Symbol of good luck - how to choose a powerful talisman? Symbols and talismans that bring good luck.

Since time immemorial, mankind has attributed a mystical beginning to luck and luck. Our ancestors noticed that success in business does not always come. This category is relative, and it is impossible to explain it from the point of view of science.

What is luck

Luck is sent down by the gods - so the ancient Romans believed, in whose pantheon there was Fortuna, the goddess of luck.

Success in business was explained not by the personal qualities and merits of a person, but by the goodwill of higher powers that needed to be appeased. So the first symbols that bring good luck appeared. They were realized in amulets that need to be worn on the body, household items arranged in a certain way in the house, and even tattoos.

Until now, a person treats luck as the highest good that needs to be attracted to oneself. Only then will things be successful, and the house will be a full bowl.

How to attract good luck in ancient times

People have been interested in the concept of luck since ancient times. Our ancestors were very observant, so they paid attention to any changes that occur to a person under the influence of certain objects.

Ancient people did not have scientific knowledge, so such categories as love, protection, happiness and luck were attributed to amulets, amulets, plants and animals.

This is not inherent in individual civilizations, but in humanity as a whole: ancient Greece, Egypt, China, the Slavs - each nation had its own symbols of good luck and success.

So, among the ancient Greeks there was the goddess Tycha (among the Romans - Fortuna), whose images were in many houses. The goddess holds a wheel in her hands (“the wheel of Fortune”), symbolizing the changeability of luck, its inconstancy.

Another attribute of Tihi (Fortune) is a cornucopia, bestowing on everyone who is favored by the goddess.

The ancient Egyptians had a symbol of good luck and success in business - a scarab beetle, personifying the god of invisible power, Khepri. Until now, the Egyptians use amulets in the form of scarab beetles, they believe that they will be lucky in the fulfillment of their most secret dreams.

Symbols of Success in China

Feng Shui originated in China. The ancient Chinese noticed the dependence of their lives on certain objects, plants and their location in the workplace or in the home.

Feng Shui symbols of good luck and wealth are the dragon and the three-legged toad. The dragon, a strong national symbol, attracts good luck to the house, favors business, sends happiness, protects the family - it all depends on the location of the figurine in the house. It is believed that this Chinese symbol of good luck will bring it if it stands in the east or southeast. Desires will certainly come true if there is a pearl in the dragon's mouth. It is desirable that the symbol be green. Five-fingered - very strong, imperial, it is better to install it at work.

Another Chinese good luck symbol is the three-legged toad. She became popular all over the world. The figurine is a toad with a gold coin in its mouth, sitting on the coins and the yin-yang symbol. It is believed that the three-legged toad will bring wealth and good luck if it stands in the southeast of the apartment or at the front door, giving the impression that it is jumping into the house. According to legend, this once insidious animal was conquered by the Buddha and called upon to serve people by paying golden motets.

The Feng Shui symbol of happiness and good luck is the goldfish. The same Chinese character means the words "fish" and "abundance", in addition, a goldfish attracts marital happiness. The Chinese believe that an aquarium placed in an apartment where these beauties live in ideally clear water and comfortable conditions will bring good luck to the owners in business and family life. It is desirable that there be nine of them: eight red or gold, and one black.

Laughing Buddha (Hotei) is a symbol of wealth, good luck and success in China and Japan. This is a very positive symbol depicting a full Buddhist monk with a carefree smile. The Buddha holds a bag in his hands - there he has good luck, which everyone who asks receives free of charge. According to legend, the prototype of the laughing Buddha is a cheerful traveling monk who took away sorrows and problems from people, and in return gave them happiness and good luck.

Another feng shui symbol of success in financial matters is the bowl of wealth. It is made of ceramics, precious metals, copper or crystal. The bowl should not be empty, it must be filled to the brim with any objects, but three things must be there: earth or a twig from a rich man’s garden, banknotes with a face value of 988 (rubles, dollars, euros and other currencies), as well as a bunch of nine special Chinese coins with a square hole in the middle. The shape of the bowl should be special, similar to a pumpkin.

Hieroglyphs for good luck

Closely adjacent to the art of Feng Shui are hieroglyphic signs - symbols of good luck. Hieroglyphic writing is a reflection of the environment in the form of special graphic figures. Hieroglyphs that a person wrote himself, according to certain rules, work best. There are hieroglyphs - symbols of good luck in various areas: career, love, life affairs. The hieroglyph "Luck" will attract success and luck in all matters to your home. It is important that he be depicted in a closed space, which makes his action stronger.

The hieroglyph "Wealth" will give prosperity in monetary matters, make business successful. To attract good luck, you need to place his image in the place where the process of raising funds is concentrated, you can even put it in your wallet.

The symbol of wealth, good luck and success is the hieroglyph "Double happiness". Its most powerful energy will give success in business (if it is located in the north), in family happiness (then the hieroglyph must be placed under the bed of the spouses), and if you put "Double Happiness" in your wallet, he will "invite" banknotes there.

Hieroglyphs can be depicted at home, on parchment, figurines. Another way to wear these signs is tattoos, which also came from China. The symbols listed above are very popular with visitors to tattoo parlors. Often the hieroglyph accompanies images of a dragon or the Laughing Buddha. There are also images of European symbols: a four-leaf clover and a horseshoe.

How the Slavs attracted good luck

The ancient Slavs were very observant and superstitious people: they noticed every little thing about their daily life. Trying to protect their homes and attract the favor of higher powers, they made all kinds of amulets and talismans. These were not only symbols to be worn on the body, but also embroidery, dolls, even shutters on the windows. The bird of happiness is a well-known symbol of good luck among the Slavs. Made from a certain wood (fir, spruce, pine or cedar), it was hung out in the most honorable, “red” corner of the peasant hut. The bird of happiness was cut out of wood chips using a special technology, not glued, the elements were fastened with threads. The Slavs believed that the amulet would bring happiness to the house, would accompany in business.

Another Slavic symbol of good luck is the Magic Rhombus amulet. Made in the form of a plowed field, it not only brought good luck in working on the land, but also gave success in family affairs, good luck and prosperity.

