Soviet singers of the 90s. How to order a star for a holiday, prices for an anniversary, birthday

Do you want to give your guests an unforgettable holiday? Order Russian singers 80-90s for a corporate event or anniversary, and the agency " Big city» will help solve any organizational issues. Our specialists have been creating holidays since 2008 - weddings, birthdays, openings, presentations and other events were successfully held at top level. We are responsible for what happens behind the scenes and supervise the celebration at every stage - from organization to the finale.

The songs of those years are listened to and loved by everyone, young and old. Even modern youth have probably heard about such stars Soviet Union, like Yuri Shatunov and his “White Roses”, Bogdan Titomir from Kar-man, Nancy, Ivanushki International. By ordering Russian stars, you will not only delight the audience, but also give them unforgettable moments of nostalgia and Have a good mood. Your guests will be happy to sing along with the artists and remember your holiday for a long time.

List of Russian singers of the 80s and 90s

You can order famous Russian singers of the 80-90s without any problems through the concert and holiday agency “Bolshoi Gorod”. We have compiled a complete catalog of the most famous Soviet and foreign artists, the site contains lists of famous musicians of the 80-90s with photographs - the groups “Na-na”, “Commissar”, “Dune”, “ Inveterate scammers" Many singers from groups of the 80s and 90s are engaged in solo career, but teams are ready to unite in order to fill your special event with meaning. Using the site menu, you can request information about the fee of any singer, and by contacting the manager, find out the cost of other services that will make any holiday original and memorable.

Andrey Gubin, Yuri Shatunov, Vlad Stashevsky are the most famous personalities pop singers of the 80s and 90s, who were the creators of fashionable music of that time. Crowds of fans, tours and the release of records, and then cassettes in large quantities - these guys were once on top. But even now they continue to delight their fans with new compositions and private concerts. Fashionable today Russian singers The 80-90s successfully pursue a career, tour and perform on request.

Many of them are engaged in producing activities (for example, Andrey Gubin). Some still create music while being part of groups of those times - for example, Sergei Zhukov from “Hands Up” or are engaged in solo project, like Yuri Shatunov from the group “Tender May”. Famous singers 80-90s are ready to sing best songs at an event that you are organizing in honor of a wedding, anniversary or corporate party.

Which stars can be booked and where can they perform?

From the list of Russian singers of the 80s, you can choose a performer whose work you love - Andrei Derzhavin, Viktor Saltykov, Sergei Minaev. Despite the fact that these musicians were at the peak of their popularity back in the 80s, they continue to create music and also tour with solo programs. You can simply order Soviet singers of the 80-90s in order to make a nice gift for yourself or your loved ones. More often famous musicians are invited to speak at the following events:

  • birthday, anniversary;
  • corporate events;
  • New Year celebration;
  • weddings;
  • graduations;
  • grand openings, press conferences.

The celebration can be private with a small number of guests or public. You can order Soviet singers of the 80s for any other holiday, which will pleasantly surprise your guests and make any ceremony unforgettable. They can sing for you like this famous artists like Sergei Krylov, Roman Zhukov or Valery Yurin. The prices for our services will pleasantly please you, because we work with the stars directly. This means that the cost is not much different from the fee stated by the stars.

Agency "Big City" - organization of celebrations and concerts

Eighties for Russian show business very interesting period. Soviet foundations gradually ceased to operate, and extraordinary and talented young men - singers of the 80s, Russians - appeared on the stage. The list can be continued almost endlessly. It is also interesting that real masters and representatives often met on the same stage new stage. Also during these years there was a flourishing of rock culture, which had previously been within strict limits.

Legends of the stage

The founders of modern pop music were the singers of the 70s and 80s (Russian). Their list includes well-known names:

  1. Vladimir Presnyakov (senior) in the late 70s made a dizzying career in the Gems group. In 1987 he left big stage to help my son take his first steps in show business.
  2. In the 80s, Valery Leontyev dressed more modestly, but he was already famous thanks to his collaboration with Raymond Pauls. At the end of the decade, sales of Valery's sound carriers broke all records.
  3. The peak of Lev Leshchenko’s career was the closing of the Olympics in Moscow. Not many singers of the 80s (Russian), the list of which is almost limitless, can boast of such an honor.

Other worthy performers of that time can be included in the same list. Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, for example, by the eighties had already become a vocal teacher and was releasing records with recordings of retro songs, but the peak of his career came in the seventies.

Forgotten Artists

Some Russian singers of the 80s, a list of which will be given below, are now unreasonably forgotten:

  1. In the late eighties, the USSR was shocked by a group in which a pupil of the orphanage, Yuri Shatunov, performed. His colleague Andrei Razin competently promoted the project, using rumors, doubles and other techniques. Many years later, Yuri was never able to repeat his former success.
  2. Viktor Saltykov performed as part of the Electroclub group in the eighties, but he is more often known as the father of Irina Saltykova.
  3. Sergey Minaev became the founder of discos and club movement, few people remember him today.

