Therapeutic possibilities of musical art. Music therapy exercises (Elements of musical modeling and kinesitherapy, rhythmoplasty, stress relief games)

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Music therapy as a means of improving children's health


In modern society, music is one of the types of artistic activity. Even ancient Greek philosophers noted the role of musical art in the aesthetic education of an individual and its positive therapeutic effect on the individual. Plato argued that, on the one hand, the “musical ally” sent to the world puts the individual’s harmony in order, and on the other hand, removes the disharmony of his mind. Music therapy is treatment through music and creative self-expression.

Music therapy is widely used in many countries around the world for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of disorders, including developmental disorders, emotional instability, behavioral disorders, sensory deficits, physical and combined disorders, spinal cord injuries, psychosomatic diseases, internal diseases, mental disorders, aphasia , autism.

As an integrative method, music therapy includes medical, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic methods in its arsenal.

Relevance of the topic: this topic has become very popular at the present time, but has not yet been studied enough in Russia. A more in-depth study of the influence of music therapy on the development and health of children is necessary, since modern conditions There is a sharp deterioration in the health of children, requiring the development of more effective measures.

According to research by experts, 75% of adult diseases originate in childhood. Only 10% of children come to school completely healthy, and many end up falling behind not because of laziness, but due to poor health. Doctors, parents and teachers everywhere note lags, delays, violations, deviations, non-compliance with norms in the development of children, and the inferiority of their health.

The purpose of the work is to study music therapy from literary sources as one of the independent directions in therapy for working with children.

In this regard, the main tasks can be formulated:

1. study the research literature on music therapy;

2.identify species musical activity, used in music therapy;

3. find out the importance of music therapy as a health-saving process for children;

4. get acquainted with various types of music therapy activities (choral singing, playing musical instruments, dancing).

During the writing of the abstract, various types of literary sources and sites were studied, which are presented in the form of a list of references.

1. Brief history of the development and use of music therapy

music therapy correctional psychological child

How powerful is your enchanting sound!

Mozart. magical flute

The history of the relationship between music and people goes back to the distant past, to the origins of humanity.

Scientific and historical evidence shows that dancing and song appeared before articulate speech. This indicates that music is the primitive language of mankind.

The use of music for medicinal purposes also has a long history. In the past, music was widely used in medical practice. This is known from the works of Plato, from the biography of King David, mentioned in the myths about Apollo, etc.

The term “music therapy” is of Greek-Latin origin and translated means “treatment with music.” There are many definitions of the concept “music therapy”. A significant part of scientists consider music therapy to be an auxiliary means of psychotherapy, a means of specifically preparing patients for the use of complex therapeutic methods. Other authors define music therapy as: - the controlled use of music in the treatment, rehabilitation, education and upbringing of children and adults suffering from somatic and mental illnesses; - systematic use of music to treat physiological and psychosocial aspects of illness or disorder; - a means of optimizing creative forces and pedagogical and educational work.

A thousand years ago, the outstanding physician of all times and peoples, Avicenna, treated patients with nervous and nervous disorders with music. mental illness. In Europe, mention of this dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when the French psychiatrist Esquirol began to introduce music therapy into psychiatric institutions. It is characteristic that the use of music in medicine was predominantly empirical in nature.

Music therapy gained further popularity after the First World War. In the 1930s, the experience of military doctors was used by German therapists in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and Swiss ones in the treatment of mild forms of tuberculosis. Austrian obstetricians used music to relieve pain during childbirth. The use of music and sound as an anesthetic began to be used in dental and surgical practice. All this practice became the basis for the development of music therapy after the Second World War.

In the second half of the 20th century, technical capabilities in the study of physiological reactions that occur in the body during the process of musical perception increased significantly. It has been shown that music actively influences the functions of all vital physiological systems, the intensity of various physiological processes, breathing and the cardiovascular system, blood circulation, and even leads to certain hormonal and biochemical changes.

2.Music therapy: directions, tasks, functions

The role of music in people's lives is increasing over time. Scientists, composers, teachers, musicians have developed problems of children's music education and upbringing. Many researchers note the therapeutic effect of musical rhythm on all systems and functions of the child’s body, including the development of thinking, attention, and motor skills. The psychophysical direction of musical activity is associated with the positive influence of music on various systems of the child’s body.

There are four main directions of corrective action of music therapy:

1. Emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy.

2. Development of interpersonal skills, communication functions and abilities.

3. Regulatory influence on psycho-vegetative processes.

4. Increasing aesthetic needs.

The following are indicated as psychological mechanisms of the corrective effects of music therapy: * catharsis - emotional release, regulation of the emotional state; * facilitating awareness of one’s own experiences; * confrontation with life problems; * increasing social activity; * acquisition of new means of emotional expression; * facilitating the formation of new relationships and attitudes.

Objectives of music therapy:

Strengthen children's health through music;

Teach children to recognize emotions and feelings conveyed by music;

Develop a sense of rhythm, give the child the opportunity to fantasize and come up with movements.

Music therapy is a special type of musical activity aimed at the prevention, improvement and correction of various psycho-emotional and behavioral abnormalities, and at the rehabilitation of the individual through the means of musical art. Music performs sedative (relaxation), stimulating and cathartic functions.

The sedative (relaxation) function is associated with the fact that as a result of specially organized musical activity, muscular and emotional tension is relieved, a person calms down, and restores physical and emotional strength.

The stimulating function, on the contrary, is aimed at mobilizing and activating all the physical and emotional capabilities of a person: it tones the muscles and vital systems of the body, fills them with positive, bright emotions and gives a good mood. In this case, a major, rhythmic, dance music.

The cathartic function of music is opposed to the sedative and stimulating. Its essence is not in replenishing missing emotions, but in ridding a person of feelings that oppress him. “Catharsis - from Greek - purification - originally: emotional shock, a state of internal purification, caused in the viewer of an ancient tragedy as a result of a special experience for the fate of the hero, which, as a rule, ends with his death.”

3. Mechanisms of the influence of music on humans

Music therapy includes:

Listening to music;

Singing songs;

Rhythmic movements to music;

A combination of music and visual arts.

Goals of classes using music therapy:

Creation of a long-term emotional background of rehabilitation (removal of the anxiety factor that arises in this group of children due to a sharp change in social and personal status);

Stimulation of motor functions;

Development and correction of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions,

ideas) and sensory abilities, disinhibition of speech function.

Music therapy uses various therapeutic mechanisms:

Allows you to overcome the child’s psychological defense - calm or, conversely, activate, set up interest.

Helps establish contact.

Promotes the development of communication and creativity


Increases self-esteem based on self-actualization.

Promotes the response of feelings.

Develops empathy.

