Eastern horoscope - Rat. Negative qualities of the sign

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

Fire Rat

earth rat

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

Fire Rat

earth rat

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

The rat is the masculine yang principle, the sign of the first triangle, the element of water.

The rat is a symbol of realism, cunning, high adaptation to external conditions. It is gifted with various talents and is loving. Those born in the year of the Rat are distinguished by their bright appearance, artistic talent, cunning and perseverance. The rat is smart, educated, strives for success in society and material well-being. Rats are charming, have natural magnetism. Very sociable, always with a special charm, love and know how to charm. Among the shortcomings can be noted greed, anxiety for no reason, nervousness. Autumn and winter Rats are prone to hoarding. Spring and summer Rats love to squander money, are more frivolous, can live at the expense of others.

Positive qualities of the sign

Insight, intuition and the ability to adapt to any conditions allow the Rat to succeed where others retreat. Great lovers, Rats appreciate romantic feelings. These are boring partners, sensual and attractive. Those born under this sign have a pronounced charisma, the gift of eloquence and are artistically gifted. Meticulous, persistent, ambitious. They like to communicate, smart and charming.

Negative qualities of the sign

Cunning makes the Rat a natural manipulator, and a cynical attitude towards life contributes to insecurity. He remembers insults for a long time, he is inclined to take revenge on offenders, he can show ruthlessness and amazing stubbornness. Prone to all kinds of bad habits. He intrigues and gossips with rapture.

In the Year of the Rat it is good to save, save money, move to a new place of residence, improve the quality of life. During this period, it is easier to get used to new conditions. This year is favorable for the arrangement of a new house, "nesting", repair. Surrounded by a lot of intrigue and rivalry. This is a period of searching for love and serious feelings. A good year for Rats, Oxen, Dragons, Monkeys and Pigs. Difficult year for Tigers, Rabbits, Horses, Goats and Roosters. Neutral year for Snakes and Dogs.

Celebrities of this sign

Pope John Paul I, William Shakespeare, Peter I, George Sand, Charlotte Bronte, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mikhail Glinka, Thomas Hardy, Raj Kapoor, Leo Tolstoy, Jules Verne, Yves Saint Laurent, Marlon Brando, Maurice Chevalier, Prince Charles, George G. Bush. Actors: Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, Eminem, Alena Babenko, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Valeria Gai Germanika.

The nature of the sign by the elements

Black (blue) Water Rat

Pleasant and courteous in communication, the most romantic representatives of this sign of other elements. She always exactly follows her desires, purposeful, emotional. If the Water Rat is in love, then he will achieve attention to himself with charm and charm. In love, there are no prohibitions for her, strong intuition helps to guess the desires of a partner, to accurately respond to the flow of attention to herself. Water rat less ambitious in career matters than fellow tribesmen by sign. But he always achieves his goals. To a greater extent, representatives of this sign are attracted to creativity and love. The Water Rat is the most restrained of all representatives of this sign, maintains an inner detachment in difficult situations and controls feelings with reason.

Green Wood Rat

These representatives of the sign are distinguished by enviable constancy, remain faithful in relationships, unlike the more frivolous Rats of other elements. Reliability, practicality, prudence prevail over imagination. Also prone to romance, but more adventurous. A generous friend, sincere and faithful.

Yellow Earth Rat

It is distinguished by caution, less ambitious than representatives of this sign of other elements. The rat of the elements of the earth is very hardworking, appreciates its achievements, because much is given thanks to hard and painstaking work. Priority is given to the family, caring for loved ones. A reliable partner in business and in love, positive and loving all the pleasures of life.

White Metal Rat

The element of metal gives the character of the Rat ambition, sensitive pride, amazing determination. The desire for wealth and a prominent position makes the Metal Rat engage in global affairs, work hard, get a high result, in spite of any difficulties. It has a bright sexual temperament, is active, but the desire to realize oneself in society lowers the value of the Metal Rat in partnership. It is difficult to fully understand them and guess their next step.

