Scientific laboratory “Academy of Miracles. Thematic science shows for children

Scenario of an entertaining evening in chemistry "Chemical fireworks".

At present, when the choice of each student based on his abilities and interests of a subject for in-depth study is of particular importance, classes outside of school hours become especially significant. Among such activities, a large place belongs to chemical evenings.



    In a playful way, to form students' knowledge about chemicals, reagents and their transformations.

    To continue the formation of students' ability to use chemical glassware and chemicals.


    Develop observation, memory (when showing entertaining experiments)

    Develop the ability to compare (using the example of comparing and analyzing various experiences)

    Develop students' interest in chemical science (through showing entertaining and interesting experiments)


    To continue the formation of a dialectical-materialistic worldview based on ideas about the significance of chemical science for human life.

Time: 40min – 60 min.

Chemists: Hello!

1-chemist: We are chemists! And chemistry is sleepless nights

2-chemist: It's constant talk about chemistry.

3-chemist: These are chemical laboratories.

4-chemist: These are parents who say: "And our child is a chemist."

All: And that's life!

1-chemist: But you may ask: why doesn't everyone become a chemist? Yes, because chemistry is sleepless nights.

2-chemist: These are post-yan-th conversations about chemistry.

3-chemist: These are chemical laboratories (says holding his nose).

4-chemist: These are the parents who say: "And our child (ugh!) Is a chemist."

All: And that's life!

1-chemist:(proudly) But still, we are chemists because chemistry means sleepless nights!

2-chemist: It's the constant talk of chemistry!

3-chemist: These are chemistry labs!

4-chemist: These are parents who say, “And our child (beats his chest and says proudly) is a chemist!

All: And that's life!

1-chemist: Of course, no doubt

Gotta learn chemistry

Without knowledge of all phenomena

It is impossible to live today.

2-chemist: Gotta do better

Us, friends, in teaching

And you shouldn't sigh

That chemistry is torture!

3-chemist: If you didn't know chemistry

We would always stomp on foot:

Fuelless bus

Will never go!

4-chemist: For us to grow up normally

Strong and strong

Vitamins releases

Also our chemistry!

1-chemist: For plants to grow

Substances have been invented.

It would be nice for us like this -

Big ones would grow up fast.

2-chemist: Rubber is rare in nature

You can't live without it.

We would walk through the puddles

In felt boots and without galoshes!

3-chemist: Widely entered into our life

Miscellaneous plastics

In a very short time

They were accepted by the masses!

4-chemist: Let the polymer, for hair,

stimulating growth,

Hurry up to invent

Then the braids will grow.

Demo Experience: "Martian landscape". (On the poster, write in advance with phenolphthalein “chemistry is a magical land”, and then, when showing the experiment, wipe the colorless inscription with a swab dipped in alkali. The inscription will turn crimson.)

1-chemist: Why is chemistry a magical land? Yes, because chemistry, like no other science, can work wonders.

2-chemist: Chemistry - allows a person to extract metals from ores and minerals, extract from natural raw materials - one substance is more wonderful and amazing than another, it gives rise to hundreds of thousands of substances that are not even found in nature, with useful and important properties.

3-chemist: It turns oil into rubber, gasoline; gas - into the tissue; coal - in perfumes, dyes and medicinal substances.

4-chemist: The list of good deeds that chemistry does is truly inexhaustible. Chemistry feeds and clothes us, shoes us. Each person (without suspecting it, carries out chemical reactions every day, without even leaving the house: washing his hands, lighting matches and gas, preparing food).

1-chemist: Today - we want to invite you to chemical fireworks and show only a small part of chemical experiments that may seem wonderful to you. But we - people - and we ourselves create these miracles.

Demo Experience: "Lighting a fire without matches." (For the experiment, prepare a slurry of KMnO 4 and H 2 SO 4 (conc.). Place this slurry on a tile and drop alcohol on it imperceptibly. A reaction occurs with the release of a large amount of heat and the excess alcohol ignites.)

2-chemist: I recently read a book that there used to be people who tried to turn all metals into gold, and they also tried to get the "elixir of life".

3-chemist: Yes, they were called alchemists, they were trying to get the "philosopher's stone".

