Who is Olga Seryabkina dating now? Olga Seryabkina - biography, information, personal life

Vladimir Tyurin

In 2011, some media outlets claimed that Maria Maksakova gave birth to two children - a son Ilya and a daughter Lyudmila - from the leader of the Brotherhood group Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurya, Tyurik, Batya, Projectionist). Journalists refer to interviews opera diva, given to the magazine "Relax! Names" and which was once posted on her official website, where Maria recalled how Vladimir beautifully courted her, fell in love after seeing her on TV, and gave up everything for her. Let us note that Tyurin was 19 years older than the artist, and, according to the singer, they were not officially married. In the fall of 2010, Vladimir was arrested on charges of creating a criminal community and money laundering. However, in the winter of 2012, Tyurin was released from arrest because he had allegedly retired from criminal matters and owned only legal businesses.

Jamil Aliyev

In 2012, in an interview, Maria Maksakova admitted that her lover was the jeweler Jamil Aliyev. Very little is known about him. On the singer’s official website it was mentioned that he is the son of a Baku musician. However, Maksakova was unable to formalize her relationship with the sultry brunette.

Denis Voronenkov

Maria Maksakova signed at the Kutuzovsky registry office with deputy Denis Voronenkov at the end of March 2015. Then the artist admitted that she no longer expected to get married at 37 years old. For wedding ceremony Maksakova chose luxurious White dress, complementing it with a chic arctic fox cape. The artist’s groom, at that time a member of the Communist Party faction Denis Voronenkov, dressed in a stylish classic suit. The wedding of Maksakova and Voronenkov turned out to be unprecedented for our State Duma. The fact is that this was the first marriage of two deputies from different factions in the history of the country (Maksakova was a member of United Russia, and Voronenkov was a member of the Communist Party). Only the closest couples were present at the wedding. At the end of April of the same year, a misfortune happened to Maksakova - she had a miscarriage. According to the artist, this happened because she was worried about her husband, who was accused of fraud. However, literally a year later, in April 2016, Maria and Denis had a son, Ivan.

Nikolay Baskov

Note that some media outlets attributed an affair to Maria Maksakova and the “golden voice of Russia” Nikolai Baskov due to the fact that they had a lot in common. For example, they studied together at Gnesinka. By the way, Baskov was the toastmaster at the wedding of Maksakova and Voronenkov. Then Nikolai jokingly noted that this was the first time he was working for free.

Maria Maksakova already for a long time remains one of the most talked about people.

Either everyone is talking about her incredible weight loss, or about the baptism of her child. However, news reports hardly mention the opera diva's older children. Maria herself speaks about them reluctantly, as if they don’t exist at all.

What are 13-year-old Ilya and 9-year-old Lyuda doing today? Who do they live with? Do they miss their mother? And why is she so offended by them?

Both Ilya and Lyuda are very talented children. The eldest son of Maria Maksakova plays the piano. The daughter plays the harp: she even participated in the “Best of All!” program. and received a lot of applause.

And this summer both visited Yalta as part of the “Music for Gourmets” project. There, Ilya performed a march from Sergei Prokofiev’s opera “The Love for Three Oranges,” Lyuda played the harp, and also read Pasternak’s poem “In everything I want to get to the very essence.”

However, the children’s performance, which would surely have melted the heart of any mother, only caused Maksakova to be angry.


“This is a vile and unpleasant story,” she said about the decision of her daughter and son to go to Crimea. According to Maria, at the age of 13 (that is the age of her eldest son), the child already clearly understands where and why he is going. “I judge by myself,” the singer added. “At his age it would have been impossible to impose this on me.”

Yes and performing arts Ilya and Lyuda, in her opinion, leaves much to be desired.

I had a powerful influence on them during the 12 years they lived with me. Ilya brilliantly played the piano and grand piano, and Lyusya played the harp. But since they don’t live with me, they have stopped in their development,” Maksakova believes.

She actually dedicated a lot of offensive words to her son.

I was so proud of him. He performed in Crimea a program that he brilliantly played with me in Cannes a year ago. But only much worse, slowly and with errors.

Maria also walked famously through appearance his son, reporting that he had gained a lot of weight.

After leaving the Suvorov School, Ilya again gained 12 kilograms and began to look as if nothing had happened in his life.

