Andrey skorokhod is where he’s from. Skorokhod Andrey Igorevich

Skorokhod Andrey. Biography: where was he born?

The famous comedian was born on June 24, 1988. His hometown is called Old Roads (Republic of Belarus). Andrey's mom and dad - ordinary people with average earnings. They always spoiled their son, buying him expensive toys and clothes.

Andrei Skorokhod, whose biography we are considering, has loved to attract attention since childhood. At home the boy organized concerts. He composed songs on the go and danced funny. My parents understood that they were growing up an artist.

School years

Andrey studied with straight A's and B's. The boy was drawn to knowledge and did not skip classes. It's just his behavior big problems. Skorokhod's parents were regularly called to school because of his hooligan behavior. Andrei would either talk with the teachers or start a fight with one of his classmates. Remarks often appeared in his diary.

The parents tried to channel their son's irrepressible energy into a peaceful direction. They enrolled him in different clubs. But Andryusha did not stay long in any of them. Skorokhod Jr. studied macrame and playing the clarinet. For several years he visited sports Club, but did not achieve tangible results.

In high school, our hero performed as part of the school KVN team. Andrey really enjoyed joking on stage and hearing loud applause. Teachers also noted his acting abilities.

student life

At the end high school The speedboat returned to Minsk. There he easily entered the State University of Economics. Andrey had a hard time being separated from his parents. But the guy understood that without higher education will not be able to provide himself with a decent life. Skorokhod studied at the faculty This is relatively new and promising direction in science.

Conquering television: playing KVN

Did Andrei Skorokhod plan to work in his specialty? The guy's biography could have turned out differently. But within the walls of the university he met the joker and entertainer Maxim Voronkov. The guys created their own KVN team, called “Lost Thoughts”. The most gifted and active guys from the course were accepted into the team.

The ideological inspirer of the team was Andrey Skorokhod. Biography, KVN and creativity are intertwined together. Our hero could no longer imagine himself off stage. He spent less and less time studying. As a result, the careless student was expelled. But Andrei did not fall into despair. The guy continued to write jokes and organize performances within the same team.

Soon a branch of the Comedy Club was opened in Belarus. Skorokhod and Voronkov were invited to work in a new project. Aspiring comedians could not miss this chance. Over the course of several months, more than 20 programs with their participation were filmed.


The Belarusian version of Comedy Club did not stay afloat for long. At some point the project was closed. Overnight, Voronkov and the runner lost their jobs.

In 2010, Slava Komissarenko, a longtime friend of Andrey, invited him to perform as part of the Smolensk KVN team “Triod and Diode”. Our hero, without thinking twice, agreed. The team managed to perform successfully in the Major League and take an honorable 3rd place. And in 2012, the team became the champion of the KVN game.

Resident Comedy Club

In 2013, new creative horizons opened up for Andrey. At that time he was already a famous KVN player. But to a young guy I wanted further development careers. And soon such an opportunity presented itself to him.

Andrey Skorokhod was invited to try his hand at the Moscow Comedy Club. The comedian did not expect that he would ever receive such a tempting offer. He agreed to become a resident of the Comedy Club. A few days later, Andrei signed a corresponding contract with representatives of the TNT channel. Before the first performance, Skorokhod was very worried. But everything went extremely well. The public warmly received the former KVN player. Andrey himself managed to become part of the team. He became friends with Garik Kharlamov, Demis Karibidis and other recognized comedians.

A major, a waiter in a restaurant, a dancer, an oligarch - whoever Andrei Skorokhod ("Comedy Club") played on stage. The biography and personal life of the new resident immediately interested the audience, especially the female part. Handsome man with an amazing sense of humor - isn't this a dream?!

Andrey Skorokhod. Biography: personal life

Our hero is a tall, brutal and confident guy. It’s easy to guess that he has no problems with representatives of the opposite sex. In high school and university, he had affairs with girls. ABOUT serious relationship Andrey didn’t think twice about it at that moment.

Is his heart free today? We hasten to please the comedian's fans - he is a bachelor. Skorokhod is not legally married. They say he doesn't even have a girlfriend. And it's all because of the tight work schedule. Andrey has to live in three countries - Russia, Ukraine and his native Belarus.

In 2013, there were rumors about the wedding of Skorokhod and actress Nastasya Samburskaya (“Univer”). Photos from their celebration were even posted online. But it soon became clear that Nastya and Andrey were just filming a commercial.


