How to grow truffle at home. Growing truffles: features and main rules

Truffle is a mushroom that many have heard of, but not everyone has tried. This product belongs to expensive delicacies. Its most expensive types are winter, Italian and black. In our latitudes, they can be found very rarely. Most often, summer truffles are used in our gastronomy. The peculiarity of this mushroom is that it does not grow on the surface of the earth.

  • Truffle cultivation technology
  • How to start a truffle business
  • The amount of starting capital
  • What equipment to choose for organizing this business
  • Which OKVED to indicate
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for business registration
  • Do I need permission to open

In the photo in the section is a black truffle.

In nature, they most often grow in the southern latitudes of France and northern Italy. In our country, they were first grown in an artificial environment. This begs the question, is it possible to grow truffles on your own plot at home? There are examples of successful experience, but the climatic conditions of the area should be close to the places of their natural growth.

They call it an amazing mushroom because no one can say exactly how and where it grows. It feeds on the roots of trees and shrubs and is completely underground all the time. There, the mycelium receives enough moisture and is reliably protected from pathogenic bacteria. The structure of any mushroom involves growing it through the planting of mycelium. It is from it that the fruit develops. They, in turn, produce spores that serve to reproduce. They are carried around by water and wind. Reproduction in nature of truffles occurs at the expense of animals that feed on them.

Truffle cultivation technology

Now let's move on to how to grow a delicious truffle at home. To do this, we need: high-quality mycelium, good soil and, in fact, a land plot in a warm temperate climate. An area where winters are frosty and there are temperature drops in the off-season will not make it possible to grow a good crop of truffles.

Seedlings are usually sold already grafted onto young tree seedlings. They cost about 10 dollars. Trees are planted at home in a site that is best protected from wind and direct sunlight. There should be no other shrubs or trees nearby. The fungus prefers alkaline soil, so lime is often added before planting in the ground. Be sure to add herbicides. Usually it is ammonium glufosinate, but fertilizers are not recommended before planting. They reduce the survival of mycelium in the soil.

You can start growing truffles when the threat of a cold snap has passed. Trees are planted in pre-prepared pits. They are watered abundantly. After planting, the ground must be well mulched. To do this, use last year's fallen leaves from the forest and film.

Further care for planting at home consists in regular and abundant watering throughout the summer. You can grow the first crop no earlier than five years later. The mushroom will bear fruit for more than 25 years, so investing in this business can be considered a long-term investment. Ripe fruits can be recognized by raised soil. In this place, all the grass dries up. This usually happens in the fall. The harvest lasts until frost.

The photo indicates with an arrow where to look for your first harvest.

The dug truffle is not cleaned from the ground in order to preserve the natural microflora. It is additionally wrapped in parchment paper and dipped in rice. It keeps the fungus from drying out. It is important not only to grow, but also to preserve the crop. To do this, place the fruits in the refrigerator.

In general, opinions often differ on how to grow an expensive truffle at home. There are several technologies. This is a capricious mushroom, and it is difficult to establish its production on a large scale. In Russia, entrepreneurs practice mainly the cultivation of truffles in closed ground, according to Australian technology. This business is costly, but profitable. Elite restaurants and shops buy products from plantations. It is difficult to grow it here, but it is quite easy to establish sales in our country, since the competition in the market is very weak.

Below we offer you a video about truffles:

How to start a truffle business

Due to the fact that truffles are considered a real delicacy and have a fairly high cost, the process of growing them at home should be treated as responsibly as possible. First of all, you must find a plot of land on which you will grow them. After that, you need to purchase planting material, equipment and fertilizers that will be needed in this not an easy task. In addition, in the process of preparing materials, do not forget to register a business so that your activities are legal.

The amount of starting capital

The start of this type of activity in the cultivation of truffles is not possible without initial capital. Often, at the first stages, it is enough to have about 200 thousand rubles, which will go not only to buy mushroom mycelium, but also to the necessary equipment, starting from the greenhouse and ending with tools. It is worth paying attention to the fact that for the first time the first harvest can be expected in 5-6 years, and only then the invested start-up capital will begin to pay off.

What equipment to choose for organizing this business

As for the equipment that is necessary for the implementation of this process, it is quite small. First of all, you must take care of renting a land plot where the growing process will take place and the purchase of mycelium. It is also possible to grow these mushrooms in greenhouses, so you should purchase all the elements necessary to create it, as well as tools to help you quickly plant the mycelium.