It's amazing that adult woman unexpectedly, in an interview, she suddenly began to blame not herself, who had to leave her children in another country, but them themselves. According to Maria, her son, if he really missed his mother, could fly to her in Kyiv:

If he really wants to see me, how can I stop him from doing it?


Maria's relationship with her daughter is even more difficult than with her son. While she still calls Ilya from time to time, Lyuda, apparently, does not communicate with her mother at all. And in this story, it is not the move to another country that is to blame, but Maria herself. Although she herself, of course, gives a different name.

When she left, she ran away from their father (meaning Maksakova’s common-law husband, Vladimir Tyurin. - Red .), I realized that I had no one to count on and had to work. Then I just had Lucy. And I had a woman whom I trusted very much - such Zoya Epifanova.

I decided: since I need to travel and work a lot, I don’t need to tie my child to me. Therefore, I deliberately asked her to be closer to Lyusya. And it turned out that when it was necessary to determine the whereabouts of the children, and I said: “Zoya, our paths have diverged,” Luda followed Zoya.

Today, both Ilya and Lyuda live with their father, Vladimir Tyurin. Maria Maksakova herself has repeatedly emphasized that this is scary man. However, Stanislav Sadalsky, a close friend of the family, assures that Vladimir is very good father and does everything so that his children do not need anything. They live in a mansion on Rublevka, go to good schools, make music.

Lyudmila Maksakova also constantly communicates with her grandchildren. The actress, by the way, was present at that concert in Yalta, which so angered her daughter. By the way, the day after the children’s performance was Ilya’s birthday. We celebrated on the open sea on a specially rented yacht. Almost all close relatives were present. Except for my own mother...


Many journalists who did joint interviews Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov noted: it was as if the singer had been bewitched. She looked at her chosen one with such enthusiastic eyes (who, according to many, simply used her numerous connections) that at times she looked simply inadequate.

It would seem that now her lover is no longer next to Masha. However, she continues to behave very strangely. Because a mother who publicly criticizes her children and does not at all strive to meet with them, just to pick them up and pat them on the head, raises, whatever you say, quite a lot of questions. And the sympathy that was present after Maria unexpectedly became a widow disappears right before our eyes...

At the same time, Maria Maksakova has already created her own children's foundation in Ukraine, the goal of which is to find talented children in different parts of the country.

I want to attract the widest possible audience to deserving Ukrainian children,” Maria explained.

There is no doubt that the opera diva will pay a lot of attention to other people’s children...


The opera singer became the heroine of Lera Kudryavtseva’s program “Secret for a Million”. She talked about life with Vladimir Tyurin and answered a question about her current personal life.

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva met with the “disgraced” opera singer Maria Maksakova. Filming of the program took place in Munich, where the widow of Denis Voronenkov now lives and where the presenter went to meet her.

There are many rumors about Maksakova’s life, and the diva, who fled the country two years ago, gave answers to several questions. If in the last episode of the program Maria talked about happy life with Voronenkov and about his tragic death, then in today’s program the singer revealed the details of her unhappy civil marriage.

After meeting Vladimir Tyurin, who is 19 years older than Maksakova, the man began to besiege her with calls and advances. Only five months later Maria surrendered under his pressure. The courtship developed into a marriage that lasted about five years. By the way, the singer never became Tyurin’s legal wife. When Kudryavtseva asked “Why?”, Maria shrugged: “There was no need for that. In addition to possible legal consequences" Unlike most young women, Maksakova was never eager to get married.

But, having become Tyurin’s common-law wife, Maria initially tried to become ideal wife. She took care of Vladimir and pampered him with culinary delights. “I could cook quails with tangerines or stuff a pig with porridge,” she recalls. “I didn’t ask any unnecessary questions...” Already pregnant with her eldest son, Ilya, Maksakova felt that in her family life not everything is fine.

“It all started when they sent me files about Vladimir, revealing his past life, she says. “At that time, I still didn’t know that he was in prison...”

Photo: frame from the program “Secret for a Million”

As reported on the program, Tyurin served three prison terms: the first, when he was still a child, for rape (and gang rape). He received the second one for theft of personal property and malicious hooliganism. The third is for lewd acts against minors and distribution of pornographic products. (Maksakova recalls that in his youth Tyurin kept videotapes with prohibited content).

