Outdoor games for schoolchildren. Story-based outdoor games for primary schoolchildren

Education of physical abilities should be aimed at developing physical qualities (strength, agility, endurance, flexibility, speed) in children of primary school age. One of the means of education is outdoor games. They must be used in accordance with certain rules: change the speed, pace and spatial boundaries of movements; complicate the playing conditions.

After analyzing literary sources, we selected outdoor games for primary schoolchildren and systematized them according to sections of the school curriculum. We offer outdoor games for the development of physical qualities, which can be included in physical education lessons in primary school.

Section "Athletics":

“Tag in two circles”, “Through hummocks and stumps”, “Calling numbers”, “Head and tail”, “Fishing in pairs”, “Tag”, “Cosmonauts”, “Aim on target”, “Crucian carp and pike”, “Hares in the garden”, “Through the hummocks and stumps”, “Quickly to places”, “The third wheel”, “Polar bears”, “Geese-swans”.

Section "Sports Games":

“Passing the ball on the move”, “Two hands”, “Tell me what color”, “Race of balls in a circle”, “Passing the ball in columns above the head”, “Ball traps”, “Hunters and ducks”, “Shootout” , “Four balls”, “Calls by numbers”, “Climbers”, “Who will overtake?”, “Parachutists”, “Hares, watchman, Bug”, “Rope under your feet”, “Catch and run”, “Motorcyclists”, “Ball to neighbor”, “Moving target”, “Pass and sit down”, “Ball over the net”

Section "Gymnastics":

“Hoop on yourself”, “Friendly threes”, “Hold the hoop”, “Rope walker”, “Penguins with a ball”, “Needle and thread”, “Relay races with hoops”, “Don’t drop the bag”, “Forbidden movement”

Section "Ski training":

“Fast skier”, “Simple tag”, “Hit the gate”, “Relay race - biathlon”, “March tag”, “Circular rounders”, “Slalom”, “Pick up the object”


Purpose of the game: helps improve orientation in running with changes in direction and the ability to maintain balance after a sudden stop, develops agility, reaction speed, and quick wits.

Preparation: 4-6 triangles are drawn along the edges of the site - “rocket launch sites”. Inside each of them they draw circles - “rockets”, but always several circles less than the ones playing. All the guys stand in a circle in the center of the site.

Inventory: not required.

Progress of the game:

At the leader’s signal, the children walk in a circle, holding hands, and say in chorus:

Fast rockets await us for walking around the planets,

We’ll fly whichever one we want!

But there is one secret in the game: there is no room for latecomers!

After these words, everyone runs to the “rocket launch sites” and takes their places in the “rocket”. The one who did not have time to take a place goes to the center of the site. After this, the game is repeated.

You can start running only after the word “no”. There cannot be two “cosmonauts” in a “rocket”, and the right to stay in it is given to the one who first stood inside the circle.

"Crucian carp and pike"

Goal: promotes the development of dexterity, speed, orientation, courage, and collectivism.

Preparation: two lines are drawn on opposite sides of the site - this is the “house of crucian carp”. The driver - "pike" - stands in the middle of the court, the rest of the players - "crucian carp" - are located in one of the "houses".

Inventory: not required.

Progress of the game:

At the command of the leader, the “crucian carp” begin to run to the opposite “house”. The "pike" is trying to catch them. The stained ones move aside, and then, when there are 5-6 of them, they join hands, depicting a net. The “pike” stands behind the “net”. Now, when running, the crucian carp must run through the net. Those caught later form a circle - a “basket”, and then a “top” - two lines facing each other. The last one to be caught wins.

  • 1. You are allowed to run across only on command.
  • 2. “Crucian carp” are required to run through all the “nets” of fishermen.
  • 3. The players forming the “net” should not interfere with the passing crucian carp.
  • 4. The pike cannot run into the “net” (players can catch it).

Third wheel

Goal: development of coordination of movements, attentiveness, speed qualities, improvement of the ability to navigate the terrain.

Preparation: players line up in pairs inside the court. The distance between pairs is 2-3 meters. The driver and one of the players (the runner) are located behind the line.

Inventory: not required.

Progress of the game:

At the leader’s signal, the driver tries to disgrace the runner, and the runner can stand in front of one of the pairs, then the last player of the pair becomes the “third wheel” and runs away from the driver. If the driver manages to stain the player, then they change roles.

The runner can take his place in the pair only if he has run a full circle. Crossing the circle line is not allowed. You can only spot while running.

"Head and Tail"

Goal: development of speed qualities, flexibility, coordination of movements; nurturing a sense of collectivism.

Preparation: all participants in the game (10-20 people) line up in a column one at a time. Each player grabs the belt of the previous one with his hands. The first player is the "head" and the last player is the "tail".

Inventory: not required.

Progress of the game:

At the teacher’s signal, the “head” tries to catch up with the “tail”. After a certain time, players (teams) change places.

If the “head” manages to catch up with the “tail” within the agreed time, then both players move to the middle of the chain, but if not, then only the “head” moves.

The team that manages to catch up with the other team the most times wins. Participants can move in various predetermined ways, as long as they do not break the chain.

"Sharp on target"

Goal: helps improve throwing skills, develops accuracy and dexterity of movements, teaches discipline and collective action.

Preparation: draw two parallel lines at a distance of 12 - 15 m. In the center of the site, 10 towns, painted in two colors (5 each), are placed interspersed in one row. Each team is assigned towns of a certain color. The players are divided into two teams and placed on opposite sides of the court. The players of one of the teams (by lot) are given a small ball.

Inventory: 10 small towns, small balls according to the number of players.

Progress of the game:

At the leader’s signal, the players of one team “in one gulp” throw the balls into the towns. Each knocked down town of the throwing team is moved one step further. The downed town of the other team moves one step closer.

After that, the other team throws. The order changes four times.

  • 1. Knocked down towns are placed in a new place after all the balls have been thrown.
  • 2. Players collect the balls after the towns have been installed.
  • 3. The team that manages to move its towns further wins.

Hunters and ducks

Purpose of the game: to learn how to pass the ball in attack, strengthen the skills of catching the ball and passing methods. Helps develop dexterity, speed of reaction, intelligence, and collectivism.

Preparation: the players are divided into two teams, one of which, the “ducks,” are located inside the circle (“lake”), and the second, the “hunters,” stand outside the circle. Hunters have one (two) balls.

Equipment: volleyball ball (1-2 pcs.).

Progress of the game:

At the leader’s signal, the “hunters” begin to knock the “ducks” out of the circle with the ball. Each “hunter” can throw the ball himself or pass it to a teammate to throw. The “Ducks”, running inside the circle, escape from the ball by dodging and jumping. The knocked-out duck leaves the circle. The game continues until all the “ducks” are knocked out. After this, the players change roles.

  • 1. It is prohibited to step inside the circle when throwing the ball, otherwise the throw does not count.
  • 2. “Ducks” do not have the right to leave the circle; Anyone who breaks this rule is eliminated from the game.
  • 3. A hit is counted if the ball touches any part of the body other than the head and does not bounce off the floor or another partner.
  • 4. The player who was hit by the ball is eliminated from the game until the teams change.
  • 5. The team that spends less time or “knocks out” more players from the other team in a set time wins.

"Moving Target"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to pass, catch the ball, coordinate their actions with the actions of other players, develop dexterity, and develop respect for their playmate.

Preparation: the players are divided into several groups, which become a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. One of the players has a ball.

Equipment: volleyballs.

Progress of the game:

At a signal, those standing in the circle throw the ball to each other, trying to hit the driver. The one who gets caught becomes the driver, and the driver stands in a circle.

Options: you can throw the ball at the driver only after passing the ball (or two, it’s a sin to pass the ball) to each other.

  • 1. The ball can only be thrown at the feet of the driver.
  • 2. Hitting a player after the ball has bounced off the ground does not count.
  • 3. If the driver managed to catch the ball, he is not eliminated from the game; if the attempt is unsuccessful, he leaves the circle.

"Tell me what color"

Purpose of the game: improve dribbling the ball on the spot and in motion, teach you to see the court, develop dexterity and coordination of movements. Preparation: Students take balls (except for the driver) and arrange themselves scattered. The driver has 3 flags of different colors in his hands.

Inventory: basketballs, 3 flags of different colors.

Progress of the game:

Children dribble balls around the court while walking (running). The child, near whom the driver stops and shows a flag of any color, must, while dribbling the ball in place, say what color the flag is.

Options: 1. The role of driver is performed by 3 children. 2. The driver shows the sticks, and the player must say how many there are.

When naming the color, do not stop working with the ball.

"Fast Skier"

Purpose of the game: helps improve the ability to maintain balance when sliding on one ski, promotes the development of dexterity and speed.

Preparation: the start line is marked and the finish line is 30m from it. The players are on the starting line, standing on one ski (without poles).

Equipment: skis.

Progress of the game:

At the teacher’s command, the players, pushing off with one leg, move on skis to the finish line.

  • 1. The player who crosses the finish line first wins.
  • 2. Start moving only when given a signal.
  • 3. A player who has lost his skis must reattach it in the place where he lost it.

"Behind me!"

Purpose of the game: development of speed qualities, dexterity, coordination of movements, spatial orientation, ingenuity.

Preparation: students are located in a circle (diameter 50 - 70 m) on a paved ski track. The teacher is outside the circle on skis without poles.

Equipment: skis and poles according to the number of participants.