4-chemist: And I recently found a recipe for obtaining a "philosopher's stone", if you want, I'll read it (unfolds the manuscript and reads):

To make the elixir of the sages called "philosopher's stone", take lead, my son, and glow it until it turns into a "green lion". After that, glow harder, and he will turn into a "red lion". Boil it in a sand bath in acidic grape spirit, evaporate the product and get a gummy substance that can be cut with a knife. Put it in a clayed retort and slowly distill. The "Cimvarian shadows" will cover the retort with their "veil" and you will find inside it the "true dragon" because it devours its tail, and distill the product again. Finally, my son, cleanse carefully, and you will see the appearance of a burning liquid and human blood.

1-chemist: A you know, I can get this amazing elixir myself.

Demo Experience: "Chameleon". (Pour a solution of potassium chromate into a glass, acidifying it with a few drops of sulfuric acid. While stirring the solution with a glass rod, add a solution of hydrogen peroxide: a blue color appears, which soon turns green.)

2-chemist: I also have a miracle - an elixir, look, I can instantly get wine or milk from water.

Demo Experience: "Getting wine and milk." (Getting wine is the interaction of phenolphthalein and alkali; getting milk is the interaction of sulfuric acid and barium chloride.

3-chemist: Yes, water can really do various miracles, but have you heard that water can be an arsonist.

Demo Experience: "The interaction of potassium with water".

Demo Experience: "self-igniting liquid". (Place crushed KMPO 4 crystals into a porcelain cup, and then drop 3-4 drops of glycerin on them from a pipette. After a while, glycerin ignites.)

Demo Experience: "Lighting a fire with water." (Crush iodine in a mortar, mix 4 parts of iodine with 1 part of zinc powder. Mix well, make a hill and put a few drops of water on this hill.)

Demo Experience: "Fiery cloud" (Ignition of paraffin in water)

4-chemist: Have you ever seen burning snow? Look here:

Demo Experience: "Burning Snow" (Pour snow into a jar and compact it. Then make a recess in it, in which to place a piece of calcium carbide. Bring a lit match to the snow - the snow begins to burn.)

1-chemist: Yes, it turns out that everything can burn, but, however, not everything can burn.

Demo Experience: "Fireproof scarf". (Rinse the handkerchief in water, then wring it out slightly and soak it well in alcohol. Grab the handkerchief with crucible tongs and set it on fire. The alcohol will flare up, but the handkerchief will not burn.)

2-chemist: You've heard the adage "There's no smoke without fire" and I can prove otherwise.

Demo Experience: "Smoke without fire". (Interaction of concentrated hydrochloric acid and ammonia.)

3-chemist: So I look at you and think: if we lived in the alchemical period, then we would be great magicians, and with the help of these experiments we could fool people. But more than that, we could easily get gold without even using the "philosopher's stone".

Demo Experience: "Golden Knife" (Prepare an iron knife cleaned with sandpaper. Dip this knife into a concentrated solution of copper sulfate. The knife becomes “golden”.)

4-chemist: Now, if I lived in the alchemical period, I would become a great surgeon and perform all operations without pain at all.

Demo Experience: "Wounding and Healing". (Moisten the hand with a solution of iron chloride (III). After that, moisten some object (knife) with a solution of potassium thiocyanate and easily run this object over the hand. A blood-red trace is formed.)

We operate without pain, however, there will be a lot of blood.

Every operation requires sterilization.

We moisten with iodine abundantly so that everything is sterile.

Don't move, patient! Give me the knife, assistant!

Look, it's blood flowing in a stream, not water.

But now I will wipe my hand - from the cut - not a trace!

1-chemist: Ah, if I lived in the alchemical period, I would be a great fakir; because I can easily do various tricks.

Demo Experience: "The burning of gunpowder". (Preparing gunpowder in advance: a mixture of 7 parts potassium nitrate, 1 part sulfur and 1 part coal. Put the mixture in a slide and set it on fire.)

Demo Experience: "Volcano". (Decomposition of ammonium dichromate)

Demo Experience: "Firestorm". (Wet the walls with ammonia in advance in a round-bottom flask. Place chromium oxide (III) in a burning spoon, heat it up and drop it into a flask with ammonia. A whole sheaf of sparks is formed.)

2-chemist: And finally, we will try to surprise you with this:

Demo Experience: "Getting and Exploding Explosive Gas". (By displacing water into a jar, collect 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume of oxygen. When the jar is full, set fire to the mixture of gases with a splinter.)

3-chemist: Well, we have shown only some of the chemical wonders. And we want to end our chemical fireworks with the anthem of chemists:

We are destined to shed all that flows.

Spill what cannot be spilled!