Red Fire Rat

The most unpredictable and capricious Fire Rat is distinguished by passion and increased activity in all areas of life. Enterprise and intuition help this Rat succeed in business. An excellent manipulator, the Fire Rat uses charm to turn heads, but is rarely loyal. They often promise more than they can deliver. Unforgettable interlocutor, has a wonderful sense of humor, makes life interesting and vibrant.

Years of the Rat, Mouse:

1900,1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996, 2008, 2020

Year of the Rat begins a twelve-year cycle.

Rat- a sign of charm and aggressiveness. Has a charming, sociable and carefree character.

The Rat uses its dangerous charm and abuses it without restraint. At the same time, she is always clearly aware of how long one can exploit someone's labor, draw income from this or that phenomenon, or enjoy the favor of a person.

She is often surrounded by interesting people. As a rule, these are the personalities whom she really considers authoritative and wants to see next to her. But the Rat's sympathies are not always constant: sometimes she treats people like toys, attracting and moving away without ceremony, especially if she has strength and power.

Friendly, elegant and generous, the Rat is nevertheless nervous and restless, but skillfully hides this under feigned gaiety.

At first glance, she seems calm, balanced and carefree. But underneath it lies a constant worry.

It is enough to talk with her longer to open her nervousness. The choleric temperament is the most violent of the four temperaments.

It is believed that such people are overwhelmed with energy. In fact, this is not so. Such a choleric as the Rat has very little energy, and she behaves overactively in order to invigorate the body, somehow revive it. It is no wonder that her bursts of activity are interspersed with the deepest depression.

The Rat is a good speaker and a great critic. Sometimes, however, criticism is not constructive. Many Rats love to gossip.

The Rat excels in any field of activity that requires frequent contact with people. She is serious, pragmatic, has a rational mind, but is also sensitive and romantic. The Rat requires the fulfillment of promises, does not like frivolous, changeable and unreliable people. She plans everything in advance, and disruptions to plans unsettle her.

A significant drawback of the representatives of this sign is the inability to maintain self-control. They get angry too easily.

Love is the weak point of the Rat. Here she is trapped, in captivity of the heart, over which her will of steel has no power. If the Rat experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction about something that did not come true, failed, she feels not only deceived, but deeply disappointed, and this leads to depression.

Engaged in some kind of secret, illegal or hidden deal, the Rat, being a very intelligent animal, enjoys its advantages in any situation. As for relationships with others, she behaves constrained and secretive.

The Rat never trusts anyone and keeps its worries to itself.

Always ready to chat, in connection with which she is very popular in society, but rarely maintains friendly relations with anyone.

The first half of her life usually goes well, but in the second part of her life, the Rat risks losing everything due to a rash step.

Rats are stubborn, cunning, but usually not distinguished by courage. They sometimes hesitate too long before making an important decision. They compensate for their lack of courage with perseverance and patience, but, driven into a corner by life or circumstances, Rats are capable of desperate acts.

The Rat feels good during periods of stability, but hardly finds its place in times of change. However, her skills are especially valuable precisely in moments of crisis, since the Rat has an extremely developed sense of self-preservation.

Rats care about public opinion. They care about what others say and think about them.

Only when they reach great heights in their field do they spit on public opinion, because they believe that you won’t be nice to everyone anyway.

The material side of life is of great importance to her, since the Rat is not used to denying herself anything. The rat is so eager for wealth that often stinginess and stinginess become the main features of its character. These people are generous only with those they love, whether it be a relative, friend or loved one.

Rats are frugal and love to save money. The Rat is constantly worried about its future and, although it lives in the present, it always dreams of saving money in order to secure its old age. They can forget about frugality only with enthusiasm or a great feeling. The need to throw something away from time to time causes her unbearable suffering.

Rats have a strong attachment to children. It is difficult to experience cooling in relationships with children, but children, as a rule, love them very much, because Rats give all their love.

The combination of a genuine interest in people with the ability to dive into the depths of their own consciousness makes people of this sign gifted in everything related to understanding a person - this is psychology, medicine, literature.

The Rat has a large margin of safety. Sometimes longing and despondency take possession of her, but she stubbornly overcomes all difficulties and trials.

If in Russia mice and rats have a bad reputation, then in the East everything is different. The rat is the companion of the god of happiness, and its absence in the house or in the yard portends misfortune.

