Scenario of a competitive educational program for children. Scenario of the cognitive competitive game program "Every craft is honest" for primary and secondary school age

Goal and tasks:

  • expanding the knowledge of students about the folk traditions and customs of the Russian people;
  • activation of cognitive activity of students;
  • familiarization with the system of spiritual and cultural values ​​of our people;
  • development of communication skills.

Application area: for teachers-organizers, class teachers, teachers of additional education. In extracurricular activities: expanding knowledge on the subject of the MHC (world art culture).

Form and implementation methods: game program with games, intellectual and creative tasks, contests.

Age group: students in grades 5-8.

Result: children's knowledge of Russian folk holidays, traditions and customs is consolidated.

Preliminary work:
The teams do their homework:

  • stage a ritual or custom that has survived in their area to this day (5-10 minutes);
  • repeat material about spring holidays, customs, rituals.

Location: hall.
Decor: the stage is framed in the form of a Russian hut.

Required props:

  • presentation "Where customs are honored, they live happily";
  • screen and multimedia;
  • suns and multi-colored ribbons;
  • clay whistles;
  • small rubber balls and children's buckets;
  • twigs and fresh spring flowers and grass for wreaths;
  • cards with tasks for participants (the number of cards depends on the number of teams);
  • cards for the jury with the criteria for evaluating tasks and with the correct answers.

Musical arrangement:
- Russian folk music.

Explanatory note

This game program is a variant of organizing and conducting a game for students of middle school age.

This is an educational game for students of schools in the Rybinsk municipal district ...

In the traditions of the Russian school (education system), it has always been significant to create for the child a “social situation of development” (L.S. Vygodsky), an environment for communication through leisure.

For a child, this is the most important activity, it is a bridge to the big world. Leisure activities provide additional education and development of the child. Children and adolescents are in dire need of independent activities related to testing or demonstrating strength, dexterity, theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

As you know, all of the above are formed and developed in the process of activity. The most successful form is a cognitive game program. In the process of such a game program, individual characteristics of human behavior in certain situations are revealed, personal qualities are revealed, certain moral values ​​and cultural traditions are comprehended.

The course of the game program

(folk music playing)

Peace be with you, dear guests!
You arrived at a good hour.
We have prepared such a warm meeting for you.

Very often behind the events and hustle and bustle of days
We do not remember our antiquity, we forget about it.
And although we are more accustomed to flying to the moon,
Let's remember Russian customs, let's remember our antiquity!
“After all, where customs are honored, they live happily.”

To you, as is the old tradition, we send you a low bow to the earth.
We welcome you with cordiality, treat you with bread and salt.
Follow this custom, break it off piece by piece.
(the assistant descends into the hall and treats the guests with bread and salt)

With bread and salt! Take it, please!
A good guest is always on time.
Especially, one who does not forget Russian customs and traditions,
And he always remembers them.
It's nice to welcome guests in the spring.

Spring came!
Brought three lands!
First land -
Meadows flood!
Other area -
The sun in the courtyard -
Third place -
Green expanse!

And here she is
— Hello, Spring-red!

Spring: Hello, good people!

I, Spring-Red, brought you a gift
Leaves on oak tree, silk handkerchief,
Many, many spring waters
Yes, a fun dance!

Rise up, honest people.
Together with Spring, let's start a round dance!
(round dance)

Spring:- I am very glad that you do not forget the old holidays that came to our room. In the old days, with the onset of spring, when nature itself opens its arms to the sun - Yarilo, each spring month had its own holidays, its own signs and customs. Our ancestors these days led round dances, sang songs, played games.

Today I propose to remember those holidays and visit the spring months.

I brought assignments to the guys from months,
To show their knowledge
And everything they know, they told.

Get the envelopes
And start the program.
I'll sit on the sidelines
And where it is difficult to help.
(folk music sounds, a picture with the month of March is on the screen)

The first month is March
I am very glad to meet you.
He warms the sun
It will drip like a drop,
A merry brook murmurs.

Mistress: The beginning of the new year according to the folk calendar falls on the time of the first movement of nature towards melting, towards a new life, a new joy of the approaching flowering. For the Slavs, the new year began in spring, in March.

How the year starts
So on the wall of the housewives the calendar changes.
March offers the right days
In every spring month add up
And set the order.

Competition "Calendar Sheets"
(each team needs to add up in order all the days of one of the
spring months)

Mistress: Since we started talking about the New Year, it was celebrated on the first spring holiday, called Vesnovka-Whistler - March 14th. This is the first meeting of spring.

What is spring without birds? Birds are the messengers of spring.
According to the ancient custom, whistles were made for children. The children imitated the sounds of birds. Even kikimors were afraid of bird songs.

To erase all the bad things from life,
You need to whistle very loudly.
March whistler competition offers
"Vesnovka-whistle" calls him.

From each team, go whistler.
Get a funny whistle
And surprise Spring with your music.

Well done, our guests!
They know how to whistle in whistles
And if you need to drive out all the wickedness, they will be able to.

Martha managed to cope with the tasks,
And now it's time to ask the jury about the points.

Under the ringing drops
April also came up with assignments for you.
You can handle them too
Cheerful after all you the people actually something!

We will now call the sun-Yarilu,
To give strength to life.
To roll like a red wheel towards warmth, towards summer.

Sunshine, sunshine
Red bucket!
Look over the mountain
Until spring for the time being!

Now you have to tie all the rays of the sun
And collect the spring proverb.
Let it be a symbol of the spring holidays
And we will not forget to shine in the window.
(each team is given a yellow circle, holes are pierced along its edges. You need to
skip the ribbon in each hole and tie a ray. Then on the back
assemble a proverb from words).

Mistress:- Well done!
The suns burn brighter for us
To make the summer hotter.

To show knowledge about spring holidays,
You need to take part in the next competition.
I'll ask a question now, and answers to it
You need to mark the correct one for yourself.
(quiz - see Appendix)

Time to take a break from the competition
And that's what the game is for.
Come out, honest people,
No dust track
Come out and play "Plant the Potato".
(The game is played as a relay race between teams. Circles are drawn on the floor one step apart (5-7 in a row). Teams stand near these horns. On a signal from the leader, the players of the first team are each given a small bucket filled with potatoes (or tennis balls), and the first player seeks to put one potato in each hole as quickly as possible. Then he comes back and passes the bucket to the next player, who wants to collect the potatoes just as quickly and pass the bucket to the next player, etc.)

- Let's appreciate the efforts of the guys.
And for this we have a fair jury
Let's give him a word
The score to be announced in the competitions that were held.

Mistress: The third envelope is from May hello.
Green noise and his wife Shumikha are walking through the fields and valleys.
They lead all nature to summer, and we to homework.