These performers were consigned to oblivion only because of the rapidly changing stage of that time. The Russian singers of the 80s did not expect such a fate. The list of forgotten stars of the 90s will be much longer, since many then performed one hit and disappeared. Now stars of the 80s and 90s often perform on national teams nostalgic concerts dedicated to that time.

Representatives of rock clubs

The singers of the 80s (Russian) are not all forgotten. The list of men who performed in the genre of rock music consists only of cult personalities who are still active on stage:

  1. Vladimir Kuzmin began his career in the late 70s in the Carnival group, but reached the peak of popularity in the 80s with the Dynamik group. He began to be recognized in every home in 1986, when he performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. In 2017, he presented the album “Roker-3. Closing of the season."
  2. Valery Kipelov began his career in the group “Leisya Pesnya” in 1980. When the team didn't pass state program and closed, he was invited to the group “Aria”. Since 1985, he performed there. In 2017, he performed at “Invasion” with his own group “Kipelov”, which was created in 2002, when Valery left his previous team due to disagreements.
  3. Yuri Shevchuk became famous thanks to his hits “Rain”, “Autumn”, “That’s all...”. Since 1980 he has been the leader of the DDT group. He is distinguished by opposition views and does not accept any government. In 2017, he became the headliner of the “Invasion” festival, performed for 2.5 hours and was well received by the public.
  4. The following singers of the 80-90s became an unusual phenomenon for the stage. The list of “Russian cult rockers of the 80s” is completed by two performers: the Samoilov brothers - Vadim and Gleb. Not long ago they creative path broke up, Gleb became the leader of the Matrixx group and in 2017 will delight the public with a new album, and Vadim is the President's Plenipotentiary Envoy. He regularly performs at Russian venues and has participated in concerts in Syria and Donbass. In recent times, the Saimolovs performed in the style of “rock decadence”, which is why they differ from those listed above.

The eighties became a golden age for Russian rock. Most of the idols of even modern fans of this genre came from this period. The list of singers can include Grebenshchikov, Shklyarsky, Makarevich, Kinchev and many others.

Lost Talents

The listed lists cannot be considered complete, since they do not contain two surnames - Tsoi and Talkov. Probably, these singers would be more popular than others, because now their songs are remembered with special warmth. For many fans of their work, it is sad that both performers died tragically at the height of their careers. Viktor Tsoi died in a car accident, and Igor Talkov was shot backstage concert hall in the early nineties.

Tsoi was known as the herald of perestroika. His songs became iconic for many; indeed, the youth of the USSR wanted “change.” Igor Talkov was also a singer of perestroika; his songs were performed during the GKChP putsch. They were more lyrical than Victor's. Most famous songs Talkova are " Chistye Prudy" and "I'll be back."


P invite a popular foreign or Russian artist, actor or famous group in your city, find out how much a private or private performance costs corporate event, you can book an event date with us in real time. Submit a preliminary application from the website or contact us using contact information.

D trust us with the organization and holding a concert upon request, star performance Russian and foreign stage, ordering popular artists and show business leaders for a corporate event or wedding, company anniversary or birthday, to a club for a party or presentation.

M we will solve it promptly all questions regarding the repertoire, the intricacies of ordering stars, prices, performance times and other nuances, taking into account all your wishes. We can make proposals based on the taste and budget of our customers, we pay close attention to the wishes of each client and guarantee a thoughtful organization of the event. Official conclusion of the contract.

Fees for ordering performances popular foreign and Russian artists installed on the website for Moscow and the region (except for the New Year period). Submit a preliminary application for your city or contact us directly using the contact details on the website.

C price and final cost performances of stars at a company's corporate event or presentation, for a wedding or anniversary, festival or sport's event taking into account the rider, will be known after agreeing on the date, city and location of the organization of a private or corporate holiday.

Prepayment and final payments. "Reservation of a date":

Guarantees of performance and arrival of artists. After agreeing on the rider and fee for the event date, "Customer"- private or entity And Company "Executor", enter into a bilateral agreement for the artist’s participation (performance) in concert program within the time limits established by this Agreement.

It is also necessary to remember that after negotiations with the artist and approval of the rider, 50% of the fee will be needed to conclude the Agreement. The second part is paid 14 days before the event.No prepayment under agreement cBy the company "Executor", booking a date and performing an artist is excluded.

Show business celebrities, popular music groups and world-famous performers are the main focus of our activities. Experienced and creative agency organizers will arrange an invitation to your favorite singer, presenter or musician without unnecessary red tape, and will also be able to create an atmosphere of an impeccable holiday and a great mood.

P excellent organization celebrations at any level . Whatever event you are planning, it will be held at the highest level. You don't have to rack your brains to solve endless organizational issues. We will take on this task completely!

AND individual approach. Each holiday is special in its own way, and to confirm this thesis, we will select the most suitable for you. interesting repertoire, we will safely resolve all the nuances with inviting the selected performer, and will also take into account all your wishes on this matter.