Which OKVED to indicate

Since truffles are mushrooms, when registering this activity, the OKVED code 01.12.3 should be used - the process of growing truffles and wild mushrooms.

What documents are needed to open

Registration of this type of activity is possible if the following list of documents is available:

  • IP registration document;
  • Payment of state duty;
  • Entrepreneur's passport details;
  • Notarized statement.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

For the affordable implementation of this type of activity, it is necessary to choose a single agricultural tax, which provides for the withdrawal of 6% of income.

Do I need permission to open

Having decided to go into the truffle growing business, you as entrepreneurs do not need to obtain licenses and permits for this activity.

In appearance, the truffle is similar to a potato: it also has a tuberous shape, grows in the ground and can reach 15-20 cm in diameter. Depending on the variety, the color of truffles can be different, but mainly black and porcini mushrooms are used.

Where do truffles grow?

There are several species of this mushroom, but they all grow underground and under trees, together with the roots of which form a close relationship. The most expensive is the winter truffle. It grows in Italy and France, it can be found in oak or beech forests. White truffle is common in the forests of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

Finding this mushroom is quite difficult, since it is completely underground, and its most valuable part is usually located at a depth of 15-20 cm, so the person himself will not be able to find them.

For search truffles use dogs or pigs. Boars can smell the mushroom at a distance of up to 10 meters, but you need to be careful that they do not have time to eat it, so they are put on muzzles. Dogs are also good at looking for truffles, but they need to be trained for this for a long time (females are better at this task).

How much is a kilogram of truffles?

Depending on the variety, the cost of a kilogram of this mushroom will be different. How much is a white truffle? This is a more expensive type of mushroom, its cost is 3000-5000 dollars per kilogram.

Black has a lower cost - it is within 500-600 dollars per kilogram.

Types of truffles

The white truffle is the most expensive. If black varieties can be grown in artificial conditions, then white truffles can be grown independently impossible. This mushroom grows only in some regions of Italy and France, in limited areas, which is why the cost of truffles in Russia is so high. White truffle is distinguished by its exquisite taste and aroma, which is why it has many fans all over the world. Its powerful taste and smell are very closely related, and it is impossible to separate them.

In addition, you can only taste fresh white truffle between September and January which makes it a gastronomic rarity. In restaurants, you can try dishes from this mushroom all year round, but they use canned truffles.

According to the existing law, the collection of such mushrooms can only be done during a certain period - from September 15 to January 3, but the most valuable and tasty are those collected in November-December.

Mushroom picking is usually done at night., because at this time the air is cleaner, fresher, and the dog or pig smells better. In addition, truffle pickers (trifolau) are often attacked, and at night it is easier for them to hear the sound of approaching danger.

You can buy a white truffle at an auction, the average cost per kilogram is 3-4 thousand euros. To make it clearer how much a truffle costs, you can calculate its cost in grams - it will turn out more expensive than black caviar and gold.

In France, special markets are organized where you can buy both mushrooms and dishes from them. In its pure form, this mushroom is usually not cooked, its quantity in the dish is very limited and can be compared with spicy herbs. White truffle practically not subjected to heat treatment, as it weakens its aroma, so it is usually laid out on a dish in thin slices just before serving. Black truffle also has a strong aroma, but it is weaker than white truffle.

Known more than 70 varieties truffles, which have culinary value, but the most popular are black and white truffles, as they have the most intense and refined taste and aroma, and are also large in size.

The most common are varieties truffles:

  • white truffle - grows in northern Italy, it is harvested from October to December;
  • black Perigorsky, or winter, - grows in Italy and France, can be bred artificially, it is harvested in December-March;
  • summer scorzone- grows in all Alpine countries; the time of its collection is August-September;
  • black burgundy, or summer, - grows in Italy, France and North Africa, harvested in October-December;
  • black musky- grows in southern and central Europe, it is harvested from November to mid-March.

Growing truffles in Russia

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to grow a truffle at home, i.e. on one's own? The answer to it will be in the affirmative, and this can be done in two ways that have been successfully tested in our conditions:

  • in a greenhouse;
  • In the woods.

Features of growing in a greenhouse

This is a very capricious mushroom, and in order to grow it at home, certain conditions must be created. To start your business, you first need to purchase mycelium and prepare a nutrient medium in which mushrooms will be grown.

Nutrient medium consists of the following components:

  • topsoil- from a deciduous forest, while the earth must be taken along with the leaves;
  • nutrient solution, which will include nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • fresh oak wood, which is processed into shavings or sawdust.

