Creating a school museum where to start. A small school museum and great love for the motherland

Project “School Museum” Composition of the creative group for the project: 1. Mayorova O.A. – history teacher 2. Blokhina Svetlana – 6th grade student. 3. Elena Knyazeva - 6th grade student. 4. Igor Konkov - 6th grade student. 5. Elena Pashkina - 6th grade student. 6. Svetlana Puchkova - 6th grade student. 7. Ivan Ruchkin - 6th grade student. Creative Group

Project “School Museum” Organize a meeting. Introduction to the concept of “project”, “project activity”. Determining the topic of the project Drawing up a group work plan. Identifying the problem, setting goals and objectives of the project. Collecting information on the topic Primary processing of the information received Visiting the Voznesensky Museum of History and Local Lore Interim results of the project. Determining the structure of the school museum organization Collecting materials of historical value for the school local history museum. Description of the history of the collected materials Design of a presentation on the project. Summing up the results of the work Drawing up cost estimates for the creation of a school local history museum. Museum layout Main activities

Project “School Museum” The main goal of the school museum: To form in students a feeling of love for their native land and its past; The objectives of the museum are: to study the history and culture of the native land; introduce Russian national traditions and customs, and the interesting destinies of fellow villagers. The museum's areas of work include: Local history and search: search, processing, preservation of materials and information on the history and culture of the native land; Research: preparation and conduct of search expeditions in the environs of the native land; Excursion and educational: the use of collected data and exhibits in the educational work of the school; Information and publishing: development of lectures, scripts, methods; Methodological: creation of lecture groups according to sections, exhibitions and themes of the museum; Editorial work

Project “School Museum” Questionnaire Dear survey participant! Our creative team is working on the theme “School Museum”. We are very interested in your opinion on the following questions: Full name.____________________________________ 1. Does the school need a museum? 2. What direction should a school museum take: a). local history; b). Museum of Education; V). historical Museum; G). other ______________. 3. Would you like information about you to be kept in the school museum? 4. Are you ready to help find museum exhibits for the school museum? Please indicate what your specific assistance will be: a). photographs, photo albums; b). documentation; V). materials on the history of education; G). household items; d). other_________________. Thank you for your cooperation! Sociological survey

Rostov region Tarasovsky district Tarasovsky village

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Tarasovskaya secondary school No. 2

School Museum Project

Project Manager:

Goncharuk Vladimir Stepanovich, technology teacher, head of the “Young Local History” club.

Participants: students, teachers of MBOU TSOSH No. 2, parents

p. Tarasovsky 2018

Project: School Museum

"Do you remember how it all began?"

“There is nothing more humane in a person,

how to connect the past and the present"

F.I. Tyutchev

Justification of the need for the project.

The feeling of love for the Motherland does not come on its own, spontaneously. He needs to be raised seriously and thoughtfully from childhood. And here, in my opinion, the school museum plays an important role.

You can talk endlessly about spiritual and moral education, about patriotism, awakening them in the souls of our fellow citizens, but if the words are not supported by concrete deeds, then all this will look like nothing more than hot air.

In order to make the life of each of us and the whole country better,

we need to start with ourselves: stop being indifferent to what is happening around us; change your attitude towards the world around you...

At the moment, no one doubts the fact that familiarization with culture should begin from early childhood. In my opinion, this is an urgent problem in today's society: the revival and development of spiritual and moral values, the need to form high moral and ethical principles among young people.

I believe that the creation of a school museum can help solve this problem. After all, the goal of museum activities is to develop a sense of responsibility for the preservation of natural resources, the artistic culture of the region, pride in one’s Fatherland, school, family, that is, a sense of belonging to the past and present of the small Motherland.

The school history museum is designed for children. Children are the future of our society. If we want to raise worthy citizens, patriots of the Fatherland, we must cultivate a spiritual and moral core in our children.

The museum creates special conditions for influencing the intellectual, volitional and emotional processes of a child’s personality, and each exhibition is a program for transmitting knowledge, skills, judgments, assessments and feelings through exhibits.

Project name:"School Museum".

Theme of the school museum:« Do you remember how it all began?". Project Manager: Goncharuk Vladimir Stepanovich.

Project participants: students of MUOU TSOSH No. 2.

Description of the problem.

The history of the school, the village, closely connected with the life of the country, is rich in its traditions.

Unfortunately, the school does not have a school history museum. “Memory,” as V.A. stated. Astafiev, is the staff on which a person relies in his life’s journey, it makes him sighted...”

Why was attention paid to this? Recently, one can observe that children have lost interest in their small homeland, in their school. To preserve the memory of the years spent within the walls of the native school, it was decided to create a school museum, “Do you remember how it all began?”

The solution to this issue is relevant, because at present the issue of instilling a sense of patriotism has become very acute, which is one of the most important tasks in educating future citizens of Russia.