The Slavic symbol that brings good luck to the house has reached the present - a horseshoe. Our ancestors believed that finding a horseshoe on the road is a real gift of fate. It was hung over the door inside the dwelling. To attract wealth and success, the horseshoe had to be placed upside down, so the desired benefits did not flow away. Why a horseshoe? Firstly, because the blacksmith who forged it was considered a warrior with a hostile other world. And secondly, the Slavs deified the horse-nurse. Of course, in the modern world it is impossible to find a horseshoe on the road, so the inhabitants of the Slavic countries use its souvenir versions. A prerequisite is that you cannot buy this symbol. The horseshoe must be made of metal, precious or ordinary.

Talismans of good luck from the plant world

The simplest symbols of good luck are plants. Indeed, they do not need to be made - it is enough to purchase or pluck. It is to disrupt, because in this way a connection is established between a person and a plant. In order for the inhabitants of the dwelling to be accompanied by good luck, you can plant indoor flowers at home that attract it. These include begonia, geranium and azalea. Moreover, the last two must necessarily coexist with each other. Another plant that can provide luck is the common ficus.

If we talk about garden plants, then a rose can be distinguished as a symbol of love, good luck and prosperity. This is a peculiar version of the lotus flower, which gives good luck to the inhabitants of Asian peoples.

Bay leaf will bring success in business to those who put it in their pocket. The laurel wreath is a symbol of the winners, respectively, this symbol will make the owner the first in their affairs.

If we talk about plants-symbols of good luck in the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, there the first place is given to chrysanthemum and sakura.

Four-leaf clover

A separate discussion deserves the most common symbol of good luck and luck - a four-leaf clover. This plant combined the Christian culture and the legends of the ancient Celts. Clover with three leaves symbolizes the spiritual principle: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit or Faith, Hope and Love. But the fourth leaf is a success. Many people still believe in clover as a symbol of good luck in business. Even children, playing in the meadow, try to find this magic sign. Moreover, according to legend, luck will come only to those who find it completely by accident. To make the sign work, it must be dried and put in a red bag. Finding a four leaf clover is not so easy, the odds are 1:10,000.

The four leaf clover is the symbol of Ireland. Saint Patrick, the patron saint of the country, converted pagan residents to Christianity with the help of clover, telling them the basics of the faith, showing the unity of the Holy Trinity.


The oak was revered by many ancient peoples: the Druids held festivities in honor of it, the Scandinavians deified it, associating it with Thor, the son of Odin, the Romans identified the oak with the god Saturn, and the Slavs with the Thunderer Perun. The fruit of the oak, a sacred tree, will give the owner good luck and happiness. It is enough to take it with you, and success will accompany everything. Women wore acorn beads to attract happiness in family life and childbearing. Acorns laid out on the windowsill will protect the house from misfortunes and evil forces, good luck will settle there.

Animals and insects - symbols of luck

An important role is played by symbols of good luck in the animal world. Since ancient times, it has been common for mankind to endow certain animals and insects with magical properties.

The ladybug was revered by many cultures, they considered it an intermediary between people and God. It is noteworthy that in the name of the insect in all languages ​​there is a reference to its divine principle: “God's candle”, “God's Maryushka”, “God's hen”. Even just meeting an insect was considered a great success, our ancestors believed that it brought them God's grace and success in business. To kill him was akin to a great sin.

In English, the name of the insect is lexically associated with the name of the Mother of God. It was believed that the ladybug is a messenger, an assistant to the Virgin Mary.

In France and other European countries, amulet medallions with a ladybug are widespread. People believe that such a pendant is a symbol of good luck and luck, and the more black spots on the wings, the better. The maximum number is seven, such a ladybug will bring good luck and happiness. Charms with the image of a ladybug were hung on newborn children to protect them from evil.

From America came to mankind a symbol of good luck - a rabbit's foot. Newborns were fanned with it so that the child would not be exposed to anything unkind, and adult owners of the rabbit's foot were always successful in business. Why were rabbits endowed with mystical properties? The ancient Celts noticed that these animals dig holes for themselves, and, accordingly, have a connection with the other world. In addition, the fact that rabbits are born with open eyes seemed sacred to ancient people. For a talisman, only the hind leg of a rabbit that was caught in a cemetery on a full moon is suitable. People still tend to trust the luck of the rabbit's foot: many have this amulet.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan, there are also symbols of good luck and success. The most common is Maneki Neko. It is a figurine of a cat with a collar around its neck and a raised paw. Sometimes a Maneki-neko holds a coin in its paw. The Japanese revere this talisman very much, they consider it capable of providing prosperity and good luck. Legend has it that the prototype Maneki-neko, the cat of a poor temple abbot, saved a wealthy merchant from death during a thunderstorm. He decided to thank the owner of his savior and donated funds for the restoration of the religious building. Since then, the cat and its owner have sewn up a full, comfortable life. Now Maneki-neko can be found in almost every home and office in Japan. If the cat's left paw is raised up, the company will have an unprecedented flow of customers, and if the right one, the owner of the talisman will be lucky.

Other famous good luck charms

In addition to the inhabitants of the animal and plant world, there are other symbols of good luck - material, inanimate objects. Endowing them with magical properties is associated with the metaphorical meaning that they carry.

So, it is believed that the sailboat model is able to bring good luck and prosperity to its owner. This symbol was endowed with a sacred meaning at the time of the formation of navigation, when a ship arriving at the port carried wealth, rare and outlandish things. Being the owner of a ship was considered a great success. The sailboat moves with the help of the wind - a natural force beyond the control of man, only the gods. This is what attracts wealth and good luck to a person. Currently, models of sailboats are in the offices of large and small companies, in homes and shops. Initially, large models were used as symbols, quite fragile, brought from China. Gradually, this rule stepped aside, and now sailboats can be bought in souvenir shops, or you can even replace it with a picture. The sailboat should be located floating from the window or door to the owner, the god of wealth should be placed on the stern, and “treasures” should be placed on the deck: coins, jewelry, precious and semi-precious stones.

