If a person dances well and moves to the beat, then it is easier for him to learn speech than a less rhythmic person, American experts have revealed. Why don't people dance? How to find out what the dance is about

What can help a person to relax, unwind and have a good time? The answer to this question is dance. Only by succumbing to rhythmic movements to the sounds of music, we relax not only mentally, but also physically, removing from ourselves the burdensome burden of everyday life, existing stresses and experiences.

Many well-known scientists and dancers tend to assert that the benefits of dance for a person are comparable to long-term beneficial physical exercises in the gym, as well as moderate use of vitamins. And it’s hard to argue with this, because in the process of dancing we involve almost all muscle groups, and in the process of movement, from joyful and pleasant sensations, we get a vital endorphin that allows us to get moral pleasure and significantly cheer ourselves up.

A bit of history

With the advent of a reasonable person on the planet, everything changed, technologies appeared, the world developed rapidly, communication tools were needed in order to communicate with each other, to demonstrate their emotions and feelings. Dance came to the rescue, primitive people, and later more progressive tribes, with the help of dance, communicated not only with the world of the living, but also with the world of the dead. In the dance there was communication, in the dance a person could convey to the viewer what is bothering him now and what he would like to focus on. During the evolution of man, a lot has changed, but the role of dance remained the same and this is one of its main advantages, to convey your emotions and feelings.

Benefits of dancing

The first thing to understand is that dance is not just rash movements, it is a whole story that is described by body language. Due to the smoothness of movements, accuracy of execution, it is possible to develop not only flexibility, improve balance and coordination, but also increase self-confidence. In many treatment programs, courses, dancing is an integral part of any recovery process from an experienced mental, moral trauma. The benefits of dance were noticed in the works of eminent scientists, choreographers, doctors of their time. The best known dancer of her time, Isadora Duncan, concluded that dance is the best cure for mental illness and self-doubt. The same idea was held by the therapist Merian Chase, Dr. A. V. Stohr, and other great people whose undoubtedly great contribution made dance one of the best remedies for the treatment of physiological and mental diseases.

What research shows

Since the beginning of the 19th century, many different tests have been cited to assess the prospects, the importance of dance in life and human health. There were both positive and negative results, since different age groups of respondents were taken, the severity of emotional ailments. But summing up, a clear and indisputable pattern is visible: dance, no matter what style it is, the same Bachata, Hustle, Kizomba or Body Ballet, plays an important role in achieving inner harmony, tranquility and a balanced state.

Think about the last time you danced. Where was it? In a disco club? In a tango or other dance class? On the street or at home? Remember how you felt about it? Bondage or freedom? Work or pleasure?

Unfortunately, over the millennia, our civilization has pushed aside the natural desire of a person to dance (after all, dancing was a sacred and important act of any tribe) and elevated it to the status of an extraordinary desire, they say, it is given only to certain people who become dancers. Dancing from an ordinary everyday ritual, such as eating, talking or washing, has turned into a profession that needs to be learned, and not everyone can master it.

Well, it’s really great that those who, as they say, have talent can entertain us with their beautiful dances, but it’s bad that we don’t dance in the kitchen anymore, although this could help not quarrel with my husband, forget about headaches and problems "in a feminine way."

How dance changes lives

Dancing has changed my life since childhood, I am a bad example - I am part of the very group of people who wished and went and learned. But on the other hand, it was professional dance classes from childhood and coaching that further gave me the opportunity to observe how dancing changes people.

There is the most primitive level- self confidence. So I didn’t know how to do anything and learned, and if others appreciated it, they gave a prize there, or girls / boys began to love, then I definitely climbed a step above myself and increased confidence. I became cool / cool. This is a simple mechanism that works very easily with the help of dances, at any age, with any degree of mastery of the dance being studied.

In childhood, it is clear that the girl who constantly performs on stage at school will be popular. As an adult, a man who can suddenly spin you into tango (even if it's not a pro level, but a couple of steps) will clearly attract your attention. That is, dancing, whether it is a profession or a hobby, is definitely a plus for you.

This is what I have observed over the years of teaching, how people who were afraid to say a word and take a step straightened their shoulders and with control of their body, some kind of strength came to them, they say now I can say a word, I’m already worth something .

body-soul level

But at some point I realized that dancing is not only about that. Dancing is much deeper, dancing is like therapy. If the music is playing, I am constantly moving, transmitting music, it controls my body, this is a normal and natural process. If we put music in a dance class, most people will stand and wait for orders, what should they do, what movements to dance, what are we learning? This is again because they were brought up that way, although if you look at small children, they start moving just when they hear music, this is natural, this is an absolutely healthy process that is not in vain in us, which means that our body definitely needs and is important.