After you have bought mycelium, prepared a nutrient medium and made a greenhouse, you can begin the growing process.

How to grow truffle at home? The whole process is carried out in several stages:

  • after you have prepared the soil, it must be sift to eliminate stones and saturate with oxygen;
  • check acidity nutrient medium - it should not be less than 7.5 Ph;
  • poured on prepared beds oak sawdust layer;
  • the mycelium of the fungus is mixed with a small amount of land that is processed nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • cooked the mixture is spread on a layer of oak sawdust.

After that, the truffle is left to germinate for a month, during which time your task will be to maintain moderate moisture in the soil and remove weeds that interfere with the normal growth of mushrooms.

The first harvest will be insignificant, since it takes at least a year for the normal growth of the mycelium. At this stage, many mushroom growers become frustrated and stop growing truffles. The normal yield will be only for 3-4 years, and every year it will grow.

Features of growing under trees

People who are seriously engaged in such a business plant forests specifically for this purpose in order to obtain a valuable mushroom in conditions close to those in its natural habitats. Before planting trees, their roots are infected with truffle mycelium and then planted in the spring.

Truffle is closely intertwined with the roots of trees and takes the necessary nutrients from them. Such a partnership is beneficial for both, since the fungus takes the carbohydrates, amino acids and trace elements it needs from the tree, and gives it phosphorus and minerals, so the tree and mushroom feel good and develop quickly.

Best suited for these purposes oak, so mushroom growers most often use it. When planting oak seedlings infected with mycelium, the distance between rows should be 4 meters, and in a row between trees - 5 meters. More than 500 trees cannot be planted per hectare.

So that the mycelium does not die, no need to fertilize the soil, and to prevent the growth of weeds, you can treat the soil with ammonium glufosinate. To reliably protect the truffle from wind, frost and pests, the planting depth should be 60-75 cm. Before planting, a little water is poured into the hole and watered a second time after planting.

The soil near each tree is required mulch, the layer depth should be 5-10 cm, and the diameter should be 40-50 cm. For mulching, use forest soil with the remains of oak leaves. Some mushroom growers additionally cover the surface around the tree with plastic wrap.

But do not think that such a forest can be planted anywhere. There are certain conditions for choosing a location:

  • if the region is located above 1000 meters and below 100 meters relative to sea level, then it will not work;
  • regions located within 400-600 meters above sea level are considered optimal;
  • it is necessary to determine whether the top layer of soil, which is the most fertile, is washed off under the influence of rain, wind, and melt water;
  • the depth of the fertile layer should be at least 10-15 cm;
  • the acidity of the soil is checked - for this, a litmus test is lowered into the ground. If it turns blue, then the soil is suitable for growing these mushrooms;
  • the terrain must be level;
  • the climate should not be very humid, since the rains that fall during the ripening of mushrooms have a bad effect on them;
  • in the summer it should not be very hot, the optimum temperature is 18-22 degrees.

The fact that the mushrooms have grown and you can start collecting them will be indicated by the presence of small hills on the ground. The height of the tree under which these mushrooms are grown should not exceed 100-120 cm, and its pruning is carried out in such a way that the crown is in the form of an inverted cone. But in order to receive profit, it is necessary to wait at least 3-4 years.

Major pests for these mushrooms, these are pigs and hares, so care must be taken that they cannot enter the site. Insects such as black cockroaches and weevils can also be harmful.

A ripe mushroom has a bright earthy smell with a touch of nutty aroma. If the mushrooms are not yet ripe, they will have a reddish tint. Truffles are dug up by hand with a spatula, but this must be done carefully and carefully in order to cause minimal damage to the mycelium.

Where to buy truffle mycelium? Infection of the root system of a tree

It is necessary to purchase mycelium only in specialized stores and from trusted sellers. In order to infect one seedling with mycelium, approximately 150 grams of fresh or 100 grams of dry mycelium will be required. Its value will be within 500-1500 rubles- it all depends on the supplier and quality.

It will be easier to infect the root system of an adult tree with spores of the fungus, but in this case the probability that the mycelium will take root well is small, therefore, the root system of seedlings is usually treated with a substrate with mycelium. Oak and walnut are best suited for this. When using the latter, it will be possible to receive a double benefit. Seedlings are taken 30-50 cm high and infect with spores of French black, summer or Chinese truffle.