Progress of the game:

All players slowly advance on skis in a circle, one after another. The teacher, approaching any of the players, says: “Follow me!”, after which the invitee sticks ski poles into the snow and follows him. So the teacher gathers many or all of them, takes them away from the circle where the ski poles remain, and suddenly gives the command: “Get to your places!” Participants strive to return to the circle as quickly as possible and take places at any sticks.

The player left without sticks becomes the driver. The one who drives the least wins. Monitor compliance with safety rules.

"Friendly Threes"

Purpose of the game: development of group interactions; strengthening the skill of handling gymnastic equipment; development of dexterity and coordination of movements.

Preparation: players are divided into threes (4 - 6) and line up in front of the common starting line. In front of each troika, a turning point is indicated at a distance of 8 - 10 m.

Equipment: gymnastic hoops.

Progress of the game:

At the command of the teacher, the players leading the threes put on a hoop, run to the turning point, run around it and return back.

The next member of the trio climbs through the hoop, and now the two players perform the same task together. They then return for the third participant.

The three players who are the first to return to their starting position in full strength wins.


Purpose of the game: improve the technique of climbing the gymnastic wall, develop dexterity, and coordination of movements.

Preparation: two teams of “climbers” line up facing the gymnastics wall 6 - 7 m from it. Between the first players and the gymnastic wall, gymnastic benches are installed, turned upside down. Gymnastic mats are laid at the outermost spans of the wall.

Equipment: gymnastic bench - 2 pcs., gymnastic wall pcs.

Progress of the game:

At the teacher’s signal, the first players begin to move along the rail of the gymnastic bench, move to the gymnastic wall, climb onto it, move along the wall to the outermost span and go down. The height of the climb on the wall is indicated in advance by the teacher. When descending from the gymnastic wall, the player has the right to jump from the rail, located at a height of no more than 70 - 75 cm, into a circle with a diameter of 40 cm, marked with chalk on the mat. Having landed, the player stands last in his line. The second players begin moving along the gymnastic bench immediately after the previous “climber” lands.

  • 1. Premature movement on the bench rail is prohibited.
  • 2. The player must not lose balance.
  • 3. You cannot jump from a height exceeding that specified by the teacher.
  • 4. Imprecise landings are also prohibited. For each mistake the player is punished with a penalty point. The team that manages to finish the relay faster than others and makes fewer mistakes than the other wins.

Children love to run, jump, and compete.

Outdoor games develop not only dexterity, endurance, and speed of reaction, but also many of the games we offer develop attention, logical thinking, and the ability to quickly switch.

Swan geese

The game develops your child's reaction and endurance.

On one side of the site there is a line separating the “goose barn”. In the middle of the site there are 4 benches, forming a road 2 - 3 meters wide. On the other side of the site there are 2 benches - this is a “mountain”. All players are in the “goose house” - “geese”. Behind the mountain there is a circle “lair”, in which 2 “wolves” are located.

At the signal - “Geese-swans, in the field”, the “geese” go to the “field” and walk there. At the signal “Geese-swans go home, the wolf is behind the distant mountain,” the “geese” run to the benches in the “goose barn.” “Wolves” run out from behind the “mountain” and catch up with the “geese.”

The players who are never caught win.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, coordination, agility, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street


To make names better remembered, to train attention and the ability to quickly switch from one task to another, you can play this game in a company of up to 15 people.

The presenter invites the children to change places in a certain amount of time (10, 15 or 20 seconds) like this:

- so that all names are arranged in alphabetical order;

- so that everyone stands by hair color (on the left - brunettes, on the right - blondes);

- so that everyone stands according to their height (small ones on the left, big ones on the right).

Note. These exercises can be even more fun if there are wide benches, sofas, or very stable, sturdy chairs. Then the guys must complete the tasks while standing on the benches and move without stepping on the floor.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, coordination

Number of players: 5 or more

Place of play: indoors

Hurry up to pick

With this game you can have fun in a group.

A participant stands in a circle with a diameter of 1 meter with a volleyball in his hands. There are 8 tennis (rubber) balls behind the player.

At a signal, the participant throws the ball up, and while it is in the air, he tries to pick up as many balls as possible and, without leaving the circle, catch the ball.

The participant who managed to pick up more balls wins.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, coordination, dexterity, reaction

Number of players: 2

Place of play: street

Things needed: balls

Cones, acorns, nuts

An active game that children really like.

Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: “cones”, “acorns”, “nuts”. The leader is outside the circle.

The presenter says the word “nuts” (or “cones”, “acorns”), and all the players who have this name change places, and the presenter tries to take someone’s place.

If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut (“acorn”, “cone”), and the one who is left without a place takes the place of the leader.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, coordination, dexterity, thinking, reaction Number of players: 7 or more

Place of play: street

Birds, fleas, spiders

The group is divided into two teams. Each team, secretly from the other, decides who they will be - “birds”, “spiders” or “fleas”. Two teams stand in lines in the center of the hall and face each other with a gesture indicating the chosen animal.

Spiders run away from birds, fleas from spiders, birds from fleas. The one who did not manage to reach the opposite wall moves to another team.

Age: from six years

Purpose of the game: relaxation, concentration

Number of players: 10 – 30

Game location: spacious safe room


This is an interesting game that develops dexterity, accuracy and coordination. Children stand behind the circle line. In the center of the circle is the leader. One of the players has the ball. Those standing behind the circle throw the ball at the leader, trying to hit him, or pass the ball to a friend so that he can make a throw.

The leader runs, dodging the ball. The player who did not hit the leader with the ball takes his place.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, coordination, agility, accuracy, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

Items needed: ball

Give me a hand

Before the game, children choose an area beyond which they cannot run.

One leader is selected - the tag, the rest of the players move freely around the site.

Salka begins to catch players who are running away from him, while the children try to join hands with the closest player.

Holding hands, they stand facing each other. In this case, the tag does not have the right to grease them.

If the tag catches up with a single player, they switch roles.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, agility, reaction

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street

Jumping sparrows

A wonderful children's game. First draw a circle on the asphalt using chalk.

In the center of the circle is the leader - the “crow”. Behind the circle are all the players who are “sparrows”.

They jump into a circle and jump inside it. Then they jump out of it in the same way.

The “crow” tries to catch the “sparrow” when it jumps inside the circle.

If the “sparrow” is still caught, then he becomes the leader and the game starts all over again.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, dexterity, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

British Bulldog

Playing affects the child’s endurance and reaction.

Children appoint two catchers (“bulldogs”). The Bulldogs stand on one side of the court, and everyone else stands on the opposite side. At the signal of one of the “bulldogs” all players must run to the other side. But so that the player is not caught by the bulldogs.

The game continues until all runners become bulldogs.

Age: from six years

The game develops: endurance, reaction, strength

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street

Homeless hare

An interesting game for children of primary school age. A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players are hares, draw a circle for themselves, and stand inside.

A homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any circle, then the hare that was standing in the circle must immediately run away, because it becomes homeless, and the hunter will hunt for it. As soon as the hunter catches a hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare becomes a hunter.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

White bears

Polar bears is an active group game for children of primary school age. Develops active creative motor actions motivated by the plot of the game.

At the edge of the area, which represents the sea, a small place is outlined - an ice floe, on which the driver stands - a “polar bear”. The remaining “cubs” will be randomly placed throughout the site.

“The Bear” growls: “I’m going out to fish!” - and runs to catch the “cubs”. Having caught one “bear cub”, he takes it to the ice floe, then catches another.

Two caught “bear cubs” join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. Having caught someone, two “bear cubs” join their free hands so that the caught one ends up between their hands, and shout: “Bear, help!”

The “bear” runs up, greases the caught one and takes him to the ice floe.

The next two caught also join hands and catch the rest of the “cubs”.

When all the cubs are caught, the game ends.

The last player caught wins and becomes the “polar bear”.

Note. A caught “bear cub” cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding it until the “bear” has insulted it. When catching, it is forbidden to grab players by their clothes, and those running away are prohibited from running outside the boundaries of the area.

Age: from six years

The game develops t: agility, reaction, imagination

Number of players: 7 or more

Three, Thirteen, Thirty

Three, Thirteen, Thirty is a game that develops attention and quick reactions in children. Can be used at school for physical education sessions for primary school students.

Participants in the game agree in advance which number represents which action. Players line up in a line at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides.

If the driver (teacher) says “three”, all players must raise their hands up, when the word “thirteen” - hands on the belt, when the word “thirty” - hands forward, etc. (You can come up with a variety of movements). Players must quickly execute the appropriate movements.

Age: from six years

The game develops: attentiveness, reaction

Number of players: 7 or more

Fighting cocks

A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn. Two teams stand in ranks opposite each other. Captains are chosen and they send one of their players into the circle. Each of them bends one leg, puts his hands behind his back, and at a signal, the participants in the fight begin to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders and torsos, trying not to stand on the other leg. You also cannot remove your hands from your back. The game continues until everyone has played the role of roosters, the captains fighting last. The team with the most winners wins. The match ends in a draw if both players (in a pair) are outside the circle.

You can also play while sitting. The belt (braid) is tied with a ring. The players squat down and put the ring on their knees so that their legs cannot be straightened. Hands are placed under the knees. Jumping in this position on their toes, the players try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who does not maintain balance loses.

The game must take place within a small area, beyond the boundaries of which you cannot go.

Hunters and foxes

The court, up to the size of a basketball court, is limited by lines. The players choose a driver, the “hunter,” and they give him a small ball. All other players are “foxes”.

The “Hunter” goes to the middle of the site, and the “Foxes” gather around him. The “hunter” throws the ball up 2 times and catches it, after the third throw the “foxes” scatter in different directions. The “hunter”, having caught the ball, throws it at one of the “foxes”. Each “fox” that is born becomes his assistant, which means that the number of “foxes” will decrease.