Our office is called chemical!

We were born to love chemistry!

Higher and higher and higher

Flies red bromine to heaven

And who will breathe this bromine,

That redhead becomes himself!

4-chemist: See you soon!

Nomination: Organization of extracurricular activities

Work completed: Peel Ekaterina Viktorovna

KTsO (regional center of education) "School of Cosmonautics"

Chemistry teacher, I work according to the standard state program and the textbook of F.G. Feldman, G.E. Rudzitis.

Home address: 662973 Zheleznogorsk - 3, st. Belorusskaya 49a, apt. 42.

Address of the CCE "School of Cosmonautics": 62990 Zheleznogorsk, st. Krasnoyarskaya 36.

Email address: root @ shk. Krasnoyarsk. su

Telephone: in Zheleznogorsk 8 - (297) - 9 - 45 - 65.

Fax machine: 231 (20202) – 9 – 45 – 65.

Entertainment scenario "Journey to the world of experiences and experiments"

Goals and objectives: to draw the attention of children and adults to such an activity as experimentation; to acquaint children with some properties of air and water, to teach them to conduct simple experiments using improvised means and objects; to teach to reason, analyze, draw conclusions and explain "miracles" from a scientific point of view; let children feel the joy of discovery, develop curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind, cognitive interest.

Equipment and materials: tables covered with oilcloth, containers and vessels of various shapes and sizes, jars of cold water, a kettle of hot water, a bottle with a narrow neck, a hot stand, salt, sugar, a jar of jam, soda, citric acid, 2 jars of watercolor solution yellow and blue, 2 raw eggs, a balloon, measuring spoons, pipettes, tweezers, wooden sticks, cocktail straws, a geyser model (a bottle covered with plasticine in the form of a mountain with a vent).

Entertainment progress:

Hello children! My name is Associate Professor Pochemachkina (DP). Today I invite you to my scientific laboratory. Do you know what a laboratory is? (Children answer)

What smart guys you are, yes, the laboratory is a special place where experiments and experiments are carried out. Do you like to experiment? (Children answer)

Today we are going to do this exciting activity together with you. Just for starters, remember the safety rules:


Get up from your seat

Touch equipment, devices and reagents

Put something in your nose, mouth, ears, etc.

Tell me, children, why do scientists conduct experiments and experiments? (Children answer)

Of course, scientists want to unravel the mysteries of nature. And for you I have the first riddle: what is there a lot in this hall, but we do not see it? (Children answer)

Now we will conduct such an experiment that everyone will be able to see the answer.

I need two assistants.

(Selects two children from the audience, invites them to blow through straws into a jar of water. While the children blow, the DP addresses the audience with questions).

What do we see? (Children: Air bubbles, air)

Where does this air come from? (Children: Children inhale it and exhale through a straw)

Where do the air bubbles go? (Children: They emerge from under the water, and the air returns to the hall)

Why don't bubbles stay in the water? (Children: Because air is lighter than water)

Yes, air is lighter than water. This has been confirmed by many experiments. We will do one of them today.

What color is the air? (Children: None, the air is clear)

Can you hear the air? (Children: you can hear the wind, a blizzard, musical wind instruments. DP invites one child to inflate the balloon, and then lets the air out of the balloon through the slot so that it makes a sound. The children laugh).

What do we hear? (Children: Air)

I suggest you get acquainted with one more property of air. To do this, we will conduct an experiment - we heat the air, and then cool it.

The teacher invites the child to put the ball on the neck of the bottle; puts the bottle in a container of hot water, the balloon is filled with warm air and takes the form of a mushroom; let the children make sure the water is hot; puts the bottle in a container of cold water; let the children make sure the water is cold; the air in the bottle and the balloon cools, and the balloon is drawn into the neck of the bottle; children try to pull the ball out of the neck of the bottle, but they fail; children help explain what happens to the air during the experiment).

Having heated up, the air expanded, it became larger, it inflated the balloon. When the air cooled, it contracted, there was so little of it that the ball was drawn into the bottle. So air expands when heated and contracts when cooled.

(Children repeat this property of air, accompanying the words with movements: for words - expands - stand up, arms to the sides, narrows for words - sit down, lower your head, pull your knees up and hug them with your hands).

Another question about the property of air - what does air smell like? (Children answer. The teacher encourages them to name different smells and aromas, asks what the air smells like in the village, in the city, in the forest, in the kitchen, etc., what it smells like in this room.)