I am in the spring on the mound, and in the winter in the upper room.
I sit, I always look at the people
I remember everything everywhere and collect it in a piggy bank.
I'll sit down on the bench now, sit and look.
What customs and traditions were in your settlements in the old days.

Mistress: In the old days, there was such a custom among Russian people, they spent the evenings together. As the Russian proverb says, “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.” Here we spent time doing needlework. Who is behind the spinning wheel, who is embroidering a pattern on a towel. Some of the clay dishes are molded, others are made of wood spoons and bowls. Everyone is comfortable and good. Such evenings became evenings of riddles, jokes, fables, songs and dances. All these are genres of folk art.

Get the worksheets

(task see Appendix)

Well, now for the jury.
Tell me everything in detail
And announce the results of the competition.

Mistress: Well done! With all the tests prepared for months, you coped.

Do you guys know what day it is today?

Lalin day. On May 4, in the old days, a colorful girl's holiday was held, since ancient times revered by the Slavs. It was called by the gentle word Lyalnik. On this day, the girls secretly gathered from the guys in a clean meadow or forest clearing, chose the most beautiful girlfriend, wrapped in fresh greenery, and laid a wreath of flowers on their heads, calling Lyalya, i.e. Spring.

Spring: Right. Around Lyalya - spring they danced, sang songs, turning to her with various requests. Lyalya threw wreaths that became amulets, a guarantee of happiness, a symbol of expected fertility and were kept until the next spring.

Mistress: I suggest that this tradition not be broken.

Girls get out
And weave a wreath.
Let's choose the best
And praise Lyalya.

And the teams have one task
It is about the language of wreaths.

Mistress: It turns out that from the earliest times in Rus', people wove wreaths as amulets - to protect: a person - from the evil eye, food - from spoilage, a house - from ill-wishers. And there is also a belief: if in a dream you weave a wreath, then in reality a happy future awaits you. And to see yourself in a dream with a fading wreath on your head is disappointing.

Get cards with wreaths
And what each means, find with an arrow.
(and find a designation for it, connect it with an arrow).

Carry your jury's wreaths
Let it define
Around what Lyali dance to drive.

Lyalya is chosen by us,
Let's start a round dance, this time.
Hold hands together
And you become a circle.

An old tradition not to break
Woven wreaths Lyalya will throw.
Catch for happiness
And keep until next year.

And now the jury
Let the result of our game program sum up
And will name the winner.

Mistress: In spring, nature awakens, and good feelings awaken in people. Today, with round dances, games, tasks, we remembered spring folk holidays, as well as traditions and customs. And after all, the folk proverb “Where customs are honored, they live merrily” is right.

Now we invite you to drink tea with pies,
And then visit our workshops
And make a souvenir to remember.

Informational resources

  1. Leisure at school 2001 №2.
  2. Corinthian Apollo People's Rus': legends, beliefs, customs and proverbs of the Russian people / Apollo of Corinth. - Moscow: White City, 2007. - 592 p.: ill.
  3. Favorite children's games /Comp. G.N. Grishin. - M.: Ts Sphere, 1999. - 96 p.
  1. Pavlova A. A flower for a flower - and a wreath is ready /A. Pavlova // Why?. - 2002. No. 6. - With. 30-31.
  2. Petrov V.M., Grishina G.N., Korotkova L.D. Spring holidays, games and fun for children / V.M. Petrov, G.N. Grishina, L.D. Korotkov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2002. - 144 p.
  3. There on unknown paths (scripts, ideas, tips, games, holidays to help the organizer of creative activities with children and adolescents) / comp. G.D. Kochergina, I.A. Shabannikova, L.V. Ivanova, S.G. Gutsalova. - Smolensk: Publishing House of the Smolensk Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, 1994. - 176 p.


Team cards

What did the Russian people call the month of March?

a) stalker
b) water carrier, caddisfly
c) grass, span

Which spring month began with the Yarilin holidays?

(Yarilo in Slavic mythology is considered the god of fertility, possessing an unusual “yar”, i.e. the power of profit, childbearing and fruiting. In the popular imagination, Yarilo is the main combatant who defeats the cold of winter).

a) May
b) April
c) March

What is the name of the holiday, for which people dressed festively and brightly, called the sun - Yarila, to give life strength, so that the earthly light does not linger, but rolls like a red wheel to warmth, to summer, lures migratory birds, causes drops and yes

a) Vesnovka-whistle day (March 14, the first meeting of spring)
b) Vasily-dropper (March 13, when healing pine branches were collected in the forest)
V) Red hill
d) Prokop's Day (March 12, according to popular belief, it finally destroys the winter crust, pierces the road).

What was the name of the holiday that took place on the day of the equinox - March 22. Usually, on this day, the arrival of larks was expected, the guys called out to spring with the words: “Arrive larks, bring red summer!”

a) magpies(the arrival of birds “forty birds arrives” began. According to the old tradition, they performed such a ceremony: they called spring to be kind and baked messengers of spring from dough, hiding linseed or hemp seeds inside).
b) Annunciation (bonfires were lit on this day, dances were made around the huts and even entire villages)
c) Fedul the windmill (two proverbs adorn this day: “Fedul came and blew warm”, and if the day turned out to be rainy:
"Fedul pouted his lips." Everyone opened the windows and listened until the cricket chirped.)

What spring month was called in the old days a caddisfly, bloom, a harbinger of summer?

a) March
b) April
in May

This holiday was celebrated on April 7th. It was one of the most beloved spring holidays, and it is also the third, decisive meeting of spring. On this day of spring, people and animals, and birds rejoice on this day, and even the sun itself “plays”. On this day they say: “The red girl does not weave braids, the bird does not build nests.” Everyone should rest.

a) Easter
b) Annunciation
c) Meeting

What is the name of the day of the week that precedes Easter Sunday and passes under the sign of the illuminated willow?

a) Maundy Thursday
b) Palm Sunday
c) Good Friday

What date do goblin and brownies wake up in spring. On this day, people laugh and amuse each other. It is they who want to deceive, outwit, in various ways.

When in the old days stoneflies, chants were sung in the village?

a) on Ivanov's day
b) at Christmas
c) Magpies

Which spring month is full of holidays and labors? In Rus', it was believed that only

the one who knows how to truly celebrate the holiday - knows how to work.

a) March
b) April
in May


Read the quatrains carefully
And sign the genre of folk art.
Chastushka, nursery rhyme, fiction, al fairy tale,
I don't think you need a hint here.

Oh, I stomp my foot, humpbacked cat
Yes, I’ll stomp another, Mom rubs her shoulders,
Come to me Vanyusha In the morning
Dance with me. Went out of the yard.

