A mobile game of didactic orientation. Outdoor games for schoolchildren of different intensity version for the visually impaired

Natalia Kolmachenko
A complex of outdoor games for the development of dexterity in children of middle preschool age


outdoor games

For development of dexterity

at children of middle preschool age

Explanatory note

Improving the system of education and upbringing in conditions preschool, stimulated by the social order of society, constantly complicates the requirements for physical education and child development. In particular, among tasks of physical education an urgent task is development of dexterity in preschoolers.

The relevance of this mobile games is that it contains two main component: motor activity and game interaction, which are an integral part of the modern system preschool education. A value attitude to health through motor activity is a set of views and ways of an individual's behavior, characterized by a responsible and close attitude to one's health, a conscious need to preserve it and a focus on strengthening the body and improving one's own physical skills and abilities.

aim mobile games is to create conditions for development of dexterity in preschool children.

Tasks complex:

1) development of dexterity in preschool children;

2) development motor activity, interest in the joint performance of game exercises;

3) educate children independence, joyful emotional attitude in the process of performing game exercises.

Complex includes 10 different content outdoor games. Each game is aimed at development of dexterity during motor activity.

Complex compiled taking into account pedagogical principles:

Unity of goals, content and methods;

Transition from simple to more complex;

Accounting age and individual features children.

For effective development of dexterity in preschool children through mobile Games use the verbal method, which is addressed to the consciousness of each child, it contributes to the meaningfulness and content of his activities. The verbal method includes such techniques on the part of the educator as explanation, explanation, instructions, poetic word, conversation, remarks.

The visual method allows the teacher to show the children specific movements. The method of practical activity is used when learning movements and performing outdoor games for children.

The selection of games depends on age characteristics of children of middle preschool age. Movable games can be aimed at strengthening muscle tone, respiratory muscles, back muscle development, abdominal muscles, coordination of movements.

Forms of activity: individual and group.

Expected Results: development of dexterity in children of middle preschool age in the process of enriching experience when performing outdoor games.

A complex of outdoor games for the development of dexterity in children of middle preschool age

№ 1 mobile game"Where Is It Hidden"

Target: Development of auditory attention, dexterity.

Material used: any subject.

Game progress: Children line up facing the teacher. Children are asked to turn away and close their eyes. The teacher hides an object, at a signal the players look for the object, and the teacher directs with words "warm, cold".

№ 2 mobile game« "Bouncer"

Target: Develop dexterity, endurance.

Material used: ball

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, inside the circle there are a few more players. Those who stand in a circle throw the ball to each other, but at the same time they try to hit those who are standing inside with the ball. The one who was hurt - "knocked out"- out of the game.

№ 3 mobile game"Old bast shoes"

Target: Develop dexterity.

Used materials: balls.

Game progress: A line is drawn on one side of the site - this is the city where all the players are. The space outside the city is the playing field. Children stand up to the line and roll the balls towards the field. Whose ball rolled further, that and drive. The balls remain on the playing field, only the driver takes one ball. He waits for the players to go out for the balls, and he tries to hit everyone who crosses the city limits with the ball. When the driver misses, he catches up with the ball, and the players try to take their balls and run over the line. If the players have not been taunted, then they roll the balls again, and the driver in this case remains the same. If someone was taunted, then the tagged one becomes the leader.

№4 mobile game"From bump to bump"

Target: develop dexterity, to consolidate the skills of long jumps.

Material used: 4 bump (any object that resembles a bump or is depicted on the ground)

Game progress: All participants in the game are divided into two teams. Each team gets 2 "bumps". The task for the players in front of you is a swamp, it must be completed. But you can’t just walk through the swamp, you can drown. You have magical bumps along which you will cross to the other side. Put one bowl, stand on it, near put the second bowl, jump on it, then pick up the first one, shift it forward, jump on it, etc. until the turn and in the same order return to the start line of the front bump for the next player. The team that completes the distance first wins.

№ 5 mobile game« "School of the ball"

Target: development of dexterity, eye gauge.

Material used: Balls

Game progress:

Throw the ball up and catch it with one hand (right, left).

Hit the ball on the floor and catch with one hand (right, left).

Throw the ball up clap your hands catch it with both hands (without pressing the ball to the body).

Hit the ball against the wall and catch with one hand (right, left).

Hit the ball against the wall so that it bounces at an angle towards a partner who must catch the ball.

Hit the ball against the wall from behind the head, from under the feet (right, left) catch the ball.

№ 6 mobile game"Musketeers on Ice"

Target: development of dexterity.

Game progress: Musketeers on ice

In hockey, the game begins with a face-off. Both teams strive to be the first to master it. In the game "Musketeers", "hockey players" form pairs, put two plastic hoops on the ice side by side or draw two circles with a diameter of 0.5 - 0.7 m, in the center of which they put a puck. Then, on a signal, the players, crossing their clubs, try to knock the puck out of the opponent's circle. Knocked out puck - one point. Play up to five points. If both opponents score four points each, the winner is the one who overtakes by two points.

№ 7 mobile game"Slippers"

Target: Develop agility and speed of reaction.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle facing the center at a step distance from each other. Choose a driver, count up to 5 : fifth - leading. He goes to the center of the circle, calls one of the players by name and throws the ball on the ground so that it bounces in the right direction. direction: The one whose name was called by the driver catches the ball and hits it (slaps with his palm, standing in one place. The number of hits of the ball is by agreement, but not more than 5; so that the children do not have to stand waiting for a long time. After hitting the ball, the player throws it to the driver. The game continues until someone drops the ball.The one who dropped the ball takes the place of the driver.You can play 2-3 balls, then choose 2-3 drivers

№ 8 mobile game"Penguins"

Target: Develop agility and endurance.

materials: 2 balls of any size, chips or flags to indicate the place of the turn.

Ho games: Children are divided into 2 teams, lined up in a column one at a time.

In front of each team, at a distance from the start line, there are balls, after 7-8 m there are chips or flags to indicate the place of the turn.

On a signal, the players of the teams, one at a time, pinch the ball between their legs and start moving to the chip or flag, go around and return to the start line, leading the ball to the next player. The team that completes the distance first wins.

№ 9 mobile game« "Find the ball"

Target: Develop observation skills in children, dexterity.

Material: ball

Game progress: All players stand in a circle close, facing the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He may ask each of the players to show their hands by saying "hands". The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who had the ball or who dropped it, becomes in the middle, and the driver takes his place. The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to a neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands.

№ 10 mobile game"Color Game"

Game progress: Everyone becomes in a circle, inside is the leader. Someone from the circle asks: "What color?" and the presenter is loud shouts out: "Blue!". Everyone runs to touch any blue object, and after touching it, they remain standing near it. Who is the last - drops out or becomes the leader himself.

Development of physical qualities of students with the help of outdoor games


Introduction to physical culture and sports from an early age allows a person to achieve a high level of development of motor actions and physical qualities. It is known that already in childhood the foundation of physical qualities is laid, on which successful labor activity, good health and working capacity depend.

In solving these problems, the whole variety of means of the system of physical education is used. Among them, outdoor games occupy a prominent place in recovery and comprehensive development.

Regular use of outdoor games contributes to: health promotion, promotion of proper physical development, versatile readiness of children, education of activity, courage, determination, discipline, collectivism and other character traits. Outdoor games develop vital motor skills and develop a love for systematic sports.

At primary school age, children freely hold the ball, pass it, hit it. They can already master a certain sequence of changes in situations, subordinate their activity to a consciously set goal, make a decision appropriate to the situation, and foresee the possible actions of an opponent. All this indicates that outdoor games and exercises that prepare for various sports are quite accessible to children. It is also recommended to include exercises on the spot, on the move, with additional tasks, a combination of various actions with the ball. When consolidating the skills of actions with the ball, it is advisable to complicate their implementation in the game and modify the conditions of the motor activity of children. The change of exercises and games provides the diversity and emotionality of their conduct.

Often in children, there is fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson. This is a natural reaction of the body to the monotony of training sessions. And as soon as the teacher includes a relay race, a game or a competition in the lesson, the children forget about fatigue, and interest in the game appears.

In outdoor games, participants show certain physical qualities. Leading the games, you can follow the active manifestation of these qualities in their harmonious unity, as well as to a greater extent develop those of them that are important at various stages of development and education of schoolchildren.

To develop dexterity, games are used that encourage you to quickly move from one action to another in a correspondingly changing environment.