Provides assistance in establishing and developing interpersonal relationships.

Forms valuable practical skills: playing musical

instruments, singing, listening to music, etc.

Helps to keep the child busy with exciting activities - musical games, singing, dancing, moving to music, improvisation.

4.Use of music therapy techniques in working with children

The following music therapy techniques are distinguished when working with children:

1.Method of directed visualization K.O. Connor (music and relaxation). Children need to be taught how to relax just as much as adults. Sometimes children can be very stressed physically and emotionally. This leads to irritation and irrational behavior. They need help to relax. This often allows you to identify the source of irritation. When relaxing, children can lie on the floor or take any comfortable position; bending and stretching the body is very useful. You can use special yoga exercises. Music serves as background.

Having relaxed, the child builds pleasant images, revives pleasant memories that will help him cope with existing phobias or stress.

2.Music and meditation. Meditation is an excellent way of learning to relax - relaxation. Specially selected music serves as the background for music therapy. After meditation exercises, children can draw or move to music. There are two types of meditation: directive and non-directive. Directive meditation - accompanied by a story, may include elements of suggestion that set children up in a certain way. Non-directive meditation occurs when the listener freely surrenders to the images and associations that arise in him in the process of observing the development musical content. The child is immersed in his own inner world and imagines whatever he wants.

3.Method of directed fantasies V. Aucklander (music and fantasies). Fantasies are extremely valuable for children's development. They are used as a therapeutic agent. Music is used as a background, as an illustration, and can be organically woven into the task. This method helps children express repressed feelings, needs, aspirations and thoughts in a safe, gentle way. A child reacts much more easily to a metaphorical representation of his life than to crude realistic images. The metaphorical power of music helps him do this.

4.Listening to music. It is very important for activities related to listening to music: specifically select musical repertoire and methods of working with it; use in classes of other types of musical activities for children: musical movement, singing, playing in an orchestra, conducting; use of works of other types of art in the classroom, primarily fine art and fiction.

5. Vocal therapy is especially indicated for depressed, inhibited, self-centered children. The advantage of group vocal therapy is that each participant is involved in the process. At the same time, the moment of “anonymity” of feelings, “shelter” in the general mass is also of great importance, which creates the precondition for overcoming contact disorders, for the affirmation of one’s own feelings and the healthy experience of one’s bodily sensations.

Songs are selected in accordance with the mood of the group. Placing a group is a vicious circle. The leader sings along with everyone. When a certain state of the group is reached, each participant is given the opportunity to propose a song and nominate a lead singer. The lead singer is associated for many with overcoming shyness, as the lead singer becomes the center of attention.

6. Choral singing is the most effective means nurturing not only aesthetic taste, but also initiative, imagination, and creative abilities of children, it best promotes the development musical abilities(singing voice, sense of rhythm, musical memory), development of singing skills, promotes the growth of interest in music, increases emotional and vocal-choral culture. Choral singing helps children understand the role of the collective in human activity, thus contributing to the formation of children's worldview, has an organizing and disciplinary effect on children, and fosters a sense of collectivism and friendship.

7.Playing musical instruments. Along with listening to music, it is important to use active music playing, which helps to increase self-esteem and overcome ambivalent behavior. Most often, music therapy associated with performing activities is group. Active music therapy includes playing musical instruments.

To perform simple pieces you can even use such simple tools like drum, triangle, xylophone. Classes are limited to the search for the simplest melodic, rhythmic, harmonic forms and are an improvised game. Dynamic adaptability and the ability to listen to each other develop. Since this is group music therapy, the game is structured in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic. The most important thing is that the child expresses himself through playing a musical instrument.

8.Dance movement therapy can serve as a bridge between the world of consciousness and the unconscious. With the help of dance movement therapy, a child can use movement to express themselves more fully and to maintain their individuality in contact with other children. Dance movement therapy is the only type of therapy that uses a lot of free space. Motor behavior expands in dance, helping to understand conflicts, desires, and can help to experience negative feelings and get rid of them.

5. Basic mechanisms of psychological correction influence

Music therapy can be used both as a main method and as one of the auxiliary methods. There are two main mechanisms of psychological correction that are characteristic of the music therapy method.

The first mechanism is that the art of music allows one to reconstruct a traumatic conflict situation in a special symbolic form and thereby find its resolution.

The second mechanism is related to the nature of the aesthetic reaction, which allows one to change the effect of “affect from painful to bringing pleasure.”

Typically, a distinction is made between retrospective and prospective phases of music therapy. The retrospective phase has the task of prompting the participant to experience the need for active disclosure internal conflict. Listening to music should bring a person into confrontation with his inner life. Experiences that previously remained unconscious or only partially conscious are transformed into concrete ideas. During this phase, music with deep emotional content should be used, e.g. symphonic music 19th century. In the prospective phase, two approaches are possible. The first is the release of mental tension, the expression of which can be muscle tension. The second is the development of the need for listening to music, expanding the range of experiences, and stabilizing well-being.

There are individual and group music therapy. Individual music therapy is carried out in three versions: with distinctive communicative, reactive and regulatory action. In the first case, the teacher and the child listen to a piece of music; here music helps to improve these relationships. In the second, purification is achieved. In the third, neuropsychic tension is relieved. All three forms can be used independently or in combination. They represent, in a certain sense, passive music therapy. Along with this, there is also active individual music therapy, the goal of which is to overcome communication disorders. It is carried out in the form of music lessons between the teacher and the child.

Group music therapy is structured in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic.

Music therapy helps to establish relationships between teacher and child, develops a sense of internal control, discovers new abilities, and increases self-esteem.

6.Positive influence of music therapy.

Experts highlight the following positive effects of using music therapy:

*Music has a strong calming effect on hyperactive children;

*Closed, constrained children become more spontaneous, they develop skills of interaction with other people;

*Speech function improves;

*Improves sensorimotor function;

*Music therapy is very effective in correcting communication disorders; it helps establish emotional dialogue, often even in cases where other methods have been exhausted;

*The child experiences a positive experience of achieved success when mastering various methods of playing music, his interests develop;

*Music has a beneficial effect through the physical level on the emotional state of a preschooler;

*Music has enormous healing potential and the ability to influence spiritual development child;

*Music, as a rhythmic stimulus, stimulates physiological processes that occur rhythmically in the motor and autonomic spheres.


Currently, music therapy is considered an independent direction, a unique section of psychotherapy; it is entrusted with a number of tasks for psychocorrection. Despite the fact that the use of music for therapeutic purposes is now becoming increasingly widespread, the theoretical aspects of music therapy have not been fully developed.

The purpose of classes using music is to create a positive emotional background, rehabilitation, stimulation of motor function, development and correction of sensory processes and sensory abilities, disinhibition of speech function.