Another interesting symbol of happiness and good luck is the figurine of a chimney sweep. The custom came from Germany, where it was considered a great success to meet a chimney sweep - the minion of fate. After all, his work is very dangerous: at high altitude, perform almost gymnastic numbers when cleaning pipes. And the chimney sweep copes, it is obvious that luck is on his side. There is also a mystical meaning to the explanation of this symbol: the chimney sweep's broom is made of birch, a tree that carries fertility in itself. For an ancient man, the abundant gifts of the earth are happiness, blessing, good luck. In addition, the chimney sweep gives people warmth - another sacred symbol. It turns out that in his profession two most important symbols for a person were combined: fertility and warmth.

Following Germany, the belief that a chimney sweep brings good luck spread to most European countries. Residents of Poland, Norway, Sweden, Austria and a number of other countries still give figurines of chimney sweeps in the hope that happiness and good luck will come to a person.

There are a lot of symbols that bring luck and happiness. Deciding which symbol of good luck is suitable for a person will help faith in the strength and capabilities of a particular talisman. Only then will luck and success come to him.

If you want to have a powerful talisman that can turn your life around, then use the symbol of good luck. There are a large number of figures and drawings that have energy that needs to be directed in the right direction. You need to choose based on your own feelings.

Lucky symbols

People have long used various talismans to protect themselves from negativity, become happier and. The most popular symbols that bring good luck and wealth:

  1. Acorn- attracts success, gives strength and fulfills desires.
  2. Bee- personifies wealth and good luck in all matters.
  3. Butterfly- attracts well-being and helps to achieve goals.
  4. Cat- is considered a symbol of good luck.
  5. Ladybug- means good luck, prosperity and blessing of the Higher powers.

Lucky symbol - clover

Many plants have energy that can influence a person. The four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck, which is national for the Irish. It is believed among the people that if such a plant can be found, then positive changes can be expected ahead. To turn a clover leaf into a talisman, it must be dried and always carried with you. Magic signs and symbols that bring good luck can be made of gold or other materials. There are several ways to use clover:

  1. Put a sheet under the insole of your shoes before you leave the house, and then you can pull it towards you.
  2. To attract good luck and financial stability, you need to carry clover in your wallet.
  3. To protect the house and attract happiness, you need to place a clover under glass and hang it in front of the front door.

Good luck symbol - star

To change your life for the better, you can use the Erzgamma star as a talisman. She is able to attract good luck, give success and protect from trouble. This symbol is considered a guiding star of the subconscious, which will help not to turn off the right path. It is recommended to wear it around the neck so that the amulet is closer to the heart. You can not keep it with you for a long time and it is best to put it on a few days before the event and take it off some time after it.

If a symbol of good luck and luck while wearing causes negative feelings, then this indicates that it is better not to use such a talisman. There are several opinions about what the presented sign can mean:

  1. Astrologers believe that the 12 rays of the star represent the signs of the zodiac. The symbol denotes the unity of the stars in the sky and infinity.
  2. Numerologists are sure that 12 is the meaning of the Moon and the Sun. The Erzgamma star attracts good luck due to the influence of the most powerful celestial bodies.
  3. Esotericists consider the symbol as the center of the universe or a powerful chakra that is responsible for life.

Good luck symbol is the key

A powerful ancient talisman is the key that attracts good luck and protects from negativity. In modern magical practices, the amulet is used to gain wisdom and knowledge of being. There are several ways to use the symbol of good luck and wealth:

  1. As a personal amulet, it is recommended to wear a key on a chain around your neck. If it is made of gold, it can protect a person from negativity and attract success.
  2. The talisman in the form of a bundle with three golden keys is a symbol of health, wealth and finding love.
  3. Describing the symbols of good luck, it is worth highlighting the big key of Solomon, which is used in practical Kabbalah. Such a talisman is not suitable for ordinary people, and it is recommended to wear it only if you have a magical gift.
  4. The key, made of silver, is ideal for students, business start-ups and people who want to advance in their careers.
  5. You can hang a bunch of keys in a conspicuous place in the house as a talisman that will attract good luck and protect against negativity.

Good luck symbol - horse

The noble animal is used as a feng shui talisman that will attract success in work and business. There are several types of horses with their own meaning:

  1. The rearing animal is intended to attract recognition and victory to a person.
  2. An unsaddled and galloping animal is a symbol of good luck, which personifies victory over opponents. It is recommended to use a figurine or picture of such a horse in order to achieve success in a career, business and competitions.
  3. A horse surrounded by jewels is used to attract good luck, improve financial position and increase in importance in society.

In order for the symbol of good luck to give results, it is necessary to correctly position the figurine or picture in the house. The horse should be placed in the southwest and south direction. It is important that the figure is not directed towards a window or door. Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing a picture of a horse in the bedroom. To achieve success in your work, place the figure of a horse on your desktop.

Good luck symbol - horseshoe

One of the most popular symbols for attracting good luck is the horseshoe. In ancient times, it was believed that if a person finds such a thing on the street, then success and happiness await him ahead. This is due to the fact that the horse in those days was considered the personification of wealth, since not everyone could afford it. The symbol of happiness and good luck must be made of metal. According to tradition, a horseshoe must be placed above the door.

As for how to properly hang a talisman, there are different opinions in different countries:

  1. In the East, Latin America and many European countries, it is customary to place a horseshoe with its horns down so that happiness flows from ergot into the house.
  2. The opposite opinion is among the inhabitants of England and Ireland, who believe that the horns should be directed upwards, as this will symbolize a full bowl.
  3. A symbol of good luck, a horseshoe in Italy is hung so that every person entering the house touches it. In Mexico, on the contrary, no one can touch it, so as not to steal happiness, so they hang it high, decorating it with ribbons and coins.

Symbols of good luck of different nations

Many peoples, associations and cultures have their own unique talismans that have powerful energy that can attract success and change the world for the better. Famous symbols that attract money and good luck:

  • in Africa, crocodile teeth;
  • in Asia - bamboo and cricket;
  • among the Indians - kachina (special dolls);
  • in Egypt, the scarab.

