Valeological chant “Good morning” with elements finger gymnastics and self-massage

Slide No. 2

Musical director: I want to invite you on a journey to the Land of Cheerful Mood. And we will go there along the musical path. Nothing lifts your spirits on the road quite like good music. Be careful, the tempo of movement will change in each verse. First we will perform the movement in at a slow pace, and then in fast.

Dynamic exercise"Top and Clap"

(to change the tempo)

Slide No. 3

Musical director: Look at the screen. How bright and beautiful this Country of cheerful mood is! How the birds sing joyfully here! There are also a lot of beautiful flowers here and they smell so wonderful!

Slide No. 4

Musical director: You see, on the screen the baby inhales the scent of flowers.

How sweet the flowers smell!

Let's smell them, guys.

Breathing exercises"Smelling the Flowers"

Slide No. 5

Musical director: Guys, look at the screen, what do you think these people have in common, how are they similar? (children's answers) They smile. What can we say about these people, what are they like? (children's answers) That's right, they are kind, sociable and cheerful.

Slide No. 6

Musical director: And they also really love the song called “Smile.” It was written by composer Vladimir Shainsky and poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky. I think you've heard it many times.

From bad mood

Excellent treatment for singing

Anybody will become more cheerful,

If the song is with you!

Let's try to sing the song together, phrase by phrase.

Learning 1 verse of the song “Smile” (music by V Shainsky)

Musical director: In the Land of Cheerful Mood, everyone loves to dance: adults, children, and even toys. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! The toys also dance.

Slide No. 7

Musical director: Here I have a big matryoshka doll. And many little nesting dolls live in it. They all dance rhythmic dances. One knocks and shows, and the others listen and then repeat. (I hand out nesting dolls). Take a look at the magnetic board. I wrote down some of the matryoshka dances on cards. Now ..... will bring a card, and his matryoshka will dance its rhythmic dance for us. I think you all know that rhythm consists of alternating sounds of different durations. Let's see the rhythmic pattern of the dance on this card. How many long and short sounds are there?

Musical and didactic rhythm game
"Matryoshka's Girlfriends"(with elements of creativity)

Slide No. 8

Musical director: And now, I think it's time for us to dance. I know one very interesting dance. Now I will show you a few movements, you will repeat them with me, and then we will dance the whole dance to the music.

Dance “One - palm, two - palm”

Slide No. 9

Socio-game exercise

Musical director: Let's hold hands, look at each other again, smile. You are simply wonderful.

All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, did you like the Land of Fun? What were we doing? (Children's answers) You have become more cheerful, more cheerful and even healthier, it seems to me. And all this thanks to music. Merry songs and dances, Interesting games improve any mood. Our exciting journey is coming to an end.

Communication game “Wish Box”

Musical director: Now I will give you magic wishing stones. Look, they are as bright as our joyful mood. Let us now each of you wish something good to all people on earth and place your pebble in this wonderful box. And if you wish this with all your heart, then your wishes will definitely come true.

Musical director: In parting, I want to remind you of the words from our song:

And she will come back to you more than once!”

Goodbye, guys!

Music therapy lesson "Healing sounds"

Melody has a beneficial effect not only on the soul, but also on the body!

Back in the 3rd century BC in the Parthian kingdom, doctors treated their patients for melancholy, nervous disorders and heart pain with the help of specially selected melodies.

Music therapy

Various note combinations have an effect on cells, tissues and all organs of our body. The positive emotions that arise when listening to a piece of music tone the central nervous system, relieve muscle tension, improve metabolism, soothe pain, stimulate breathing and blood circulation. Studies have shown that with melodic sounds, the pulse slows down, blood pressure drops, and blood vessels dilate. And the catchy rhythms make the heart beat faster.

It is known that music helps speed up recovery; it is not for nothing that concerts were often held in hospitals during the war.

Bach according to the recipe

Although the effect of music on the body does not depend on the artistic merits of the work, it has been noted that classics, as well as religious works and folk chants, have a stronger effect. The ideal healer is Mozart. The harmonious, virtuosic, light structure of his melodies inspires and revives to new life. The power of Rossini and Haydn is highly appreciated, charging listeners with joy and energy. during creative crisis or difficult life trials, it is good to join Beethoven - his sonatas inspire and help to overcome adversity. Scriabin, Bach and Handel return peace of mind.

The organ and bell ringing, which in Rus' were considered the best remedy for headaches and joint pain. In ancient medical books it was written that the ringing of a bell even removes damage.

But not all classics are harmless. Thus, experts do not recommend getting carried away with listening to some of the works of Wagner and Strauss, believing that they can arouse base passions. Pessimists, as well as people suffering from depression, should not "abuse" Chopin's nocturnes - "overdose" such music can aggravate their internal problems.

Rock or classical?

Not everything is clear with rock music. Often modern rhythms make us feel depressed and stressed. An experiment conducted by Japanese scientists showed that nursing mothers who listened to a calm classical music, the amount of milk increased by a quarter, and for those mothers who listened to rock music, lactation was halved. At the same time, experts highly appreciate the health benefits musical compositions groups "Pink Floyd" , "Enigma" .