The rat is a man. Characteristic

Source of controlled love and uncontrolled will, an open sign. Willingly performs mental work rather than physical work. He loves and knows how to save money, but sometimes he can spend it at one moment. He does not limit himself in any way and, if it happens to give someone a loan, he does it disinterestedly.

Rats hate impenetrable walls and generally any restrictions on freedom.

The love of an open sign can lead to many hobbies, and yet it is she who leads this sign to marriage.

People of the sign of the Rat are inherent in mystical thinking. As people who feel themselves out of time, they hardly distinguish the sequence in the chain of events. All this is important to know for everyone who deals with Rats. The thinking of Rats tends to the absurd, for them this is the norm.

Connected with mystical thinking is the unique capacity of the rat brain. People of this sign are able to keep in their minds a huge array of unsystematized information. The rat has the ability to put the incomparable side by side and bring together the incompatible.

Rats can be lazy and hardworking, but they don’t remain without money, because they are economical and stingy. They always find a way to have free funds, additional earnings, save up for a rainy day. Hardworking Rats life rewards with material well-being.

Rat woman. Characteristic

They are characterized by rationalistic thinking, which gives a sense of power.

Rat women are realists, they pray to the god of worldly wisdom, to whom the Rat men are so contemptuous. Realism is a knowledge of human psychology, a sharp observational eye, a skillful participation in intrigues, the ability to collect and disseminate information, a love of money - in a word, everything that is usually attributed to the female gender as a whole. On the other hand, their realism is an impeccable sense of beauty, refined taste, and stylistic perfection.

Peace, inner harmony and balance, contemplation, narcissism provide the Rat with its famous beauty. An open disposition and eye-catching sexuality make her an object of universal admiration. This is the ideal bride. The Rat loves to be beautiful, likes to please, to be the center of attention.

In family life, he prefers material well-being and the absence of strict control. The Rat Woman is distinguished by a pronounced tendency to hoarding. Therefore, she can often be found at sales, where she diligently buys everything in a row.

Rat Varieties

Metal Rat (1900,1960, 2020)

Water Rat (1912,1972, 2032)

Wood Rat (1924,1984, 2044)

Fire Rat (1936, 1996, 2056)

Earth Rat (1948, 2008, 2068)

Born in the Year of the Rat

William Shakespeare, Peter I, Jules Bern, Pierre Beaumarchais, Jack London, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Leo Tolstoy, August Bebel, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Ludwig Feuerbach, Dmitry Pisarev, Nikolai Burdenko, Mikhail Isakovsky, Ivan Yakubovsky, Andrey Tupolev, Mikhail Glinka , Emile Zola, Marietta Shaginyan, Kim Il Sung, Janos Kadar, Dinmukhamed Kunaev, Nikolai Bukharin, Maurice Thorez, Maxim Litvinov, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann, Vladimir Dolgikh, Heinz Guderian.

1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008 born

Chinese name for Rat: Shu
The first sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Time of day under the control of the Rat: 23:00 - 1:00
Corresponding western zodiac sign:
Element: Water
Polarity: Positive

Positive traits:
Rats charming and friendly, resourceful, flexible and intelligent, energetic and observant, have a vivid imagination and a sense of tact.

Negative qualities:
Thriftiness, greed, selfishness and ambition are combined in Rats impulsive and naive, they love to manipulate people.

Recommendations for choosing a profession:
For rats any profession is good, where she can use her charm and use a perfectly suspended language: show business, journalism, politics, literature.

The main features of a person who gave birth in the year of the Rat (Mouse):

You are a cheerful, happy person, others respect you. You love life and connect with people with amazing ease. Your loved ones are comfortable and well near you. Your wisdom is often sought for advice. People tend to bring you their troubles and reveal their innermost secrets. Undoubtedly, you are ready to work hard and hard to achieve your goals. Plus, you are an inexhaustible source of unusual ideas.

It is a pity that often you do not have enough strength and self-confidence to put these ideas into practice. If in your youth you managed to gain self-esteem, then you will go far in life.