The most important thing for children to do is train observation, develop a sense of tempo, rhythm, time, mental abilities and fantasies, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, cultivate strong-willed qualities and the ability to restrain emotions, and develop general fine and articulatory motor skills.

To accomplish these tasks, the organizing principle of musical rhythm and its emotional impact on the child's behavior.

Practical material consists of a variety of tasks, organically related to music and arranged according to a specific lesson plan, providing for the correct alternation of physical and mental stress. Musical accompaniment regulates the tempo and nature of movements, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes smooth, sometimes jerky. From the very beginning, music should guide the child’s behavior, restrain excessive excitability in some and activate passivity and inertia in others. The child himself must feel the leading role of music.

The direct therapeutic effect of music on the neuropsychic sphere of children occurs through its passive or active perception. Music therapy contains a system of various differentiated methods, some of which are, of course, traditional, others are modified in a certain way in accordance with the specifics of speech disorders. Music therapy includes listening to music, singing songs, rhythmic movements to music, a combination of music and art activities, etc.

Musical rhythm is used in the treatment of disorders of motor and speech functions, correction of delayed development of psychomotor skills, impaired sense of rhythm, and abnormalities in speech breathing. With preschoolers, it is carried out in the form of activities combined with rhythmic games and breathing exercises. Music therapy is used for speech pathologies of organic origin, has a beneficial effect on intellectual activity, music has a positive effect on educational activities, increased motivation to study, increased satisfaction with learning.


1.Burno M.E. Practical guide on creative expression therapy. M., 2002, p.214.

2.Vorozhtsova O.A. Music and play in child psychotherapy. Publishing house of the Institute of Psychotherapy. M., 2004, p.90.

3. Vygotsky L.S. psychology of art. Minsk, 1998, p. 356.

4.Music therapy in music education: Materials of the first All-Russian scientific-practical conference/ Ed. A.S. Klyueva. St. Petersburg, 2008, p. 254.

5.Nazaikinsky E.O. Psychology of musical perception. M.: Muzyka, 1974, p.378.

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Anastasia Lomovtseva
Practical application of music therapy in working with children preschool age

The success of classes is positively influenced by the positive personality of the teacher, his knowledge of methods musical expressions - playing on musical instruments and the ability to sing, as well as the inclusion in the preventive and correctional process of the factor of group dynamics, mutual psycho-emotional positive contagion, empathy and sympathy between group participants music lessons.

It is necessary to determine an individual course of correction for children with certain disorders and tactics after its completion. The number and duration of sessions matter music therapy(10-12 minutes, multiplicity application per week – 1-7 times.

In order to music effect on the child, he needs to be specially configured and prepared for this. This setting consists of sitting in a comfortable position, relaxing and focusing on the sounds. music. Perception music is about learning to recognize emotions. Any music– these are always feelings, emotions, experiences. For listening in class music therapy and relaxation, the following are offered Topics: "Meditation" S. Maykopara and "First Loss" R. Schumann, "In the church" P. Tchaikovsky, "Ave Maria" F. Schubert, "Rush" R. Schumann, "Parting" M. Glinka, "Morning Prayer" P. Tchaikovsky, "Joke" I. Bach, "Humoresque" P. Tchaikovsky. The titles of these works reflect the mood conveyed in music. Children learn to understand feelings, distinguish shades of mood, learn to empathize, rejoice, and be charged with positive emotions.

It should also be remembered that correctional musical Sessions should not be carried out on an empty stomach and no earlier than 2 hours after eating.

Strength or volume music needs to be adjusted carefully. Low volume should be chosen not only for soothing, but also for stimulating music. High volume tires and shocks the nervous system.

After listening music need to rest for a while. This favors its complete effect on the unconscious, which does not disturb mental balance.

It is known that the unconscious is most active during sleep, while it is also susceptible to external impulses. Therefore, it is especially recommended for aggressive, restless, hyperactive children to use therapeutic music while sleeping.

It is advisable to use instrumental classical and special therapeutic music, but not vocal and not the most popular, because they carry an unnecessary semantic load. Choice musical works must be well thought out. It is much more complex than it might seem at first glance. It would seem obvious to use a calming, stimulating or cheerful music. However, everything is not so simple. A child in a state of excitement and confusion is unlikely to be deeply impressed by a solemn adagio; it will make him even more restless. On the other hand, when a depressed child hears a sad music, this can lift his mood.

Within a session musical therapy, you can and should use various active techniques, exercises and methods described above.

2.2. Practical music therapy exercises with preschool children

All classes are conducted in a playful way, the duration of classes does not exceed 10-12 minutes. The effectiveness of perception and assimilation of material is ensured by a single storyline each lesson and frequent changes in activities. The following exercises are used in the classes:

Exercise "Play your mood" is a collective form of active music-making on noise instruments. During it, children learn to recite poetry, play in an ensemble, and also improvise their own small plays, embodying their mood and sound ideas in them.

Exercise "Scarf with magical stories" intended primarily for children with severe hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. Such children require individual work, during which they learn to calm down and concentrate.

To carry out the exercise musical the manager turns on music, moves a large bright scarf over the child, while simultaneously telling a fantasy story ( For example, about the child with whom he is conducting the exercise). Wherein musical the leader invites the child to move voluntarily when the scarf "takes off" up or sway from side to side, and stop when the scarf goes down.

During the exercise, the teacher needs to synchronize moving and quiet episodes in the movements of the scarf, in music and history.

Correctly selected in terms of sound intensity and rhythm music will help the child organize his movements, enhancing the impression of the movements of the scarf and words music director.

Relaxation exercise "Sea bottom" intended primarily for children senior group. Musical material for the exercise - audio recording of the play "Moonlight" Claude Debussy (Claude Debussy).

Children are randomly placed in music hall. The teacher pronounces the text, coordinating it with the movement music: “Children, now we will plunge into the depths of the sea.

First let's check works is our breathing equipment under water: Inhale calmly, without tension, now exhale. Everything is in order with the equipment, so let's dive!

Take a calm, deep breath, and as you exhale, lower yourself to the very bottom. Around you there is only pure blue water. Now feel that you are sea waves that easily sway along with music. Multi-colored sea inhabitants are swimming around you - feel their presence, look carefully.

Suddenly the current changed! All the waves began to move, began to move, travel through the depths of the sea, meet new sea inhabitants... And now night has come. In complete darkness, the sea water began to shine - these are luminous microscopic algae, crustaceans, and amazing jellyfish. The waves gradually calm down and settle to the bottom.”

After the exercise, children should be offered the same music draw images that arose in their imagination. After that musical the manager should analyze the children's drawings - colors, saturation, pencil pressure, and the like.

