Daniel Radcliffe: personal life. Daniel Radcliffe: wife, biography, personal life, filmography

Daniel Radcliffe- British theater and film actor. Daniel's career originates from David Copperfield, but he is best known for playing the role of Harry Potter in a series of films based on the works of the same name. famous writer Joanne Rowling. In 2009, Radcliffe was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid actor of the decade.

Childhood, youth, first career success

Dan was born on July 23, 1989 in Fulham, West London. The actor's father is a literary agent Alan, while his mother works on television as casting director Marcia Gresh. Parents cared a lot and care now about their only son. This is what played one of the key roles in construction acting career their son. Already at the age of 5 he became interested in acting. As is usually the case, Dan's parents did not strongly encourage such a hobby; they looked after a private home for their son. London school for boys. On her stage, Radcliffe is the first and last time appeared in a monkey costume. Later in an interview, he admitted that he was very afraid if the recording from the school production will someday hit the TV screens.

Daniel Radcliffe wanted to try out as Oliver Twist for a TV show novel of the same name Charles Dickens, but dad and mom forbade him to do this, because they did not want their son to develop in this area. But soon Dan's television debut did take place. In 1999, he played the young magician David Copperfield. in a television version of another Dickens novel. This time, the mother herself sent a photo of her son to the BBC studio. The audience liked the picture, and Radcliffe, who beat a hundred boys at the casting, was praised by the film's producer Keith Harwood himself. She said that this young man had an unusual naturalness and a certain innocence, and in general, he was quite easy to work with.

In 2001, the young actor received a cameo role in the film The Tailor from Panama. Daniel played the son of Jamie Lee Curtis and Geoffrey Rush. While Radcliffe was working on another film, the search for talent began in England for the film adaptation of the super-popular children's book about Harry Potter.

Big role in a big movie

The director of the first two Potter films, Chris Columbus, stumbled upon a tape one day and watched the David Copperfield tape, after which he asked his assistant to find young talent. By that time Harry has been auditioning for over 9 months., the directors mercilessly weeded out 16,000 applicants. There were even jokes that the picture would have to be shot without the main character. However, when Radcliffe was invited to audition, the guy's parents again began to resist - they did not want to let Dan in and believed that acting was not his forte.

But then a miracle happened: the producer accidentally met Radcliffe with his parents in the theater. As it turned out, David Heyman knew Alan. Heyman carefully examined the boy and realized that he would be perfect for the role of Harry. The father of the future actor realized that filming could not be avoided, because the son was really the best fit for the role of the main character. As a result, the guy was finally approved.

“I had two reactions when I found out about the role,” said Daniel, “I started crying because I was very happy! And then, a few hours later, in the middle of the night, I woke up, ran to my parents in the bedroom to ask if I had a dream.

The Incredible Success of the Harry Potter Saga

Actor's fees for shooting in "Harry Potter"

The actor received the following fees for participating in films: 150 thousand sterling for " Philosopher's Stone”, 5.6 million for the “Goblet of Fire”, for the next series Dan received at least 8 million. To date, the state of the actor is estimated at 40 million pounds.

Theatrical activity

In 2004, in addition to working in the cinema, the actor reprized the role in the London version of the production musical comedy titled "The Play What I Wrote".

From February 2007 to February 2009 he played in another theater production based on Peter Schaeffer's famous play "Equuse".

According to the plot of the play, the stable boy Alan Strang, because of his love for horses, blinds them and goes crazy (the role of the psychiatrist Dyzert was played by Richard Griffiths, Uncle Vernon in Harry Potter). After some editorial offices released the first photos of the performance with a naked hero

In 2011, Radcliffe played Jay Pipront Finch., a New York window cleaner in the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Doing Nothing.

Other works

In 2007 Rubbish magazine published Dan's poems under the pseudonym Jacob Gershon. Mother's maiden name Gresham is the English version Jewish surname Gershon.

Radcliffe was also featured in the British indie band Slow Club's video for the song "Begginers" in 2012.

After participating in the global Harry Potter franchise, when his face flaunted absolutely everywhere, from pillowcases to toothbrushes, professional growth Daniel Radcliffe looks even more impressive. The wizard boy made the audience see him as a serious man. In 2008, he burst onto Broadway in the production of Equus / Equus, ridiculed his own image of a star child in the series Extras / Extras, played a major role in the American television adaptation of Bulgakov's Notes of a Young Doctor / A Young Doctor's Notebook. In this year, the transformation of the 25-year-old Briton is completed with the release of his first romantic comedy. Exemplary hipster rom-com "Friendship and no sex", where Radcliffe tries not to take Zoe Kazan away from the handsome Rafe Spall - modern version Hollywood masterpiece When Harry Met Sally. Behind the scenes, Daniel is in serious relationship with actress Erin Darke, whom he met last year on film set Drama Kill Your Darlings. In a candid interview with ELLE, the actor talked about losing his virginity, filming naked, and how to act around friends.