You are very observant and like to remember everything that happens around you. IN Year of the Rat many famous writers and journalists were born. You enjoy a job that allows you to interact with people and the media. If you manage to learn how to avoid problems, then in old age you can teach this to other people.

However, you can also be a narcissistic selfish person. You like to be the center of attention, but in a depressing "clerical" environment, you can become an ordinary pedant. Every opportunity to improve your life you seize quickly and tenaciously. But remember: taking care only of yourself, you will make many enemies.

You, in general, have a right attitude towards money and even love it. It is possible that you can go to meanness for the sake of money. You love to collect different things and throw away little, so your house sometimes looks like a warehouse or a museum. Rat likes to take care of your family, you are generous with your spouse, children and close friends, and also infinitely tolerant of parents. But you also don’t mind spending money on yourself. Since greed and stinginess are not alien to you, you will never refuse an invitation to dinner or free tickets, for example, to the cinema. Along the way, you may meet people full of doubts with whom you decide to create a joint business - keep in mind, you should stay away from them.

With all the ability to clearly express your thoughts, you should remember that sometimes you are rude and unrestrained. Gossip and intrigue accompany you in life. A frank conversation will help solve such problems. Moreover, you are smart enough to use mutual trust to your advantage. You are also smart enough to give impartial and wise advice. Your charm is hard to resist, so most people will gladly forgive you if you do something careless somewhere.

You are charming and self-confident, able to quickly notice new opportunities. Often you are too quick to change your point of view. In the eyes of others, this looks like inconstancy and the desire to adapt to the situation.

Fate (luck)
You know how to enjoy the simplest things in life and sincerely love your loved ones. You feel happy if you are understood and supported.

You are smart enough to keep and increase what you have. In this field, you can even become famous. Hobbies that you do not attach much importance to can be very profitable.

You love people and hate being alone. Your life is bright and colorful, you easily find friends. Any job that involves people is suitable for you.

Social life
You are inquisitive and always looking for new experiences. You love to be in the center of the holiday, but you must like those around you - otherwise you will not be able to give yourself free rein. Whatever you do, you enjoy living a full, fulfilling life.

You have your own opinion, you are cunning and know how to see the opportunities provided. True, you love to be smart too much, so you can outwit yourself.

You are romantic and sentimental. In addition, you tenderly care for your loved ones. Charm makes you an unsurpassed master of flirting, and this should be remembered. Few can resist your charms.

Most likely, you have caring and attentive parents. They sincerely want you to succeed in life, so sometimes they can be too demanding of you.

Brothers and sisters
You have excellent relations with brothers and sisters, love and mutual understanding always reign between you.

You love children very much. Sometimes you even act like a child. You will have many children, and they will have to learn to respect you.

You love to travel. You especially like to wander around the city at night and explore the different facets of nightlife in yourself.

You are in good health. Over the years, you become stronger, diseases can not cope with you. People born in Year of the Rat are hardy and live long.

Capital investment
If you are not greedy, then your investments will be successful. You have a talent for making money, so you can become a very rich person.

Your intelligence and resourcefulness help you solve problems. You know how to be a diplomat and know how to behave in a given situation. You can also be quite generous, but luckily never waste money.

If you manage to take care of your loved ones, then, be sure, your life will be interesting and eventful.

  • From 02/05/1924 to 01/24/1925 - the year of the Wood (Blue) Rat;
  • From 01/24/1936 to 02/10/1937 - the year of the Fiery (Red) Rat;
  • From 02/10/1948 to 01/28/1949 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rat;
  • From 01/28/1960 to 02/14/1961 - the year of the Metal (White) Rat;
  • From 02/15/1972 to 02/02/1973 - the year of the Water (Black) Rat;
  • From 02/02/1984 to 02/19/1985 - the year of the Wood (Blue) Rat;
  • From 02/19/1996 to 02/06/1997 - the year of the Fiery (Red) Rat;
  • From 02/07/2008 to 01/25/2009 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rat;
  • From 01/25/2020 to 02/11/2021 is the year of the Metal (White) Rat.

The corresponding zodiac sign is ♈ Aries.