But this happens only until the parents start telling the child not to “twitch”, “sit quietly”, until they show him in every possible way that dancing is only for those who are a dancer, if you want to dance, go learn. So everyone stops moving to the beat of the music. And they allow themselves this only at discos, when, under the influence of alcohol, our barriers and attitudes disappear and the body begins to do what it wants!

In my classes where I taught ballroom dancing, I often turned my students away from the mirror and offered to dance for themselves, get high, not think about quality, but just enjoy the fact that the body moves to the music. This is not immediately available to everyone, but gradually it somehow entered inside - the understanding that dancing is not for the sake of praise, but for the sake of the dances themselves, in order to make them feel good.

Over time, I went further and began to organize classes where people simply learned to let go of themselves and transmit music, follow its lead. That is, we did not learn specific movements that were already invented by other people, but tried to find that my arm / leg / hip, etc. maybe he wants to do it now. This thing is even more difficult for public understanding, they either fall in love with it right away, because it’s really a buzz, or they are afraid to remove this barrier (alas, I don’t suggest drinking in my classes). But still, those who get high are always more than those who leave in bewilderment.

And for more than 10 years I have been trying to somehow convey to people around dances, about their essence. And I do not say the most important thing - what I myself understood just recently!

Once I had a headache, it hurt a lot, but I promised myself to work out, standard fitness, planks there, press, stretching. And so I do warm-up exercises, my head still hurts, I do it and I don’t understand why I do it, and suddenly my legs begin to warm up something to the beat of the music, and my hands and I go into the dance. Home, what is it? And no one sees me, but I feel good. And suddenly the head passes, one 4-minute song was enough for the headache, which had been tormenting all day, to simply evaporate.

And at that moment I realized - I have to say this, even if it deprives clients of all dance coaches and therapists, including me - DANCING AT HOME!

It doesn't matter where you really are, dance wherever you want. BUT I mean you don't have to pay money and go to a dance class to dance to get that high. To learn a skill - yes, but to make yourself feel good - no, you can do it at home, just turn on the music and allow yourself.

At home - well, protected, at home no one will judge or appreciate. If you feel bad, sad, angry, lonely - dance.

You can call your friends and get drunk, you can go to a psychotherapist, you can write your thoughts and feelings on paper, or you can just DANCE. And believe me, it works therapeutically much better than all of the above methods.

Do not think about what to dance and how, just turn on the music that resonates now and close your eyes. Allow this music to enter your body and take it where it wants to go. It is such a pleasure, comparable to sex, to meditation, to any therapy that helps to let go.

We are used to looking for help everywhere and paying for it - teach, treat, give a pill, we pay for a massage, for example, although we can massage most parts of our body ourselves, for the psychotherapist to listen to our problems, although we can write or tell them yourself (understand and let go). Dancing as a therapy in the world has also been known for a long time - it is called dance therapy, movement therapy, authentic movement, 5 rhythms. We pay to dance, to be put on music and told to relax, imagine that no one is looking at you and dance! When we can do it ourselves! At home - and no one will really look at us!

But if you start dancing at home, then you:

  • – Get rid of negative emotions that haunt you
  • - Explore your body: what it is capable of, which muscles are in good shape, which are not and will warm up in the process, develop joints.
  • -Feel freedom, which in turn leads to emancipation and sexuality.
  • -Spend time with a buzz and benefit personally for YOURSELF!

I am even sure that if there were special rooms at work where you can go to dance for 5 minutes, then labor productivity would be much higher! But I will definitely look into this!

Those of you who love to spend time on the dance floor will probably be surprised to know that such a hobby provides benefits not only for physical fitness, but also for your brain. Dancing is more than just a good time with friends or a loved one. They have an amazing ability to improve brain function. Let's take a look at five amazing things dancing can do to your brain.


The Medical College of New York conducted a study for 21 years, which involved people over 75 years old. The researchers measured brain aging by monitoring rates of dementia. The aim of the study was to find out whether any type of physical or cognitive activity can affect the brain.