Lying on the shore
And did not swim in the water. (riddle, rocker)

There is a pop on the mop, This, brothers, is it not a miracle?
Cap on the priest, a runaway baton with a boy in his hands,
A mop under the butt And behind it is a sheepskin coat with a woman on her shoulders.
Pop under the hood. The whip grabbed the dog - soar the man,

And the man with fear climbed under the gate.
The village screamed, "The lake is on fire!"
Hay with firewood is in a hurry to put out the fire. (fiction)
What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

Position: Methodist
Place of work: MOU DOD CDT "Rainbow"
Location: Tikhmenevo village, Rybinsk district, Yaroslavl region

Home > Contest

"Village Yard"

Scenario of an educational game program for children

On the stage - a panel depicting domestic animals and birds: cows, horses, chickens, piglets, sheep, dogs, cats, ducks, geese. In the middle of the stage, on a raised platform, there are simulated village huts (they can be made from cardboard boxes). The number of houses corresponds to the number of animals that will be discussed in the program. In the center - one of the largest and most beautiful house.

The phonogram of I. Kudrin's song "My Village" sounds. When the song subsides, the voices of domestic animals and birds sound: the cackling of chickens, the lowing of a cow, the cackling of a goose, the bleating of a lamb, the barking of a dog, etc.

LEADING. Hello guys! Imagine that you and I are in a village courtyard. How many different animals and birds are here! Do you recognize who is in these pictures?

The children answer.

Well done! And now I propose to hold a game called "Who has what voice." Do you agree? Do you want to play?

The game "Who has what voice" is being played. Drawings with images of domestic animals and birds are placed in a conspicuous place. One participant is invited from the audience, who receives plates of the same format as the drawings. The words are written on the plates: "barks", "meows", "cackles", "mumbles", "neighs", "grunts", "clucks", "bleats", "quacks". The player is invited to carefully look at the drawings for some seconds. Then the Facilitator closes the drawings. The player must place the signs against the drawings so that the words match the meaning of the drawing.

Guys, now we will all help Kolya (conditional name) together. let's imagine that cows are grazing in a village meadow. Let's try to mumble all together, but only quietly, as if the cows are far away. Follow my hand. When I raise my hand, moo louder, and vice versa, when I lower my hand - quieter, and shut up when I lower it. Be careful! Let's start very quietly!

The guys reproduce the lowing of a cow.

Is very similar! It seems to me that that boy (points to one and the boys) turned out the best! Boy, come here. You are the first to be awarded a calendar with a picture of a cow on it. Take care, do not lose: you will still need it today. And how do geese talk to each other, how do they flap their big wings, stretch out their long necks and hiss?

Children imitate.

How do geese cry?

CHILDREN. Ha-ha-ha!

LEADING. And now let's see what Kolya did.

The host opens the drawings. It turns out that everything is mixed up: the dog lows, the ram cackles, the cat grunts.

What's going on guys? Do cats grunt, lamb meow? Maybe some of you can help animals "find" their voice?

Surely, the second player will mess up something, but the result is already getting better.

You have already done better, but maybe there are more attentive guys in the hall?

When the next one enters, the conditions of the game change. Tablets with words are closed, in front of them it is necessary to distribute the drawings. Since the guys do not expect such a change, the result, as a rule, is the original.

What is it, the right word,

I can't figure it out!

A cow grunts loudly

And the pig meows!

The goose lows, the ram cackles,

The duck barks as hard as it can.

The rooster does not want to sing at all,

A ram neighs, a cat cackles,

Trezor quacks loudly -

You listen to them a little -

A very scary conversation!

Yes, guys, while we are still not very experienced villagers. But soon years, and many of you will go to the village to grandparents. Let's now learn more about those who live in the village yard next to a person. Here (shows) huts, in each of them there are gifts. Different animals and birds sent their gifts here to those guys who love them more and know who is the most attentive and diligent.

Look, please, here, a bucket with a mug is painted on this house. what do you think, the present from which animal in this house?

The children answer.

Yes, guys, this gift was sent to us

Sorceress, good fairy.

Warm and cozy with her,

Ready to feed everyone in the house

Our feeder...


Oh, how I love my cow...

The Russian folk song "Korovushka" sounds.

LEADING. Guys, what products from cow's milk do you know?

The children answer.

Or maybe some of you know what is prepared from milk in Kazakhstan, Georgia, Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Bashkiria, Latvia, and other republics?

Those who answered are given calendar cards with a picture of a cow. Sounds like a small fragment from the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka".

Guys, you learned this fairy tale! Well, of course, this is "Tiny-Khavroshechka". And what fairy tales, poems, fables, movies tell about cows?

The children answer. For the correct answer, they are given calendar cards with the image of a cow.

Imagine now, guys, that you came to the village to visit your grandmother and you were instructed to take care of a cow. How many of you know how to take care of her, how to feed her? Why do you think the proverb says "A cow has milk on its tongue"?

Children are responsible, for the correct answers they are given calendar cards with the image of a cow.

An ancient and wise animal is a cow. Do you guys know in which country the cow is a sacred animal?

Answer: in India.

And what are the mothers of a deer and a calf called?

Answer: cow.

What cow has never walked the earth?

Answer: marine.

There is a shock in the middle of the yard, in front - a pitchfork, and behind - a broom. What is this?

Answer: cow.

And what other riddles, proverbs about a cow do you know?

Children make riddles, say proverbs.

And who can come up with a riddle about a cow?

The children make up riddles. The bell is ringing. A girl comes out and brings out some bells.

The bell rang. Oh yes, it's a tricky bell. It's botalo. Such botals are hung around the neck of cows when they go to the herd. Who knows why these bells are hung around the neck of cows.

The children answer.

That's right guys. A cow is walking through the forest, across the meadow. Ding, ding, ding - her bell rings. And if a cow gets lost, or a calf lags behind her, then the bell will help out. "I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!" - it sounds all over the district. Like this (calls). Now imagine that there is a dense forest all around and a cow wanders through the forest, nibbling grass, and a shaggy bear walks nearby. If the bear hears a bell - it will be bad for the cow. I will now ring the bell along the rows, I must quickly, quickly, ringing the bell, run up and hand it over to me. Agreed? Then let's start! One, two, three, let's start!

Assistants carefully observe that the condition of the game is carried out correctly. The first person to deliver the bell to the Host receives calendar cards with a picture of a cow. Children in the hall should be seated so that each row has the same number of players.

And now, children, raise your hand, who has one calendar with a picture of a cow. Two? Three?

Those with the highest number of calendar cards are invited to the stage. The song "33 cows" from the TV movie "Goodbye" sounds. The facilitator opens the box-house and presents prizes to the winners. It can be a plate with the fairy tale "Kroshechka-Khavroshechka", a book of fairy tales, a bucket, a bell, a shepherd's pipe, etc.

Of course, everyone is pleased to receive a prize. For those who haven't received it yet, don't worry. And you will have the opportunity to win it... And also, guys, please keep the calendars until the end of our holiday. They will definitely come in handy.