As soon as the “hunter” has a first assistant, the “foxes” can pick up the ball thrown at them and throw them among themselves so that the “hunter” and the assistant do not take possession of it. Now the drivers are trying to intercept the ball in order to continue to kill the “foxes”.

The game continues until all the “foxes” are caught, except one. This “fox”, who has proven herself to be the most dexterous, becomes the new “hunter”. The game repeats itself.

During the game, it is important to ensure that the “foxes” do not run beyond the boundaries of the court. Otherwise, each of them is considered salted and becomes an assistant to the “hunter”. Before starting the game, you can agree that you can’t shoot, for example, in the head, chest, etc.

Hunters and ducks

One team sits in a circle with a diameter of 15-20 m. Players from the other team are randomly placed in the middle of the circle. The “hunters” try to hit the “ducks” with the ball. The upset players leave the circle. After a certain time or when all the players inside the circle are knocked out, the teams switch roles. The team that eliminates more opponents or does it first wins.


Before the game starts, all players say:

Firstborns, firstborns,

Little pigeons were flying

On fresh dew,

In someone else's lane,

There are cups, nuts,

Honey, sugar -

When the last word is said, everyone must be silent. The presenter tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words and nursery rhymes, and comic poems. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a forfeit. At the end of the game, the guys redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs, read poetry, dance, and perform interesting movements. You can play a forfeit immediately after you have committed a fine.


The players choose “kite” and “hen”, the rest - “chickens”. The “kite” digs a hole, and the “hen and chicks” walk around him and chant the words:

I walk around the kite,

I carry three pieces of money.

For a pretty penny

According to my owl.

“Kite” digs the ground, walks around the hole, stands up, flaps its wings, squats, “Hen with chicks” stops, asks the kite:

- Kite, kite, what are you doing?

- I'm digging a hole.

- What do you need a hole for?

- I'm looking for a penny.

- What do you need a penny for?

— I’ll buy a needle.

- Why do you need a needle?

- Sew a bag.

- Why the bag?

- Put down pebbles.

- Why do you need pebbles?

- Throw at your children.

- For what?

“They’re climbing into my garden.”

- You should make the fence higher. If you don’t know how, then catch them.

The “kite” tries to catch the “chickens”, the “hen” protects them, drives the “kite”: “Shi, shi, villain!” The caught “chicken” leaves the game, and the “kite” continues to catch the next ones. The game ends when several "chickens" are caught.

Swan geese

On one side of the site a line is drawn separating the “goose barn”, and on the other side a line is drawn separating the “pasture”. They choose a “shepherd” and a “wolf”. The remaining players are “geese” and “swans”; they stand in a row in the “gooseneck”. "Wolf" is located in the middle of the site. The “shepherd” standing to the side of the “geese” says:

Geese-swans, walk,

No wolf in sight yet!

“Geese-swans” fly to the “pasture”, imitating birds, and walk there. The “Shepherd” speaks loudly:

Geese-swans, go home,

The gray wolf is behind the mountain!

Geese (ask). What is he doing there?

Shepherd. The geese are nipping!

Geese. Which ones?

Shepherd. Gray and white!

After the last words, the “geese” run to the “goose barn.” And the “wolf” catches them (up to the “goose line”).

Those caught are counted and sent to the “wolf’s den”, where they remain until he is replaced. They play with one “wolf” 2-3 times. Then a new “wolf” and “shepherd” are selected from those not caught. In conclusion, the best “geese” (who have never been caught) and the best “wolf” (who caught the most “geese”) are celebrated,

By the bear in the forest

One driver is selected - the “bear”, he stands in the corner of the site. The rest of the players are children; they are located on the other side of the site in their “home”. The space between the “den” and the “house” of the children is the “pine forest.” Children go into the forest for “mushrooms” and “berries”, gradually approaching the “bear”. The children chant:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

And the bear is sitting

And he growls at us!

After the last words, the “bear”, pretending to be asleep, stretches and runs towards the children, and they scatter in different directions, trying not to get caught by the “bear” and quickly run “home”. The "Bear" tries to catch them. Whoever the “bear” catches changes roles with him. If he fails to catch anyone and all the children manage to hide in the house, the “bear” returns to the “den” and continues to lead.

Kittens and puppies

Children are divided into two subgroups - kittens and puppies. “Kittens” are located near the gymnastics wall, “puppies” are on the other side of the site, in houses behind the gymnastic benches. The teacher invites the first group of children-kittens to run around easily and gently. To the words of the teacher: “Puppies!” - the second group of children climbs over the benches and runs after the “kittens” barking: “av-av-av.” “Kittens,” meowing, quickly climb onto the gymnastics wall. The “puppies” return to their houses. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles and the game is repeated.

Homeless hare

The hare guys make houses out of jump ropes folded into a ring. At the teacher’s signal, the “hares” run out of the houses, jump after each other, hopping on one leg. The “hares” are in a hurry to occupy the house, but one house is missing. He becomes a homeless "hare". Now he acts as a presenter, saying:

The hares ran into the field,

We galloped across the clearing...

Children run out and frolic on the playground. Game continues.

Fox in the hen house

Gymnastic benches are placed in a square - this is a perch. There are children standing on the benches - these are chickens. A “fox” is running around inside the square (chicken coop). The “chickens” either jump off the “perch” and run around the “chicken coop”, or climb onto it. The “fox” tries to catch the “chicken”, which has at least one foot touching the ground. After the “fox” catches 3-5 “chickens”, a new “fox” is appointed from among the most dexterous ones. The game is repeated 4-5 times.


The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

- Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- Where?

- From the city...

- What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that in the city they are dancing, singing, jumping, etc. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly gives away a forfeit. The game ends as soon as the driver collects 5 forfeits. Players whose forfeits are from the driver must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them: the guys read poetry, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen.

Bees and swallow

The players - bees - fly around the clearing and sing:

The bees are flying

The honey is being collected!



“Swallow” sits in its “nest” and listens to their song. At the end of the song, the “swallow” says: “The swallow will get up and catch the bee.” With the last word, she flies out of the “nest” and catches the “bees.” The caught player becomes a “swallow”. The game repeats itself.

Sparrows and cat

All players pretend to be sparrows and are behind the circle. The leading “cat” stands in the middle of the circle. The “sparrows” either jump into the circle or jump out of it. They collect grains. The “cat” runs in a circle and tries to catch them. The "sparrow", which the "cat" touched, pours out all the collected grains, then begins to collect them again. At the end of the game, the most agile “sparrows” are celebrated.

Mouse and two cats

You need to choose two “cats” and one “mouse”. The players stand in a circle and hold hands. On opposite sides of the circle, the “gates” are open, the “cats” run into the circle and run out of it only through the open gates. In front of the “mouse”, the players open any gate. If one of the “cats” managed to catch the “mouse”, she stands in a circle with it, and the second “cat” chooses the other “cats” and the “mouse” to play.


The guys gather on the site, choose a driver - a “woodpecker”. Everyone stands in pairs and forms a circle, the “woodpecker” stands in the middle. The players walk in a circle and everyone says the words together:

- A woodpecker walks by the granary,

Looking for a grain of wheat.

The woodpecker answers:

- I'm not bored alone,

I'll take whoever I want.

With these words, he quickly takes one of the players by the hand and stands in a circle. The one left without a pair stands in the middle of the circle, he is a “woodpecker”. The game repeats itself.

Fox and birds

The guys (birds) are on benches, logs, stumps (nests). In the corner of the site there is a “fox” hole. Birds fly out to peck harmful insects. On the signal: “Fox!” - all the “birds” fly to their “nests”. The “Fox” runs out of the “hole” and tries to catch the “birds”. She takes those caught to her “hole”. After two repetitions, a new “fox” is chosen.


Before playing this game, you can have a short conversation with the guys about space exploration, recall the names of some planets, and tell about them.

To play the game, you need to draw the contours of rockets in different corners of the site in advance and mark 3, 4, 5 seats for passengers in each contour, but in such a way that there are not enough seats in the rockets for several participants in the game. You can put signs near the rockets with the inscription: “Earth - Moon - Earth”, “Earth - Mars - Earth”, “Earth - Neptune - Earth”, “Earth - Venus - Earth”, “Earth - Saturn - Earth”.

Holding hands, the children walk in a circle and say:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For walks on the planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

As soon as the last word is said, the leader blows the whistle and all the guys run away, trying to take any free space on the rockets (you cannot push those who are already standing).

Latecomers gather in the center of the circle.

Hunter and hares

There are hoops lying around the hall in different orders - these are the houses of the “hares”. A leader is selected who will be the “hunter”. At the teacher’s signal: “It’s calm in the forest!” — the guys jump in different directions around the hall. On the signal: “Hunter!” - children must quickly jump to the “houses”.

Don't stay on the floor

The guys stand in a circle and use a rhyme to choose a leader. After choosing a driver, all the guys run away. The driver catches only those children who are on the floor; if the child is on any elevation, then he cannot be caught. The one who is caught leaves the game. The game continues until there is only one child left.

Empty place

The guys stand in a circle and choose a leader with a counting rhyme. The driver follows the circle of children and says the words:

I walk around the house

And I look out the windows,

I'll go to one

And I'll knock softly.

Knocks on the back of any child:

- Knock-Knock.

The child answers:

- Who's there?

The driver says: “I am Vova, shall we run to the race?”

They stand with their backs to each other and after counting “One, two, three!” — they run in a circle in different directions and try to quickly occupy an empty space. Whoever comes running second is the driver.