For infection, the roots of the trees are treated with a mixture of peat and a liquid mycelium substrate - they do this in a container, after which the trees are placed in quarantine for 2 weeks.

Be sure to use personal hygiene products, the room must be sterile. After that, the seedlings are placed in the ground, the final fouling of the roots with mycelium occurs after 11-12 months.

Growing truffles as a business: some numbers

If you decide to do this business, and you have the opportunity to wait 3-4 years, you can get a good profit. From one hectare can be collected up to 10-15 kg of mushrooms. There are usually no problems with sales, this product is bought with pleasure by elite restaurants. If the quality of the products meets all standards, then you can find a buyer abroad.

A farm-grown truffle will cost less, and you can sell a kilo of mushrooms for about $500. This is a costly and long-term business, as it takes several years to wait for the first harvest, but it is interesting and profitable.

How profitable is growing truffles at home?

The cost of this delicacy product is very high, we have very few people growing it, so this business will be profitable, and there should be no problems with the sale of finished products.

In order to start your business, may require up to 200,000 rubles, but everything will be the envy of your scope and financial capabilities. Money will be needed to rent a land plot on which seedlings will be planted, or to build a greenhouse to buy mycelium.

The first harvest is obtained in 3-5 years, and before that you will only need to invest money, so you need to prepare in advance and do not expect quick profits.

When the harvest comes, the mushrooms must be taken out carefully so as not to damage the mycelium and the body of the fungus itself. If it has an "illiquid" form, then its value will drop sharply.

From one hectare of forest, you can collect up to 10-15 kg of mushrooms, which you can sell for an average of $ 500 per kilogram, so you can independently calculate when your business will pay off and start generating income.


Although it is very costly business and to get the first profit, you have to wait a few years, he is profitable and interesting. The high cost of truffles allows you to quickly recoup your expenses, and in order to sell your products more expensively, you need to obtain quality certificates for them.

Although the cost of truffles is very high, there is a fairly large demand for them in Russia, and even if you do not find a market in your region, you can always do it in the neighboring large metropolis, where there are many elite restaurants that will gladly purchase the most expensive one from you. mushroom in Russia as a delicacy product.

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This mushroom is recognized as a world delicacy. The price for 1 kg fluctuates within several thousand dollars. Many people have never been able to try the truffle mushroom in their entire lives.

As you know, everything that grows in the ground under natural conditions can be grown independently when creating favorable conditions. Growing king mushrooms is not easy, you will need not only start-up capital, but also enough space for truffles to grow. If the process improves, then in 1-2 years you can develop your own business that brings good income. Since the price of a truffle is very high, you can quickly recoup your investment.

About the secret of the truffle

The second secret is reproduction. If we compare this process with ordinary mushrooms, then everything is clear: spores are carried through the air or through water. But the spores of royal mushrooms spread through the stomachs of animals. It turns out that after passing through the body of a wild boar, the spores gain the opportunity to germinate, but only in a place convenient for it - next to some trees. In order for a wild animal to find a mushroom, nature provided for this moment too - the truffle has a delicate aroma. By the way, not every mushroom smells good. Most mushrooms give off a rather unpleasant smell, similar to the "aroma" of spoiled fish or rotten onions. And only some varieties of truffle, including the royal (perigord) thinner pleasant aroma.

Of all the known types of truffles, only black ones have been artificially grown. They are also called French, because France is a leader in the cultivation of truffles. A favorable place is specially planted oak groves or plantings. The size of a truffle can be different: from a small one, the size of a walnut, to a medium-sized apple. Met in nature and larger specimens, about 1 kg.

What is the use

Incredibly, for 1 kg, culinary specialists from many countries of the world are ready to give several thousand dollars! Why is the truffle so overwhelmingly popular?

There are about 10 types of mushrooms suitable for human consumption. The most valuable is the black truffle (perigord or Italian), winter and Piedmontese.

Outwardly, the truffle looks something like a potato, the flesh of the mushroom has a reddish tint. When it reaches maturity, the flesh will turn black and white streaks will be visible in the cut. It is because of the delicate aroma that the black truffle is considered the most valuable among culinary specialists. Hundreds of various delicacy dishes can be prepared from the mushroom. It is very important to preserve the delicate aroma of the truffle, so in most cases, cooks add a small part of the raw mushroom to the finished dish. If you do everything according to the rules, you can appreciate the unique properties of the truffle.