“When I became pregnant and he realized that that’s it, I wasn’t going anywhere, my life began to slide into hell,” the woman says. She described how she suffered beatings from her husband. But, as she admits, she herself found the strength to fight back. “If I managed to wriggle out and lock myself in a room, it was luck,” says Maksakova. “Until he broke down the door...” According to the woman, she was not so frightened by the prospect of being killed, but she was afraid that her husband would hurt her.

Her parents did not dare to stand up for their daughter, and for this Tyurin, according to Maria, despised them.

In total, she endured beatings for four years. After Maksakova left, ex-spouses nothing else was shared. There was no question of alimony. “I left myself,” says the singer.

Now she doesn't communicate with ex-husband. But during the program she managed to talk on the phone with her 16-year-old son Ilya. “I love and adore you,” the woman said to her son, whom she had not seen for two years. Ilya, like his 10-year-old sister Lyudmila, lives in Russia.

To the presenter’s question, “Do you want to get married again?”, Maksakova answered firmly: “No.” “Are there any men on the horizon?” - asked Kudryavtseva. Maria avoided answering: “Personal life should remain private.”

Singer Maria Maksakova (junior) – famous person, actress, TV presenter, politician. Her personal life is of interest to many, since she has a very attractive appearance. She has many fans and is always in the public eye. Moreover, the recent misfortune that happened to her shocked many. All this will be discussed in the article.

Maria's childhood and youth

Maksakova Maria Petrovna was born in Munich on July 24, 1977. She was named in honor of her namesake grandmother Maria Maksakova Sr., who was also famous Opera singer. Her father is German businessman Peter Andreas Igenbers, the son of a German Baltic. And my mother is a famous Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist Russia Lyudmila Maksakova. In her personal life there were two husbands, from the first a son was born, from the second - a daughter, Maria. She starred in many famous films: “Ten Little Indians”, “Attraction”, “Prokhindiada or Running in Place”, “Anna Karenina”, etc.

Maksakova Jr.’s grandmother is the legendary opera singer Maria Petrovna Maksakova

Since Mary's parents were from different countries, she accepted dual citizenship - German and Russian. Early childhood Masha spent time with her grandmother in the village of Snegiri. Artists' summer cottages were located here in the summer Bolshoi Theater. She grew up around celebrities. Their house was visited by such prominent figures, like: Mironov, Vysotsky, Mikhalkov, Kvasha, etc.

Mom was often absent from home due to a busy filming schedule. But dad loved his daughter so much that, despite the official ban, he came home from work every evening to tell her a bedtime story.

From an early age, my mother made sure that her daughter was well-rounded. She taught French and notes. Masha studied at a Russian school, although the family was often in Germany. Musical ability appeared in the girl quite early, so she was sent to music school at the Conservatory in Moscow.

Maria in her youth with her parents

Except musical talent Maria also had amazing flexibility. Therefore, she attended Zaitsev's modeling school. Maria has retained her plastic art to this day. At her age, she can easily do the splits.

In 1995, Maksakova entered the Gnessin Academy in the academic vocal class. Her mentor was N. Shpiller. It is interesting that this woman studied with her grandmother, Maria Maksakova Sr. But soon she left this world, and the singer had to complete her studies with another teacher - M. Miglau. She noticed her student’s excellent personal abilities and predicted a very successful career for her. creative life. Maria’s classmate was the now famous singer Nikolai Baskov.

Maria Maksakova Jr.: photo

Studying at a music university was so easy for Maria that her father advised her to simultaneously begin studying at the Law Institute. She also spent a lot of time studying foreign languages(German, Italian, French).

The beginning of a creative career

After graduating from the Music Academy with excellent marks, Maria got a job in the theater " New Opera" Possessing an excellent coloratura soprano, Maksakova performed roles in the operas: “The Snow Maiden”, “Boris Godunov”, “Hamlet”, “The Pearl Fishers”, etc.

Her success was immediately amazing. Many experts and music lovers noticed her originality and undoubted talent, excellent artistic abilities.

Therefore, already in 2003, Maksakova was invited to sing at the Bolshoi Theater. It was an honor for the aspiring singer. Here she personally took part in the performances: “La bohème” and “Un ballo in maschera”. But soon changes came in her life again. In 2006, Maria joined the Helikon Opera troupe. And since 2011 he has been singing at the Mariinsky Theater.