ELLE What do you need to find in a girl's apartment in order to immediately understand: you are incompatible with her?

DANIEL RADCLIFFE Well, if she had a whole shelf of vegetarian cookbooks, I'd know I was in trouble.

ELLE Wouldn't a complete set of Harry Potter books be more dangerous?

D.R. Come on! Many have them. It would be wrong to deprive yourself of a chance because of such a trifle.

ELLE You stripped in "Friendship and no sex", completely naked in "Equus"... Are you comfortable naked in public?

D.R. No. Rather, relatively comfortable. I have to say, the first time I had to get naked on a Broadway stage at 17, I was nervous as hell.

ELLE Was embarrassed later to meet girls who said: “Oh, I saw Equus ...”?

D.R. Not particularly. I didn't date many girls at that time. But such a dialogue would most likely continue with the words: “Oh, cool, you saw me naked!”

ELLE What changed for you the day you lost your virginity?

D.R. Hmm... You know, I'm probably one of the few who had a really great first time!

ELLE Really? Did everything go according to plan?

D.R. It was with a girl I knew well. I am happy to say that since then I have had many more successful sex, but the first time for me was not as terrible and awkward as others. For example, like my friend, who got drunk and indulged in passion with a stranger under the bridge.

ELLE Yeah, do you think it's better to have sex when sober?

D.R. I do not rule out that for someone drunk sex is the ultimate dream. But personally, for me and the person with whom I do this, it is much better sober.

D.R. In my youth, at the age of 16-19, I was fond of writing and during that period I wrote many love poems. But today I can say with all responsibility - there is not a single one of them that I would like to see printed or found on the Internet. ( laughing.)

ELLE There are rumors that you are engaged...

D.R. No.

ELLE Do you believe in marriage?

D.R. Haven't figured it out yet. In my opinion, the most romantic act that you can do is to stand in front of a crowd of friends and relatives and confess your love to your only one.

ELLE Sounds like the words of the heroine Zoe Kazan from "Friendship and no sex" ...

D.R. Is it? Did she say the same there?

ELL Yes.

D.R. Well, apparently, these words sunk into my soul. There is something fantastic in marriage ... On the other hand, all this that accompanies a wedding ... In general, I still have doubts, but I think that sometime in the future I will have all this.

ELLE The film "Friendship and no sex" asks the audience the eternal question: "Can a man and a woman be friends?" What do you think?

D.R. In fact, these are two whole questions that are always trying to fit into one! Can a man and a woman be friends? Of course, I have many friends of women with whom I have not had sex and no reason to have it.

ELLE And another question?

D.R. Can a man and a woman who are romantically or sexual attraction, be friends so that it does not result in a problem? This is a much more difficult question. Ultimately, sooner or later they will have to explain themselves. I would definitely want to find out the relationship, because otherwise I would go crazy. That's the big difference between me and my character in Friendship and No Sex. Wallace is able to live in painful uncertainty much longer than I could.

ELLE And how long could I, I wonder?

D.R. It would probably last a few months.

ELLE In Harry Potter you worked with many legendary English actresses. Did any of them give you good advice about girls?

British actor Daniel Radcliffe, who most moviegoers associate with the image of the teenage wizard Harry Potter from the multi-part film saga, has matured. Officially remaining one of the most enviable bachelors of world cinema, he is not alone. Since the days of the Potter films, Daniel has been distinguished by his commitment to permanent and traditional relationships. For the entire period of his fame, his name is associated with only two girls. More about them.

Exquisite Englishwoman

During the filming of Harry Potter, Daniel invariably answered questions about his personal life that he left it for later. The crowds of female fans who met him at movie premieres could not confuse him either. Beckon any - and she will do whatever the star wants. Radcliffe said that the thought did not seem pleasant to him. Before going to bed with a girl, you need to know her, because after that you need to look into her eyes, talk about something.

Those casual sexual relationships that took place in the life of an actor under the influence of alcohol caused a feeling of disgust. “In my opinion, this is bestiality,” Radcliffe was not shy in terms.

With the English artist Rosie Cocker, the actor began dating after three years of dating. She worked on the set of "Harry Potter" as an assistant director, and was very attentive and caring to the young star. “When you meet a girl as benevolent and patient as mine, you have to grab onto her with your hands and feet,” Radcliffe recalled.

Being a shy and inexperienced guy, he decided to kiss only on the second date, and then kissed the girl clumsily on the neck. Later, he called and apologized, but Rosie reduced everything to a joke. Their relationship lasted about a year. Rosie was not satisfied with Radcliffe's household habits, his complete inability to maintain order in the apartment and cook normal food. She even stated in an ultimatum form that she was giving him two years to make Radcliffe a civilized person.