The phonogram sounds: clatter of hooves, ringing of bells, horse neighing.


Hooves are loud.


A calling sound is heard.

And he is familiar to every child -

Kind, sensitive and reliable friend!

He is the hero of familiar children's fairy tales.

Mane blazes like fire

You guys recognized him right away.

Guessed right away.


LEADING. Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka,

Stand in front of me

Like a leaf before grass!

Who called his horse friend like that? What is the name of this fairy tale? In what troubles did the horse help his master?

Children's answer.

And why, guys, the horse's name is Sivka? What word did this name come from? That's right, from the word gray. And what does this word mean? Right. This is the color of the horse, or rather its color. Horses differ in suit, in color. And what colors of horses do you know?

The children answer.

What color are horses? Have you ever heard people say: the horse is black, the horse is brown, the horse is yellow? That's right, they don't say that! And what is the correct name for a black horse? That's right, black is her suit, and the horse is brown? .. A bay horse! And if you say in the village: “What a beautiful brown horse”, “What a frisky black horse”, they will laugh at you, because horses are determined only by color.

And what color is a light yellow horse with a black tail and mane? Exactly - bulana? Who answered? Get a calendar with a picture of a horse! Be careful, now I will ask very, very difficult questions. About the spotted, motley horse, we will say that he is ... What color is he, guys? Who was the first to say that he was piebald? Get a calendar! Such a horse is really called skewbald. And the horse is light chestnut, reddish? That's right, brown. Remember, as in a fairy tale: "Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka ...". This means that a gray horse can be brownish in hue, this is the main thing that the gray and brown colors are very similar, only the gray is lighter, and the brown is darker. closer to chestnut. We already know gray, piebald, black, buckskin, brown and bay.

Karakovy, piebald, brown, bay

And gray in apples, and a black horse.

And each suit is a horse color!

They are familiar to you, friends,

What other suits do you guys know?

Children name the suits and explain what color they correspond to. The facilitator gives calendar cards with the image of a horse for the correct answers.

And who among you knows a poem in which the hero was predicted to die from a faithful, beloved horse? Who wrote this poem and what is the title of it?

Answer: A.S. Pushkin "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg".

Guys, what other poems, fables, stories, movies, paintings by artists do you know in which horses play a very important role, that is, they are heroes of works of art.

There is a quiz. Possible answers: "Overview", "The Dog and the Horse" by I.A. Krylov, "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by V. Ershov, "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" (chapters: "The Horse on the Roof", "The Horse on the Table") R.E. .Raspe, Russian folk tale "Horse, tablecloth and horn". Films: "Property of the Republic", "Look for the Winds", "Elusive Avengers". Paintings: Vasnetsov "Three Heroes", "Bathing of the Red Horse" by Petrov-Vodkin, etc.

For thousands of years, the horse has been an indispensable assistant to man. The peasants called her the nurse, because with the help of the horse they plowed, and harrowed, and harvested bread, and brought it to the bins. The horse gives milk to the inhabitants of the steppe - nomads, from which they make a health drink - koumiss. From time immemorial, the horse has been a true friend in war. On war horses, Prince Igor and his retinue went to the battle for the Russian land. In the peasant army of Emelyan Pugachev, the Bashkir cavalry of Salavat Yulaev and the Cossack dashing regiments distinguished themselves. Horse detachments of the partisan Denis Davydov smashed the French in the Patriotic War of 1812. During the Civil War, the Red Cavalry fought the White Guards and the interventionists. In a hat and a cloak, with a saber drawn, on a rearing horse, V.I. Chapaev bursts into battle - such a monument was erected to their legendary countryman by the inhabitants of Cheboksary - the capital of Chuvashia. And, finally, in 1941, when the fascist hordes rushed to Moscow, their rear was smashed by the cavalry of General Dovator.

When the trumpet called to the campaign anxiously,

When fire rushed across the earth,

Fighting friend, tested, reliable,

The horse shared the trouble with everyone together.

The battle signal of the trumpet sounds.

Guys, listen to this signal. He calls to fight. Imagine that you are in the distant heroic time of the civil war. You are brave red horsemen. In the right hand is a saber. Raise the saber over your head. Spin it fast! Like this (shows). Below you is a hot daring horse. Hold the bit with your left hand, like this (shows). Let's jump fast. Tap your feet to the beat of the music. With a song, let's go!

Y.Frenkel's song "Pursuit" sounds.

CHILDREN. Fatigue is forgotten,

Chad sways.

And again hooves

How the heart beats.

And we have no peace

Burn, but live.

LEADING. Faster, faster, riders!

CHILDREN. Chase! Chase!

Chase! Chase!

In hot blood!

LEADING. Saber in sheath! We hold the bit with both hands. Chase! We're leaving. Quicker...

During the next verse with a chorus, the children "rule" the horse, beat the beat with their feet.

Saber naked! Swipe right, left. The path is clear! Forward!

The children sing the last verse of the song.

Thanks guys! And what other songs do you know about the Red Army cavalry, horses?

Children name songs they know. One of them, for example, K. Listov's song "Tachanka" can be performed by everyone together. In conclusion, the results of the section of the program about horses are summed up. Holders of a large number of calendar cards are called to the stage. They are awarded prizes, which are placed in a house with a picture of a horseshoe. It can be a book with V. Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", a record with songs, a toy horse, etc.

Piggy Piggy

I. Kadomtsev's song "I am a pig-piggy" sounds.

Guys, I will now read the poems to you, and you help me, please, find the right word at the end of the poem.

The nose is round, patchy,

The tail is small, crochet,

Ears are puffy.

Encounter puddle or mud

And he's in a hurry to get there.

It's not easy for mom!

Scratching your back against the fence

Mom complains: "Shame!"

What kind of child are you!

And the child: "Oink-oink-oink!"

What I want, I do


LEADING. It just so happened that an ill-mannered, slovenly child is compared to a pig. But I think that the guys sitting in this hall are educated, cultured, knowledgeable. But do you know the most expensive words, without which neither the Piggy pig, nor any well-mannered child can do? Let's have a polite word contest. We will take turns saying polite words, and whoever says a polite word last is the winner. For example, I say, "Thank you very much." Who says the following...

A competition is being held. The winner is awarded a calendar with a picture of a pig.

I am very glad that you know dear words, and are not at all like the piglet about which I read poetry. I think so: both guys and piglets are different. Every evening, a friendly and good-natured Piggy smiles at us from the TV screen.

Who said Piggy

Doesn't wash your ears in the morning?

As if Piggy walks dirty

And scares the whole world?

Do we guys disagree?

Answer together!


LEADING. Do not agree?

All clear:

Piggy - very neat!

To be neat

And do not pass for a slob

What do you all guys need?

The guys name hygiene items: soap, towel, tooth powder, toothbrush, comb, shoe brush, washcloth, iron, etc. The one who named the last item is given a calendar with the image of a pig.