Work on this project will help preserve the memory of the school, school traditions, and important milestones in its history. Working with archival data and museum exhibits contributes to the development of creative abilities, civic and patriotic feelings, communication competencies, search and research skills, which are so necessary in the modern world.

Objective of the project:

Creation of a museum dedicated to the history of our school.

Project objectives:

In accordance with this established goal, specific tasks were formulated that reveal the content of the work to solve the problem:

Preserving the historical memory of the school.

Organization of search and research work.

Competent exhibition design.

Replenishment and updating of museum exhibitions.

Developing students' interest in school history.

Establishing contact with archives, museums, involving students, parents of students, and the public in the project.

Expected results:

Creation of exhibits and replenishment of the school museum fund.

Use of museum materials in lessons, class hours, extracurricular activities and parent-teacher meetings.

Formation of creative abilities in every child.

Instilling in students a sense of citizenship and patriotism.

The implementation of the project will make it possible to create a school museum, where the following exhibitions will be displayed:

1. Chronicle of the school.

2. Veteran teachers.

3.Dedicated to the military graduates of hot spots....

4. Our graduates.

5. Photo gallery.

While working on the project, students will master search and research skills, which will help them quickly adapt to modern life.

A bank of materials will be created that can be used for various activities at school.

Project implementation timeline: 2018-2020

Project implementation:

To achieve the objectives, it is planned to create a project for the design of a school museum, search and raise funds for the creation of a museum, form an asset for organizing the permanent work of a school museum, deploy systematic work on training and education of students based on the work of creating exhibitions and collecting materials from the main fund.


Drawing up project proposals;

Search for business partners;

Carrying out planned events;

Adjusting the progress of the project.

An initiative group was created on the basis of the “Young Local Historian” circle to implement the project.

Studying public opinion, we developed a questionnaire and conducted a survey among high school students, teachers, and parents

The majority of respondents supported the initiative to create a school museum.

Questionnaire for students in grades 7-11 with the following content:

Does the school need a museum? « History of the educational institution"?

Would you like to participate in its creation?

Are you ready to continue working on replenishing the museum’s exhibits after graduating from school?

Questionnaire for teachers:

Do you support the idea of ​​the project?

Are you ready to assist in the design of museum exhibitions?

Questionnaire for parents:

1.Would you like to visit the school museum?

2.Are you ready to assist in the design of museum exhibitions?

Having received a positive response, it was decided to begin implementing this project.

Results of public opinion:

We discussed our project with the school director Tatyana Yurievna Rubanova, who supported us and promised her help in implementing the project.

Areas of activity of the museum

Search and research activities.

This area of ​​work involves the direct participation of students, teachers and parents in search and research work to revive the history of their native school. To do this, it is necessary to familiarize them with the methods of collecting and recording materials, teach them to work in museum collections, archives and libraries, using the main ways of collecting local history material:

Systematic systematic collection of documents.

Expedition fee.

Acceptance of gifts and random receipts.

This work allows you to:

Carry out joint work of teachers and students on the basis of the museum to study problematic issues in the history of their native school.

Summarize the studied material in essays and creative research by students.

Participate in Olympiads and competitions.

Replenish the museum's funds.

Create a photo gallery.

Main forms of work:


Relations with public organizations.

Meetings with interesting people - former students.

Correspondence with interesting people, meetings with school graduates, representatives of the public.

Collection of articles on the history of the school from periodicals, scientific and reference literature.

Conducting research on the topics “School is also my Motherland”, “History of our small Motherland”, etc.

Carrying out actions on the topics: “History of the school”, “My father’s land”, “Declaration of love for my native school”, “Exhibit for the museum”.

Exhibition and design activities

The result of the students’ search and research work is the creation of a museum exhibition. The main task of this direction is to help improve the scientific and aesthetic level of exhibitions. To do this you need:

Master and practice the procedure for creating museum exhibitions: studying and selecting materials, drawing up a plan, developing an artistic design project, manufacturing equipment, texts, design elements, installation.

Take into account the basic aesthetic requirements: rhythm in the arrangement of exhibition complexes, uniform saturation of their parts, proportional loading of exhibition areas.

Provide sections in the school museum exposition in which material can be easily replaced, which will make it possible to conduct a variety of games and quizzes in the museum with different categories of schoolchildren.

The created exhibition of the school museum should become the center of educational work in the school.

Educational work

The main task of this direction is to involve a significant number of schoolchildren, their parents, and teachers in the work of the museum. To do this you need:

Continue teaching students methods of search and research work.

Conduct joint events: meetings, evenings, conferences, conversations, literary and historical compositions, excursions (survey and thematic), lessons in citizenship and patriotism.

Use materials in history lessons, local history, Russian literature, fine arts, technology, and in primary school lessons.

Work plan for project implementation.

start collecting information on topics:

History of the school;

They ran the school;

Veterans of Labor;

The school is proud of them;

History of children's school organizations;


Currently, work has begun on collecting information for the museum.

(slide 15.)

The year is 1994. How young we were...

Year 1996. 11th grade. First school graduation!

Teachers 1998

Prospects for the museum's activities

Opening of new exhibitions.

Creation and distribution of printed materials based on museum materials.

An opportunity to use the museum’s funds and prepare an interesting report for your schoolmates, write an essay, and take part in local history and scientific conferences.

Replenishment of materials for museum exhibitions.

Dissemination of experience with the aim of creating school museums by other educational institutions.

The outcome of the project must be positive for everyone.

The school museum makes a worthy contribution to spiritual and moral education. Everyone can become a custodian of cultural heritage.

A child or teenager who knows the history of the school, the village, the life of his ancestors, architectural monuments, will never commit an act of vandalism either in relation to this object or in relation to others. He will simply know their value.

Thus, the project serves to unite and rally students around a high noble goal - to preserve the past and present for posterity.

The future of Russia depends on the civic position of its residents, adults and children. It is impossible to become a true citizen of the country without realizing yourself as a resident of the “small Motherland” - your street, city, region. The formation of historical memory is also facilitated by the work of school museums, which play a huge role in patriotic, civic, and adolescent education.

The work of the school museum is included in the educational process: through its collections and forms of activity, it is connected with the teaching of various school subjects and with additional education. A similar connection exists between schools and other types of museums, but it will never be as close and productive. More than anyone else, he is included in the life of the local community, and his “quality of life” is directly related to the attitude towards him on the part of the local administration, nearby enterprises and organizations.

Thus, a museum in a modern school represents an integrated educational environment where it is possible to implement new forms of organizing the cognitive and communicative activities of students.

Conceptual basis for the work of a school museum

The social project “Creation and operation of a school museum” is a program of real action, which is based on a pressing problem in society that requires a solution. The implementation of the project will help improve the social situation in a particular area and society. This is one of the ways to be included in public life through practical solutions to existing social problems. That's why we identified the problem first.

Problem: loss of interest among teenagers and young people in studying the history of the Fatherland, the Great Patriotic War, and the traditions of generations. Now this problem is one of the most pressing in our society.

Relevance: the study of the history of the Fatherland, the military and labor traditions of generations, the culture and moral foundations of one’s own people is of great importance in the life of every person. Love for the “small Motherland” and its study lead to knowledge of one’s Motherland and the whole world. The museum significantly concretizes and deepens knowledge about the native land and its glorious heroes and workers.

One of the traditions of our school is organizing and holding meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans. The day before, students, under the guidance of class teachers, visit their homes, write down memories of wartime, collect documents and artifacts of the era. This is how interesting material accumulates. And since our school is located on the street named after Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Alekseevich Guryanov, it was decided to collect material about M.A. Guryanov and his associates and everything collected will be presented in the school museum.

The goal of the project: to create and organize the work of the school Museum of Military and Labor Glory named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.A. Guryanov, who will contribute to the civic-patriotic, moral education of schoolchildren.

Project objectives:

  • development of civic initiative and civic responsibility among students;
  • students' acquisition of practical research experience;
  • carrying out work to collect material and exhibits for the museum, classifying materials, creating an exhibition.

Methodology for implementing the social project “Creation and operation of a school museum”

In our work to create the museum, we used various methods:

  • conversation,
  • survey,
  • collection of information,
  • expeditions,
  • excursions,
  • work with the District Veterans Council.

Before starting work, we held conversations in classes, wanting to find out “should there be a museum?” The results showed that a museum at school is necessary and interesting for schoolchildren. The guys supported the proposal, and many wanted to contribute to the creation of the exhibition.

We have decided on the algorithm for working on the project:

  1. Determination of the thematic field and theme of the project. Clarification of contradictions, search and analysis of the problem, goal setting.
  2. Collection and study of information. Development of an algorithm for your own solution to the problem in each specific case. Implementation of the action plan.
  3. Execution of planned technological operations. Current step-by-step quality control of the completed work.
  4. Preparation for project defense. Project presentation.
  5. Analysis of project results, quality assessment.

Stages of work on the project “Creation and work of a school museum”

1. Organizational stage of work on creating a school museum.

At this stage, only the main areas of work and activities are planned. The plan helps to systematize and direct the work, but does not make it formal, does not fetter initiative, and does not impose unjustified restrictions. To begin with we did:

  • creating an initiative group of 5-6 students (preferably older ones) under the guidance of an adult (museum director). This is the Museum Council, each member of which takes on one of the areas of its activity (search work, exhibition design, lecture and tour guide work, creation of a data bank, creation of a museum page on the school website on the Internet);
  • Since starting “from scratch” can be difficult for children, at least a small foundation is needed, so the head of the museum first creates a mini-base. In our case, such a foundation was the materials collected at meetings with war participants, the Council of Veterans of the Pechatniki district, letters of inquiry to various archives of Moscow, the Moscow region, the Kaluga region to search for information about the partisan detachment of the Ugodsko-Zavodsky district (now the city of Zhukov ), which was led by the commissar of the partisan detachment M.A. Guryanov.

At the first stage, it is most reasonable to involve high school students in the work, dividing them into small groups according to areas of activity and working with each of them separately.

The motivation of the activity is of decisive importance for the fate of the entire project at the first stage of work. The head of the museum should pay special attention to this issue. Children need to see the results of their efforts and be confident in the importance of the work they do. In our school, trips to the place of M.A.’s death were of great importance. Guryanov in the city of Zhukov, Kaluga region. The children visited the hero’s grave, the museum of the famous commander G.K. Zhukova.

2. Search stage

In search work on this topic, gradation is also necessary. For example, you can highlight sections such as “Compatriots-Veterans”, “Home Front Workers”, “Children and War”, etc. To begin with, it is important to select one topic for search work, gradually adding new ones. We started with the topic “Veterans - residents of our area during the Great Patriotic War,” since the participants and witnesses of those events are becoming fewer and fewer every year, and the risk of irreversibly losing the opportunity to learn the actual facts of those difficult and heroic times is growing. Biographical material, memories, personal belongings, photographs of 40 participants in the Great Patriotic War were collected; their battle path is described. The guys received valuable material about the fate of their fellow countrymen who died at the front on the Memorial website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

3. Stage of systematization of material and documentation of exhibits

The collected search material must be systematized and properly formatted. Documentation of exhibits is carried out in three forms:

  • acquisition of funds;
  • stock work;
  • creation of a museum exposition.

Work of the school museum: acquisition of funds

Accumulating collections is one of the most labor-intensive types of work in a school museum. It can be roughly divided into 4 main actions.

The first step is planning the acquisition.

The theme and objects are selected depending on the intended profile and capabilities of the museum. There are several packaging methods:

  • Thematic is a method associated with the study of any historical process, event, person, natural phenomenon and the collection of sources of information about them.
  • Systematic is a method used to create and replenish collections of similar museum items: dishes, furniture, clothing.
  • Current - receiving individual museum items from the donor, purchasing, random finds.

The second step is the actual search and collection of material.

The following methods are used:

  • collection of oral evidence (population survey, questionnaires, interviews);
  • correspondence with people;
  • meeting interesting people;
  • receiving gifts from family collections;
  • working with information in libraries and archives;
  • expeditions.

One of the basic principles of any search and research work is the principle of complexity. Following it, schoolchildren strive to explore the topic from all sides, try to connect the events being studied with general historical processes, identify their characteristic features, find out the reliability of the information received, and the role of individual participants in these events. It is very important to teach children to collect and record information about those processes that are the topic of search and collection work.

The third step is identifying and collecting objects for display.

Each participant involved in the organization and work of the school museum must remember the responsibility for the safety of found and collected historical and cultural monuments: it is important to preserve not only the object itself, but also the information collected about it and its origin. Also, the guys must comply with legal requirements related to the collection and preservation of historical and cultural monuments, i.e. there is no need to take from the owners those items that the museum does not have the right to store: jewelry, orders, weapons, even if the owners want to transfer them to the museum .

The fourth step is the inclusion of the collected material in the museum fund.

It is important to determine the historical value of the exhibit, its emotional and educational impact on the viewer. Field documents of description and accounting are used to record and scientifically describe the collected materials, as well as to obtain comprehensive information about them. These include:

  • "Acceptance certificate"
  • "Field Diary"
  • "Field inventory"
  • “Notebook for recording memories and stories”,
  • books of accounting of museum objects (“Inventory book”).

The inventory book is the main document for recording, scientific description and storage of school museum exhibits. It can be made by the schoolchildren themselves from a large thick notebook or a book in a durable binding. The book is graphite, stitched along the spine with strong threads, the sheets are numbered in the upper right corner of the front side of each corner. At the end of the book, a certification is made about the number of numbered sheets. The recording and binding of the book are sealed with the school seal.

4. Stage of organizing work on the museum exhibition

Exhibition in the school museum

The exposition of a museum is the museum exhibits presented for viewing in a certain system. The procedure for organizing work on it was developed in 2004 by the Federal Museum of Vocational Education. The result of the exposure should be the achievement of maximum awareness combined with imagery and emotionality.

If we compare the work of a school museum with an iceberg, then the exhibition is only a small visible part of it. Therefore, we can confidently say that creating an exhibition is a complex creative and technological process that requires a creative approach, experimentation, and the efforts of a whole team of like-minded people.

Designing an exhibition and working on the individual stages of its creation can be represented as follows:

  1. Concept: thematic structuring of the exhibition, development of an expanded thematic structure and drawing up a thematic exhibition plan. We developed the content and sketches of the stands for the design of the premises. The exhibitions reflect the main stages and battles of the Great Patriotic War: “The Beginning of the War.” “Get up, huge country, get up for mortal combat”, “Battle of Moscow”, “Battle of Stalingrad”, “Kursk Bulge”, “Liberation of Europe. Battle of Berlin", "Partisan Movement", "Hero of the Soviet Union M.A. Guryanov”, “People’s Militia Divisions”, “Youth scorched by war”, “War does not have a woman’s face”, “Veterans of our region”, “To remember...” (in memory of the terrorist attack in 1999 on Guryanov Street ).
  2. Drawing up an art project: preliminary layout of materials.
  3. Execution of the technical project: installation of the exposition.

According to the form of presentation, exhibitions can be stationary and temporary, and according to the principles of structural organization of the demonstrated material - thematic, systematic, monographic and ensemble.

  • Thematic exhibition includes museum objects that explore one theme.
  • Systematic is an exhibition series created on the basis of homogeneous museum objects, in accordance with a specific scientific discipline.
  • Monographic the exhibition is dedicated to a person or group, a natural phenomenon or a historical event.
  • Ensemble involves preserving or recreating an ensemble of museum objects, natural objects in an ordinary environment: “open-air museum”, “peasant hut”.

The choice of one or another form of exhibition, the principles of systematization of exhibition materials depends on the concept of the museum, on the composition of the funds, on the creative imagination of the museum staff.

The basis of the exhibition is a museum object, and its structural unit is the thematic and exhibition complex. Thus, on the theme of the Great Patriotic War, the basis of the composition are soldiers’ helmets, shell casings, and a sapper’s shovel found near Moscow. Thematic composition - “Battle of Moscow”.

Not individual exhibits, different in content and theme, not continuous rows of the same type of materials, but rather a complex of clothing, documentary and other monuments, united thematically, becomes the main link of the exhibition. For a more complete understanding of the events displayed in the exhibition, scientific and auxiliary materials are introduced into it.

To enhance perception in the work of a school museum, you can use works of art, music, fragments of newsreels or films, lighting effects and color schemes, presentations and videos edited by schoolchildren themselves. We have accumulated not only photographic material, but also video clips and voice recordings of veterans’ speeches.

The principle of thematic selection of exhibition materials is most often used.

  • Firstly, this is the inclusion in the exhibition of those museum objects that are associated with certain phenomena and characterize their essential aspects.
  • Secondly, the use of other exhibition materials of a scientific and auxiliary nature to comprehensively reflect the essence of the phenomenon.
  • Thirdly, the placement of thematically related exhibition materials.

To implement the principle of logical connection of all sections of the exhibition, a clear, well-developed route, concise headings and accompanying texts are needed. Not only a full-fledged scientific commentary can reveal the information potential of an individual object and the content of the exhibition as a whole.

This role in a museum exhibition is played by explanatory text headings, which represent a holistic, well-thought-out system that reveals the content of the exhibition. Each type of text performs its own function:

  • leading texts express the ideological orientation of the exhibition, section, theme, hall, thus reflecting the main provisions of the scientific concept of the exhibition;
  • capital letters reflect the thematic structure of the exhibition; their purpose is to provide a guide to its inspection;
  • explanatory notes reveal the content of the exhibition, section, topic, reflect the history of the exhibited collections;
  • the label is attached to a separate exhibit, it indicates: the name of the item, the manufacturer of the work, the place and time of production, a brief description of the exhibit, technical characteristics, original/copy.

Selecting materials for an exhibition means determining the composition of its exhibits in order to most optimally reveal the topic.

The selection is carried out throughout the work on the exhibition, and the final composition of the exhibits is fixed in the thematic and exhibition plan. Systematic collection of materials makes it possible to obtain not scattered and fragmentary objects, but an organically interconnected exhibition complex, reflecting a specific part of the entire exhibition theme. The selection is preceded by the study of objects, the determination of their authenticity and reliability, authorship, etc.

Working conditions of the school museum

The selection of museum objects is closely related to their grouping. You can group various objects depending on the task at hand. For example, showing related connections between phenomena, reflecting some events, comparing objects. One method of comparison is contrasting display. Grouping of materials can also occur according to a systematic principle.

Grouping is also possible according to the principle of combining various objects into logical groups as they existed in life, in their inherent environment. This could be the interior of a room with all its characteristic objects. In museum practice, such groupings are called “ensemble exhibitions.”

1. Technical and fire safety conditions for the functioning of the museum.

Preparing premises for a museum is not an easy task. First of all, you need a room for exhibitions and a special room for storing funds.

When choosing an exhibition area, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • the room or hall should be located on the shady side of the building, so that direct sunlight does not fall into it. Windows must be curtained. Fluorescent lamps and various lighting for display cases must be positioned so that the light falls from the viewer and at a certain distance from the exhibit. If the room is located on the sunny side, the windows on the outside should be darkened with greenery;
  • the room must have a constant room temperature;
  • to prevent exhibits from becoming dusty, it is necessary to place them in sealed display cases and regularly carry out wet cleaning of the premises;
  • the equipment must match the style of the exhibition room,
  • dimensions and color;
  • the exposure should be placed at a safe distance from the heating system;
  • it is necessary to provide fire-fighting conditions (fire extinguishers, sand containers)

2. Aesthetic conditions

  • For school museums, we can recommend horizontal and vertical display cases mounted against the wall. Large things are located closer to the center, small ones - closer to the viewer. In vertical display cabinets, small exhibits are located at eye level, and large items are located above and below;
  • showcases should not occupy the main space and obscure other exhibition complexes;
  • an exhibit placed on the floor is psychologically perceived as inventory, so it is necessary to place it on a stand;
  • The desire of school museums to place all available materials in the exhibition leads to its oversaturation and weakening of the emotional impact. The multitude of items diminishes the importance of each one.

3. Organizational and information conditions.

The ability to correctly present information has become as important an aspect of museum work as the preservation of exhibits.

Schoolchildren's attention inevitably wanders when examining monotonous objects. It is necessary to take into account the psychological side of perception. First, the children's attention needs to be attracted. For this introductory, starting complex should be exciting, promising, arousing interest in viewing the exhibition. When the audience's attention becomes dull, they should approach an unusual object or complex that again attracts attention.

This is where the most attractive exhibits, unique items, working models, presentations, and videos are needed. This switching of attention must be caused several times, depending on the age of the spectators and taking into account that the inspection of the exhibition lasts no more than 45 minutes.

The final final part of the exhibition should complete the entire topic so that the viewer has a desire to visit the museum several more times, to join a new search.

Work of the school museum: functional purpose

In the phrase “work of a school museum” the main word is museum. Like any other, it has the functions inherent in this social institution. The Regulations on the Museum of an educational institution define educational and documenting functions. The documenting function consists in the purposeful reflection in the museum’s collection of objects of those historical, social or natural phenomena that the museum studies in accordance with its profile.

The educational influence of a school museum on children and adolescents is most effectively manifested in the implementation of museum activities. The participation of schoolchildren in search and research work, studying, describing museum objects, creating an exhibition, conducting excursions, evenings, conferences helps fill their leisure time, mastering various techniques and skills of local history and museum work, helps them feel the history and problems of their native land “from the inside”, understand how much effort and soul their ancestors invested in the economy, culture, and defense of the region. This fosters respect for the memory of past generations, without which it is impossible to cultivate patriotism and love for one’s Fatherland.

Museum experts identify the following museum forms of working with visitors:

  • lecture;
  • excursion;
  • consultation;
  • scientific readings;
  • mugs;
  • clubs;
  • historical and literary evenings;
  • meeting interesting people;
  • holidays;
  • concerts;
  • competitions, quizzes;
  • historical games, etc.

School local history museum as a means of patriotic education of schoolchildren

Zhbanov Alexander Semenovich, head of the school museum of local history of the Perkhlyayskaya OOSH, Ruzaevsky district of the Republic of Mordovia.
Target: Generalization of experience in creating a school local history museum.
Tasks: Describe the features of organizing a museum in an educational institution, study the basics of museum work by conducting a virtual tour through the pages of the museum.
The material is intended for teachers who want to organize museum work at school.
The main means of patriotic education at school is the school local history museum. It performs many functions, the main ones being:
-documenting the history of the native land;
-organization and conduct of search and research work (study of publications, archival sources, memoirs)
- collection of material (newspaper material, advertisements, photos, interviews, etc.)
-collection of household items, antique utensils, preserved by the residents.
-studying and systematizing the collected material.
Our school museum was founded in 2010. On the eve of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the grand opening of the museum took place on April 30, 2010.
At this time, the museum houses more than two hundred exhibits, these are unique Mordovian household utensils, ancient women's clothing, original documents and awards of participants in the Great Patriotic War and home front workers. The museum tells about the history of the village, the region, the Republic, the founding of the school, and its teachers.
Museum lessons and lessons of courage are held within the walls of the school museum; museum exhibits are often used in classroom hours and open events. Exhibitions, special events, and significant dates and holidays are celebrated here.
Over the years of operation, the museum has been visited by more than 500 people. Meetings are held between students and home front workers, with children of participants in the Great Patriotic War, and with labor veterans. Many excursions were conducted for students, both from their own school and from schools in the region, representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Republic, and village residents. Recently, the museum has held a number of events dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state.
The museum’s work plan is developed by the head of the museum together with the museum’s activists and submitted to the school’s pedagogical council for consideration.
The Museum Council includes representatives of the creative association “Museum Business”; representatives are elected from classes. The museum council works in different directions. Members of the Museum Council are divided into restorers, tour guides, chroniclers, and document recorders. The museum council takes part in the development and conduct of excursions and meetings, and also supervises the patronage of home front workers (unfortunately, we do not have a single WWII veteran left).
Dear friends, I would like to take a short tour through the pages of our museum. All the design and interior decoration of the museum premises were made by the hands of teachers and students.
The museum room (60 square meters) has an exhibition consisting of four main sections:
1. “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.”
2. “The region in which you live.”
3. “This is a school history line...”
4. Ethnographic corner “Life of the Mordovians”

Section “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”

This section consists of several exhibitions:

1.Exhibition “They Fought for the Motherland”

3.Exhibition “Veterans of Afghanistan - graduates of our school”

4. Exhibition “Participants of the Labor Front”

5.Exhibition “Awards and documents of front-line soldiers and home front workers” (fragment)

6. Exhibition “Exhibits from the battlefields”. Transferred by the director of the Republican Museum of Military and Labor Feats N.A. Kruchinkin.

7. Obelisk with the names of fellow countrymen who died in the battles of the Second World War.

Section “The region where you live”

This section includes the following exhibitions:
1.Exhibition “My Native Village”. It traces the history of the founding and development of the village of Perkhlyai, talks about the people who glorified the village, about the workers of the collective and state farms at different times. The exhibition tells about people who love their village with all their hearts and help the village and its inhabitants. There is a wealth of desktop information available. Work is underway to organize the exhibition “The Village Looks to the Future.”

2. Exhibition “Know and love your area”

3. The exhibition “Famous throughout Russia” tells about famous people who glorified our region throughout Russia. These are athletes, artists, doctors, artists, politicians.

4. The exhibition “Leonid Fedorovich Makulov” is dedicated to the famous Mordovian writer, a native of our village. The museum’s collections contain original manuscripts of books and essays, photographs and personal belongings of Leonid Fedorovich, donated to the museum by the writer’s son.

The section “This is a school history line” consists of several exhibitions:
1. “History of the school.” The exhibition tells about the history of the creation and development of the school, about the school directors and teachers who contributed to the development of the school at different times, about our teachers today.
2. "We remember them." The exhibition is dedicated to teachers who worked at our school at different times and have passed away.
3. “Our veterans.” There is a story about teachers - veterans of teaching work who are on a well-deserved rest.
4. “And the years fly by...” The exhibition is based on photographs of graduating classes from different years.

Section “Life of the Mordovians”

It consists of the following main exhibitions
1. "Antiques"

2.Exhibition “Decoration of a peasant hut”

3. Exposition “Mordovian national clothes”

Museum is a word derived from Lat. museum, which can only be translated as “temple”. This is a unique institution that collects, studies, stores and displays samples that show how nature, the human mind and creativity develop. Children are the most welcome visitors to museums. After all, it is in childhood, when the mind of a little person longs to know the whole world around him at once, that it is worth introducing the child to culture. An unprecedented phenomenon in Russian culture can be called the creation of school museums aimed specifically at young visitors. We will talk about these organizations in the article.

School museum: definition of the concept

A school museum is a type of museum organization of educational institutions, represented by a wide variety of profiles. These institutions can be classified as departmental and public museums that also pursue educational purposes. They are managed by the assets of teachers and students and are fully included in the public education system. Often the curator is a specialized state museum.

School museums began with interdisciplinary classrooms, where a rich fund of educational and visual aids, herbariums and other items collected by students - biographies, stories, minerals, rare photographs and objects were kept. The phenomenon quickly spread in teaching activities, becoming effective for the younger generation.

The activity of school museums in Russia began in the 19th century - then they were created at noble gymnasiums. The next stage of their development was the twenties of the 20th century, when there was a boom in the creation of local history museums throughout the USSR - many of them took root in schools. Celebrations of anniversaries related to the history of the Soviet Union in the 50s and 70s also led to the proliferation of this kind of museums.

School museums are created on the initiative of teachers, school graduates, students and their parents, and bosses. Students here are busy searching, storing, studying and organizing the exhibition. The entire collection they collected becomes part of the museum fund of the Russian Federation.

Today there are about 4,800 school museums in our country, of which:

  • historical - about 2000;
  • military-historical - about 1400;
  • local history - 1000;
  • other profiles - 300-400.

Goals of the museum at the school

School-related museums pursue the following goals in their activities:

  • Promoting the development of research skills in schoolchildren.
  • Supporting children's creativity.
  • Formation of respect for local and world culture.
  • Cultivating respect for the past.
  • Forming a sense of responsibility for the preservation of historical values.
  • Cultivating a sense of pride in the history of our Fatherland.
  • Students will develop a sense of belonging to the past of their small Motherland and modern history.
  • Ensuring connections between the school and cultural institutions.

Objectives of the activity

School museums, photos of which you will see throughout the article, strive to solve the following tasks assigned to them:

  • Fostering proper patriotic sentiments in the younger generation.
  • Introducing the child to the history of the family, region, country, and the whole world.
  • Satisfying the needs of schoolchildren-researchers to independently write history.
  • Preservation and display of authentic historical documents and artifacts.
  • Filling children's leisure time with search and research work, studying the collected collection, preparing and caring for exhibits, participating in conferences and creative evenings.
  • Helping students understand the beginnings of research activities and forming an analytical approach.
  • Contributing to the concretization and expansion of the children’s knowledge, gleaned from school textbooks and teachers’ stories.

Work principles

The work of the school museum is based on the following principles:

  • Systematic connection with school lessons.
  • Use of all types of extracurricular work: seminars, patronage of veterans, conferences, etc.
  • Engagement in scientific and research activities.
  • Creative initiative of schoolchildren.
  • Public Relations.
  • Strict accounting of museum collection items and exhibitions.
  • Constant communication with state museums.

Social mission of museums at schools

Speaking about school museums and their role in carrying out historical and local history work, let’s touch on the social aspect of this activity - let’s see what this organization can teach a child as a citizen, a member of a family and society. So, what does participation in the activities of a school museum give a student:

  • Getting to know the problems and pride of your native land from the inside - through search and research activities.
  • Fostering respect for the past and cultural heritage - through familiarity with the affairs of ancestors.
  • Independent living skills - participation in hikes and expeditions.
  • Traits of a researcher - through search, analytical, restoration work.
  • Rehearsal of future social roles - in the Museum Council, a child can be both a leader and a subordinate.
  • The role of a direct chronicler, a document specialist - schoolchildren write the history of their region with their own hands, complete collections, and create exhibitions.
  • Professional certainty - having tried on a real profession, the student can already decide whether he wants to devote himself to this field in adulthood.

Distinctive features of the institution

The peculiarities of the activities of school museums arise from a certain kind of features characteristic only of this organization:

  • The work of such a museum is coordinated with the school.
  • Has a collection of authentic historical artifacts and documents.
  • Shows an exposition or several expositions, clearly divided by topic.
  • It has the necessary equipment and space to accommodate the exhibition.
  • The Museum Council is constantly functioning - active students who, under the guidance of teachers, conduct research activities, work with funds, take care of the safety and proper
  • In the activities of an organization one can always detect the features of social partnership.
  • The educational and educational mission is implemented through mass educational and

What types of school museums are there?

Each museum at the school has its own profile - a specialization of activity, filling the fund, which connects it with a certain science, discipline, sphere of culture, art, activity. The main groups are as follows:

  • historical;
  • natural sciences;
  • artistic;
  • theatrical;
  • musical;
  • technical;
  • literary;
  • agricultural, etc.

The museum can also carry out complex work. An ideal example is a local history focus. The children study both the nature and culture of their region, city, and area as a whole. It is important to note that museums of a specific profile can only focus on a specific phenomenon in their field. A historical museum can only study the history of a city or school, a literary museum can only study the work of unknown writers, a musical museum can only study ditties of a certain ethnic group, etc.

When talking about what kind of school museums there are, one cannot fail to mention monographic museums - dedicated to a specific object, person, or event. These include museums of the samovar, books, New Year, etc. School museums of military glory, photos of which you will also see in the article, are also monographic. They can be dedicated to home front workers, holders of the Order of Glory, etc. This also fully includes memorial and historical-biographical (dedicated to the life of a specific person) museums.

Museum funds at the school

As in museums of national importance, the funds of the school museum are divided into two components:

  • Main: museum objects corresponding to the profile of the institution.
  • Supporting material: reproductions of the original collection (copies, dummies, photographs, casts, etc.) and visual material (diagrams, posters, diagrams, tables, etc.)

The fund may include:

  • tools;
  • products, finished products;
  • numismatics;
  • weapons, signs of military glory;
  • Houseware;
  • visual sources - works of art and documentary materials;
  • written sources - memoirs, letters, books, periodicals;
  • media library - textbooks, films, music library in tune with the profile;
  • family rarities and heirlooms, etc.

About the exhibition of the museum at the school

The presence of an exhibition is a key feature of absolutely any museum. Exhibits that reveal a specific object or phenomenon are combined into a thematic and exhibition complex, the latter making up sections, which, in turn, represent the entire exhibition.

Basically, when compiling an exhibition, a historical-chronological principle is used - each part of it consistently tells about an event, object and phenomenon. The most common methods of constructing an exhibition from foundation collections:

  • systematic;
  • thematic;
  • ensemble.

School museums are a special and unique component of the educational and educational process. She is able to achieve those goals, solve those problems that regular schooling cannot cope with alone.