Slavic symbol of good luck

The ancient Slavs made various amulets with their own hands, which have not lost their popularity for a long time. Powerful symbols were applied to belts, bracelets, headbands, and pendants were also made. Slavic symbols of good luck and wealth were made from fabrics, embroidered on clothes and painted on dishes or walls. The most popular include the following symbols of good luck and wealth among the Slavs:

Japanese symbol of good luck

To attract success into their lives, the inhabitants of Japan use figurines of the seven gods of Buddhist syncretism. Each of them is responsible for its own area and the most popular are the following persons:

Chinese symbol of good luck

Many of the talismans popular in China are known to us thanks to the popular Feng Shui teachings.

Indian symbol of good luck

Many will be surprised, but one of the main symbols of good luck for the people of India is the swastika, which is a cross with curved ends clockwise or counterclockwise. The solar sign is seen as the personification of life, abundance and light. The symbol that brings good luck is carved on the walls of many temples, rocks and monuments throughout India.

Since ancient times, people have been striving to master unknown knowledge and powers. Some peoples followed special rituals for this, others created symbols of good luck that could have an impact on certain forces.

The purpose of many symbols and talismans is to attract good luck and prosperity. There are a large number of such symbols, but only a few of them are currently popular.

To believe or not in the magical abilities of these attributes is a personal matter for each person. However, the presence of your own symbol of good luck, of course, strengthens the faith in the successful resolution of cases.

The most popular talismans will be discussed below.

A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is perhaps the most popular symbol of wealth and good luck today. In the vast majority of cases, the three-legged toad is made sitting on a stand of coins, on which the Yin-Yang symbol is placed. The coin in the toad's mouth symbolizes gold. Thus, the corresponding symbol attracts not only luck, but also wealth.

One of the easiest ways to activate monetary energy with a three-legged toad is to place it on a table (but not directly in front of you) or place one talisman in the southeastern part of each room.

According to legend, initially the toad was an extremely malicious creature, but one day the Buddha conquered it and forced it to help people. Since that time, the toad began to pay for the trouble caused to people by spitting out gold coins.

The birthplace of this talisman is America, where in the old days it was customary to fan a newborn baby with a rabbit's foot. At the same time, the paw itself was a powerful talisman that attracted good luck. Accordingly, the paw protected the kids from various misfortunes, and helped adults in business.

The history of the talisman in question began during the time of the Celts, who believed that rabbits digging holes are creatures that are endowed with the gift of communicating with the spirits of the underworld. Therefore, these animals must have at least partially possessed the knowledge, strength and power of these spirits.

In addition, the magical powers of rabbits are indicated by the fact that, unlike hares, they are born with open eyes.

An interesting fact is that not every foot has power, but only the hind foot, taken from a rabbit caught on a full moon in a cemetery.

Some people still believe in the power of this talisman and do not part with the paw for a minute.

The sailboat is a traditional symbol that brings good luck and wealth. This symbol, which attracts good luck in business, appeared at a time when people associated a sailing ship with the arrival of money, gold bars, jewelry, and other expensive things.

At present, the corresponding symbol can often be seen not only in the offices and reception rooms of big bosses, but also in small firms, shops and even private homes.

In the classic version, this symbol is a rather large and fragile structure with sails, masts and other necessary attributes of a sailboat, and therefore it is quite difficult to transport and pack it. Because of these difficulties, images of sailboats, rather than their models, are becoming increasingly popular.

A few years ago, it was believed that only a model of a ship brought from China had magical properties, but now the situation has changed dramatically. A sailboat can be purchased at many retail outlets. In addition, you can make it yourself.

In order for the model to bring good luck in business, it must be well fixed on a pedestal, and then loaded with riches (for example, real metal coins, copies of imperial coins, precious and semi-precious stones, etc.). It is advisable to place one of the gods of wealth at the stern of the sailboat, who will help to manage the ship in the sea of ​​​​competitors.

The sailboat has become a classic ship of wealth for several reasons. First, sailboats are driven by the wind, which is a force of nature. Thus, the sailboat is a symbol of wealth coming to a person as a result of the blessing of nature and the gods, and not human deeds. Secondly, the symbol is quite old. It has been better known since the eighteenth century, when all ships were sailing only.

There are certain rules for the location of the ship. It should be located in such a way that it "floats" from the window or door to the person. Otherwise, the ship will take away wealth from its owner.

This is perhaps the most common symbol of good luck and success in Russia. It's no secret that a horseshoe found on the road acquires magical properties and brings good luck and happiness to its new owner. Unfortunately, at the present time on the roads you can find anything, but not so desirable horseshoe. Due to the acute shortage of the corresponding attribute, people agreed to its reduced counterparts made of copper and precious metals. Miniature copies are attached to a keychain, chain or bracelet.

The history of endowing the horseshoe with magical powers in different countries has its own characteristics. So, in Rus', the magical properties of a horseshoe were associated, first of all, with the blacksmith who forged it. The fact is that blacksmiths have always been considered fighters with evil spirits. In addition, the horseshoe is inextricably linked with the horse, which has faithfully served its owner all its life.

In order for the horseshoe to bring good luck to the house, it must be hung over the front door with the horns up. It is this position of the horseshoe that allows positive energy to linger in the house. If you hang a horseshoe with its horns down, then it will attract prosperity to the house. Currently, a souvenir horseshoe can be used for this purpose.

The fish has long been a symbol of abundance in Chinese culture. Strictly speaking, the words "abundance" and "fish" in Chinese have the same meaning. In addition, the fish symbolizes marital happiness. If you believe the wisdom of the Chinese people, then a medium-sized aquarium with goldfish can bring good luck, happiness and prosperity to the house. The main thing is to follow certain recommendations:

  • the water in the aquarium should always be crystal clear and saturated with oxygen (after all, the well-being of the fish directly depends on this);
  • the optimal number of fish is nine (in this case, one fish should be black, and the remaining eight should be red or silver-red).

Such a symbol as the Ladybug is endowed with special properties in almost all existing cultures. Although this symbol has different names in different countries (in particular, in Switzerland and Germany - "God's candle", in Lithuania - "God's Maryushka", in the Czech Republic - "sun", in France - "God's chicken", in Bulgaria - " God's beauty"), its meaning has remained unchanged for many years.