M. Maksakova and Nikolai Baskov on stage

Later it turned out that it was better for the singer to sing mezzo-soprano. This way it turns out better, juicier. Changing her range allowed her to expand her repertoire. It included the parts of Carmen (which she performed beautifully famous grandmother), Countess from " Queen of Spades", Cherubino ("The Marriage of Figaro"), etc.

Then the singer tried herself in the role of Helen Bezukhova (Prokofiev’s opera “War and Peace”). She was also well suited for the role of Princess Charlotte in the premiere performance of Shchedrin's opera Lefty.

In 2013, Maksakova sang in a duet with Gradsky at the opening of the Universiade in Kazan.

Maria performs the operetta “Medley”

In 2014, the singer performed on stage opera house in Vladivostok. From 2009 to 2014, Maksakova was a co-host of Svyatoslav Belza in the TV program “Romance of Romance” on the “Culture” channel.

Maria has released two solo discs. For some time she worked as a teacher at the Music Academy. Gnesins. But she was fired for systematic absences. In 2016, together with her husband, Maria was forced to leave Russia and settle in Ukraine.

Film roles

Maria, thanks to her excellent artistic abilities, successfully proved herself as a film actress. In 1998, while still studying at the university, she starred in the film “The Barber of Siberia.” The debut was successful.

Still from the film “Tantric Symphony”

Her next film role appeared ten years later. She played Christina in the film "Tycophants". Then in the same year the film “Savva” with her participation was released. And then - “Photograph”, where she played the role of Olga Tsipko.

Still from the film "Tycophants"

Next, the actress was expected to play roles in the films: “Capital of Sin”, “About Love”, “Scent of Rose Hip”. These are romantic films where Maria is listed in the credits with her double surname. In 2016, she starred in the melodrama “Between the Notes.”

Activities in politics

Imitating in everything his grandmother, who was also public figure, Maria enters the State Duma of the VI convocation. Since 2011 she has represented the party " United Russia" By personal admission, she ended up in it because of her sympathy for President Putin.

She was on the list of the Astrakhan region, representing the culture committee. Finally, her legal education came in handy.

Maria Maksakova State Duma deputy

Maksakova supported Putin's policies. She was one of the authors of a project on the protection of intellectual rights in social networks. When voting on a law banning propaganda non-traditional orientations, Maksakova voted for. However, she abstained from discussing the law prohibiting the adoption of Russian teenagers by US citizens.

In 2016, it turned out that Maksakova was hiding her dual citizenship. And this contradicts the charter of the United Russia party. Due to this, she was excluded.

Personal life of Maksakova

Masha Maksakova usually does not advertise her personal life. Officially, she was married only once. But she has two children - son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila. It turned out that the first common-law husband and the father of the children was Vladimir Tyurin. This is a rather dangerous person - the main mafioso of Spain.

After breaking up with Vladimir, Maria met with richest man– jeweler Jamil Aliyev.

With her first husband Vladimir Tyurin

While working in the State Duma, Maria met her future husband Denis Voronenkov. He was from the Communist Party. This inter-factional alliance was formalized in March 2015.

At the end of April, Maria suffered a miscarriage due to worries about her husband. Then they wanted to attract him to criminal liability for fraud. But Denis himself considered this accusation unfair. Then they were forced to flee to Ukraine.

With her second husband Denis Voronenkov

Having lost her twins, Maria did not despair. In 2016, the couple had a son, Ivan. This event was widely celebrated in the State Duma. There was a free buffet all day.

The second husband of Maria Maksakova was killed in the center of Kyiv

Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs. Born on July 24, 1977 in Munich (Germany). Russian opera singer (mezzo-soprano), TV presenter, politician. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation.

Maria Maksakova was born on July 24, 1977 in Munich. At the same time, according to the “law of blood” (ius sanguinis) and “law of the soil” (ius soli), she received two citizenships: Germany and the USSR.

Maternal brother - Maxim (son from the first marriage of Lyudmila Maksakova and artist Lev Zbarsky), was general director PR+Sport LLC was convicted in a criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (“Fraud”), the brother’s family lives in Italy.

My childhood years were spent in Germany and the USSR. However, she studied in Moscow. In 1995 she graduated from the Central Music School at the State Conservatory in piano.

In 2000, she graduated with honors from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music - academic vocal department. Then she studied in graduate school at the academy, graduating in 2004. The internship took place in Italy with such masters opera stage like Miwako Matsumoto and Kati Ricciarelli.