DP: Why do we need water? Where she lives? She is alive? (Listen to children's answers.)

Does water have color? (No, it is colorless.) Can it become colored? What needs to be done for this? (Add paint. DP does what the kids say.) Does the water smell? (They sniff the water, make sure that it does not smell of anything.) What can be done to make the smell appear (Make tea, coffee, dissolve jam.) What does the water taste like? (Tasteless.) And if you throw salt, sugar, pepper, a slice of lemon into it? Let's play a little. We will all be droplets. Let's stand in a circle, hold hands tightly. Imagine that it is very cold. What have we become (Into ice.) Yes, we have become solid. And now let's scatter in different directions and imagine that spring has come. What have we become? (Into droplets.) And then the droplets gathered together again and became streamlets that quickly ran into rivers, seas, oceans. So what can water do? (Flow)

You guys must have done buoyancy experiments with the group. Let's play the sink-float game. I will show the object, and you show it, if it is sinking, sit on the chairs and say “boo-boo-boo”, if it floats, get up, row your hands and say “slap-slap-slap”.

(The game "Sink-floats" is being conducted, real objects, pictures or images on a multimedia screen can be used for demonstration).

I know another very interesting buoyancy experience, many of you are regular participants. Raise your hands who loves to swim. (Children raise their hands). Tell me, where do you swim? (Children: in the pool, on the river, in the sea, in the lake, on the pond). Where is the easiest place to swim? (Children: at sea). And why? (Children: the water in the sea is salty, it holds better). Absolutely true, my friends, and we will confirm this with you with the following experiment. (In one jar - plain water, and in another - salt is added. In fresh water, the egg sinks, and in salty it floats. By adding salty or fresh water to the jar, the DP makes the egg either float or sink to the bottom of the jar , and ensures that the egg hangs in the middle of it. Children actively help in conducting the experiment).

At the end of our meeting, I suggest you make a volcano! No, a volcano is not allowed, safety measures do not allow ... Then - a water volcano, that is, a geyser! My assistants have already constructed a crater (they take out a model of a geyser, it remains only to activate it!

The teacher invites those who wish, the children pour soda and citric acid into the crater, the DP pours water into the crater and the audience gasps in surprise - a geyser spews an effervescent fountain).

Now let's sum up the results of today's meeting. What did you, my friends, like today, what surprised you, what did you learn today, what did you learn new things? (Children answer)

Our journey into the world of experiences and experiments does not end there. I wish you to continue it together with your teachers and parents! Watch the world around, ask questions and ask questions, experiment and discover the laws of nature and the universe! Until we meet again, friends!(Music from the program “Obvious-incredible” sounds. DP says goodbye to the guests)

Scenario New Year's Eve
in the Children's Science Club
(Children's "scientific performance")

New Year's Eve in the form of a scientific performance, the script of which is offered to your attention, was held for pupils of the Children's Scientific Club of the Children's Scientific Club "Preobrazhensky" and their parents in December 2013.

Duration - 1 hour 15 minutes - 1 hour 30 minutes.

The presented material can be used to prepare holidays, themed evenings and class hours, in school and additional education.


Leading-teachers of the Children's Science Club:

First teacher (P1)

Second teacher (P2)

Baba - Non-science (BN) - mythical creature similar to Baba Yaga

Children (D)- Pupils of the Children's Science Club (grades 4 - 8).

Only the experiments themselves are prepared in advance with the children, and each group prepares for the holiday separately. Thus, interest in the presentation of not only the audience, but also the participants remains throughout its entire duration, despite the fact that almost all pupils are involved in the demonstration of experiments.

On the stage: tables for demonstrating experiments, audio equipment. Demonstration of experiments can be accompanied by music.

The evening begins with a brief congratulation of the teachers present, which is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of the character BN. This is a surprise both for the audience and for the performers of the experiments, so only the presenters know before the start of the evening.

BN: Oh, you nasty scientists!! What, did the little ones think of celebrating the New Year?! I suppose they invented all sorts of their own scientific experiments! Now the fun will begin, you will receive gifts ... (with a grin). HA HA HA! I didn’t waste time either, I also prepared a present for you, but what a .... ( menacingly). Find out the key ?… (shows key)

P1: Oh you!!! This is my key to the office, and there, guys, your gifts are !! Who is this anyway?! ….

P2: Yes, it seems that Baba - Non-science has come to visit us, guys. And she's always causing trouble.