Z conclusion of a formal contract. Since our agency works only on an advance payment basis, we conclude an appropriate agreement with the client, detailing all the obligations and rights of each party.

T face-to-face final cost calculations. As soon as we receive all the information you need about the upcoming event, we immediately begin calculating our services, taking into account all possible nuances.


Many people remember their childhood and youth with nostalgia. This is why performers from the 80s and 90s (Russians) are popular. The list can be continued almost endlessly. After all, at that time there were many active singers of different genres. They have enjoyed success for many years. There were also those whose fame faded after one hit. Here are a few short lists performers who were popular in the eighties and nineties.

Performers of songs of the 80-90s (Russian): list of men

During this time, there were many singers who became famous for performing several hits. In the first list we did not include men who are now stage veterans and continue to actively tour. We will only talk about those who are currently undeservedly forgotten, although many of these singers are trying to repeat their past success:

That's not all popular artists 80-90 years (Russians). The list can be continued almost endlessly. We have chosen only the most brightest stars of that time, overlooking the talented Zhenya Belousov and Evgeniy Osin. To this day, such singers as Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev and Oleg Gazmanov perform.

Russian performers of the 80-90s: list of women

The stage of that time consisted of almost 70% women. In those years, the country listened to the songs of Irina Allegrova and Tatyana Bulanova. Dance hits were performed by Lada Dance. Soulful songs with a folk touch belonged to Nadezhda Kadysheva and her namesake Nadezhda Babkina.

The hits were sung by Russian performers from the 80s and 90s. The list consisted of people who made it through their talent alone, and those in whose “promotion” a lot of money was invested. Alsou and Lena Zosimova were called the “golden” children of show business in those years. These singers were promoted at the expense of their fathers, although it cannot be said that they did not have talent. The singers of one hit were Marina Khlebnikova and Natalie. Although the latter recently released new song, which captivated the whole country - the hit “Oh God, what a man!”

The most famous groups of the 80-90s

The real breakthrough at that time was the success of the group " Tender May" This first boy band broke a lot of girls' hearts. On tour, the team packed stadiums. Several lineups of the group even traveled around the country, the singers in which were vaguely similar to the original performers. By analogy with this group, many singers began performing to a soundtrack.

There were other successful performers of the 80-90s (Russians). The list of groups, for example, looks incomplete without mentioning Bari Alibasov’s project “Na-na”. The team captivated the audience with their sexuality. Young men sometimes performed in costumes consisting of one bunch of bananas. Besides these the brightest groups, the country in those years listened to the songs of the following groups: “Combination”, “Kar-man”, “Hands Up”, “Nancy”, “Gaza Strip”, “Russian Size” and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. Many of these groups subsequently broke up and gave rise to solo projects.

Each period leaves a special mark on history. This is how everyone will remember the 90s for a long time musical groups that will remain forever in the memory of the youth of those years.

“The smoke of menthol cigarettes...” and “She has a granite pebble in her chest...” literally all the girls sang. Songs by the groups "Nancy" and " Ladybug"were at every discos, regardless of the age of the audience. The girls wrote many letters with declarations of love to the participants men's groups, such as “Ivanushki International”, “Tender May”, “Na-Na”, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “Hi-Fi”. Memories of first love are undoubtedly accompanied by memories of the groups “Demo”, “Virus”, “Guests from the Future”, “Brilliant”, “Strelki” and “Kraski”. First kisses, first dance, first relationship - each of these periods had its own unforgettable music, which even after many years will bring back memories of those events.

It's impossible not to remember cult group"Hands up". Hundreds of love songs, videos that you couldn’t stop watching, and an entire youth built on the lines of songs. For more than 20 years, the team has been delighting fans with its creativity. Soloist Sergei Zhukov is still the main star of concerts in the 90s.

While girls squealed at pop bands, boys preferred rock. “Kino”, “Chaif”, “Time Machine”, “Agatha Christie”, “Sunday”, “Alice” - undoubtedly contributed to the development of music. Viktor Tsoi remained a rock legend even after his death. Personal attitude towards changes in the country and the people around him are the main themes of his work. It was for freedom and honesty that he received recognition from millions of citizens.

Posters of the groups “Spice girls”, “Nirvana”, “Scorpions” were a mandatory attribute of the room, depending on the gender of the teenager. Everyone tried to imitate the movements Michael Jackson- they were so famous. “Backstreet Boys”, “Nsync”, “Aqua” began their ascent to the top of the fans’ love. Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Natalia Oreiro and Christina Aguilera-became the standard of female beauty.

Music had a special place in the heart of any teenager. Everyone tried to write down words from their favorite songs in a notebook and learn them. Such notebooks were kept very carefully. Boys and girls even swapped them and rewrote the texts for themselves.

The disco of the 90s is still a popular event today. Dozens of idols gather together and delight the audience with their works. Unfortunately, some of the performers of that time are no longer alive, but it is the songs and videos that make them immortal.