Now you know where Andrei Skorokhod was born, studied and how he came to popularity. The biography of the comedian was examined in detail by us. Let's wish this charming guy success in his work and personal life!

In 2013, the team and Andrei Skorokhod parted ways. The portal calls Andrey Skorokhod the most recognizable KVN player in Belarus. Andrey Skorokhod was born on June 24, 1988 in the small town of Starye Dorogi, near Minsk. Also in this conversation, Andrei Skorokhod said that he first played in KVN in his first year at university.

Skorokhod was born near Minsk, but never limited his field of activity to the scale of one state. Now Skorokhod is recognized on the street, but he considers himself a very ordinary person. Andrei’s parents were constantly called to school because of their son’s hooligan behavior: either he would be rude to the teachers, or he would fight with a classmate. After finishing school, Andrei went to enter the Belarusian State Economic University.

The talented Skorokhod easily passed the competition and began studying for a degree in economic cybernetics. While studying at the university, Andrei met Maxim Voronkov, and the young people created their own KVN team at the faculty, which they called “Lost Thoughts.”

Literally a week after this event, team representatives called Skorokhod and invited him to join the team on a permanent basis. In the same year, the Smolensk guys took third place in the KVN Major League, which helped Andrey achieve fame and improve his financial situation. Now Skorokhod lives in Kyiv, coming to shoot new numbers as needed. In 2013, there were rumors that Andrei married actress and singer Nastasya Samburskaya; photos allegedly from the couple’s wedding were posted online, but the information turned out to be a “duck.”

KVN player and Comedy Club resident Andrey Skorokhod is from Starye Dorog

Andrey, I know that this year at the Festival “Week of High Humor with the Comedy Club in Jurmala”, among other things, there will be a real fashion show. This is something new. Yes, they say something like this will happen! (Laughs.) And I even participate in this.

This comedian managed to live in Minsk, Kyiv and Moscow, and traveled even more. The performer himself says that since childhood he loved to attract attention to himself, so at school he was a real natural disaster, although he studied well. It was difficult for the young man to leave his parents, and he was not eager to continue his studies in the capital, he simply did not see any other choice for himself.

The newcomers quickly entered the Major League of KVN of Belarus. He was involved in performances and organizational activities within his native team; the guys even went to Moldova to give performances. In 2012, the Triode and Diode team received the title of champions Major League, beating “Gorod Pyatigorsk” and a number of other strong rivals.

Andrey Skorokhod - official website of the concert agent

Young man invited to the Comedy Club. Although the comedian initially had doubts, he still tried his hand at the project and ended up staying. The young man himself admits that in his dreams he sees himself surrounded by family and children, but is not yet ready to take this step, since he really loves to travel.

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Andrey Skorokhod: KVN and television

We will walk across the stage like Victoria's Secret "angels", albeit in some unusual outfits. So you guarantee that at the festival in Jurmala all the acts will be funny?

For me, this is exactly the same performance as any other. In fact, this is true. Nothing special. You probably did well at school? Although, in general, in all subjects, except physics and chemistry, I had nines and tens. Were your parents called to school for getting straight A's? Since childhood, I had a desire to perform on stage and be the center of attention.

And besides, I studied well, didn’t really get into fights, took part in theater clubs. I was sure that now I could do anything, and my studies immediately faded into the background. Maxim and I constantly missed lectures. Plus, a Comedy Club had just appeared in Belarus, and we were immediately taken there. We starred in probably thirty programs, and they told us: “Guys, choose - either study or perform.”

I was only attracted to the stage. I didn’t want to spend a minute at the institute, and, on the contrary, I wanted to constantly be present on the set. The parents, naturally, were shocked. All my life my mother thought that I would be a lawyer or a scientist, but by no means an artist.

My mother was very sorry and asked me to graduate from college. But you nevertheless showed perseverance and dropped out of college? In the end, did the story of getting a higher education end there? That's not all. Then I entered the European Humanities University in Vilnius and even went there once for an orientation session.

I looked at all this and left. And he never returned there again. All! This completed my training. Invited to several films and TV series. There was a period when I had nothing at all. I lived in Minsk, with friends.

Andrey is a person who resembles a tumbleweed. At one time, Andrei, having appeared on the KVN stage, literally captivated the audience. In addition, just at that moment the Belarusian branch of the “Comedy club” project appeared, where they wanted to see Skorokhod and Voronkov. In his free time from school, young Skorokhod did everything. From the very first game, KVN captivated Skorokhod so much that he began to be careless about his studies, and was eventually expelled from the university for non-attendance.