Young people introduced each other to their parents, and the Radcliffe and Cocker families were sure that their children would soon announce their engagement. After completing the Potter series, Daniel went to play on Broadway and Rosie joined him. It was there, in the USA, that Radcliffe met his second girlfriend, Erin Darke.

Crazy American

Daniel met actress Erin Darke on the set of Kill Your Darlings in 2012. At the same time, reports appeared in the press about the breakup between Daniel Radcliffe and Rosie Coton. Even then, journalists speculated that Erin Darke was the reason for the divorce.

While still in a relationship with Rosie, Daniel began dating Erin in secret. For a while, the actor could not confess to being faithful to Rosie that he mistook tender friendship for love. The truth came out on its own. Daniel began to stay late on the set, justifying his absences by the fact that he spends time with friends. "Your friend puts on very vulgar lipstick," Rosie once remarked, and young man had to explain. He couldn't find the right words, and therefore simply said that he fell in love with another Rosie silently packed her things and left for home.

Erin Darke turned out to be the absolute opposite of a sophisticated Englishwoman from a good family. Her clothes were too bright, her laugh too loud, she allowed artistic disorder in the apartment, she could use strong words and was completely ignorant of classical English poetry. Erin knows hockey and Deaniel finds her comments from the couch watching NHL games very sexy.

Also, Erin never made any attempt to re-educate Daniel. Being a little more experienced (Erin is five years older than her boyfriend), she understood that the re-education of a man is an unsuccessful and thankless task.

Interesting Notes:

Nevertheless, relations between young people were not easy. After the completion of the contract on Broadway, Daniel ran away from the girl in England. He was frightened by the speed with which their relationship began to develop. Before leaving, he got drunk in a bar, mixing liquor with energy drinks, dancing with everyone. Daniel forced the DJ to put on the same song, and after he refused, climbed on him with his fists. As a result, the prim English gentleman was thrown out of the institution.

In London, he continued his wild life, and his relatives barely brought him to his senses, threatening him with a drug treatment clinic. The premiere of Kill Your Darlings, the premiere of the film that introduced Erin and Dan, was approaching.

Erin was painfully worried about Daniel's escape to London. She took it in such a way that he ran away from her, exposing her to ridicule in front of friends and family. At the premiere of the film, they met, and Daniel had a hard time explaining himself to the girl. The reconciliation took place, and Erin moved in with Daniel.

The couple has been living together since 2012. and for a long time The lovers kept their relationship a secret. Daniel began to speak openly to reporters about his novel only in 2014. In March 2017, the couple announced their engagement, but so far the wedding celebration has not taken place.

In Hollywood, they say that Erin is making ropes from her less experienced lover, accusing her of greed and fraud. Gossips they say that the marriage, if it does take place, will not last long and end in a quiet divorce with the payment of a solid compensation, as they do in Hollywood.

Be that as it may, the couple continues to live happily together. Erin helped Daniel with alcohol addiction, which Radcliffe acquired while working in Harry Potter. A couple can often be seen together on walks in the park, in karaoke and in other places where drinking alcohol is not provided.

Erin Dark, though not a star of the first magnitude, but her filmography includes about 40 films. Her main achievement is the fact that she managed to get her hands on one of the most enviable bachelors of modern cinema.

The little boy who played the main role in the movie "Harry Potter" and the now famous and already matured actor Daniel Radcliffe has been involved in scandalous gossip about the personal life of the star more than once. Many fans are interested in the question, what did Daniel Radcliffe have with his colleague Emma Watson and did they meet? Seeing their warm relationship, many assumed that their communication would grow into something more. However, things did not go beyond friendly kisses, joint filming and general photos at the ceremonies.

The next chosen one of the handsome man, according to yellow press, became another colleague on the set, who also starred in Harry Potter and played the role of Ginny Weasley. However, Bonnie Wright denied all the rumors, saying that she was not in love with Daniel Radcliffe and they never met. As much as fans would like to see this couple together, their relationship remained on film. Now, however, as always, the young are only united.

Who is Daniel Radcliffe dating?

Being in the status of an enviable groom, many are interested in the question, does the star have a chosen one? At the age of 25, the actor started several novels, which eventually ended in parting. There were many reasons for this, but one of the main ones was Daniel's riotous lifestyle. In addition, the couples did not converge in character. Most of his girlfriends were eccentric girls, while Radcliffe is known for being somewhat old-fashioned.

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Today, the personal life of the actor is getting better. Recently, the paparazzi filmed walking Daniel Radcliffe and his girlfriend through the streets of New York. The chosen one was Erin Maya Dark. The young people met in 2012 on the set of the movie Kill Your Darlings. Despite the fact that the couple does not advertise their relationship, Daniel himself is counting on a happy ending.