Outdoor games for primary schoolchildren

In the warm season, children of primary school age will enjoy active games in the fresh air. As a rule, such games do not require any special equipment or inventory. They are easily accessible almost anywhere, be it a clearing in the forest, or just a small area in the yard. Having decided to go out into nature with your children, you will always be able to make the trip interesting and exciting for them. When the children are a little tired, you can arrange a feast for them right on the grass. Excellent appetite will be guaranteed!

We bring to your attention a description of some very simple, but very entertaining games for your children. If you yourself take part in them, then a good mood and fun for the whole company are guaranteed.


Any number of children can take part in the game, but not less than three. It is advisable to have some space so that you can move without bumping into obstacles. The game begins with choosing a driver. You can use a counting rhyme or simply cast lots. The “driver” is blindfolded and taken to the middle of the site, then turned several times around its own axis. Then you can read a poem or simply run away on command. The blind man's buff's task is to catch the player.

Rules of the game:

When a blind man's buff approaches a dangerous object, everyone shouts “fire” to avoid injury. But this word cannot be used to divert the attention of the blind man's buff from a player who cannot escape.

You cannot run far (it is advisable to discuss the boundaries of the area for the game in advance) and hide behind some objects.

The blind man's buff must recognize the caught player without removing the bandage.

Tag or tag

Any number of players take part in the game, but not less than 3. For the game, it is desirable to have a platform, along the edges of which 2 circles are drawn - houses. First, the driver is selected - tag or tag. Then all the players scatter around the court, and the tag catches them.

Rules of the game:

The player whose hand touched the tag changes places with him.

If a player stands with both feet on some object, then he is “saved” from the tag.

If the player jumped on two legs, then he is safe; the driver cannot stain him.

The player is saved from the tag if he runs into the circle-house.

Big ball

To play, you need a fairly flat area (a clearing will do) and a large ball. Preferably at least 5 players.

All players, holding hands, stand in a circle, and the driver is inside the circle with the ball. His task is to roll the ball outside the circle with his feet.

The one between whose legs the ball slipped becomes the driver, only this time behind the circle. All players turn their backs to the center of the circle, and the driver tries to roll the ball into the circle. Then everything repeats.

During the entire game, it is forbidden to pick up the ball and it should not rise above the knees of the players.

Hand racing

An even number of children take part in the game. They are divided into teams of 2 people. One player grabs the second team member's legs. This way they must reach the finish line. Halfway through the path, players change places and continue moving forward. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Any number of players can participate in the game. First, the driver is selected. He stands facing the wall or simply with his back to the other players, who are located 10-15 steps behind him. The “driver” utters the phrase “If you drive more quietly, you will go further” and quickly turns around, carefully looking at the players. Players can only move while the driver says a phrase. When he turns, everyone must be completely still. If the player moves even a little or even just smiles, he is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who can get close to the driver and touch him with his hand when he turns away.

Hares in the garden

At least 3 people take part in the game. The game requires a platform on which two circles are drawn, one inside the other. The diameter of the outer circle can be 3-4 m, and the inner one – 1-2 m. The driver-“guard” is in the inner circle (vegetable garden), the rest of the players are “hares” in the outer one. Hares jump on two legs - first into the garden, then back. At the signal from the leader, the watchman catches the hares that are in the garden, catching up with them within the outer circle. Those whom the guard insults are eliminated from the game. When all the hares have been caught, a new guard is chosen and the game begins again.

Outdoor games for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren

Outdoor games and fun for younger children have no equal. For kids, movement is not only life, but also happiness. Give them the joy of movement more often.

Fisherman and fish

A large circle is drawn on the floor or platform. One of the players - the fisherman - is in the center of the circle, he squats down. The rest of the players, the fish, circle around the circle and say in unison: “Fisherman, fisherman, catch us on a hook.”

At the last word, the fisherman jumps up, runs out of the circle and begins to chase the fish, which scatter throughout the area. The one who is caught becomes a fisherman and goes to the center of the circle.


The guys stand in a circle. One of the players goes to the middle of the circle, he will portray an owl, and all the others will represent bugs, butterflies, and birds. At the command of the presenter: “The day comes - everything comes to life!” - kids run in circles. The owl is “sleeping” at this time, that is, it stands in the middle of the circle, eyes closed, one leg bent under itself. When the leader commands: “Night is coming, everything freezes!”, the players stop and stand motionless, hiding, and at that moment the owl runs out to hunt. She looks out for those who are moving or laughing, and takes the guilty ones into her circle. They become owls, and when the game is repeated, they all “fly out” to hunt together.


The players scatter around the court. Three hunters stand in different places, each holding a small ball. At the manager’s signal: “Stop!” - all the players stop, and the hunters aim the ball at one of them. The “killed” replace the hunters. The players have the right to dodge the ball, but must not move from their place. If the player after the command “Stop!” left his place, he replaces the hunter.


All players are fish, except two fishermen. Fishermen holding hands run after the fish. They try to surround it, closing their hands around the fish. Gradually, a whole chain is formed from the caught fish - a “net”. Now the fish are caught with a seine. The last two players not caught are the winners; when the game is repeated, they are the fishermen.


Children, squatting, will sit in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver - the “fox”. The players roll the ball - the “bun” to each other so that it moves away from the “fox”. The driver is replaced by the player who rolls the bun so that the “fox” can catch it.

Watch out, Pinocchio!

One of the players has a cap on his head. He is Pinocchio. The driver tries to catch up and tarnish the one who is running with the cap. However, this is not so easy to do: the players pass the cap to each other as they run. When the driver stains Pinocchio, they... change roles.

Jumping Sparrows

A circle is drawn on the floor or playground of such a size that all players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players is the “cat”, he is placed in the center of the circle, the rest of the players - the “sparrows” - stand behind the circle at the very line.

At the leader’s signal, the “little sparrows” begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the “cat” tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a “cat”, and the “cat” becomes a “sparrow”. The game is repeated again.


The participants of the game stand in pairs at the back of each other's heads. The driver stands in front of all the couples and says loudly:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky:

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

One, two, three, last pair, run!

After the last word “run”, the players of the last pair run forward (each on their side) to the designated place, and the driver tries to delay one of the runners with a touch of his hand until the players meet. The one who was detained stands next to the driver in front of the first pair, and the second becomes the driver. Game continues.


The players (one from each team) enter a circle with a diameter of 3 meters and take the starting position for the fight, crouching on two legs or standing on one (the right hand holds the left leg, and the left arm is bent in front and pressed to the body or vice versa). Objective: push the enemy out of the circle.

The most dexterous is you!

Draw two circles on the ground with a diameter of up to a meter. The circles are located nearby. Place a puck, cube, ball, town in the center of the circle. Two or two teams of three to four people can play. At the leader’s signal, the children must use a toy sword, saber, or gymnastic stick to knock out this object (objects) from the “enemy’s” circle, protecting their own. The guys seem to be fighting with swords and sabers. The winner is the one or those who, having knocked out the object to the opponents, did not allow it to their own.

Throw it in the ring

The ring is hung in a room or in the schoolyard at a height of approximately 1.5 meters. And each participant is given a stick up to 50 centimeters long. You need to run from a distance of 10-15 steps to the ring, throw the stick so that it passes through it, and catch it again.

If the player completes the task, he wins two points; if he doesn’t have time to catch the stick and it falls to the floor - one point, but if he throws in such a way that he misses, the throw is simply not counted. The game lasts five minutes. Whoever scored the most points won.

Don't fall for the bait

To play, you need a rope 2-3 meters long with a weight tied at the end - a bag of sand.

The players form a circle, in the center of which stands the driver with a rope in his hands. He begins to spin it so that it rotates just above the ground. The guys jump over the rope. The driver gradually raises the plane of rotation of the rope higher and higher until one of the participants “falls for the bait,” that is, fails to jump over the rotating rope. The one who gets caught drives. Game continues.


CAT AND MICE (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running in different directions.

Description: Children - “mice” sit in holes (on chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the playground sits a “cat” - a teacher. The cat falls asleep and the mice scatter around the room. The cat wakes up, meows, and begins to catch mice, which run into their holes and take their places. When all the mice return to their holes, the cat walks through the hall again, then returns to its place and falls asleep.


  1. The teacher makes sure that all children run out of their holes.
  2. The teacher can use a cat toy in the game.

Options : Mice jump over a stream, overcome obstacles, walk along a bridge.

Artistic word: The cat didn’t find any mice and went to his room to sleep,

As soon as the cat falls asleep, all the mice run out!

BIRDS AND CAT (II junior group)


Description: A circle is drawn on the ground (diameter - 7 m) or a cord is placed, the ends of which are tied. The teacher chooses one player to stand in the center of the circle. It's a cat. The rest of the children, the birds, are outside the circle. The cat is sleeping. Birds fly into a circle for grains. The cat wakes up, sees the birds and catches them. All the birds are in a hurry to fly out of the circle, the one who was touched by the cat while he was in the circle is considered caught and goes to the middle of the circle. When the cat catches 2-3 birds, the teacher chooses a new cat. The previously caught birds join the players.


  1. The cat can only touch the birds, but not grab them.

Options : Birds fly onto the gymnastics wall; the second cat is introduced, the cat crawls under the collar, arch.

HEAN AND CHICKENS (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running in different directions and crawling.

Description: Children pretend to be chickens, and the teacher pretends to be a hen. On one side of the site there is a fenced area - a house where the chickens and the hen are located (a rope is stretched between the posts at a height of 50 cm from the floor). A “big bird” is placed on the side, to the side. The hen crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. She calls the chickens - “ko-ko-ko”. At a signal, all the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her around the floor. The teacher says “big bird”, all the chickens run home.