The calorie content of the royal mushroom is low, only 24 kcal per 100 g. The mushroom goes well with cheese, fruit and meat. It can also be served as an independent dish with a white creamy sauce. It resembles the taste of roasted seeds or walnuts.

You can talk about the benefits of truffle for hours - it is a source of B, PP and C vitamins. Truffle is of particular value for adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, regular use of Perigord truffle will prolong youth, preserve beauty and increase sexual activity.

How to grow a truffle

They have been trying to bring out the royal mushroom for a long time in artificial conditions. Back in the 60s of the 19th century, active work was carried out in this direction. Breeders have been waiting for the first results for more than 10 years! Nobody gave guarantees.

In those places that were not rich in black earth, one had to go to the trick and breed truffles indoors. For these purposes, spacious basement rooms were allocated, suitable trees were taken, crushed to the state of sawdust, moistened with a special solution with nutrients, and soil with mycelium was added. Such artificial breeding did not always give a positive result.

A little later, in France, scientists managed to conduct another experiment on the cultivation of black truffles. Young oak trees with artificially bred truffles were grown in the laboratory. As soon as the mushrooms took root with the trees, the “couple” was moved to the ground and continued to monitor the yield. Thanks to this technology, at the beginning of the 20th century, the French managed to collect almost 1,000 tons of mushrooms a year.

At present, the technology developed by scientists from Australia is considered effective; from 1 hectare, about 100 kg of crop can be obtained.

Growing truffles at home

Growing mushrooms on your own is an art. It's a tedious and costly business. It is necessary to make large investments and wait a long time for the harvest.

To grow truffles at home, you need to allocate a large plantation (if you plan to grow mushrooms in the open air in a natural way) or a spacious basement. Mushrooms do not tolerate temperature fluctuations, therefore, in order to get a crop, the optimum air temperature should be +22 o C.

Consider 2 options for growing royal mushrooms.

Mycelium contamination of the soil

For these purposes, you will need the following:

  1. Purchase truffle mycelium (on a substrate or substrate).
  2. Prepare branches, leaves (fallen) from oak, walnut or beech, moss.
  3. Shovel.
  4. Water.
  5. Soil for truffles or peat substrate for growing indoor plants.
  6. Landing is best done in the warm season - at the end of May or June. Not far from the selected tree (the age of the trees is 5-10 years), you need to make several holes (3-4 will be enough), the depth of the hole is 20 cm, the diameter is 10 cm.
  7. We put prepared soil in half of each hole, and on top of it - the right amount of mycelium. The holes are then filled to the brim with the remaining soil. It needs to be pressed very tightly.
  8. Now very carefully pour 10 liters into each well. settled water. Rain water can also be used for irrigation.
  9. From above, you need to lay the prepared foliage, moss and branches and again pour plenty of water, but already around each hole.

After 3 or even 5 years, the first harvest should be expected. This will depend on weather conditions. By the way, you need to ensure that the soil is always moist and in no case should it be allowed to dry out. With the onset of cold weather, the landing sites need to be insulated with an additional layer of leaves.

A few years later, at the end of August, you can count on the first truffle harvest. It will reach sizes from 40 to 70 g and acquire a delicate aroma. Every year, 5-7 mushrooms can be collected from each hole.

Planting seedlings infected with spores

This method of growing truffles is considered more efficient, although it requires costs: material and time.

First, seedlings of oak or hazel are taken, which are infected with black fungus mycelium. They are kept in “quarantine” for several weeks to prevent the death of the mycelium. Seedlings must be kept under sterile conditions. If all requirements are met, then the mycelium takes root and after that the seedlings can be planted in the nursery.

The first few months they must be kept in "quarantine" conditions. Even the attendants are obliged to follow the rules of hygiene so as not to infect young oak trees with harmful microorganisms.

After 12 months, we can talk about the complete survival of seedlings. During this period, they should grow up to 20 cm. When breeding black truffles, it is very important to use seedlings rather than young oaks - in this case, good results can be achieved. By the way, on some farms they practice the replanting method, when the truffle is planted on oak sprouts, next to an adult tree.

How to choose the right place, professional advice:

  • keep an eye on the acidity of the soil, ideally, so that the pH does not exceed 7.9 and is not lower than 7.5;
  • choose aerated soil, with sufficient calcium and humus content. Also, it should not contain extraneous inclusions and stones. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to mechanically carefully till the soil;
  • pay attention to a very important detail: no other microorganisms (fungal spores) should be present in your soil;
  • after planting for 2 years, you need to get rid of weeds;
  • the average daily temperature in the warm season is from 16.5 to 22 o C;
  • to make it more convenient to carry out soil cultivation, choose a non-relief area.