The improvement of speed can be facilitated by games that require instant responses to sound, visual, tactile signals, games with sudden stops, delays and resumption of actions, overcoming small distances in the shortest possible time.

For the development of strength, games are suitable that require the manifestation of short-term speed-strength stresses, moderate in load.

The development of endurance is facilitated by games with repeated repetitions of actions, with continuous motor activity associated with a significant expenditure of strength and energy. However, here one should take into account the age and physical fitness of the players.

Experience technology. Games aimed at developing strength

In games that promote the development of strength, those involved overcome their own weight, the weight of burdens, and the resistance of the enemy. In such games, objects are used: stuffed balls, dumbbells, benches, etc. or training partner. For games with overcoming their own weight, the following are used: a gymnastic wall, bars, a vertical rope. Often, such games do not require equipment and are associated with moving around the court in a lying position, in an emphasis from behind, with jumping out. The emotional coloring of such tests forces the participants of the games to show maximum efforts to achieve both personal and team victory.

In the game, beginners in a large volume should not be given an exercise with near limit and limit loads. Emotional uplift often cannot compensate for their lack of physical fitness.

Preparation: students stand on the front line of the court with stuffed balls.

Description of the game: each student takes a stuffed ball (weight 1-2 kg), ip - the ball from behind behind his back, sharply bending forward and raising his arms back - up sharply throw the ball over his head.

Throw option:

a) from below with two hands;

b) from above from behind the head with two hands;

c) from the side (right or left) with both hands, standing half a turn to the direction of the throw;

d) with one hand from below;

e) with one hand on the side;

e) with one hand on top.

The conditions for completing the task are the same.

2. Shot put.

Preparation: students stand on the front line of the site.

Description of the game: pushing the “core” (stuffed ball) is performed with the right (left) hand from the shoulder. The task can be done from the spot or from the jump. Each participant performs three attempts, the best result is taken into account. When pushing with the left and right hand, the two best results can be summed up, and the winner can be determined by this indicator.

4. "Who is stronger."

Preparation: two players stand between two lines, drawn 2-4 m from one another, resting on each other's forearms.

Description of the game: everyone tries to push the opponent out of his line.

The competition takes place according to the method: one against one or team against team - who will remain in the field?

5. Breakthrough.

Preparation: several players, holding hands, form a circle. The rest are in a circle.

Description of the game: on a signal, the players go to the “breakthrough” of the circle; the players forming the circle prevent this.

7. "Roly-Vstanka"

Preparation: one player stands with arms extended along the body. Everyone else sits close around him, legs crossed and arms outstretched to him.

Description of the game: "Roly-Vstanka" falls on the outstretched arms of the seated players, who keep pushing him away from themselves.

9. "Running on the hands."

Preparation: the players count on the first or second and are divided into pairs. Then they line up along the front line.

Description of the game: the first numbers take the emphasis lying down, the second ones take them by the legs. On a signal, the pairs rush to the control line. When the checkpoint is reached, the next two players start moving. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Games aimed at developing speed.

Speed ​​is the ability to perform motor actions in a minimum period of time. Speed ​​to a certain extent depends on the strength of the muscles. Of great importance is the mobility in the joints and the ability of the antagonist muscles to stretch. All exercises should be performed at the fastest possible pace. The duration of one series is 10-20 s. Rest breaks - 1-1.5 minutes.

Exercises that promote the development of speed should not be performed in a state of fatigue, otherwise the coordination of movements is sharply disturbed and the ability to perform them quickly and correctly is lost. Therefore, it is recommended to perform exercises for the development of speed in the first half of the training session, and in small volumes.

1. "Calling numbers."

Preparation: each group is calculated in numerical order. The facilitator calls the number out loud. The player with this number from each team immediately starts, runs the designated distance and returns to his place.

Description of the game: groups line up in columns one by one. At the signal, you need to run to the turn mark.

6. "Relay".

Preparation: the participants of the relay line up in columns side by side.

Description of the game: on a signal, one participant from each team starts. They run a set distance, and then, touching the next player of their team with their hand, stand at the end of their column. The team ends the relay when the last number is in place.

7. "Black and white."

Preparation: in the center of the field at a distance of 1-3 meters from one another, the teams of “black” and “white” line up.

Description of the game: as soon as the leader calls: “black”, they become persecuted, and “white” pursue them. Each can be spotted by several catchers.

4. "Wolves and sheep."

Preparation: a driver is appointed, he is located in the middle of the site. All other free players take their place on the opposite side of the field.

Description of the game: free “sheep” players try to run to the other side of the court, trying to escape from the “wolf”.

5. "Simple tags."

Preparation: players are divided into catchers and free players.

Description of the game: every catcher who has stained a free player changes roles with him.

Evaluation: Who gets tarnished the least number of times.

6. "Catch the ball"

Preparation: The players are divided into two teams. A circle is drawn at a distance of 5m from each column.

Description of the game: on a signal, players with basketballs in their hands run into a circle and throw the ball to the second number, while they themselves run back into the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

7. "Race balls in a circle"

Preparation: participants count on 1-2 and stand in a circle after one.

Description of the game: the captains have two balls in a circle. The ball is thrown over one to its player. The ball must go around the full circle and return to the captain. Having received the ball, the captain says: “Yes!”

9. "The ball is average."

Preparation: the players form two circles, in the middle of which are the drivers with stuffed balls in their hands.

Description of the game: on a signal, the drivers begin to throw the ball to their players in turn. Having received the ball from the last player, the driver raises it up. The team that finishes the game first wins. Whoever dropped the ball, he picks it up, receiving a penalty point.

Games, direction for the development of endurance

In games, endurance is manifested not in static, but in dynamic conditions, robots, when moments of tension and relaxation alternate. These exercises, especially of a cyclic nature, can cause fatigue, while there is a decrease in performance. Therefore, such exercises should be given in the second half of the lesson.

1. "Fishermen and fish."

Preparation: Players line up in a circle. In the center is a leader with a rope.

Description of the game: the driver rotates the rope under the feet of the players, everyone bounces, trying not to hurt her. And who nevertheless touches the rope, becomes himself in the place of the "fisherman".

3. "Interception of the ball."

Preparation: draw three circles. There are three participants in each circle.

Description of the game: within the circle, two players throw the ball to each other. The third is trying to intercept him.

4. "Tigerball".

Preparation: players form a circle of 8 m, several "tigers" are in the middle of the circle.

Description of the game: students play the ball among themselves, the "tigers" try to touch the ball. Whoever allowed the "tiger" to touch the ball takes his place.

5. "Knockouts".

Preparation: the players are divided into two teams. One team is located on one half of the site, and the second on the other.

Description of the game: each team tries to knock out the players of the other team with the ball, playing the ball among themselves.

6. "Rugby".

Preparation: there are two teams of 5 people on the court, the 6th at the gate.

Description of the game: the ball is placed in the center. Both teams try to get the ball from their goal line. Each team tries to deliver the ball over the opponent's goal line.

7. "Football on the back"

Preparation: the players are in a supine position, support with their hands behind and tear the ball apart with their feet. Teams try to score the ball into the opponent's goal.

9. "Be able to catch up"

Preparation: 16 players on the treadmill. They are at a distance of 25 meters from each other.

Description of the game: on a signal, the run begins. It is necessary to catch up with the running player in front, but also not allow the running player to catch up with you from behind.

Agility Games

Dexterity is a complex complex quality that does not have a single evaluation criterion. Agility means:

1) the ability to quickly master new movements;

2) the ability to master complex movements in coordination;

3) the ability to quickly find a way out of a motor situation.

This quality is manifested in the ability to quickly rebuild

according to the changing environment. Agility helps in mastering sports technique and its improvement. A variety of exercises are used to develop dexterity.

1. "Vigilant eye".

While walking or running on a visual signal, students perform a predetermined action. For example: a raised hand means that the children must jump forward and take a conditioned stance.

2. "Falling stick."

Preparation: students become in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver, who holds the stick, which is in a vertical position, by the upper end.

Description of the game: the driver calls the number of one of the players and releases the stick, the player must lunge forward and grab the stick without letting it fall.

Description of the game: students stand in a circle and hit the ball up to each other in the way of the top pass. The player who allowed the ball to fall receives a penalty point. The one with the fewest mistakes wins.

5. "Only from below."

Description of the game: the usual game of volleyball, but the transfer of the ball is only allowed from below with two or one hand. Otherwise, the ball is passed to the opposite side, and the team receives a point.

6. "Scorers".

Preparation: the participants stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other.