BN: They completely forgot about me, the old woman, but I’ll be older than your Science !!! This I I ruled here for many thousands of years, until all sorts of corrosive people with their Science forced me out. But even without your Science, I know and can do everything. Do you want gifts? ( Guys Answer: YES) HA-HA-HA! Then, learned minds, show me something that I - an unlearned one - could not do. Surprise me - the key is yours, so be it.

P: So guys, let's show!

D: Let's show!!

P1: Can you, BN, boil water with your hands?!

BN: Yes Easy! I cook my own porridge every day.

P1: Well, boil some tea for us!!!

Give BN a jar of water. Tries to boil - does not work.

P1: What doesn't come out?

BN: Yes, my hands are frozen ...

(At this time, behind the scenes, the children, under the guidance of the second teacher, pour very hot water into the jars up to half, pump out more air, remove the pumps, and take the jars into the hall. Attention! We take cold hands behind air Part. The water boils. Need: 0.5 l jars, lids and pumps for vacuum canning, boiling water, ice to cool hands.)

BN:(carefully hides surprise): Yes, you, probably, warmed up your hands on the stove. And why be surprised?

P1: Well, okay, but can you at least stir up the water?

BN: And how?!!! I'm a champion in this business!

They give her the same jar of water.

P2: Come on! Muti!

Waving his hands, conjuring. Nothing works for her.

BN: Oh! Yes, I must have been sick today...

Children take out prepared flasks with lime water. They drop tubes into them and blow. The water is cloudy. Need: slaked lime, flasks, silicone tubes.

BN: Ah-ah-ah, you can't smoke so much! ( Threatens with a finger) One smoke inside you!!! No wonder the water is cloudy!

P1: Okay, granny, you don’t know how to boil, you don’t know how to stir up, maybe you can make the smoke from the water, like from a fire, go ?!

They give her the same jar of water.

He conjures, he tries. Nothing comes out.

BN: Oh, this is probably your water, tap water, not rain. This one won't smoke...

Children take out prepared containers with hot water and containers with dry ice. Dry ice is thrown into the water. You will need: containers (large glass bowls) for water, granular dry ice, hot or warm water, cotton gloves)

BN: So what? So what? ( screaming) Did you throw your Moscow snow with all kinds of chemicals?!…. So from him and I smoke !!! ... And in general, I'm tired of your water! ( Gives back to the bank)

P2: Well, since the water is tired, maybe you will like balloons? Make it so that this pipe itself inflates the balloon for us.

Give her an empty hollow opaque cylindrical vessel. BN looks at him.

BN: What ball?! Where is the ball?! (Examines the vessel from all sides. Takes offense.)

BN: Eh, you! And also scientists! Are you bullying your grandmother? Now I’ll leave altogether, you’ll be left without gifts.

P2: So you can't?! And we can.

Children take out prepared vessels (one vessel), in which plastic bottles are inserted, smaller vessels in height, 1/4 filled with vinegar. A balloon with 2 tsp is put on the neck of the bottle. baking soda, so that the soda does not wake up in advance in the bottle, and so that the ball is not visible - it is inside the vessel. Those who perform the experiment straighten the ball put on the bottle, pour soda out of it into vinegar. The balloon begins to inflate and emerge from the vessel.

You will need: one or more cylindrical opaque jars, plastic bottles to fit the jars, ball(s), vinegar, soda.

BN(indignantly, watching the ball appear): Well, you're definitely kidding. I'm leaving. Well you! I don't want to see this nonsense anymore! ( trying to leave)

P1: Well, okay, grandmother - Naughty, do not be offended. Make us better dough. Can you?

BN (happily returns) : Already according to the test, I am a craftswoman, which cannot be found. For thousands of years, no matter what test I have done, and without your science, I got along just fine. What do you want - thick or liquid?

P1: And we would like something to flow, but not flow out, so that it would be both thick and liquid at once!

Give her flour and water, mixing bowl, spoon. Tries to knead the dough.

At this time, the children take out the prepared starch mixture and begin a demonstration of experiments with a non-Newtonian fluid. The set of experiments can be any, at will. Need: corn or potato starch, water, containers, trays, silicone gloves.

BN peeps and is angry that she can’t do this, but hides her surprise.