How to land

The planting of oak seedlings infected with black truffle mycelium is carried out in the spring, when the threat of frost has already passed. The soil must be well prepared and all weeds removed. It is impossible to use chemical preparations for the extermination of weeds, since even a small part of them in the soil can lead to the death of the mycelium.

The use of herbicides with ammonium gluphosphate is allowed, but only in small quantities and in case of urgent need. This substance decomposes rapidly in the soil.

Planting is carried out according to a certain scheme, taking into account that there are no more than 500 oak trees per 1 ha. It is impossible to fertilize the soil immediately before planting, this can lead to the death of the mycelium of the royal mushroom.

It is also necessary to take into account that during transplantation there is a high risk of damage to the root system, therefore, oaks are first planted in the prepared hole, a small amount of water is poured, the seedling is densely covered with soil and again watered abundantly. Planting depth - 75 cm to protect the mushrooms from frost and other adverse weather conditions. In addition, mulching is done near the tree (from a layer of leaves, moss and branches). If the plants are young, it is better to protect them with plastic wrap.

Since the truffle is an ectomycorrhizal fungus (the formation of mycorrhiza on the root system), the tree area for development must be at least 20 m 2. Along with oak, cultivation of other companion trees is also allowed: citrus, olive trees. You can not plant poplar, chestnut, pine, spruce and fir next to oaks.

About pest control and harvesting

Since pigs and rabbits are the main danger for truffles, it is necessary to protect the area where Perigord mushroom is grown. Cockroaches and weevils also pose a serious threat to the future crop.

The appearance of mushrooms (in a few years) can be recognized by the small tubercles that appear on the soil. The body of the fungus is in the ground, the depth is about 20 cm. The weight of one specimen is from 0.5 to 1 kg. Black truffle has a round or oblong shape. The color of the mushroom is black, and the "skin" is hard.

Most of the crop can be located almost on the surface of the soil. In order not to disrupt the ripening process, it is important to sprinkle such places with sifted sand. By the way, the fact that the mushroom is close to the surface can be judged by flies and midges - if there are a lot of them in this place, then it's time to harvest.

To search for royal mushrooms, specially trained dogs are used (they are given milk with the addition of mushroom broth, and later they are trained with a stick rubbed with truffle) and pigs. Dig up the truffle only by hand with small spatulas.

Growing royal truffles is a troublesome business, but due to the high cost of mushrooms, it is very profitable. In the world there are many farms for growing valuable mushrooms. You can find lands even in places where these mushrooms have never grown. So growing truffles under artificial conditions is quite realistic, especially since the yield on such farms will be several times higher than in nature.

People have been eating mushrooms since ancient times, and many species of these plants have been "domesticated" by learning to grow them in artificial conditions.

Today, people are interested in how to learn how to grow truffles at home, because this is the most expensive mushroom in the world, which has a unique, inimitable taste. Due to their unique habitat and sensitivity to climate, truffles are extremely difficult to grow on your own, but you can still take the risk.

About the value of the truffle

Truffle has acquired gastronomic value due to its rarity and incomparable aroma. Even just one mushroom added to a dish can change its taste, giving the food unusual notes. But not only this amazing mushroom is rich. It also contains almost the entire group of B vitamins, vitamins C and PP. In its composition of useful substances, it surpasses many other types of mushrooms.

You can try truffles mainly in luxury restaurants. The price for 1 gram of the product ranges from $ 5-10.

Types of truffles and growing area

These mushrooms differ from all the others in that they do not grow on the surface, but underground, at a depth of 20 to 30 cm. Finding them is not so easy. Usually, for gathering in the wild, people use specially trained dogs that capture the aroma of the mushroom. For a wild boar, truffle is a favorite delicacy.

Truffles don't have many varieties. They can be divided into 2 main types - black and white. Of particular value in cooking are black Perigone and white Italian truffles. Under artificial conditions, the mushroom was first brought out in France, it was called "black French". In rural areas, there are entire truffle plantations. It is this country that today is the main supplier of black delicacy mushrooms.

The main habitat of the plant is Europe. Most of the wild harvest comes from Italy.