Now I see that all of you, like Piggy, love cleanliness, but do you know how to use all these items?

Together they took the brushes in hand,

We clean the dress

We clean our pants!

Now let's take combs

And fix all the hair!

Shows, everyone repeats after the Leader.

All beautiful around

And now we take the iron!

To be smooth

Let's iron the folds!

Our hot iron!

You go, go, my friend!

Shows children repeating movements.

Ah, how clean and tidy!

It's nice to see you...

We need a lesson.

This Piggy helped everyone!

He is polite

Welcoming, clean

Our piggy is neat!

But even with neat Piggy, all sorts of funny adventures happen. If you want, I'll tell you one of them. Only in secret.

At the pig Piggy

There is a tail, eyes, ears.

But somehow a pig

Went for a walk late.

He walked all day, walked

And lost his piglet

Its round, pink.

The guys found it.

The "Pig", cut out of plywood without a patch, is brought onto the stage. The presenter shows the piglet's snout and invites the guys to take part in the game "Put a piglet". Those who wish are blindfolded in turn and offered to put a patch in place. It can be on suction cups, on plasticine, on magnets. The one who copes with this task receives a calendar card with a picture of a pig as a reward.

Guys, why the pig from the television program "Good night, kids!" name is Piggy.

The children answer.

Guessed, but you yourself want to "talk" in Piggy's language?

Want to?! Then I will read a poem to you, and if the word "one" is found in it - in the meaning of "once" or the numeral "one", then you will grunt loudly together like Piggy. That's how "oink-oink!" Agreed?! Well, listen carefully.

I will tell you now

Wonderful story!

No deceit, no embellishment

My story will continue.

The word "time" in the next stanza must be highlighted with intonation and a pause so that the children have time to comprehend and respond to it.

Once I came to the dense forest,

The prickly darkness parted.

Roses blossomed on the branches,

Dragonflies rang out.

Once - and a bird flew out,

I have seen her many times.

She circles around me

Where is "oink-oink"

Will I ask you?

You guys can ask:

Is it difficult to learn to grunt?

The children answer.

And now - the task is more difficult. Who among you can count, raise your hands.

Children raise their hands.

Path along the bushes

That walked thirty feet,

It's going somewhere together

Roosters and piglets.

And now the question is:

How many roosters were there?

How many pigs were there?

And I'd be happy to know.

Answer. Pigs 4, roosters - 7. If necessary, the condition is repeated. The first person to solve the problem gets a prize from Piggy's house. It can be a toy Piggy, a fairy tale "Three fat men". Children who received calendar cards earlier are also awarded.


The song of V. Shainsky "The dog is gone" sounds.

"Oh, the great courage and long-suffering of a dog! What forces have created you so powerful and indestructible that even at the hour of death you move your body forward? Even if little by little, but forward. Forward, where, perhaps, there will be trust and kindness for the unfortunate, lonely, forgotten dog with a pure heart...".

Guys, each of you is familiar with the story, an excerpt from which I just read. This is a story about a dog whose name was ... tell me, what was the name of a kind, intelligent, devoted dog, which had a lot of suffering after the ambulance took its owner to the hospital?

Answer: the dog's name was "Bim", and the story "White Bim-Black Ear" was written by Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky.

What other literary works talk about dogs?

Answers: "Kashtanka" by A.P. Chekhov, "The Lion and the Dog" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Mu-mu" by I.S. Turgenev, "Vagabonds of the North" by D.O. A. Bulgakov, "The Bremen Town Musicians" by the Brothers Grimm, "White Poodle" by A.I. Kuprin, "Elephant and Pug" and "Two Dogs" by A.I. Krylov and others.

Guys, many of you know and love dogs. Do you know the names of the dogs that have been in space?

Answer: Belka and Strelka.

Many of you are well aware of the habits of dogs. Why, for example, do dogs often run with their tongues hanging out?

Answer: in the heat, in order to cool the whole body, dogs stick out their tongue, from which saliva evaporates, and so the body cools.

How to determine the health status of a dog?

Answer: A healthy dog ​​has a cold nose. For correct answers, calendar cards with the image of a dog are awarded.

We already know that dogs are very black and loyal friends. what other qualities do you know?

From your answers it is clear that you not only love, but also know dogs. Indeed, dogs are hardy and selfless in the service of man. Possessing a subtle flair, sense of smell, excellent hearing, they are attentive, able to concentrate on completing tasks to the utmost. The game I suggest you play is called Hidden Collar. It will require from you both attention, and concentration, and a quality that is inherent only to people - intuition.

10-12 people are invited to the stage. The leader is shown a collar in the form of a very thin strap, which, when twisted, can fit in the palm of your hand. The driver is invited to leave the hall so that at this time the collar can be hidden in the hand (in the sleeve) of one of the guys remaining on the stage. Those sitting in the hall see who has the collar hidden. When the driver returns to the hall, he is offered to find a hidden collar. The guys sitting in the hall are invited to help the driver. During the search, they bark softly: "woof-woof-woof." The closer the driver is to the target, the louder the barking becomes. The task of the driver is to accurately name the one who has the collar hidden. If he is mistaken, then another driver is selected from the hall, everything is repeated again. The one who found the collar on the first try is rewarded with a calendar with a picture of a dog.

Guys, I feel that none of you are indifferent to dogs. And so I propose to collectively create poems about our faithful friend. I will begin, and you finish the poetic lines. Only all together, amicably and loudly!

A ringing bark suddenly rang out,

This is my funny...


LEADING. My Trezor is a funny dog

Everywhere he sticks his...


LEADING. Trezor and I anywhere,

With him and grief ...

CHILDREN. No problem!

LEADING. My Trezor is running forward


CHILDREN. And on a hike!

LEADING. He me without further ado

Always protect...


LEADING. I get better with him

He dispels in an instant...

CHILDREN. Sadness!

LEADING. He helped me by becoming a friend,

I hear again...

CHILDREN. Woof woof woof!

Soundtrack with a cheerful barking of dogs. Children who have received the largest number of calendar cards with the image of a dog receive gifts from the house with its image.

  1. Subject: all news Monitoring and analysis of media in the city of Kirov Date: 10. 04. 2011


    but not everyone wants to 17 Kiselev went to the Socialist-Revolutionaries 17 Buchnev leaves for Mari El 18 Ends in water 18 Who will believe the polygraph? 0 BRIEFLY IMPORTANT 1 Spring premiere in Grotesque 1 “I gave birth on March 8” Now progress is inevitable 3 Vyatka blurs

  2. Media monitoring year of the teacher June 18 June 25, 2010 >


    In the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin, within the framework of the VII International Festival "Moscow Meets Friends", a concert of young pupils of the Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation was held.