  1. At the call of the hen, all the chickens run out of the house, crawling under the rope.
  2. At the “big bird” signal, the chickens must return home

Options : Chickens climb onto a perch - a bench, 2 cords are pulled at a distance from each other, the role of the hen is entrusted to the children themselves.

CATCH A MOSQUITO (II junior group)

Tasks: Develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, exercise children in jumping (bouncing on the spot).

Description: The players stand in a circle, at arm's length, facing the center. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. He holds in his hands a rod 1-1.2 meters long with a cardboard mosquito tied to a cord. The length of the cord is 50 cm. The teacher circles the rod and “circles the mosquito”, slightly higher than the heads of the players. When a mosquito flies overhead, the child jumps, trying to catch it. The one who grabs the mosquito says “I caught it!” Then the teacher draws a circle with the rod again.


  1. You can catch a mosquito only with both hands and jumping on two legs.
  2. You need to catch a mosquito without leaving your spot.

Options : You can run ahead, holding a rod with a mosquito in your hands, the children run to catch up with it.

BRING THE BALL (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal (according to the word of the teacher), observation, and intelligence (choose the ball that is more convenient to take). Train children to run in a certain direction.

Description: Children sit on chairs along the wall. At a distance of 3-4 steps from the seated people, a line is drawn, beyond which, as directed by the teacher, 5-6 children stand with their backs to the seated people. The teacher stands next to them. In his hands he has a box with small balls, corresponding to the number of children standing. “One, two, three – run!” - says the teacher and throws all the balls from the box forward. Standing children run after the balls, each catches up with one of the balls, runs with it to the teacher and puts it in a box. Then the children sit down in their places, and another group stands behind the line. The game ends when all the children run after the ball.


  1. You can only run after the ball after the word “run”.
  2. You only need to pick up and put one ball in the box.

Options: Who will bring the ball faster, overcoming an obstacle through a stuffed log.

MICE IN THE PANTRY (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on cue. Practice climbing and running.

Description: Children - mice sit in holes, on benches. On the opposite side of the platform there is a rope stretched at a height of 50 cm. This is a storage room. A cat, the teacher, sits to the side of the players. The cat falls asleep, the mice run into the pantry. Penetrating into it, they bend down so as not to touch the rope. There they sit down and seem to be gnawing on crackers or other foods. The cat wakes up, meows and runs after the mice. The mice run into their holes. Returning to the place, the cat falls asleep and the game resumes.


  1. Mice can only run into the pantry when the cat falls asleep.
  2. Mice can return to their burrows only after the cat wakes up and meows.

Options : The mice crawl under the arc, running into the holes, and a second cat is introduced.

SPARROWS AND A CAR (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on cue. Practice running in different directions and jumping.

Description: The boundaries of the site are marked with flags. At one end of the site there are sparrows on the benches. At the other end there is a place for a car - a garage. The car is a teacher. “The sparrows are flying out of the nest!” - says the teacher, and the children begin to run in different directions, raising their arms to the sides. A car appears. The sparrows get scared and fly away to their nests. The car returns to the garage.


  1. You cannot run outside the boundaries of the site
  2. Fly out of the nest only upon a signal from the teacher.
  3. Return to the nests when a car appears.

Options : Give children who pretend to be cars in the game a steering wheel or flags. Sparrows can be placed in nests - circles drawn on the ground. Sparrows can stand on benches and jump off them.


Tasks: To develop in children the ability to jump rhythmically, in accordance with the text of the poem, and to perform movements on a signal. Practice running and jumping on 2 legs.

Description: Children sit on chairs placed in different places in the room. The teacher is in the center. He takes a large ball and begins to hit it with his hand on the ground, saying: “My cheerful, ringing ball...”. The teacher calls the children to him and invites them to jump like balls. Children jump at the same pace. The teacher puts the ball down and repeats the poem, moving his hand as if he were hitting the ball, and the children jump. Having finished the poem, the teacher says: “I’ll catch up!” The children run away.


  1. You can run away only after the words: “I’ll catch up!”

Options : The teacher imitates hitting the movement of the ball, showing the children (they are balls, then they roll, run in different directions). You can put several children next to you, who will hit their balls with him, then catch those running away.


Tasks: To develop observation, attention, and activity in children.

Description: Children sit in a semicircle on chairs; a screen is placed in front of them at a distance of several steps. The teacher calls someone by name, and he goes behind the screen to agree on what animal or bird the child will portray. Behind the screen you can hear the mooing of a cow, the barking of a dog, etc. The teacher invites one of the children to guess who is screaming.


  1. Only the child whom the teacher points to can guess the animals or birds.

Artistic word:This is such a beautiful house.

Who lives in the house?

Knock-knock, who lives in the house?

Options : Enable recording of animal voices.

FIND THE FLAG (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop children's powers of observation and self-control (do not open their eyes until the signal “it’s time”).

Description: Children sit on chairs, at the teacher’s word, the children stand up and turn to face the wall, the teacher hides the flags according to the number of children. "It's time!" - says the teacher. The children turn to face him and go looking for flags. The one who finds the flag sits down in his place. When all checkboxes are found. Children walk along the playground. Holding a flag in your hand. The one who first found the flag goes ahead of the column. At the signal “Get to your places!” children sit on chairs and the game begins again.


  1. You can turn to face the teacher only after the word “it’s time!”

Options : Use a bell instead of verbal instructions. Whoever finds the flag first hides it. In the summer they hide the flag in the bushes, behind the trees.

RUN TO ME (II junior group)

Tasks: Teach children to act on cues. Practice walking and running in a straight direction.

Description: Children sit on chairs placed against one of the walls of the room. The teacher moves to the opposite wall and says “run to me!” Children run to the teacher. The teacher greets them warmly. Then he goes to the other side of the site and says “run to me!” To the teacher’s words “Run home!” children sit on chairs and relax.


  1. Run to the teacher only after the words “Run to me!”
  2. Children run to the chairs and sit down only after the words “Run home!”

Options : At first, children can occupy any chair and then find their own place. Bring in the bell. Call, signal “Run!”

ON THE FLAT PATH (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to move rhythmically, coordinate movements with words, and find their place. Practice walking, jumping, squatting, running.

Description: The children sit on chairs, the teacher invites them to go for a walk. They get up, group freely or form a column. The teacher says “along the level path, our feet walk, one-two, one-two, over pebbles, over pebbles, into a hole - bang.” When the words “On a level path...” are said, the children walk at a pace. “On the pebbles” they jump on two legs, moving slightly forward. “Thump into the pit” - they squat down. They got out of the hole and the children got up. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says “our legs are tired along the level path, this is our home - that’s where we live.”


  1. Movements must correspond to the text.
  2. Get up from your haunches after the words “We got out of the hole.”
  3. Run home only after the words “that’s where we live.”

Options : Walk along the benches placed along the wall. Jumping into the depths onto a soft path.

BUNNY (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movement with words. Practice running. In hopping on two legs, finding your place. Promote speech development.

Description: On one side of the site the places of the hares are marked. Everyone falls into place. At the teacher’s signal “Run in a circle!” all the children gather in a circle, and one of the hares, whom the teacher appoints, stands in the middle. Children with a teacher recite poems and perform movements to the text:

The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears, - the children stand in a circle,

That's it, that's how he moves his ears! – move their hands, raising them to the head.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws,

Clap-clap, clap-clap, you need to warm your little paws - they clap their hands.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump

Skok-skok, skok-skok, the bunny needs to jump - they jump on two legs in place.

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and galloped away! – the teacher claps his hands, the children run away to their homes.


  1. Children run away only after the words “And he galloped away!”, and gather in a circle after the words “Run in a circle!”

Options : Place a cord with tied ends on the floor. At the signal they jump over the cord. You can put several birds with one stone in the middle.

BUBBLE (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words, to move rhythmically. Exercise children in squatting and forming in a circle, in running in different directions.

Description: Children stand close together in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher they say: “Blow up your bubble! Blow up big! Stay like this and don’t burst.” By reciting poems, children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says, “The bubble has burst,” all the children lower their hands and say in unison, “Pop!” and squat down. The teacher offers to inflate a new bubble: the children stand up, form a small circle again, and the game resumes.


Say in unison “Clap!” and squat down only after the words “The bubble burst.”

Options : Perform swinging movements with your arms, first a small ball, then a large one - wide swings of your arms. After the words “Don’t burst!” The teacher says, “The bubbles are flying!” The children run away wherever they want.

RUN TO THE FLAG (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop children's attention and ability to distinguish colors. Learn to act on a visual signal. Practice running and walking.

Description: Children receive flags of two colors - some red, others blue. The teacher stands on one side of the playground and holds a blue flag in one hand and a red flag in the other. Children with blue flags are grouped near blue, with red ones - near red. Then the teacher invites the children to take a walk. Children walk and run around the playground. The teacher goes to the other side and says: “One, two, three - run here quickly!” He stretches his arms to the sides, the children run to the teacher and group themselves near the flag of the corresponding color. When all the children have gathered, he suggests waving the flags.


  1. You can disperse around the playground only when the teacher says, “Go for a walk!”
  2. You can gather around the teacher only after the words “One, two, three - run here quickly!”

Options : Take a ribbon or handkerchief instead of a flag, then dance with it. Enter 2 red and blue flags. The teacher can change the flags by moving them from one hand to the other. Turn on the additional signal “Stop!” (everyone closes their eyes).

SUN AND RAIN (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the teacher’s signal, to find their place on the playground. Practice walking and running.