Description of the game: the one who made a mistake when receiving the ball or sent the ball inaccurately sits in the center of the circle. The rest, from time to time, with an attacking blow, send the ball to those who are sitting. If you hit the player, he leaves the circle and continues the game. The shelling lasts until one of the seated catches the ball in his hands, then everyone stands up, and the player who has punched in his hands sits in a circle.

7. "Precise feed."

Preparation: squares are drawn on the volleyball field.

Description of the game: players perform any serve, having previously named the number of the square they want to hit. The player who hits the square gets a point.

8. "Change of circles."

Preparation: circles are drawn on the site. One team becomes in circles, the other between them.

Description of the game: the team that was outside the circle tries to take the ball away from the players in the circle, who throw the ball between themselves without leaving the circle.

Flexibility games

Flexibility is the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude. Flexibility depends on the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Flexibility is shown at performance of all technical receptions. Therefore, the high elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments contributes to good game play.

The main means of developing flexibility are exercises with low weights, with a partner and exercises similar in structure to the exercises of a volleyball player performing a technique.

1. "Who will transfer faster."

Preparation: two teams line up in a column. The distance between players in a team is 1 m.

Description of the game: on a signal, both teams begin to pass the ball, using the top pass of the ball, to the partner standing behind. Who will pass the ball faster.

2. "Who is faster."

Preparation: two teams are built. Each has a stuffed ball, the distance between partners is 1m.

Description of the game: the players pass the ball to each other, turning the torso to the right, reaching the wing player, the ball is passed in the opposite direction by turning to the left.

3. "Bench over your head."

Description of the game: on command, the players lean to the right and take the bench, crossing it over their heads to the other side, then move to another place so that the bench is on the left, and perform the exercise again to the conditional line. The game is played on time.

4. "The bridge and the cat."

Preparation: two teams are built. Each team is calculated for the first or second. Two circles are drawn in front of each team.

Description of the game: on a signal, the first couples from each team start the relay. Once in the first circle, one of the players makes a "bridge", and the second crawls under it and runs to another circle, where he takes emphasis, standing bent over. His partner crawls under him, after which both, holding hands, run back and pass the baton to the next pair.


In the physical education of children, outdoor games have the most honorable place. They are the most suitable type of physical exercises, which are distinguished by their attractiveness, accessibility, depth and versatility of impact.

Team games are the most popular in sports games, as they are similar in nature. Team outdoor games are the most complex, where along with the perfection of motor skills, highly organized tactics of the whole team are needed.

The special value of outdoor games lies in the possibility of simultaneous impact on the motor and mental spheres of the personality of those involved. The reciprocal nature of motor reactions and the choice of the correct behavior in constantly changing conditions of the game predetermines the wide inclusion of the mechanisms of consciousness in the process of control and regulation. As a result, the process of the flow of nervous processes is improved, their strength and mobility increase, the subtlety of differentiation and the plasticity of the regulation of functional activity increase.

The high emotionality of gaming activity allows you to cultivate the ability to control your behavior, contributes to the emergence of such character traits as activity, perseverance, determination, collectivism.

Games also contribute to moral education. Respect for an opponent, a sense of camaraderie, honesty in wrestling, striving for improvement - all these qualities can be successfully formed under the influence of outdoor games.

With the help of outdoor games, the development of motor qualities and, above all, speed and dexterity is carried out. Under the influence of game conditions, motor skills are improved. They are formed flexible and plastic. The ability to complex combinatorics of movements develops.

Game activity contributes to the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system, since all muscle groups can be involved in the work, and the conditions of the competition require quite a lot of physical stress from the participants.

Alternating moments of relatively high intensity with rest pauses and low-stress activities allows players to perform a large amount of work. The alternating nature of the load most of all corresponds to the age-related characteristics of the physiological state of a growing organism and therefore has a beneficial effect on improving the activity of the circulatory and respiratory systems.

By their nature, outdoor games are closely intertwined with sports games, and are a good help for those involved in the first stages of learning, when motor skills have not yet developed into a skill.


1. M.G. Kamentser. "Lesson after class" Moscow "Physical culture and sport", 1987.

2. A. Loescher. "Small games for many". Minsk "Polymya", 1983

3. V. Yakovlev, A. Grinevsky. "Games for children". Moscow "Sphere", 1992

4. G.A. Vasilkov, V.G. Vasilkov. From game to sport. Moscow "Physical culture and sport", 1985.

5. L. Byleeva, I. Korotkov, V. Yakovlev. "Outdoor games". Moscow "Physical culture and sport", 1984.

6. E.M. Geller. "Our friend is the game." Minsk "People's Asveta", 1979

In October, schools actively conduct diagnostics of the physical fitness of children. Physical education teachers study the level of development of endurance, speed, strength, flexibility and coordination in their wards. Based on the results obtained, a program for physically weakened schoolchildren is being developed. For such children, it is advisable to organize a general physical training section, where they could play outdoor and sports games, compete in relay races, and also improve the technique of gymnastic exercises.

Relay "Offensive"

Target: improving the technique of low and high start.
Preparation: two teams with the same number of participants line up behind the end lines on opposite sides of the court facing the middle.
At the instruction of the teacher, the players of one team take the position of a high start, and the participants of the second, holding hands, go forward, observing the alignment. When there are 2-3 steps left to those standing at the start, the teacher blows a whistle. The "advancing" unhook their hands and run to the line of their home. The players of the other team are chasing them, trying to knock them down. After counting the pissed off participants, the attack is led by another team.
Rules: after 3–4 runs, the total number of those caught is counted and the best sprinters are announced.

Relay race "Be able to catch up"

Target: development of speed endurance.
Preparation: 20 people play.
Participants are located on the stadium running track at the same distance from each other.
For example, if 16 people are playing, then on a 400-meter track they stand at a distance of 25 m from one another.
On a signal, all participants start running from a low or high start. The task of everyone is not to let the one who runs behind catch up with him, and at the same time touch the person in front with his hand. The salted ones are eliminated from the game and go to the middle of the running circle. The rest keep on running.
Rules: They play until one person remains - the winner.

Relay "Who is faster?"

Target: improvement of starting technique.
Inventory and equipment: gymnastic mace.
Preparation: players are divided into 2 teams. On the playground with an interval of 30–40 m, two parallel lines are drawn, on the outside of which, on command, the children line up in lines, followed by calculation in order. A gymnastic mace is placed in the middle between the ranks.
The teacher arbitrarily calls any serial number. Members of the opposing ranks with this number run as fast as they can to the mace, trying to grab it faster than the opponent. The one who succeeds immediately runs into his line, and the opponent tries to catch up with him and stain him with his hand.

1) if a player with a mace returns to his line unstained, then he brings his team two winning points, and if he is stained - one;
2) the team with the most points wins.

"Three hundred"

This game is played with a soccer ball in one goal. Two teams participate, the number of players in each is no more than four people. Members of one team stand at the goal, and members of the other team hit them from the penalty mark. While one of the players is hitting, the rest of his team members are near the gate, and if the ball from one of the players standing at the gate bounces into the field, then they finish it off. Several team members may come out behind the ball bouncing into the field and try to take it away.
When all players have hit, the teams change places. Points are awarded for hitting the goal as follows:

    if the ball flies into the goal at a height below the waist and no one touches it - 50 points;

    the same height, but someone touched the ball - 25 points;

    if the ball flies at a height below the waist and no one touches it - 75 points, and if it touches - 50 points;

    if the ball rebounds from one of the participants standing in the goal and the kicking team still scores it - 15 points.

The game is to score three hundred points as quickly as possible. If the team scored more, then extra points from three hundred are deducted.
If there are real football goals, then you can play up to 500 points, but the following conditions are added:

    for hitting the bar - 50 points;

    in the cross - 150 points;

    crossbar - 100 points.

"Ball from the circle"

The game can be played on the court or in the hall. Two teams of 10 people participate. A circle with a diameter of 20-25 meters is drawn. Inside it is the second, half the size of the first.
Before the game, one team (by lot) is placed in a smaller circle, and the other moves aside 10-12 meters into a square drawn in advance. Here one of the participants hides a small rubber ball in his pocket or in his bosom.
After that, the players of the second team are arranged in a large circle. They keep their hands behind their backs, in their pockets or in their bosoms. Everyone tries to show that he has the ball. The participant who has the ball hidden, after waiting for the right moment, throws it at one of the players of the first team. Whoever gets hit by the ball goes out of the circle. If the thrower misses the ball, he himself is out of the game.
The loser from the first team can stay in the circle if he manages to pick up the ball and throw it at one of the members of the other team before they run into the square. When all players on one team are out of action, the game starts again. This time the ball is hidden by the winning team.