  3. Materials of the 3rd regional scientific conference dedicated to the 780th anniversary of the baptism of the Karelians (October 16–17, 2007, Petrozavodsk)


    Orthodoxy in Karelia: Materials of the 3rd regional scientific conference dedicated to the 780th anniversary of the baptism of the Karelians / Ed. ed. V. M. Pivoev. Petrozavodsk: Publishing House of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008.

Hello guys! Today I invite you to plunge into the magical world of cartoons and fairy tales, because the festival for children "The Miracle named Cinema" is taking place now. Guys, do you want to plunge into this world?
Then close your eyes and repeat the magic words after me - bambare, chufare, loriki, eriki, moriki, krex, fex, pex.

So, welcome to the magical world of cartoons! And the first thing that awaits on the way is riddles. Ready?

I'm sure you know
Heroes of fairy tales from different countries.
And the characters of evil - villains -
Can we remember together?
Then remember better
And answer loudly in rhyme!

Everyone says he's immortal
Just don't believe it
After all, it consists of relics -
Terrible, very evil ... (Koschei.)

He flies, although heavy.
The seven-headed, the three-headed.
And he is also the Serpent Gorynych -
Evil fire-breathing ... (Dragon.)

She's a mean old lady
She has one girlfriend -
Lariska the rat. Everyone knows:
The name is the old woman ... (Shapoklyak.)

He has been living in Africa for a long time,
He is waiting and waiting for Aibolit,
Doesn't like small children
Evil, bloodthirsty ... (Barmaley.)

She lives alone in a hut
She doesn't need friends, girlfriends.
Her broom is her servant.
Lives in the forest ... (Baba Yaga.)

He knows the pools
All the fords in them are familiar to him.
Filled with mud and water
Lives in a swamp ... (Water.)

He lives in a dense forest -
Either in a hollow, or in a pile of leaves.
Walks everywhere on foot
Wild guard of the forest ... (Leshy)

You guessed all the villains.
Evil will hardly win now!
Goodness flies in all directions!
And you all together ... (Well done.)

And now, dear guys, I propose to play, 1 game "Humpbacked Horse".

It's not a simple horse galloping, -
Miracle - golden mane,
Carries a boy through the mountains
Yes, it won't drop it.
The horse has a son
amazing horse,
Amazing skate
Nicknamed ... (Humpbacked).

Horse - The Humpbacked Horse could jump so that he overcame any obstacles.

Task: 2 teams of 4 people. the first participant bends at the waist, takes the ball and puts it on his back, holding it with his hands. You need to run to the landmark, along the way, obstacles through the cubes and without losing the “hump”, and then pass the baton to the next participant.

2 competition
Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.

This pair of tricksters
They pretend all the time.
The cat is blind, the fox is lame.
What is the name of the fairy tale?
(Golden Key).

And who is this pair of tricksters?
(l. Alice and the cat Basilio).

Task: teams of 4 people, divided into pairs. One participant is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The fox bends one leg at the knee and supports it with his hand. Holding hands, the couple begins to move to the landmark and back.

Okay guys!

3 contest

Long unknown to many
He became everyone's friend.
He is from an interesting fairy tale
In a bright hat, with a tie
It's very simple, guess what?
What is his name?

Dunno flew with his friends in a hot air balloon. Now we will also fly on a balloon, but for this we need to free the basket from under the balloon, from the excess load.
Well done!

6 contest

In an open field
Where there are no roads
Not low, not high
Invites everyone to the threshold
This house ... (teremok).

And in this tower - you are now watching a cartoon.
All the best, until we meet again.

Prepared by: Podverbnaya I.A.

Olga Molodushkina
“We say yes to health!” Cognitive and game program for children of middle school age

Target: popularization and propaganda healthy lifestyle among children, and youth, creating a friendly atmosphere based on common interests and knowledge about sports.

Tasks: to form a negative attitude towards alcohol, nicotine, drugs.

Event progress.

One, two! Sports to be!

We won't let you kill us!

Three four! Stop drug!

We stand together against!

We to health on the way,

Let us pass

To stadiums and swimming pools,

Trainers, horizontal bars,

Well, with "glitches" fun

Leave the fools!

Get out of my way,

drug dealer

You, boy

"Good" killer!

We got it all figured out

So you better get out!

I am human,

Not a guinea pig

And I won't let

For drug dealers

bet on me

For the sake of profit, experiments

I won't touch

To their nasty syringes!

One, two! Sports to be!

We won't let you kill us!

Three four! Stop drug!

We stand together against!

Guys, do you know what is valued so much that you can't buy it for any money? We wish it to each other every day talking in a meeting....True we are talking about health. Socrates stated " Health is not everything, but also without health is nothing". If you want to achieve a lot in life, get ready to cope with heavy loads and stresses, and for this you need hardening, sports activities and the habit of taking care of yourself.

The main factors health are: movement, nutrition, mode. But there are others, those that harm our health, contribute to its deterioration. Let's call them (alcohol, smoking, drug addiction).

Alcohol is the enemy health» .

The thief of reason - this is how alcohol has been called since ancient times. Alcohol entered everyday life so quickly that almost no artist, writer or poet avoided this topic.

Remember A. S. Pushkin:

Ladles are circular, foaming, hissing

At the feast of the deplorable Oleg.

Sarcasm lists the reasons for drunkenness, the English poet Robert Burns:

For drunkenness there are occasions:

Wake, holiday, meeting, seeing off,

Christening, marriage and divorce,

Frost, hunting, New Year,

convalescence, housewarming,

Sorrow, remorse, joy,

Success, reward, new rank

And just drinking - for no reason.

Where does drinking start?

The reasons for the first initiation to alcohol are very diverse. Until the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs either by chance or it is given "for appetite", "cure with wine" or the child tries out of curiosity. In any senior age traditional motives occasions: holiday, family celebration, guests, etc. From the age of 14-15, such occasions as “it was inconvenient to be left behind the guys”, "Friends persuaded» , "for company", "for courage". But it is worth touching alcohol once, as the psychological barrier is already removed and the teenager feels entitled to drink with his comrades. Not without reason among the people They say: "Rivers start from a stream, and drunkenness from a glass".

Usually the first acquaintance with alcohol is not what it is for you. seemed: "bitter taste" vodka, burning sensation in the mouth, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

After such an unpleasant encounter, most teenagers avoid alcohol for a while.

Stages and forms of intoxication and alcoholism.

1. A slight degree of intoxication - at this time a person becomes unreasonably cheerful, prone to overestimating his strengths, capabilities, and abilities.

2. Medium the degree of intoxication - dizziness, ringing in the ears, feeling tired, weakness, drowsiness, decreased interest in the environment.

3. Severe intoxication - symptoms of deep alcohol poisoning (nausea, vomiting, incoordination, dizziness).

Alcoholism is a severe chronic disease, and in most cases incurable, develops on the basis of regular and prolonged alcohol consumption, characterized by an irresistible craving for alcohol.