BN: Something here you again with your science made up your mind. But I got it! It's you all your childhood porridge half-eaten collected, slimy foam thrown from milk, chewing gum they stuffed their sticky ones, ground it all and mixed it up, and now you are showing off this nonsense in front of me ?! I also have dough! Then I can do it too. And in general, I look at you, learned minds, longing takes ... You don’t have a New Year’s tree, or toys.

P1: That's why we're a science club. Christmas balls are not on our Christmas tree ...

Children take out glass cylinders filled with water and light vegetable oil. The cylinders are illuminated from below by LED flashlights hidden in stands. Experiments are being carried out based on the different densities of immiscible liquids: tinted water is dripped from a large pipette, dropping balls through oil into water; the same, but instead of water we take a mixture of it with alcohol; we drop tinted alcohol onto the interface between water and oil, then we introduce water into the alcohol ball with a pipette, and it sinks; into a cylinder with oil and tinted water we throw any effervescent tablet. You will need: large volume glass cylinders, 5 ml plastic pipettes with a long spout, cylinder holders with flat flashlights, water, oil, alcohol-water-soluble dyes, effervescent aspirin or ascorbic acid.

BN looks wide-eyed in surprise, but then catches himself.

BN(feigning disappointment): Oh, just think, colored balls float back and forth and burst ... No, after all, you have boring things at the holiday ...

P2: What's wrong with you, grandma? Do you want to arrange a volcanic eruption here?!

BN: What?! Eruption? You're lying, no one can do it, even I can't! (to the side) Oh, I've been talking!

P2: Can't you, Naughty? But Science can!

Senior pupils show the experience of "Volcano" from ammonium dichromate with magnesium powder. A steel sheet is prepared in advance, on which a small slide of reagents is poured. It is set on fire with a long match. You will need: ammonium dichromate, magnesium powder, steel sheet, fireplace matches. TB: do not inhale the resulting green chromium oxide powder .

BN:(horrified) Ah ah ah!!! Set fire, save, help!!! Take your key, I don't need it! (gives the key and runs away).

P1: Thank you guys for defeating Baba Nenauka! And who helped you with this?

D: Science.. Knowledge…

P2: That's right, knowledge is power! Therefore, you deserve gifts today!

Gifts are distributed. If desired, a festive tea party is arranged.

Authors: Gracheva Irina Vyacheslavovna, Kupriyanova Maria Igorevna
Position: teachers of additional education
Place of work: GBOU Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth "Preobrazhensky"
Location: Moscow

Chemical SHOW for children / adults

Chemical SHOW for holidays and celebrations

A spectacular show program for lovers of miracles and magic!

Scientific experiments at a children's party for boys and girls!

Thinking about how to please the guests of a children's or adult holiday? Artists of agency of holidays "HayKaramelka" with pleasure will help you with it!

For special occasions, we have a show program with the participation of real Super-chemists. Your children and adults will definitely like their performance, and incredible scientific experiments will leave unforgettable impressions and a whole storm of emotions and positive in the minds of kids.

Chemists of our agency are ready to work with absolutely any audience. In their arsenal there are numbers and experiments for performances designed for children and adults of all ages. An incredibly spectacular show program will surely decorate your holiday and bring a lot of scientific magic into it. Order a Chemistry SHOW for children for a birthday in Moscow right now and give all guests of the event the opportunity to watch the real miracles of professional chemistry and real Science SHOW.

Best Chemistry Show! . It is important to note that all chemical shows for childrencompletely safeand do not pose any health risk. The artists themselves ensure that all safety requirements are observed during their performance. Only harmless reagents and attributes are selected for the performance. We 100% guarantee that by deciding to inviteChemical SHOW for children's party or adult holiday,You will get the maximum quality and success of your festive event!!!

In our work, we use several options for a show program for a children's holiday at once. Much in this case depends on how much time you are willing to devote to the performance of chemical artists. For example,Chemical SHOWbirthday according to the program"Mini" or "Economy" ideal for a celebration where not so many children are invited or they are young. Within the framework of one performance, they will get acquainted with a sufficient number of various experiences, and the succinctly written script will give them a lot of pleasure. A well-thought-out animation will be a great addition to such a program. All this is inexpensive and spectacularly diversifies the monotonous holidays that have already bothered many. Chemistry SHOW can rightly be considered an excellent choice and it is very reckless to miss the opportunity to use it to entertain your children.

For events with a large number of guests and participants, we usually offer programs"Standard" and "Premium" . Their key difference lies in the fact that the scenario contains much more experiments and mass actions, in which almost everyone can take part. If you have been looking for a SHOW for the New Year or any other major event in school and kindergarten, our offer is exactly what you need. We can even help with an open lesson in Chemistry and Physics

The chemistry SHOW is very different from anything you've seen before. Professional animators and artists of the holiday agency "Aikaramelka" will do everything possible to ensure that you and your child remember with delight and warmth those emotions that they managed to experience during the demonstration of our numbers. We guarantee you the perfect SHOW, because it is very spectacular, spectacular and exciting! And most importantly, our presentation is unique, and even if someone has already seen the Chemical SHOW, the delight will be like the first time.

We have all the necessary documents

for the SHOW in D / S and Schools!

Science is far from always a boring and serious business that only adults do. A science-style children's party can be a fun and exciting event if its organization is creative. We will try to inspire you!

An unusual birthday of a child surrounded by flasks and test tubes will be a pleasant and useful holiday. Guests will learn a lot of new things, practice in the laboratory and test their knowledge. Amazing discoveries and pleasant surprises will cheer up all children.

At a scientific holiday for children, there must be a leader - one of the adults who plays the role of a "crazy" scientist. This funny professor with funny habits and tousled hair will help the children conduct experiments in chemistry and physics. The kids won't get bored with it!

science holiday invitations

Little smarties and smart girls will be pleasantly surprised when they receive not only an oral invitation, but also a beautiful card indicating the date, place and time of the holiday. Decorate an invitation card with chemical formulas, print frames from famous cartoons, the main characters of which are young scientists. The text may begin in an official tone, addressing the little guest by name and patronymic. Be sure to write that the child is waiting for an exciting program and a delicious treat.

Scientific room decor

A room for a holiday in a scientific style should resemble a laboratory with all its appearance. Portraits of famous scientists hanging on the walls, a table of chemical elements, thick hardback books will help you with this. Arrange cones and bottles with colorful juices everywhere. If the house has a blackboard, write the words "Happy Birthday!" with chalk. surrounded by chemical formulas.

Outfits for little scientists

Clothing should, at the first glance, give out inquisitive scientists in the guys. It's great if you can get white coats and round glasses with plain glasses for the children. Have a fun dressing up as soon as the guests step on the threshold of the "office". In addition, give each child a name badge that says "Scientist".

Scientific style table setting

Use a variety of jars, flasks and bottles to serve common foods and drinks. It will be interesting to look, for example, marmalade sweets or lollipops in glass "chemical" dishes. Even at the table, the guys will not leave the feeling that they are literally on the verge of a scientific discovery.

It will be interesting to look at jellies of different colors in cups, as well as other products with safe food colors. Blue lemonade or blue cookies - in the world of science, perhaps not!

Eating a bright cake, decorated with numbers and symbols of chemical elements, of course, is one of the most enjoyable events of a scientific children's holiday. Cool fireworks with beautiful flowing sparks will give a magical atmosphere.

Science-style children's party fun

If you doubt your abilities and scientific knowledge, you can invite animators for the entertainment part of the holiday. But we propose to manage on our own - and arrange a chemical show that will cause admiration and open up a lot of new things for the guys. If desired, parents can go on an excursion to the museum or planetarium with the birthday boy and guests.

Quiz. Come up with interesting questions to test the knowledge of the kids. Be sure to consider the age of the guests. There should be a prize for each correct answer. Alternate difficult and simple questions with funny and humorous ones.

Drawings on milk. Ordinary milk can be poured into a large flat container, drip dishwashing liquid into it and add food coloring. When the ingredients are mixed, a chemical reaction will occur - and beautiful abstract patterns will appear.

Bubble. Invite the guests of the children's science holiday to prepare a liquid for soap bubbles with their own hands. To do this, mix a glass of liquid soap with six glasses of plain water in a jar. Take the wire and bend it so that a ring forms at one end. Now it remains only to dip the ring into the mixture - and start the soap performance.

Tornado in a bottle. Show the kids an incredible experiment with water. Fill a plastic bottle 3/4 full with water, add a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid and glitter to get a better view of the tornado. Screw the lid on well and turn the container over, holding it by the “neck”. Swirl the bottle with quick movements and stop. Children will see a water whirlwind - a small tornado. Water moves around the center due to centrifugal force.

It is quite possible to organize a child’s birthday in a scientific style on your own. This day will be remembered by the birthday man and his guests with bright cheerful experiments and positive impressions. A children's holiday event in this format will be useful and inspire the kids!