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Details Published: 02/25/2016 00:41 Views: 1876


Any number of children can take part in the game, but not less than three. It is desirable to have some space to be able to move without bumping into obstacles. The game begins with the choice of the driver. You can use a counting rhyme or just throw lots. The “carrier” is blindfolded and taken to the middle of the site, then they turn it several times around its own axis. Then you can read a poem or just run up on command. The task of blind man's blind man is to catch the player.

Rules of the game:

  1. When a blind man approaches a dangerous object, everyone yells "fire" to avoid injury. But you can't use that word to distract a blind man's attention from a player who can't run away.
  2. You can not run far away (it is advisable to discuss the boundaries of the area for the game in advance) and hide behind some objects.
  3. Blind Man's Buff must recognize the caught player without removing the blindfold.

Fifteen or tags

Any number of players can take part in the game, but not less than 3. For the game, it is desirable to have a platform, along the edges of which 2 circles are drawn - at home. First, a driver is selected - a tag or a tag. Then all the players scatter around the court, and the tag catches them.

Rules of the game:

  1. The player who has touched the tag with his hand changes places with him.
  2. If a player stands with two feet on any object, then he "saved" from the tag.
  3. If the player jumped on two legs, then he is safe, the driver cannot stain him.
  4. The player is saved from the tag if he runs into the circle-house.

big ball

To play, you need a fairly flat area (a clearing is suitable) and a large ball. At least 5 players are preferred.
All players, holding hands, stand in a circle, and the driver inside the circle with the ball. His task is to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet.
The one between whose legs the ball slipped becomes the driver, only already outside the circle. All players turn their backs to the center of the circle, and the driver tries to roll the ball into the circle. Then everything repeats.
During the entire game, it is forbidden to take the ball in hand and it should not rise above the knees of the players.

Racing on the hands

An even number of children take part in the game. They are divided into teams of 2 people. One player takes the second member of the team by the legs. So they must reach the finish line. In the middle of the path, the players change places and continue to move on. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Any number of players can participate in the game. The leader is selected first. He becomes facing the wall or just with his back to the rest of the players, who are located 10-15 steps behind him. "Drove" pronounces the phrase "Slower you drive - you will continue" and quickly turns around, carefully examining the players. Players can only move while the driver is saying the phrase. When he turns, everyone must be completely still. If a player moves even a little or even just smiles, he is out of the game. The winner is the one who can come close to the driver and touch him with his hand when he turns away.

Hares in the garden

At least 3 people take part in the game. The game requires a platform on which two circles are drawn, one inside the other. The diameter of the outer circle can be 3-4 m, and the inner one - 1-2 m. The driver - "guard" is in the inner circle (garden), the rest of the players are "hares" in the outer. Hares jump on two legs - first into the garden, then back. At the signal of the host, the watchman catches the hares that are in the garden, catching up with them within the outer circle. Those who are taunted by the watchman are out of the game. When all the hares are caught, a new guard is chosen and the game starts again.

  1. "Forbidden Movement" To the music, the leader shows the participants in the game various movements that they must repeat after him. One movement (for example, clapping your hands or jumping on one leg) is considered forbidden, it cannot be repeated. All inattentive ones who repeat this forbidden movement are eliminated from the game, and the most attentive participant is considered the winner. The game can be made more difficult by suggesting one forbidden move for girls and another for boys.
  2. "Cones, acorns and nuts." The participants in the game form three circles around the driver, standing in the center, facing him. Participants in the first circle (located closer to the leader) are called "bumps", the second - "acorns", and the third - "nuts". If during the game the driver pronounces the word “bumps”, then the participants in this circle should change places among themselves, and the driver at the same time tries to take the place of one of the participants in this circle. If he succeeds, then the player whose place he took becomes the leader himself. The same happens with participants from other circles. The winner is the one who has never been a driver. To complicate the game, the driver can name the participants not only in one, but in two or even three circles at once.
  3. "Owl and mice".Of all the participants in the game, an “owl” is chosen, and the rest will be “mice”. "Owl" sits in a nest located on the side of the playground. At the command of the leader, the day begins, the “mice” go out onto the site and begin to run, jump, and imitate other animals or insects. At the command of the host, announcing the onset of night, the “mice” freeze in the pose they have just taken, and the “owl” flies out of the nest in search of the “mice”. As soon as the "owl" notices the moving "mouse", she takes him to the nest. This is repeated several times. The winner is the one who has never caught the "owl". You can also select the best "owl" that caught the most "mice".
  4. "Wolf and goats". In the middle of the playground, two lines (not necessarily parallel) are drawn, the distance between which is from 70 to 100 cm, this is a moat. On one side of the moat they represent a house, and on the other, a pasture. Among all the players, one is chosen who will be the "wolf", and he occupies the territory of the moat. The rest of the participants in the game are "goats" who are on the site of the house. At the command of the leader, the “goats” go to the pasture, jumping over the moat, and the task of the “wolf” is to catch as many “goats” as possible (which are immediately released). The winner is the "goat" that the "wolf" has never caught, as well as the "wolf" that has caught the largest number of "goats".
  5. "Sharp arrows". About ten pins are placed from one edge of the playing area (at an equal distance between each other). About ten steps are counted from them and a starting line is drawn. All participants in the game, previously divided into two teams, line up in alternating lines along the starting line. At the command of the leader, the players of the first line throw small balls at the pins, trying to knock them down. After the first throw, the second rank takes the place of the first (and also throws at the command of the leader), and this happens several times. As a result, the team whose players knocked down the most pins wins.

1. "Take and run."

On one side of the site, a start line is drawn, on the other side, parallel to it, at 20-30 m - the finish line. To play, you need a stick 10-12 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter or a ball.

The players line up along the starting line, close shoulder to shoulder, put their hands behind their backs, palms open.

The leader, walking behind the lined up players, imperceptibly puts a wand to one of them. Then he steps back a few steps and says loudly: “Take it, run!” On this signal, the player with a wand in his hand runs to the finish line, and all the rest rush after him, trying to catch up with him and "smash him". The player with the wand, who has safely reached the finish line, returns back, sitting on the back of any player (of his choice). If someone “stumbles” him when he runs with a stick, then he carries the “assed” on his back to the starting line. Players who are not caught up to the finish line win.

Rules of the game:

1. Putting a wand in someone's palm, leader. should not immediately step aside and give a command, since it will be easy for the players to establish to whom he gave the wand in his hand.

2. The player who received the wand can also run not immediately, but after a short pause.

3. A player who drops a stick on the move is considered caught and carries one of the players on his back.

2. Elimination race.

With the help of flags, a circle with a diameter of 9 - 12 m is marked, a start-finish line is drawn on it.

On a signal, all participants in the game simultaneously begin to run along the outer side of the circle against hour hand. After each lap (or 2 laps) the participant who was the last to cross the start control line is eliminated from the game. Gradually less hardy "weed out".

The winner is the one who remains the leader, that is, the most enduring and fastest player. At the discretion of the leader, participants can run with a stuffed ball, put on weight belts, backpacks with a load.

The race can be carried out in a straight line - back and forth. The participant who ran to the start line last is out of the game.

Rules:It is impossible to intercede for the "edge" of the circle line.

3. "Be able to catch up."

Participants are located on the stadium running track at the same distance from each other.

At the signal, all players start running. The task of everyone is not to let the one who runs behind catch up with him, and at the same time touch the hand in front of the one running. "Salted" drop out of the fight and go to the middle of the running circle. The rest continue the race. The game can be ended when the three most enduring athletes remain on the treadmill.

The three remaining players or the one remaining player win.

Rules:You can not run to the inside of the circle.

4. Shuttle

Preparation: The game can be played simultaneously on different halves of the hall, the teams can be mixed or separate in composition. The two competing teams are located to the right and left of the drawn line. It is agreed that the players of one team will jump (pushing from the spot with both feet) to the right of the line, and the players of the other team will jump to the left.

Content of the game: Teams choose captains who send players in turn to the middle line. After the initial jump of the first number, the line of his landing is marked on the heels. The player returns to his team, and the player of the other team jumps from the marked line in the opposite direction (to the middle line). Also marks his landing. From this mark, the player of the first team jumps again to the other side, and so on. The control line is always the middle line. If the last player managed to jump over it, his team wins. If it fails, then the team loses the segment that is missing to the middle line.