Few can boast the same popularity and fame as Daniel Radcliffe. The filmography of the actor has about thirty films. And he's not even thirty years old. It is not surprising that millions of fans of his work can be found all over the world who would be interested in learning more about him.

Actor biography

He was born on July 23, 1990 in the small town of Fulham, west of London. His father is literary agent Alan Radcliffe, Irish. Mother - Marcia Gianni Gresham, was engaged in casting actors, is a native of South Africa.

From an early age, the mother's profession affected Daniel - at the age of five he became seriously interested in acting, and soon he had the opportunity to play a monkey in a school production, receiving rave reviews from the audience.

He studied at the same time in two private schools for boys: the school of the City of London and Sussex.

Alas, after the first successes in cinematography, his head turned to star disease, as is often the case with young actors. Relations with classmates deteriorated sharply, the boy became a real outcast. As a result, the school had to be abandoned, completely switching to home schooling.

The Boy Who Lived

Of course, Harry Potter was the pinnacle of creativity for actor Daniel Radcliffe. The list of filmography does not begin at all with him - before that, the boy managed to star in the films "David Copperfield" (played a young illusionist) and "The Tailor from Panama". So, when he came to the casting studio at the age of 11, where they were looking for an actor who could perfectly play Harry Potter, he already had some experience and a track record.

From 2001 to 2011, he was very busy filming the Potter series. However, even under such conditions, Daniel Radcliffe managed to act in other films. Filmography (list of films) was replenished at the same time with such pictures as " Children's holiday in the Palace", "December Boys" and "My Boy Jack".

Moreover, he even managed to "light up" in the animated series "The Simpsons". The hero voiced Edmund - a vampire, the prototype of which was the vampire Edward from the movie "Twilight" (who, by the way, was played by Robert Pattinson, who performed important role in the fourth Harry Potter film).

Over the next seven years, Radcliffe starred in almost twenty more films, but none of them could overshadow the role of "the boy who lived" and hardly can.

Impressive fees

For shooting in the first part of the film about a juvenile wizard, the actor received "only" 150 thousand pounds (about 220 thousand dollars). The fee for the fourth film was very different from the previous ones - as much as 5.6 million pounds (more than 8 million dollars). For the fifth film, he earned 8 million pounds (approximately $12 million).

Thanks to such generous royalties on currently Daniel Radcliffe's fortune is estimated at about 23 million pounds.

Other significant roles

Of course, even when we are talking about an actor like Daniel Radcliffe, a complete filmography is rarely described in one article. It is better to list the most interesting and notable roles.

These include the role of lawyer Arthur Kipps in the mystical thriller The Woman in Black. He arrived in a provincial town to find and study the will of a deceased client. But he soon realizes that forces are involved here, in the existence of which most people do not believe. He will have to challenge them in order to survive and return to his son.

He also played in the British TV series Notes of a Young Doctor, based on the stories of Mikhail Bulgakov. The film is set in the Russian outback and young doctor Vladimir Bomgard (Daniel Radcliffe) must go through many hardships to help his patients and himself.

The film "Horns" can be called very unusual, in which the actor also got the main role(it would be strange if he agreed to a secondary one) - Iga Perrish. His girlfriend is killed and all the acquaintances are sure that Ig was involved in this. Confidence only grew stronger when ... horns grew on the guy's head. In addition, he received a unique feature - in his presence, people speak only the truth. Ig, having experienced a brief depression and panic, hopes that this ability will help him bring the real killer to clean water.

Many people remember the film "Jungle", filmed on real events. In it, Daniel Radcliffe played Yossi Ginsberg, who found himself in the wilds of the Amazon without food, equipment and friends. For several weeks, he survived in inhuman conditions, demonstrating outstanding fortitude, a desire for life.

Well, the most unusual role, of course, was the role of Manny in the movie "Swiss Army Man". The thing is, Manny is dead. With him, in order not to go crazy, talking main character Hank stranded on a deserted island. However, he soon discovers that the dead can perform many valuable functions that make him a truly indispensable "partner" in survival.

To date, it is impossible to say what the filmography owned by actor Daniel Radcliffe looks like - the list of films is constantly updated with new pictures that invariably delight fans.

Problems in personal life

Alas, wealth and fame do not always bring joy and happiness. They simply crush many children and young people. The problems at school have already been mentioned above. But Daniel Radcliffe survived others.

For example, in 2010, when he was only 20 years old, he had serious problems with alcohol. Having earned enough money, he decided, in his words, "to devote himself to this pleasure." Fortunately, he soon gave up this addiction.

In personal life, not everything is as smooth as we would like. The actor started dating girls many times, but each time he broke up - the reason is the same star disease and numerous nit-picking partners.


From the article, you learned more about such a popular actor as Daniel Radcliffe. Filmography, best films and his personal life can become interesting topics for discussion among true moviegoers.