Only the white Polish truffle grows in Russia. And that is only in regions with a warm climate. You can find it in the forests. The mushroom does not tolerate frost, sudden changes in temperature, and the most ideal climate for it is the Mediterranean and Australian. Truffle grows in soil, the moisture content of which should not exceed 75%, so in places where there is a lot of rain, it will not grow either.

Best of all, the mushroom is adjacent to oak, linden, walnut, willow, birch.

Growing truffles at home

In Russia and neighboring countries, the easiest way to grow a white Polish truffle. Its taste is slightly inferior to black, but it is more adapted to the local climate. You need to be patient if you decide to try to breed this valuable mushroom. You will have to wait several years before the first harvest. But if the mycelium takes root and begins to bear fruit, you will be provided with truffles for 20-30 years, or even more. Harvest will not be frequent, but regular.

So, the technology of how to grow a truffle mushroom at home is a white Polish variety.


Under artificial conditions, the plant is planted with the help of tree seedlings, the roots of which are infected with fungal spores. Seedlings are sold in special stores, the price of one young tree is from $ 10. Basically it's walnut. It makes no sense to get mycelium in the forests on your own, without a partner tree, the mushroom will not grow.

Planting is best planned for spring.

Soil preparation

It is desirable that the area that you plan to take under the mycelium is on the shady side and is protected from drafts. Also note that the truffle does not like to grow high in the mountains and in the lowlands.

The soil needs a fertile black earth, alkaline, drought-resistant. If the earth is too acidic, it must be fertilized with lime. Before planting, the soil is flavored with zinc, boron, iron, copper, magnesium. The optimum soil moisture is 70%.


All that remains to be done in the next few years is to properly care for the trees. Every spring the soil needs to be resurfaced. It is no longer necessary to fertilize it, but it is necessary to clean it from any weeds. The most ideal irrigation option is the installation of an irrigation system. But remember that the mushroom does not like strong humidity. If unexpected cold weather suddenly sets in, the soil on the plantation should be well mulched or covered with dry branches.

Also make sure that the trees are not affected by insect pests. It is advisable to thin out too dense crown foliage in summer so that the soil warms up the floor with solar heat. The smell of truffles attracts some wild animals - rabbits, wild boars, make sure that they do not appear on the site. It can take 5-8 years from planting seedlings grafted with truffle spores to the first harvest.

How to harvest truffles

Mycelium begins to bear fruit in late summer and until mid-autumn. Truffle mushrooms do not appear above the ground, so it is impossible to trace their growth. When the mycelium has already been discovered, the subsequent harvest will be easier to produce - it is enough to mark their location on the ground. But for the first harvest, you will have to use a specially trained dog or wild boar. Digging anywhere is very dangerous - you can easily damage tender mushrooms, and many years of work will go down the drain.

Another option for finding mycelium sites is to watch for truffle flies. They begin to swarm in the field of ripe mushrooms. These flies lay their eggs in the soil next to the fungus. The easiest time to spot them is at sunset. If you are lucky, you may notice raised bumps in the soil - then flies and dogs are not needed, because these are ripe truffles. But this does not always happen.

You need to dig up the mushrooms very carefully, with a small spatula. It is important not to damage either the mushrooms themselves or the roots of the trees in which the tubers are located. In appearance, the fruits may resemble potatoes or turnips. The size of the fruit bodies ranges from the size of a walnut to an average apple. There were cases when truffles reached larger sizes and weighed up to one and a half kg.

Store truffles in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 weeks. For longer periods of storage, they are frozen or dried.

Now you know everything about truffle mushroom, how to grow a valuable product and how long-term it is. For the most part, mushroom pickers grow fruits for sale, because the income from them is very high.

The technology of breeding black truffles is no different from the one described above. The only difference is that the porcini mushroom is best adjacent to the walnut, and the black one to the oak. Therefore, oak is used as seedlings. Otherwise, there is no difference in soil preparation and plantation care.

But keep in mind that the black french mushroom is more capricious and sensitive to climate. It is better to plant it in the southern strip of Russia, where winters are short with little snow and there is little rain. The taste of this variety of mushrooms is more intense.

By and large, growing truffles at home is not so difficult. Many are afraid only of the waiting time for the first fruits. If this is just a hobby for you, think carefully before embarking on an undertaking, because you will have to buy expensive seedlings and follow them for several years. But if you still manage to wait for the harvest - annually, for a long time, you will be the proud owner of the most delicious and expensive mushrooms in the world.

How to grow truffle at home?