Famous comedian actor. Resident of the Comedy Club.

Andrey Skorokhod was born on June 24, 1988 in the small town of Starye Dorogi. ABOUT early years little is known about the comedian. The performer himself says that since childhood he loved to attract attention to himself, so at school he was a real disaster, although he studied well. Andrei’s parents were constantly called to school because of their son’s hooligan behavior: either he would be rude to the teachers, or he would fight with a classmate.

In his free time from school, young Skorokhod did everything. IN small town there wasn't much variety in choice creative activity, but Andrey tried almost everything. He was interested in burning, macrame, played the clarinet, and participated in a sports tourism club. And, of course, he was involved in school team KVN.

After finishing school, Andrei went to enter the Belarusian State Economic University. It was difficult for the young man to leave his parents, and he was not eager to continue his studies in the capital, he simply did not see any other choice for himself. The talented Skorokhod easily passed the competition and began studying for a degree in economic cybernetics.

While studying at the university, Andrei met Maxim Voronkov, and the young people created their own KVN team at the faculty, which they called “Lost Thoughts.” The newcomers quickly entered the Major League of KVN of Belarus. From the very first game, KVN captivated Skorokhod so much that he began to be careless about his studies, and was eventually expelled from the university for non-attendance. Which, however, did not upset Andrei too much.

He was involved in performances and organizational activities within his native team; the guys even went to Moldova to give performances. In addition, just at that moment the Belarusian branch of the “Comedy club” project appeared, where they wanted to see Skorokhod and Voronkov. After more than two dozen programs were filmed with the participation of newcomers, it became clear that one had to choose between the university and television.

A few years later, the comedian’s life came to a turning point. black line. The “Comedy Club” in Belarus disintegrated, and the “Lost Thoughts” team also disintegrated. Andrey was left in Minsk without work and money. He was afraid to return to his parents, because this meant confirming his failure as an actor and comedian, so for some time he did odd jobs, one of which became fateful for Skorokhod. In 2010, Slava Komissarenko, a friend of the young comedian, invited Andrei to help the Smolensk team “Triod and Diode” in working on the script for the upcoming KVN game.

Literally a week after this event, team representatives called Skorokhod and invited him to join the team on a permanent basis. In the same year, the Smolensk guys took third place in the KVN Major League, which helped Andrey achieve fame and improve his financial situation. In 2012, the Triod and Diode team received the title of Major League champions, beating Gorod Pyatigorsk and a number of other strong rivals. At the same time, the guys also took part in the KVN music festival in Jurmala, becoming its prize-winner.

In 2013, the team and Andrei Skorokhod parted ways. The artist was invited to the Comedy Club. Although the comedian initially had doubts, he still tried himself in the project and ended up staying.

One of his most favorite roles is “redneck rapper Glebati.” In January 2018, Andrei, on behalf of his alter ego, released debut album“Homebody”, which contains 11 compositions.

Despite the fact that the comedian speaks very warmly about his current place of work, he emphasizes that he is still ready to move and is open to new offers.

The other day Andrei Skorokhod got married. The wedding of the Comedy Club resident took place in his homeland in Belarus. For many of the showman's friends, the news of the wedding was not news, since the relationship between the lovers lasted for a long time. ABOUT important event in the lives of friends, Victoria Ivanova, a friend of the bride, who previously introduced the young people, reported.

The 30-year-old showman, known under the pseudonym Glebati, took an oath of fidelity and love to his wife Evgenia a few days ago.

At the beginning of his career, Andrei worked on the Belarusian project “Comedy Club”, but after some time the show was closed.

Since 2010, the showman has worked in one of the KVN teams. Vesta and his colleagues managed to enter the Major League and take an honorable 3rd place. After that, many already knew him as a comedian.

He was invited again to the Comedy Club, only this time in Moscow. He didn’t think twice and agreed to become a resident of the show. Andrey quickly made friends with the team and quickly joined the team.

While participating in the Comedy Club, he was in different roles, for which the audience fell in love with him.

There was a lot of scandalous information about Skorokhodov, not only regarding his work, but also his personal life. For some time there have been rumors that the showman is going to marry Nastasya Samburskaya. But after some time it became clear that the information was false. Later, Skorokhodov was repeatedly suspected of having relationships with various girls.

