Reasoning review impression based on the novel The Master and Margarita (Mikhail Bulgakov). My impressions after reading Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” Topic: - A book that left a strong impression

My impressions after reading the novel
My impressions after reading the novel

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

After reading the world famous novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” one cannot help but be left with some impressions. How many mysteries, secrets and ambiguities arise as you read, and literary scholars and critics are still arguing over some of them and are unable to come to a single answer... Bulgakov, in my opinion, managed to create greatest novel in the history of all world literature, where such diverse, but deep and “connected” topics would be touched upon: the plot line closely resonates with Biblical history, with the events described in the New Testament. But the narration of these events in The Master and Margarita comes from the perspective of Satan. That is why you can often hear the second unofficial title of the novel - “The Gospel of Satan.” There are as many opinions as there are readings of the novel. As they say, “why chase in the footsteps of what is already over?”

Contains extreme deep meaning and, oddly enough, this meaning is contained only in two characters who say things that make you think: light in the face of Yeshua Ha-Nozri and darkness in the face of Woland. The reader sees incredible philosophical sayings and reasoning when meeting these two characters during the course of the novel. It is impossible not to think about their words:

"What is truth?"

“The truth, first of all, is that you have a headache, and it hurts so much that you are cowardly thinking about death. Not only are you unable to speak to me, but it is difficult for you to even look at me. And now I am unwittingly your executioner. You can’t even think about anything and dream only that your dog will come, apparently the only creature to which you are attached...”

“Would you be so kind as to think about the question: what would do your good, if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it? After all, shadows come from objects and people. Here is the shadow of my sword. But there are shadows from trees and from living creatures. Don't you want to rip off the entire globe, sweeping away all the trees and all living things because of your fantasy of enjoying the naked light? You are stupid".

Bulgakov, in my opinion, managed to create a masterpiece novel, where only a true master could so elegantly and incredibly connect the past with the future, darkness with light, show the eternal interweaving of love and fidelity, the confrontation between good and evil. And neither God nor the devil has anything to do with it: people themselves are to blame for sowing evil towards each other. We must learn not to envy, but to forgive. Then maybe the world will become cleaner. It seems to me that the main idea laid down by Bulgakov is inevitable punishment for actions. It is no coincidence that supporters of this interpretation point out that one of the central places in the novel is occupied by the actions of Woland’s retinue before the ball, when bribers, libertines and other negative characters are punished, and by Woland’s court itself, when everyone is given what they deserve. And Woland is not the devil who creates evil, but exposes it in the actions of people.

The truth, in my opinion, is present in every line of this novel. She penetrated into him in the same way as “the blood that went into the ground, and where it was shed, grapes have long been growing.” Truth is what is created by God and not desecrated. What has not been touched by the hand of a person who always does everything for his own good. It is unlikely that we will ever know what it is. And if we do find out, we will not be able to explain it to others, because it is inside us.

Each hero of the novel experienced his “meeting” with Woland or his retinue in his own way. But personally, I do not consider the Satan presented in Bulgakov’s interpretation to be a certain dark personality... In “The Master and Margarita” he appears as a bearer of truth, like Yeshua, but unlike him, punishing for bad deeds. And the bribe-taker Bosoy, the finder and director of the Variety Rimsky and Likhodeev, and the entertainer Georges Bengalsky, and the bartender Sokov... All of them were severely punished by Woland’s retinue, however, in my opinion, they wondered why everything was happening to them. There is no longer any need to talk about the poet Ivan Bezdomny, who in the course of the novel radically changed his life positions... The meeting with the Master made him reconsider a lot. But the very result of the fact that these people are punished is clearly presented by Bulgakov. They all still have unpleasant memories about a meeting with Satan and his retinue. Barefoot, for example, no longer likes theaters, Georges Bengalsky has lost his usual cheerfulness, and now an employee of the Institute of History and Philosophy, Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev, has the same dream every full moon. The next morning he wakes up silent, but completely calm and healthy. His punctured memory subsides, and until the next full moon no one will disturb the professor. Neither the noseless murderer of Gestas, nor the cruel fifth procurator of Judea, the horseman of Pontius Pilate.

In this essay I want to talk about one of the most famous works Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita,” which I really liked. According to V.Ya. Lakshina, Mikhail Afanasyevich wrote his novel for more than ten years. He dictated the last insertions to his wife in February 1940, three weeks before his death. The basis of this novel is the conflict of good and evil. Good here is represented in the person of Yeshua Ha-Nozri, close in image to Christ, and evil in the person of Woland, Satan in human form. However, the originality of this novel lies in the fact that evil does not submit to good, and both of these forces are equal. This can be seen by looking at the following example: when Matthew Levi comes to ask Woland for the Master and Margarita, he says: “Yeshua read the Master’s essay “..” and asks you to take the Master with you and reward him with peace.” Yeshua specifically asks Woland, and does not order him.

