The unfortunate star of “The Inhabited Island”: the tragic fate of Vasily Stepanov. Schizophrenia? Vasily Stepanov left the hospital and talked about falling from the window Vasily Stepanov what was happening to him

Vasily Stepanov. The actor survived, but received serious injuries: a fractured pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. The actor was hospitalized and is now at home.

“The 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, who gained fame after the film “Inhabited Island,” fell from the window of an apartment on Davydkovskaya Street, as a result of which he received numerous fractures,” a source in medical circles told the TASS agency.

In turn, the press service of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs confirmed the fact that a person fell from a height. Currently, an investigation into the incident is being carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made.

The victim himself has already stated that the fall was not an accident and no one pushed him.

“Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me... Now I’m doing well, they put a cast on me and sent me home. It’s just a pity that he let people down with the filming and missed the deadlines,” said Stepanov.

Three years ago it was reported that the actor was in a bad mood due to the fact that he was not invited to play in theaters or offered roles in films. Ex-girlfriend artist Daria said that the couple never got married after two years life together— Stepanov was waiting for new roles and multimillion-dollar contracts, while Daria agreed to play in episodes just to provide for herself and her fiance, NTV reports.

At the same time, information appeared in the media that Stepanov had stopped attending star parties and was in a clinic diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis, and also had problems with alcohol. He is registered at a clinic where he is being treated for depression.

"Inhabited Island" Photo: Still from the film


Vasily Sergeevich Stepanov was born on January 14, 1986 in Moscow. Vasily comes from a simple family. His mother worked as a salesperson, having previously been an ordinary teacher. My father worked as a policeman.

After school future actor entered the Technical College physical culture and sports. There Stepanov received the specialty of a physical education teacher, despite the fact that he was no different in a healthy way life and was an experienced smoker.

While studying at the technical school, the young man attended classes in hand-to-hand combat and even received the title of Master of Sports. But soon he wanted to change his life and move away from sports competitions. That is why Vasily entered law school. Despite his desire to obtain a law degree, Stepanov was unable to constantly take classes and learn complex concepts, terminology, etc. Therefore, after studying for only a short time, Vasily left the educational institution.

Once tall - 192 cm - athletic young man the creators of social advertising dedicated to military service by contract. After this, Vasily began his acting career. He enrolled in acting courses and also applied to several universities, including Theatre Institute named after B. Shchukin and the Moscow Art Theater School.

In the first he entered, and in the second there was fateful meeting- it was seen by people searching for actors for the film “Inhabited Island”, created based on novel of the same name Strugatsky brothers. Although Vasily Stepanov was just beginning his journey in art, director Fyodor Bondarchuk was impressed by Stepanov.

The choice was approved and Boris Natanovich Strugatsky. The author of the novel, critics, and viewers highly appreciated the picture for its accurately conveyed atmosphere in general and the character and appearance of Maxim Kammerer in particular.

Bondarchuk himself, as well as Alexey Serebryakov, Gosha Kutsenko, Sergey Garmash and others famous representatives domestic cinema.

Critics reacted ambiguously to the appearance of the first part " Inhabited island" Overall the tape received positive reviews for special effects, visuals and scale, but many experts reacted negatively to the editing of the film and specifically the performance of the main role by Vasily Stepanov. However, a number of experts said that the actor even surpassed other celebrities who participated in the filming with his acting and professionalism.

After filming, Stepanov decided to devote himself entirely to studying at a theater university. However, he did not leave cinema - during this period he was noted for his participation in the films “The Insured Event”, “The Kiss of Socrates”, “Okolofootball”, the television program “Long time no see!”, and the play “Veronica Decides to Die” based on the novel of the same name by Paulo Coelho.

In addition to working in cinema and theater, he also tried his hand as a television presenter. So, in 2011, Stepanov hosted the TV show “Long time no see” on the TV Center channel. But the actor managed to appear in only a few programs, after which he ended his career as a presenter.

After participating in the film “Inhabited Island,” many social network users began to wonder where Vasily Stepanov disappeared to? In 2014, the actor appeared in the program “We Talk and Show.” It turned out that fate was unkind to Vasily. After participating in the film, the actor suffered a creative and personal crisis.

Stepanov's relatives turned to specialists for medical help. In order to pay for the expensive course of treatment, Stepanov’s family was forced to take out a loan. A detached blood clot in the left leg almost led to death, and only timely surgery saved Vasily's life.

At the end of 2016, Vasily began filming. Photos from the filming of the film “Tank Men”, in which the film actor participated, even appeared on Instagram. His relatives and colleagues were already able to notice how inspired Vasily was and strived to realize himself again in cinema.