In this way, it is possible to identify hidden emotional tension, dissatisfaction, aggression in children and direct efforts to eliminate them during sessions music therapy.

The purpose of the exercise is relaxation and development of singing breathing. Musical material for exercise - Prelude in C major from "The Well-Tempered Clavier" Johann Sebastian Bach (Johann Sebastian Bach).

Musical The leader invites the children to plant an imaginary seed on palm. Children complete the task, accompanying "landing", saying the words "ding!", then take care that the grain sprouted:

warmed by the sun - the sound sings high "A".

Musical the leader continues to direct the children’s actions, gradually continuing story:

the grain began to grow - the children sing the sound "A" to a crescendo;

a large, beautiful flower grew and opened beautiful petals - children, imagining the flower in their palms, smile and admire it;

the flower has a magnificent aroma - children slowly, deeply inhale through their noses and exhale through their mouths with a sound "Ha".

The value of this exercise is that it equalizes the emotional state of all children in the group, helps students with weak nervous systems get rid of the emotional imbalance caused by the fact that their psychophysical reactions lag behind the general rhythm of life of the group.

Exercise "Colored music» It is advisable to carry out when there is a need to evoke a certain mood in children.

The exercise contains elements of color therapy, namely, it involves the use of various objects of a certain color.

Musical the accompaniment of the exercise and the color of the objects will depend on the mood that needs to be created. So, to calm the children down, musical the leader may invite them to create a dance improvisation to waltz music, using silk scarves in blue, light blue or green. Instead of encouraging children, you should include a rhythmic music at a lively pace, and as a prop, offer children ribbons or scarves in yellow or red.

The purpose of this exercise is:

normalize breathing;

relax your throat muscles.

How musical material for the exercise, you can use an audio recording "Morning" from the suite "Peer Gynt" Edvard Grieg (Edvard Grieg) or another calm one music(tempo - no more than 60-65 beats per minute, noise of the forest, birdsong, etc.

This exercise is best done with children after physical activity. Musical the manager turns on music and invites children to sit comfortably on the floor, close their eyes, imagine a sunny day and a green forest. Main element exercises - "forest" air in which children should calmly, with pleasure inhale and exhale air, imagining that they are in the forest and enjoying the clean forest air.

Movement exercises

1. "Walk through a fairytale forest"(N. Rimsky-Korsakov, Fevronia’s aria from the opera "The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh").

Steps in at a slow pace, imagining a beautiful landscape around you and showing other children the splendor of nature with gestures.

2. "Holiday March"(N. Rimsky-Korsakov, introduction to the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"). Imagine yourself going to a holiday. Walk with a confident, decisive step.

3. "Crouching Cat"(D. Pucini, "Waltz" from the opera "Bohemia"). Moving in a circle, walking on "once", every beat. The movements are smooth, the weight of the body is gradually transferred from one leg to the other.

4. "Fluttering Butterfly"(A. Dvorak, "Humoresque"). Light springy steps, with a wave of the arms depicting a butterfly.

5. "Admiring a Flower" (N. Chopin, Waltz No. 7) Children pass a flower in a circle for each measure of the waltz, admiring it.

Musical relaxation

These exercises are aimed at correcting the child’s psycho-emotional sphere and acquiring relaxation skills.

When performing these exercises, it is important to distract the child from traumatic experiences and help him with music to see all the beauty of the world. All exercises are commented by the teacher for a specific music, causing various emotions.

For example:

1. Exercise to activate vitality "Energy"(for hypoactive children, music by M. Ravel. Pavan; Bolero.

2. Exercise for relaxation, relieving irritability (for hyperactive children, music by D. Shostakovich from the film "Gadfly".

3. Exercise that creates an optimistic mood "The joy of life" music J. Bizet. Youth Symphony, dance music from operettas R. Strauss, I Kalman, F. Lehar.

4. Exercise that shapes your attitude towards the world "Beloved Mother" music F. Chopin. Nocturne.

5. Exercise to overcome feelings of shame and shyness. "I can do everything" music I. Brahms. IV Symphony. F. Leaf. Prelude. Etc.


Music therapy is a set of techniques and methods aimed at expanding and enriching the range of experiences and forming a worldview that helps a person to be healthy and happy. Rich feelings and high thoughts are the main components of this type of psychotherapy. The formation of a child’s rich emotional sphere is achieved by involving him in wide circle musical artistic experiences, the formation of a high order of thoughts.

When a child listens music, his body absorbs musical energy, and she normalizes work vital systems and organs. Therefore, a correctly selected melody has a beneficial effect on the child and his health.

A child is able to develop successfully and maintain health if traditional forms, methods and means of teaching and upbringing are combined with music therapy.


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3. Experience works on the topic: « Music therapy as a method of psychocorrection of emotional disorders in children preschool age» access: – Title from the screen

4. Types music therapy. Their correctional potential [Electronic resource]. - Mode access:– Title from screen

5. Music therapy as an innovative technology of social working with children-disabled people [Electronic resource]. - Mode access:– Title from the screen.

6. Music therapy as a means of improving children's health [Electronic resource]. - Mode access: – Title from the screen.

7. Music therapy[Electronic resource]. - Mode access:– Title from the screen.

8. Types and main directions music therapy[Electronic resource]. - Mode access: – Title from the screen.

9. Techniques music therapy in the treatment of children [Electronic resource]. - Mode access:– Title from the screen.

10. Music therapy in preschool educational institution [Electronic resource]. - Mode access: – Title from the screen.

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12. Art therapy and its use in preschool practice institutions [Electronic resource]. - Mode access:– Title from the screen.

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14. Musical therapy as a method of regulating aggression in older children preschool age[Electronic resource]. - Mode access: – Title from the screen.

15. Features of the use of art therapeutic techniques in correctional work teacher-psychologist [Electronic resource]. - Mode access: – Title from the screen.

16. Musical therapy in the era of Aquarius [Electronic resource]. - Mode access: – Title from the screen.

“Music is not only an ennobling and educational factor. Music is a healer of health."

(V.M. Bekhterev)

It's no secret that musical influence stimulates the development of a child, develops and increases his intelligence. Scientists believe that music, in the literal sense of the word, has a magical effect on the human brain. The beneficial effect of music on the human soul was noticed in ancient times. In the Middle Ages, music was used to treat psychological disorders and was used as a pain reliever. Currently, scientists are proving the positive effects classical music and lullabies for the development and health of children.