Program content:

Training tasks:

— Learn to feel and understand the mood of music, transfer it to

movements, playing musical instruments, appropriate

the nature of the music.

Developmental tasks:

— To develop in children emotional responsiveness to music, image and

— Develop creative imagination, imagination.

— Develop a sense of rhythm and auditory attention.

— Develop creative imagination through musical and rhythmic

movements and playing musical noise instruments.

— Activate children, develop speech, auditory attention, musical

Educational tasks:

— Instill a love of music, poetry and fine arts.

— Improve the ability to feel and control your body.

- Enrich children's musical experiences.

Progress of the lesson:

Calm, quiet music sounds. Children enter the hall and approach the music director and say hello.

Music supervisor: - Hello guys! My name is... Now let's greet each other. Hold hands and share your warmth with your neighbors. Quietly shake hands with the guys standing next to you.

(children and MR sit on the carpet) Guys, I want to tell you a fairy tale (music sounds, slides). Somewhere far, far away, beyond the sea-ocean, there is a distant kingdom, a thirtieth state, in which everything is beautiful, where music always sounds. In this fabulous country lives the wonderful bird of Happiness. This bird unearthly beauty. She gives everyone joy, kindness and fun (turn off the music). Do you want to go to a fairyland with the magical bird of Happiness?

Guys, I’ll tell you a secret, to get into a fairy tale, you need to believe in miracles very strongly with all your soul, with all your heart. Do you guys believe in miracles? Then let's close our eyes and say: “I believe in miracles” and then it, a miracle, will happen. (music sounds, children close their eyes, say words. Open their eyes).

Now everything is in order. You're ready to hit the road. Then let's go! And it will help you get to the bird of Happiness, of course... (music). Or rather, a fairy-tale song called “Milk River”. Repeat after me all the movements together and then we will quickly get to fairyland.

Dance "Milk River" (audio recording)

(after the dance, the children sit down on chairs that are placed in a semicircle in front of the TV screen)

- Now we have reached fairyland. (slide). There are many different ones here fairy-tale heroes. Do you want to know who lives in magical land? Let's get a look.

(viewing slides with images of evil fairy-tale characters to the music “In the Cave of the Mountain King”, E. Grieg - 3).

Who did you see? What is their character? Let's look at these faces and determine what mood this piece of music had. Why?

(viewing good heroes, “Children’s Polka”, M. Glinka - 5) What are the characters like? What is the mood of the music?

— Do you want to revive magical music with your playing of musical instruments, so that it sparkles and sparkles even more? Then let's take a musical instrument and make this musical work by composer M. Glinka even more joyful and cheerful.

“Children's Polka”, M. Glinka (method of music-making: development of improvisation skills on children's musical instruments, development of auditory perception, formation of a cheerful mood).

How wonderfully this magical music immediately sparkled and came to life! Guys, have you forgotten why we came to fairyland? Do you want the Bird of Happiness to show itself to you? To do this you need to close your eyes and say 3 times magic words: “The moon moon turn around, the miracle bird show itself!” ( I dress up as a bird and go out to the children to the music of “Waltz” by J. Strauss).

- And here I am - a beautiful bird of joy and happiness. Hello guys!

The Bird of Happiness(poem about music)

Listen to the birds chirping

Listen to the wave sing

Like the rain knocking on your window,

Music can be heard everywhere!

Hello guys! I am the bird of Happiness. I give goodness and joy to everyone. And the music that sounds in my fairyland helps me in this. Hear, it sounds and invites us all to a magical dance. Take yourself a magic feather! (distribute colorful ribbons, 3 colors of joy). You can invite your friend to dance.

Dance improvisation “Waltz”, J. Strauss - son (transmission of the magical joyful image of a bird in free creative movement with multi-colored ribbons; color therapy method).

- Thank you for this beautiful dance. And I want to give you a gift - leave my portrait as a souvenir of myself. (an easel is brought out with a silhouette of a bird on whatman paper attached to it). But the problem is that my tail is completely colorless. Please help me decorate my tail in this drawing using multi-colored paints and these magic brushes. (children stand near the easel, make colorful strokes. Pay attention to the colors used (bright, beautiful).

Drawing the Bird of Happiness (art therapy method: bringing children together, emotional and motor self-expression, actualization of positive emotions, development of creative imagination).

- Look what a wonderful portrait we got. There are only joyful, happy, warm colors here, because I, the bird of Happiness, give everyone only warmth, light, joy and love. And I wish you guys that you always give only good mood and good.

- Well, it’s time for me to say goodbye to you and you need to go back to kindergarten. Come and visit us in fairyland. I will be very glad to see you. Goodbye, guys!

Calm music sounds, the children say goodbye and leave the hall.

Title: Music lesson in a preschool educational institution with elements of music therapy “Journey to a fairyland”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, music, Preparatory group

Job title: musical director highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 20
Location: Ryazan