People believe that the insect in question (its image, figurine, etc.) is a kind of intermediary between people and Gods, the world of the living and the dead. It is with this that the belief is connected, the essence of which is that the Ladybug can answer the most secret questions.

The talisman associated with the Ladybug brings good luck to its owner, and also protects him from misfortune and danger. In this case, the number of black spots on the back of the animal is of particular importance. The more of them, the stronger the power of the talisman. In addition, a certain number of specks can be interpreted as follows:

  • one speck - a talisman of good luck will help its owner in all endeavors;
  • two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony;
  • three spots - the talisman contributes to making the right decisions;
  • four spots - the talisman is able to protect its owner from robbers;
  • five spots - increasing a person's ability to creative work;
  • six spots - increased learning ability;
  • seven spots is a special talisman that brings good luck and happiness to its owner in all his affairs.

Plants - talismans of good luck

Plants have been used since ancient times as symbols that bring good luck. Perhaps this is due to the fact that such a talisman is the easiest to make. Lucky plants include:

The leaf of this plant is a symbol of good luck, in connection with which it has long been used to protect against dark spells, the evil eye. To make a good luck talisman, it is enough to dry a clover leaf, and then place it in a bag made of red flannel.

It is believed that each leaf has its own meaning. So, to the left of the handle in a circle - fame, wealth, love and health.

2. Bay leaf

This plant helps its owner achieve his goals, in addition, it protects him from damage, the evil eye and evil spirits. If you put a bay leaf in your pocket, then luck will not be able to bypass a person.

3. Acorn

A simple, but at the same time very strong talisman of good luck. To attract good luck, you can wear both acorn beads and one acorn. If it is not possible to collect acorns in the fall, then you can replace them with an analogue made of any material (for example, a silver pendant in the shape of an acorn).

4. Rose

The rose is the northern counterpart of the lotus, which is also a symbol of good luck. It is a flower of love, good luck and happiness. There is a belief that in order to fulfill a cherished desire, you need to make it while the rose petals are burning in a flame.

If you wear rose fruits wrapped in red flannel around your neck, a person will find his other half and marry.

People have long been creating talismans to attract good luck. Luck accompanying a person throughout his life meant happiness. The form and material for talismans could take on a completely different look, but the essence remained the same: correct, wealth. Everyone has their own definition of happiness. For some, it is to live a long life, or to earn a large amount, someone lacks love and friends. To reward the owner with luck, the talisman should be correctly charged. On its surface, you should depict the goals that you would like to achieve. If possible, magical signs should be located around the entire perimeter of the object, and not just on the front side. Proper characterization is very important.

The inscribed pentagram is the most powerful protection against damage and ill-wishers. The symbol of a five-pointed star enclosed in a circle should be placed on pendants and rings, kept close to the body. The pentagram will begin to capture all the negative energy directed at the owner and transfer it to the closed circuit of the star. It is important to check in time that the correct symbol is applied to the talisman without interrupted lines. Otherwise, the thing is not worth wearing. Often this item is credited with supernatural powers that pass to the owner of the amulet.

Coins as a talisman

In Eastern cultures, it is a common custom to put protective hieroglyphs on coins. Most often, a person associates happiness with money, so this form has become very popular. You can carry a coin next to the rest of the money in your wallet, but try not to lose it by accident. A Korean amulet with the designation of four-sided energy will bring good luck, joy and happiness. The symbol resembles an interweaving of rounded lines from each of the cardinal directions, they reflect the continuity of time and have a beneficial effect on the owner's thinking and bring lightness.

The cross is considered the oldest symbol. This is not about Christianity. The Egyptians combined the figure of a cross with a circle on top. Such a magical sign symbolized divinity and immortality. With its shape, the winged cross resembles an ordinary key that can open the doors to the other world. The amulet guarantees the stability of the owner's energy aura, helps to overcome a protracted illness and achieve happiness, activate love.

Talisman for wealth

The Pentacle of Solomon symbol will help you achieve heights in your career and make a good deal. The item should be carried in a pocket or other closed place and touched as often as possible. The amulet has the outline of two rhombuses, inscribed one into the other, and in the center there are seven dots. In most religions, this number portends good luck and wealth.

Talisman for travelers

Astrological navigation talisman

An astrological navigational talisman can be taken by an adventurer and traveler. It depicts solar and lunar symbols, a triangle and a globe. The appearance of this designation dates back to the eighteenth century. It helps to find a treasure, get to the desired place, and also have a good time on a long trip and find happiness in wealth.

Oriental decoration as a symbol of happiness

The balanced halves of Yin and Yang bring happiness, harmony with Existence and with oneself. There is nothing more important than having energy balance. The talisman, depicting the two halves of existence, denotes the Great Limit. Black and white energy, as well as masculine and feminine, simultaneously coexist in the world. Possessing stability inside, the carrier will also be able to harmonize fate and find happiness.

Pentacle for the intellect

A symbol depicting many rhombuses connected in the center carries a powerful impetus for the development of abilities, activates thinking, frees from unnecessary thoughts, helps to memorize existing information, and find new ones.

Coin as a symbol of happiness

Feng Shui Lucky Coin

It is a sign of good luck. In the past, such a coin was awarded to distinguished residents of the country who contributed to the development of culture. She could also have the meaning of well-being and life in happiness.

The image of cosmic symbols on the amulet can be interpreted as the desire of the owner to find a half and find love. Such an attribute was worn by women to find harmony in the family, to protect her husband, and to protect her from the dark thoughts of her rivals. It was believed that the object thrown to the enemy turned him into a true friend, and the heart of an unconquered man melted under the spell of the owner forever.

Chinese magic sign Chow

The hieroglyph in the Chinese alphabet has quite a powerful message. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have always been famous for their hard work, so maintaining health was considered one of the primary tasks. Chow will improve the state of mind and strengthen health. It can be seen on the walls of most Chinese factories and factories. It promotes the activation of both internal and external strength, and also symbolizes longevity.

The concept of "abracadabra" has long been rooted in the minds of ordinary people, as a magic word used in tricks. Basically no one takes him seriously. The history of this concept dates back to the first century. The philosophy of singing sounds, harmony with nature, the power of music had a positive effect on the physical and mental state of a person.