Since 2000 - in the troupe of the Moscow New Opera Theater, where she performed the roles of the Snow Maiden (The Snow Maiden), Ophelia (Hamlet), Leila (The Pearl Fishers) and others.

Since 2003, she has been a guest soloist at the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, where she performed the roles of Oscar in the opera Un ballo in maschera and Musetta in the opera La bohème.

Since 2006 - in the troupe of the Helikon Opera Theater.

Since 2011 - soloist opera troupe Mariinsky Theater. Performed the roles of Dorabella (“This is what everyone does”), Cherubino (“The Marriage of Figaro”), Frugola (“The Cloak”), the Composer (“Ariadne auf Naxos”), Niklaus (“The Tales of Hoffmann”), the Narrator (“The Desecration of Lucretia”) .

Maria Maksakova. Medley

Performed the role of Princess Charlotte in the world premiere of Rodion Shchedrin's opera Lefty. In the summer of 2014, she made her debut as Helen Bezukhova in the premiere performances of S. Prokofiev's opera War and Peace.

In the summer of 2014 she made her debut on the stage of the Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theater in Vladivostok as Carmen.

She released two solo discs: “Mezzo? Soprano? (opera arias accompanied by Symphony Orchestra Moscow "Russian Philharmonic" conducted by Dmitry Yurovsky) and an album of classical romances by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff (piano part L. Petrovskaya). Released by Universal Music Group International.

Since the end of 2016, she has worked as a teacher at Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins.

Since 1998 he has acted in films. She made her debut in an episode of the film “The Barber of Siberia.” In the 2000s, she appeared on screen in small roles in a number of television series - “Tycophs”, “Savva”, “Photographer”, “Scent of Rose Hip” and others.

From 2009 to 2014, she hosted on the Kultura TV channel together with People's Artist RF Svyatoslav Belza cycle concert programs"Romance of Romance". From September 2014 to March 2016, she hosted this program with Evgeny Kungurov.

Maria Maksakova in politics

She participated in the State Duma elections in 2011 from the United Russia party, declaring: “United Russia is the only real political force in our society. And Vladimir Putin is not only the leader of our party - he is a national leader and the only figure consolidating our society.” She was number two on the party list for the Astrakhan region. Based on the election results, she became a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation and joined the Culture Committee.

In numerous interviews, she actively supported the policies of the Russian President and negatively assessed the reforms of the 1990s.

She was one of the authors of the bill on the protection of intellectual rights on the Internet (“On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual rights in information and telecommunication networks").

On June 11, 2013, she voted for the adoption of Law No. 135-FZ banning the propaganda of homosexuality in Russia. However, in February 2014, she spoke from the podium of the State Duma with sharp criticism of this law and with a proposal to adopt amendments that would exclude from the text the wording “ unconventional relationships"as contrary to common sense and discriminatory. The amendments were not accepted.

She was the only State Duma deputy who abstained from voting in the second and third readings of the bill banning adoption Russian orphans US citizens (420 deputies voted for the law, eight were against).

In 2016, she lost the preliminary internal party elections to United Russia in St. Petersburg.

Flight of Maria Maksakova to Ukraine

In December 2016, together with her husband Denis Voronenkov, she left Russia and went to Kyiv. There I received a residence permit.

In Ukraine, together with her husband, she began giving out interviews denigrating Russia. She spoke about Russia as a country where criticism of the authorities is unacceptable, and the people are forced to identify the country with government agencies. According to her, President Putin reacts and makes decisions only based on information from the special services.

Maksakova stated that she could not live in Russia under a regime that requires complete loyalty: “We, you see, criticism is generally unacceptable. This is so strange, this is usurpation. Why should the people identify the country directly with the authorities? There is a different opinion about our officials, authorities, everyone else cannot be expressed anywhere. This is some kind of strange constant custom. It is impossible to look at anything critically or give a sober assessment."

She denied that, as a member of United Russia, she voted for the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation: “This is not so. As soon as they announced that this was going to happen, I grabbed the children and left for Thailand. I can even send photos, I posted from Thailand every day , every day - both directly during the voting, and right at this minute. So that everyone could understand that I was not there... From my point of view, this was done in violation federal law about the referendum. Even if we say that Crimea is an autonomous part of Ukraine, which is able to make some decisions independently, but simply exceeded all possible powers... Even if we do not take this side of the issue, if we consider that this is their own “Crimean sin”. Even in this case, we, Russia, should have held a referendum, and not some incomprehensible vote in the State Duma, which would have given legitimacy to this entire process."