Rules of the game:

1. It is not allowed to step over the line from which they jump.

2. If, after landing, the player stumbles back (leans on the floor with his hand), then the mark is accordingly transferred to the extreme point of landing.

3. Everyone is entitled to only one jump.

1. "Labyrinth".

All players are built in lines of 5 people, at arm's length. “Corridors” of different lengths are formed between the players, depending on which way they turn. Two drivers are selected, one runs away, and the other catches up.

At the “one” count, the escaping player runs into one of the corridors, at the “three” count, the catching up player runs after the evader. As soon as the “catching up” player catches up and “assaults” the escaping player, they switch roles. As soon as the new "catching up" "assaults" the "running away", a new pair is selected, and the game continues.

The game continues until all players are in the role of "running away" and "catching up". The winners are the players who were the fastest to catch up with the fleeing player, as well as the "running away" player, whom they could not catch up for a long time.

Rules: 1. You can not run outside the maze.2. You can not run through and under outstretched hands.3. You can not "salt" fleeing players through the hand and outside the maze.

2. "Rod"

The driver, standing in the middle of the circle, rotates the rope so that the bag, sliding along the floor, passes under the feet of the bouncing players. The one who touches the bag or rope with his feet, becomes in the middle of the circle in the place of the driver, and the driver - in the place of the player. The one who never hooked the rope wins. You can play with elimination. The leader can play together with the players, be the leader or the most enduring player.

3. "Surveyors"

Preparation: The distance between start and finish is 12-15 m. Players with gymnastic sticks are located at the start.

Game rules:1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. Stepping over the start line is prohibited. 3. At each measurement, the stick is placed on the floor. The game can be played in teams.

4. "Who is higher?"

Preparation: The bar is set at a height accessible to the players of both teams. Game content. The players of one team jump first, then the other. If in one of the attempts (only two) the participant overcame the bar, he continues the competition at the next height. After the second unsuccessful attempt, the player is eliminated from the competition. The team with the most members left wins. Rules of the game: 1. Points are awarded for correct take-off and landing. 2. Their sum is added to the shown result, which can also be expressed in points.

Dexterity is called physical dexterity. Without dexterity, a person can be strong, but his movements will be clumsy, so the speed and accuracy of performing actions is something that must certainly be developed in a child. There are a lot of games aimed at developing dexterity. They help to increase the speed of reaction in children, make their movements refined and graceful. Many games of skill, in addition, contribute to the improvement of the eye, that is, the ability to determine the distance to the target with the “naked eye”. In addition to these basic tasks, they develop and reinforce many skills: running, climbing, jumping, and so on, that is, everything that makes a child dexterous and fast. In addition, games of this type effectively train the elements of the thought process: eye, quick reaction, decisiveness and resourcefulness, the ability to play in a team and compete. So, it would seem, by strengthening only the child's body, we develop his mind and character.

In this material, we offer only some of these games, but you can come up with something of your own based on them or modify the game, adapting it to the age of your child or the group of children that you are raising and developing. Keep in mind that the physical development of children, even if of the same age, can be different, if only because someone is more mobile by nature, and someone is less. In such cases, try to either choose a game that is accessible to everyone, or adapt it so that all children can participate in it: it is important that the child learns dexterity and does not worry about the fact that so far he does not succeed in everything in the game.


Age: 5 - 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of reaction.

Game progress(an almost unlimited number of children can take part in the game). The driver is selected (he will be “rain”). The rest of the participants in the game become in a circle. "Rain" becomes the center of the circle. Players join hands and walk in a circle, reciting a poem about rain in unison.

"Rain" at this time runs inside the circle in the opposite direction to the movement of the other players. With the last words of the poem, the guys stop and stand facing the middle of the circle. The player who was opposite the “rain” says: “Hello, rain, why did you come?” “Rain” in response suggests: “Let's run a race?”, After which he and the player he has chosen go beyond the circle near the “house”, that is, an empty place in the circle, and stand with their backs to each other. The rest of the participants in the game count up to three, after which the "rain" and the player chosen by him run along the outer side of the circle. The winner is the one who, having run around the whole circle, will be able to take the “house” first. If the “rain” wins, then the remaining player takes his place and becomes the leader (“rain”). If the "rain" loses, that is, does not have time to run to the "house" first, then he has to drive again.

Note. Running skills in many children of 5 years old are not yet fully formed, and they quickly get tired. That is why it is best for adults who organize the game (parents, educators) to choose a new “rain” after each round of the game: it’s good if all the children manage to run a little and test their dexterity.

As a preliminary work, you can learn a poem about rain with children.

Rain, rain, drop.

water saber,

I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

Cut, cut, did not cut

And he stopped.

Irina Tokmakova


Age: 5 - 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: to develop the child's jumping skills.

Necessary equipment: several (five, six or more) rubber mats measuring 50 x 50 cm.

Game progress. The teacher lays out the rugs on the floor in a line at such a distance from each other that one could only jump from one rug to another, and not step over. Rugs should be located along the entire length of the room. He further explains that the floor is a swamp that must be crossed. The only way to do this is to jump from mat to mat. After that, the children take turns "crossing the swamp", jumping from rug to rug. The one who turned out to be not very dexterous and stepped on the floor is out of the game. The winner is the one who managed to cross the swamp the fastest, never stumbling and not touching the floor with his foot.

Note. Based on this game, you can arrange a kind of competition for teams of players. For example, team captains can be given two mats each and asked to “cross the swamp” at speed, that is, stepping on one mat, quickly put another one in front of them, and then, taking a place on the second mat, take the first one with them and put it down again in front of you on the floor. You can also complicate the task: lay out the mats not in a line, but in a circle or zigzag.


Age: 5 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to educate children in dexterity of movements and speed of reaction.

Game progress. The game is played by two teams with an equal number of players. Both teams stand in a line facing each other, the players of each team hold hands. Two seniors (they will be leading) become at the beginning and at the end of the resulting lines. Each of the leaders takes the hands of the extreme players of both teams. As a result, the two teams, as it were, are interconnected by two leaders. Since the game is called "Telegraph", the hosts will also get their own names: one will be the "transmitter" and the second will play the role of the "receiver".

Playing Telegraph is very simple: the “transmitter” simultaneously shakes hands with the extreme players of both teams, and they, in turn, must “transmit a message by telegraph”, that is, quickly shake hands with the players standing next to them. So sequentially the “message” reaches the “receiver”, which must evaluate which of the teams transmitted the message faster.

Note. We've talked about the simplest version of the game, but it can be made more complicated by sending, for example, a Morse code-style message (say, "one short handshake + one long handshake" or "two short handshakes + one long handshake + another short handshake"). In this case, it is important for players not only to convey the message quickly, but also correctly, and the game in this case will develop not only dexterity, but also attention.


Age: 6 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game

Necessary equipment: several (5 - 6) identical smooth sticks 40-50 cm long, rubber ball.

Game progress. Sticks are placed on the ground so that their upper ends come together. It turns out a kind of hut. Around the hut it is necessary to draw a circle, the line of which should depart from the hut at a distance of 3-4 steps.

One of the players takes on the role of "watchman": he stands in a circle near the hut. The rest of the players go beyond the circle line, one of the players takes the ball. Players throw the ball to each other, while trying to knock down the hut. The task of the watchman is not to miss a goal and catch the ball, not to let the hut break. The ball can be tossed, but not rolled on the ground. In addition, players behind the circle line are prohibited from moving. Anyone who breaks this rule is out of the game. After the hut still breaks, the player who managed to do this becomes the watchman himself, and the former "watchman" joins the rest of the players. You can play until you get bored.


Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop children's movement skills, coordination of movements, as well as tenacity of fingers and dexterity.

Necessary equipment: rubber ball.

Game progress. The essence of the game "Zebra" is to throw the ball at the wall and catch it (the wall, of course, should be empty and without windows). First of all, you need to draw a "zebra": stepping back 1 step from the wall, draw a line on the floor. Taking a step back from the first line, draw the second, etc. The number of lines depends on the age of the children: the older the child, the greater the distance between the wall and the line furthest from it can be.

The game starts. The first player stands on the line that is closest to the wall. Throwing the ball against the wall, the player catches it. If he succeeded, he takes a step back and stands on the second line. Throws the ball against the wall again, catches it and, if successful, takes another step back. The game continues until its participant passes all the lines in this way. If the child could not catch the ball, then he will have to give way to the next player.