A pyramid with the full spelling of the word at the top and only one letter at the bottom has great power for the believer. If you pronounce "abracadabra", each time reducing it by one character, you mentally move away illnesses from yourself, take away poverty, as well as negative energy.

sun stone

The Aztec culture has many astrological symbols dedicated to eternity. Basically, this is a circle with an inextricable line of designations of those phenomena that most influenced fate. To direct energy to the desired object, a strict chronology of drawing images on clay and stones was used. So the sun stone could contribute to the development of a sense of punctuality and timeliness. This improved the production process and increased the ability to work, and, hence, profit.

The image of a human figure inscribed in a star is distinguished by powerful energy. Such a symbol is used to get rid of the evil eye and curses. The pentagram appears regularly in ceremonial magic. Man, as a unit of the macrocosm, is called upon to become a portal for access to another world. A thing with such a symbol will protect against bad predictions and black magic.

The symbol of the cross among the Celts

The culture of the Celts combined two directions: the Christian faith and pagan rites. Believers often practiced magic by opening portals. The cross was used for protection. It was to be placed on a ceremonial surface and worn around the neck.

Symbols for predictions

In ancient Greece, they came up with a prognosticon symbol, which was supposed to open doors to the future. With its help, the carrier could freely master information outside of time and do the right thing. This symbol of good luck was carefully hidden. It was worth keeping only in your pocket or under your clothes, so as not to bring trouble from envious people. An alternative meaning was considered to reveal the true desires and intentions of others.

This symbol will improve mood and attract luck. In an excellent location, it is easier to deal with all sorts of ailments. This sign accumulates in itself the forces of all living space and directs it to strengthen the will and health.

Mercury in the religion of Kabbalah

The symbol of good luck for believers in Kabbalah is similar to a pentagram. It has a positive effect on travelers, ship captains, bus drivers, machinists. Such an object makes the head clear and independent of external conditions, maintains vigilance and calmness.

Symbol of the Atlanteans

The ornament was found in the nineteenth century. It was applied to jewelry that has a protective function. The thing protected the owner from the evil eye, theft, pain and illness.

Symbolism of Christianity

The triune symbol Faith-Hope-Love is known to everyone. The circle symbolizes the unity of mother with son, Mary with Christ, faith with truth.

Symbolism of the five blessings

This Chinese character combines the basic human aspirations: peace, virtue, health, happiness, eternal life. The decoration depicts five mice around one eternity. This pattern was applied to military weapons and clothing and meant longevity. The image in a peaceful life called for love.

Jupiter symbol

A well-known painting with the designation of the planet Jupiter is called the Wheel of Fortune. This cosmic body attracts wealth and success. The name of the mascot speaks for itself. Fortune turns to their owners, attracts winnings in lotteries and other gambling.

Symbols Alpha and Omega

Both letters are vehicles of wisdom. This item, decorated with Greek letters in addition to the monogram of Christ, endows the owner with an incredible mind, insight and will. The inscription contains a saying in Latin "under this sign you will win." The power of Christ helps to gain victory over inner weaknesses and defeat the enemy.

Indian culture

The image of Ganesha in the philosophy of India has an important role. Ganesha was the heir of Shiva and Parvati. He served as a guardian of famous deities. The symbol will begin to help you fight your own fears, insecurities, and defeat competitors. Unlike many other amulets, it can be placed in a conspicuous place.

Seraphim as a symbol of the guardian

The six-winged angel, engulfed in flames, had several meanings in Christianity. The main one is called the protection of the strength of the spirit. In order for the item to work, it must always be near the owner. Therefore, the icon with his face was placed in the red corner of the house.

The palm is often found in the symbolism of good luck charms. It is necessarily open and gives way forward to happiness. The lucky palm of destiny helps not only in gambling, but also in everyday affairs. It should be kept when you are afraid to make a mistake in choosing a true friend, or make the right decision.

Shambhala as a path to happiness

The mountain philosophy of knowing the inner self and opening a window to other worlds is designated as a yantra. This is a very ancient designation. It is a portal to other dimensions, from which the righteous and deities will come. The path to such worlds is open only to strong and pure people, therefore it opens in the process of meditation. Jewelry with yantra will reveal unknown secrets to a person, help to find meaning.

Children's good luck charms

One of them is a drawing of a crane with a peach. In China, he is the patron saint of children, as he symbolizes new life. Couples who are desperate to have a baby should place the talisman by the bed, and keep the expectant mother next to her stomach.

Chinese symbols of double happiness

Only in ancient China could they come up with a designation that divided an abstract concept in half. Hsi-Hsi translates as happiness twice. Meaning in both spouses, if they do not contradict each other. The talisman brings harmony and love, happiness to family relationships, and strong relationships to friendship for many years.

Longevity Knot

At the beginning of the century BC, an ornament of eternal youth was invented. It was an unending knot with no end and no beginning. The possession of this sign gave the owner beauty, youth, love and craving for infinite knowledge.

The well-known symbol for success is . It appeared in Ancient Rus'. It was believed that finding a horseshoe on the road bodes great luck. It must be hung over the entrance and carefully stored. The ends of the horseshoe, pointing upwards, promise prosperity, and those directed downwards ward off damage.

Themis for successful work

The symbol of the sword of Themis with a handle at the top and scales on it indicated that the owner was striving for a high position. The sword will begin to cut off all enemies, envy and prejudice, allowing you to achieve success in the workplace. The tool should be hung at home; this talisman is usually not carried with you.

The rod of Hermes with snakes wrapped around it will keep you healthy. Two snakes symbolize the flows of energy that accumulate and strive upward. The mind and body of a person are purified and the inner spirit becomes able to repel all negative attacks and make trade deals.

Eye symbol

The runic eye often symbolizes divine wisdom. When the eye is placed in an isosceles triangle, it will bring strength to fight the enemy, remove laziness, and help get out of depression. The divine eye helps to know your essence.