Description: Children sit on chairs along the room, this is their “home”. The teacher looks out the window and says “What good weather, go for a walk!” Children get up and walk in any direction. “It’s raining, run home!” - says the teacher. Children run to the chairs and take their places. The teacher says “Drip – drip – drip!” Gradually the rain subsides and the teacher says, “Go for a walk. Rain stopped!".


  1. Children leave home at the signal “Go for a walk!”
  2. They run home when the signal “it’s raining!”

Options : Children first occupy any chair, then only their own. Instead of a house, build a portable canopy to hide from the rain. During the walk they can pick “mushrooms and berries”. Walking can be replaced by dancing.

TRAIN (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of forming a column. Practice walking and running after each other.

Description: Children line up in a column along one side of the playground. The first is a steam locomotive, the rest are carriages. The teacher blows the whistle, the children begin to move forward (without clutch). First slowly, then faster, gradually starting to run, saying “Choo-chu-chu!” “The train is approaching the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher blows the whistle again, and train movement resumes.


  1. You can move only after the beep, i.e. at the teacher's signal.

Options : Enter a stop. Children run out into the clearing. They collect “mushrooms and berries” and dance.

SPARROWS AND THE CAT (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to fit in space and move in a group without touching each other. Act on a signal, practice deep jumps, standing long jumps, and fast running.

Description: Children along the walls: on benches, on large cubes or in hoops. These are sparrows on the roof or in nests. A cat, the teacher, sits at a distance. “The sparrows have flown!” - says the teacher. Sparrows jump from the roof, spreading their wings - arms to the sides. They run scattered all over the room. "The cat is sleeping." He wakes up, says “meow - meow!”, runs to catch up with the sparrows, who are hiding, taking their places. The cat takes the caught sparrows to her house.


  1. The sparrows jump off at the teacher’s signal “Sparrows, fly!”
  2. The sparrows return to their places. When a cat says “Meow!”

Options : Bring in a second cat. Sparrows peck the grains.

CATCH ME (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the teacher’s signal, to move in a group without pushing. Train children to run in a straight direction.

Description: Children sit on chairs on one side of the playground. "Catch up with me!" - the teacher suggests and runs to the opposite side of the playground. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. Then the teacher says “catch up with me!” and runs in the opposite direction. The children catch up with him again. After two times, the children sit on chairs and rest, then continue the game.


  1. Run after the teacher only after the signal “Catch up with me!”

Options : Bring in a soft toy and chase it. Run away from the toy.

WHAT IS HIDDEN? (II junior group)

Tasks: Develop children's visual memory and attention.

Description: Children sit on chairs, on the floor, in one line. The teacher places three to five objects in the center of the circle and asks them to remember them. Then the players stand up and turn their backs to the center or to the wall and close their eyes. The teacher hides one object lying in the center of the circle and says “Look.” Children open their eyes, turn to face the cent and remember which object is missing. The teacher approaches the children and each of them tells him in his ear what is hidden. When the majority of players give the correct answer, the teacher loudly names the hidden object. After this, the game resumes.


  1. When the teacher hides the object, the players turn their backs and close their eyes
  2. At the signal “Look!”, the players open their eyes and again turn to face the center of the circle.

Options : Consolidate knowledge of primary colors, take cubes or flags. Call one player. Remove 2 items at a time.

BIRDS AND CHICKS (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the teacher’s signal, remember their place, and practice running in different directions without touching each other.

Description: Children are divided into 3-4 groups of 5-6 people, each group has its own house - a nest. Children pretend to be chicks. Each group has a mother bird. According to the teacher’s words “Let’s fly!” - chicks fly out of the nest. They fly around the house, waving their arms - their wings. Mother birds fly away to get food. According to the teacher’s words “Home!” - mother birds return and call their chicks home. In the nest, the chicks sit in a circle and the mother bird feeds them imaginary worms.


  1. Birds and chicks fly out when the teacher says “Let’s fly!”
  2. The chicks return home at the call of the mother bird.
  3. Mother birds return home at the teacher’s word “Home!”

Options : Invite the birds to fly to higher ground. Each bird has its own color of the house - nest. You can change houses.

FIND YOUR COLOR (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors, and act on a signal. Exercise in running, walking.

Description: Children receive flags of 3-4 colors and are grouped in groups of 4-6 people in different corners of the room, in each corner the teacher places a colored flag on a stand. At the teacher’s signal “Go for a walk!” the children disperse around the playground. To the words “Find your color!” - children gather near the flag of the corresponding color. The teacher notes which group gathered faster.


  1. You can leave the houses when the teacher signals “Go for a walk!”
  2. Run and gather near the flag of the corresponding color only after the words “Find your color!”

Options : Offer to close your eyes and rearrange the flags in the corners of the room.

TROLLEYBUS (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to distinguish the colors of a traffic light and act on a visual signal. Practice running and walking in a column. Familiarize yourself with traffic rules.

Description: Children stand along the wall in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands, with their free hands holding on to the cord, the ends of which are tied. The teacher is in one of the corners of the room, holding three colored flags (red, yellow, green). Raises the green flag - the children run (the trolleybus moves). Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed. If it’s green, the movement continues, yellow or red, the children stop and wait for green to appear.


You can only run to the green flag.

When yellow or red appears, the column stops.

Options : Arrange a stop where children sit and wait for the trolleybus to arrive. When the trolleybus approaches a stop, it slows down, some passengers get off, others get on.


FOX IN THE CHICKEN COOP (middle group)

Tasks: Develop in children dexterity and the ability to perform movements on a signal, practice running with dodging, catching, climbing, and deep jumping.

Description: A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. In the chicken coop, chickens are located on a roost (on benches), and children stand on benches. On the other side of the site there is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is assigned to be a fox, the rest are chickens - they walk and run around the yard, pecking grains, flapping their wings. At the signal “Fox,” the chickens run into the chicken coop, climb onto the perch, and the fox tries to drag away the chicken that did not have time to climb onto the perch. He takes her to his hole. The chickens jump off the roost and the game resumes.



HARES AND THE WOLF (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running, jumping on both legs, squatting, and catching.

Description: One of the players is designated a wolf, the rest portray hares. On one side of the site, the hares mark their places with cones and pebbles, from which they lay out circles or squares. At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their places. The wolf is at the opposite end of the site - in the ravine. The teacher says: “The bunnies jump, hop - hop - hop, onto the green meadow. They nibble the grass and listen to see if a wolf is coming.” The hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site. They jump on two legs, sit down, nibble the grass and look around in search of the wolf. The teacher says the word “Wolf”, the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch and touch them. The hares each run away to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them. The wolf takes the caught hares to his ravine. After the wolf catches 2-3 hares, another wolf is chosen.


Hares run out at the words - hares gallop.

You can return to your place only after the word “Wolf!”

Options : You cannot catch those hares to whom the mother hare gave her paw. Place stump cubes on the way, the hares run around them. Choose 2 wolves. The wolf has to jump over the obstacle - a stream.

AT THE BEAR IN THE FOREST (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children endurance, the ability to perform movements on a signal, and the skill of collective movement. Practice running in a certain direction, dodging, and develop speech.

Description: A line is drawn on one side of the site - this is the edge of the forest. Beyond the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. On the opposite side is the children's house. The teacher appoints the bear, the rest of the children - at home. The teacher says: “Go for a walk!” Children head to the edge of the forest, picking berries and mushrooms, imitating movements and saying in chorus: “I take berries and mushrooms from a bear in the forest. And the bear sits and growls at us.” The bear is sitting in its place at this time. When the players say “Roars!” the bear gets up, the children run home. The bear tries to catch them - to touch them. The bear takes the caught one to his place. After 2-3 caught, a new bear is chosen.


The bear has the right to get up and catch, and the players have the right to run home only after the word “roars!”

The bear cannot catch children behind the house line.

Options : Enter 2 bears. Put obstacles in the way.

BIRDS AND CAT (middle group)

Tasks: Develop determination in children by practicing running and dodging.

Description: A circle is drawn on the ground or a cord with tied ends is placed. The teacher chooses a trap that becomes in the center of the circle. It's a cat. The rest are birds, located outside the circle. The cat is sleeping, the birds are flying into the circle for grains. The cat wakes up, sees the birds and catches them. All the birds fly out of the circle. The one touched by the cat is considered caught and goes to the middle of the circle. When 2-3 birds are caught, a new cat is chosen.


The cat only catches birds in a circle.

The cat can touch the birds, but not grab them.

Options : If the cat cannot catch anyone for a long time, add another cat.

THROUGH THE STREET (middle group)

Tasks: Develop dexterity in children, practice jumping on both legs and balance.

Description: Everyone playing sits on chairs, 2 cords are placed 6 steps from them, the distance between them is 2 meters - this is a trickle. Children must use pebbles and planks to get to the other side without getting their feet wet. The planks are placed in such a way that children can jump with both feet from one pebble to another. According to the word “Let's go!” 5 children cross a stream. The one who stumbled steps aside to “dry his shoes.” All children must cross the stream.


The loser is the one who steps foot into the stream.

You can only cross if there is a signal.

Options : Increase the distance between the cords, go around objects, moving to the other side. Jump on one leg.

CAT AND MOUSE (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to quickly act on a signal, to walk while maintaining the shape of a circle. Practice running and catching.