Woland does not come to earth alone. He is accompanied by creatures who, by and large, play the role of jesters in the novel and put on all sorts of shows. Through their actions they reveal human vices and weaknesses. Also, their task was to do all the “dirty” work for Woland, serve him, prepare Margarita for the Great Ball and for her and the Master’s journey to a world of peace. Woland's retinue consisted of three "main" jesters - Behemoth the Cat, Koroviev-Fagot, Azazello and the vampire girl Gella.
One of the most mysterious figures in the novel “The Master and Margarita” is, of course, the Master, a historian who became a writer. The author himself called him a hero, but introduced him to the reader only in the thirteenth chapter. I especially liked this hero. Although the master was unable to pass all the tests unbroken, refused to fight for his novel, refused to continue it, the very fact that he was able to write this novel elevates him above other people and, of course, cannot but arouse the sympathy of the reader. Also, it should be noted that the Master and his hero Yeshua are similar in many ways.
The motif of love and mercy is associated with the image of Margarita in the novel. This can be confirmed by the fact that after the Great Ball she asks Satan for the unfortunate Frida, while she is clearly hinted at a request for the release of the Master.

In my opinion, the essence of the novel lies in the criticism of many human vices of that time. According to information, again, Lakshina, when Bulgakov wrote his novel, he had great difficulties with sharp political satire, which the writer wanted to hide from the eyes of censorship and which, of course, was understandable to people really close to Mikhail Afanasyevich. The writer destroyed some of the most politically open passages of the novel in the early stages of work.

For me, the novel “The Master and Margarita” is very important work, which puts a person on new level his spiritual development. After reading this novel, you can easily understand why it has become a classic not only of Russian, but also of world literature.

During his short life, M. A. Bulgakov wrote many wonderful works, such as “ Fatal eggs», « dog's heart", "The Adventures of Chichikov." The greatest among them is the novel “The Master and Margarita,” written in 1928-1940.
The central image in the novel is the image of Margarita, because it is Margarita who reveals the themes of faith, creativity, love - everything from which true life grows. When creating the image of Margarita, the author used the following artistic media like a portrait speech characteristics, a description of the heroine’s actions.

M. Bulgakov paints the image of Margarita as a person rich in emotions, emotional experiences, and unpredictable behavior.

Margarita Nikolaevna is a beautiful, intelligent thirty-year-old woman, the wife of a major specialist. Her husband was young, kind, honest and loved his wife very much. They occupied the top of a beautiful mansion in a garden in one of the alleys near Arbat. Margarita didn’t need money, it seems, what else is she missing? But Margarita was not happy. She needed to fill the spiritual void, but she couldn’t find anything. The heroine was lonely - that’s what the Master saw in her eyes. The heroine's salvation was her unexpected love for the Master, love at first sight.

Before meeting Woland, Margarita was a believer. After the Master disappeared, she prayed every day for him to return, or for her to forget him. For example, on that memorable day for her meeting with Azazello, Margarita “wakes up with a premonition that... something will happen.” And this feeling gives birth to faith. “I believe!” Margarita whispered solemnly, “I believe!” Whispering creates the impression of confession. Margarita thinks that her life is “lifelong torment,” that this torment was sent to her for her sins: for lying, deceit, for “ secret life hidden from people." The soul of Margarita opens before us, in which there was only suffering. But this soul lives, because it believes and is able to understand its life. After meeting Woland, Margarita understood with her mind that she now belongs to dark forces, and believed in the power of Messire, but subconsciously turned to God in difficult situations, for example, in the episode of meeting Azazello, when she learns that the Master is alive, Margarita exclaims: “God!”

Margarita is merciful. This is manifested in many episodes, for example, when Margarita asks to remove the spell from Frida.

At its core, Margarita is good, but the fact that she is “approaching” dark forces, as well as resentment for what she did to the Master, pushes her to take revenge (the destruction of Latunsky’s apartment). People of “light”, such as Yeshua, know how to forgive and believe that all people are kind.
Margarita loves art and really appreciates real creativity. It was she who saved part of the Master’s manuscript about Pontius Pilate.

Margarita did not value her life. She wanted to be with the Master, no matter where - on earth or in heaven, because for Margarita this is the only meaning of her existence. This is confirmed by the fact that she made her choice consciously: Margarita was ready to sell her soul to the devil for the sake of love.

