Personal experience: How meditation helps different people in practice. Mantra for finding a good job - how to work with it

Modern life in the city is full of stresses and problems, so a person needs more and more internal resources to overcome them. It is difficult to imagine how to cope with this without daily meditation - a useful practice that allows you to concentrate on sensations, "cools" your head and leads to peace of mind even in the most difficult circumstances. But far from always we have the opportunity to retire, so that no one bothers us. And it's no surprise that many mindful people learn to meditate in the office without getting up from their desks!

Ease of execution

The task of the practice that came to us from Eastern countries is to restore the spiritual health of a person. Meditation promotes relaxation, concentration, helps to get rid of depressive states and neurosis, makes you stop and remember yourself, your aspirations and goals. Regular classes help a person to fulfill himself, reach new levels of development and self-knowledge.

Meditation in the office is a new direction that is practiced mainly by busy residents of megacities. About whether it is possible to learn this and what exercises will help even beginners, we talked with Daria Pepelyaeva - author of courses on mindfulness and meditation practices:

- There are complex techniques for which the office space is not suitable. But if you remember that meditation is a process of concentration on any object, action or state, then it turns out that you can practice everywhere!

According to Daria, a deep meditative state cannot be achieved without regular practice and the formation of a certain skill. But in an office environment, you can use an already accumulated resource, returning to a centered state in just a few minutes:

- There are a couple of simple conditions for meditating at work: first, you must not attract the attention of colleagues if you do not want to look strange. And yet the practice must be simple to perform and not take much time.

The quickest and easiest solution is to start meditating in the workplace. And if there is an opportunity to retire, then the choice of exercises expands.

Change of circumstances

To get away from the hustle and bustle of the office, you can:


Breathing is directly related to the emotional state, therefore, in a situation where a person is overworked, is in a long tension, he should change the pace of inhalations and exhalations. You can stretch them, make pauses between them, concentrating on the fact that right now you need to forget about everything and just breathe.

change place

You can ride the elevator, go to another floor, or walk around the building. It is important to be fully present in this action, without going back, for example, to a bunch of thoughts from the past hour or to a list of tasks to complete.

change action

It is worth brewing fragrant tea for yourself, closing your eyes, changing your body position to a more comfortable one, paying attention to every new sensation:

- Imagine that you are in outer space and flying over the surface of the planet right now - this will help you realize the insignificance of the existing problems and the fact that nothing will change for 5-10 minutes of your "absence", says Daria. - You can do several breath cycles, imagining how unnecessary thoughts and tension leave the body with each new exhalation..

Contrary to the opinion of many beginners, meditation does not require special music. With it, of course, it is easier to switch, because it is a good trap for attention, it allows you to quickly abstract and plunge into a state of calm and relaxation. But in most cases in the office there is no way to turn on the track at the desired volume and sit in the lotus position. Therefore, the presence of music during meditation is optional.

- To quickly switch to spiritual practice, you can barely audibly begin to buzz like a bee. Concentrating on the sound "mmm" helps to direct attention in the right direction. Another effective method with a double effort on inhalation and exhalation. The air should come out with a little noise, similar to the waves of the sea., - notes Daria Pepelyaeva.

There are a lot of techniques related to breathing in meditation, so everyone can find something of their own and practice right now.

Simple exercises for meditation in the office

1. Take a few breaths and observe how you feel. Attention can be directed to the movement of air in the sinuses, to the abdominal wall or diaphragm.

2. Do several rhythmic breath cycles with mental delays. This technique will help not only concentration, but also calmness, since vasodilation will increase the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which will have a beneficial effect on the health of the body.

3. Draw a dot on a piece of paper and place it in front of you. Try to look at the center of the dot without blinking or thinking about anything. When your eyes get tired, you can close them and mentally imagine what you just saw in front of you.

4. Touch your palms to your knees and concentrate on the sensations. Feel the touch of the skin, its tension, the contraction of the muscles in your hands. You may even be able to notice the beating of the heart in the fingertips.

5. Get up and feel the whole body, every part of it, walking through it with attention. If there is tension somewhere, remove it. Bend your knees slightly and catch a sense of balance, relax your inner axis. The practice may take only 1 minute, but it will effectively return you to a calm state.

6. Ask yourself, “How do I feel right now?” and then “How do I WANT to feel right now?”. For people with a strong mind, this practice will allow them to logically bring themselves into a different state.

The material was prepared by Yana Tolstova

It often happens that everything in life goes in the wrong direction. You can find the right path and lure good luck with the help of the “Opening the Life Path” meditation.

Increasingly, we resort to meditation to tune ourselves into harmony and find inner peace. The most popular are meditations-appeals to the elements of one's Zodiac Sign, because with the help of the subconscious and the patronage of the Stars, a lot can be changed.