Two-winged bird of wisdom

The image of birds is popular in many religions. Usually, representatives with large wings, such as kites, are applied on jewelry. In Egypt, there was a symbol of the royal kite, which held the solar disk. He served as a conductor between two worlds: human and divine. The figure indicates that any knowledge is available to anyone, if you really want it and strive for it. The kite guards the inner essence and leads it to a given goal.

Whoever says what, and often family happiness and well-being of life depends on money and luck. The ancient Slavs perceived the concept of wealth and well-being differently than we, modern residents of megacities. First, for them, prosperity meant a harvest. Second, wealth is hunting and a lot of furs. The third designation of wealth and prosperity, referred to the brood of livestock. In those days when people revered not only the One Lord, but the Pantheon of the Gods, there was also a hierarchy of symbols and signs to which extraordinary power was attributed. The most popular and revered among such symbols was the Symbol of Happiness, or as it was commonly called the Burdock of Happiness.

Slavic amulet "Burdock of happiness in the sun"

Where did the name of the symbol Burdock of Happiness come from?

To understand why the ancestors tied in a strange way a far from elegant plant like a burdock and the concept of happiness, prosperity and good luck, let's see what this plant is like in Slavic mythology. What does the ancient history of protective Slavic signs say about him? How did the ancient Slavs use this symbol in family and social life? And why is he one of the most popular talismans and amulets in the modern world?

Burdock of Happiness - health

The first meaning of Burdock is health. Wild burdock looks like a weed. But, pay attention to how cheerful he is, this plant cannot be taken out of the garden. Wherever a free piece of soil has appeared, be sure that burdock will sprout there. And among other things, only burdock retains "burdock" sticky properties even when dried. The root of this plant has strong healing properties, is able to cure diseases, and in ancient times, well-being was directly associated with the health of the head of the family. And today health is the basis of both wealth and well-being and happiness. Amulets with the symbolism of this sign were worn by those who wished not only to preserve youth, strength and bodily power for many years, but also those who who needed to improve their health. Not infrequently, such amulets were worn by the elderly and pregnant women. The young men in love gave the girls wooden rings with the image of Burdock, thereby wishing health. Also, husbands gave women metal rings with such a symbol, as if wishing their wife and future children health. Images of Burdock on bed linen also served as symbols for attracting money, luck, happiness, wealth to the family and all its inhabitants. Children were embroidered with such symbols on their underwear as a sign of protecting the child from Evil Forces that feed on children's health and innocence.

Ring - ring "Burdock of happiness"

Burdock of Happiness - protection

The second meaning of Burdock is Protection. Another option for why this particular plant was chosen by the Slavs as a symbol of Well-being and Happiness is the peculiarity of burdock flowers. Its inflorescences have a rather beautiful color, from pale pink to deep lilac, but the flowers are covered from the eyes with scales with sharp thorns.

It was this feature that largely served the fact that this plant was considered a symbol of Happiness. After all, happiness loves silence, and is also afraid of the evil eye, envy and anger. Our Slavic ancestors believed that Burdock with its thorns would protect them from trouble, keep the evil eye out and close them from witchcraft. In many ways, it was. Burdock is often found in practical magic as one of the ingredients of elixirs of Happiness, Love and Protective potions. Even now, many magicians use this flower or its root as a protection against evil spirits and dark Spirits. The image of the symbol of happiness was applied to clothes, household utensils and jewelry made from expensive metals - bracelets, rings, hairpins, combs, and so on. Such amulets were worn by almost all the inhabitants of the ancient world. After all, it was believed that those who had such amulets were firmly protected from the influence of evil spirits, witchcraft and bad influences. Such amulets were supposed to be worn in plain sight by a girl of marriageable age, a pregnant woman, and a child upon reaching the age of majority. There is information from historians that at a certain period of time our ancestors began to consider this talisman something like our Christian cross, and it was required to wear it under clothes on a naked body. Rings with the image of Burdock should be worn by children and pregnant women. Men-warriors were also often given bracelet rings with such a sign. These decorations were supposed to serve as amulets of protection in battle.

Decoration Burdock of Happiness from silver

Burdock of Happiness - well-being

The third meaning of Burdock is Well-Being. Here everything is primitively simple. Ancient thinkers, sorcerers, and magicians believed that it was the sign of the burdock symbol that was able to cling to happiness and prosperity with its thorns-hooks, and chain it, draw it to the owner of the talisman. That is why amulets with such symbols were made to order from representatives of a witchcraft sect or from sorcerers. The strongest amulets were also considered Burdock of Happiness, charged by sorcerers and tied to a specific person.

On the sign of Prosperity and Burdock as its symbol, it is worth dwelling in more detail. The thing is that for everyone the concept of well-being has its own essence. In fact, it is the symbolism of Happiness and Prosperity that is the most difficult to understand, since it cannot be clearly defined. Agree that everyone has their own understanding of Happiness:

  • wealth;
  • Love;
  • health;
  • beauty;
  • glory and so on.

Similarly, the concept of well-being is different for everyone. For some, this is money, for some it is family happiness, for some it is fame and recognition, and for some, health and love is already well-being.

Pendant "Burdock of Happiness"

What does the symbol of the Burdock of Happiness look like?

The description of the symbol Burdock of Happiness must be decomposed into several parts.


The center of the sign is Orepey, one of the most ancient symbols of Happiness. Oripei symbolizes:

  • calm;
  • cold-bloodedness;
  • the ability to make difficult decisions quickly;
  • the ability to find the right way out of any difficult situations;
  • good luck
  • love of life.

Outwardly, this symbol looks like a regular quadrilateral with forked outer corners. It is the basis of the symbol Burdock of Happiness Orepey that has the main function of attracting happiness and wealth. He, as it were, hooks money flows in the energy world around us and pulls them to the owner of the talisman, at the same time scaring away the spirits of poverty and misfortune.