You can help your child with music therapy. Music therapy is a psychotherapeutic method for correcting emotional states. This method allows you to quickly relieve mental stress and calm down. In childhood, music therapy will successfully cope with overcoming behavioral problems and emotional anxiety in a child, and will also help to overcome related to child development. IN modern world Our kids are spending more and more time in front of TV screens and computer games. Parents are not against such leisure time for children, since the child is busy and does not bother mom and dad. Parents can calmly go about their business. It’s a pity that they underestimate the harm that frequent contact with TV and computer causes to the baby. After all, more and more often cartoons openly radiate aggression, and films are crammed with murder and violence. As a result, the child’s fragile psyche suffers. And if not everything goes well in the family, then the child suffers real mental trauma, he becomes withdrawn, unsure of himself, he develops a feeling of guilt, fear, he feels unprotected and unnecessary to anyone, the child develops. All this affects the child’s relationships with peers, which is extremely important in childhood. The child finds it difficult to fit into a team; he is not confident in himself and is afraid that he will not be accepted.

What forms of music therapy can be used when working with children?

Passive music therapy-when the child is a listener. Available for listening musical works close to the mental state of the child. This method is aimed at creating a positive emotional state of the child and helping the child overcome a problematic situation with the help of music. The method of passive music therapy can be used in several variants: a musical picture and musical modeling. In the first case, a child, listening to a musical composition, focuses on the musical picture, which he represents thanks to musical sounds and melody, which has a beneficial effect on his emotional and mental state.

In the case of musical modeling, the composition is composed of different musical fragments. The first fragment corresponds to the child’s state of mind, i.e. similar in nature to his experiences. The second piece of music should be opposite and neutralize the previous one. The third fragment contains dynamic music that can enhance the child’s emotional state. And finally, music for relaxation.

Active music therapy

This is vakalotherapy - increasing a positive emotional state through singing;

Instrumental music therapy - the formation of optimism through playing musical instruments.

Kinesitherapy, including psycho-gymnastics, rhythmoplasty, corrective rhythm, plot-game kinesitherapy. Kinesitherapy teaches you to express emotions through body movements. With the help of this technique, the child acquires relaxation skills.

Music therapy exercises

In the forest.(Elements of musical modeling and kinesitherapy)

Experiencing an emotional state. (disturbing music) We are lost in the forest, all around tall trees, thorny bushes, stumps. We walk, raising our legs high, stepping over tall grass and hummocks.

The stage of getting out of a difficult situation, calming down. (joyful music) But now we see a sunny clearing ahead. There is soft green grass on it, a clear lake in the middle. Flowers of extraordinary beauty grow in the grass, birds sit on the trees, and grasshoppers chirp in the grass. The child sits on the floor and looks around.

Emotional relaxation. (calm music for relaxation) Water splashes quietly in the lake, you can hear a stream babbling somewhere, birds chirping, bees buzzing. A light warm breeze blows over us. The child lies on the floor in a comfortable position with his eyes closed.


The exercise is good to do outdoors.

Look at the clouds floating across the sky. This cloud looks like a giant, and this one looks like a horse. Come on, you and I will turn into white fluffy clouds. Now a light breeze has blown, and we are floating, spinning across the sky with it. (light music by Tchaikovsky) The shape of the cloud changes as the wind blows. You should move smoothly, easily, making various movements.

Bee in a flower(Kinesitherapy)

A bee flies across a clearing. (Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee”) Sits first on one flower, then on another. The child imitates the flight of a bee, flaps its wings, sits on flowers (on a sofa, armchair, chair). But then the bee swooped in, got tired and fell asleep on a beautiful flower. Night has come. (Brahms “Lullaby”) We throw a thick scarf over the child. Morning came, the sun rose, the bee woke up and again flew from flower to flower. (We remove the scarf, change the music)

Brave daredevil.(Kinesitherapy)

Once upon a time there lived a little cowardly bunny in the forest. I was afraid of everything around me. He sits under a bush and shakes. (The child imitates the behavior of a hare.) The wind blows - the bunny trembles, a branch crunches - the hare shakes even more. (music by Schumann “Father Frost”) But the bunny is tired of being afraid. He climbed onto a tree stump and shouted: “I am a brave and daring man, I am not afraid of anyone!” (music by Beethoven “Ode to Joy”)

Suddenly a wolf came out into the clearing. (Toy from puppet theater) Yes, so suddenly that the bunny lost all his courage. He trembled like an aspen leaf, jumped off the stump, and so awkwardly that he landed right on the wolf’s back. And the little hare ran away. (Saint-Saëns “The Hare”) The child shows how the hare runs away.

And the wolf was actually afraid of the hare, who so unexpectedly attacked him and ran away from this forest forever. (music Beethoven “Ode to Joy”) The animals began to praise the hare: “Well done, brave daring, drove away the wolf, was not afraid!” Since then the hare has not been afraid of anything.

Pinocchio–Game to relieve stress

An adult says to a child: “Now you will turn into Pinocchio.”

Stand up straight, your body becomes wooden, like Pinocchio’s.

Tighten your shoulders, arms, fingers, they become wooden.

The legs and toes become tense and become wooden.

The face and neck, forehead tense, and the jaw clenches.

And now from Buratino you again turn into a boy (girl).

All muscles relax.

Magic scissors

Shestakovich's music "Leningrad Symphony" is playing.

The adult invites the child to draw himself. Then black blots are glued or drawn around this portrait. These are the fears of a child. An adult and a child identify each fear: “This is darkness, this is Baba Yaga, this is loneliness” (music by Mozart) After this, the child is asked to cut out his portrait and paste it on a blank sheet of paper. The adult gives the child pre-prepared colored circles, which represent parents, people close to the child, and friends. He must paste them next to the portrait at his discretion, naming each one. And the child tears the cut-off blots into small pieces and throws them away.

Snowmen.(Psycho-gymnastics to relieve stressful situations)

An adult invites the child to turn into a Snowman. Stand up straight, arms to the sides, cheeks puffed out, freeze and remain in this position for 10 seconds.

(music by Chopin “The Winter's Tale”) But then the sun came out, the sun's rays reached the Snowman and he began to melt. The child lowers his hands, squats, lies on the floor, and relaxes.

Crystal water

The child squats, folds his hands into a ladle and, as if scooping up water from a stream, then raises his hands up and pours the water on himself, then, bouncing on one leg, pronounces a drawn-out “and-and-and” for as long as he can. At the same time, the bell rings, the child listens and follows the sound until it subsides.

How does it sound?

The child is asked to show how he would bang a drum, a metallophone, or use another musical instrument if he is sad, happy, or scared.


Invite your child to sing the sound “mm-mm” for as long as he can stand it. Exercise helps relieve stress and relaxation.

Prolonging the sound “ah-ah-ah” helps you quickly relax.