How to Meditate Properly

The process of communicating with your "I" is a great way to find answers to difficult questions, sort out your feelings and bring into life the necessary energies of wealth, love and health. This meditation is aimed at finding your path, which will lead you to what you want: for example, if you dream of meeting your love, then the necessary energy attracted to you will give you a happy opportunity not to miss a meeting with your destiny.

The process of meditation requires a clear understanding of your goal, focus on the result, and at the same time relaxation and serenity: remembering what you want, you must be ready to simply contemplate and wait for a happy coincidence, trusting the Universe.

First of all, choose the right background music that sets you up for contemplation and peace. Left alone, sit in the way that is comfortable for you: nothing should interfere with you and make it difficult for you to breathe.

Breathing deeply and evenly, imagine that you are standing on a narrow road strewn with fine golden sand: around you is a summer day, but you are not hot and not cool. Hear the birds singing and feel the gentle breeze touching your hair. When you get comfortable, imagine your goal at the end of the journey: it could be the job you want, the person you need, or any other phenomenon or event.

Having drawn this image in front of you, take the first step on your path. Feel the warmth of the sand under your feet, feel how light your steps are. Do not allow thoughts that something can go wrong: just go ahead, forgetting even about your goal for a while. Notice what is happening around you: you may meet flowers, animals or birds. Keep these signals in mind: they may come in handy later.

When you reach the turn, stop and realize that as soon as you turn, you will reach your goal. Listen to the sensations that were caused by this thought. If no negative emotions have arisen, boldly go forward: you see your goal in front of you.

Walk up and take a look at it: meet the person in front of you, go through the door that appears, or take an object lying on the road. Realize that your goal is in your hands. Listen to the emotions that have arisen within you and remember them. Slowly open your eyes and remain still for a while, returning to reality.

Collage of desires can also help to make dreams come true: by compiling it correctly, you will attract the necessary energy. We wish you happiness and only good mood. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.03.2017 04:04

Every person has to face difficulties that prevent him from achieving success. We will tell you about...

Imagine that you have a power that can speed up the process of fulfilling desires! Meditation to attract what you want is the power that drives the Universe >>>

During the meditation¹ to attract the desired, interaction with the subconscious is carried out. It is this psychological impact that gives an accelerated effect.

How to interact with the subconscious to speed up the fulfillment of desires?

The work takes place in a special way, with the help of which a person contacts his subconscious. When this state is reached, the practitioner, with the help of certain forces of the general consciousness, modifies the repository of laws.

This is achieved with the help of sensations and words directed to the subconscious.

For example: “I make you work for your own good. From now on, I think only about positive events and attract only positive events to me!”

After this practice, changing, the laws adapt to the person. As a result, it is easier and easier for him to achieve his goals.

Using this wish-fulfillment technique gives you the power to make your dream come true much faster.

It is important!

This wish fulfillment technique is an attraction meditation that can be performed by all people except for the mentally and mentally ill.

Before conducting meditation on attracting what you want, it is advisable to tune in to the fact that your desire will certainly come true, this attitude will greatly help you in your future work. It is best to perform this technique in a quiet and ventilated area. The best time is morning or evening.


1. The practitioner lies on his back and relaxes, closes his eyes.

2. He calms his mind by concentrating on the darkness.

3. After being stopped, the practitioner intuitively concentrates on the Universe, feels its infinity, power, strength, power, knowledge.

4. Concentrating on the fact that the Universe has everything and can fulfill everything, a person tries to feel his love for her.

5. Next, a person begins to mentally speak into the emptiness of the Universe about what he needs. This must be done sincerely; it is important to explain why the fulfillment of this desire is so necessary, what it will give. Then you need to mentally sincerely ask the Universe for help in fulfilling it.

6. After that, the practitioner forgets about his desire, being firmly convinced that the Universe, through the subconscious, heard his request and responded to it. This is where the meditation⁵ on attracting what you want ends. Then the person exhales and opens his eyes.

Alexander Shtorval

Money Attraction Meditation, if used correctly, helps to remove negative financial blockages and create favorable energy learning. As a result, you will learn how to easily receive and give money and stop focusing on financial problems.

The practice of attracting material well-being

This practice has two parts. The first is work with formulations, the second is actually meditation.

How does it work? The fact is that in your subconscious there are no temporary bindings, only your feelings and emotions are there. If in relation to money these emotions are negative (for example, you have a lot of debts, loans, or you suddenly lost a large amount of money), then the energy radiation is negative. Therefore, there is no need to talk about material well-being.

Therefore, you need, first of all, to rewrite the negative script with the power of your own subconscious, to catch the necessary energy radiation, and then to fix positive attitudes in the subconscious with the help of meditations.