Description: All players, except 2, stand in a circle, at arm's length, and join hands. The circle does not close in one place. This passage is called a gate. Two players are behind the circle, representing a mouse and a cat. The mouse runs outside the circle and in the circle, the cat follows it, trying to catch it. The mouse can run into the circle through the gate and crawl under the arms of those standing in the circle. The cat is only at the gate. The children walk in a circle and say: “Vaska is walking grey, his fluffy tail is white. Vaska the cat is walking. He sits down, washes himself, wipes himself with his paw, and sings songs. Vaska the cat will silently walk around the house and hide. Gray mice are waiting." After the words, the cat begins to catch the mouse.


Those standing in a circle should not let the cat pass under their clasped hands.

The cat can catch the mouse around and in the circle.

The cat can catch and the mouse can run away after the word “waiting.”

Options : Arrange additional gates, introduce 2 mice, increase the number of cats.

HORSES (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, coordinate movements with each other, and practice running and walking.

Description: Children are divided into 2 equal groups. One group depicts grooms, the other - horses. A stable is outlined on one side. On the other is a room for grooms, with a meadow between them. The teacher says: “Grooms, get up quickly and harness your horses!” The grooms, with the reins in their hands, run to the stables and harness the horses. When all the horses are harnessed, they line up one after another and, as directed by the teacher, walk or run. According to the teacher’s words “We have arrived!” grooms stop the horses. The teacher says “Go and rest!” Grooms unharness the horses and release them to graze in the meadow. They return to their places to rest. Horses calmly walk around the site, graze, and nibble grass. At the teacher’s signal, “Grooms, harness the horses!” The groom catches his horse, which runs away from him. When all the horses are caught and harnessed, everyone lines up behind each other. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says: “Take the horses to the stable!” The grooms take the horses to the stable, unharness them and give the reins to the teacher.


The players change movements according to the teacher’s signal. At the signal “Go to rest,” the grooms return to their places.

Options : Include walking on a bridge - a board placed horizontally or inclined, suggest different goals for the trip.

RABBIT (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to move in a team, to find their place on the playground. Practice crawling, running, and jumping on 2 legs.

Description: On one side of the site, circles are drawn - rabbit cages. Chairs are placed in front of them, hoops are tied vertically to them or a cord is stretched. A chair is placed on the opposite side - the watchman's house. Between the house and the rabbit cages is a meadow. The teacher divides the children into small groups of 3-4 people. Each group stands in a circle. “The rabbits are in cages!” - says the teacher. Children squat down - these are rabbits in cages. The teacher approaches the cages one by one and releases the rabbits onto the grass. The rabbits crawl through the hoop and begin to run and jump. The teacher says “Run to the cages!” The rabbits run home and return to their cage, crawling through the hoop again. Then the guard lets them out again.


The rabbits do not run out until the guard opens the cages.

The rabbits return after the teacher’s signal “Get into the cages quickly!”

Options : Place a bench or chair in each cage according to the number of rabbits.

WHERE THEY CALLED (middle group)

Tasks: Develop children's hearing, attention and endurance.

Description: Children sit in a circle or along the wall. One of the players, as assigned by the teacher, stands in the center of the circle or in front of those sitting. At the teacher’s signal, he closes his eyes. The teacher gives one of the children a bell and invites them to call. The child, located in the center of the circle, must, without opening his eyes, point with his hand in the direction from which the sound is coming. If he points correctly, the teacher says “It’s time!” and the player opens his eyes. And the one who called – picks up and shows the call. If the driver makes a mistake, he closes his eyes again and guesses again. Then the teacher appoints another driver.


The driver opens his eyes only after the teacher says “It’s time!”

Options : Unwind the driver; Instead of a bell, introduce a pipe or other musical instrument.

HIT THE BAG IN THE CIRCLE (middle group)

Tasks: Develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Practice throwing with your right and left hands.

Description: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle there is a circle made of rope, the ends of the rope are tied, the circle can be drawn. The diameter of the circle is 2 meters. Children are 1-2 steps away from the circle. There are bags of sand in their hands. According to the teacher’s word “Throw it!”, everyone throws their bags into the circle. “Pick up the bags!” - says the teacher. Children pick up the bags and stand in place. The teacher notes whose bag did not fall into the circle, the game continues. Children throw with the other hand.


You need to throw the bag according to the teacher’s word “Throw it!”

Raise at the signal “Lift!”

Options : Instead of bags, throw cones; divide the children into subgroups, each throwing them into their own circle; increase distance.

Tasks: Develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Practice throwing far away with your right and left hands, running, and recognizing colors.

Description: Children stand along the wall. Several children, named by the teacher, stand on the same line in front of a rope placed on the floor. Children receive bags of 3 different colors. According to the teacher’s words “Drop it!” children throw the bag into the distance. The teacher draws the children’s attention to whose bag fell further and says: “Pick up the bags!” Children run for their bags, pick them up and sit down. The teacher names other children who take the places of those who threw the bags. The game ends when all the children have thrown their bags.


You can throw and pick up bags only at the word of the teacher.

Options : Set guidelines - who is next. Throw cones, balls, spears.

AIRPLANES (middle group)

Tasks: To develop children's orientation in space, to strengthen the skill of building in a column. Practice running.

Description: Children line up in 3-4 columns in different places on the site, which are marked with flags. The players portray pilots on airplanes. They are preparing to fly. At the teacher’s signal “Get ready for flight!” The children circle with their arms bent at the elbows and start the engine. "Fly!" - says the teacher. Children raise their arms to the sides and fly scattered in different directions. At the teacher’s signal “Landing!” - the planes find their seats and land, line up in columns and drop to one knee. The teacher notes which column was built first.


The players must take off after the teacher’s signal “Fly!”

At the teacher’s signal “Landing!” - the players must return to their columns, to the places where their sign is posted (checked).

Options : While the planes are flying, swap the flags and take them to the opposite side. Change leaders in columns.

FIND YOURSELF A MATE (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a signal, according to a word, quickly forming pairs. Practice running and color recognition. Develop initiative and ingenuity.

Description: The players stand along the wall. The teacher gives each person one flag. At the teacher’s signal, the children scatter around the playground. At another signal, or at the word “Find yourself a pair!”, children with flags of the same color find a pair, each pair, using the flags, makes one or another figure. An odd number of children participate in the game; 1 must remain without a pair. The players say: “Vanya, Vanya - don’t yawn, quickly choose a pair!”


The players get into pairs and scatter at the signal (word) of the teacher.

Each time players must have a pair.

Options : Use handkerchiefs instead of flags. To prevent children from running in pairs, introduce a limiter - a narrow path, jump over a stream.

COLORED CARS (middle group)

Tasks: Develop in childrenATTENTION, ABILITY TO DISTINGUISH COLORS AND ACT ON VISUAL SIGNALS.Exercise children in running and walking.

Description: Children sit along the wall, they are cars. Each person is given a flag of some color. The teacher stands facing the players, in the center. In your hand there are 3 colored flags, according to the colors of the traffic light. Raises the flag, children with a flag of this color run around the playground in any direction, honking their horn as they go, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop, and at the signal “The cars are coming back!” - they walk towards their garage. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, but can raise 2 or all 3 flags together, then all the cars leave the garage.


You can leave the garages only with a signal from the teacher, and return to the garage also with a signal.

If the flag is omitted, the cars do not move.

Options : Place landmarks of different colors in the corners. At the signal “Cars are leaving”, at this time swap landmarks. Invite children to remember different brands of cars.

SHAGY DOG (middle group)

Tasks: Teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

Description: The child pretends to be a dog, he sits on a chair at one end of the area, and pretends to be sleeping. The rest of the children are at the other end of the room beyond the line - this is the house. They quietly approach the dog, the teacher says: “Here lies a shaggy dog, with his nose buried in his paws. Quietly, quietly, he lies - either dozing or sleeping. Let’s go up to him, wake him up, and see what will happen?” The dog wakes up, gets up and starts barking. The children run into the house (stand over the line). The role is transferred to another child. The game repeats itself.

Options : Put a barrier - benches in the way of children; in the way of the dog.


SMART FOX (senior group)

Tasks: To develop endurance and observation skills in children. Practice running quickly with dodging, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Description: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The fox's house is outlined outside the circle. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, walks around the circle behind the children and says, “I’m going to look for a cunning and red fox in the forest!”, touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and carefully look to see which of them is the sly fox, and whether she will give herself away in some way. The players ask in chorus 3 times, first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, everyone looks at each other. The sly fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, and says “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The caught fox takes him home to his hole.


The fox begins to catch the children only after the players ask in chorus 3 times and the fox says “I’m here!”

If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.

A player who runs out of bounds of the court is considered caught.

Options : 2 foxes are selected.

MOUSETRAP (senior group)

Tasks: To develop children's self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Exercise in running, squatting, forming in a circle, walking in a circle. Promote speech development.

Description: The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice, they are outside the circle. The players pretending to be a mousetrap hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying, “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything. Beware of the cheat, we’ll get to you, we’ll set a mousetrap and we’ll catch everyone now.” Children stop and raise their clasped hands up to form a gate. The mice run into the mousetrap and run out of it, according to the teacher’s word “Slam”, the children standing in a circle lower their arms and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children change roles.


The fox can catch chickens, and chickens can climb onto a perch only when the teacher gives the signal “Fox!”

Options : Increase the number of traps - 2 foxes. Chickens climb the gymnastic wall.

Pass it on - stand up(senior group)

Tasks: To foster a sense of camaraderie in children, to develop dexterity and attention. The muscles of the shoulders and back are strengthened.

Description: The players line up in two columns, at a distance of two steps from one another. In each they stand at arm's length from each other. A line is drawn in front of the columns. Two balls are placed on it. At the “sit down” signal, everyone sits down with their legs crossed. At the signal “pass,” the first in the columns take the balls and pass them over their heads to those sitting behind them, then they stand up and turn to face the column. The person who receives the ball passes it back over his head, then stands up and also turns to face the column, etc. The column that passed the ball correctly and did not drop the ball wins.