Stretching out the sound “and-and-and” for a few minutes stimulates the functioning of the brain and activates the work of all body systems. These exercises also promote development and will be useful for.

To neutralize such feelings as uncertainty, anxiety, and fear in a child, invite him to listen to works by Rubinstein, Chopin, and Strauss waltzes. The music of Beethoven, Brahms, and Schubert will help you calm down. To relieve tension in relationships, listen to Bach. The music of Tchaikovsky or Beethoven will help improve your mood. And the music of Khachaturian, Liszt, Mozart helps to raise vitality. To concentrate your attention, use the works of Mendelssohn, Debussy, Tchaikovsky. Listen to music with your child, it will help you improve your emotional state.

Music therapy

Music therapy - as one of the most important methodological tools affecting the mental health of the child.

Research by famous scientists and teachers proves the possibility and necessity of developing a child’s memory, thinking, and imagination from a very early age.

The possibility is no exception early development children have musical abilities. There is data that confirms the influence of music on the developing fetus during a woman’s pregnancy and its positive impact on the entire human body in the future.

Music can change development: accelerate the growth of some cells, slow down the growth of others. But, most importantly, music can influence a person’s emotional well-being. Immortal musical works of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Tchaikovsky are capable of activating the body’s energy processes and directing them towards its physical recovery.

Nothing is impossible for real music! You just need to want to listen to her and be able to listen.

The emotional impact of harmonious sound combinations is enhanced many times over if a person has fine hearing sensitivity.

Developed ear for music makes higher demands on what is offered to him. Heightened auditory perception colors emotional experiences in bright and deep colors. It is difficult to imagine a more favorable period for the development of musical abilities than childhood.

Development musical taste, emotional responsiveness in childhood creates the foundation musical culture man as part of his general spiritual culture in the future.

IN last years active reform of the system is taking place preschool education: the network of alternative institutions is growing, new preschool education programs are appearing, original methods are being developed. Against the background of these progressive changes, the development of the child’s emotional sphere is not always given enough attention.

Any teacher who has worked in the education system notices a sharp increase in children with various forms of behavioral disorders and various mental disorders. Simply put, the number of unhealthy children and children with psycho-emotional disorders increases every year. All this is facilitated by all kinds of programs that have an educational and disciplinary orientation; the “de-feeling” is facilitated by the technologization of life in which the child participates.

Being confined to televisions and computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, but communication greatly enriches the sensory sphere.

Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. In kindergartens there are more and more children with pronounced hyperactivity and children with psychosomatic diseases. Any inappropriate behavior: laziness, negativism, aggression, isolation - all this is a defense against dislike. A child is able to develop successfully and maintain health only in conditions of psychological comfort and emotional well-being

Already in the works of the first generally recognized music theorist - ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras - we find a description of how music can influence a person’s emotional state. One of the most important concepts in Pythagoras’ ethics was “eurythmy” - the ability to find the right rhythm in all manifestations of life - singing, playing, dancing, speech, gestures, thoughts, actions, birth and death. By finding this correct rhythm, a person, considered as a kind of microcosm, could harmoniously enter first into the rhythm of polar harmony, and then connect to the cosmic rhythm of the world as a whole. From Pythagoras, a tradition began to compare social life with both a musical mode and a musical instrument.

Following Pythagoras, Aristotle believed that the ability of music to influence the mental state of listeners is associated with the imitation of a particular character. Musical modes differ significantly from each other, so that when we listen to them, we have a different mood, and we do not have the same attitude towards each of them; So, for example, listening to other, less strict modes, we soften in our mood: other modes evoke a balanced mood in us.

Working in a kindergarten, you can observe a large number of children who cannot independently cope with the neuropsychic stress and overload they receive both in kindergarten and at home. This is what leads many children to various forms of deviant behavior. And teachers must solve these problems by all possible means. One such means is music therapy.

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of normalizing the emotional state, eliminating fears, movement and speech disorders, psychosomatic diseases, behavioral abnormalities, and communication difficulties.

The main and main tasks that define music therapy are the formation and development of musical and creative abilities, the expansion and development of the emotional sphere, teaching auto-relaxation through music, and the development of moral and communicative qualities.

Organizing music therapy classes requires the teacher and music director to have special psychological education, knowledge of the basics of general and clinical psychology, and to have a musical pedagogical education.

Music therapy focuses the teacher on cooperation with the child, on the integration of various types of artistic activities.

Therefore, music therapy, as a correction method, is recommended to be used not only in music classes, but also in physical education classes, morning exercises, invigorating gymnastics after a nap, in leisure evenings, in speech development classes, visual arts, in everyday activities, independent games, etc.

Thus, each teacher can use these exercises in combination with other games and exercises, “construct” the necessary form of classes from individual compositions.

All elements of music therapy exercises make it possible to use them not only as a means of developing the musical and motor abilities of children in rhythm classes, but also as a game training of mental processes: attention, memory, will, creative imagination and fantasy, as well as a means of relaxation, switching attention or increasing psychophysical tone, etc., in a variety of forms of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

If a teacher has a certain skill, he can relieve mental fatigue in a matter of minutes, invigorate, liberate, improve mood, and concentrate attention.

For example, in activities with high mental load and low mobility, you should use dance compositions as physical education minutes. The use of compositions based on fast, cheerful music allows you to cheer up children and activate their attention.

Music therapy classes are structured according to a specific pattern:

1.Warm up. Motor and rhythmic exercises.

2. Main part. Perception of music.

3.Musical relaxation. Autotraining.

In the lesson I include various types of musical activities for children: singing, listening, musical-rhythmic movements, playing musical instruments and, of course, elements of theatrical performance.

Material used in classes

in music therapy.

Dance, facial expressions, gesture, like music, are one of the oldest ways of expressing feelings and experiences. In addition to the fact that they relieve nervous and mental stress, they help the child quickly and easily establish friendly connections with other children in the group and the teacher, and this also gives a certain psychotherapeutic effect.

Movement exercises.

1. “Walk through a fairytale forest” (N. Rimsky-Korsakov, Fevronia’s aria from the opera “The Tale of the Invisible City of Pitezh”).

Steps at a slow pace, imagining a beautiful landscape around him and showing other children the splendor of nature with gestures.

2. “Festive March” (N. Rimsky-Korsakov, introduction to the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”). Imagine yourself going to a holiday. Walk with a confident, decisive step.

3. “Crouching Cat” (D. Pucinni, Musetta’s Waltz from the opera “La Bohème”). Movements in a circle, stepping one step at a time, each beat. The movements are smooth, the weight of the body is gradually transferred from one leg to the other.

4. “Fluttering Butterfly” (A. Dvorak, humoresque). Light springy steps, with a wave of the arms depicting a butterfly.