The rules can be adjusted according to the age and abilities of the participants in the game. It is possible, for example, to allow the child, when catching the ball, to take a step (but no more) forward or to the side. You can also allow the child to throw the ball not directly at the wall, but on the floor: the ball will thus touch the wall after bouncing off the floor.

Note. The rules of the game can be complicated - the ball can be thrown not at the wall, but at some specific target, for example, into a wastebasket.


Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the speed of reaction, dexterity. In addition, the game fosters a sense of camaraderie.

Game progress. 8-10 players take part in the game. With the help of a rhyme, the driver is determined, he is also a "sorcerer". The players run around the court. The sorcerer must catch up with the players. Having caught up with one of them, the sorcerer taunts him. After that, the player must freeze in place, spreading his arms to the sides: this means that he was "bewitched". To "disenchant" the player, someone else from the players must get close to him and, in turn, touch him with his hand. After that, the player is considered "disenchanted" and can again run away from the sorcerer along with the others. However, "disenchanting" a comrade is not so easy. The sorcerer must keep a vigilant eye on the players, and as soon as one of them tries to "break the spell", he will again find them on the player by repeated salting. If the "sorcerer" turns out to be dexterous enough, he can try to "enchant" also the one who came running to the rescue of a friend.

A player who is bewitched three times during the game becomes a "sorcerer".


Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity and speed in children. The game contributes to the development of auditory attention and quick reaction.

Necessary equipment: two sets of cards with numbers from 0 to 9, as well as 15-20 prize tokens.

Game progress. There are two teams of 10 people. First you need to mark the playing field: draw 20 circles in one line on one side of it, and 4 more circles on the opposite side.

Both teams line up in one line (each player becomes in "his" circle). The host (adult) distributes cards with numbers to the players so that each team has a complete set of numbers. Then the facilitator reads the text, which often contains two-digit numbers. When such a number comes across in the text, the players run to the circles on the opposite side of the field, raising the cards with numbers above their heads, and stand in circles, making up the named number (naturally, the leader’s story is interrupted at this moment for a while). For example, if the number “95” is found in the text read by the leader, then players with cards “9” and “5” run from each team. The pair of players who completes the number faster wins: the winning team is given a prize token. The team that manages to collect the largest number of tokens within the predetermined time frame is considered the winner.

Note. You can come up with a text with numbers on any topic. We offer the following.

“I was standing at the bus stop when bus number 45 drove up to it (players with the numbers 4 and 5 on the cards are running). There were twenty-seven passengers on the bus (players with numbers 2 and 7 run out), and there were thirty-four more passengers (players with numbers 3 and 4 run out). At the next stop, eighteen people got off (players with numbers 1 and 8 run out), etc.


Age: 6 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children dexterity, the ability to work in a team. The game promotes the development of coordination of movements.

Game progress. It is best to play on the court. An arbitrary number of players take part in the game. Among those playing with the help of a counting rhyme, a “fisherman” is chosen, the rest play the role of “fish”. The game starts. "Fisherman" runs after the "fish". Having caught up with one of them, the “fisherman” takes her by the hand, and they catch the next “fish” together, without disengaging their hands. With each new "fish" caught, more and more players join the "fisherman", forming a whole "fishing net". The game ends when the last fish is caught in the fisherman's net.

Note. Each time there are more and more “fisherman” assistants, but this does not simplify the task, as it may seem at first glance: it is much easier for one person to catch up than for a whole group of players, and even holding hands. That is why the players who make up the "chain" must coordinate their movements: only then do they have a chance to catch more "fish".

If the "network" has already reached a large size, then there is a chance that several "fish" will fall into it at once. In this case, they all begin to help the “fisherman”.


Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop speed and dexterity in children. The game contributes to the development of good coordination of movements.

Game progress. The game involves two teams of 6-10 people. Two lines must be drawn on the playing field at a distance of 4-5 steps from each other, teams line up on them, one opposite the other. The players of both teams are not built as usual, but “braid the wattle fence”. This is done simply: the children stand in a line shoulder to shoulder. Each player stretches out his hands to the sides to his "neighbors", but not to the nearest, but to those standing through one. Neighboring players also extend their hands not to those standing nearby, but to those following them.

The game starts. The host (teacher, music director) plays cheerful music, to which both teams first take two steps towards each other, then two steps back, after which they unhook their hands and start jumping, running and dancing to the music. Then the host suddenly cuts off the melody. At this signal, both teams must line up on “their” line, again “braiding the fence”. The team that does it faster is considered the winner. You can play multiple times.

Note. The game can be successfully used at children's matinees, as it entertains children and allows them to move freely.


Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed. The game helps to strengthen coordination of movements, teaches to work in pairs.

Game progress. This is a relay game played in pairs. First, draw a starting line. The players of each pair stand with their backs to each other, holding hands. At the command of the leader (chosen among the players or an adult - an educator or teacher), the players, without disengaging their hands, run to the finish line, after which, without changing their position, they return back. The special charm of the game lies in the fact that each player of the pair runs in one direction, as usual, forward, perfectly seeing the finish in front of him, and in the other - backwards, completely relying on his partner. Only the pair of players whose movements turned out to be faster and, more importantly, coordinated, will be able to win this game.

Note. To avoid injury, this game is best played either indoors or on a pre-levelled court.


Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity, coordination of movements, consolidate climbing skills.

Necessary equipment: wall bars, ladder, "snail" or any other climbing device, a scarf or a mask made of dense fabric that covers the eyes.

Game progress(the game can take place in the gym or on the playground). With the help of a counting rhyme among children (6-10 people can play at the same time), a leader is selected who is blindfolded. The rest of the participants in the game are considered "monkeys": they have the right to move only along the stairs, and if they go down from it, they must not step aside more than one step. The host's task is to catch the "monkey" blindfolded and determine which of the players he is holding in his hands. The task of the "monkeys" is not to let the leader catch himself. The leader's task is not easy, so he has two saving phrases, however, he can use each one only once per game. The first phrase is "Stop, earth!" If the host says it, then all the players who are on the ground (on the floor) at that moment freeze in place, and within 5 seconds the host can catch one of them. The second phrase is "Stop, on the tree!" At this time, the players who are on the ladder freeze in place, and the leader can catch one of them. But both of these phrases are valid only for 5 seconds: if the leader does not catch anyone during this time, then he must continue to make attempts already without these phrases. If the leader catches and recognizes the player without removing the blindfolds, then he also has the right to become a “monkey”, and the one who is caught becomes the leader. If the leader catches, but does not recognize the player, then the attempt is considered unsuccessful, and the game starts over.

Came - did not come

Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the skills of jumping, perception of space. The game develops dexterity and coordination of movements, improves reaction.

Game progress. Participants (there can be an almost unlimited number) stand in a circle so that there is a distance of 1 - 1.5 steps between them. With the help of a rhyme, the first player is determined. He must jump to the side so as to step on the foot of the next player (of course, you do not need to do this with all your strength). The second player must at the same time try to jump away from the first player so that he cannot reach him. At the same time, the first player shouts: “It has come!”, And the second: “It has not come!” The one who gets stepped on is out of the game, and the remaining player has the right to another jump. The game continues until two players remain. The winner will be the one who manages to successfully jump.


Age: 5 - 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the accuracy and speed of movements.

Required equipment: rubber ball.

Game progress. The participants in the game (it can be played by the whole group) stand in a circle facing its middle. At the command of the teacher, the players begin to pass the ball from hand to hand to each other, trying not to miss it. Gradually, the speed of passing the ball should increase. Each player tries not to drop the ball. If this does happen, the player is out. The game continues until only one, the most dexterous, remains.


Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children dexterity, dodge. In addition, this outdoor game contributes to the development of endurance in children.

Necessary equipment: short sticks of the same size, tied to threads (one stick is tied to each thread). The length of the thread should be approximately 120 cm: the stick ("tail"), tied to the thread, let it drag along the ground. Each player will need one such "tail".

Game progress(10 people or more can participate in the game at the same time; the more participants, the more interesting the game). All players are tied back to the belt along the “tail”. After that the game starts. The task of each player is to catch up with another participant in the game and, stepping on a stick, break the thread. Having picked up the "tail", the player begins to catch up with the other. It's not so easy: while he tries to take the "tail" from other players, they, in turn, try to do the same with his wand.

The player who loses the “tail” is out of the game, the rest continue to play. The winner is the one who managed to cut off the largest number of threads from other players and collect more "tails".


Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop children's dexterity of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary equipment: rubber ball. In addition, the game will require a special device. A small hole is dug on the playground (its depth slightly exceeds the diameter of the ball). A stick is placed across the hole, on which a small board is installed with a bar nailed to it at one end. The board is placed across the stick (in the manner of a swing) so that the end with the bar is in the hole. The other end of the board extends beyond the hole. A ball is placed on the board in the hole.

Game progress(at the same time 10-15 people can participate in it). Players stand in a circle, the center of which is a hole with a ball. The leader (it is determined by the rhyme) comes to the hole and quickly and sharply steps on the top edge of the board with his foot. The board works like a catapult: the ball flies out of the hole. All players, except for the leader, try to catch (not hit!) The ball. The one who succeeds, takes the place of the leader: now it's the turn to knock the ball out of the hole behind him. The host goes to the rest of the players. If none of the players managed to catch the ball, the leader gets the right to knock it out of the hole again.

Note. It is strictly forbidden for players to push each other while catching the ball.

Go through the loops

Age: 6 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: the game contributes to the development of dexterity and clarity of movements in children, the development of physical balance and flexibility.

Necessary equipment: long jump rope.

Game progress. An almost unlimited number of participants can play it in turn. One of the players takes the rope by both handles, holding it between them, and by crossing his arms, raising and lowering them, causes the rope to get tangled. The second player observes the manipulations of the first, preparing at any moment to shout: “Rope, stop!” At this point, the first player must drop the rope and move away. As a rule, in this case, the rope lies on the floor, forming several loops, and some of them may be small. The task of the second player is to walk along the rope, putting his foot inside each loop and at the same time not touching the rope itself. If he succeeds, he becomes the leader and spins the rope for the next player, chosen by him from among those who want to play. If he fails to pass through the loops, he either leaves the game, or he is given a second attempt.

kick the ball

Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the clarity and correctness of movements. The game contributes to the development and consolidation of children's skills of jumping and throwing the ball accurately.

Necessary equipment: light (rubber or volleyball) ball.

Game progress. Among the players (a total of 8-10 people participate in the game), a driver is selected. Players stand in a circle (facing the center of the circle), the driver goes to the middle. In order not to interfere with each other, the players should disperse at arm's length. The players throw the ball to each other, trying to throw it higher, and the driver, standing in the center of the circle, tries to touch the ball. He has the right to touch the ball both when the ball flies and when it is in the hands of one of the players. Also, the driver can “feed” the ball in cases where one of the players missed it and he (the ball) ended up on the ground.

If the driver managed to catch the ball, then he stands in a circle with other players, and the one who unsuccessfully threw or missed the ball becomes the new driver.

Note. Older children can also take part in the game. In this case, the game can be complicated (for example, by setting the condition that the driver should not touch the ball, but catch it, and only when the ball is in flight). And you can still allow the driver to only touch the ball, but, for example, forbid this to be done in cases where the ball is in the hands of one of the players.


Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement. The game contributes to the development of a quick reaction.

Game progress(An almost unlimited number of participants can participate in it). A leader is chosen among the players. All other players stand in a circle (facing the middle of the circle) and quietly, so that the driver does not hear, are calculated in order. The driver stands outside the circle at some distance from the players. Thus, each player in the circle has his own serial number and the place he occupies. The driver does not have his own place, but there is a serial number - zero. The game starts. The host randomly calls two to four (depending on the total number of players) numbers. The named players leave the circle and stand next to the leader on the same line. The players in the circle shout in chorus “One! Two! Three!" On the count of "three", all players, including the driver, strive to take empty seats in the circle. Since there are more people who want to do this than there are free places, one of the players will inevitably turn out to be superfluous. If the driver manages to take one of the vacant places, then he becomes in a circle with the rest of the players and assigns himself the number of the player who was standing here earlier, and the role of the driver (and the serial number “zero”) is taken over by “left without a house”.

Ball with twist

Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the speed and dexterity of movements.

Necessary equipment: rubber ball.

Game progress(an arbitrary number of players can sequentially take part in it). The players stand one behind the other against the wall (of course, without windows) at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m. The first player holds the ball in his hands. The player's task is to throw the ball so that it bounces off the wall and catch it. Everything seems to be simple, but the difficulty is that while the ball flies off the wall, the player must have time to turn around in place and clap his hands, and only then have time to catch the ball. If he succeeds, then he passes the ball to the player standing behind him, and he himself goes to the "tail" of the chain of players, if not, then he is out of the game. You can play until one of the most dexterous players remains, or until you simply get bored playing.

Note. The tasks of the game can be varied. For example, you can not catch the ball, but jump over it at the moment when it flies off the wall. You can also catch the ball, but do not turn around, but, for example, have time to jump three times on one leg, etc. In this case, the entire chain of players performs the same task, and then the task changes and is also sequentially performed by all .

One is cotton, two is cotton

Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the accuracy and speed of movements, to consolidate the skills of playing with the ball.

Necessary equipment: light ball. It is better if it is a small rubber ball.

Game progress(players can be one or more). The player throws the ball up, after which he catches it, having time to clap his hands before that. Then he again tosses the ball and catches it, trying to have time to clap his hands twice. So with each tossing of the ball, the number of claps gradually increases by one, and in total it reaches ten.

The player who managed to throw the ball, make the appropriate number of handclaps and catch it is considered the winner. The one who did not succeed temporarily leaves the game and waits for the rest of the players to try their hand. After that, he has the right to return to the game and start from the moment that ended in failure last time.

We roll the gingerbread man

Age: 4 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop children's dexterity of movements and quick reaction. The game perfectly trains the hands.

Necessary equipment: big rubber ball.

Game progress(it can be played with the whole group). Players sit in a circle facing its center, legs crossed in Turkish. One of the players gets the ball. The essence of the game is that the players must roll the ball to each other (you can roll the ball towards any player). Everyone to whom the ball rolls must, with a quick movement of the hand, roll it away from itself, preventing it from approaching the feet. If the ball touches the feet of a player, then he will either have to leave the game or pay a fant - sing, dance or read a poem.

Boys and girls

Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: to develop children's skills related to the speed and accuracy of movements. The game teaches children to work in a team and contributes to the development of endurance.

Necessary equipment: big rubber ball.

Game progress. The game is played by two teams with an equal number of participants. The first team consists only of girls, the second - only of boys. Teams are located on the court or in the sports hall. The leader (adult) stands in the center of the court, throws the ball up and quickly leaves the playing field. Players must react immediately to this throw. The task of the players is to catch the ball and give it to their team. If luck "smiles" on the girls, they will certainly try to keep the ball as long as possible. They will throw the ball to each other, and the boys at this time will try to “take it away”. If they succeed, then the ball will go to their team, and then they will have to protect it from the girls. An indispensable condition of the game is that the ball cannot stay in the hands of the player for a long time: he must quickly either pass or throw the ball to another player on his team. At the same time, it is prohibited to touch the hands of another player when passing the ball. You can play until you get bored, or for a record: the team that managed to keep the ball for a longer time wins.


Age: 5 - 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children the accuracy of movements, to consolidate the skills of playing with the ball.

Necessary equipment: light ball (rubber or stuffed).

Game progress. Players (10-16 people in total) are divided into two equal teams. Both teams are built in a line at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other (the distance depends on the age, capabilities and abilities of the players: the older the children, the greater the distance between the two teams should be). Standing facing each other, the children begin the game. Its essence is reduced to a simple throwing the ball from team to team. This is done in the following way. The first player of the team throws the ball to the player opposite (from the opposing team). He must catch the ball and throw it back, but not to the first player, but to the one standing next to him. That, in turn, again passes the ball to the team opposite - to the next player, etc. Thus, the ball is thrown from team to team, and the throwers change sequentially. Therefore, in fact, the game was called "Shuttle": this is a device on a loom that scurries back and forth, helping to weave.

The ball is tossed from team to team to the end of the row, after which the tossing starts in the opposite direction in the same way.

If the player accidentally releases the ball from his hands or if he fails to catch the ball, then he becomes a prisoner of the opposing team. The team with the most players at the end of the game, that is, the team with the fewest misses, wins.

target shooting

Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children dexterity, attention and accuracy of movements. Play makes children stronger.

Necessary equipment: volleyball, soft tennis balls, one for each player.

Game progress. A large ball is placed in the center of the court. At 7-10 steps from him (the distance depends on the age and physical fitness of the players) a line is drawn. Players take turns standing on the line and throwing a tennis ball, trying to hit the big ball with it. At the same time, it is important not only whether the player hit or missed the ball, but also how far the big ball rolled: the farther, the more successful the throw is considered.