Star of the Cross

The symbol of the Star of the Cross carries the function of protecting a person from troubles from troubles from the evil eye and damage. In principle, everything was attributed to the symbol of the Star of the Cross, here both glory and wealth, and wisdom and health. Sources do not provide a clear definition of this symbolism, since in different regions they described it differently and attributed to it a variety of functions. One of these functions was the power to attract to the owner of the talisman Love, human, and a particular chosen one, in particular. Since Love was basically the prerogative of women, it was also mostly women who made such amulets. It should also be mentioned that the Star of the Cross in some sources in itself meant great Love, not just a feeling, but reciprocity in any situation. Other sources indicate that this symbol meant the Love of the gods and was supposed to guarantee the owner the Love of the head of the Slavic Pantheon, the Family and all benevolent Gods. Be that as it may, but remember that one of the components of the Burdock of Happiness is a symbol meaning Love.

Pendant "Burdock of Happiness" made of wood


Burdock is the rim of the symbol, that is, the edge that includes both the sign of Orepey and the Star of the Cross. Outwardly, this is a regular rhombus, a quadrangle, each side of which is decorated with two protrusions. The outer corners of the rhombus are complemented by small equilateral rhombuses with a cross in the middle. These rhombuses in Slavic mythology are signs of a sown fertile field. In those days, the basis of well-being was precisely the harvest field, hence the link to wealth and prosperity. By the way, it is not uncommon for a sign, a symbol of a sown field, which is a talisman of satiety and wealth, was also depicted on the wedding rings of newlyweds. This symbol was supposed to mean the future wealth of the young and their well-fed, carefree life. This image was one of those many signs that a young man in love put on a ring intended for a gift to his chosen one. In many regions, to give such a ring as a gift to a girl directly meant showing her her love and demonstrating her complete readiness to become her husband.

Symbols of Love, Prosperity and Happiness

The ancient Slavs knew that by combining these signs, you can create common symbols to attract money, good luck, happiness, wealth. In those days, such signs were in use throughout the territory inhabited by the Slavs. How the ancient teaching spread to all settlements remains a mystery, but the facts confirm that faith in the Pantheon of the Gods and special symbolism in its original form was present throughout the territory and even in the farthest corners of the villages.

Where the sign Burdock of Happiness was used

History says that the image of the Burdock of happiness was a popular talisman among the ancient Slavs. The symbol was applied to:

  • textile;
  • stone;
  • tree;
  • iron;
  • skins;
  • own skin.

The scheme for embroidery "Burdock of Happiness"

Talisman of happiness Burdock in household use

The Talisman Burdock of Happiness was applied in different ways, it was possible:

  • draw;
  • embroider;
  • cut out;
  • burn out.

Drawings with the image of Burdock were enclosed in a ring, symbolizing the vicious circle of infinity of happiness and prosperity. Such designs were made on blankets and fabrics for home use: capes, kitchen fabric, table fabric, and so on. They applied images on the walls of the house, on the headboards of the children's beds and on the family bed. During excavations, ancient tools of female labor were found - spinning needles and machines painted with such symbols. Household utensils, pots for cooking, and the stove were also decorated with the Burdock of Happiness.

Embroidery with this talisman was also sometimes enclosed in a ring, but more often such patterns were applied to the undershirt. It is worth noting that some sources claim that only married women could make such embroideries, because in some regions the Burdock of Happiness was presented as a family talisman, a symbol of family happiness. In other regions, they interpreted it as just a talisman that brings happiness, and both young girls and little girls could embroider such a sign.

They carved the symbol Burdock of Happiness on thick skins, from which in those days they sewed both outerwear and bedspreads. This talisman was carved on a lining that was worn under a military harness, but this was already done later.

The talisman Burdock of Happiness was also burned on household utensils. Applied to wooden dishes, plates, coasters and so on. Not infrequently burned on the surface of the table and chairs. An interesting fact: this symbol was not applied on the seat of the chair, only on the backs of the chairs and on the legs of the benches. Decorating the bed, they also burned the image of the Burdock symbol of happiness exclusively on the headboard.

Purse with engraving "Burdock of Happiness"

Burdock of Happiness on a stone

Images of Burdock on stone met as symbols on stoves, on the walls of houses, inside and outside. It is found in ancient temples, where the gods of the Slavic Pantheon were worshiped. Later, when the ancestors learned to enclose the territory with stone fences, defending themselves, on a spiritual level from intrusions and raids of enemies, the symbol of Burdock of Happiness as a symbol of Protection was applied to the inside of the fence, so it served as a talisman for protecting the settlement and residents. The symbol was applied to the stones in different ways, more often it was drawn on the surface of the stone, but sometimes it was scraped or burned on hard material.

Tattoos with symbols of the Burdock of Happiness

At one time, the symbol of Burdock as a talisman began to be applied to one's own body in the form of a tattoo. Such tattoos were done to everyone, including children reaching the age when they entered the age of teenagers. For young men, such a tattoo was done on the forearms or on the chest, for girls they applied tattoos on the wrists and on the outside of the palm. Such tattoos should have meant that the talisman of happiness is constantly with the owner.

Modern tattoo parlors also offer to apply images of symbols of Happiness. It is not strange, but the demand for tattoos of this kind grew in the early 80s in Western countries. But these are originally Slavic signs, and they hardly had power in the form of a tattoo on the skin of representatives of another culture. Before you make yourself a tattoo with symbols that should attract Happiness and Prosperity to you, do not forget that you cannot mix two different cultures from the beginning. If you have Slavic roots, a tattoo depicting the Chinese hieroglyph of Happiness will not have a positive effect on you, but it can easily attract negativity.

Talismans and Amulets Burdock of Happiness in the modern world

In our world, the popularity of Slavic mythology is still as strong as it was thousands of years ago. And the basis of faith in ancestors is nothing more than amulets with certain symbols designed to help us in life, make it better, attract Love, Happiness, Prosperity into our destiny, and protect us from evil forces. As in ancient times, today people wear pendants, bracelets and rings with the image of the Slavic Burdock of Happiness. If you want to purchase a piece of jewelry, a pendant or a ring with this symbol and use it as a talisman, make sure that the pattern is solid. When making a tattoo on the body with such a symbol, you also need to monitor the clarity of the lines and the correctness of the drawing itself. You can wear the symbolism of Burdock in the form of embroidery or a print on the upper and lower clothing, with this pattern you can decorate a ring or pendant. You can also depict it in the form of embroidery on bed linen or bedspreads. You can paint it on the walls or use it as a decorative pattern (painting).