5. “Admiring a Flower” (N. Chopin, Waltz No. 7) Children pass a flower in a circle for each measure of the waltz, admiring it.

6. “Driving by the nose”

Rhythmic exercises.

The main feature of musical-rhythmic exercises is the emphasis not so much on outside learning rhythmic movements as much as analyzing internal processes: sensory, mental, emotional. Burenin’s rhythmic plasticity program is built on the development and training of mental processes, the development of perception, attention, thinking, and the ability to express various emotions in facial expressions and pantonemia. Children learn to control their own body, think outside the box, and psychological freedom. For music therapy, we can recommend musical and rhythmic compositions from “Rhythmic Mosaic”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Circus Horses”, “Children and Nature”, “Two Rams”, “Dance while Sitting”.

Perception of music.

In order for music to have an effect on a child, he must be specially tuned and prepared for this. This setup involves sitting in a comfortable position, relaxing and focusing on the sounds of the music. Perceiving music is about learning to recognize emotions. Any music is always feelings, emotions, experiences.

The topic is “Mood, feelings in music”, which is included in the program “Musical Masterpieces” by O.P. Radynova, is very important for children to understand music as an art form that conveys mood and feeling.

For listening in music therapy and relaxation classes, we offer the following topics: “Thought” by S. Maikopov and “First Loss” by R. Schumann, “In the Church” by P. Tchaikovsky, “Ave Maria” by I. Schubert, “Rush” by R. Schumann, “ Separation" by M. Glinka, "Morning Prayer" by P. Tchaikovsky, "Joke" by S.I. Bach, “Humoresque” by P. Tchaikovsky.

The titles of these works reflect the mood conveyed in the music. Children learn to understand feelings, distinguish shades of mood, learn to empathize, rejoice, and be charged with positive emotions.

It is no coincidence that physiologists equate physical and mental health, provided that the child is immersed in an atmosphere of emotional upliftment, necessarily associated with positive emotions. And music is always only positive emotions.

Breathing exercises.

Any experience, and especially in children, be it joy or a fit of anger, ultimately ends with the tension of some muscle group and with the help of breathing exercises you can ease this muscle tension.

Breathing exercises help relieve psycho-emotional stress and quickly and easily establish interpersonal relationships among children in a group. We give these exercises figurative name, which improves the quality of the idea of ​​how they should be performed.

1. “Hello to the sun” - tonic breathing.

I. Slowly inhale into the stomach, chest and bronchi, gradually raise the elbows, and let the hands hang freely.

II. Exhale forcefully on the syllable “ha”, the hands unfold from the level of the face and are thrown upward, then the hands slowly lower.

2. “Not milked cow” - removes muscle tension at the level of the throat and neck.

Inhale simultaneously through the nose and mouth, then sing, hum any melody while exhaling through the nose, while lowering the lower jaw.

Finally, you can emphasize your exhalation by pushing out the remaining air with your abdominal muscles.

3. “A well-fed horse” - relaxation of the muscles of the face and head.

The exercise is based on simulating the prolonged snorting of a horse. When exhaling through your mouth, you should try to relax all the muscles of your face so that they vibrate freely under the influence of freely passing air.

4. “Scent of roses” - relaxing breath.

Imagine a big and beautiful bouquet roses and inhale the imaginary scent of flowers.

5. “Sleeping flower” - calming breathing in proportion 1+3. One quarter - inhale, three quarters - exhale. Mentally imagine yourself as a flower closing its petals into a bud at night.

6. “Parade of troops” - a staging with the aim of emotional release and activation of the tone in the cry.

Children line up imagining themselves as soldiers in a parade. They learn to respond to greetings with a strong three times “Hurray!”

Musical relaxation.

These exercises are aimed at correcting the child’s psycho-emotional sphere and acquiring relaxation skills.

When performing these exercises, it is important to distract the child from traumatic experiences and help him, with the help of music, see all the beauty of the world. All exercises are commented by the teacher accompanied by certain music, evoking various emotions.

For example:

1. Exercise to activate vital forces “Energy” (for hypoactive children), music. M. Ravel. Pavana; Bolero.

2. Exercise for relaxation, relieving irritability (for hyperactive children), music. D. Shostakovich from the film "The Gadfly".

3. Exercise that creates an optimistic mood “Joy of Life”music J. Bizet. Youth Symphony, dance music from operettas by R. Strauss, I Kalman, F. Lehár.

4. Exercise that shapes the attitude towards the world “Beloved Mother” of music. F. Chopin.Nocturne.

5. Exercise to overcome feelings of shame and shyness. “I can do everything” music. I. Brahms. IV Symphony. F. Leaf. Prelude. Etc.

Kolesova Irina Vasilievna

musical director

The healing effects of music on humans were noticed many centuries ago. The ancient Greek healer Hippocrates used music to treat insomnia as well as epilepsy. In the modern world, music therapy methods are widely used in psychotherapy for prevention and treatment. individual species diseases.

Based on many years of research and observation, in 2003, music therapy was recognized by the Ministry of Health as official medicine. From birth, music accompanies every person everywhere. Music can make you cry or lift your spirits, cause fatigue, loss of strength, headaches, or, on the contrary, give you vigor and confidence.

Children are fragile creatures, whose unstable psyche is most susceptible to external factors. Problems in the family, discord among parents, fear of communication, anxiety, fears, a huge layer of information that the baby constantly receives - all this has a negative impact on the psycho-emotional state of the baby.

Parents often do not have time to educate the younger generation. If the mother is still working on the upbringing and development of the baby until 2-3 years old, then usually after 3 years the grandmother takes care of the baby or the baby is left to his own devices for a long time.

To occupy a child's attention, adults often provide uncontrolled access to television, as well as to the computer. The little man watches horror films and plays shooting games. His psyche has not yet fully adapted to the realities of adult life, so the child projects the aggressive behavior of movie characters onto himself and begins to behave aggressively.

Increased excitement, aggressiveness, irritability - all this interferes with the harmonious, creative development of a preschooler. Music therapy for children can be used to correct the psycho-emotional state of preschool children.

Currently, music therapy methods are actively used in preschool institutions. Parents can also use the positive effects of music at home. In order for music to heal and not cause additional harm to the baby, it is necessary to consult with a psychologist and together choose music for the child and for adult family members.

The concept of music therapy, its types

Music therapy is the purposeful use of music in all its manifestations and in any form for prevention, treatment, and psychological correction of a person’s psycho-emotional state. We use music recorded on a player or disk, as well as live music: singing, playing musical instruments.

In music therapy for preschoolers, two main forms are used: passive, sometimes called receptive, and active form. In active music therapy, children take an active, direct part in the therapy by using various musical instruments or singing.