Alcoholism develops according to scheme:

a) The initial phase - a person constantly thinks about alcohol, drinks "for future use", he develops a greed for alcohol. However, he remains conscious of his guilt.

b) Critical phase - loss of self-control after the first sip of alcohol. Arrogance and aggressiveness develop. A person blames others for their troubles.

c) Chronic phase - daily hangover. Personality breakdown. Confusion of thought. Blurred memory "Delirium tremens".

d) Conclusion - the systematic abuse of alcohol leads to a decrease in mental functions, deterioration of attention, loss of creativity.

Exercise. There are many proverbs about drunkenness and sayings, your task is to explain how you understand their meaning.

The drunken sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to the ears (drunk thinks he can do everything, but he is not able to get out of the puddle) .

with hops get to know- with honor to leave. Drunkenness drowns out reason and conscience (a drunk can easily deceive, not keep his word).

What is on the mind of a sober man is on the tongue of a drunk. (a drunkard does not control his speech, he is able to offend with a word, spill the secrets of friends).

Drink to the bottom - do not see good (the drunkard loses health, friends, work, respect of others, love of neighbors).

"Black man".

My friend, my friend

I am very, very sick.

I don't know where this pain came from.

Is the wind whistling

Over an empty and deserted field,

Or, like a grove in September,

Showers brains with alcohol.

Alcoholism is an evil of society, but an evil that can be eradicated.

(S. Yesenin)


Many times have you guys heard the expression "Smoke- harm health why not They say“Smoking is ruining yourself!” or "Smoking is your own harm health How do you think? (answers children) . The smoker destroys not only his health but also the health of others, its people who are passive smokers by inhaling the poison.

Exercise. I read the beginning of the chant, and you finish it.

If you want to live long, quit cigarettes (smoke)

We ask you very, very much - do not smoke. (cigarettes)

If mom is not a fool, immediately stop smoking (tobacco)

To make our world different, let the tobacco one disappear. (smoke)

We remind everyone with love - smoking is harmful (health)

Everyone knows - and we are not joking, our president does not smoke (Putin)

"About bad and criminal".

This conversation is about the evil and criminal that exists in society - about drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a special disease, much in it is completely unclear. A person who embarks on this path, in the end, loses his human appearance.

His psyche is distorted, ideas about the world around him are deformed, and his working capacity is lost. However, in addition to this, drug addicts are exposed to another danger - the danger of contracting all sorts of infectious diseases, including AIDS. Medium The life expectancy of a person who has started using drugs is 15 years. With the constant use of narcotic substances, wear and tear of the body, premature aging occurs. By the age of forty, drug addicts look decrepit old people. junkies older than this ages hardly exist.

By testimonies of doctors and scientists, drugs remain in the adipose tissue of the human body for decades, they are found in human hair even after 25 years of cessation of use.

So what is drugs?

It is a poison that destroys not only the body, but also the soul. It deforms the structure of the personality, turning a person into a weak-willed, devastated, slavishly dependent on "drugs", a rapidly aging and untimely dying creature. This is voluntary schizophrenia, detachment from reality, spiritual suicide.

Since time immemorial people have tried to find means to ease the pain - the most direct manifestation of human suffering. As painkillers funds various herbs were used. The special properties of some plants were known to the priests and leaders of the tribes, and they skillfully used this, relieving people subject to them from feelings of fear and anxiety, hunger and anxiety.

For a long time, drugs have been used for religious ceremonies among some tribes, as well as for medicinal purposes as an anesthetic. means.

The main purpose of the use of drugs in modern medicine is to suppress the body's response to surgery and, above all, the sensation of pain. And for those who are doomed to unbearable suffering and death, for example, in the final stages of cancer, narcotic substances brighten up the last days and hours of their stay in this world. In medicine, drugs are used that do not cause complications and harmful effects.

Drugs are a group of substances of different origin, but they are united by the similarity of their effects on the body. Most of these plant substances origin: opium poppy (from it is obtained opium, morphine, heroin, Indian hemp (from it is obtained hashish, marijuana or marijuana, coffee bushes, coca, cola (caffeine, cocaine) and others. Recently, synthetic drugs have been obtained that act as strong drugs, at present their number reaches 1000.

The effects of drugs on the body are as follows: chains:

euphoria - tolerance - abstinence.

Euphoria is an elevated, joyful mood, a feeling of satisfaction, complete well-being, which does not correspond to objective circumstances and the real state of the body.

At the initial intake of a narcotic substance, a person becomes cheerful, pleasant hallucinations and cheerfulness appear; who has taken a narcotic substance feels like a superman. But these sensations disappear very quickly, and a person begins to form a mental dependence on the drug. (the desire to experience new sensations). With 3-4 times the use of a narcotic substance, tolerance develops.

Tolerance - tolerance, endurance, formed as a result of addiction and adaptation of the body to drugs.

Small doses of the narcotic substance do not satisfy the addict, and the dose is getting higher and higher.

And the third link in this chain is abstinence or "breaking".

Withdrawal is a painful condition caused by the body's urgent need for a new dose of a narcotic substance.

"Sport, sport, sport!"

To be healthy, dexterous, strong, it is necessary to play sports, but knowledge about sports and athletes is just as important.

Exercise "Famous Athletes".

I read out the names of famous athletes, and you name the sport that this athlete is involved in.

Anna Kournikova (tennis)

Mike Tyson (boxing)

Alexey Yagudin (figure skating)

Diego Maradona (football)

Michael Schumacher (race)

Yelena Isinbayeva (pole vaulting)

Evgeny Dementiev (ski race)

Exercise "Interesting Questions".

Name board games. (Chess, checkers, billiards, table tennis.)

Chess draw. (Pat.)

Winter sports (3-5 kinds).

Boxing ground? (Boxing ring.)

Name the chess pieces (at least 3).

How many cells are on the chessboard? (64.)

Russian sports game. (Towns.)

Types of swimming. (Brass, crawl, butterfly.)

Tennis court. (Court.)

Figure skiing. (Freestyle.)

An attack by a piece or pawn on the enemy king. (Shah.)

Who is a goalkeeper? (Goalkeeper.)

End of sports competition. (Finish.)

Sports weapon. (Sword.)

Sports cap. (Baseball cap.)

The highest achievement of anything. (Record.)

The largest ice rink in the country. (Olympic.)

Sports competition winner. (Champion.)

position in boxing. (Knockout.)

Winner award. (Medal.)

The moment the competition started. (Start.)