The study found that some cognitive activities had an effect on the mind, but physical activity had little to no effect. Dancing was the only exception. Here are some of the results of the study:

  • reading - reduced risk of dementia by 35%;
  • cycling and swimming - no risk reduction;
  • solving crossword puzzles four times a week - the risk of developing dementia is reduced by 47%;
  • playing golf - does not affect the development of dementia;
  • frequent dance classes - 76% risk reduction.

People who dance regularly have more cognitive reserves and an increased complexity of neuronal synapses. Dancing reduces the risk of dementia by improving these neural qualities. They force the brain to constantly "repair" the nerve pathways, thereby helping neuroplasticity.

you get smarter

What is meant by intelligence? If your response to a particular situation is automatic, then it is generally accepted that intelligence is involved in this process. When the brain evaluates various response options and consciously chooses one, then such a process is also considered reasonable. Jean Piaget noted that we use the intellect when we no longer know what to do.

Simply put, the essence of intelligence is decision making. To improve your mental abilities, you need to involve yourself in activities that take a fraction of a second to make the right decision. Dancing is an example of a constantly changing activity that requires quick decision making. You need to instantly understand which way to turn, how fast to move and how to react to the movements of your partner. Dancing is a great way to maintain and improve your intelligence.

Improves muscle memory

Dancers can learn complex moves more easily if they use the "marking" method - slowly learning all the moves and coordinating them. This "marking" reduces the conflict between cognitive and physical aspects during dance learning, so dancers are able to remember and repeat all movements much better. Evidence for this has been published in the Journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

The scientists concluded that motion visualization and labeling help improve muscle memory. But also this visualization and labeling mechanism used for learning dance can be applied in various fields of activity to optimize performance.

Slows down aging and improves memory

Some scientists believe that the more complex our neuronal synapses, the better. Therefore, you should do everything you can to create new neural connections, and dancing is a great way to do this.

As you get older, brain cells die and synapses get weaker. Many things, such as the names of new acquaintances, are harder to remember because there is only one neural pathway that leads you to this stored information.

But if you are working on learning new things, like dance, then it helps to build different mental routes and many paths. So when one neural pathway is lost due to age, you have an alternative that can be used as access to stored information and memories.

You can prevent dizziness

Have you ever wondered why ballet dancers don't get dizzy when they perform complex pirouettes. Research shows that many years of practice and training make it possible to suppress signals from the balance organs in the inner ear, which are associated with the cerebellum.

The ballerina simply cannot afford to lose her balance or feel dizzy. Through years of training, her brain adapts to suppress these sensations. Consequently, the signal going to the areas of the brain responsible for the perception of dizziness will decrease, and this makes the dancers more resistant to the sensations of dizziness.

If you suffer from dizziness, make time in your schedule for any type of dance. This is a good solution to the problem. Dancing helps improve the function of your cerebellum, which in turn improves balance and relieves you of dizziness. You don't have to be a professional dancer to benefit from this art. Dances of any level help.

Instead of a conclusion

Dance is a great way to maintain and improve many of the human brain's functions. It increases neural connections, as dance integrates several brain functions at the same time: rational, musical, kinetic and emotional. This increase in neural connectivity can be beneficial to your brain at any age. Start now and dance every day!

Have you ever seen someone in a public place with "bananas in their ears" (well, headphones), beating the beat with his foot, shaking his head? Everyone is gloomy, going to work, thinking about problems, and a man is standing next to him and dancing. “Psychic,” most people think. “Happy,” I think, and people like me.

Dance- a part of human culture, without which neither ancient people nor contemporaries could do. It's just that before it was more of a cult or a prelude, but now it's entertainment and - as if the second function has remained! - prelude.

Dances were forbidden, dances were limited, they were condemned for spinning to the sounds of maracas, evil pictures were posted on the Internet of dancers, but men and women still danced, danced and would dance.

I am convinced that everyone loves to dance, only some allow themselves, while others do not. Why do people like to move to music? Is there an explanation for this? Science says there is.

Scientists write that a number of processes take place in our body that serve as a qualitative stimulus for the so-called “reward system” of the brain. That is, the very structures that regulate human behavior with the help of positive reactions are activated in the nervous system. And among these processes - hurray, comrades! - coordinated movements. This is dancing!

The news is great, but, unfortunately, scientists still cannot find at least one objective reason why dancing causes the release of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. But the fact is: dancing to your favorite music can even become double happiness. Listening to pleasant music plus rhythmic movements to it, and here you are - two doses of serotonin at a time.