The heroine of the novel “The Master and Margarita” appears before us as extraordinary personality, who makes responsible decisions throughout the novel. It was her love and ability for self-sacrifice that made the Master’s rebirth possible.
Thus, Margarita - a woman, a witch - became a link for three worlds: the world of the Master, the world of Satan and the world of God. She made it possible for these three worlds to talk.

Her name also testifies to the importance of the image of Margarita, since Margarita means “pearl”. In addition, in the heroine one can see the features of the person most dear to M. A. Bulgakov in last years his life - Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova.
Throughout the novel, Margarita expresses the author's vision of the world. The main idea of ​​the novel is that every person in any situation has a choice.
In the novel, I would like to note the author’s caring and kind attitude towards his heroine. After all, according to the author, a pearl woman brings life to the world, giving love and reviving creativity.

In my opinion, for the fact that Margarita brought such treasures as love and creation into life, she deserves not “peace”, but “light”.

Giving your heroine the opportunity to discover true values existence, the author does not just talk about his attitude towards women, but offers the world his concept of personality.

Essay by Bulgakov M.A. - Master and Margarita

Topic: - A book that left a strong impression.

In this essay I want to talk about one of the most famous works of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita,” which I really liked. According to V.Ya. Lakshina, Mikhail Afanasyevich wrote his novel for more than ten years. He dictated the last insertions to his wife in February 1940, three weeks before his death.
The basis of this novel is the conflict of good and evil. Good here is represented in the person of Yeshua Ha-Nozri, close in image to Christ, and evil in the person of Woland, Satan in human form. However, the originality of this novel lies in the fact that evil does not submit to good, and both of these forces are equal. This can be seen by considering the following example: when Matthew Levi comes to ask Woland for the Master and Margarita, he says: “Yeshua read the Master’s essay<..>and asks you to take the Master with you and reward him with peace.” Yeshua specifically asks Woland, and does not order him.
Woland does not come to earth alone. He is accompanied by creatures who, by and large, play the role of jesters in the novel and put on all sorts of shows. Through their actions they reveal human vices and weaknesses. Also, their task was to do all the “dirty” work for Woland, serve him, prepare Margarita for the Great Ball and for her and the Master’s journey to a world of peace. Woland's retinue consisted of three "main" jesters - Behemoth the Cat, Koroviev-Fagot, Azazello and the vampire girl Gella.
One of the most mysterious figures in the novel “The Master and Margarita” is, of course, the Master, a historian who became a writer. The author himself called him a hero, but introduced him to the reader only in the thirteenth chapter. I especially liked this hero. Although the master was unable to pass all the tests unbroken, refused to fight for his novel, refused to continue it, the very fact that he was able to write this novel elevates him above other people and, of course, cannot but arouse the sympathy of the reader. Also, it should be noted that the Master and his hero Yeshua are similar in many ways.
The motif of love and mercy is associated with the image of Margarita in the novel. This can be confirmed by the fact that after the Great Ball she asks Satan for the unfortunate Frida, while she is clearly hinted at a request for the release of the Master.
In my opinion, the essence of the novel lies in the criticism of many human vices of that time. According to information, again, Lakshina, when Bulgakov wrote his novel, he had great difficulties with sharp political satire, which the writer wanted to hide from the eyes of censorship and which, of course, was understandable to people really close to Mikhail Afanasyevich. The writer destroyed some of the most politically open passages of the novel in the early stages of work.
For me, the novel “The Master and Margarita” is a very important work that puts a person on a new stage of his spiritual development. After reading this novel, you can easily understand why it has become a classic not only of Russian, but also of world literature.

Personal opinion about the novel “The Master and Margarita”

My impressions after reading the novel

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

After reading the world famous novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” one cannot help but be left with some impressions. How many mysteries, secrets and ambiguities arise as you read, and literary scholars and critics are still arguing over some of them and are still unable to come to a single answer... Bulgakov, in my opinion, managed to create the greatest novel in the history of all world literature, where such diverse, but deep and “connected” topics would be touched upon: the storyline closely resonates with Biblical history, with the events described in the New Testament. But the narration of these events in The Master and Margarita comes from the perspective of Satan. That is why you can often hear the second unofficial title of the novel - “The Gospel of Satan.” There are as many opinions as there are readings of the novel. As they say, “why chase in the footsteps of what is already over?”

The novel carries an extremely deep meaning and, oddly enough, this meaning is contained only in two characters who say things that make you think: light in the face of Yeshua Ha-Nozri and darkness in the face of Woland. The reader sees incredible philosophical sayings and reasoning when meeting these two characters during the course of the novel. It is impossible not to think about their words:

"What is truth?"

“The truth, first of all, is that you have a headache, and it hurts so much that you are cowardly thinking about death. Not only are you unable to speak to me, but it is difficult for you to even look at me. And now I am unwittingly your executioner. You can’t even think about anything and dream only that your dog will come, apparently the only creature to which you are attached...”

“Would you be so kind as to think about the question: what would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it? After all, shadows come from objects and people. Here is the shadow of my sword. But there are shadows from trees and from living creatures. Don't you want to rip off the entire globe, sweeping away all the trees and all living things because of your fantasy of enjoying the naked light? You are stupid".

Bulgakov, in my opinion, managed to create a masterpiece novel, where only a true master could so elegantly and incredibly connect the past with the future, darkness with light, show the eternal interweaving of love and fidelity, the confrontation between good and evil. And neither God nor the devil has anything to do with it: people themselves are to blame for sowing evil towards each other. We must learn not to envy, but to forgive. Then maybe the world will become cleaner. It seems to me that the main idea laid down by Bulgakov is inevitable punishment for actions. It is no coincidence that supporters of this interpretation point out that one of the central places in the novel is occupied by the actions of Woland’s retinue before the ball, when bribers, libertines and other negative characters are punished, and by Woland’s court itself, when everyone is given what they deserve. And Woland is not the devil who creates evil, but exposes it in the actions of people.

The truth, in my opinion, is present in every line of this novel. She penetrated into him in the same way as “the blood that went into the ground, and where it was shed, grapes have long been growing.” Truth is what is created by God and not desecrated. What has not been touched by the hand of a person who always does everything for his own good. It is unlikely that we will ever know what it is. And if we do find out, we will not be able to explain it to others, because it is inside us.

Each hero of the novel experienced his “meeting” with Woland or his retinue in his own way. But personally, I do not consider Satan, presented in Bulgakov’s interpretation, to be some kind of dark personality... In “The Master and Margarita” he appears as a bearer of truth, like Yeshua, but unlike him, punishing for bad deeds. And the bribe-taker Bosoy, the finder and director of the Variety Rimsky and Likhodeev, and the entertainer Georges Bengalsky, and the bartender Sokov... All of them were severely punished by Woland’s retinue, however, in my opinion, they wondered why everything was happening to them. There is no need to talk about the poet Ivan Bezdomny, who in the course of the novel radically changed his position in life... The meeting with the Master forced him to reconsider a lot. But the very result of the fact that these people are punished is clearly presented by Bulgakov. They all had unpleasant memories of meeting Satan and his retinue. Barefoot, for example, no longer likes theaters, Georges Bengalsky has lost his usual cheerfulness, and now an employee of the Institute of History and Philosophy, Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev, has the same dream every full moon. The next morning he wakes up silent, but completely calm and healthy. His punctured memory subsides, and until the next full moon no one will disturb the professor. Neither the noseless murderer of Gestas, nor the cruel fifth procurator of Judea, the horseman of Pontius Pilate.

My impressions after reading Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”

Read worldwide famous novel I was impressed by Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" in a good way this word. In the process of reading, countless secrets, riddles and ambiguities arise, which are still debated to this day. literary critics, because they cannot come to a common opinion. I believe that Bulgakov managed to create the greatest novel in the history of vast world literature. The novel described very diverse topics that, despite everything, were “connected”. Story line closely resonates with Biblical history, as well as with the events described in the New Testament. However, the narration in The Master and Margarita is told from the perspective of Satan, as a result of which we can hear the second unofficial title of the novel - “The Gospel of Satan.” The meaning of the novel is extremely deep. The first meaning is that the reader thinks about goodness, looking at the light of the face of Yeshua Ha-Nozri. And the second meaning of the novel is evil - darkness in the guise of Woland. As the reading progresses, the reader involuntarily comes across these two opposite heroes and, accordingly, their philosophical reasoning. Each hero experienced the “meeting” with Woland in his own way. Personally, I do not consider Satan to be a dark person. In the novel, Satan appeared in the guise of a bearer of truth, just like Yeshua. . And the bribe-taker Bosoy, the financial director and director of the Variety Rimsky and Likhodeev, and the entertainer Georges Bengalsky, and the bartender Sokov - all of them were severely punished by Woland's retinue. All these heroes had unpleasant, creepy memories of meeting with Satan’s retinue, or with Satan himself. Future punishment for one's actions is Bulgakov's main idea. There is truth in every line of the novel. Truth is what is created by God and not desecrated. In my opinion, Bulgakov still managed to write his masterpiece novel, in which only a real master could so smoothly connect the future and the past, light and darkness, good and evil.