Rules: Pass the ball only over your head and while sitting. Stand up only after passing the ball to the person sitting behind you. The one who fails to receive the ball runs after it, sits down and continues the game.

Options: Pass the ball to the right or left, turning the body.

Find the ball (senior group)

Tasks: Develop children's observation and dexterity.

Description: All players stand in a circle close together, facing the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball in his hands. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He can ask each of the players to show their hands by saying “hands.” The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who has the ball or who dropped it stands in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

Rules: The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to the neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands.

Options: Put two balls into play. Increase the number of drivers. Give the person who has the ball a task: jump, dance, etc.

Two frosts (senior group)

Tasks: To develop inhibition in children and the ability to act on a signal (word). Practice running while dodging while catching. Promote speech development.

Description: On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located on one side of the court. The teacher selects two drivers, who stand in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children. These are Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost. At the teacher’s signal “Begin,” both Frosts say: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are daring. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose. Which one of you will decide to set out on the path?” All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. The frozen ones stop where they were caught in the frost and stand like that until everyone else has finished running. The frozen ones are counted, and then they join the players.

Rules: Players can run out of the house only after the word “frost”. Whoever runs out first and whoever stays in the house is considered frozen. The one touched by Frost immediately stops. You can only run forward, but not backward or outside the area.

Options: Behind one line are the children of Blue Frost, behind the other are the children of Red Frost. At the signal “blue”, the blue ones run, and Red Frost catches and vice versa. Who will catch the most?

Carousel (senior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the rhythm of movements and the ability to coordinate them with words. Practice running, walking in a circle and forming a circle.

Description: The players form a circle. The teacher gives the children a cord, the ends of which are tied. The children, holding the cord with their right hand, turn to the left and say the poem: “Barely, barely, barely, barely, the carousel started spinning. And then around, around, all running, running, running.” In accordance with the text of the poem, the children walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster, then run. While running, the teacher says: “It’s okay.” Children run in a circle 2 times, the teacher changes the direction of movement, saying: “Turn.” The players turn in a circle, quickly grabbing the cord with their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher continues with the children: “Hush, hush, don’t write it off, stop the carousel. One, two, one, two, the game is over!” The movements of the carousel are becoming slower and slower. At the words “the game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse.

Rules: You can only take a seat on the carousel by calling. Those who do not manage to take a place before the third bell do not take part in the skating. You must make movements according to the text, observing the rhythm.

Options: Everyone must take their place. Place the cord on the floor, running in a circle behind it.

Mousetrap (senior group)

Tasks: To develop children's self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Practice running and squatting, lining up in a circle and walking in a circle. Promote speech development.

Description: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a “mouse trap”, the rest of the “mice” - they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything. Beware, you cheaters, we will get to you. We’ll set mousetraps for you and catch everyone now.” Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. According to the teacher: “clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children change roles.

Rules: Lower your clasped hands to the word “clap”». After the mousetrap has slammed shut, you must not crawl under your arms.

Options: If there are many children in the group, then you can organize two mousetraps and the children will run around in two.

"Guess who got caught"(senior group)

Tasks: Develop observation, activity, initiative. Practice running and jumping.

Description: Children sit on chairs, the teacher suggests going for a walk in the forest or clearing. There you can see birds, bugs, bees, frogs, grasshoppers, a bunny, and a hedgehog. They can be caught and brought to the living area. The players follow the teacher, and then scatter in different directions and pretend to catch it in the air or crouching on the ground. “It’s time to go home,” says the teacher, and all the children, holding the living creatures in their hands, run home and take each of their chairs. The teacher names one of the children and offers to show whom he caught in the forest. The child imitates the movements of a captured animal. Children guess who was caught. Afterwards they go for a walk in the forest again.

Rules: Return at the signal “It’s time to go home.”

Options: Train ride (they sit on chairs and imitate the movements and sound of wheels with their hands and feet).

"We are funny guys"(senior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a verbal signal. Practice running in a certain direction while dodging. Promote speech development.

Description: Children stand on one side of the playground. A line is drawn in front of them. A line is also drawn on the opposite side. On the side of the children, in the middle, between the two lines, there is a trap assigned by the teacher. The children say in unison: “We are cheerful guys, we love to run and jump, well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three, catch!” After the word “catch,” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the catch catches up with those running. The one who is touched by the trap before the player crosses the line is considered caught and sits down near the trap. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are recounted and a new trap is selected.

Rules: You can only cross to the other side after the word “catch”. The one touched by the trap moves aside. The one who crossed to the other side, beyond the line, cannot be caught.

Options: Introduce a second trap. On the way of those escaping there is an obstacle - running between objects.

“The Herd and the Wolf” (senior group)

Tasks: Develop the ability to perform movements on cue. Practice walking and running quickly.

Description: On one side of the site, circles and squares are outlined. These are buildings: a calf barn, a stable. The rest is occupied by “meadow”. In one of the corners on the opposite side there is a “wolf’s lair” (in a circle). The teacher appoints one of the players as a “shepherd”, the other as a “wolf”, who is in the den. The rest of the children depict horses and calves, which are in the barnyard, in the appropriate rooms. At a sign from the teacher, the “shepherd” takes turns approaching the “doors” of the calf barn and stables and, as it were, opens them. Playing the pipe, he leads the whole herd out into the meadow. He himself walks behind. The players, imitating domestic animals, nibble grass, run, move from one place to another, approaching the wolf’s lair. “Wolf,” says the teacher, everyone runs to the shepherd and stands behind him. Those who did not manage to reach the shepherd are caught by the wolf and taken to the lair. The shepherd takes the flock to the barnyard, where everyone is placed in their places.

Rules: The wolf runs out of the lair only after the word “wolf”. At the same time as the wolf runs out, all players must run to the shepherd. Those who do not have time to stand behind the shepherd are taken away by the wolf.

Options: Include a “watering hole” in the game, bend over and seem to drink water.

“Geese - Swans” (senior group)

Tasks: To develop children's self-control and ability to perform movements when given a signal. Practice running while dodging. Promote speech development.

Description: At one end of the site there is a “house” line where the geese are located, at the opposite end there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is the “wolf’s lair.” The rest of the place is “meadow”. The teacher appoints one as a shepherd, another as a wolf, the rest pretend to be geese. The shepherd drives the geese out to graze in the meadow. Geese walk and fly across the meadow. The shepherd calls them “Geese, geese.” The geese answer: “Ga-ga-ha.” “Do you want to eat?” "Yes Yes Yes". “So fly.” "We are not allowed. The gray wolf is under the mountain and won’t let us go home.” “So fly as you want, just take care of your wings.” The geese, spreading their wings, fly home through the meadow, and the wolf runs out, blocks their path, trying to catch as many geese as possible (touch with hand). The wolf takes the caught geese home. After 3-4 runs, the number of those caught is counted, then a new wolf and shepherd are appointed.

Rules: Geese can fly home, and the wolf can catch them only after the words “So fly as you want, just take care of your wings.” The wolf can catch geese in the meadow up to the border of the house.

Options : Increase distance. Introduce the second wolf. There are obstacles on the wolf's path that you need to jump over.

Who will take off the tape first?(senior group)

Tasks: Develop in children self-control and the ability to act on a signal. Children practice fast running and jumping.

Description: A line is drawn on the playground, beyond which children line up in several columns of 4-5 people. At a distance of 10-15 steps, opposite the columns, a rope is stretched, the height is 15 cm above the children’s raised hands. A ribbon is placed on this rope against each column. At the signal “run,” everyone standing first in the columns runs to their ribbon, jumps up and pulls it off the rope. The first person to remove the tape is considered the winner. The ribbons are hung up again, those who were first in the column stand at the end, and the rest move towards the line. At the signal, the next children run. Etc. The winnings in each column are counted.

Rules: You can only run after the word “run”. Pull the tape only in front of your column.

Options: Place obstacles in the way of running. Stretch the rope at a distance of 40 cm, under which you need to crawl without touching it. Draw two lines at a distance of 30 cm, over which you need to jump.

Get to your places quickly(senior group)

Tasks: Develop orientation in space, the ability to perform movements according to a signal. Practice fast running, walking, jumping.

Description: Children stand in a circle at arm's length, each person's place is marked with an object. At the word “run”, children leave the circle, walk, run or jump across the entire playground. The teacher removes one item. After the words “take your seats,” all children run in a circle and take empty seats. To the one who remained, the children said in unison, “Vanya, Vanya, don’t yawn, quickly take your place!”

Rules: A place in the circle can only be taken after the words “Take your places.” You can’t stay still after the word “run.”

Options: At the beginning of the game, do not hide the cube so that no one is left without a place. Remove 2 or 3 cubes. In winter, flags are stuck in the snow.

Trap, take the tape(senior group)

Tasks: Develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running with dodging, catching and lining up in a circle.

Description: The players line up in a circle, each receives a ribbon, which he places behind his belt or behind his collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal “run”, the children run away, and the trap tries to pull out a ribbon from someone. The one who has lost his ribbon moves aside. At the signal “One, two, three, quickly run into a circle,” the children line up in a circle. The catcher counts the number of ribbons and returns them to the children. The game starts with a new trap.

Rules: The catcher should only take the tape, without delaying the player. The player who has lost his ribbon steps aside.

Options: Choose two traps. You cannot take a ribbon from a crouched player. The players run along the “path”, “bridge”, jumping over “bumps”.