The blue-eyed star of “The Inhabited Island” Vasily Stepanov has long disappeared from the sight of fans and journalists, but this week everyone is talking about his fate again. The day before, conflicting reports appeared that on April 10, the artist either fell or jumped from a fifth-floor window. At the same time, the actor has not had serious work for a long time, and he himself has been suffering from prolonged depression. Medialeaks tells how Stepanov’s life turned out after Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film, when everyone thought that Stepanov was rising star Russian cinema.

Reports that 31-year-old Vasily Stepanov fell out of a window fifth floors in Moscow, appeared in the press on April 12. Life reported that the actor was diagnosed with a fractured pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. According to eyewitnesses, he allegedly deliberately jumped out of the window, but many conflicting statements have accumulated around the incident. At first Stepanov stated that he fell from third floors by accident. And later he allegedly claimed that the fall was not accidental.

Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me... Now I’m doing well, they put a cast on me and sent me home. It’s just a pity that he let people down with the filming and missed the deadlines,” he said.

Vasily’s younger brother Maxim stated that the actor does not have suicidal tendencies and did not jump out of the window. According to him, Vasily explained what happened with the phrase “that’s how it happened.”

Prolonged depression

Stepanov’s acting career began when he was noticed by Fyodor Bondarchuk, who was looking for actors for the film “Inhabited Island” based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers. The director liked him despite the fact that he had no acting experience (not counting his participation in social advertising). Boris Strugatsky also approved of Stepanov’s choice for the role of Maxim Kammerer. After the film was released, Vasily quickly acquired an army of fans and admirers.

After filming the film, the actor, while continuing his studies at a theater university, took part in several more projects: the films “An Insured Event,” “The Kiss of Socrates,” “Okolofootball” and the play “Veronica Decides to Die.” That's it actor career, in fact, it ended.

IN last years Stepanov lived with his parents.

According to the artist, financial difficulties never ended: he spent the fee for “Inhabited Island” very quickly, and did not receive any money for photo sessions and interviews. At the same time, Vasily declared that he no longer wanted to act in films. The separation from his fiancée Daria Egorova, who repeatedly said that Stepanov had been diagnosed with “manic depression,” was also a heavy blow.

Vasya has psychological trauma that lasted for several years. Nobody can figure out what's wrong with him. It's just a psychological breakdown. “He starts talking and can easily forget how he started the phrase,” she explained.

Prolonged depression required quality treatment, which required money. According to Stepanov, his family took out a loan to pay for medical care, and the actor himself washed trolleybuses at night to earn at least something.

A year ago, Stepanov also made no progress with his work.

I've been to a bunch of castings, but they don't take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything went quiet. I was offered to star in a video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport, and I didn’t have the connections to get one in three days. “I’m looking for any job, I even tried to get a job in the police,” he said.

TO psychological problems at the end of 2016, more physical ones were added: the actor slipped on the stairs, fell and broke his spine. Stepanov’s relatives then asked everyone who cared for financial help.

After seven years of unemployment, the actor finally began to receive offers. Last year, he even opened an account on Instagram, where he posts personal photographs and photos from the filming of the “Tank Men” project. However, filming was hindered by a spinal injury.

Instagram hasn't been updated for about six months.

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Where is actor Vasily Stepanov now? finest hour whose main role was in the film “Inhabited Island”? Tens of thousands of fans and admirers young artist were shocked by the recent news about Stepanov's suicide attempt.

Let us recall that on April 10, 2017, Vasily Stepanov was hospitalized with multiple fractures after falling from the 5th floor window of the apartment where he lived in Moscow. The actor himself has already admitted that it was an unsuccessful suicide attempt, and not the first. “Nobody pushed me. Yes, I fell and it was not an accident...” Stepanov told reporters and added that he had already been sent home in a cast.

As is known a few months earlier, in December 2016, Stepanov broke his spine as a result of the same unsuccessful suicide attempt. And, as you know, for the last 7 years the actor has been taking antidepressants and was under the supervision of doctors due to frequent psychological breakdowns and depression. According to the doctors, they insisted on compulsory treatment of Stepanov in a specialized clinic, but did not obtain the mandatory consent of the actor’s parents, which is necessary in such cases.

The actor of “Inhabited Island” Vasily Stepanov told the truth about his personal life

On the eve of the once stellar 31-year-old Russian artist gave a detailed interview to journalists, explaining his failures in recent years. “They tell me that after filming with Fyodor Bondarchuk, I was good films no one will take it - such is the reputation of this director,” said Stepanov.

“I spent my fee for “Inhabited Island” almost immediately. And for the subsequent countless photo shoots and interviews, even at the peak of my popularity, I did not receive any money,” the actor complained.