Exercise "Riddles"

1. What is the name of a pediatrician? (pediatrician).

2. The most healthy breakfast rich in vitamins and energizing? (porridge).

3. When should you brush your teeth? (in the morning, after meals and in the evening before bed).

4. What is collateral health? (purity).

5. What is the name of the doctor who treats teeth? (dentist).

6. How many hours does a person need to sleep to be healthy(8) .

7. What school the subject is aimed at preserving and strengthening health? (Physical Culture).

8. Which fruit is high in vitamin C and helps with colds? (lemon).

9. What food is bad for teeth? (sweet).

11. We clean them every day (teeth).

12. This feeling is experienced by happy, healthy man(joy).

13. A doctor who treats the throat, ears, nose (lor).

14. Plant foods rich in vitamins (fruits).

15. We breathe it (air).

16. Man is mainly composed of this substance (water).

17. We experience this feeling when we get injured, wounded. (pain).

18. This means we treat abrasions and wounds (brilliant green).

Exercise "Harmful - useful".

2. Look at bright light. (Harmful.)

3. Watch TV up close. (Harmful.)

4. Protect your eyes from impact. (Healthy.)

5. Rinse eyes in the morning. (Healthy.)

6. Rub your eyes with dirty hands. (Harmful.)

Eye care rules

1. Wash your face in the morning.

2. Watch TV no more than 1 hour a day.

3. Sit at least 3 m from the TV.

4. Don't read lying down.

5. Protect your eyes from foreign objects getting into them.

6. When reading, the distance from the eyes to the text should be at least 30 cm.

7. Do gymnastics for the eyes.

8. Strengthen your eyes by looking at the sunrise or sunset.

Helpful - harmful

1. Pick in the ear with a stick. (Harmful.)

2. Listen to music with headphones. (Harmful.)

3. Clean your ears. (Healthy.)

4. Do not wear a hat in cold weather. (Harmful.)

5. Get pierced. (Harmful.)

6. Visit an ENT doctor as a preventive measure every year. (Healthy.)

7. Rinse ears with a large jet of water. (Harmful.)

Rules for protecting your hearing

1. Protect your ears from loud noise.

2. Do not pick your ears.

3. Protect your ears from the wind.

4. Do not allow water to enter the ears.

5. If the ears are sick - consult a doctor.

6. Wash your ears every day.

7. Clean properly ears: soapy finger.

Helpful - harmful

1. Permanent sandwiches. (Harmful.)

2. Freshly squeezed juice. (Healthy.)

3. Fresh vegetables, fruits. (Healthy.)

4. Fried potatoes. (Harmful.)

5. Spicy seasonings. (Harmful.)

6. Carbonated water. (Harmful.)

7. Regular meals. (Healthy.)

8. Dairy products. (Healthy.)

9. Strong coffee. (Harmful.)

The rules of rational nutrition

1. Refrain from fatty foods.

2. Beware of very spicy and salty foods.

3. A thousand sweets, but health is one.

4. Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.

There are many people in our country age who are over 100 years old. Centenarians believe that there are secrets to longevity.

1. Hardened body.

2. Good character.

3. Proper nutrition and daily routine.

4. Daily physical labor.

Now let's do the next task. Name words for characterization healthy person.

1. Handsome.

2. Nimble.

3. Stately.

4. Fit.

5. Stooped.

6. Pale.

7. Slim.

8. Strong.

9. Strong.

10. Ruddy.

11. Thick.

12. Clumsy.

promotion children.

Thank you for your attention!

Maria Sevastyanova
Scenario of the cognitive and entertaining game "Connoisseurs of Nature" (for older preschool children ...)

Vedas. Hello guys! Today we have gathered for a game « Connoisseurs of nature» . The game is played by two teams "Gnomes" And "Lesoviki".

When you walk along the forest path,

Questions overtake you in a crowd,

One "Why" rushes between the trees,

Flies on the heels of an invisible bird.

Another - a bee climbed into a flower,

And the third - a frog jump into a stream,

"What" with a mouse snoops under the leaves in holes,

"Who" looking in the bushes for a lurking rustle.

Is sitting "From what" on a green leaf

"Where" flew on a beetle,

"For what" after the lizard climbed onto the stump.

Question after question, every day.

It hides many secrets and mysteries from us nature. But you and I often go on excursions with you, we observed a lot, learned interesting information about the life of plants and animals from books, examined paintings, illustrations about nature. Therefore, we know the answers to many questions: "Why? For what? Why? Where? What?" So let's start our game. The guys sent letters to the address of our kindergarten - questions from forest dwellers - heroes of children's fairy tales. We must help them answer. Let's find out which team will be the first to respond to the letter.

Mystery: no beginning, no end, no back of the head, no face. But knows All: both young and old that she is a huge ball. (Earth)

(Children solve the riddle. Whoever guesses, that team receives the first letter)

Vedas. The first letter from Pinocchio.

Exercise: “Dear guys, Malvina gave me homework - you need to choose where the trees are and where the bushes are. Where are the vegetables and where are the fruits.

(Children choose and attach pictures to the magnetic board)

Vedas. The second letter from Dunno.

1) Why does the cycle of day and night occur on Earth?

Answer: because the earth rotates on its axis. Only that part of the Earth's surface that faces the Sun is illuminated and warmed.

2) What happens if the sun's rays do not illuminate and warm the Earth?

Answer: Everyone will die! The plants will wither, the animals will all die.

Guys, we all know the song about the Sun. Let's sing it.

(Song of the Cat Leopold)

Vedas. The second letter from Vasilisa the Wise.

1) Do apples grow on oak or pine?

2) 3 large and 2 small cones have grown on a birch, how many cones have grown on a birch?

3) 4 beets were plucked from a tree, and 4 carrots from a bush, how many fruits were plucked from a tree and from a bush?

4) What is more on the field of daisies or flowers?

5) Who is more in the forest: bears or animals?

6) A duck laid an egg, who will hatch from it a chicken or a cockerel?

7) What bird is called a forest doctor?

8) What tree is the symbol of our country?

9) Why does a bird need a tail?

10) What animal is the closest relative of the rabbit?

11) Who picks mushrooms with their backs?

12) What flower names come from female and male names?

And now guys we invite you to the animal robin.


Vedas. Fourth letter from Lesovichek


Tell me when it happens:

Ice drift in summer (can not be)

Leaf fall in summer (can not be)

rain in summer (It happens)

dew in winter (can not be)

Frost in spring (It happens)

Thunderstorm in summer (It happens)

Snowstorm in summer (can not be)

rainbow in summer (It happens)

hail in summer (It happens)

Buran in summer (can not be)

Hoarfrost in winter (It happens)

fog in autumn (It happens)

drops in summer (can not be)

frost in summer (can not be)

puddles in winter (can not be)

green leaves in winter (It happens)

(Song "And the rain is here.")

Leading: What are you guys good fellows! All letters were answered. Now look what this package is! I read: "Kindergarten children "Birch" from fabulous forest dwellers. Let's open! (There are candies in the package).