Scientists don't give up. They also found a connection between two areas of the brain - the auditory area and the part that is responsible for planning movements and the movements themselves. Dance training is the most obvious example. The student, to the music, repeats the movements after the teacher - imitates, tries to imitate the instructor. Hears the rhythm - sees an example - repeats - the brain works. It just seems to us that during training we just work out figures, steps, turns, and the brain continues to work ...

Doctors of sciences did not calm down here either. They asked each other: is man the only animal that can move to the beat of music? For an answer, they went to the closest relatives of man - to the chimpanzee. And then the disappointment came - chimpanzees don't dance!!! They are like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who does not dance and even walks with difficulty.

But what about the numerous videos on the Internet of wonderful cockatoos that sing and dance along better than some clubbers? Everyone has seen parrots. Scientists say this phenomenon is due to the fact that chimpanzees cannot imitate sounds, but parrots can. It turns out that the gift of moving rhythmically to the music associated with the ability to imitate the sounds heard. This is what we, like parrots, do every time we quietly or loudly sing along to our favorite singer.

By the way, these scientific discoveries lead to the conclusion that you and I do not dance to music at all, but subconsciously imitate its rhythm, melody, tempo with our movements ... We stomp louder on a strong beat, we wave our hands on a whole note, freeze on a pause ... We dance music!

Many processes stimulate the reward system in our brain, among them coordinated movement. Because of this, we love to dance, for this reason we (if not all, then at least some) are fascinated well choreographed movie fights , marching people or " Rube Goldberg machines". Scientists cannot find an unambiguous reason for this phenomenon. But moving to music (which in itself) - in essence, dance - is a double pleasure for a person.

The desire to move in rhythm since ancient times has settled in our nervous system. There is a definite connection between the auditory cortex, which processes sound, and the area of ​​the brain that is involved in the planning and production of movements. This connection is especially well established if a person is learning to sing. In order to imitate a vocal teacher, a diligent student must learn to imagine how to relate an audible standard to the possibility of its reproduction.

Clip OK Go - This Too Shall Pass

We are not the only animals that can move to the beat, but the other species with which we share these skills are a little surprising. For example, our closest relatives - chimpanzees - do not move to music, but they do not know how to imitate sounds. However, parrots and cockatoos, which are great at imitating voices, also move well in rhythm. To prove this, you can find many videos on YouTube. That is, in fact, the desire to dance is directly related to the ability to imitate sounds. From this we can conclude that when we listen to music, we subconsciously try to imitate it, for example, stomp to the beat of a strong beat or portray a solo. This is where the desire to sing along to your favorite song arises.

A scientific study published in the journal Science in 2006 suggested that in ancient times the ability to dance was linked to survival. Dancing for our prehistoric ancestors was one of the ways to communicate, especially in difficult times. Therefore, according to scientists, the first people who had a better sense of rhythm may have had an evolutionary advantage.

The researchers looked at the DNA of groups of dancers and people who never showed an aptitude for dancing, and found that dancers have genes associated with a predisposition to better social communication. In addition, dancers have been found to have higher levels of serotonin, which is known to affect positive mood. These two factors suggest that dancers are (potentially) more social individuals.

It is by no means a sensation that people also dance to attract the opposite sex. British archaeologist Stephen J. Miten, who studies the culture of the Neanderthals, proved that our ancestors were doing this as early as 1.5 million years ago. That is, on prehistoric dance floors, about the same thing happened as. “In many societies today, dancing is used as a self-presentation to attract a partner,” Miten points out. "Dancing is a means to show off your physique and coordination, qualities that were important for survival in a prehistoric hunter-gatherer society."

The reward system in the brain that made us love dancing is directly related to motor functions. Historians believe that the music itself was created thanks to rhythmic movements, and the first "tracks" were a simple synchronized stomp. In addition, we are very sensitive to the movements of other people's bodies.

It has been established that in watching others dance, separate parts of the brain responsible for movement are activated. This is due to the presence of mirror neurons responsible for imitation. These cells in the cerebral cortex are excited both when a certain action is performed, and when another being is observed performing this action. Such neurons have been found in primates and are claimed to exist in humans and some birds.

The other kind of pleasure that our brains derive from watching dances has to do with our love of anticipation. The observer at the moment when the dancer has not yet completed the step, thanks to the prompts of the music, can predict his further movements, and when he guesses them, the reward system in the brain is triggered. It turns out that people enjoy both watching dances and participating in them. From here grows the love of a person for collective dances, which, among other things, give a feeling of unity.