Receptive music therapy for children is the process of perceiving music from various media. Music therapy can and should be used not only for treatment and psychocorrection of the individual, but also for the formation of moral and aesthetic standards of behavior in preschool children.

Study, perception of music as cultural heritage humanity instills a love of music, thereby enriching the child’s inner world. Music therapy as a method of influencing the child’s psyche uses music in the following areas:

  • therapeutic, medical;
  • pedagogical, educational;
  • preventive direction that prevents the occurrence of stressful psycho-emotional diseases.

Therapy with music is divided into the following types, depending on the form and strength of the musical influence:

  • according to the result achieved, according to the depth of impact - deep or superficial;
  • on the organization of the process - individual or group;
  • in interaction with a specialist - directive, that is, leading or non-directive, subordinating;

Music therapy in kindergarten is also used as an auxiliary, additional method for color therapy, fairy tale therapy and play psychotherapy for children. Only by using all types of gentle therapy in a comprehensive manner can it be carried out more optimally, with best result various types of psychocorrection for preschool children.

Conducting music therapy

Music therapy sessions are conducted individually or in a group, depending on the psycho-emotional state of the preschooler. By individually working with the baby, the specialist achieves more complete contact, can more accurately determine the baby’s problem, and develop a specific therapy program for the little person.

By passively listening to carefully selected music, the baby's emotional tension decreases and aggressiveness decreases. The preschooler's positive emotional state is restored and the feeling of anxiety decreases. Using psychology as an integral part of music therapy, the specialist corrects the child’s problems.

With an introverted, shy preschooler, individual lessons are first conducted to develop communication. The teacher and the child study music together: play musical instruments or learn songs. As communication skills develop in withdrawn, quiet children, toddlers need to be transferred to group classes.

The basis of any group classes is the active communication of children with peers, the formation of emotional communication, and the further development of children’s communication skills. The process of a music therapy group should proceed in a dynamic, active form.

Along with music, it is necessary to use all the expressiveness of other forms of art. The creative component of therapy activates all the baby’s senses, and the preschooler’s perception systems work more clearly. Children can express themselves, show their abilities, thereby building confidence in their abilities.

In order to integrate music therapy with other types of art, the teacher uses the following methods in his work:

  • drawing, modeling from special dough or plasticine to music;
  • outdoor, active games using music;
  • pantomime;
  • preschoolers writing stories, fairy tales after listening to music, depicting their mood with the help of paints or dance;
  • plastic dramatization using music, color therapy;
  • choral or solo singing.

Dance is a form of social contact. Using dance improvisations By studying classical dances, the teacher allows fidgets to express themselves more fully and get rid of negative emotions and feelings. The main thing in any dance is rhythmic movements. Preschool children often have problems with coordination of movements, which causes tightness and stiffness in the little ones.

Dancing to music helps to harmonize the emotional sphere of preschool children. Free, relaxed, smooth movements, the ability to convey music with the plasticity of the body helps to manifest emotional freedom. It is often easier for a child to express his feelings with movement than with words.

The child hears music throughout the day. The tasks of parents, educators, and teachers are to use music in doses, taking into account the mood of the children, the time of day, and the physical condition of the preschool children. So for waking up quickly in the morning, to create a cheerful, positive mood for music with a major mood, or use a cheerful children's song.

To help children calm down faster and fall into a daytime nap, they use classical melodic music. Often, before bedtime, children are allowed to listen to recorded sounds of nature: the rustling of leaves, the sound of rain, the singing of birds. Little fidgets calm down and relax. Children are relieved of emotional as well as physical stress.

Music therapy can be carried out at home, but it is necessary to follow the rules for conducting such therapy, tested and accepted by specialists. In children's institutions, the emphasis is mainly on group therapy, with the goal of developing the child's communication skills, involving him in communication, and inclusion in society.

  • The room for passive therapy must be specially equipped. There should be no bright toys, objects, or turned on phones that distract the children’s attention. The lighting is artificial so that the baby can better perceive the therapeutic effects of the session.
  • Corrective sessions are not carried out on an empty stomach, or immediately after eating. You need to wait about 2 hours after feeding the baby to start the session.
  • The psychologist sets the duration of the session and the number of sessions per week, depending on the degree of necessary adjustment of the psycho-emotional state of the baby. Parents conducting such sessions at home must follow all the specialist’s recommendations.
  • Before starting the lesson, the baby should relax and tune in to a positive mood. The baby should take a free, comfortable position. Armchairs, couches or just pillows on the covered floor - the baby should be comfortable during classes.
  • You should not listen to a piece of music at full volume. This will only tire the restless person and cause aversion to therapy. Listening to music should be done in a low tone. It is useful for hyperactive, aggressive children to listen to calm melodies while sleeping.
  • After the end of the session, you should not immediately force the child to run. The baby needs to rest. After all, music therapy is a treatment.

Music therapy is a treatment for children, so it should be taken seriously. You should definitely consult a psychologist and follow his recommendations. Only the joint activities of parents, educators, and psychologists can help a child correct problems in the psycho-emotional sphere.

Therapy sessions should be approached responsibly. It is not recommended to use the first melodies you come across, even if they are currently popular and are constantly heard on the radio. Classical music has the best effect.

Experts recommend using relaxing music with the sounds of nature, classical music, and cheerful children's songs for therapy. Among the entire range of recommended melodies, works by Mozart stand out in a special way. Mozart created more than just great classical works. All his works are special.

All works of the great composer have a therapeutic, healing effect. Neurospecialists have studied the composer’s works for decades; it has been scientifically proven that musical compositions Mozart mobilizes possibilities human brain, facilitate his work, increase the intellectual capabilities of the individual.

Scientists claim that Mozart’s works are useful for everyone: infants, pregnant women, sick children, students and adults. Listening to the composer's works relieves negative emotions and improves vitality. Students' memorization of the subject improves.

The effect of this influence is due to the fact that in the works famous composer an interval is used that completely coincides with the nature of the biocurrents of the brain.

Music therapy exercises

Any exercises of this type of therapy are based on the use of two components: the perception of music in motion and control of breathing. It is these components that mainly help reduce emotional as well as physical tension in children.

The therapeutic exercise consists of the following phases:

  • diagnosing the psycho-emotional state of the baby, establishing contact with the child;
  • selection of melodies that take into account the tasks of correction and the emotional state of the fidget;
  • relieving emotional tension with the help of a dynamic, major melody;
  • getting a little bit of a positive charge of emotions through relaxing melodies.

Pantomimes, games that reveal the mood of children while listening to melodies. Drawings showing what associations songs and musical works evoke. All classes should take place in a natural form, during play, so that preschoolers are more open and receptive to therapy.