Andrey Skorokhod got married: history of relationships

The young people met several years ago, this happened at the “Voice Kivin” festival, which took place in Jurmala. The future spouses met thanks to a mutual friend Victoria Ivanova. She was the one who introduced them.

For a long time, the showman dated a girl. Glebati was in no hurry to propose to Evgenia. And only a few years later I decided to take such a step.

A mutual friend of the newlyweds is very happy for her friends. And it was she who announced that her friends were getting married.

Andrey Skorokhod got married: a showman's wedding

They decided to hold the wedding in Belarus, Andrei’s homeland. For the official ceremony, the couple chose a country complex located on the banks of the Loshanskoye Reservoir.

A few days ago, a resident of the Comedy Club published a photo in which he showed earrings with diamonds, apparently, he gave such a gift to his wife in honor of the wedding. The day after the ceremony, the comedian changed his Family status in social networks.

Friend Victoria Ivanova also expressed congratulations. According to her, the wedding was held on top level and the day passed very quickly.

Andrey Skorokhod is a man who resembles a tumbleweed. He was born near Minsk, but never limited his activities to the scale of one state. The bright comedian managed to live in Minsk, Kyiv and Moscow, and traveled even more.

At one time, Andrei, having appeared on the KVN stage, literally captivated the audience. Now Skorokhod is recognized on the street, but he considers himself a very ordinary person. The artist is open in communication, willingly answers questions from journalists and maintains a sense of humor in any situation.

Childhood and youth

Andrey Skorokhod was born in the summer of 1988 in the provincial town of Starye Dorogi, near Minsk. Little is known about the early years of the comedian. The performer himself says that since childhood he loved to attract attention to himself, so at school he was a real disaster, although he studied well. Andrei's parents were constantly called to school because of their son's hooligan behavior: either he was rude to the teachers, or he fought with a classmate. But Skorokhod claims that the reason for everything was his heightened sense of justice and straightforwardness.

In his free time from school, the guy did everything. In a small town there was not such a wide variety in the choice of creative activities, but Andrei Skorokhod tried almost everything. He was interested in burning, macrame, played the clarinet, and participated in a sports tourism club. But most importantly, he was involved in the school KVN team.

After finishing school, Andrei went to enter the Belarusian State Economic University. It was difficult for the young man to leave his parents, and he was not eager to continue his studies in the capital, but he did not see any other choice for himself. The talented Skorokhod easily passed the competition and became a student at the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics.


While studying at the university, Andrei Skorokhod met Maxim Voronkov. Young people created their own KVN team at the faculty, which they called “Lost Thoughts.”

The newcomers quickly entered the Major League of KVN of Belarus. From the very first game, KVN captivated Skorokhod so much that there was simply no time left for studying. As a result, the student was expelled from the university for absenteeism, which, however, did not upset him too much.

Andrey Skorokhod was involved in organizational activities and performed as part of his native team. The guys even visited Moldova on tour. In addition, just at that moment the Belarusian branch appeared Comedy project Club, where they wanted to see Skorokhod and Voronkov.

After more than two dozen programs were filmed with the participation of newcomers, it became clear that one had to choose between the university and television.

Andrey Skorokhod on stage

A few years later, a dark streak came in the comedian’s life: the Belarusian “Comedy Club” and the “Lost Thoughts” team broke up at the same time. Andrei Skorokhod was left in Minsk without work and money. He was afraid to return to his parents, because it meant confirming his failure as an actor and comedian.

Therefore, the guy did odd jobs for some time, one of which became fateful for Skorokhod. In 2010, a friend of the young comedian invited Andrey to help the Smolensk team “Triod and Diode” in working on the script for the upcoming KVN game.

Andrey Skorokhod in the Triode and Diode team

A week after this event, representatives of the team called Skorokhod and invited him to join the team on a permanent basis. In the same year, the Smolensk guys took 3rd place in the KVN Major League, which helped Andrey achieve popularity and improve his financial situation.

In 2012, the Triod and Diod team received the title of Major League champions, beating Gorod Pyatigorsk and a number of other strong rivals. At the same time, the guys also took part in the KVN music festival in Jurmala, becoming its prize-winners.

A television

In 2013, the team and Skorokhod parted ways. The young man was invited to the Moscow Comedy Club. Although the comedian initially had doubts, he still tried his hand at the project and ended up staying. The public warmly received the former Kavelin player, and he quickly joined the team.