Strengths of character 🐀

A person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) according to the Chinese calendar finds a way out of any situation. He does not get lost even during public panic, and instead of succumbing to emotions, he thinks. The representative of this sign often solves the most difficult problems in unusual ways that other people did not consider at all as a method of action. The result of his resourcefulness is not only pleasing, but also surprising.

The rat is practical. In all her actions, a certain meaning is invested, which few people see except herself. This person looks ahead, and may well give up momentary comfort for the sake of what will bear fruit in a few years.

The Rat, or Mouse, is a good friend. There will always be a certain distance between her and another person, but this is not the main thing. The representative of this sign knows how to keep secrets. He does not tend to laugh at other people's failures or gossip. If someone opened his soul to him, he can be sure that everything said will remain between him and the interlocutor born in the year of the Rat.

Weaknesses of character 🐀

To achieve comfort or a certain position in society, the Rat tends to use the location of other people. At the same time, she does not deceive and does not abuse other people's trust. Surprisingly, those on whom the well-being of the Rat depends, go towards it themselves, but the fact is that usually they are counting on something. If for some reason they do not fit into the future plans of the Rat, their expectations will be in vain. The representative of this sign himself, in response to claims, may well declare that he did not ask anyone for anything. If at the same time the disappointed have the opportunity to communicate with each other, the reputation of the Rat in certain circles can suffer greatly.

The representative of this sign acts on the basis of his own benefit, often hurting the interests of others. If, as a result, the injured party actively defends its rights, the Rat may give in to it, but not out of pity. This person just doesn't need the extra noise. The Rat has a lot of ill-wishers, but this does not bother her.

🐀 In love

A person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) is charming and knows how to find a common language with almost everyone. Representatives of the opposite sex like him, but you should not try to charm him with beauty or brightness. These qualities will certainly be appreciated by the Rat, but only if something else is attached to them. What exactly - depends on the lifestyle and interests of the Rat. In any case, her love union is more like a mutually beneficial relationship, where each of the parties follows certain rules and performs its duties.

The Rat does not like to live alone, she needs a family, or a strong relationship if marriage is impossible for some reason. This person tends to live a habit. Even if the relationship with a partner has long exhausted itself, the Rat will not intentionally look for a replacement for him. She will decide to break the previous relationship only for the sake of another option in which she feels the prospect. The representative of this sign keeps emotions under control and does not give in to outbursts of passion.

🐀 Career

It is unlikely that among people born in the year of the Rat, there is a person who dreamed of becoming an astronaut in childhood. For the most part, they are practical from a very young age. The rat treats work only as a source of income, therefore it is engaged exclusively in what brings real benefits.

In appearance, the Rat may seem like an ambitious and ambitious person, but in reality it is not. She will seek to increase only if this affects her salary. A representative of this sign will not work for free as a boss just for the sake of status, and he does not need extra duties.

The rat is a responsible worker, but not a workaholic. She really does not like being disturbed on work issues in her personal time, and at such moments she does not try to be polite. With superiors and work colleagues, this person maintains only business relations, but does not do it defiantly.

👨 Man 🐀 Rat

A guy born in the year of the Rat becomes independent early, but is in no hurry to leave his parental home. He does not like to live alone, and most often moves out when he decides to create his own family with a particular girl. He knows how to make money, and most importantly, he knows how to manage it. At a time when all his peers are still being helped with might and main by his parents, he himself is already fully taking care of them.

The Rat man is sociable, but tries to get some benefit from every acquaintance. The benefit doesn't have to be tangible—it could be the opportunity to learn something, or make the right connections through a new friend. At the same time, it can hardly be said that this person uses people. To those in whom he is interested, he also tries to be useful.

In relations with women, he is also practical, although he tends to pay attention to external brilliance. If, apart from the bright appearance of his chosen one, there is nothing more to brag about, he will very quickly disappear from her life. The Rat man can marry very early, but even in this case, his decision is made by the mind, not the heart. He needs a beloved woman nearby, home comfort and children, whom he loves very much. Among all representatives of the eastern horoscope, Rats have the most stable marriages.