What to do in the first part:

  • Take an A4 sheet. Even more is better if there are many negative financial blockages. Divide it in two
  • In the first half, list in a column all negative money-related events and their consequences. For example: a wallet was stolen and there was not enough money to buy a phone for a child. Or: I have three loans, so most of my salary goes to repay them, I have to save
  • Describe everything that comes to mind. Do not save paper, strive to describe all thoughts
  • After that, we proceed to "change the script." We replace negative events and consequences with positive ones. Turn on your fantasy. For example: "I found a wallet on the street and returned it to the owner, I received a reward." Or: “I accidentally discovered a large amount of money in an old fur coat, I was able to pay off the loan” And so on.

Try to reinforce the new scenario with joyful emotions. Don't do it mechanically. This completes the first part, you just have to consolidate the effect of working with the subconscious mind through meditation.

How to Meditate:

  • For 10-15 minutes every day, close your eyes and mentally replay the events from your positive scenario as if they had already happened.
  • A prerequisite - you must feel positive emotions in the process of meditation

The visualization session can be carried out at any other time convenient for you. For example, while riding the subway or waiting in line at the clinic.

Meditation practices for getting rid of debts and loans

Money luck can turn away from you completely if you continue to be burdened by your debts and constantly think about them. To prevent anything bad from happening, you need to shift your focus to more positive things. Meditations aimed at getting money and good luck help a lot with this.

Meditations with visualizations and with the use of positive statements - affirmations work best in such situations.

How to Meditate:

  1. Try to set aside at least 15 minutes a day for meditation. And meditate every day, because only regular practice can help you
  2. In everyday life, stop focusing on debts and loans with all your thoughts, try to switch instantly, think about anything but this. Otherwise, you will minimize the entire positive effect of meditation.
  3. As you meditate, shift your focus to increasing your income. This should be your main goal. You have two ways: either visualize your successful, free and beautiful life. Or repeat affirmations like this: “My income is growing, I can afford whatever I want”

If the situation is critical (for example, the debt needs to be paid within a few days), you can use the following wording: “I gratefully accept the n-th amount I need to close the debt, may my wish come true for my and everyone’s good.” But use such an affirmation in the most extreme cases.

Engage in meditation aimed at attracting financial benefits regularly, and the Universe will surely send you opportunities to correct the situation.

Installations for financial well-being

In principle, all classic money meditations come down to the same thing:

  • You turn on pleasant music, take a comfortable position and close your eyes.
  • Try to relax the body and drive out any extraneous thoughts from the subconscious
  • And then visualize images of what you want to get. Or repeat positive affirmations

The algorithm is pretty simple. You can always use it by choosing the appropriate settings. Let's figure out how to do it right.

It is very important to carefully filter your thoughts and correctly formulate money desires. When you ask for a specific amount, the wish rarely comes true, because money is not the goal for the Universe.

It is better to ask for your dream job or some thing, travel, and so on. It is important that this is the need of your soul.

Examples of positive attitudes that can be used:

  • money loves me
  • I attract wealth into my life
  • Every day my income grows
  • I always have enough money
  • My salary is 100 thousand rubles a month or even more

Never designate an upper bound. Always remember that the limits are only in your head, and the possibilities of the Universe are endless. Work with the statements that suit you best. Come up with your own wording options.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to get rid of stress and tension in a short time in the course of your work. If this is your first time meditating, take a little more time and try to convince yourself that you need to start somewhere. You do not have to do this only at home, in some secluded place or in the bathroom. You can meditate while you work, taking a break and not even getting up from your desk. We can give you some tips for meditation while you work:

Relaxed state.
You must relax as much as possible before you begin to meditate, without relaxing you cannot begin to meditate. If you are in a tense state and cannot achieve maximum relaxation from yourself, then your entire meditation process may go to no avail.

Close your eyes.
After you have managed to relax, you should close your eyes. Closing your eyes is required in order to promote your maximum concentration only on the process of meditation and nothing else.

Slow breathing.
Pay close attention to every breath you take. Each breath should be deep and slow, and you should also exhale slowly, slowly. You can also count each of your inhalations and exhalations. You will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you can reach a state of maximum relaxation with careful attention to your breathing.

Focus on something.
Sitting in your office chair at your desk with your eyes closed and slowly inhaling and exhaling, try to focus on one thing. It can be anything: the noise coming from your colleagues, the sound of music playing on your computer, or the laughter of your boss. It is quite normal when your focus shifts to something else, such as when you are inadvertently distracted, but in this case, try to immediately focus again on something else and continue your meditation.

No worries.
While meditating, try to forget about all your worries like deadlines, health problems, and similar issues that may distract you from meditation. You can even try not to think at all, this is also not a bad way. This technique is to catch the state of your brain in which it is at a time when you are not thinking about anything. You will be greatly surprised how light you feel after a few minutes spent without a single thought in your head.

Live happily and stress-free with the meditation technique while you work. Do meditation for just ten minutes a day at any time: during lunch or just when you pause for coffee, and just enjoy the result.