Stepanov said that in recent years he has tried several times to act in commercials. “But they told me that my type and appearance were not what they needed. For example, in a watch advertisement they need male models with dry cheeks and pronounced cheekbones, but I’m not a model,” the artist complained.

Vasily Stepanov also entered a difficult period in his personal life. The actor’s lover, the young actress Daria Egorova, with whom they had been close for almost 5 years, left the actor. “Girls need stability, they think that I have not yet succeeded in life,” said Stepanov. “They tell me - you don’t work, then you work, but I want to live, go to the store together and buy a car - but you either have money or don’t have money,” the actor said frankly.

Now Stepanov is at home, trying to restore his health and psychological state. In terms of his acting future, Vasily no longer sees himself in cinema, perhaps counting only on working in the theater. “Maybe over time, some theater will be interested in me and invite me to work...” the artist hopes.

MOSCOW, April 13 – RIA Novosti. Actor Vasily Stepanov, who played main role in the film "Inhabited Island", fell from the window of a residential building in Moscow. Now the artist is at home.

What's happened

A source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti that the incident occurred on Monday. According to him, the actor fell from a small height - from about the third floor.

“After the fall, he remained alive and refused hospitalization,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

As the source noted, Stepanov jumped down himself, but the motive for this action is not yet known.

The fact that happened in a house on Davydkovskaya Street was confirmed by the press service of the capital’s department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They, however, refused to name the victim.

About the actor's condition

The film is an adaptation of the fantastic story by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. According to the plot, Maxim Kammerer is a pilot of the Free Search Group, whose spaceship made an emergency landing on the planet Saraksh.

Both parts were leaders in the Russian box office and were among the highest-grossing films in Europe at the end of 2009. At the same time, given the large budget (more than $35 million), the film never paid off.

"Inhabited Island" received the Golden Eagle award for best cinematography (Maxim Osadchiy), best music(Yuri Poteenko) and best editing (Igor Litoninsky).

On the morning of April 11, 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, known for his role as Maxim Kammerer in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film dilogy “Inhabited Island,” fell from the balcony of the fifth floor of an apartment in a Khrushchev building on Davydkovskaya Street in Moscow, where he lives with his elderly parents.

The press became aware of the incident late yesterday evening.

It turned out that the actor survived and was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with numerous fractures and bruises. Vasily confirmed to Life that his fall “was not accidental” - “nobody pushed him.”

“The fact of a person falling from a height” was confirmed to TASS by the press service of the GUMVD in Moscow: “The police received a report that a person fell from the window of a residential building on Davydkovskaya Street. Currently, an investigation into the incident is being carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made decision," the press service representative told the agency. And the fact that it was “the 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, who gained fame after the film “Inhabited Island,” was, in turn, clarified to the agency by a “source in medical circles.” Adding, “that this is not the first time a man decides to settle scores with life."

Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986 in Moscow into the family of a policeman and a cashier. After nine years of school, he graduated from the College of Physical Education and Sports, receiving a diploma in physical education. I went to law school, but dropped out. He made his film debut in 2008, and immediately played the leading role of Kammerer in the film “Inhabited Island: Film One.” Which was followed by “Inhabited Island: Fight” (2009), “My Boyfriend is an Angel” (episode), television melodrama “Insured Event”, Belarusian series “Kiss of Socrates” (all - 2011), “Okolofutbola” (2013, episode) .

The image of Kammerer remained the only notable work of the actor, who, according to those close to him, at first bore the burden of fame that fell on him very hard, becoming a recluse for some time, and then “could not find a worthy project for himself.” Which had a bad effect on Vasily’s “subtle mental organization.” Moreover, Stepanov’s work in his films was harshly criticized by Bondarchuk himself, who, although he got the main role, as he was looking for, “the very handsome guy in the world," but Vasily’s play constantly brought him to nervous breakdowns. It was already too late to change the main character - this would have led to serious financial expenses. As a result, as Bondarchuk said, scenes with Vasily’s participation had to be edited as patchwork quilt- from pieces of different takes.

Naturally, after such characteristics from one of the leading Russian filmmakers, no further successful career there was no question. The result is poverty and depression.

“Inhabited Island” is the first part of the unofficial “Kammerer cycle”, first published in 1969 in the magazine “Neva”, which also includes the stories “A Beetle in an Anthill” and “Waves Quench the Wind”. The work was subjected to the most severe censorship: as it was calculated by researchers of the Strugatskys’ work, for the next publication - 1971 - the authors had to “correct” about nine hundred places in “The Island”. Then the book was not reprinted for ten years.

The action of "Inhabited Island" takes place in the distant future, when researcher Maxim Kammerer crashes while landing on an unknown terrestrial planet Saraksh, which turns out to be the epitome of a post-apocalyptic dystopia.