👩 Woman 🐀 Rat

The Rat woman is a loving wife, a caring mother and a wonderful housewife. More than anything, she loves her family and home, so she provides comfort and maintains an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding in the house. She enjoys cooking, doing needlework and decorating her home to the best of her ability.

The representative of this sign is friendly and kind to people. She has a large circle of friends, but she rarely lets anyone get too close to her. She treats other women with some distrust, especially after marriage. Like a man born this year, each of her acquaintances carries some meaning. Communication for the sake of communication does not interest her.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Rat woman does not seek adventure. She needs a partner for life, ready to become a responsible husband and father of her children. In general, she has a very positive characteristic, and rare conflicts in her family happen only because of her habit of finding fault with her husband over trifles. With age, she will be able to take control of this.

Rat, Mouse- the first sign of the Eastern calendar. Rat (Mouse) - stubborn, thrifty, secretive, aggressive, charming.

Years of birth of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020) according to the eastern horoscope calendar:
01/28/1960 - 02/14/1961 (element metal, color white)
02/15/1972 - 02/02/1973 (element water, color black)
02/02/1984 - 02/19/1985 (element wood, color blue)
02/19/1996 - 02/06/1997 (fire element, color red)
02/07/2008 - 01/25/2009 (element earth, color yellow)
01/25/2020 - 02/11/2021 (element metal, color white)

The Rat is born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. If, at first glance, she seems calm, balanced and cheerful, do not believe your impression. Under the seeming ease lies constant excitement. Try to communicate with her longer, and nervousness and anxiety will open up to you. We can say that the Rat is a typical choleric. The rat is a brawler and a gossip. He likes to sit in a warm company and slander. This is probably why she has more acquaintances than real friends. She never trusts anyone and does not like to share her feelings and problems with anyone. The rat seeks to derive benefit and profit from everything. She is a gambler and gourmet, does not want to limit herself in anything and at the same time constantly worries about her future. Yes, she lives very actively in the present, but she also thinks about how to secure her old age. The Rat Woman is generally distinguished by a pronounced passion for hoarding, and often completely unnecessary. True, she accumulates things rather than money. She just spends money quickly - she can often be seen at some kind of sale.
The Rat has a very well developed imagination. She can be a talented creator, but more often becomes a sharp critic. For some Rats, this quality pushes them onto the path of dangerous destruction - they destroy everything in order to please themselves and criticize. The rat is petty, but honest. She goes to the end in all endeavors, even if they are doomed to failure. The Rat succeeds only if it succeeds in suppressing its eternal discontent.
Any Rat prefers to live by cunning, and not by labor. She achieves a lot in life at the expense of others - those who work for her by the sweat of her brow. True, laziness can turn her into a "clerical rat", and then she herself will have to work hard for someone. The rat can succeed in business, politics, art. In general, she is much more willing to do mental work than physical work.
The rat is a gourmet, drunkard, gambler. In a word, she does not limit herself in anything. If he lends, it is not disinterested. But at the same time, sentimentality is not alien to her - she is capable of generosity to
The second part of the life of the Rat will be stormy and fraught with trouble. For example, she may lose her entire fortune by getting involved in an unsuccessful business. And yet her old age will be calm as much as one can wish. In general, it all depends on when the Rat was born - in summer or winter. If in the summer, then she will be forced to search for food. And let her pay attention to the traps placed on her way - they are quite dangerous.

Rat and zodiac sign.

Aries: Swift Rat, aggressiveness.
Taurus: Charming Rat.
Gemini: Rat of Rats, she will avoid any traps.
Cancer: Dreamy Rat, her entertainment can cost her dearly.
Leo: Strange Rat, will be at odds with himself.
Virgo: Lab Rat, will find a way out in the labyrinth of life.
Libra: Reconciling Rat, its aggressiveness is greatly toned down.
Scorpio: The rat is caustic, it will destroy everything in its path.
Sagittarius: Energetic Rat, she will even be able to make savings.
Capricorn: The elusive, strict Rat.
Aquarius: Intellectual Rat, mighty writer talent.
Pisces: Rat with imagination; can do everything, but rather stupidity.

Oriental horoscope calendar
Characteristics of the Year of the Rat
Men of the eastern sign Rat
Women of the eastern sign Rat