Today Andrey Skorokhod is the star of the Comedy Club and one of its most prominent residents. Whoever the artist had to play as part of a popular humorous project, he transformed into oligarchs, majors, waiters and dancers. The tall, thin artist (Andrey’s height is 192 cm, weight – 80 kg) with agile facial expressions quickly charmed fans of the project.

Creative biography Andrei Skorokhod, after joining the Moscow Comedy Club, developed rapidly. Belarusian actor He turned out to be a brilliant master of improvisation, and each of his performances was remembered by the audience. The artist can sing beautifully, and many of his performances are accompanied by songs from his discography.

Demis Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod - “Passport Office”

Best jokes Andrey Skorokhod on YouTube gets half a million views. Sketches with .

As a duet as part of the project, the artists appeared in the sketches “Caucasian Pharmacy” and “Folk Healer”. Over time, Skorokhod’s repertoire was replenished with miniatures “Skorokhod and Old Roads”, where the second participant in the performance was “In the Astrologer’s Office”, “Avant-Garde Painting”, which were presented in tandem with. Together with Demis Karibidis, the comedian released the sketch “ Ideal woman».

Demis Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod - “Multi-profile pharmacy”

The numbers in which Andrey Skorokhod performs with other club residents are popular. Together with , and he appeared in the sketch “Exam at the University of Rap”. Andrey reincarnated as student Skvortsov, who came to take a rap exam for strict teachers.

Contrary to the expectations of the examiners, Skvortsov is well informed about the first rapper, and about the gangsta, and about the beard.

Best numbers Andrey Skorokhod

Together with Demis Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod, he caused a flurry of emotions with the number “Don Corleone”.

Personal life

Andrey Skorokhod is not only a talented and charismatic artist, he is a bright, confident and very attractive man. Therefore, it is no wonder that he has a huge army of fans who are interested in the personal life of their favorite.

Due to his busy work schedule and constant tours around the country and abroad, Andrei was unable to have a wife and children, although he had long dreamed of a family.

In 2013, there were rumors that Andrei married an actress and singer. A “wedding” photograph appeared on Nastasya’s Instagram, in which Skorokhod and Samburskaya were seen as the bride and groom.

The photo was accompanied by the caption “Hurray! Andryusha and I got married.” But, as it soon became clear, the information turned out to be a joke. In reality, the young people simply starred in a commercial together.

At the beginning of 2018 the theme romantic relationships resident of the popular project was again presented in a humorous manner. At the premiere of the comedy “Zomboyashchik” Andrei was accompanied by Marina Kravets.

Since at that moment the public was discussing the joint vacation of Timur Batrutdinov and Kravets and Skorokhod holding hands also provoked interest in their couple. The comedians avoided direct answers, finally answering that they were “budget Buzova and Batrutdinov.”

Already in the summer, Andrei Skorokhod surprised fans with a message about the wedding. The comedian’s chosen one was a girl named Evgenia. The future spouses met at the “Voice KiViN” festival, which takes place annually in Jurmala. At one time, the young people dated, then began to live together.

The wedding ceremony took place in an elite country complex in the Minsk region on the shore of the Loshansky reservoir.

Andrey Skorokhod now

In 2018, Skorokhod, together with Demis Karibidis, delighted Comedy Club fans with new miniatures “Chemistry at the Kukushan School”, “A Man Closes a Mortgage”, “Passport Office”. Together with Marina Kravets, the duo released the numbers “Muscovites in a Yerevan Restaurant”, “Six in the Morning”, “Family of a Philologist”.

In 2018, Andrei Skorokhod, in the image of the alter ego of rapper Glebati, provoked a scandal. In personal "Instagram" the artist compared the TV presenter with a monster from the film “Predator”. Olga Buzova immediately reacted to the insult, calling Andrei a “less than man.” To this, the artist replied that the post had nothing to do with her, but with “a pack of crazed Instagram commentators.”

However, the celebrity intended to go to court. Skorokhod suggested resolving the conflict in a rap battle, but soon deleted this post from the page. Skorokhod later made a public apology to the TV personality.

At the beginning of 2019, the artist visited the United States on a creative trip. Together with his colleagues from the Comedy Club, the artist visited Boston, Los Angeles, and New York.

Awards and achievements

  • 2010 – bronze medalist of the KVN Major League
  • 2012 – winner music festival"Voting KiViN" in Jurmala
  • 2012 – champion of the KVN Major League
  • 2013 – winner of the KVN Summer Cup