Note. This game can be complicated, and then it is perfect not only for preschool age, but even for middle school. For example, the players stand in a circle, and the leader (one of the adults or one of the children - by prior arrangement) throws the ball higher so that it falls into the middle of the circle. While the ball is flying, the players try to knock it down with tennis balls. Whoever succeeds wins. Naturally, “shooting at a moving target”, even if it is such a “toy”, is not an easy task, and it is best to start mastering the game from the first option, in which the “target” (big ball) is motionless.


Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement. The game contributes to the development of attention and quick reaction.

Game progress. This simple game can be played in pairs. One of the players presses his elbows to his sides, and opens his palms (hands turned palms up). The other player, on the contrary, holds his hands palms down. In this case, the palms of the second player should be above the palms of the first at a small distance (about 10-15 cm). The game begins: the second player tries to clap his hands on the hands of the first player. The task of the first player is to pull back his hands in time, not allowing himself to be "bashed" in this way. If the first player was not dexterous enough and they still slapped his palms, the players change places.

Note. You can play with "dogs" and without "dogs". "Doggy" in the game is the false movement of the palms of the second player, with which he only frightens the first player, forcing him to withdraw his hands, but not having the intention of clapping his hands. Several "dogs" in a row are able to weaken the attention of the first player, and then he can suddenly be "assed" by the second.

The option that we have given here is a classic. In fact, the game "Palms" has a lot of options. Take at least this one, which you yourself were probably fond of in childhood. Players stand in a circle, and the right hand of each player, turned palm down, should lie on the open palm of the left hand of the next player. Players take turns clapping their right hand on the left hand of a neighbor to the beat of rhymes familiar to you from childhood:

black arrow

Bypasses the dial.

Fast like squirrels

The wheels are rattling.

In every minute

Sixty seconds.

Run, run minutes

And they sing songs.

On the last word, the player tries to slap the neighbor's hand, who pulls his hand away. If it was not possible to withdraw his hand and the player turned out to be "settled", he leaves the circle, and the game continues without him, and its speed gradually increases.

Ball in a circle

Age: 6 - 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop dexterity of movements and speed of reaction in children. The game reinforces the skills of possession of the ball and promotes the development of coordination of movements.

Necessary equipment: volleyball.

Game progress. Players (10-15 people) stand in a circle facing its middle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The driver chosen in advance among the players becomes in the middle of the circle, putting the ball at his feet. The game starts. The main task of the driver is to kick the ball out of the circle with a kick. The task of the other players is to prevent the ball from leaving the circle: they try to hit the ball back to the driver. The players are not allowed to unhook their hands. If the driver manages to knock the ball out of the circle, then the player who missed the ball takes his place, and he himself takes a place in the circle.

Note. Only those kicks of the driver are counted, in which the ball flies or rolls past the feet of the players. In cases where the driver hits the ball too hard and the ball flies over the heads of the players, the hit is not counted, and the driver repeats the attempt until he can knock the ball out of the circle according to all the rules of the game.

The game teaches children to calculate free space and measure their strength. But adults must make sure that there are no breakable, fragile things (vases, cups, etc.) near the playing guys, otherwise injuries cannot be avoided! Of course, safety rules must be observed during all outdoor games.


Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement. The game develops attention and teaches to compete.

Necessary equipment: 10-15 balls of white yarn, tennis balls or table tennis balls. You will also need several children's small buckets (one for each player).

Game progress. Despite the name, the game has nothing to do with the classic snowball fight. It must be played indoors. The leader (senior) scatters "snowballs" on the floor. He then calls four players and explains the rules of the game. They are simple: at the command of the host, the children must collect as many "snowballs" as possible and put them in their bucket. The winner is the one who can collect the most "snowballs" in the bucket. After that, the "snowballs" can be re-arranged on the floor and invite the next participants to play.

Note. Such a game organically fits into New Year's mornings in kindergarten; after the children sang New Year's songs and read poems, it will be useful for them to move. Of course, children who are not directly involved in the game should not just sit: their task is to actively "cheer" for the players.


Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of reaction. The game reinforces ball possession skills and develops attention and intuition.

Necessary equipment: Several small rubber or tennis balls.

Game progress. Two teams of players (8-10 people each) take part in the game. Players of one team stand in a circle (holding hands is optional) facing the middle of it. The players of the second team remain outside the circle. To several members of the second team (three or four players), the host gives the ball. These players, before the start of the game, must quietly tell the leader their number so that the players standing in the circle do not know about it.

The game begins: the players of the first team go around the circle in a clockwise direction, and the players of the second team go in the opposite direction. After a while, the host calls out the number of one of the players with the ball. He must immediately respond: throw the ball at one of the players in the circle, trying to "bump" him. If he succeeds, then the player from the first team leaves the game, if not, then he himself will have to leave the game, quietly passing the ball to another player of his team along with his number. They play until the “last player”, that is, until one player remains in one of the teams.


Age: 4.5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement. The game instills accuracy and teaches independence.

Necessary equipment: four buckets, two of them filled with sand, and two scoops. You will also need two stools.

Game progress. At the same time, two children participate in this game-competition. A stool is placed next to each player, on which there is a bucket of sand. At a distance of a few steps from the first stool, a second one is placed, on which stands an empty bucket. Each player is given a scoop. The host invites the children to become excavators for a while and explains the rules of the game. They are simple: the player must collect sand from the first bucket with a shovel and, on an outstretched hand, holding the shovel by the handle, bring the sand to an empty bucket, where to pour it. Then he must return to the first bucket again, collect sand again, etc. This must be repeated until the player selects all the sand from the first bucket. After that, the results are announced. Not only the fastest one wins, but also the most accurate one: there should be as much sand as possible in the bucket filled with it.

Note. Carrying sand in a scoop, you can not help yourself with the second hand, holding the scoop.

This game has many options and is suitable for kids of all ages. For example, you can carry water, an egg in a spoon, while holding the spoon in your hands or in your teeth, etc.


Age: 7 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children dexterity of movements and a good reaction. The game improves the skills of jumping and throwing the ball.

Necessary equipment: medium sized rubber ball (you can also use a volleyball).

Game progress. Players (total 6 - 7 people) line up one after another opposite the wall, having previously drawn a starting line 5-6 steps from it. The first player takes the ball and throws it into the wall (it must be thrown higher). While the ball bounces off the wall and flies down, the player must have time to jump over it without hitting it. If he succeeds, he passes the ball to the next player, and he himself goes to the end of the line. So in turn, the players jump over the ball. If one of the players does not succeed, he leaves the game. The most dexterous player who has never made a mistake in the game wins.

Note. Additional conditions can be introduced into the game, somewhat simplifying it. For example, if a player did not have time to jump over the ball while it was flying down, bouncing off the wall, he can do this at the moment when the ball hit the ground and bounces off it.

Jumping over the ball will be much more convenient if you spread your legs while jumping, and not keep them together.

Leaving the game is always a shame, so a player who fails can simply skip their turn once and then re-enter the game. In this case, you can play until you get bored.

spinning top

Age: 5 - 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement.

Necessary equipment: two identical, smoothly planed sticks about 50 cm high.

Game progress. Everyone who wants to play "Volchok" takes turns. The player takes a stick in each hand and stands up, leaning lightly on them with both hands. When playing, he must let go of the sticks and at the same time turn around his axis so quickly that he has time to catch them before they fall to the ground. The essence of the game is clear and understandable, but playing it is not so easy: you need to be very dexterous and fast. Each player makes several attempts (their number is determined by a preliminary agreement). The winner is the one who managed to catch the sticks more times before they fell.

Note. This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. In the latter case, it is recommended to play not on the ground or sand, but on asphalt.

Shoulder Throw

Age: 6 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement, consolidate the skills of throwing the ball. The undoubted benefit of this game is that it trains both hands.

Necessary equipment: small rubber ball. The size of the ball should be such that it is convenient to throw and catch with one hand.

Game progress. This is a kind of training game, which is worth playing in turn. The player stands with the ball in his right hand. With the right hand behind the back, the player must throw the ball forward over the left shoulder and catch it with the left hand. If he succeeded, then he can continue the game and this time throw the ball with his left hand over his right shoulder and catch it with his right hand, but this does not work out right away: as a rule, it is quite difficult to coordinate the movements of both hands in this game, and it turns out not everyone. If the player's attempt was unsuccessful, he concedes the ball to the next player.