On February 16, 2017, Maksakova was expelled from the United Russia party due to violation of legislation on political parties, which resulted in the concealment of dual citizenship in election documents in 2011 and 2016, as well as in connection with the violation of the party charter.

In March 2017, she was fired from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music for absenteeism.

Ukrainian metamorphoses of Maria Maksakova. Live

Maria Maksakova's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Maksakova:

Was in a civil marriage with crime boss Vladimir Tyurin, from whom she gave birth to two children: son Ilya (born in 2004) and daughter Lyudmila (born in 2008).

In March 2015, she married Denis Voronenkov (he had three children from his first marriage), at that time both were deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. When registering the marriage, she kept the same surname - Maksakova-Igenbergs.

At the end of April 2015, according to Maria, due to nervous shock in connection with the criminal prosecution of her husband in the second month of pregnancy, she had a miscarriage and lost twins. However, she soon became pregnant again.

In March 2017 it was reported that .

My husband is in the center of Kyiv.

July 12, 2018. Her chosen one was a certain Dalkhat Khalaev. The opera diva’s marriage became known only thanks to legal disputes: Maria gave Khalaev an apartment in the center of Moscow, and he sold the apartment without her knowledge. Maria filed a lawsuit against the man.

Khalaev and Maksakova met via the Internet. In 2017, Dalhat first proposed his legal services singer, having written to her in social network. Khalaev said: “The star told him that then there would be no one to deal with her tax issues. She gave me a small sum of money so that I could pay utility bills in Russia. I paid for them and sent her the receipts. She was always depressed and saddened that such grief happened in her family.”

Later, they decided to enter into a fictitious alliance to simplify all legal procedures. “We discussed and decided that we could get married. It was phone conversation. We got married. I went to Ukraine and we registered. There were no witnesses. We didn't expect it to be any kind of grandiose affair. We needed to register. Afterwards we had dinner, talked about business, then I flew back... Our union was needed in order to facilitate the procedure for selling real estate. She didn’t have time to come to Russia, she re-registered the apartment in my name. The amount for which to sell the apartment was determined by Maria Petrovna,” Khalaev recalled.

In the summer of 2018, Dalkhat Khalaev sold a fashionable apartment to Maria Maksakova in the center of Moscow. However, it later turned out that he was deceived by buyers. Mahmud and Zurab Malsagov helped him in the deal. Housing on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, whose cost was 120 million rubles, was sold for 1 million. Murat Merzhoev was the buyer. Dalkhat Khalaev in an interview with the “Actually” program noted: “The Malsagovs brought him to me. Now, he is the nephew of one of the high-ranking personalities. Merzhoev Murat came to the apartment. The meeting took place at the end of August. He did not represent himself as a buyer. He introduced himself as the nephew of one of the people who wants to buy an apartment. But it will be issued to him. My uncle is supposedly a civil servant.” He stated that he had known the Malsagovs since childhood. “They are very wealthy people, they have certain real estate in Ingushetia, which they rent out,” noted Maksakova’s husband. Then both brothers stopped making contact with Dalkhat; he believes that the Malsagovs deceived him.

Dalkhat Khalaev - husband of Maria Maksakova

Plastic surgery Maria Maksakova:

She performed a whole series of surgeries to correct her face and body.

In particular, the singer resorted to rhinoplasty - she significantly changed the shape of her nose. After that, she significantly enlarged her lips and corrected the oval of her face (dramatically reduced the roundness of her face and sharpened her cheekbones). Also, experts who commented on changes in Maksakova’s appearance pointed to blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery and elimination of signs of aging in the eye area).

In addition, Maria Maksakova had her breasts enlarged.

Filmography of Maria Maksakova:

1998 - The Siberian Barber - schoolgirl
2008 - Bigwigs - Kristina Sinitsyna
2008 - Savva - Sigrid Arnoldson, singer
2008 - Photographer - Olga Tsipko
2010 - About love - Larisa
2010 - Capital of Sin - Ella (Ellochka), owner of the Royal modeling agency
2014 - Rose hip aroma - “Madeleine”
2014 - Women on the brink - Albina