Truffles are an expensive delicacy, recognized as a delicacy all over the world. The cost of a restaurant dish that includes this component reaches several thousand rubles. Therefore, growing amazing underground mushrooms in artificial conditions is a profitable business. So, how to grow a truffle at home and make money?

Benefits of growing truffles at home:

  • lack of competition;
  • constant demand;
  • the price per kilogram of finished products is 180 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of such an enterprise:

  • payback period - 4-5 years;
  • complex process of growing products;
  • investments in the first stages will amount to 1.5–2 million rubles.

Growing truffles requires the owner of the plantation to constantly monitor the condition of the soil, destroy pests and control the growth of weeds. Improper care of mushrooms will lead to the death of planting material.

When choosing mycelium, pay attention to the variety of mushroom. The most valuable are:

  • french black truffle;
  • Chinese truffle;
  • white truffle.

Each variety requires specific conditions of detention, so before buying Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of growing each variety.

The best variety for artificial plantation is black truffle. But the white truffle is almost impossible to grow in a home farm.

How to grow mushrooms?

Before planting, truffle spores are grown on young trees or seedlings. If you do not want to do this yourself, buy already grafted seedlings. See that the plants are at least 30 cm tall. On small seedlings, the mycelium might not have time to take root.

Plants infected with fungal spores are not planted in the ground immediately after purchase. First, make sure the spores have adapted. To do this, keep the seedlings in sterile conditions for 2-3 weeks.

planting truffles

After the mycelium takes root, the plants are planted in a nursery. This is a closed room with sterile conditions. Before visiting the nursery, any person should thoroughly disinfect their hands and clothing.

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In this room, the seedlings are kept for 9–12 months until they reach a size of 20 cm. Now they can be planted in the soil. To prevent the plants from dying from a sharp temperature drop, transplant them in the spring.

Stages of work:

  1. Clear the landing site of weeds, loosen the ground, remove stones and other foreign objects. If there are a lot of weeds, use a herbicide with fast-degrading substances (for example, ammonium glufosinate).
  2. Dig a hole 75 cm deep and pour water into it. Plants placed at such a depth will be reliably protected from bad weather.
  3. Plant the tree so as not to damage its root system.
  4. Cover the plant with soil and water again. Lay a layer of mulch around it. It is advisable to use not purchased material, but made independently (plant residues, oak leaves).
  5. Cover the plant with plastic wrap to protect it from pests and low temperatures.

Remember: one tree requires a space of 20 m2. Therefore, you cannot place more than 500 trees on 1 hectare of land.

Mushroom plantation care

Before the first harvest, take care of your plantation as follows:

  • feed trees with NPK fertilizers and micronutrient fertilizers containing iron, copper, zinc, magnesium and boron;
  • do not allow animals to enter the territory of the site, which can dig up the ground and dig up valuable mushrooms (pigs, rabbits);
  • protect trees from pests (weevils, black cockroaches);
  • Remove weeds and foreign plants.

If the soil cracks, fill it with clean sand: after all, some of the mushrooms grow very close to the surface and can dry out or deteriorate.


The first fruits grow within a year after planting trees. You can find out about the appearance of the crop by the flies that are accepted to fly over the plantation.

Fruiting bodies with spores are considered edible parts of the plant. They are located at a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the earth. Their weight usually reaches 500 g; individual specimens grow up to 1.2 kg. A ripe truffle has a round or slightly elongated shape and a hard black-brown shell.

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Because truffles grow throughout the tree's root system, don't limit your search to the area around the trunk. They can grow at a distance of 2-3 m from the tree. In the search, pigs or specially trained dogs are of great help.

But don't trust animals to dig mushrooms. The fruits are harvested only by hand, with the help of small blades. Up to 15 kg of mushrooms can be collected from 1 ha of land.

To collect 15–20 kg of produce annually, truffles will have to be looked after for 5–6 years. But over the next 25-30 years with a well-functioning plantation, you can get high profits.

Sales of received products

There are usually no difficulties with the sale of mushrooms. Implementation options:

  • deliveries to expensive restaurants;
  • sales through an online store;
  • fruits weighing 1–1.2 kg can be put up on online auctions.

Despite the large time costs, such a business will pay off in 3-4 years.

Growing truffles at home is a difficult task that requires special skills and abilities. But if you master this difficult task, then your annual income in the next 30 years will reach 2-3 million rubles.

How to grow truffle at home? Watch the following video instruction: