Morning exercises for vigor and energy; exercise in the morning. How to do morning exercises correctly

Experts say that in order for a good morning to be not only good, but also healthy, you need to do morning exercises. And with the folk wisdom that how the morning begins, the whole day will be like that, there’s no point in arguing. Not many of us are used to working out after sleep, but let's see what morning physical activity can give us.

What will morning exercises give us?

A few effective exercises in the morning will not take much time, but will bring a lot of benefits. Develop a healthy habit and you will undoubtedly receive:

Even very small loads will help the body wake up. The cardiovascular system will begin to zealously pump blood throughout the body and distribute oxygen to every cell. And this increases energy levels and gives strength. In just 10-15 minutes you will be ready to “move mountains.”

Great mood

Morning exercises do not involve heavy loads; they are easy and enjoyable exercises. And since this is pleasant, the brain will not keep itself waiting and will give the command to produce endorphins - the hormones of happiness and joy. After all, it’s great to start a new day in a good mood, all adversity will fade into the background, and you can set off to conquer the world with a smile on your face.

Losing excess weight

By forcing all organs to work, you will start the digestion processes and speed up your metabolism with the help of exercises. In addition, moderate and regular exercise helps burn excess fat, strengthens muscles and keeps the body toned.

Willpower training

Getting up a little earlier in the morning turns out to be quite a challenge for many. By forcing yourself to tear yourself away from a soft and warm bed and start exercising, you develop a useful habit, train and strengthen the willpower with which you will not need to think.

Strengthens immunity

Thanks to morning exercises, the body receives enough oxygen, energy and health for the whole day. Even without taking into account the research of specialists, we can conclude that it strengthens the immune system and stimulates mental activity.

Rules for doing morning exercises

Morning exercises are aimed at stretching the muscles; there should be no strength exercises. Remember, it’s enough just to “start” the body, and heavy morning loads can negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

After waking up, give yourself 15-20 minutes to finally get rid of the power of Morpheus. Drink a glass of clean water with a few drops of lemon juice. It is wrong to jump out of bed and immediately begin active exercises. This will be stressful for the body. Take your time, stretch slightly, twist, tense your muscles, and only then get out of bed. Complete all the necessary morning procedures and get started.

10 ideas on how to motivate yourself to do morning exercises

Forcing yourself to do exercises regularly, and also to wake up earlier than usual to do so, is not an easy task. We offer several ideas that will help turn morning exercise into a pleasant habit.

1. Move your alarm clock. Usually the alarm clock is placed somewhere next to the bed, at the head of the bed, on the nightstand, etc. Place it far away from you, for example, at the other end of the room. You'll have to get out of bed to turn it off. This will make it easier for you to wake up and be able to do your exercises.

2. Find support from loved ones. Agree with your family that you will all do morning exercises together. This will not only invigorate everyone, but also bring them closer together, because a common goal will appear. If you live alone, then connect your friends to charge. Contact them by phone or online.

3. Record your goals. Every Sunday (or whatever day of the week you consider your reference day) make a plan for the next week. Clearly write down what time you will wake up every day and what exercises you should do. Later you can evaluate your successes or failures.

4. Make a motivating list of music tracks. Music is a great motivator. Set an invigorating, “igniting” composition to ring your alarm clock, and then turn on the player or music player and start exercising to your favorite tracks. They will give positive thoughts and help overcome fatigue.

5. Prepare a place for morning exercises in advance. You won't have to waste time finding and laying out a rug, bringing a chair, or gathering other necessary equipment if you do this the night before. In addition, this will serve as additional motivation to exercise, because yesterday you worked hard and prepared everything, you can’t just pass by.

6. Encourage yourself. If you managed to complete your weekly plan, be sure to reward yourself: get a manicure, watch an interesting movie, or go for a walk in your favorite park. Buy a new exercise t-shirt or something else for working out that will help you wake up more actively in the morning.

7. Tell the world about your plans and successes. Thanks to modern technology, this is easier than ever. Tell your friends on social networks that you are now determined to do exercises every morning. Report regularly on your achievements. Perhaps you will inspire someone else with your success.

8. Give yourself time. Getting up earlier in the morning than usual is difficult. And at first it will seem simply unbearable. But don't give up under any circumstances. Wait another week and you will feel that you are used to the new regime. You will begin to sleep better, wake up before the alarm rings and be full of strength and energy, and morning exercises will help you create an ideal daily routine.

9. Think about your breakfast. If you feel very hungry after sleep, then eat something small that can give you strength: some almonds or a banana. After exercising, eat a full breakfast and prepare something special as a reward for your efforts. But keep in mind that the food should be healthy and low-fat.

10. Tune yourself psychologically. You must clearly understand why you are doing morning exercises. If you want to lose weight, then place a photo in a prominent place with a model whose shape you strive for. If you want to be energetic and healthy, then make a list of what you can achieve if you start your day actively.

Morning exercise is a great habit, the effect of which you will see instantly.

We have prepared 10 effective exercises that will help you wake up and charge you with positive emotions for the whole day.

10 exercises for morning exercises

Exercise 1. Stretching

Start by stretching upward. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands in a lock, with your palms turned outward away from you. Slowly raise your arms above your head and begin to reach your whole body towards the ceiling. Keep your back and head straight, do not bend. Perform the exercise for 10-15 seconds 3-4 times.

Exercise 2. Steps in place

Human feet have many sensitive points that are responsible for the functioning of different organs. To give them a light massage, walk in place, alternately focusing on the heels, toes and sides of the foot. Perform the exercise for 30-50 seconds.

Exercise 3. Rolling from toes to heels

Stand up straight. Place your feet at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Inhale and stand on your toes, exhale and smoothly roll onto your heels. Repeat the exercise 20-25 times.

Exercise 4. Rotations

To warm up the body, it is best to perform rotational movements. Start with the head, then move to the hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, ankles and knees. For each body part, do 10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 5. Alternating bends and squats

A simple but effective exercise that will help you use many important muscles. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your waist. Slowly lean forward, then straighten your back and do one squat. Keep your back as straight as possible to avoid knee injuries. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

Exercise 6. Side bends

Take an upright position with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise your right hand up. Smoothly, without sudden movements, first lean to the left, then change your hand and lean to the right. Keep your back straight, lean clearly to the side. Repeat the exercise 15 times in each direction.

Exercise 7. Alternating leg pull-ups

Take a lying position. Straighten your arms up. Start with your right foot. Bend it at the knee and pull it towards you as much as possible, at the same time pull your bent left arm towards your knee. Then change your leg and arm. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg.

Exercise 8. “Kitty”

We stretch the abdominal muscle. To do this, stand on the mat with your knees, lean on your bent hands. Alternately bend and straighten your back muscles.

Exercise 9. Push-ups

There is a regular and lightweight version of push-ups. It differs only in the position of its legs. If you are well prepared, then do push-ups with your legs extended, resting on your toes; if it’s so hard, then lean on your knees. Do 15 push-ups.

Exercise 10. Stretching

Stand up, raise your hands up. As you exhale, rise onto your toes and smoothly stretch as high as possible. As you inhale, lower yourself completely onto your feet and relax your muscles. Repeat the exercises 5 times for 10 seconds.

Recover your breath, have breakfast and go conquer new heights!

Doing morning exercises is easy, we hope that thanks to our tips, tomorrow you will begin your path to a healthier lifestyle. Perhaps some of the exercises suggested above are not suitable for you for some reason. Then feel free to replace them with others, use them or consult with specialists. Share with us your successes or effective exercises that you do yourself. Have a productive day!

Absolutely anyone can feel energetic and be in a good mood all day long by doing a few simple exercises in the morning. And this is not just popularization on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, but a fact proven as a result of numerous studies. Morning exercises are a set of physical exercises aimed at warming up joints and various muscle groups.

Morning physical activity has a positive effect on a person’s emotional background. He achieves much more success at work, in family and friendships. According to a study from Appalachian State University, exercising every morning can lower high blood pressure.

A psychologist from Duke University, observing patients with depression, reflected in his study “The Benefits of Morning Exercise” the relationship between the condition of patients and exercise. He discovered that warming up in the morning not only relieves this disorder, but also prevents the recurrence of the disease. The New York Times published an entire article about how scientists were able to document the fact that physical exercise stimulates and increases mental activity.

Morning home exercises

Involves performing various types of exercises that increase muscle tone and improve blood flow. You can do warm-up in the morning both at home and outside.

Set of exercises

To engage in morning physical activity, you don’t have to look for a gym that opens at dawn or purchase special sports equipment. There are ten effective and easy-to-learn exercises that will allow you to keep yourself in good shape first thing in the morning.

Sport is definitely beneficial for everyone. However, given the presence of certain health problems and the body’s own characteristics, it would be useful to consult with a specialist. Once you are sure that there are no contraindications or restrictions, you can safely start exercising.

This exercise allows you to tone your muscles and is an excellent prevention of arthritis. You can start your warm-up in the morning with stretching. These can be both dynamic and static exercises. The most useful in the morning hours are considered to be the first ones, which are done from the “camel” and “cat” positions.

This does not mean that they are only part of the morning warm-up. Stretching exercises are beneficial regardless of the time at which they are performed. This is especially true for people working in conditions that do not require any active action. Stretching increases the flexibility of the back muscles and has a warming effect.

To perform the stretch:

  1. Take a camel pose. Get on all fours, rounding your back so that your head points towards your pelvis, that is, it is lowered.
  2. Take a cat pose. Bend your back in an arc downwards, raising your head.

The transition between positions is carried out with smooth and slow movements. The recommended number of repetitions is 4-5.

You can run on a treadmill or outdoors. The advantage of the latter option is the opportunity to be in nature, but training on the simulator does not depend on weather conditions.

You can achieve the effect of running by controlling time and constantly increasing the duration. Clearly set goals will help with this. If jogging is new, you should start with brisk walking. The latter, by the way, will be an excellent alternative to running for older people.

Thanks to regular jogging and walking, bone tissue is strengthened and it becomes possible to control weight. This type of physical activity maintains blood pressure at a normal level and is good for the heart muscle.

Jumping in place

A truly good morning exercise involves including jumping in the overall routine. They support muscle tone, but most of all the deltoid and calf muscles, and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.


Standing straight, place your feet together and jump up. As you jump, spread your arms and legs to the side. Return to the starting position and continue jumping. It is best to start with a duration of one minute and then increase the execution time until it is optimal.

Aimed at working out the hip abductor muscles, which are constantly involved not only when jogging, but also in everyday life. They work when riding a bicycle and even when a person just gets into a car.

Swinging the hip abductors helps prevent forward tilt of the pelvis, a fairly common postural disorder. They are performed quite simply, which is clearly demonstrated in the photographs presented. The recommended number of swings on each side is 10-15 times.

The benefits of exercise are not limited to the beneficial effects on the back. The “balancing table” pose allows you to improve your innate sense of balance, develop memory, and improve concentration.


  1. To get into the starting position, get on both knees and place your hands on the floor. Each movement is preceded by an inhalation.
  2. As you exhale, extend your left leg back parallel to the floor and your right arm forward.
  3. Lower your arm and leg as you exhale, returning to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the same procedure, but with your right leg and left arm.

You should start with ten repetitions on each side.

Involve knees, hips and shins in the work. Squats help strengthen the calf and quadriceps muscles, hamstrings, and knee joints.


  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you.
  2. Lower yourself until a right angle forms between your thigh and shin.
  3. Rise up to return to the starting position.

Beginners can start with two sets of 15 squats. It should also be taken into account that the described extreme point is not strictly limited. You can squat deeper.

Aimed at working the triceps, neck, and shoulder girdle. They are complex exercises that allow you to strengthen almost every muscle group. The mechanics of push-ups are such that the body is fully involved.


  1. Taking a lying position, place your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower yourself down by inhaling.
  3. Return to the starting position as you exhale.

An easier option for beginners would be to use a bench or chair on which to rest your feet. This will reduce the stress on the body. When such push-ups begin to be easy, you can move on to full-fledged implementation.

The repetitions should be increased gradually. So, without noticing it, you can increase the number of push-ups to 100 in one approach.

Maintain tone and strengthen the hamstrings, gluteal and quadriceps muscles. However, given the high load, they are done every other day. This is extremely important for those who exercise with weights.


  1. Standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips.
  2. Step your right foot forward. The bent knee should be in the same vertical line with the foot. At the same time, the left leg lowers down, practically touching the surface of the floor with the knee.
  3. Repeat this procedure on the second leg.

You need to do at least 8-12 repetitions on each side.

This triceps exercise not only works great on your arm muscles, but also strengthens your forearm and brachioradialis muscles. It can be done both standing and sitting. The main thing is to choose dumbbells or a handy weighting agent with a comfortable weight that can be easily held in your hands.


  1. Take dumbbells and sit with your elbows resting on your hips, not too far from your knees.
  2. Bend your arm at the elbow towards your shoulders. Inhale as you lift the dumbbells, exhale as you lower the weights.

Do one or two sets of 10-12 times on each side.


The most effective crunch exercise for the abs. Its implementation involves using the maximum possible number of muscle groups.

A video that clearly demonstrates the technique will help you master the bike. You can start doing a bicycle with the optimal 15-20 repetitions.

You don't have to do every one of the ten exercises every day. The most difficult ones, that is, from the sixth to the tenth, can be performed on weekends. On weekdays, jogging, walking, and stretching will be enough. This will allow you to quickly get into the desired rhythm and enjoy your workouts.


Morning exercises are a set of simple and effective exercises, the regular implementation of which helps improve sleep, have a great mood every day, and maintain and control weight.

Based on materials from:

You will need:

Basic Rules

After awakening, the nervous system and blood circulation in the body are inhibited, the lungs do not work at full capacity. Therefore, you cannot put a lot of stress on the body. This is fraught with imbalance in the body.

When to do it

It is ideal if you start every day with exercise. A quarter of an hour is enough. But if you have time and desire, the movements can be performed for half an hour. If you can't exercise every day, do it whenever you can. This is better than not doing it at all.

You need to exercise before meals. But drinking a glass of liquid is simply necessary. You didn't drink for quite some time while you slept. Some of the fluid was lost in urine or sweat. If there was no water flow, the blood became thicker. By improving blood circulation in this form, you risk putting stress on the heart. Therefore, drink water or juice. For lovers of morning coffee or tea, these drinks are not prohibited. But keep in mind that the liquid must be at least two hundred and fifty grams.

The hotter the weather, the more active you should start.

How to do

Let your body wake up. Take your time, get up and wash yourself. Prepare yourself for the load.

Fifteen minutes will be enough for all this.

Start by lightly warming up your joints and muscles. It is necessary for blood to circulate in the muscles. This way you will protect yourself from stretching and increase muscle tone.

Decide what you want to get from morning exercises. If the goal is to wake up, a warm-up will be enough. If you need high muscle tone, after warming up, increase the load, add light running, stretching exercises and strength exercises.


  • Start with slight turns of the head and rotational movements of the arms to develop the joints. The head should not be thrown back.
  • Include exercises that use all muscles. Walking around the yard or in place will do. Keep your back straight and move your arms.

Good day to all. Today, the article will talk about how to properly do exercises in the morning for men and women, and at the end of the article you will find a video with a set of exercises for morning exercises.

Why do you need morning exercises?

At the end of the last century, the state took care of the health of citizens. Therefore, industrial gymnastics was the norm, and it was carried out right at the workplace. Exactly at 11 a.m., the assembly line at the plant was switched off, people jumped up from their jobs and, as is, in white coats, began to energetically wave their arms, looking like a flock of white swans, ready to take off and fly to warmer countries.

Smart people did not neglect morning exercises even at home, and therefore, in the interval between getting up and a hasty morning snack, they managed to find time and do a few energetic movements, and for the more advanced ones, move on to water procedures.

Among people who are lazy and incapable of making any effort early in the morning, morning exercises evoke a kind of condescending attitude. They say there is nothing more to do. After all, what could be more pleasant in the morning than a cigarette and a cup of strong coffee? Official medicine also adds fuel to the fire, claiming that the body, which has not yet fully awakened, still resists such an abrupt start to the day, and this, they say, is violence. And it’s better to reschedule classes for the evening, although, purely functionally, this option is not entirely convenient. Well, for example, a person comes home from work, after any daytime snack he sits down at the table, pleasantly spends at least half an hour chewing, and after that - you are welcome to get some exercise!

And in general, why do you need exercise in the morning and who first came up with this idea? After all, a really abrupt transition from sleep to physical activity is unlikely to bring such undeniable benefits to the body. But, firstly, who said it was harsh? You, thank God, are not in the army. It’s worth getting up at least five minutes earlier - and there you have it, there’s enough time to “come to your senses.” And the load itself - is it really necessary, covered in sweat, to squeeze out the last of your strength?

Start with a warm-up. After all, what does our body need first of all, having been motionless in one position all night? . So, smooth, leisurely movements that stretch the spine - this is your morning arsenal. Well, if health is immeasurable, then you can, and. It already feels like it.

The benefits of morning exercise

It is very important to learn to listen to your body, but not to be led by it.

Man is dreamy and lazy by nature; most of us don’t bother with any exercise at all. Only here is the result of our laziness - pain in the back, joints, which, without receiving the necessary movement, will increasingly remind you of themselves, especially in the mornings - all this does not await you in some dense old age.

Now 30-year-old people are ordinary patients of chiropractors and neurologists. For some reason, God knows what efforts to prevent these problems are not enough for us, but then sitting in the clinic with a face twisted in pain is welcome. So, treatment is now oh so expensive...

Exercise not only gives us tone and energizes us, but also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, and enhances the metabolic process in the body.

Please note that you may need to charge special mats, which you can purchase in the store.

How to do exercises in the morning?

I know from myself that starting morning exercises after a break or for the first time is not an easy task. In my heart, everything is against it; there are more than enough reasons to postpone the start until tomorrow. And tomorrow - for the day after tomorrow. So ad infinitum.

But there is a little trick that personally helps me a lot. So I get up in the morning and before telling myself, two exercises today, that’s enough. Well, stretching and bending don’t count. And the exercises are on the most current topics. So to speak, I'm starting small.

Or an exercise to tone your chest. Hands in front of you, palms together. Press your palms against each other with force, so that you feel the tension of the entire shoulder region. And not just two minutes, but at least five minutes. Then there will definitely be some sense.

Well, if you also reduce flour and sweets, the result will be noticeable very soon. And then a sports interest appears - add a couple more exercises, then a few more. Choose those that are most relevant to you. It is absolutely not necessary to take a set of exercises and follow it from start to finish.

Try and experiment, this will help diversify your exercises and add interest to exercise in the morning.

Video with a set of exercises

We must not forget that although the exercises for women and men are similar, they are still different. Below are 2 complexes, which, in my opinion, are among the best.

For women

For men


Let's summarize. Is our laziness and saving worth some ten minutes in the morning of our health? A boost of vivacity, a surge of energy, and just a good mood - morning exercises give us all this. With her, our day begins with a smile, and the upcoming tasks do not seem so overwhelming. So cast aside your doubts and get started today.

But don’t forget to make your set of exercises effective, increase the load from time to time and don’t be afraid to try new things.

Thank you for your attention! Write in the comments how you do your exercises in the morning?

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Comments to the article: 20

  1. Olga 2015-08-11 at 19:51

    Thank you very useful article. And in truth, those who do exercises in the morning live much longer and at 80 are still not feeling bad :)

    The main problem is to force yourself to get up in the morning and do some exercises. Your advice is correct - you should start with a small number of repetitions and gradually increase and increase :) *THUMBS UP*


  2. Vladimir Ivanovich 2015-09-23 at 19:29

    Doing exercises in the morning is not always possible. It’s easier to force yourself to go for a run. I practice light jogging for 12-15 minutes. It accelerates the blood, saturates it with oxygen, but fatigue has not yet had time to come. Therefore, after a shower you feel very energetic.


  3. kateri-na 2015-10-12 at 09:37

    You inspired me a lot! The role of morning exercises is difficult to overestimate. Body exercises are an essential component of human harmony. His physical form affects what happens in his life. Even if we think that this connection is not obvious, it still exists!


  4. Lyudmila 2015-10-25 at 23:56

    I am also naturally lazy, every time I promise that I will start doing morning exercises, and every day I put it off. I carefully read the elementary exercises, and it’s really not difficult, motivation is important. I decided that my morning would 🙁 start with basic exercises.


  5. ulealen 2015-10-27 at 12:01

    As I grew older, I became convinced that exercise in the morning is necessary. 5-10 minutes to stretch your sleepy joints, tired from yesterday, to get the blood flowing. Nothing complicated, a couple of exercises on the arms, twirling the elbows, bending and turning the body, squatting a couple of times, and off to the shower.

    Firstly, the body wakes up as quickly as possible. Especially good for those who have difficulty waking up. As my father said: “They woke you up, but forgot to wake you up” 😀

    Secondly, you get a boost of energy for the whole day. I don’t know about anyone, but if I don’t knead my bones in the morning, I feel like a boiled sausage all day. 😀


  6. Denis 2015-11-27 at 13:25

    Forcing yourself to get up earlier in the morning and do exercise is extremely difficult. But you have to try, make an effort on yourself, and then the buzz from exercise in the morning will appear. That's exactly what I did. At first it was difficult and I started with just a couple of exercises. And then it started. Now the small complex is at a good pace, this is the norm.


  7. Alejandro 2015-12-10 at 09:56

    I won’t say that I do exercises every day, but 4-5 times a week I devote 20 minutes of my morning time to this activity. I trained myself to wake up (and, accordingly, fall asleep) half an hour earlier.
    But my exercise is probably a little wrong: 15 minutes on a cardio machine + five minutes on a home horizontal bar.
    but I feel invigorated after it. 2016-01-07 at 01:08

    I used to do exercises, but not regularly. In the morning I start doing exercises in bed for the lazy, and then I get up and do exercises. In the new year I decided to do it every day. Now it’s good, while it’s the holidays, I can do it without any problems. But when I go to work, I don’t know how it will turn out. I just work shifts, in the morning I leave the house at 5 o’clock in the morning. I walk to work, 45 minutes. I’ve been walking like this for almost 20 years, I’m already used to it. but I’ll try to do at least a little exercise.
    And in the evening I will do other exercises for my back and joints. squats. Exercise makes us more energetic, and our health improves.
    but my husband is exactly as you wrote - a cup of coffee and a cigarette in the morning. And he doesn't have breakfast. I can’t convince him at all. Doesn't like moralizing. =)


  8. Igor 2016-01-10 at 14:24

    Hello Volodya.
    Sorry for asking an off-topic question, but I'm interested.
    You have a thumbnail in your closed post, and when you open the article, a larger picture appears.
    Do you do this using a plugin or script?
    Or is it a feature of your template in general?


The content of the article:

Few people do morning exercises, and the main reason for this lies in simple laziness. It is very easy for each of us to find a huge number of excuses not to do a few simple exercises after waking up. However, developing the habit of morning exercises is quite simple, and now you will find out what benefits morning exercises can bring to the body. Perhaps after reading this article you will find the strength to start every day with exercise.

What are the benefits of morning exercises?

During sleep, blood flow slows down, the heart contracts more slowly, and the blood becomes thicker. During sleep, all systems of the body, including the nervous system, rest. Immediately after waking up, the body continues to work in slow motion, which leads to a decrease in mental and physical activity.

The body can restore normal functioning on its own in about three hours. This is precisely the main reason that a person on the way to work (study) can continue, as people say, “nodding off.” If you wake up and do morning exercises, the duration of which can be a maximum of a quarter of an hour, the sleepy state quickly disappears. It should also be noted that physical exercises performed in the morning normalize the water-salt balance of the body. People often underestimate this fact, not realizing how important this indicator is for the normal functioning of the body.

If you exercise regularly, at least 5 days a week, you will very quickly find that your tone has increased. Under the influence of simple exercises, the aging process slows down and metabolic reactions are normalized. The latter fact suggests that exercise can prevent obesity. In addition, the immune system works more actively, and thanks to regular morning exercises, you will be less susceptible to colds. Let's highlight six important reasons that eloquently demonstrate the benefits of morning exercises:

  1. The heart muscle is unloaded. To prolong a person’s life, it is necessary to take good care of the heart and brain. Thanks to morning exercises, you train your heart. As we have already said, after sleep the body needs a lot of time to normalize its functioning. This fully applies to muscles. Thanks to morning exercises, you can activate all the muscles of the body in a short time. Today, diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system are a very serious problem for humanity. Their development is largely promoted by poor nutrition, sedentary work and a passive lifestyle; in addition, many people do not monitor the condition of their body. By doing exercises in the morning, you will increase the concentration of oxygen in the blood, and, therefore, ensure the quality functioning of all organs.
  2. Energize for the whole day. When the body awakens from sleep, it begins to create reserves of energy and strength for the entire coming day. If you don't help him create sufficient energy reserves, you will feel overwhelmed all day.
  3. Nutrition of internal organs. To slow down the aging process of organs, they need to be provided with high-quality nutrition. This applies not only to nutrients, but also to oxygen. By doing exercises in the morning, you can achieve this.
  4. Nutrition of blood vessels. A significant benefit of morning exercises is the ability to saturate the cellular structures of the body with oxygen. Thanks to blood, complete nutrition of all tissues is ensured, which increases the efficiency of all systems and organs. To do this, the capillaries must be elastic and have high permeability. Morning exercises help improve the condition of blood vessels and this will immediately affect the functioning of the entire vascular system.
  5. Blood thinning. It is enough to exercise for a quarter of an hour so that the blood becomes liquid. This is necessary to increase blood flow and reduce the load on the heart muscle. If the blood is thick, the risk of developing diseases such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis increases.
  6. Increased brain activity. The higher the oxygen concentration in the blood, the more active the brain is. This has a positive effect on a person’s attentiveness and concentration. To saturate the blood with oxygen as much as possible, it is advisable to do morning exercises in the fresh air. By doing a little physical activity in the morning, you will save yourself from the blues for the whole day.
  7. Rules for doing morning exercises. If you, having learned about the benefits of morning exercises, decide to do them, then do not perform heavy movements after waking up. The body is not yet active in the morning and strong physical activity can harm you. Morning exercises have only one goal - to normalize the functioning of all systems and organs in a short time. To improve your physical fitness, you need to do a full workout. Most fitness experts agree that preparation for morning exercises must begin in the evening. To do this, it is enough to program the brain.

Just imagine how you wake up in the morning and the sun is shining through the window. You will wash your face while listening to your favorite musical compositions and perform a set of simple movements that will charge you with energy for the whole coming day. Also, to enjoy exercise, you should follow the correct daily routine. Try to go to bed no later than 10 p.m., and preferably get up between six and seven o’clock in the morning. Once you get used to this regimen, you will ensure yourself a restful and deep sleep. It is in this case that the body can rest well. Here are a few rules for doing morning exercises, the benefits of which will be invaluable:

  • Before starting a set of movements, you should slowly stretch while remaining in bed.
  • To quickly get rid of night numbness, you should wash your face with cool or even cold water.
  • Exercise should not be done on an empty stomach, as the sugar concentration may then drop sharply. You must also remember that charging requires energy, which can only be obtained from food.
  • Your set of morning exercises should include exercises aimed at developing flexibility, mobility and improving the functioning of the respiratory system.
Once again, it should be recalled that morning exercises are necessary solely to activate all body systems, but in no case to increase strength or endurance parameters.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

Start your gymnastics with a short but high-quality warm-up. This will increase blood flow to the muscles and prepare them for further work. As a warm-up, you should perform rotational movements in which all large joints of the body work.

Start working on the neck, then move on to the hands, elbows, and then the shoulder joints. The last ones to stretch are the pelvis and leg joints. After this, it is useful to run in place at a slow pace for a couple of minutes. But the transition to running should be done only after walking.

After this, you need to perform stretching movements. There are a lot of such exercises and you probably remember them from school physical education classes. After this preparatory work has been completed, you can proceed to the main set of exercises.

  • 1st exercise. Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. Rise up on your toes and begin to stretch your arms upward, thereby stretching the spinal column. Do ten repetitions.
  • 2nd exercise. The starting position is similar to the previous movement. Start bending forward, trying to reach your fingers to the ground. Perform at least ten repetitions.
  • 3rd exercise. Having taken a starting position while standing, placing your legs at the level of your shoulder joints, begin to do squats. It is enough to do ten repetitions.
  • 4th exercise. Get into a plank position and perform three to four repetitions. Now you only need to move your body, and not pump up your muscles.
  • Exercise 5 Walk around the room on your heels, then on your toes, as well as on the inside and outside of your feet.
As you can see, all the exercises are extremely simple and do not require a certain level of training from you. If you do gymnastics regularly, you will feel the results very quickly.

More about the benefits of morning exercises in this video: